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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)

Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)










2) CASSIDY ANAK AMBUN (2018634412)

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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)
Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)



Factors of Gender Discrimination.......................................................................................................4

Impacts from the Gender Discrimination...........................................................................................5

How to overcome the Gender Discrimination?.................................................................................6



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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)
Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)


Gender discrimination in workplace has been around forever in human history. This issue is still
occurring even many believe that gender discrimination is not a significant problem among
working women. In the United States of America, there is a federal law called the Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 where it states that it prohibits employment based on race, colour,
religion, sex and national origin (JUSTIA, 2018). This is a federal law that protects employees
against discrimination of race, colour, religion, sex and national origin. Under the law, employers
are prohibited to discriminate regarding any term, condition or privilege of employment. Despite
this law, there are still discrimination of women in workplace at large because this is a
stereotype that some people cannot eliminate. Gender discrimination may have been reduced
but it is surely not been eliminated in society.

Although women continue to have improvements in their working conditions because of

the federal law made, gender discrimination in workplace still exist in various forms. Gender
discrimination can occur in various types of treatments include not being hired or given a low
paying position because of being a woman (JUSTIA, 2018). Some employers still think that
women should not be paid equally as men because women are not able to work as productive
as men.

Besides that, some employer treat women to be evaluated more harshly because of their
sex or because women do not present themselves in a way that obey to traditional mentality of
femininity or masculinity (JUSTIA, 2018). For example, if a woman is criticized to be ‘aggressive’
while men who behave the same way will be praised for showing ‘leadership’, she may be
isolated for being exceptional in her job.

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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)
Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)

Factors of Gender Discrimination

The discrimination of women in workplace has many factors that can cause this issue. One of
the factors are that the social mindsets of a society is still old or traditional. The traditional
mindset that they have is about men are more reliable than women. The overall mindset of a
society has a major impact on gender discrimination or inequality. Beliefs about gender are
profound in society and even though improvements can be made through structural changes in
the law of human rights (Soken-Huberty, 2020).

Besides that, the next factor that raises gender discrimination in workplace is lack of
legal protections (Soken-Huberty, 2020). Legal protections like producing an act to prohibit
discrimination of gender in workplace might have existed but it need more reinforcement of
ensure the rights of men and women are fully protected. If this factor is untreated properly, it can
make a significant impact on women’s ability to thrive and to have their own freedom.

Moreover, the other factor that causes gender discrimination is racism. With a country
that is beautifully diverse in terms of races, unfortunately, race seems like a significant factor in
how women are treated in workplace (Wilson, 2019). The salary of a women may vary be based
on her race and ethnicity. That is the sad truth that is going on around the globe now. Paycheck
also vary by race when compared to what men are earning. Race and ethnicity should not be a
decision factor on determining an employee’s earnings, but their productivity and their working
skills should be valued more.

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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)
Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)

Impacts from the Gender Discrimination

Discrimination tends to occur because many women do not get protection from the Trade Union
and do not know their rights as workers. As a result, they are being used freely by the superior
by giving low wages and not commensurate with their workload. In addition, discrimination also
causes women not to be given the opportunity to be promoted even though they are actually
justified to get that. This situation occurs because the superiors think that women have
absolutely no ability in managing and leading an organization. This ideology ultimately affects
the motivation of women to continue working in the organization.

To say that gender discrimination is not an issue is like claiming that bullying is completely
appropriate in grade school. Just like businesses that encourage gender discrimination to go
unnoticed, the victims of gender discrimination experience the consequences. Increased stress
is one of the main consequences of gender discrimination, particularly for women. In fact,
women who report discrimination in the workplace often show higher stress levels, particularly
whenever discrimination includes some type of sexual harassment. Women coping with sexism
in the workplace can often report reduced wellbeing, in combination with elevated levels of

Another impact of gender discrimination and sexism in the workplace is a decrease in

productivity. Not shockingly, workers appear to lose energy and productivity when confronted
with continued gender discrimination and injustice and they are unable to do their roles as well.
Discriminatory attitudes that may contribute to lack of morale and inspiration, and thus
performance, include off-color jokes, jokes indicating inferiority, pornographic or suggestive
jokes, or explicitly saying that the productivity of an employee is sub-par because of his or her

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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)
Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)

How to overcome the Gender Discrimination?

In my opinion, we are all should get to educate ourselves as the employees in an organization,
on gender discrimination because education is the first step. If the staffs are not conscious that
there is a problem, they are not going to make adjustments in the first place. The employees
have to make sure the company recognizes what gender inequality feels like in the workplace
openly and how to eliminate it. To explain the point, giving some examples and running over
exercises will help. It is also clear that gender inequality operates both directions, not just with
one sex. Staff will be more trained to recognize prejudice when they see it or experience it, with
clear knowledge and definition.

Moreover, everyone suppose to be aggressive and stand up against gender discrimination.

Gender discriminations need to be pointed on as they exist, whether it is a random opinion or a
bad joke at lunch. It is how you raise consciousness of what feels and sounds like of gender
bias. It does not mean berating coworkers or managers. It will provide an incentive to show
someone else what care is desired in the workplace. It does not mean that this is a simple job.
For those concerned, it is always unpleasant and uncomfortable, but the more it is pointed out
and dissuaded, especially by executives and management, the more likely a company is to
remove gender differentiation in the workplace.

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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)
Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)


Overall, gender discrimination has become an increasingly serious issue in the world of work
regardless of whether in the public sector or the private sector. Not only that, gender
discrimination also occurs in all types of jobs whether it is skilled, semi-skilled or less skilled. We
can conclude that gender discrimination consists of various forms of discrimination which each
have a negative impact on any types of gender while creating an uncomfortable work
environment and affect the productivity of the company. In this case, all parties must work
together to curb this problem. The efforts made by all parties in curbing this problem are indeed
important in ensuring production productivity in line with the development of a country that is in
obviously need of a large number of labors.

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Faybie Bungin anak Freddie (2019769103)
Cassidy anak Ambun (2018634412)


Janom, N., Nordin, N. F., & Aris, S. R. (2013). Evaluating user satisfaction of Veteran Integrated Benefit
System (VIBES) in Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran (JHEV). 2013 International Conference on Research
and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS). doi:10.1109/ICRIIS.2013.6716753

JUSTIA. (2018, April). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Retrieved from Discrimination and Harassment:

Soken-Huberty, E. (2020). 10 Causes of Gender Inequality. Retrieved from Human Rights Careers:

Wilson, J. (2019, February 25). As You Sow. Retrieved from 5 Top Issues Feuling Gender Inequality in the

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