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Making an Argument 73

Some people say that computers have made life easier and more
convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex
and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.

Almost everything these days is done with the help of a computer.

Computers make communication much more convenient. They make many
tasks of daily life easier. They help many people do their jobs better.
Overall, computers have made life easier and more convenient for
Through the Internet, computers make communication much more
convenient. E-mail makes it possible to communicate with people instantly
at any time of day. This is important for both our work and our personal
lives. The Internet makes it possible to find out the latest news right away –
even if it is news that happens someplace far away. The Internet makes it
possible to get almost any kind of information from anyplace quickly, right
in your own home or office.
Although we may not realize it, computers make many daily tasks
easier. Checkout lines at stores move faster because a computer scans the
prices. The bank manages your account more easily because of computers.
The weatherman reports the weather more accurately with the help of
computers. A computer is involved in almost everything we do, or that is
done for us.
Most people these days do their jobs with the help of a computer.
Architects use computer programs to help them design buildings. Teachers
use computers to write their lessons and get information for their classes.
Pilots use computers to help them fly planes. With the help of computers,
people can do complicated jobs more easily.
We are living in the computer age. We can now do more things and
do them more easily than we could before. Our personal and professional
lives have improved because of computers.
(272 words)

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