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Country of origin of the igbo ethnic group, the nigeria has a

large number of reserves and natural sites, conservation
areas such as cross river and yankari national parks include
waterfalls, a dense tropical forest, savannahs and habitats
housing rare primates. Nigeria is the most populous country
in africa and the richest in terms of PIB thanks to its oil. But
nigeria bzing made up of several ethnic groups we will talk
about the IGBO ethnic group.


The igbo wedding is a celebration rich in tradition and
customs . Before the wedding, there are often preliminary
stages such as the presentation of the dowry (igba nkwu ),
where the groom’s family offers gifts to the bride’s family ,
and spiritual consultations to ensure that the union is blessed
the actual marriage ceremony is usually held according to
igbo custms . this can include rites such as the exchange of
gifts between families , traditional dances and sometimes
even religious or spiritual rituals , depending on the family’s
beliefs .
The parents of the bride and groom play a crucial role in the
ceremony , blessing the union and offering their advice and
prayers for the couple. After the ceremony, there are often
festivities with food , music , dancing and games to celebrate
the union. IGBO marriage is much more than just union
between two people ; it is a celebration of family , culture
and the community as a whole.

Once upon a time in a small village called katchile located at
the foot of a mountain the villagers traveled long distances
every day to be able to have something to eat amongthem
was a man called paguele a calm man that no one heart his
voice except his maring wife this woman was the opposite of
her husband she spent her time coveting the goods of women
whose husband were rich one day after the hunt , no one saw
paguele after a long search no one could put their eye on the
latter the womanbegan to express her joy , thinking of having
been rid of her idiot and poor husband when night fell ,
paguele woke up in a cave as he wanted to go out , he heart a
deep voice whose source he did not know
-Paguele what are you doing here at this time ? Don’t you
know that it is forbidden to stay in the forest until night ? Said
the deep voice
- Iwas carried away by sleep because the hunt really
exhausted me, said paguele he got up without fear and
decided to go out, the deep voice said paguéglé i’ll let you go
on two conditions……

The igbo people have several dishes, but we decided to make
one of their staple foods which is yam foutou with leaf sauce.
Her we have the foutou yam accompanied by leaf sauce , very
popular among the igbo , during certain important
ceremonies. Its importance on special occasions adds a
cultural and symbolic dimension to each bite, thus
strenghening the link between food, traditional ans

In conclusion,the igbo ethnic group represents a rich and
vibrant culture in nigeria and beyond. Their heritage is
characterized by a diversity of traditions, custms ans practices
that demonstrate their deep connection to their history and
identity. Rituals such as igba nkwu and the presentation of
dowry illustrate the celebration of matrimonial unions.
Ultimately , the igbo ethnic group embodies a reslient, proud
and diverse culture that continues to thrive and shine across
time and space.

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