FMM QP Class Test I

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Class Test- II
Program:- ME4I Academic Year: 2022-23
Course & Code: FMM (22445) Date: - 27 /04/2023
Time: 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM Max. Marks: 20

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Answer each next main Question on a new page.
3. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
5. Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronics Communication devices are not
permissible in Examination Hall.

Q.1) Attempt Any FOUR of the following (08 Marks)

a) State the need of surge tank in hydroelectric power plant.
b) State the difference between Static head and Monomeric head in centrifugal pump.
c) State the methods of priming a centrifugal pump.
d) State the function of draft tube and name any two types of draft tube.
e) Explain Effect of Cavitation in Turbine.
f) State the formula for force exerted by a jet on flat vertical plate moving in the
direction of Jet

Q.2) Attempt Any THREE of the following (12 Marks)

a) A Jet of Water Moving with Velocity of 20m/s impacts at center of Curved vane
moving in the direction of jet with a velocity of 8m/s. Determine force exerted on
the vane and work done by Jet.
b) Draw the General layout of Hydro Electric Power Plant and state the function of
each component.
c) State any four faults in centrifugal pump and their remedies.
e) Explain Various Efficiencies associated with turbines.

**Best Luck**

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