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Buffered Copy

Buffered copy copies records from its in port to its out port without changing the values in the
records. If the downstream flow stops, Buffered copy copies records to a buffer and defers
outputting them until the downstream flow resumes.

Usage of buffered copy ensures recoverability, when a component is restarted from the point
of failure. Usage of interleave or merge components to process data that has already been
sorted may lead to unnecessary delays in processing data. Using buffered copy component
before interleave or merge when there are multiple subscribers will avoid unnecessary delays.

Properties of Buffered copy

Buffer-bytes: The maximum number of bytes of data that the buffer can contain. The
component stops writing bytes of data to the buffer when the buffer contains this specified
number of bytes.

Buffer-records: The maximum number of records that the buffer can contain. The
component stops writing records to the buffer when the buffer contains this specified number
of records.

Sample Graph
Example 1

This example explains the buffering of records when the downstream is hold for 60 seconds.
Run program component has the sleep condition of 60 seconds in the 0 th phase, so
that the o/p of buffered are buffered for the 60 secords and later the output files are

Input 1
decimal("|") cust_id;
string("|") cust_name;
decimal("|") bill_no;
decimal("\n") amount;

Sleep Condition:


The records are buffered at the highlighted point after buffered copy for 60 seconds and later
the records will be written into the output file.
decimal("|") cust_id;
string("|") cust_name;
decimal("|") bill_no;
decimal("\n") amount;

The buffered copy component was useful to avoid deadlocks in the previous versions of
abinitio GDE 1.8. In the later version, automatic buffering of data flow was taken care by
every abinitio components, thus making buffered copy component outdated.

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