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Input File represents records read as input to a graph from one or more serial files or from a
multifile. INPUT FILE is not a phased component. The phase number it displays in the GDE refers to
the phase number of the component that reads from it.


The above snapshot gives a view at the options present in an file component. We can
use the same file as input or lookup or intermediate file. The URL tab asks us to give the
path of the file where exactly the data is residing.

The parameter partitions takes multiple serial file paths which are exported using
the parameter export.When this partition parameter is enabled the following window will
come which asks paths of the different serial files.
After giving the paths of the serial files then a window will come which will ask a
exported name for the given files.i.e, if we use this exported name anywhere in another
graph then the files which are saved under that exported name are used.

The following snapshot shows the window for exporting a parameter.


Key (required)
Name(s) of the key field(s) against which the component matches its arguments. This parameter
appears when you check the component's Add to catalog option (located on the Description tab of the
Properties dialog).
eme_dataset_location(optional) :Path to the EME dataset associated with the file.
eme_index_location (optional):
Path to the EME dataset that corresponds to the index for the output file
index_url (optional):
Location of the precomputed index file. For files being used as lookup files, provide a precomputed
index in order to improve performance. (Otherwise the index would be calculated at runtime.)

keep_on_disk (optional):
Whether the data resides on disk (True) or in memory (False). Set this to True when using block-
compressed data. Default is False.

block_compressed (optional):
Whether the file data is block-compressed (True) or uncompressed (False). Default is False. To use a
block-compressed file, you must also specify the index_url and set keep_on_disk to True. This
parameter appears when you check the component's Add to catalog option (located on the Description
tab of the Properties dialog).

The following settings are available on the Access tab of Input File's Properties dialog:
Delete file after input phase completes — Remove the input file after the last phase that reads
it is complete.
File Protection — The settings in this area are not enabled for the Input File component.

The above screenshot gives the information about the options that were provided with the
input file. Here we have different ways to select the record format:
Propagate from neighbours:
When this parameter is enabled then the record format of the input file is taken from
USE another port in graph:
Using this parameter we can select the dml of file which is connected to another port in the
Use file:
When this parameter is enabled then it allows to give the DMLof the component through a
This parameter allows us to write our own Dml.

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