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The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Volume, Space, and Form

Spring 2023

Interior Architecture & Design, 1050, 41157, Face-to-Face, 3 credit hours

Instructor: Professor Kristin Stewart


Office Hours and Location: 8:30am/DAVP 319 - by appointment

Course Meeting Days, Times, and Location: Monday/Wednesday 9:00am-11:30am, DAVP


Course Catalog Description: Develop techniques of volumetric study providing emphasis on

design ideation through sketching and models. Studio 5 hours. Laboratory/Studio course fees
will be assessed.

Course Pre/Co Requisites: N/A

Course Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Explore and iterated multiple ideas in the design process.

2. Design creative and effective solutions.

3. Explore opportunities for innovation and risk taking.

4. Demonstrate methods of idea generation and design thinking.

5. Express ideas and their rationale developed in the design process through visual media:
ideation drawings and sketches.

6. Express project solutions using a variety of visual communication techniques and

technologies appropriate to a range of purposes and audiences.

7. Understand the elements and principles of design and related theories, including spatial
definition and organization.

8. Explore a range of two- and three-dimensional design solutions using a variety of media.

9. Apply the elements and principles of design to three-dimensional design solutions.

Course Fees: $33/credit hour

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Required Course Materials: Click here to enter text.

• There is no required textbook for this class.

• There are numerous tools and supplies that must be acquired by the student in order to
complete this course.
• Please see the separate Supply List posted on UTC Learn/Canvas/Supply List for more
details. These supplies should be acquired by the second class.
• All project materials are not listed on the syllabus. Project materials needed to complete
each project will be discussed at the time of each project and must be acquired by the
student to complete the project.
Technology Requirements for Course: Students are expected to check the course on UTC
Learn and their UTC student email account daily. For UTC Learn support, contact the Help Desk
at (423)425-4000. Students are expected to have the following computer skills: word processing,
internet searches, UTC library database searches, and email skills including sending, receiving,
and email attachments.

Technology Skills Required for Course: You are expected to have working knowledge and
capability with your computer hardware and a variety of software applications before entering
this class. Class participants must know how to use and check their e-mail on a daily basis. You
will need to know your UTC ID user name and password to access the UTC Learn online
password-protected system. If you do NOT know your UTC ID user name and password, please
contact the Solutions Center at (423)-425-4000.

Technology Support: If you have problems with your UTC email account or with UTC Learn
(Canvas), contact IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000 or email

Student Technology: If you have technology needs to access your courses and/or complete
course requirements in Canvas, submit a request with Information Technology.

Course Assessments and Requirements: See the following information.

Projects =60% of Final Grade:

Multiple design projects are assigned throughout the semester. These projects are described in
the project sheets and are the main portion of the assessment for this class. The student is
expected to complete each project inside and outside of class and submit the required materials
to Canvas/and or class before the due date and time. Hard copies of projects are due at the
beginning of class on the due date posted in Canvas unless otherwise specified. Projects that
miss Canvas due dates or are not turned in at the beginning of class will receive a 10 point late
deduction from the grade for each business day after the due date. Students have 3 days to turn
in late work, after which a zero is recorded for the grade. Throughout the semester these projects
will require materials to be purchased that are not listed on the supply list.

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Sketchbook=10% of Final Grade: There will be a total of 12 sketchbook assignments

throughout the semester for 5 points each. These assignments are to be performed outside of
class time. Weekly sketchbook assignments are available on Canvas each Wednesday and are due
the following Wednesday by end of day. Sketchbook assignments must be submitted to Canvas
as a single .pdf file. Multiple pdfs and photographs will not be graded. Please refer to the course
schedule for due dates. Sketchbook assignments submitted after the due date will only receive 2
out of the 5 points available. Submission for a sketchbook assignment will be closed 1 week
after the due date and a 0 recorded for the grade.
Participation and Professionalism =10% of Final Grade: Students are expected to be
prepared each class period to work on current assignments, participate in class discussions,
present work for review, discuss assignments, and provide insights and observations for studio
projects. Points may be added to your participation grade for exceptional participation, or points
will be removed for studio violations. Violations may also result in a lower grade on the current
project. Participation grades are the sole discretion of the professor.
There will be an academic penalty, with points deducted from the Class Participation grade
when studio violations occur. Studio Violations include but are not limited to the
• Unapproved electronic device use during lectures, including text messages, browsing or
headphone use
• Disruptive electronic device use anytime during class
• Inability to effectively discuss progress on the current project or assignment
• Unprepared for class, lack of materials and/or tools
• Lackluster input during project discussions
• Unexcused Absences
• Breaks (longer than 15 min. without permission.)
• Non-Productive Activity, Excessive Whining, Complaining, and Apathy
• Leaving work area in disarray and or messy
• Disrespectful or disruptive behavior
• Working on non-class project related assignments or other outside activities
Final Project =20% of Final Grade: The final project is a more involved version of the typical
design projects assigned throughout the semester.
Course Grading

Course Grading Policy: Grades are instruments for evaluating student work, based on
assigned exercises, projects, and quizzes. The instructor reserves the right to make a final
assessment regarding student grades. All projects are to be handed in on scheduled due
dates and will be evaluated based on the guidelines and requirements specified on the

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

project sheet. If there is a need for clarification on a project, the student is expected to
ask questions in advance of due dates for assigned work. An “I” (incomplete) final grade
is considered only when a student’s work has been of acceptable quality (“C” or better)
but the required amount of work has not been completed because of an illness, accident,
or serious situation. It is never applied to poor work or non-attendance of class. For a
final grade of “I” to be considered, the student must inform the instructor with written
documentation of the reason before the last day of class. The instructor reserves the right
to make a final assessment regarding the illness, accident, or serious situation.

Instructor Grading and Feedback Response Time: Grading and feedback by the
instructor are typically completed within 2 weeks of the posted deadline.

Course and Institutional Policies

Late/Missing Work Policy: Projects and assignments that miss Canvas due dates or are
not turned in at the beginning of class will receive a 10 point late deduction from the
grade for each business day after the due date. Students have 3 days to turn in late work,
after which a zero is recorded for the grade. A project is determined to be late if the
Canvas submission time is missed or the project is not presented at the proper time for

Student Conduct Policy: UTC’s Student Code of Conduct and Honor Code (Academic
Integrity Policy) can be found on the Student Conduct Policy page.

Honor Code Pledge: As a student of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I

pledge that I will not give or receive any unauthorized assistance with academic work or
engage in any academic dishonesty in order to gain an academic advantage. I will exert
every effort to insure that the Honor Code is upheld by myself and others, affirming my
commitment to a campus-wide climate of honesty and integrity.

Course Attendance Policy: Class attendance is essential, and participation is expected

for the satisfactory completion of this course. Attendance will be taken in each class.
When a class is missed, the student is responsible for acquiring information, assignments,
and class material. The instructor is not responsible for reviewing missed classroom
assignments on an individual basis. Please do not come to class if you are sick, have run a
fever in the past 24 hrs., or are otherwise ill. If possible, please send the professor an
email message in advance of the class. Excused absences are allowed for an extenuating
circumstance such as a serious illness or accident. In order to receive an excused
absence, written documentation such as a physician’s note must be presented to the
instructor within 3 days of returning to class. This does not include doctors' notes for

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

colds and sniffles, doctor appointments, or other personal appointments. Three

unexcused absences may result in the final grade being lowered one letter grade. Six or
more unexcused absences may result in a final failing grade. Habitual tardiness or
leaving early is unacceptable. Arriving more than ten minutes late is considered a late
arrival; more than an hour late is an absence. THREE late arrivals are equivalent to 1
absence. If a student is late, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor.
Otherwise, arriving late will count as an absence (after the roll is taken). Leaving early
without permission is an unexcused absence.

Course Participation/Contribution: This studio course will include lectures, as well as class
time to present preliminary work, receive critiques, feedback, instruction, and guidance from the
instructor. Class time will occasionally be used to work on project assignments. It is very
important for students to come to class prepared to discuss each assignment and to work
productively during class time. A substantial amount of time outside of class time will be
required to complete each project. Each student is expected to contribute to a positive,
productive work environment. While individual academic work is required, the studio
environment provides unique opportunities to develop a creative community of learning,
teaching, scholarship, and camaraderie.

Student Accommodations: If you have accessibility and accommodation requests, contact the
Disability Resource Center at 423-425-4006 or email

Student Support Resources and Privacy and Accessibility Statements: A list of student
resources and privacy and accessibility statements are available on the WCTL Student Resources

Course Learning Evaluation: Course evaluations are an important part of our efforts to
continuously improve learning experiences at UTC. Toward the end of the semester, you will be
emailed links to course evaluations, and you are expected to complete them. We value your
feedback and appreciate you taking time to complete the anonymous evaluations.

UTC Bookstore: The UTC Bookstore will price match Amazon and Barnes and Noble prices of
the exact textbook (same edition, ISBN, and format, with the same rental term). For more
information, go to the Bookstore Price Match Program, visit the bookstore in the University
Center, email, or call 423-425-2184.

Course Calendar/Schedule: see attachment


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