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The differences between

natural betaine and

betaine hydrochloride
by A. M. Amerah, Development Control Control Natural Betaine
Scientist, Danisco Animal Nutrition. no heat stress heat stress (HS) betaine (HS) HCl (HS)

Bodyweight (BW)
n the 1860s, a German chemist,

2982a 2724b 2963a 2896ab 85
gain (g)
Scheibler, isolated a new organic base
from sugar beet and called it betaine. Feed intake (g) 4359a 3851b 4007ab 4087ab 170
Sugar beet and its derivatives (for example FCR 1.59ab 1.58a 1.55b 1.58ab 0.02
molasses and vinasses) are still the main raw
materials from which natural betaine is BW corrected FCR* 1.59ab 1.66a 1.55b 1.61ab 0.04
extracted to be used in animal feed. Breast meat (% of
27.9ab 26.8b 29.0a 27.8ab 0.004
However, it is increasingly the case that carcase weight)
other sources of betaine, produced by Abdominal fat pad
chemical processes have become commer- 1.39b 1.78a 1.29b 1.43b 0.11
(% of BW)
cially available, for example betaine abc
means within a row without a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05)
hydrochloride (HCl). *3 points correction per 100g bodyweight difference versus the positive control.
Each value represents the mean of eight replicates (10 birds per replicate). 2Pooled standard error of mean.
There is limited data in scientific literature
comparing betaine HCl and natural betaine. Table 1. Performance and carcase measurements of 42 day old broiler chickens as
In 2013, Danisco Animal Nutrition commis- influenced by heat stress and betaine source supplementation1. Betaine products
sioned several studies to compare the prod- added to supply 1.2kg betaine per tonne of feed.
ucts in terms of their physical properties and
their consequent relative bio-efficacies. maintenance energy requirements. This arti- However, there is a general lack of informa-
Literature is abundant with research on cle will not focus on the beneficial effects of tion comparing the levels of TMA in betaine
the beneficial effects of natural betaine – the natural betaine or its mode of action, which HCl and natural betaine. Consequently, the
tri-methyl derivative of the amino acid is well documented in the literature, but first study examined the levels of TMA in
glycine – on animal performance. These rather will focus on comparing natural some betaine products available in the
benefits apply particularly during times of betaine and betaine HCl in recently con- market. Based on the analysis of samples of
heat and disease stress, and have been ducted trials both in vitro and in vivo. three betaine HCl products, the results
attributed to betaine's unique molecular (Fig. 1) showed that there is a big variation
structure. The betaine molecule contains (0.2-6.0g/kg, as fed) in TMA content, even
three methyl groups that are labile, allowing In vitro trials within batches of the same product.
it to function as a methyl donor in metabo- This variation between both products and
lism. The other important key point in the Betaine HCl is a chemically synthesised batches can result in unpredictably high lev-
molecular structure of betaine is that it has product which contains trimethylamine els of TMA in the finished feeds. It is inter-
both a positive and negative charge on the (TMA) as a by-product in varying concentra- esting in this context to note that according
molecule. This lends it the characteristics of tions. to the European Food Safety Authority
an osmolyte, aiding water balance in the Trimethylamine is a volatile amine associ- (EFSA Journal 2012;10(5):2679) ‘For
body with resulting benefits on reducing ated with increased egg taint in poultry. Continued on page 13

Fig. 1. Betaine HCl contains higher trimethylamine levels than Fig. 2. Betaine HCl reduces the transepithelial electrical
natural betaine. resistance (TEER) of the intestinal epithelial cells (see arrows).

7 300 A decrease in resistance by betaine HC1

Trimethylamine level in

6 *** ***
TEER (ohm x cm2)
product (g/kg)

2 100
Betafin S1 Betaine HCI Betaine HCI Betaine HCI 0
natural (Product P) (Product B) (Product I - Control Betafin Betaine Control Betafin Betaine
betaine mean of 3 HCI HCI
samples ± SD) 1 hour 6 hours
*** Significantly different (P<0.001)

International Poultry Production — Volume 22 Number 1 11

Continued from page 11 Un- Challenged Challenged Natural Betaine SEM2
trimethylamine and its salt the proposed challenged control control – betaine HCl
high use level of 5mg/kg complete feeding control reduced (CC) (CC)
stuff is safe for all animal species with a mar- methionine
gin of safety ranging between 3 and 15’. (CC)
For this reason, it is important for nutri-
tionists considering the use of betaine HCl IDE (MJ/kg DM) 13.38a 8.80c 8.91c 12.41ab 11.89b 0.52
to be well aware of the levels of TMA in the Lysine 88 a
70 c
74 c
85 ab
product, and its typical variation from batch
to batch. Natural betaine was found to con- Methionine 90 a
72 c
66 d
79 b
76b c
tain no detectable TMA (Fig. 1).
Average AA 81 a
58 c
62 c
76 ab
For betaine to function as an efficient
osmolyte in vivo, the molecule must first be means within a row without a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05)
1 2
Each value represents the mean of eight replicates (eight birds per replicate). Pooled standard error of mean.
fully and rapidly solubilised in water. To test
the difference in betaine solubility between Table 2. Ileal digestible energy (IDE), ileal lysine and methionine digestibility (%) and
natural betaine and betaine HCl, a further average amino acid (AA) digestibility (%) of 21 day old broilers as influenced by
study was conducted at DuPont Nutrition coccidia challenge and betaine source supplementation1. Betaine products added to
and Health, Kantvik Active Nutrition, supply 960g betaine per tonne of feed.
This showed that Betafin natural betaine formance of broilers exposed to production Betafin natural betaine can offer greater net
was approximately three times more solu- stresses such as coccidial challenge and heat value in use than betaine HCl, particularly
ble, and dissolved in water more than twice stress. for birds under production stress.
as rapidly as betaine HCl. However, most of the early published
In a different type of study, using an in studies on betaine were conducted using
vitro intestinal cell model, betaine HCl was natural betaine and there is lack of data Conclusion
found to negatively influence the gut barrier comparing the natural source of betaine and
compared to natural betaine (Fig. 2). If repli- betaine HCl on performance of broilers in These recent comparative studies between
cated in vivo this would have important challenge situations. This has been natural betaine and betaine HCl clearly
implications for the animal’s digestive physi- addressed in two recent studies carried out illustrate that some of the differences seen
ology. at Massey University, New Zealand. in vitro, for example relative solubility in
Weak cellular tight junctions between gut In the first study broilers under heat stress water, speed of dissolution and relative
epithelial cells (indicated by a reduced TEER showed a significant improvement in carcase effects in in vitro intestinal cell models are
value, see Fig. 2) can lead to movement of breast meat yield, bodyweight gain and feed reflected in the in vivo bio-efficacy compar-
antigens across the gut barrier to provoke a conversion ratio with Betafin natural betaine isons. The differences in residual levels of
damaging and energetically costly inflamma- supplementation compared with the heat TMA in betaine HCl products should also
tory response. stress control group. In contrast, the betaine be considered as part of a routine QC
This effect was supported by significantly HCl product only showed numerical process.
higher in vitro cytokine IL-8 production with improvement compared with the heat stress In animal studies the true relative value of
betaine HCl compared to both control and control. the two products can only be critically
natural betaine. In a second study, using a coccidial chal- assessed in ’challenge’ situations (for exam-
lenge model, both betaine sources were ple heat stress, coccidial challenge) and,
able to improve nutrient digestibility com- under these circumstances and on the basis
Animal trials pared to the challenged control, but only of these recent trials, natural betaine
the birds fed the natural betaine were able showed clear added-value benefits.
Both coccidia and high ambient temperature to fully recover the reduction in nutrient The factors mentioned in this article
can cause damage to gut tissues, increase digestibility caused by the coccidial chal- should be seriously considered before mak-
gut permeability, reduce nutrient digestion lenge. This trial showed Betafin natural ing a purchasing decision based purely on
and absorption, and consequently reduce betaine delivered >€11 per tonne of feed cost per tonne treated to provide equivalent
animal performance. more value than betaine HCl based on rela- betaine levels. n
Betaine is known to be a highly effective tive energy and amino acid digestibility in
organic osmoprotectant and several studies coccidia challenged birds. References are available on request
have shown its positive effects on the per- These two studies clearly illustrated that from

International Poultry Production — Volume 22 Number 1 13

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