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1 Chinese people toss raw fish to ensure business _ _ _ _ _ as a tradition during Chinese

New Year.
® recession @ prosperity © simplicity

2 Some doctors say running, weight lifting, and other strenuous activities can _ _ _ _ _ a
stroke or heart attack.
® pocket @ precipitate © fertilize

3 Several hotels have been found to be in _ _ _ _ _ of law, as they illegally removed

parking facilities to build more guest rooms.
® breach @ lineage © share

4 Mike's company is on the verge of , with funds expected to run out by next
® bankruptcy @ unevenness © variable

5 Bison use their big heads to clear away snow to for food.
® fuse @ harvest © forage

6 A UN official said Sudan should _ _ _ _ _ to the elimination of all forms of

discrimination against women.
® respect @ restrict © adhere

7 There is a Spanish proverb that says, "Knowledge without sense is a folly."

® fragile @ determined © twofold

8 The city government may lose its _ _ _ _ _ status over telephone services due to
changes in economic policy.
® monopoly @ contrivance © multi-national

9 Environmentalists insist that every government should prohibit the use of genetically
_ _ _ _ _ seeds because of the environmental risk they pose.
® modified ® edible © elongated

10 The film festival provides free downloads of films to movie fans in a way that _ _ _ __
the Hollywood system.
® misfires @ bypasses © rots

. Sentence Simplification " 31


The Great Depression

The economic boom that the United States enjoyed after the
end of World War I ended in the 1920s with the Stock Market Crash
of 1929. During the years of business prosperity in the 1920s, the * prosperity: (n.) the situation of
value of stock on the New York stock market grew steadily. 0 an being successful and having a lot
of money

• share: (n.) one of the equal parts

and borrow $90. When the stock rose to, say, $120, the buyer could of a company that you can buy as
a way of investing money
sell, pay back the borrowed $90 (with interest) and still pocket a " pocket: (v.) to get an amount of
comfortable profit on the $10 investment. money
But what if stock prices dropped? If the share he/she bought
at $100 dropped to $80, the buyer not only lost the $10 investment
but could not pay back the full loan. The buyer lost his/her
investment, the person from whom he/she borrowed lost and both
would be headed towards bankruptcy. This is what happened in • bankruptcy: (n.) the state of
October 1929. Stock prices dropped, and then individuals lost their being unable to pay your debts

A recession began and by 1931, it had turned into America's worst

recession. • recession: (n.) a period when
trade and industry are not
* precipitate: (v.) to make
something happen quickly

A rise in interest rates in England, designed to attract investment * unevenness: (n.) unfairness

money away from Wall Street and to England, also had an effect as

34 "
1 Which of the sentences below best expresses 3 Which of the sentences below best expresses
the essential information in sentence O? the essential information in sentence e?
® Based on the common belief in ® Wild speculation, overly high stock
continued rising stock value, stock prices, and the gap between the rich
purchase using borrowed money was and the poor all contributed to the
widespread. recession.
® By investing just a small amount of ® Unrealistic speculation precipitated by an

money on buying stocks, many people
could make a large profit.
When the stock prices rose, everyone ©
overheated economy was part of the
factors that brought about the recession.
The stock market crash happened when


paid back the money they had borrowed the farmers, whose status was largely
to purchase a stock. ignored, showed strong opposition.
® Many people bought stocks on credit ® The stock market crash was quickened
because everyone believed it was a right as the overpriced stocks were unfairly
thing to do. distributed.

2 Which of the sentences below best expresses 4 Which of the sentences below best expresses
the essential information in sentence @? the essential information in sentence O?
® There was a huge gap between the stock ® Those who started gambling to make
market and reality across the country. money were the biggest cause of the
® The economic situation got more chaotic depression.
as the stock prices became realistic. ® People's desire to make quick money
® There was a sudden fall of the stock most strongly affected the depression.
market as national chaos was spreading. © One of the things people desired to do
® When stock value suddenly dropped, the was gamble with borrowed money.
whole country fell into complete ® Psychology can best explain the reason
disorder. why people get addicted to gambling.

:.!.: BI,Ul phfu xac dtnh duQ'C y tu&ng nilO la tr9ng tam trong cac y t~o nen cau van. Tru&c het, bl,Ul nen
chia cau duQ'C cho ra thanh cac don Vi y nghia va t~p phan bi¢t cac don Vi quan tr9ng va cac don Vi
khong quan tr9ng. Tham khao cau duQ'C cho cau hOi 4.a
Perha s the most important factor was ps chological - a desire to et ric!! quick, I
which led to gambling with borrowed money, I which is one way of looking at buying "on margin."

Cau nay co tM dugc chia thanh 3 don Vi y nghia; xet ve muc dQ quan tr9ng thi A>B>C. Vi v~y, A
chAc chAn phfu co trong h;ra ch9n tra lin dUng; B va C co tM co ho~c co tM khong nhung khong
tM bO A d~ thay the bAng B ho~c C dugc.
• Thong tin sau dau noi H , trong cac vi dl,l (gi6i thi~u bang such as) ho~c m~nh d~ quan M Mt ddu bang which d~u
Iii thong tin khong quan tr<,mg doi v6i toan b(j cau dUQ'C cho.

Sentence Simplification " 3S



speaking, a modified leaf. O~_=:.~=-=.:.:.::.... _=-=:.=: • modified: (a.) changed

elongated: (a.) very long and thin

The outermost parts of the flower are the sepals, which are • outermost: (a.) furthest from the
usually green and leaflike. The sepals, collectively known as calyx, center
• collectively: (ad.) together, as a
enclose and protect the developing flower bud. Next are the petals, group
which together are called the corolla. Petals may also be leaf-
shaped, but they are often brightly colored. @ !:t iHSvert:lse tne

nectar: (n.) a sweet liquid that

==:=.::=::.t As these animals forage for food, they are likely to some flowers make
• edible: (a.) able to be eaten
carry pollen from flower to flower. Within the corolla are the forage: (v.) to search
stamens. Each stamen consists of a single elongated stalk, called
the filament, and at the end of the filament, the anther. The pollen
" immature: (a.) not fully grown or

parts of the flower are the carpels, which contain the female
gametophytes. A single flower may have one carpel or several
carpels, which may be separate or fused together. Typically a single " fuse: (v.) to join together
carpel or fused carpels consist of a stigma, which is the sticky
surface to which pollen grains adhere; a stalk, the style through • adhere: (v.) to stick to something
which the pollen tube grows; and a swollen base, the ovary. Within
the ovary are one or more ovules, each of which encloses a female
gametophyte, or embryo sac, containing a single egg cell. After the
egg is fertilized, the ovule develops into a seed and the ovary into a • fertilize: (v.) to make new animal
or plant life develop
A flower that contains both stamens and carpels is known as a
perfect flower. In some species, the flowers are imperfect - that is,
they are either male (staminate) or female (carpellate). Male and
female flowers may be present on the same plant, as in corn,
squash, oaks and birches; such plants are said to be monoecious

gardeners know, in order for a female holly plant to produce berries,

a male holly - which never produces berries - must be planted

36 Iii
1 Which of the sentences below best expresses 3 Which of the sentences below best expresses
the essential information in sentence O? the essential information in sentence e?
o The parts of a flower are arranged in a o A large number of the pollen grains are
circular pattern either at one level or at released from the ripe anther.
multiple levels. ® When the pollen grains are spread,
® The spiral arrangement of the floral they go through holes in the anther.
parts is a characteristic similar to © Mature pollen grains set themselves ,..=
petals, which circle around a long stalk. apart from the anther. ....

© ® ....
The parts of a flower located in a spiral
along a long stalk are called petals.
The anther becomes mature by
releasing a large number of pollen
® The floral parts around a stalk are grains.
elongated, so that similar parts can be
placed in a circular shape. 4 Which of the sentences below best expresses
the essential information in sentence O?
2 Which of the sentences below best expresses o The American mistletoe, the tree of
the essential information in sentence @? heaven, and holly are some of the best-
o The presence of the flower shows that known dioecious plants.
insects or other animals visit flowers. ® Dioecious plant species are unisexual.
® Some insects or other animals are © When male and female flowers are
dependent on flowers for food. located in one plant, it is called
© Petals differ from leaves in that they dioecious.
advertise their presence to insects. ® Plants that only have flowers of one sex
® Petals function as a sign of the flower are called dioecious.
for insects and other animals.

:·i·: Dum day lil nhling tru<mg hQ'P di~n hinh ve cac l~a ch(;m tra 1m sai trong cau hOi xac dtnh cau gian
o Thong tin trQng tam trong cau dtrQ'c cho b* lien ket sai
Ching h~, A lil chU ngli trong cau dugc cho b~ bien thilnh tuc til trong l~a chon tra 100, hol)c thay
d5i cau t;;J.o A of B thilnh B of A. Doi khi co nhling tru<mg hQ'P cac (C\PD) til b6 nghia bt dOl sang vt
tri khac.
ex) Ll!a chon tra liri B trong ciiu hOi 1, lila chon A trong cau hOi 2, ll!a chon A va D trong cau hOi 3

f) ThOng tin trong 1~ chQn tra 100 khong co trong cau dtrQ'c cho
ex) L1,la chon tnll<ri C va D trong cau hOi 1, lila chon B va C trong cau hOi 2, lila chon B trong cau hOi 3, ll!a chon
B va C trong cau hOi 4
@) L~a chQn tra 100 chi co thOng tin khong quan trQng, khong co thOng tin trQng tam
ex) Ll!a chon A trong cau hOi 4

Sentence Simplification ~ 37

The Cultural Variable

To understand how the schedule of wants and demands of a
given society is balanced against the supply of goods and services
• variable: (n.) something that can
change and affect the result of a

at yam production among the Trobriand Islanders, who inhabit a • inhabit: (v.) to live in a particular
group of coral atolls that lie north of New Guinea's eastem end .
Trobriand men spend a great deal of their time and energy raising
yams, not for themselves or their own families, but to give others,
nonnally their sisters and married daughters. @ ~_t!:a:u~~::.11

The reasons for a man to give yams to a woman are twofold: to • twofold: (a.) consisting of two
show his support for her husband and to enhance his own influence.

variety of things, including armshells, shell necklaces and earrings,

betel nuts, pigs, chickens, and such locally produced goods as woolen
bowls, combs, floor mats, lime pots, or even magic spells. Some he
must use to discharge obligations, as in the presentation of yams to
the relatives of his daughter's husband when she marries, or
payments that must be made following the death of a member of his
~~I~~n~ 0 lineage: (n.) the people in a family
aspire: (v.) to want to achieve
== ~-~
something or to be successful

~Iii!l!!i!,ji As anthropologist Annette Weiner explains: "A yam house,

then, is like a bank account; when full, a man is wealthy and
powerful. Until yams are cooked or they rot, they may circulate as • rot: (v.) to decay
limited currency. This is why, once harvested, the usage of yams for • harvest: (v.l to collect a crop
from the fields
daily food Is avoided as much as possible."

38 "
1 Which of the sentences below best expresses 3 Which of the sentences below best expresses
the essential information in sentence O? the essential information in sentence e?
o Any explanation of economic processes o Men force their wives to receive the
is impossible unless it is based on the yams because the storage of yams
cultural demands that form social stands for power in the community.
conventions. ® The woman's act of giving the yams to
® Economic processes can only be her husband means that she hands the
understood by studying demands and power over to him.
conventions from a cultural perspective. © Once the woman's yams are stored in
© Economic processes can be explained her husband's yam house, they
by the mechanism of cultural demands, influence the community.
but only if they are satisfied. ® A man's yam storage, added to by his
® The conventions that determine how wife's gains, indicates his power and
and when demands are satisfied are influence.
the most important factor in an
economic process. 4 Which of the sentences below best expresses
the essential information in sentence O?
2 Which of the sentences below best expresses o The arranging of a yam competition is a
the essential information in sentence @? necessary step to follow for an
o The purpose of yam production is to ambitious man to achieve his goal.
replace the food from the garden that is ® A man's aspirations are shown through
typically eaten by families. a yam competition that distributes a
® People produce yams as a provision for great deal of yams to the guests.
their households because they don't © If a man holds a yam competition
have enough crops growing in gardens. through which he shares his yams with
© A provision of yam production is that the whole community, he can obtain a
the yams are given to family members high status.
who have already eaten the food grown ® When an aspiring man gains power in
in their garden. the community, he must arrange a yam
® Yam production does not aim to provide competition.
food for the family, since most crops for
food are raised in gardens.

:+: Lien ttl dong vai tro quan trong trong vi~e lien ket eae y tUOng trong diu van. Neu khong hi~u y
nghia eua lien ttl, b~ se khong tM hi~u thau dao y nghia eua toim b(l eau van. Vi vfJ-y, b~ dn
phru MthOng eae lien ttl eo y nghia giong nhau l~ d~ d~ hoe tfJ-p. Can d~e bi~t luu y den eae lien
tu dUQ'C g~eh duOi trong cae nhom sau:
• Lien til (nen ta mOi quan M doi l~p: but. (an~t. however, (al)though, while, whereas, even though, even if
• Lien til dien ta mOi quan M nguyen nhan-ket qua: so, because, since, as, now that. therefore
• Lien tu dien ta mOi quan M (lieu ki~n, gia c4nh: if, only if, when, given (that), provided (that), once, unless

Sentence Simplification " 39

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