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burn-out 4
Challenges 6
controlling Factors 2
Coping 2
Directing factors 4
emotional toll 4
Factors contributing to role satisfaction 2
fulfillment 4
Inovation 2
Leadership 4
Organizing factors 3
patient service excellence 3
Planning Experiences 4
Realizations 2
scarcity 5
teamwork 4
Number Of Coding References
The experiences of nurse managers
during the COVID-19 pandemic have
revealed several key themes related to
their role satisfaction in planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling
Interview Extract Code
activities. These themes provide
insights into the challenges faced, the
impact on role satisfaction, and the
significance of their experiences in
shaping their leadership effectiveness

Key Informant 3: "In ICU alone, we have the Interim guidelines nga gin ubra sa ICU. We Decision making,
implemented nga ang ICU can accept COVID positive patients however, we have guidelines risk awareness,
na if COVID positive ang sa pihak so COVID positive lng gid ang batunon. Very challenging infection control 2. Learning and Growth
sya its because there are times nga may need na kun tani kita nga pasudlon nga patient, measure, patient
however may ara sya existing na COVID positive patient. So indi sya kasulod sa isolation ta safety
kay infectious man sya so we cannot put them sa clean area ta. So daw ka budlay that time
mag cohort. No. 1 cohorting sang ICU beds ta so isa na sa mga challenge ta sa new protocol."
Key Informant 1: "I think its March 16 so with a grace period of 15 days uhmmm that we had
to plan out uhmm the birthing and the surgery center we had to plan out on what to do, how to
restructure our unit and area of to just in case that there were a positive case noh because
again with the with the not so much of the knowledge at that time. Everybody is scared of
course noh so we had to restructure the birthing the part of the birthing were restructure to
accommodate the bay 19 or that is the covid ward ahh the covid OR that we have and we had
to place where is the green zone which is the yellow zone and which is the red zone amon.. so
that aah and we had to inter.. and we need to inform our staff to this particular changes. At the
same time not only did we not only did we structure we also made sure that the facilities noh
like for example the the exhaust the positive airway pressure is maintained within the unit and infection control
we know which air conditioning units are should be off at the time so that the the the the virus measure, 3. Communication and Support
noh will not be circulating especially if were doing the uhmm intubation noh or uhmm for like adaptation
for that particular case. But again uhmmm thankfully that the hospital was able to
accommodate noh
our plan on how to do this and then of course with the help of the facilities and infection
control then we have we have we had a strong bay 19."
Key Informant 3: "At first yes. Because everyone is shock, sang una abi ang pandemic
is wala p diri ka lab.oy sa iloilo at thesame time we have first cases nga diri natabo sa ICU.
risk awareness,
Wherein my ara kita na mga improper cohorting kaisa. So may ara kita na wala,
frustration, 4. Role satisfaction in Managing
negative sya pero may history of exposure sa COVID positive sya gali sa ila na lugar. So I am
communation, COVID-19 Challenges
really frustated at first, kay ti ngaa daw wala sya bala ma screen sang maayo, ngaa wala sya
lack of knowledge
na kuhaan sang history sang maayo. But eventually, naka adjust man siguro because thru
communication with other units and then by informing them thant supposedly we have to do
this nga need ta gid isaisahon per history taking para atleast indi kita tanan masudlan. Thru
that na practice man eventually na maging okay."

Key informant 1: "From the start of the pandemic I’ll put myself with 2 then we have to go to
3 then 4 uhmm actually overall from 2021 ahh 2020 sorry to 2023 when the pandemic ended
last July ahhh I can score myself at around 4 and I am satisfied because primarily is uhmm not satisfaction, 5. Challenges in Procurement and
only was I directing my people, my staff noh and listening from my seniors I also had the decision making Usage of Supplies
opportunity to create policies which my seniors are listening into and following at the same
time that my staff are satisfied because they know the this the policy is there to not only help
them but also to protect them and ahh all of us actually from getting the COVID-19."

Key Informant 2: "I think I am very satisfied with the role that was given to me during the
pandemic. If you see ahh.. being optimistic I’ve seen I have ahh. at ah.. ahh.. big role during 6. Organizationa; Support and
the pandemic and its once in a lifetime experience being given as the biggest role of my satisfaction
career to manage the the the unit so for me I am very satisfied uhmm how I I manage and
concurred all the trials, the challenges that ahh.. I’ve encountered during those years that I’ve
been experience the pandemic."
Key Informant 3: "Yes, there is a huge difference. Before pandemic everything is there. No.1
is the policy. We only have to follow the existing policies sang time nga to before sang
pandemic. The staffing is complete. Pwede ma shuffle ang shedule. No big adjustment is
made. During the Pandemic, there are changes nga gin kuha kag gin dugang. No.1. Staff.
Staff should wear PPEs. Sang una, staff should wear blue gowns lng. during the pandemic,
PPE and need and hazmat. May changes sa policies and protocol sa hospital and policies and
protocols within the unit. May ara adjustment kung ano dapat ang ubrahon sa patient.
Compared during and after the pandemic, daw mas kunbaga mas na enhance ang may skills.
Because ka budlay daan mag handle sa pandemic na ato compared sa sbong na nag balik na complexity,
sya sa normal. Kunbaga nag halin ka sa highes panubo unlike sa una na halin ka sa nubo 7. Adapting to Structural changes and
pataas." "I was challenged that time. Challenged gid ako sang subra that time but then on the Pandemic Response
supply scarcity
long run, I was really satisfied kay still na buo ko ang ICU ko and then that time dira pako nag
padako sang bed capacity sa ICU. So, I was really really satisfied kay that time wala gid
nasirado ang ICU kag nagdako pa iya na bed capacity. Nakita ko man on how effective I am
during that time, eventhough may nag positive man ako nga staff that time pero still ara sila
man gihapon the senoir nurses especially."
Key Informant 4: "I am not satisfied. Kay indi mo sya ma form as to efficient and effective.
Pero kung lantawon mo sya sa circumstance nga ina indi ko gid mahambal nga very good.
Pero thats the best that I can do. Example, if may ara na limitations giving of roles gina
compensate mo man sa iba mo na roles. Kung indi ka man gid ka execute in planning, at
satisfaction, 8. Resource Management and
times because of time constraint maybe makabawi ka sa support sa staff, support sa family
support Planning
nila, time to listen sa ila bisan sa gamay na bagay. So that compensate ang ma feel mo sa
imo na role satisfaction kay dira lng man ga limit ang role mo as a nurse manager sa imo na
area of planning, ti e try mo naman sa iban e to compensate. so ang guwa na is leverage mo
nalang and indi kaman ma feel bad nor sila man."

Key Informant 5: "I think that it was the best opportunity given to me. Because being as a
nurse manager as well as a senior health officer you are at the top and you have the birds eye
view of what going to happen and whats happening and once you know every personnel that
you are with and you know the patients who are on critical state you can forsee the things that
you have to do at thesame time your decision is being respected by everyone and during that satisfaction 9. Challenges in Emotional Strain
time we are very important than doctors. Nurse managers are also very important because
everyone is consulting to us. Our decisions are final, respected, and whatever we say they do
it without hesitation."

Key Informant 6: "Satisfied. Because during that time my department were able to adapt the
COVID 19 pandemic like sa dooning and doofing. Sotanan man even mga doctors gina pa
follow kung ano ang insakto na step by step. Wala man kmi nanira na bungang bungga. The satisfaction
operations continue kag wala man sang patient na napabay-an."

Key Informant 1: "During the time when you do not have enough supply on your PPE’s or the
facilities not yet ready we really had to stand firm and not ahh and not ahhh go with the with
supply scarcity
you just go with the flow"

Key Informant 2: "It’s very expensive that time and the the limited ahh.. the limited movement
of the supplies coming in and out of the area is being controlled because everyone is being
quarantined. So, we need to organize the the processes, the finances and the staffing for to
inorder for us to execute what is being expected form us as of manager." supplies scarcity, adaptation

Key Informant 3: "New Protocol to be implemented during COVID. Supplies shortage and
thesame the emotional toll in nurses. Most of the nurses have to compalin with stress and
burn out, and some who became positve of COVID. Some of the parent doesn’t want
nabalikon ila nga kabataan sa nursing profession. So ang challenge nga ina Ma’am is a huge complexity,
reponsiblity gid during sang time sang pandemic as a associate nurse manager sa ICU." satisfaction,
"shortage of staffing. kay kabudlay ang demand sang patient and hospital kag ang naga sulod supply scarcity,
nga admission nga gamay ang imo na staff. You can’t tell them na di mo sya pagbatunon sa fear, adaptation
ICU kay kulang ka sa nurse. But instead you have to adjust the shedules of the nurses in
order to admit the patients that in need to be admitted sa ICU."
Key Informant 4: "I remember na we want to have the respirator, then we can afford. Ti kay
gamay gamay pa to sweldo ta that time e. Amo na bala you are looking for sponsorships okay
man kay gin salary deduction. I don’t know kung kulbaan sila, pero ikaw as a head doble imo
kula kay kung maubos sila, maano nalang ang mga pasyente ubos gid ni patay. Tapos, kabay
lng na mag okay ang mga family nila kay basi ang mga pamilya naman nila indi naman na sila
ka function. Amo na bala daw kadamo sang fears mo that time. Pero kay ti na yuhom mo lng
gina kaya mo lng. So its the communication and resources its the paano ka respond sa mga
challenges. Ti sa daily basis damo ka ma encounter, ano lng gid you cross the bridge if ara
kana. It ideal, we are trying what the ideal. Asta nag abot na sa punto nga ga istorya kami kay frusration,
sir Jay and mam ge nga ga stock kay ti naubos na. Sa kadamo damo nga halin ala una hasta complexity, fear,
alas kwatro nga explaination. I remeber nag huo ko sa asawa ni sir Jem, kag sing gin communication,
pamangkot ko sya wala na sya ka dumdom bisan isa." "Manpower: Limit the operation. support, risk
Instead of 4 hours we limit it to 3 to 2 hours operation. We arrange and categorize our patients awareness,
based on signs and symptoms then because kadamo sang inpatient, so gina pa last sila supply scarcity,
namon." "Because nga ang tanan gina kulang, so you do linkages sa mga kilala mo with other lack of manpower
institutions, with the top management, ga pangita ka sang support sa mga department heads
sa medical if ano pagid ang kinahanglan. So far sa natabo sa dialysis nag provide man sila a.
Nakita man nila nga apat nalang bilin." "We have no hiring that time. "We only maximize those
who were left and arranged the schedule."

key Informant 6: "Sa staffing that time may challenges lang didto. Kay like sa mga staffing
there are time na si staff bi nag COVID positive. So dapat ma organize mo gid ang schedule,
may plan B kada kung sino ang ma cover kag iban pa gid na challenges dira. Like may staff
ka na infect for isolation so dapat kabalo mag organize na biskan amo lang ni ang staff ta indi lack of manpower,
sya mag hinder sa operations." "Ang challenging that time is ang mga PPEs. So nag abot sa supply scarcity,
time nga ang mga PPEs gina recycle so aside pa sa mga staff nga providan mo may ara pa communication,
mga doctors pati ang APR. So nag request man ta para ma purchase na para wala hesistancy infection control
sa doctors nga mag attends sa COVID positive na patients. "Availability of Molecular Lab na measures
everytime si patient kag si staff na may symptoms pwede gid nga makapa check daon."

Key Informant 1: To be fair (smiling), when I took up the mantle as Nurse Associate Manager
during the time of the uhmm.. pandemic, if I am not mistaken it was still my fir.. ahh.. I’m going
to be the fir.. ahh... I think uhmm.. I think I just took around around 2020.. 2020. I just started
(laugh?) I.. firstly, well when the start of the pandemic last march I was still a team leader and complexity,
then by June of 2020 I was elevated into a Nurse Associate Manager. So, the first challenge pressure
of that would be how are we going to handle yourself as a leader at the same how do you
handle your stahh.. your staff which before you were only colleague or of the same level and
then the challenge of the entire pandemic behind uhhmm on top if it. So, its just actually quite
Informant 2:  So, the directing it’s is very challenging for me at that at for ahh.. for the first adaptation, risk
part of the pandemic but eventually as the pandemic turned into the second year the directing awareness,
itself is a bit ahh.. less pressured because ahh.. ahh.. the staff or the management already satisfaction
knows what are the things need to be done. So, the first it’s very hard but eventually it
becomes lesser because I managed already what is being expected out of me.

Informant 2: is new so there’s no ahh.. experience when we we manage uhm.. COVID patient lack of knowledge
because it’s a novel virus

lack of
Informan3 : Very Challenging role – because we all know pandemic is very new to us. There complexity,
are a lots of things made within the hospital especially in the planning. I have to do the adaptation, risk
scheduling in which the nurses are versatile. In which sa schedule nga gin butang dira dapat awareness,
ma adjust gid ang nurses ko. I encourage them na dapat they should give and take sa communication,
schedule nila whatever it is kay because of this having constraints kailangan gid nga may support
planning sa schedule.

Informant 4: • Nag set in ang lain lain nga mga roles. Like for example, naging counselor kana
nila, spiritual counselor ka na nila. Naga evolve ang mga roles mo. May iban ka mga roles nga
naga intensify, mas kinahanglan mo pagid e execute, not just planning and organizing but complexity, burn-
then aside from that may naga guwa na role like naging counselor ka sang ila na emotional out
status, naging motherly kaman sa ila in terms of kamustahon mo man ang pamilya nila, e
remind sila na all of these wala ta mahimo, we pray. So muna counselor sang ila mental and
spiritual will being and core support.

Informant 6:• Nagbudlay gid ang role during pandemic. Unlike sang una ma kadto ka lang
para magduty. Pero during pandemic damo kapa mga rekubetos and precautions nga sundon. complexity
For example mag sulod ka to sa unit mo mas damo and challenging. unlike sang una before
pandemic diristso ska lang sa OR. During pandemic mas mauti, hinay ang operation mas
damo ang gina requiren ga test As head damo ka kailangan e monitor
Key informant 1:when it started as a Nurse Associate Manager noh I was actually I had this
attitude of a being people pleaser? That means I want to please everybody as much as
possible; staff, management, my family, my senior the senior members of the nursing service
office and it’s actually quite difficult because one is you have to you have to put yourself as a
neophyte nurse associate manager, you have to put yourself to understand were all of them
are coming from. Uhmm basically that my that attitude of mine put me place me actually in a
precarious position if I may say that because ahhh if you want uhmm if you want to please frustration,
everyone the stress goes back to you because you know of course noh there is the decision making,
expectation and I have high hopes high expectations which I was unable to ahh.. meet in communication
many times or most of the times so I had ahh my frustrations actually grew during that time but
again thankfully that my senior mem my senior members of the nursing service office has
given me the opportunity to listen had gave me the opportunity to listen to me so at least they
were able to tell me noh what to do uhmm what can I what are the my options and my
opportunities at the same when I had my talk with my staff ahh all the staff members they
have to tell me umhhh what they are what they are expecting of me so that ahh it’s a give it’s a
two way uhmm the communication remained open.

Informant 2: the emotions really have affected during pandemic because I I have I have seen
uhmm.. my my my colleagues being infected and I instead of ahh.. being ahh wha. What I complexity,
mean is that the emotions of that experience affect how I decides sometimes you you’re decision making,
getting carried out of that emotions instead of being ahh.. objective to your roles and patient safety,
responsibilities sometimes you your being affected with those emotions so at times they lack of manpower,
decision itself or your your skill will be affected with the emotions because you are attached to support
the ahh.. your priority now is your staff because ahh.. aside from patient they are already a
patient that the they already also a patient the they are being been infected so you your focus
is just not only the patient but also your staff because if you don’t have enough staff you
you’re your unit will not survive so the the emotions in there really affects how I I manage my
my team but eventually I overcome it ahh.. as I get support my my ahh.. my superiors.

Informant 3: Actually may ara kita na psychological management, in which they could talk with support,
the HR at thesame time, within our UNIT, I always reminded them na kung stressed na gid, communication,
they have to inform me right away para atleast ma ubrahan sya or mahatagan sya anay rest at burn-out, stress
thesame time they could also have the NSO nga maka guide man sa ila kung ano ang pwede
ubrahon during the complains of burn-out and stress.
Informant 5: • Mentally, if you are not that strong you will feel helpless. However if you tell
yourself stand firm and be confident because there are a lot of people who count on you. Its
one way of bossting your self esteem and once you are confident enough to handle the whole fear of infection, support
situation even mere cry from your staff because they are afraid and hesistant to do their work
as a nurse because they are afraid that they might get infected with COVID, with your help like
encouraging them, talking to them it helps negate the negativity inside them and its a one way
to help them to go through with the shift.

Informant 5: • I think the best thing that I did was just to talk to them and be there to them.
Sometimes, even if you do nothing as long as you are there in the area and there is someone
that they can look up to and do anything. It helps them to pacify their negative emotion and support,
get through the shift. Because I observed that every staff is mentally in war with their emotions communication,
and the best thing to do since they can’t focus in helping their patients and part of them that burn-out, stress
need to go on, they need someone they can look up to and a nurse manager, is to be their at
times they need help. Mental remedy because they see us as someone who can help them at
anytimes at any cost.

Informant 6: • As a nurse manager that we stay closely sa aton nga staff. Wala ta kabalo may
mga fear man na sila. N pa feel na ara lang kita para sa ila, nahatag naton ang mga PPEs na fear, support
kinahanglanf nila. So CPA si staff nga muni, smay mga number man kita to so gina remind gid
sila na maghalong gid.
Informant 6: • My colleagues help me to be strong. They guide me what is right and wrong. communication,
This factors have burn-out, stress
Informant 1: during the time its was very crueling, challenging because in every hospital is complexity,
trying to.. to fight out with one another on who gets more slice especially with the pressure, lack of
PPE’s because of course infection control wise youre not supposed to wear mask that are that supply, fear
are reuseable reused or mask that are made out of cotton or linen.

Informant 1: equest this items in bulk literally bulk we have to request in just 20’s or 30’s the
usual 20’ and 30 boxes we really had to request around 50 to a hundred box and uhhmm
most of them will be arriving around ahh 3 to 4 months later noh. Of course ahh,. not only that lack of supply
we had to make sure that we have requests noh we also had to follow up this request that and
male sure that the items are arriving are actually medical grade noh uhmm if there was no N95
at that time there were KN94 ahh KN95 so we had to make ahh we had to adopt noh to
available PPE that we have

lack of supply,
Informant 2:  so when in terms of planning it was actually challenging because at the first complexity
place we have limited ahh.. we have limited personal protective equipment we were ahh..

Informant 3: ? Sa first few months, na na experience ta ang pandemic, there is really a lack of supply
contraint sa supplies sang aton na PPE.
Informant 5: • A lot of challenges in terms of PPEs because we don’t reuse PPEs that time we
have to discard them after use and its a one way also to help stop the infection from lack of supply,
spreading. Once we uff the PPE we discard them in yellow garbage which is considered as infection control
the infectious one. Aside from supplies we also need equipment. Some times every patients measures, patient
needs to have a pulse oximeter, thermometers. sometimes, no more supplies let especially safety
there are succeeding admissions and the Central supply hasn’t prepared a lot and wasn’t ablle
to anticipate the bulk of patients comng in and needs to be catered so there the challenging

Informant 1: I had little ahh.. of course you know we do outbursts once in a while ummhhh..
what I mean is I had to go to one corner (smiling) and I had to relieve control the emotion, the
temper and at the same time but sometimes you have to give in uhmm. uhhmm what do call
this one. You cry private but you stay strong in public that is how I did that. Uhmm if were Burnout, satisfaction
talking of the score if you have to score yourself from 0 to 10, I will put myself at around
conversatively 6 during the start and ongoing until that was in 2021 were we had more ahhh..
we were more aware on how to handle the
pandemic.. yes.

Informant 3: It is because ang staff always complain of burn-out and stress. So, the only thing
I could do is to let them see na ara ako. Not only as their associate manager but also as part burn-out, stress, support
of them na maging staff. So there are times na indi lng gid staff ang ma duty but then at times
na maghambal sila na kapoy nagid ako. So I to tell them that they have to take rest and I have
to takeover.

Informant 4: • No manpower. No established support system. You need to be a strong support lack of manpower,
system to your people. Yet there are also a lot of things going on sa imo. I remember na kung complexity,
ikaw nalang isa, dira ka nalang contemplate sa self mo e, you talk to yourself na kaya mo na. frustration
Ikaw nalang ang ga boost sa kaugalingon mo. You cry on your own man, I have to be
distance sa akon man nga bata. Pagbalik mo sa hospital it seems na daw pader ka nga
pwede nila sandigan. Atleast ara ka nga everything is okay, nga ari ako

Informant 5: • During the early months of pandemic, since everyone is afraid and when you
fear, support
are the onlyone duty at night you feel helpless there is no one to answer you eventhough you
are the nurse officer you still need to talk to the higher ups you have also to cosider that since
its night time they also need to have some rest.

Informant 3: It is because ang staff always complain of burn-out and stress. So, the only thing
I could do is to let them see na ara ako. Not only as their associate manager but also as part Stress, burn-out, support
of them na maging staff. So there are times na indi lng gid staff ang ma duty but then at times
na maghambal sila na kapoy nagid ako. So I to tell them that they have to take rest and I have
to takeover.
Informant 1: resigned uhmm during the COVID 19 pandemic because they don’t want to work fear of infection
actually because of the of being scared of the infection noh of the uncertainties

Informant 3: man sang iban. Not just ICU but some of the units. For example, kung expose si
staff ngaa need nya mag stay sa ICUngaa indi sya ka kadto sa iban na unit. So my policy
there, if you are expose sa iba na unit, pwede ka gid ka kad2 sa iban na unit, provided that
you have praticed the proper dooning of the PPE, handwashing, at thesame time you are infection control
wearing your mask. So may ara ako na staff na gusto maghalin sa ICU, but instead she is measure,
asking for a runner nga magkuha sang iya mga supplies from pharmacy, and central supply. adaptation, risk
Kay base sa iya na pag intindi she is directly exposed sa COVID positive na patient so dapat awareness
isolated sa ya. So nag question man ko sa self ko nga ay ano gid man dapat ko nga ubrahon
is it ma stay sya gid man within the unit or pwede ka kadto sa iban? Or pwede sya ma
exposure provided na na practice nya ang iya na proper dooning and duffing sang PPE, naka
proper handwashing sya, naka distance sya sa nakadtuan nya at thesame time may facemask
sya nga gina wear. So isa sa mga frustrations ko na indi ko kabalo kag gin panumdom ko man
for weeks, stakto gid man ni nga policy nga gin pa impplement ko or basi may punto ang
nurse ko? Pero eventually I have to stand sa policy nga gin ubra ko because that policy was
already coordinated, may

Informant 4: The pressure of making decisions right away compell me kung ano nalang gid
dayon. So, daw nag guwa sya na indi na sya theoritically based kundi gina isip kung ano mas decision making
morally, ethically na indi ma compromised ang everyone, daw gina mediate mo bala daw
mediator ka or liason.

Informant 4: • Frustration nga wala ka may mahimo, frustrations na wala ka may mabulig.
Frsutation nga gusto mo man tani nga muni pero wala. Frustration as manager damo pa ko frustration, complexity
tani nga mabulig pero may limitasyon kung e subject ko ang self ko directly to them nga
makadto ako wala na basi ako naman ang ma compromise mas damo ang maapektuhan,
mas wala nagid may ma duty sa office mas budlay gid.

frustration, risk awareness

Informant 6: challenges sa patient na wala ka ga dekklare sang ila na exposure

Informant 6: • During the pandemic grabi ang stress ang mga staff so grabi man ang role stress,
expectation sang mga staff. So dapat ara ka permi, mas supportive comapred sang una, mas satisfaction, risk
updated, and mas aware ka sang mga nakatabo. Kay sempre mas delicate ni sa ya mas awareness
delikado any nga breech lng naga ka infect kamo.
Informant 1: during the pandemic when they are not yet ahh positive noh uhmm our doctors
also shelled out money to give because of course most of our staff are afraid to go home to Fear of infection
their house to their respective homes because one they might bring their own ahhh ahhh
ummm what do you call this one, the infection to their families so they had to rent a boarding
house near to the hospita

complexity, fear,
Informant 2:  Ahh.. they have uhmm.. their emotional and mental should ah.. because of the infection control
fear of getting sick or get ahh.. to acquire that ahh.. infection. So, that’s the the first ahh.. ahh.. measure
the one of the hardest part is to plan for the staffing.

Informant 4: Pero tuod-tuod ya ara gid ang kulba fear

Informant 2:  because your staff are very hesitant with the the challenge because the they
fear, satisfaction
fear being infection and i..i..its really hard to motivate them and inspire them to be to be to be
ahh.. in charge of of the COVID ward.

Informant 4: May times nga naga duty ka code sila tapos ubos sila patay then ang fear mo
kung amo ni ang matabo sa unit mo kag sila lng to ang ga duty sa sulod maano lng to sila? So
ang reminder ko gid always sa ila e check gid anay ang gamit nyo kay kung wala na kamo e fear, frustration, risk awareness
kamo na da ya indi na kami kasulod, so maano kamo? ma syagit?
• Naubos ang staff sang iba na unit.

Informant 4: I remember na naghambal ang isa na “Ma’am ano oras matapos ang dialysis kay
makadto ko” Ti sir paano mo makita nag muni “sige lng ma’am kay nahadlook ko” so di man fear
sila ma blame
Informant 5: There are also others who were asked by their parents to stop because their fear
parents are old and unvaccinated and don’t want to be infected.

Informant 5: Everytime shes on duty she calls at the nursing office and just to relay what she
did to the patient or labs that she has requested. It looks like everything that she was doing is fear, support, communication
being relayed to the NSO. Maybe its one ways of relieving her fear because she is afraid of
COVID but she has nothing to do about it.
Informant 6: • Indi ka kapuli sa inyo nga balay. Kulbaan ka nga basi ma infect mo man imo
nga family.
Informant 6: • One time nag handle ko patient and akon lang to na PPE is ordinary facemask
naghandle ko sang patient nag paaso ko pa sa iya. Only to find out postive sya. So nag
isolate ko kag wala man ko na infect. So ang importanti lang na bagay that time is ang imo na
facemas, once na wala mo gina tandog imo na facemask indi gid mo man na grabi. So muna supply scarcity, support
e share o man to sa staff mo. ang iban to nagtupad lang after 2 minutes feeling nya na infect
na sya. kung kisa need mo man na ihambal ang imo na mga testimonies nga mabatian man
nila na ay okay para indi na sila mag grabi overthink kag mag kampanti sila. Mas maayo na ila
ang ila ubra di na sila mag stress overthnk. Kisa OA lng gid ang aton gina paminsar at least
manimize ang fear.

Informant 1: . So I think the best ahh umhh the ahh another learning that we can get there is
you must have the ears to listen because even how much you talk if you don’t listen to the
people that have that have concerns actually it would have caused us more issues and
communication, satisfaction
troubles and ahh that’s why I am very very thankful that the despite the fact that I was still a
neophyte at that time that is one of the learnings that I have had noh uhmm we have to be
frank you have to be you have to be frank but be respectful, you have to be talkative but you
need also to be mindful noh and listen to your ahh to the people around you because of
course noh as they say there is no monopoly of knowledge that you might have good
suggestion but the suggestion of others is better and you have to have an open mind also and
the actually that is the best thing that I have actually learned less.

complexity, fear,
Informant 4: • They listen. Sang naubos na ang mga staff, sang wala pa na himo nga naga infection control
hulat ka sang mga negative na swad they reconsider ang mga request ga bakal sila dayon measures
sang mga respirator wala na sila nag against sa request nga e shorten. They have provided
tha anterum they have even constructed. May mga limitations, even sa iban na mga
departments of delivering sang ila na responsiblity. Because they feared also going to dialysis.
Codes Initial Themes Final Themes
Resource Management and Planning Challenges in Role Satisfaction
Lack of Knowledge
Lack of Manpower
Decision making Learning and Growth Learning and Growth
Communication and Support Communication and Support
Role satisfaction in Managing COVID- Role Satisfaction in Managing during COVID
19 Challenges pandemic
Organizational Support and
Risk awareness
Burn-out Organizational Support and Recognition
Challenges in Emotional Strain
Fear of Infection
Challenges in Procurement and
Supply Scarcity Challenges in Procurement and Usage of Supplies
Usage of Supplies

Infection Control Measure

Adapting to Structural changes and Adapting to structural Changes and Pandemic
Pandemic Response Response
Patient Safety

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