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Trường Đại Học An Giang Long Xuyên ngày 12 tháng 10 năm 2023

Khoa: Ngoại Ngữ Thực hành nghề nghiệp 2

Lớp: DH21AV Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Bùi Lê Diễm Trang
Tên SV: Trần Thị Kim Ngân GV phụ trách: Ngô Ngọc Hòa
MSSV: DAV207348 Tiết: 1 Ngày 12 tháng 10 năm 2023
Giáo viên: Lê Anh Thư Lớp: 11A


Lesson 5: Listening – Family conflicts
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about reasons for family conflicts;
- Memorize vocabulary to talk about family conflicts.
2. Competences
- Develop listening skills: listening for the main idea and listening for specific details
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Develop presentation skills;
3. Personal qualities
- Be aware of family conflicts;
- Develop self-study skills;
- Actively join in class activities.
- Grade 11 textbook
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures, cards and handouts


Stage Stage aim Procedure Interactio Time

WARM – - To Watch a video
UP arouse the Watch a video T-S
classroom - Teacher plays the video and asks the whole 5
atmospher class to stand up. mins
e. - Ss watch the video and note down the reasons
- To get for family conflicts.
Ss be - Teacher calls some Ss to share, then confirms
actively the answers. T-S
involved - Teacher leads in the new lesson.
in the Link:

Lead in: Our goal for today is to explore these

generational differences, analyze their impact on
family dynamics, and discuss effective ways to
address and resolve family conflicts. By the end T-S
of this lesson, you'll have a better understanding
of how to navigate these challenges and promote
harmony within your own families.
To pre- VOCABULARY mins
PRE- teach the
LISTENIN pronunciat+ disagreement (n) /ˌdɪsəˈɡriːmənt/: sự bất đồng
G ion and + upset (v) /ˌʌpˈset/: gây khó chịu
meaning +complain (about) (v) //kəmˈpleɪn/ phàn nàn
of some (về)
y so that + allow (sb to do st) (v) /əˈlaʊ/: cho phép (ai
Ss can làm gì)
d the + appearance (n) /əˈpɪərəns/ : ngoại hình
content of
the - Teacher introduces the vocabulary.
speaking. - Teacher explains the meaning of the new
vocabulary with different techniques (pictures,
actions, synonyms…)
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with
the “Rub out and remember” technique.
- Teacher asks Ss to take notes on their notebooks.
1. Disagreement:

- T Shows pictures of people arguing or having

different opinions.

- T Provides synonyms such as "conflict," T-S

"difference of opinion," or "dispute.

2. Upset:

-T Acts out scenarios where someone might feel


- T Offers synonyms like "disturbed,"

"distressed," or "emotional."

3. Complain:

- T introduces the word "complain" and writes it

on the board.

- T Demonstrates actions like pretending to

complain about something.

4. Allow:

- T Gives examples of situations where

permission is granted, like parents allowing
children to play.

5. Appearance:
- T Shows pictures of different people with
varying appearances. T-S

- T Describes how someone's appearance

includes their physical features and clothing.

- T Offers synonyms such as "look," T-S

"presentation," or "outward impression."

- T ask Ss about kind, stress and Vietnamese

meaning for each word.

- T models chorally then individually.

- T reads all new words twice.

- Ss repeat after T twice.

- T checks the stress of each word: “where is the

- T invites some Ss to stand up and read all the

new words.

- T checks Ss’ pronunciation.

- - Ss copy down all words.

TASK 1: TASK 1: Complete the following mins
table about you. Work in pairs and compare
your answers.
-To - Teacher asks Ss to look at the picture and guess
introduce why the people are arguing.
ideas for - Teacher asks Ss to read the statements in the
the main table and tick the correct information about
listening them.
task - Teacher has Ss work in pairs to compare their
answers. Encourage them to ask each other
questions and give more details about their
- Teacher invites some Ss to share their answers
or their partners’ answers with the class.

Student’s guessing

Suggested answer:
The daughter is fed up with her mother telling
her what to do all the time, and refuses to listen.
TASK 2: Listen to a conversation between
Kevin and Mai. Number the things they talk 7
about in the order they are mentioned mins
- Teacher explains the format of this activity: Ss
listen and number the things the speakers talk
about in the order they are mentioned.
- Teacher has Ss read through statements
carefully and check if they understand the
vocabulary and the context by asking questions
such as Who are the speakers? and What do you
think they will be talking about?
- Teacher reminds Ss that the conversation may
not contain the exact words as in the statements
so Ss should listen for synonyms or words with
similar meaning, e.g. screen time – the time I
spend on my smartphone and laptop,
disagreements - conflict.
- Teacher plays the recording and has Ss listen
and number the things listed in the four
- Teacher asks Ss to compare their answers in
pairs or groups.
- Check answers by playing the recording again
and pausing after the parts of the conversation
containing the information.
Answer key:

Task 3: TASK 3: Listen to the conversation

WHILE- -To help again and answer the following questions 10
LISTENIN Ss using no more than TWO words. mins
G practice
- Teacher has Ss read through the questions
carefully and check if they understand all the
informatio - In stronger classes, ask Ss if they can answer
n. the questions without listening to the
conversation again.
- In weaker classes, have Ss think about the type
of information they will need to answer each
question, e.g. 1. something about Mai; 2. the
place where Mai is not allowed to wear tight
jeans; 3. the main reason why Kevin uses his
smartphone and laptop; 4. the thing(s) Kevin’s
parents worry about; 5. the time when Kevin’s
parents take his smartphone and laptop away.
- Teacher asks Ss to focus on the type of
information that they will need. Remind Ss of the
word limit for each answer.
- Teacher plays the recording. Ask Ss to listen
and take notes.
- Check answers as a class.
Extension: Play the recording, pausing before T-S
the last word of long sentences and have Ss
recall or guess it, e.g., play the sentence until the
word ‘appearance’: She keeps complaining about
my … Have Ss call out the last word. In stronger
classes, ask Ss to write the words on the board.
Answer key:
1. Mai’s appearance
2. At school. S
3. (His) homework. S-S
4. Kevin’s eyesight/ his eyesight. T-S
5. 10 p.m.

POST- -To give TASK 4 : : Work in groups. Discuss the 6

LISTENIN Ss an following questions. mins
G opportunit - Teacher asks Ss to list the things that Mai’s and
y to give Kevin’s parents complain about. T-S
their - Teacher puts Ss into groups. Ask each group to
opinions choose a question. Walk round the class and
about the offer help if necessary. Make sure Ss take notes
tips for of their discussion and makes a short summary.
cooking. - Teacher invites Ss from some groups to share
their opinions with the whole class. Encourage
them to give reasons.

Student’s answers
Observation S
Do you agree with Mai’s mother and Kevin’s T-S
parents? Why/Why not?
DATION Ss -T asks SS to talk about what they have learnt in T-S 2
memorise the lesson ( vocabulary, useful expressions, mins
the target ideas…)
language HOMEWORK:
and skills -- Do exercises in the workbook. T-S
that they - Prepare for the next lesson –Writing.

Long Xuyên, ngày 12 tháng 10 năm 2023

Người soạn

Trần Thị Kim Ngân

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