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Date: June 12, 2024 WRITING PRACTICE TEST Name: Xuan Mai

To be successful in playing sports. Some people believe that the players have to be
physically strong, while others think that mental strength is more important. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

There is no denying an ongoing debate about the importance of physical endurance and mental
strength in athletic success. Some emphasize the vital role of physical strength, while others highlight
the crucial role of mental strength. I believe that both aspects complete each other, athletes can benefit
from a balanced approach, focusing on developing their physical and mental strength to succeed in
playing sports.
It’s undeniable that participating in sports requires power, speed, and endurance, as seen in activities
like triathlons, tennis, and rugby. Many Olympic sports, for instance, can significantly enhance an
individual’s capacity to execute fundamental sports skills, such as explosive jumping, rapid sprinting,
and tasks involving quick changes in direction. It takes successful athletes several years to practice and
collaborate with their trainers. Thus, physical strength is essential for athletes to endure long periods of
exertion and perform consistently at the peak of their abilities.
Additionally, the significance of mental strength should never be underestimated. It not only
influences individual performance but also has a significant impact on team dynamics, leadership, and
adaptability in various situations. Athletes should train for several years with their team and seek
assistance from sports psychologists to achieve success. For example, maintaining composure in high-
pressure situations, such as taking a game-winning penalty kick in a football match with thousands of
fans cheering in the background, demonstrates the vital role of mental strength.
In conclusion, both physical and mental strength are essential for successful sports performance.
Athletes can tailor their approach based on their individual views and the unique demands of their chosen
sports, ultimately enhancing their potential for success.

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