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Centre for Disability in Development (CDD)

“Strengthening Local Climate-Sensitive and Universal WASH Capacities using and

disseminating the Green Humanitarian Aid approach”

Event Report on observe World Environment Day-2024


entre for Disability in Development (CDD) is a national NGO in Bangladesh. CDD works
specially for person with disability for last few years. Sharankhola Upazila of Bagerhat
district is a disaster-prone area. Therefore, along with the government, CDD also observes
national and international disaster days with upazila administration and local people with due
respect. Inclusion of persons with disabilities is ensured especially during the observance of each

The World Environment Day-2024 declared by the Government of Bangladesh as well as globaly
on June 5, 2024 was observed simultaneously across the country. World Environment Day was
celebrated by CDD with Upazila Administration and Tafalbari School and College with the
financial support of of Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) and the implemented project name is
“Strengthening Local Climate-Sensitive and Universal WASH Capacities using and disseminating
the Green Humanitarian Aid approach”.
Description of the program:

Last 5 June, 2024 was World Environment Day.

Along with the various parts of the world and
country, the CDD Sarankhola Field Office also
observes the day with due dignity and respect. This
year the theme of the day was “Land Restoration,
Desertification, and Drought Resilience”
To mark the day, CDD organized various events,
among which a colorful rally and discussion
session with the upazila administration was one of
them. Apart from this, rallies and discussions were held at Tafalbari School and College, Art
competition was held in Tafalbari Government Primary School and fruit tree saplings were planted
in South Tafalbari Junior Secondary Girls School with the participation of self-help group
members. A significant number of persons with disability people participate in these events.


✓ Rally and Discussion Session with Sarankhola Upazila Administration

✓ Rally and Discussion Session at Tafalbari School and College, Southkhali
✓ Art Competition with Tafalbari Government Primary School
✓ Tree Plantation at South Tafalbari Junior Secondary Girls School, Southkhali

At 10 am, a rally and discussion session was held by

the upazila administration with the overall support and
funding of CDD. Heads of various government
departments, NGO representatives, 5 persons with
disability and CDD officials participated in the rally
and discussion session held under the chairmanship of
Upazila Nirbahi Officer.
In the 2nd phase, a colorful rally and discussion
session was held with the students of Tafalbari School
and College, teachers, organizations of persons with
disability people and members of the Union Parishad
at 11 am. Tafalbari School and College Principal
Manik Chand Roy presided over the program.
After the rally and discussion organized to celebrate World Environment Day 2024, an Art
competition was held with the participation of 20 children of Tapalbari Government Primary
School. At the end of the competition all children
including 1st, 2nd and 3rd are given encouragement
gifts. All the teachers of the school were present at
that time.
Finally, on the occasion of World Environment Day,
a total of 20 fruit tree saplings of four types were
planted in the premises of South Tafalbari Jonior
Secondary Girls School. Members of 3 self-help
groups working in Southkhali planted the saplings.
All the teachers of the school were present.

Participant information:
A total of 75 people participated in the rally
including all government officials and NGO representatives of Sharankhola upazila level, out of
which 5 were persons with disability people (3 male, 2 female). A total of 20 persons with
disabilities participated in the program organized at Tafabari, out of which 12 were male and 8
were female. A total of 20 children participated in the Art competition including 16 girls and 4

Ensuring partnership and inclusive participation:

CDD Sarankhola Field Office first contacted the Upazila Administration. But as there is no plan
of upazila administration, CDD encouraged all government officials including upazila Nirbahi
Officer to observe the day through proper partnership and cooperation. As a result, the upazila
administration took steps to observe the
World Environment Day 2024. CDD
provides financial support along with
organizing and leading the upazila level
programs. Apart from this, active
participation of local public representatives,
teachers and local community has been
ensured in all kinds of programs organized in
Southkhali. A total of 25 persons with
disabilities directly participated in all the
programs to celebrate the day this year.
Preference has been given to persons with
disability people for participation in the rally
and plantation of trees with wheelchairs. This
ensured their active participation and
increased confidence and dignity.
Environmental Considerations:

This year, to celebrate World Environment Day in a meaningful way, plastic items have been
banned from all areas; Cloth banners have been used by CDD instead of plastic through advocacy
with Upazila administration, which has been appreciated at all levels. Cloth bags are used to
distribute snacks. Children's prizes are free of plastic items. Apart from this, by planting 20 fruit
tree saplings in South Tafalbari Junior Secondary Girls School, effective steps have been taken to
protect the environment.

Strength :
This year the observance of World Environment Day was conducted directly with the advice,
support and funding of CDD. As the upazila administration has no budget and plan in this regard,
CDD has been able to assume the role of driver, which has increased the overall reputation of
CDD. By using cloth banners instead of plastic banners, the upazila administration also understood
the importance of the day and informed about the harmful aspects of plastic products, which will
play a leading role in environmental protection.

There was no preparation or organization of upazila administration to observe World Environment
Day 2024. As a result, the CDD had to repeatedly contact the upazila administration to observe the
day with due dignity. As a result, both time and labor were wasted. Snacks have to be arranged for
30 officers in the upazila. Apart from this, the participants of the rally suffered due to extreme heat
and sun.

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