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Essentials of Negotiation Canadian 3rd Edition Lewicki
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Essentials of Negotiation 6th Edition Lewicki Solutions


Negotiation Readings Exercises and Cases 6th Edition

Lewicki Test Bank

Essentials of Negotiation Canadian 3rd Edition Lewicki

Solutions Manual

Microeconomics 7th Edition Pindyck Test Bank
Chapter 07


Fill in the Blank Questions

1. _____________ is conceptualized as an activity that occurs between a sender and a receiver.


2. Messages are the ____________ forms by which information is communicated.


3. _____________ and ____________ are the conduits by which messages are carried.


4. ____________ is the process by which messages are put into symbolic form.


5. A communicator who wishes to convey an emotional appeal may risk message ____________
in writing when a personal conversation would make it easier to convey emotion.


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McGraw-Hill Education.
6. In negotiations, language operates at two levels: the _____________ level (for proposals or
offers) and the _____________ level (for semantics, syntax, and style).


7. The use of _____________________ is defined as when negotiators use positive words when
speaking of their own positions, and negative words when referring to the other party's


8. High levels of __________________ denote comfort and competence with language, and low
levels denote discomfort, anxiety, or inexperience.


9. Nonverbal communication—done well—may help negotiators achieve better outcomes

through _____________ coordination.


10. Researchers have been examining the effects of channels in general, and _____________ in
particular, on negotiation processes and outcomes during much of the past decade.


11. One of the most common techniques for clarifying communication and eliminating noise and
distortion is the use of _____________.


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McGraw-Hill Education.
12. _____________ questions cause attention, get information and start thinking.


13. _________________ involves receiving a message while providing no feedback to the sender
about the accuracy or completeness of reception.


14. _____________ techniques allow negotiators to understand more completely the other party's
positions by actively arguing these positions until the other party is convinced that they are


15. Achieving _____________ in negotiation is, in large part, making decisions to accept offers, to
compromise priorities, to trade off across issues with the other party, or some combination of
these elements.


True / False Questions

16. Most communication, particularly in negotiation, involves give-and-take dialogue and

discussion between at least two parties.

True False

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McGraw-Hill Education.
17. Communication "works" to the degree that a wide variety of information is completely and
thoroughly shared among the parties, and mutual understanding is reached.

True False

18. In communication between a sender and a receiver a variety of external factors does not
distort messages and their meaning thereby inhibiting comprehension and mutual

True False

19. The more diverse the goals of the two parties, or the more antagonistic they are in their
relationship, the lesser the likelihood that distortions and errors in communication will occur.

True False

20. The more prone we are to use symbolic communication, the more likely it is that the symbols
we choose may not accurately communicate the meaning we intend.

True False

21. Decoding can be defined as the process by which messages are put into symbolic form.

True False

22. One-way communication is the only instance in which feedback is not essential to the
communication process.

True False

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McGraw-Hill Education.
23. While the blend of integrative versus distributive communication content varies as a function
of the issues being discussed, it is also clear that the content of communication is only partly
responsible for negotiation outcomes.

True False

24. Thompson et al. found that winners and losers evaluated their own outcomes equally when
they did not know how well the other party had done, but if they found out that the other
negotiator had done better, or was even pleased with his or her outcome, then negotiators
felt less positive about their own outcome.

True False

25. Mitigating circumstances occur where negotiators explain their positions from a broader
perspective, suggesting that while their current position may appear negative it derives from
positive motives.

True False

26. Sitkin and Bies suggest that negotiators who use multiple explanations are more likely to
have better outcomes and that the negative effects of poor outcomes can be mitigated by
communicating explanations for them.

True False

27. Low verbal immediacy is intended to engage or compel the other party, while high verbal
immediacy is intended to create a sense of distance or aloofness.

True False

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McGraw-Hill Education.
28. High levels of language intensity are used to convey strong feelings in the recipient, while low
intensity conveys weak feelings.

True False

29. A negotiator's choice of words may only signal a position; it may never shape or predict it.

True False

30. Manageable questions cause difficulty, give information, and bring the discussion to a false

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

31. In which of the following examples is the communication model listed in the correct order?

A. sender encodes the message, message is transmitted, receiver decodes the message,
receiver provides feedback to the sender

B. message is transmitted, sender encodes the message, receiver decodes the message,
receiver provides feedback to the sender

C. sender encodes the message, receiver decodes the message, message is transmitted,
receiver provides feedback to the sender

D. sender encodes the message, message is transmitted, receiver provides feedback to the
sender, receiver decodes the message

E. None of the above list the communication process in the correct order.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
32. Encoding can be defined as

A. the facts, ideas, feelings, reactions, or thoughts that exist within individuals and act as a
set of filters for interpreting the decoded messages.

B. the process by which messages are put into symbolic form.

C. the process of translating messages from their symbolic form into a form that makes

D. the process by which the receiver reacts to the sender's message.

E. Decoding can be defined as all of the above.

33. Which of the following would be likely to distort messages and their meaning, preventing
them from being understood completely?

A. shared or common goals between the sender and receiver

B. the elimination of distraction and confusion in the communication environment

C. the avoidance of symbolic communication

D. the congruence or incongruence between multiple transmission channels

E. All of the above would be likely to distort messages and their meaning.

34. "Interpretation" can be defined as

A. the process by which the receiver reacts to the sender's message.

B. the process of screening, selecting, and interpreting stimuli so that they have meaning to
the individual.

C. the facts, ideas, feelings, reactions, or thoughts that exist within individuals and act as a
set of filters for interpreting the decoded messages.

D. small amounts of perceptual information that are used to draw large conclusions about

E. None of the above define "interpretation."

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McGraw-Hill Education.
35. The presence of feedback can

A. distort communication in negotiation.

B. lead negotiators to change the way that they negotiate or evaluate negotiation outcomes.

C. influence the offers that negotiators make.

D. motivate the sender to change his or her behavior, either in a positive or negative

E. The presence of feedback can cause all of the above to occur.

36. Define exonerating circumstances.

A. Negotiators suggest that they had no choice in taking the positions they did.

B. Negotiators explain their positions from a broader perspective, suggesting that while their
current position may appear negative it derives from positive motives.

C. Outcomes can be explained by changing the context.

D. Negotiators who use multiple explanations are more likely to have better outcomes.

E. None of the above can define exonerating circumstances.

37. Which of the following is not one of the five linguistic dimensions of making threats?

A. the use of polarized language

B. the conveyance of verbal immediacy

C. the degree of lexical diversity

D. the extent of low-power language style

E. All of the above are elements of the five linguistic dimensions of making threats.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
38. Gibbons, Bradac, and Busch suggest that threats can be made more credible and more
compelling by using

A. positively polarized descriptions of the other party.

B. low immediacy.

C. high intensity.

D. low verbal diversity.

E. None of the above can make threats more credible and compelling.

39. Which of the following is not one of the four biases that threaten e-mail negotiations?

A. Temporal synchrony bias is the tendency for e-mail negotiators to behave as if they are in
a synchronous situation when they are not (parties are not working on the same time

B. Sinister attribution bias occurs when one mistakenly assumes that another's behavior is
caused by personality flaws, while overlooking the role of situational factors (dissimilarity
between parties and shortage of rapport may exist among e-mail lead individuals to
project sinister and deceitful motives onto the other party).

C. Impasse in e-mail negotiations bias is the tendency for the negotiators to disclose
personal information through e-mail about themselves and the issues with the other party
(no mutual self-disclosure on the part of the out-group party).

D. Burned bridge bias is the tendency for individuals to employ risky behavior during e-mail
negotiations that they would not use during a face-to-face encounter (negotiators may be
more willing to challenge the other party).

E. Squeaky wheel bias is the tendency for e-mail negotiators to use a negative emotional
style to achieve their goals (resort to intimidation, rude behavior, poor etiquette to achieve

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40. What are the most dominant contributors to breakdowns and failures in negotiation?

A. failures and distortions in perception, meaning, and feedback

B. failures and distortions in perception, feedback, and behaviors

C. failures and distortions in perception, communication, and framing

D. failures and distortions in perception, cognition, and communication

E. None of the above contribute to breakdowns and failures in negotiation.

41. Which of the following are types of manageable questions?

A. close-out questions that force the other party into seeing things your way

B. leading questions that point toward an answer

C. impulse questions that occur "on the spur of the moment," without planning

D. loaded questions that put the other party on the spot regardless of his/her answer

E. None of the above are types of manageable questions.

42. Questions can be used to

A. manage difficult or stalled negotiations.

B. pry or lever a negotiation out of a breakdown or an apparent dead end.

C. assist or force the other party to face up to the effects or consequences of their behaviors.

D. collect and diagnose information.

E. Questions can be used for all of the above.

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43. In passive listening

A. the receivers restate or paraphrase the sender's message in their own language.

B. the receivers interject responses to keep communicators sending messages.

C. the receiver provides no feedback to the sender about the accuracy or completeness of

D. senders may misinterpret acknowledgments as the receiver's agreement with their

position, rather than that they are simply receiving the message.

E. None of the above occurs in passive listening.

44. Successful reflective responding can be characterized by

A. a greater emphasis on speaking than listening.

B. responding to abstract rather than personal points.

C. following the other rather than leading him or her into areas that the listener thinks should
be explored.

D. suggesting or questioning what the speaker should be thinking or feeling.

E. All of the above are characteristics of reflective responding.

45. Research supports which conclusion about role reversal?

A. Role reversal is effective in producing cognitive changes but not attitude changes.

B. When parties' positions are fundamentally compatible with one another, role reversal is
likely to produce better results.

C. When parties' positions are fundamentally incompatible; role reversal may dull the
perceptions of incompatibility.

D. Role reversal leads to easier resolutions of conflict, particularly when accurate

communication reveals a fundamental incompatibility in the positions of the two sides.

E. All of the above conclusions are supported by research.

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Short Answer Questions

46. How does communication pervade the negotiation process according to Putnam and Poole?

47. Describe the communication model.

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48. How can feedback be used strategically?

49. A communicative framework for negotiation is based on what assumptions?

50. According to Pinkley and her colleagues, having a BATNA changes which things in a

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51. Define "reframing explanations."

52. Define the "information is weakness" effect.

53. What are the five linguistic dimensions of making threats?

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54. How can using the five linguistic dimensions make threats more credible and compelling?

55. Some nonverbal acts, called attending behaviors, are particularly important in connecting
with another person during a coordinated interaction like negotiation. Why?

56. Define social bandwidth.

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57. Why do negotiators treat e-mail as just another vehicle for written communication?

58. What three main techniques are available for improving communication in negotiation?

59. As negotiations come to a close, what are the two key aspects of communication and
negotiation that negotiators must attend to simultaneously?

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60. We know that role reversal can be a useful tool for improving communication and the
accurate understanding and appreciation of the other party's position in negotiation. But
when is it useful?

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Chapter 07 Communication Answer Key

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. _____________ is conceptualized as an activity that occurs between a sender and a

(p. 230) receiver.


2. Messages are the ____________ forms by which information is communicated.

(p. 233)


3. _____________ and ____________ are the conduits by which messages are carried.
(p. 233)

Channels; media

4. ____________ is the process by which messages are put into symbolic form.
(p. 233)


5. A communicator who wishes to convey an emotional appeal may risk message

(p. 233) ____________ in writing when a personal conversation would make it easier to convey



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McGraw-Hill Education.
6. In negotiations, language operates at two levels: the _____________ level (for proposals or
(p. 240) offers) and the _____________ level (for semantics, syntax, and style).

logical; pragmatic

7. The use of _____________________ is defined as when negotiators use positive words when
(p. 241) speaking of their own positions, and negative words when referring to the other party's


polarized language

8. High levels of __________________ denote comfort and competence with language, and low
(p. 241) levels denote discomfort, anxiety, or inexperience.

lexical diversity

9. Nonverbal communication—done well—may help negotiators achieve better outcomes

(p. 244) through _____________ coordination.


10. Researchers have been examining the effects of channels in general, and _____________ in
(p. 245) particular, on negotiation processes and outcomes during much of the past decade.


11. One of the most common techniques for clarifying communication and eliminating noise
(p. 249) and distortion is the use of _____________.


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12. _____________ questions cause attention, get information and start thinking.
(p. 249)


13. _________________ involves receiving a message while providing no feedback to the sender
(p. 251) about the accuracy or completeness of reception.

Passive listening

14. _____________ techniques allow negotiators to understand more completely the other
(p. 253) party's positions by actively arguing these positions until the other party is convinced that

they are understood.


15. Achieving _____________ in negotiation is, in large part, making decisions to accept offers,
(p. 254) to compromise priorities, to trade off across issues with the other party, or some

combination of these elements.


True / False Questions

16. Most communication, particularly in negotiation, involves give-and-take dialogue and

(p. 230) discussion between at least two parties.


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McGraw-Hill Education.
17. Communication "works" to the degree that a wide variety of information is completely and
(p. 232) thoroughly shared among the parties, and mutual understanding is reached.


18. In communication between a sender and a receiver a variety of external factors does not
(p. 232) distort messages and their meaning thereby inhibiting comprehension and mutual



19. The more diverse the goals of the two parties, or the more antagonistic they are in their
(p. 232) relationship, the lesser the likelihood that distortions and errors in communication will



20. The more prone we are to use symbolic communication, the more likely it is that the
(p. 233) symbols we choose may not accurately communicate the meaning we intend.


21. Decoding can be defined as the process by which messages are put into symbolic form.
(p. 233)


22. One-way communication is the only instance in which feedback is not essential to the
(p. 234) communication process.


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McGraw-Hill Education.
23. While the blend of integrative versus distributive communication content varies as a
(p. 235) function of the issues being discussed, it is also clear that the content of communication

is only partly responsible for negotiation outcomes.


24. Thompson et al. found that winners and losers evaluated their own outcomes equally
(p. 236) when they did not know how well the other party had done, but if they found out that the

other negotiator had done better, or was even pleased with his or her outcome, then
negotiators felt less positive about their own outcome.


25. Mitigating circumstances occur where negotiators explain their positions from a broader
(p. 237) perspective, suggesting that while their current position may appear negative it derives

from positive motives.


26. Sitkin and Bies suggest that negotiators who use multiple explanations are more likely to
(p. 237) have better outcomes and that the negative effects of poor outcomes can be mitigated by

communicating explanations for them.


27. Low verbal immediacy is intended to engage or compel the other party, while high verbal
(p. 241) immediacy is intended to create a sense of distance or aloofness.


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McGraw-Hill Education.
28. High levels of language intensity are used to convey strong feelings in the recipient, while
(p. 241) low intensity conveys weak feelings.


29. A negotiator's choice of words may only signal a position; it may never shape or predict it.
(p. 242)


30. Manageable questions cause difficulty, give information, and bring the discussion to a
(p. 251) false conclusion.


Multiple Choice Questions

31. In which of the following examples is the communication model listed in the correct
(p. 230) order?

A. sender encodes the message, message is transmitted, receiver decodes the message,
receiver provides feedback to the sender

B. message is transmitted, sender encodes the message, receiver decodes the message,
receiver provides feedback to the sender

C. sender encodes the message, receiver decodes the message, message is transmitted,
receiver provides feedback to the sender

D. sender encodes the message, message is transmitted, receiver provides feedback to

the sender, receiver decodes the message

E. None of the above list the communication process in the correct order.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
32. Encoding can be defined as
(p. 233)

A. the facts, ideas, feelings, reactions, or thoughts that exist within individuals and act as
a set of filters for interpreting the decoded messages.

B. the process by which messages are put into symbolic form.

C. the process of translating messages from their symbolic form into a form that makes

D. the process by which the receiver reacts to the sender's message.

E. Decoding can be defined as all of the above.

33. Which of the following would be likely to distort messages and their meaning, preventing
(p. 233) them from being understood completely?

A. shared or common goals between the sender and receiver

B. the elimination of distraction and confusion in the communication environment

C. the avoidance of symbolic communication

D. the congruence or incongruence between multiple transmission channels

E. All of the above would be likely to distort messages and their meaning.

34. "Interpretation" can be defined as

(p. 234)

A. the process by which the receiver reacts to the sender's message.

B. the process of screening, selecting, and interpreting stimuli so that they have meaning
to the individual.

C. the facts, ideas, feelings, reactions, or thoughts that exist within individuals and act as
a set of filters for interpreting the decoded messages.

D. small amounts of perceptual information that are used to draw large conclusions about

E. None of the above define "interpretation."

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McGraw-Hill Education.
35. The presence of feedback can
(p. 234)

A. distort communication in negotiation.

B. lead negotiators to change the way that they negotiate or evaluate negotiation

C. influence the offers that negotiators make.

D. motivate the sender to change his or her behavior, either in a positive or negative

E. The presence of feedback can cause all of the above to occur.

36. Define exonerating circumstances.

(p. 237)

A. Negotiators suggest that they had no choice in taking the positions they did.

B. Negotiators explain their positions from a broader perspective, suggesting that while
their current position may appear negative it derives from positive motives.

C. Outcomes can be explained by changing the context.

D. Negotiators who use multiple explanations are more likely to have better outcomes.

E. None of the above can define exonerating circumstances.

37. Which of the following is not one of the five linguistic dimensions of making threats?
(p. 241)

A. the use of polarized language

B. the conveyance of verbal immediacy

C. the degree of lexical diversity

D. the extent of low-power language style

E. All of the above are elements of the five linguistic dimensions of making threats.

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38. Gibbons, Bradac, and Busch suggest that threats can be made more credible and more
(p. 241) compelling by using

A. positively polarized descriptions of the other party.

B. low immediacy.

C. high intensity.

D. low verbal diversity.

E. None of the above can make threats more credible and compelling.

39. Which of the following is not one of the four biases that threaten e-mail negotiations?
(p. 248)

A. Temporal synchrony bias is the tendency for e-mail negotiators to behave as if they are
in a synchronous situation when they are not (parties are not working on the same time

B. Sinister attribution bias occurs when one mistakenly assumes that another's behavior
is caused by personality flaws, while overlooking the role of situational factors
(dissimilarity between parties and shortage of rapport may exist among e-mail lead
individuals to project sinister and deceitful motives onto the other party).

C. Impasse in e-mail negotiations bias is the tendency for the negotiators to disclose
personal information through e-mail about themselves and the issues with the other
party (no mutual self-disclosure on the part of the out-group party).

D. Burned bridge bias is the tendency for individuals to employ risky behavior during e-
mail negotiations that they would not use during a face-to-face encounter (negotiators
may be more willing to challenge the other party).

E. Squeaky wheel bias is the tendency for e-mail negotiators to use a negative emotional
style to achieve their goals (resort to intimidation, rude behavior, poor etiquette to
achieve outcomes).

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40. What are the most dominant contributors to breakdowns and failures in negotiation?
(p. 248)

A. failures and distortions in perception, meaning, and feedback

B. failures and distortions in perception, feedback, and behaviors

C. failures and distortions in perception, communication, and framing

D. failures and distortions in perception, cognition, and communication

E. None of the above contribute to breakdowns and failures in negotiation.

41. Which of the following are types of manageable questions?

(p. 250)

A. close-out questions that force the other party into seeing things your way

B. leading questions that point toward an answer

C. impulse questions that occur "on the spur of the moment," without planning

D. loaded questions that put the other party on the spot regardless of his/her answer

E. None of the above are types of manageable questions.

42. Questions can be used to

(p. 251)

A. manage difficult or stalled negotiations.

B. pry or lever a negotiation out of a breakdown or an apparent dead end.

C. assist or force the other party to face up to the effects or consequences of their

D. collect and diagnose information.

E. Questions can be used for all of the above.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
43. In passive listening
(p. 251)

A. the receivers restate or paraphrase the sender's message in their own language.

B. the receivers interject responses to keep communicators sending messages.

C. the receiver provides no feedback to the sender about the accuracy or completeness of

D. senders may misinterpret acknowledgments as the receiver's agreement with their

position, rather than that they are simply receiving the message.

E. None of the above occurs in passive listening.

44. Successful reflective responding can be characterized by

(p. 253)

A. a greater emphasis on speaking than listening.

B. responding to abstract rather than personal points.

C. following the other rather than leading him or her into areas that the listener thinks
should be explored.

D. suggesting or questioning what the speaker should be thinking or feeling.

E. All of the above are characteristics of reflective responding.

45. Research supports which conclusion about role reversal?

(p. 253)

A. Role reversal is effective in producing cognitive changes but not attitude changes.

B. When parties' positions are fundamentally compatible with one another, role reversal is
likely to produce better results.

C. When parties' positions are fundamentally incompatible; role reversal may dull the
perceptions of incompatibility.

D. Role reversal leads to easier resolutions of conflict, particularly when accurate

communication reveals a fundamental incompatibility in the positions of the two sides.

E. All of the above conclusions are supported by research.

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Short Answer Questions

46. How does communication pervade the negotiation process according to Putnam and
(p. 230) Poole?

Communication undergirds the setting and reframing of goals; the defining and narrowing
of conflict issues; the developing of relationships between disputants and among
constituents; the selecting and implementing of strategies and tactics; the generating,
attacking, and defending of alternative solutions; and the reaching and confirming of

47. Describe the communication model.

(p. 230)

A sender has a thought or meaning in his or her mind. The sender encodes this meaning
into a message that is to be transmitted to a receiver. The message may be encoded into
verbal language, nonverbal expression, or both. Once encoded, the message is then
transmitted through a channel to the receiver. The receiver's receptors - eyes and ears -
receive the transmission and decode it, giving meaning and understanding to the receiver.

48. How can feedback be used strategically?

(p. 234)

Feedback can be used strategically to induce concessions, changes in strategy, or altered

assessments of process and outcome.

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49. A communicative framework for negotiation is based on what assumptions?
(p. 236)

(1) The communication of offers is a dynamic process; (2) the offer process is interactive;
and (3) a variety of internal and external factors drive the interaction and motivate a
bargainer to change his or her offer.

50. According to Pinkley and her colleagues, having a BATNA changes which things in a
(p. 236) negotiation?

(1) Negotiators with attractive BATNAs set higher reservation prices for themselves; (2)
negotiators whose counterparts had attractive BATNAs set lower reservation points for
themselves; and (3) when both parties were aware of the attractive BATNA that one of the
negotiators had, that negotiator received a more positive negotiation outcome.

51. Define "reframing explanations."

(p. 237)

Outcomes can be explained by changing the context (e.g. short-term pain for long term

52. Define the "information is weakness" effect.

(p. 238,

Negotiators who know the complete preferences of both parties will have more difficulty
determining fair outcomes than will negotiators who do not have this information.

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53. What are the five linguistic dimensions of making threats?
(p. 241)

The use of polarized language, the conveyance of verbal immediacy, the degree of
language intensity, the degree of lexical diversity, the extent of high-power language style.

54. How can using the five linguistic dimensions make threats more credible and compelling?
(p. 241)

Threats can be made more credible and more compelling by negatively polarized
descriptions of the other party and his or her position, high immediacy, high intensity, high
lexical diversity, and a distinctively high-power style.

55. Some nonverbal acts, called attending behaviors, are particularly important in connecting
(p. 242) with another person during a coordinated interaction like negotiation. Why?

Because they let the other know that you are listening and prepare the other party to
receive your message.

56. Define social bandwidth.

(p. 244)

The ability of a channel to carry and convey subtle social and relational cues from sender
to receiver that go beyond the literal text of the message itself (see also Short, Williams,
and Christie, 1976, who used the term "social presence"). Greater social bandwidth means
that a channel can convey more cues having social, relational, or symbolic content.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
57. Why do negotiators treat e-mail as just another vehicle for written communication?
(p. 245)

Because it is analytically simplistic and because email interactions frequently substitute

for communication that would otherwise occur via telephone, face-to-face, or perhaps not
at all.

58. What three main techniques are available for improving communication in negotiation?
(p. 249)

The use of questions, listening, and role reversal.

59. As negotiations come to a close, what are the two key aspects of communication and
(p. 254) negotiation that negotiators must attend to simultaneously?

The avoidance of fatal mistakes and the achievement of satisfactory closure in a

constructive manner.

60. We know that role reversal can be a useful tool for improving communication and the
(p. 254) accurate understanding and appreciation of the other party's position in negotiation. But

when is it useful?

This tool may be most useful during the preparation stage of negotiation, or during a team
caucus when things are not going well.

Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Ready,
aye ready!
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Title: Ready, aye ready!

Author: Agnes Giberne

Release date: May 3, 2024 [eBook #73528]

Language: English

Original publication: London: James Nisbet & Co., Limited, 1888


READY! ***
Transcriber's note: Unusual and inconsistent spelling is
as printed.









At the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh































"AND they call this 'Woodbine Cottage'!" said Susan

Dunn, gazing out upon a paved street, where several
unwashed children were disporting themselves in a gutter.

She looked dusty and unhappy, and she spoke

disconsolately,—all three things rare with Susan Dunn, for a
neater and brighter and more smiling little roundabout of a
woman could in general be nowhere found.

The cottage wore an air of confusion. A damp floor told

of recent scrubbing, as also did pail and soap, not to speak
of Mrs. Dunn's own rolled-up sleeves and bare arms.

In one corner stood a pile of chairs: in another a small

wooden cupboard. An empty book-case lay on the table,
and through the open door might be seen a folded carpet,
waiting for admission.

Side by side with the book-case, on the round table, sat

cross-legged a little girl, about seven years old,
contemplating the scene with sober eyes. She had plainly
climbed there to be out of the way.

There had been a family flitting from an old home to a

new. No unusual event this, in the lives of many men and
women, but very unusual in the lives of Richard and Susan

For during more than fifteen years Dunn had worked as

a regularly attached labourer, under Messrs. Horry, Builders,
&c.; and not merely as a labourer, but as a clever and skilful
"handy man," though, unhappily for himself, not as a skilled
artisan. A widowed mother had been unable to afford the
seven years' apprenticeship in those days requisite; and
Richard Dunn's abilities were thereby handicapped through
his after life.

For fifteen years they had known no change; and now

suddenly a change had become necessary. Times were bad
for business men, and Dunn's employers had failed.
Thereby many working-men were cast adrift, and compelled
to flit elsewhere in search of employment.

Dunn found what he needed, with less difficulty than he

had expected. But he had to quit the pretty cottage and
well-cultivated garden-slip which had long been the pride of
his heart; to say good-bye to friends of many years'
standing; and to find himself fresh quarters at Littleburgh.

"Woodbine Cottage" had sounded hopeful, when first he

was advised to take a look at it. Dunn soon found, however,
that dreams of country prettiness and twining creepers
must be put aside.

Littleburgh was a bustling manufacturing town, of

perhaps some nine or ten thousand inhabitants, and,
viewed from a money point of view, it might be regarded as
a very thriving place. There were cloth-factories and other
factories, some of the former being worked almost entirely
by women. Fresh houses and streets were being run up in
all directions: so the builders were just then having a fairly
good time of it. Of course rents were proportionately dear.

The town lay in a flat unbeautiful neighbourhood; very

different from the fair and hilly landscape the Dunns were
used to look upon. Long rows of small red or white houses,
as much alike one to another as a supply of pill-boxes,
stretched away to the east and south; and beyond them lay
wide brick-fields, with a kiln here and there.

"Woodbine Cottage" stood exactly in the middle of one

such row. It was flanked by "Rose Cottage" and "Myrtle
Cottage." But no roses, myrtles, or woodbine grew
anywhere near.

The cottage contained four rooms, two below and two

above; so it did well enough for a small family as to space.
It opened straight upon the pavement, without an inch of
garden in front, and with only a minute yard behind. No
doubt the Dunns were well off to have so much. Some
cottages in Littleburgh could boast no back yard at all. Still
—when they should think of the garden they had left, the
pinks and sweet-williams, the roses and geraniums, cannot
we imagine how they would feel?

They had arrived quite early that morning, and Dunn

had immediately gone straight off to his new work. He was
not a man to waste one day without necessity.

For hours since, Susan and her eldest girl, Nancy, had
been scrubbing and scouring. The bedrooms and the
kitchen were now almost in order. Only the little parlour
remained. Susan was bent upon getting that straight too,
before her husband should come in.

"Just to make him feel home-like," she said once or

But Susan was very tired, and her back ached. They
had started early by train, and she had been up late the
night before. So at length she stood still for a minute to
rest, gazing out upon the street, and then it was that the
words escaped her lips,—

"They call this 'Woodbine Cottage!'"

"It isn't so pretty as home, mother," a sedate small

voice said, and the little maiden on the table folded her

"Pretty! There isn't a scrap of woodbine anywhere," said


"Won't father get some?"

"It wouldn't grow here, if he did, I expect."

"Won't father get some nice garden-mould, mother?"

Susan shook her head. "I don't know what he'll do yet,
child. We've got to make the best of things—somehow."

Then she fell to her work anew. The boards were getting
dry, and soon it was time to lay the carpet down. The elder
girl, Nancy, was upstairs, finishing the bedrooms; and the
boy, Dick, had gone to assist. So Susie climbed off the
table, and offered her tiny help. It was little, if anything,
that she could really do; yet Susan would not spurn that
little or nothing. For the child wanted to be useful, and that
was good both for child and mother. So Susan had often

"Pull harder, Susie. It is not straight yet," Susan said

All at once a stronger hand grasped Susie's corner, and
in a trice the matter was accomplished. Susan said, "Why,
Richard!" and looked up.

No, not Richard Dunn. A stout motherly woman was

raising herself erect.

"That was what you wanted, wasn't it?" she said. "So
you've only just come?"

Susan answered civilly but coldly. She did not wish to

plunge into fresh acquaintances, without knowing
something first of the people around. Like a wise mother,
she had a great notion of choosing good and desirable
companions for her children.

But the new-comer, smiling good-humouredly, seemed

unconscious of her coldness.

"Now, I suppose you'll put the cupboard into that

recess. It'll just fit there, if I'm not mistaken. What a
handsome bit of furniture it is! And that clock has the look
of something uncommon. Old, isn't it?"

"Yes,—it came from Holland. It's more than a hundred

years old," said Susan.

"Wouldn't Mr. Rawdon give something to have it! He's a

wonderful fancier of old furniture and the like!"

Mr. Rawdon was Richard Dunn's new employer; but

Susan said nothing. She could hardly refuse, however, the
kindly offered help, and for a few minutes the two worked

"That looks well!" the other said presently. "Is this little
one your only child? Pretty," was murmured in a lower key.
"No, I've two others."

"Older or younger?"

"Dick is one year older; and Nancy is sixteen."


The stout woman paused, looked at Susan, looked out

of the window, and then once more looked back at Susan.

"I don't know you yet, my dear," she said. "I don't know
whether you're one that minds a word of advice. I shouldn't
wonder if you'll count it an Impertinent interference. Maybe
I should in your place. For I'm a stranger to you,—and if I
say I'm Mrs. Mason from over the way, you'll not be much
the wiser. But there's one thing I should like to say to you,
now you've just come here, and don't know the ways of the
place nor the people,—if you'll not take it ill, that's to say?"

Susan simply answered,—"No."

Mrs. Mason's face broke into a smile.

"I like that," she said. "I like a woman that don't pour
out a rush of words, like water gallopading out of a spout.
'No' was enough: and you're right to say just that, and not
a word more."

Susan privately thought that Mrs. Mason was admiring a

virtue to which she had not herself attained.

"Well, but what I was going to say," resumed the other,

"what I was going to say to you, was this: If you can help
it, don't you let that girl of yours work in the factories!"
"My Nancy work in the factory!" Susan's comely face
lighted up with a hot flush. "My Nancy! Thank you, Mrs.
Mason. No, I'm not angry, indeed—but it's such an idea as
never came into my head before!"

Susan stopped, and suddenly cooled down.

"But there! You don't know my Nannie yet," she said


"No, I don't, Mrs. Dunn."

"Nor her father—nor me!"

Mrs. Mason's face broke into a genial smile.

"I think I'm getting to know you fast, Mrs. Dunn," she
said, "and the faster the better. I'm sorry I said a word
about the factories, as it seems to put you out,—but, dear
me, if you knew what I know! The young mothers that are
out all day, working, and leaving their little ones with none
to care for them! And the girls of fifteen and sixteen, who
do for themselves, and won't brook a word of control from
father nor mother nor anybody! Not but what there's good
girls among them, and good women too. But I always do
say there's a lot of temptation, specially for young things.
And if I was you, I wouldn't send a girl of mine there
without I was downright obliged. I wouldn't, Mrs. Dunn!"

RICHARD DUNN was walking briskly homeward, half-an-
hour later, with a young man by his side.

He did not look depressed, though the change in his

home and circumstances had been to him, as to Susan, no
slight trouble. Dunn was a man of cheerful spirit; and the
cheerfulness could be seen in his very air. He carried himself
with an alert vigour, usually more characteristic of the
artisan than of the labourer. In truth, Dunn occupied a
position decidedly superior to that of the ordinary labourer,
though of course inferior to that of the journeyman. He had
a peculiar knack of picking up knowledge in all directions,
and was actually capable of "handling the tools" in an
emergency, though not usually permitted to exercise this
feat in the trade.

Besides being thoroughly "handy" in his ordinary work,

Dunn was something of a scholar. He read much, and
thought over what he read. But Dunn was the last man ever
to make a boast of these acquirements. People were often
long in finding out his intelligence and capabilities.

Not always, however. For the young fellow by his side,

Archibald Stuart by name, a last-year apprentice in the
workshop of Mr. Rawdon, had already scented out
"something uncommon" in the new workman. Dunn had
known Archibald Stuart's father many years before, and this
fact drew the two together. Moreover, Archibald's homeward
road lay past Woodbine Cottage. Halfway thither, he
overtook Dunn, and remained with him.

"You'll tell your mother we're here," Dunn said, as they

drew near the end of their walk. "Dear me, I remember her
well as a fine tall lass! There wasn't a handsomer girl about,
nor one that held her head higher. Your father did think a
deal of her, to be sure."

"She has been a good mother to me," Archibald said.

He was a fine tall young fellow himself, doubtless taking
after his mother.

"And you're her only one? No brothers nor sisters?"

"None," Archibald said. "Only mother and me."

Dunn stood still. "I won't ask you in to-day," he said.

"We're all in a mess—only come this morning. But we shall
see you here soon; and you: mother too."

"I hope so," Archibald answered. He did not speak with

certainty, and a slight shade crossed his face.

Almost instantly the shadow passed, and was replaced

by a look of admiration. For the door opened, and a voice
said, "Father!" as a young girl came out to welcome him.

The young girl was not alone. A plump little woman, all
smiles, stood close behind, and two children also.

Archibald saw only Nancy, however. He was oblivious to

the presence of anything or anybody else; and he stood
stock-still, gazing hard, with never a thought of how his
conduct might seem to others.

I do not think his admiration of Nancy could be

wondered at,—she was such a very pretty girl: not only
young and fresh-complexioned, but really pretty, almost
beautiful. Her features were regular, and her rosy month
and blue eyes seemed only made to smile. Besides all this,
Nancy had a nice figure, and a soft winning manner, and
hair and dress and hands all most daintily neat. She wore a
print dress, made by herself; but the dress fitted like a
glove; and her linen collar and cuffs were spotless. So it
was not surprising that young Stuart stood as if he had
been moonstruck, almost forgetting where he was.

"Father," Nancy said again, "it's all so nice. Come in and

see how we've put things. I am sure you are tired."

Archibald thought he had never in his life heard so kind

and sweet a voice before. But nobody noticed him. Dunn
had responded to the petition, going straight in. Archibald
could see two children clinging to him, and the wife's hand
on his arm. He saw all that without caring particularly. What
did strike him was the upturned girlish face, with loving
eyes and rosy lips, and the voice which he could still hear

"Come and see it all, father! We have been so hard at

work all day, and now things do really look like home."

Then Archibald suddenly woke up to the fact that he

had no business there. He strode fast off to his own home;
and all the way thither, he could not get Nancy Dunn's face
out of his mind.

Mrs. Stuart lived two streets farther on. The cottages

here were rather smaller than Woodbine Cottage. It was
now nearly eight years since the death of Archibald's father,
and the widow had had a hard time of it since. The wish of
Mrs. Stuart's heart had been that her boy Archie should be
in his father's trade. All her powers were bent to this aim.
Through the long years of his apprenticeship she had
pinched and denied herself in every possible way for his
sake. She could not endure that her boy should be one whit
less respectably dressed than his fellow-apprentices. He
always had his best and second best as well as his working
suits. Nay, even in the matter of his pocket-money, she
would not keep him shorter than others.

It may be doubted whether Mrs. Stuart was quite wise

here. Archie would have been none the worse for some
necessary self-denial in daily life.

But Mrs. Stuart held her head high still, as she had
done in younger days. She held it high for her boy even
more than for herself. She was very particular as to whom
she would know and very anxious about Archie's

Six years and a half of the apprenticeship were over. Six

months more, and Archie would be a full-blown artisan,
receiving man's pay. Mrs. Stuart's hope and expectation
were that then he would repay her long toil and self-denial.
She did not intend him to marry early; and when he did
marry, her daughter-in-law was to be unexceptionable in
character and position. Mrs. Stuart, daughter of a farmer,
widow of an artisan, would be content with nothing lower in
the social scale than her own standing for this only son.

Yes, certainly Mrs. Stuart held her head high; everybody

said so. She held it high literally as well as figuratively,
being very tall and thin and upright. A greater contrast
could hardly have been found than between this cold-
mannered handsome woman, and the bright little
roundabout Susan Dunn.

Even towards Archibald, Mrs. Stuart was not gentle or

warm in manner. Dearly, even passionately, as she loved
her boy, he seldom had from her a look or word of
tenderness. She indulged him in many ways, but she
expected him always to conform to her will. As yet they had
seldom had collisions. Archie was a good-humoured kind-
hearted fellow.

"Mother," said he, about an hour after his return,

"there's a family of Dunns come here to live. Dunn spoke to
me to-day, and said he used to know you and father."

Mrs. Stuart did not seem very much interested.

Archibald had to make the remark over again before it
brought a response.

"Dunn!" she said indifferently. "Yes, I remember a man

of that name. He used to work under your father about the
time we were married."

"He seems a nice sort of fellow," Archie observed.

"I never cared much about him. He never came in my

way," said Mrs. Stuart.

"But I think they are people we shall like," persisted

Archie. "And they don't know anybody here; you might
befriend them, I should think. Couldn't you?"

"I dare say I could if I chose," said Mrs. Stuart stiffly.

"And you'll choose, won't you—if I ask it?" Archie put on

a coaxing air, sometimes effectual.

"What makes you so keen after them, all in a hurry?"

demanded Mrs. Stuart. "That isn't your fashion commonly."

Archie reddened, feeling conscious. He did not want to

speak about Nancy.

"I like Dunn," he said. "We walked home together, part

of the way. He's a scholar, and no mistake. Got lots of
books, and read them all. I found out by asking—something
he said about father started me off. And he wouldn't mind
lending me a volume now and then. I should like that! Why,
I should think he reads more books in a year than all the
other men in our works put together."

"Mayn't be any better man for that," said Mrs. Stuart

snappishly. "I don't hold with such a lot of reading. Has he
got any family?"

Archie could only answer, "Yes."

"How many children?"

"Three, I believe."

"Any grown-up girls?"

"Only one," said Archie.

"You've not seen her?"

"Only just a glimpse in passing," said Archie, with a

careless air.

Mrs. Stuart's mouth fell into a grim set, and she worked

"I didn't speak to any of them except Dunn," pursued

Archie. "He's a first-rate fellow, mother, really. I wish you'd
get to know them."

No answer. Mrs. Stuart sewed on resolutely, clicking her

needle fiercely at every stitch, in a manner peculiar to
herself. It boded temper.

Archie felt irritated, but he knew well that it was wiser

to say no more just then. Silence reigned for some minutes.

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