British Literature- Romantic Poetry-Analysis Chart

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British Romantic Poetry

Analysis Chart

Title of Poem: The Lamb Author: William Blake

Summarize this poem in 2-3 sentences

The poem has a religious tone and is an identification of the lamb and Christ.
The child and lamb in the poem have a conversation using questions and
answers about their similar characteristics. They are both God’s children and
are both considered innocent and pure like a child.

Considering the definition, themes, and characteristics of Romantic poetry,

how is this poem Romantic? Provide at least three concrete ways that
demonstrate the Romantic elements.

The Lamb fits the definition of Romantic literature because it deals with
both emotion and imagination. Emotion plays a part because it talks of the
characters having pureness and innocence. Imagination is used to make it
seem like an actual conversation between the lamb and child.
The theme and characteristics of the poem includes worship of nature and
the simple life. The poem describes the lamb in similarity to the child as
Christ like. Nature by use of the lamb has some similar characteristics of
being gentle, innocent, and peaceful as we would imagine Christ to be. Nature
is used in the poem to provide knowledge of Christianity. The poem reveals
insight about life and offers security by speaking of more innocent times.

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