BIBL 104 New Testament Bible Study Assignment

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New Testament Bible Study Assignment

Passage: Acts 8:26-39

For this assignment, you will be studying a story from the book of Acts. More specifically, you
will be studying the narrative of Philip and the Ethiopian from Acts 8:26-39. You will use the
template below to complete a study of this passage. In your study, you will use the skills of
Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, and Application that you have become familiar with
through your reading in Everyday Bible Study.

I. Observation

A. I have read Acts 8:26-39 in both a formal translation (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or CSB)
and a functional translation (NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. You will
find a copy of the NASB, ESV, CSB, and NLT in your myWSB Library.

 Yes
B. Having read the passage in both formal and functional translation, list at least 2 similarities
and 3 differences between the way both translations cover this story. You may list as many
similarities and differences that you find as long as you meet the minimum amount.

Similarities Differences
In verse 35, both the KJV and NIV versions Verse 32- in KJV it says the sheep was “led to
tell of Phillip reading scripture and preaching the slaughter like a lamb dumb before his
about Jesus to the eunuch. shearer.” In NIV there is no mention of a
lamb being dumb.
In verse 39, in both the KJV and NIV Verse 33- in KJV the scripture about Christ
versions after Phillip and the eunuch came out says his judgement was taken away. NIV says
of the water, the spirit of the Lord took Phillip Jesus was deprived of justice.
away and the eunuch never saw him again
and went on his way rejoicing.
Verse 34 in KJV says the eunuch answered
Phillip. In NIV the verse says the eunuch
asked Phillip.

C. Identify the basic elements of the story you are studying

1. Main characters: (List them)


Angel of the Lord

Ethiopian eunuch

2. Plot: (50-100 words)

The angel of the Lord tells Phillip to go towards Gaza where he finds an Ethiopian eunuch who
was in a chariot while reading Isaiah. Phillip asked him if he knew what he was reading. Phillip
helped him understand it. Phillip baptized the eunuch. The Spirit of the Lord took Phillip away.

3. Story structure: (50-100 words)

Hint: Be sure to consult the section on the narrative/story structure given in the
tutorial for this assignment (found in Week 3).

Introduction: The angel of the Lord tells Phillip to go towards Gaza.

Inciting incident: Phillip finds an Ethiopian eunuch reading Isaiah in a chariot.

Rising action: Phillip asks the eunuch if he knows what he is reading.

Climax: The eunuch says “How can I, except some man should guide me.”

Falling action; Phillip helps the eunuch understand it.

Resolution: Phillip baptizes the eunuch and the spirit of the Lord takes Phillip away.

C. List basic observations about this passage using the “Key Question” for observation.
Remember to consult the chapter “How to Ask Key Questions” (Chapter 17) and the
chapter on studying Acts (Chapter 37). This will help you be more detailed in your
answers to “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how.”

1. Who:
angel of the Lord
Ethiopian eunuch
2. What:
The angel of the Lord tells Phillip to go towards Gaza.
Phillip meets an Ethiopian eunuch.
Phillip asks the eunuch if he knows what he is reading.
The eunuch gives his reply.
Phillip helps the eunuch understand it.
Phillip baptizes the eunuch.
The spirit of the Lord takes Phillip away

3. Where:
South away from Jerusalem towards Gaza.

4. When:
The story takes place after the crucifixion of Jesus. It is when Phillip meets the
Ethiopian and baptizes him.

5. Why:
Why did Phillip go towards Gaza?
The angel of the Lord told him to.

Why did Phillip help the eunuch?

The eunuch invited Phillip to sit with him so he could understand what he was
reading in the book of Isaiah.

Why did Phillip and the Ethiopian go to the water?

They went to the water so Phillip could baptize him.

6. How:
How did the Ethiopian get help understanding the scripture he was reading?
The spirit told Phillip to go to the Ethiopian and help him understand what he was

How did the Ethiopian prove that he accepted Jesus Christ?

The Ethiopian was baptized.
II. Interpretation
A. Determine the author’s main point. In 1-2 paragraphs (100-400 words) explain what you
think the author is trying to communicate in this passage. Remember two things. First,
this passage is made up of both action and dialogue. Thus, this passage is both showing
and telling us something. Second, words like “I,” “We,” “Us, and “Our” are application
words and not interpretation words. Interpretation is about “then and there” and not “here
and now.” We were not there so the passage is not about us. Our “part” in the passage is
the application or how we will respond to God’s Word.

The author of the passage about Phillip and the Ethiopian was probably explaining how anyone
that reads scripture can become closer to God. In this passage Phillip is sent to help the Ethiopian
to understand that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.

B. Based on your answer above, write out one principle from this passage. You should be able
to express this principle in 1-3 sentences.

Acceptance of Jesus Christ is needed in everyone’s life in order to reach salvation.

III. Correlation

A. How does this passage from Acts fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? State that type of
story you believe this to be (creation, fall, redemption, or new creation) and explain why
you believe this to be so? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in

The story of Phillip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8:26-39 relates to the redemptive theme of the
Bible’s metanarrative. The Ethiopian had a desire to learn about Christ in scripture but wasn’t
able to understand it without help. After reading scripture, he was led to be baptized and he
accepted Jesus into his heart.
B. How does your principle from Acts 8:26-39 fit with the rest of the Scripture? This principle
is the one you have written out in 1-3 sentences in the Interpretation section. If your
principle is a true Biblical principle it will be reflected throughout the Scriptures. Where
is the principle discovered in this New Testament narrative found elsewhere in the
Scriptures? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.

In Acts 8:26-39 this passage explained how Phillip helped the Ethiopian become aware of Christ
through scripture. This led to the Ethiopian being baptized. In the Old Testament it speaks of the
way to salvation all throughout the book. In the New Testament in Mark 16:16 it says “He that
believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.”

C. How does this passage from Acts 8:26-39 reflect the person and work of Jesus Christ?
State and explain at least one way that the principle of this passage identifies something
of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200
words) in length.

This passage shows the work of Jesus Christ by using the story of Phillip and the Ethiopian. This
story shows the way to salvation is through learning about and the acceptance of Christ. Prior to
this, John the Baptist described Jesus as “the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world”
(John 1:29). This story mentions Jesus as the lamb of God in many other places in scripture.

IV. Application

What points of application can be made using the Four Questions for Application? State and
explain 1 point of application for each of these four questions. Your explanation for each of
these points should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.

A. The question of duty- Our duty is to be a witness to others- to everyone- not just a select
few. It is our duty to help others understand God’s Word. We should be accepting of all people
no matter what race or background they have. We should want to learn and understand the
teachings of Christ and to also be a light to others in helping them understand the truth that leads
to salvation.
B. The question of character- The character of Philip included doing what God asked of him
without hesitation or questions. The character of the Ethiopian showed he was a believer in God
and was an interested learner of reading scripture. We should attempt to lead with the same type
of qualities as Philip and the Ethiopian. We should obey God’s Word completely and have a
desire to continue learning scripture throughout our lives.

C. The question of goals- Our goal in applying the passage from Acts is to strive to take every
opportunity we have to witness to others. Look for opportunities to do this in everybody we meet
in life. Make your goal each day when you get up to be: Who and how many people can I
witness to today?

D. The question of discernment- We should know what the right thing to do is without being
told. If we truly love Christ and we know Christ loves all people, then we should do the same.
We should want to spread God’s Word to others while looking at all people the same. No one is
different in God’s eyes. We are all His children. Scripture leads us in the path to making good
choices in life. God gives us the knowledge and wisdom to live out our lives correctly while also
teaching us to pray and ask for guidance when needed.

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