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You will never believe what happened today.

It was a bad and

unfortunate day. Today I woke up a bit early to do my homework to
submit for teacher. When I finished, I had breakfast and went to school
by electric bike. At school, I was taught by the teacher and a homework
was also submitted by me. I was praised by my teacher for completing
my homework excellently, which made me very excited.
But a bad luck has only just begun. After school, I realized that my
electric bike had run out of power and I didn’t know what to do so I just
walked the electric bike home. On the way home, I felt like a stranger
was walking behind me like he was following me. I was a little scared
and shocked.
I tried to go fast as possible but that person kept following me. At
that time, I was very panicked. But luckily I saw a convenience store so I
immediately went there to both escape and rest.
When I felt that the stranger had left, I continued to walk quickly
home. I walked down in a dark road with a few lights on the road that
made me shiver. I finally got home. Because I was so tired. I went to rest
but didn’t forget to charge my electric bike so that such dangerous
situations do not arise.s

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