Science 6_Module 5_Muscular System

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Maluya Cor., A. Banzon Street, Central, Balanga City, Bataan


Science 6
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Emmanuel V. dela Cruz

At the end of this module, the learners will be able to:
a. Describe the structure of the muscular system
b. Explain the function of the muscular system
c. Determine the action of muscles
d. Differentiate voluntary muscles from involuntary muscles and give examples

The Muscular System

Muscular system – it is composed of 700 muscles

- it makes up 50% of the body weight

Functions of the Muscular System

 It gives the body shape and mass
 It supports the skeleton and keeps it steady
 It is also responsible for locomotion
 It produces body heat and regulates body temperature
 It also protects the internal organs.

– These are body structures made up of bundles of specialized cells called muscle fibers.
– They are attached to the bones by a tough fibrous structure called tendons.
– There are about 650 muscles in the body which are responsible for different types of
– They can contract and relax

 There are about 50 muscles in the face. Smiling is easier than frowning. It takes 17 muscles
to smile, over 30 to frown.
 Sartorius – longest muscle in the body
– found outside of the hip, down across to thigh of the knee
 Deltoid – it helps us move our shoulders
 Pectoralis – muscles found on each side of the upper chest

Action Muscles
1. Flexor – muscles that bend a joint and bring a limb to the body
2. Extensor – muscles that are opposite to flexor muscles
– They straighten a joint
3. Fixation muscles – muscles that hold other body parts in place
4. Synergists muscle – this muscle combines with flexors to keep joints in place

QUALITY life begins with QUALITY education
Maluya Cor., A. Banzon Street, Central, Balanga City, Bataan Module 5 in Science 6 2

1. Skeletal Muscles
- These are the muscles that are connected to the bones.
- Their movement is voluntary hence, they move under your
- These are made up of muscle fibers which are elongated,
sausage-shaped cell containing many nuclei and clearly
display longitudinal and cross striations.
- Most of them are attached to portions of skeleton through

Examples: muscles attached to the arms and legs

2. Smooth or Visceral Muscles

- These are not attached to any bones.
- They are involuntary muscles because they work
- These are composed of spindle-shaped cells, each having a
central nucleus. The cells have no striations, although they
do exhibit faint longitudinal striations.
- These are commonly found in the skin, major blood
vessels, internal organs, reproductive system, and
excretory system.

Examples: Hollow internal parts of the body such as blood vessels, the stomach,
intestines, urinary bladder

3. Cardiac Muscles
- These are only present in the heart.
- They move rhythmically, contracting and relaxing
- The cells, which show both longitudinal and imperfect cross
striations, differ from skeletal muscle primarily in having
centrally placed nuclei and in the branching and
interconnecting of fibers.


1. Voluntary muscles – muscles that you can control the movement
Example: Skeletal muscles

2. Involuntary muscles – muscles that you cannot control the movement

Example: Smooth muscles
Cardiac muscles
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Maluya Cor., A. Banzon Street, Central, Balanga City, Bataan Module 5 in Science 6 3


Name: _________________________________________ Score: ________________

Section: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Activity No. 1: Flex and Extend

I. Objectives
In this activity, you will be able to determine how flexor and extensor muscle works.

II. Materials
 Your arm

III. Procedure
1. Bend your arm. Observe the movement of the muscles in your upper arm.
2. Hold your biceps (muscle in front of your upper arm bone). Observe your biceps as you
bend and straighten your arm.
3. Hold your triceps (muscle at the back of your upper arm bone). Observe your triceps as
you bend and straighten your arm.

IV. Questions:
1. What happens to your biceps as you
b. Bend your arm?
c. Straighten your arm?

2. What happens to your triceps as you

d. Bend your arm?

e. Straighten your arm?


3. Name other parts of the body that have flexor and extensor muscles.
a. __________________________________________
b. __________________________________________
c. __________________________________________
d. __________________________________________

QUALITY life begins with QUALITY education
Maluya Cor., A. Banzon Street, Central, Balanga City, Bataan Module 5 in Science 6 4

Let’s check your understanding!

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ________________

Section: _____________________________ Date: _________________

A. Fill in the blanks with the necessary information to complete each concept.

1. Muscles attached to bones are called _______________ muscles.

2. ______________ muscles are not controlled by the conscious mind.
3. The longest muscle in the body is ________________.
4. ____________are tough cord – like structures that attach muscles to bones.
5. The muscles of the heart are also called ______________ muscles.
6. The digestive system is composed of _________________ muscles.
7. Bones move because of _______________.
8. The largest muscle is found in the ________________.
9. Muscles differ in _______________.
10. Muscles that when you want them to move are called ________________.

B. Tell whether the given characteristic is for skeletal, smooth or cardiac muscle. Write your
answer on the line.
__________ 1. They are not attached to any bone in your body.
__________ 2. They allows your body to run, walk and move.
__________ 3. This is the only muscle found in the heart.
__________ 4. They move rhythmically, contracting and relaxing alternately.
__________ 5. These are muscles found mostly in the internal organs.

C. Write SM of the organ is a skeletal muscle, VM if it is smooth or visceral muscle and CM if it

is cardiac muscle.

_____ 1. kidney _____ 6. stomach

_____ 2. esophagus _____ 7. diaphragm
_____ 3. heart _____ 8. triceps
_____ 4. biceps _____ 9. liver
_____ 5. leg muscle _____ 10. intestines

D. Draw the three kinds of muscle inside the box.

cardiac skeletal smooth

QUALITY life begins with QUALITY education

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