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Date: 23-Jun-2023

Your Ref No: J4236629

Dear Geebee,
RE: Application on behalf of Pinki Poddar :
MSc International Business Management - FT - First Year - Full Time -
September Entry - LSBU Code - 4763/1FS00
Congratulations on your conditional offer of a place at LSBU!
Thank you for your application for the above programme. We are delighted to
inform you that you have been made a conditional offer subject to the following:
1) Satisfactory reference letter on your current employment (Dated within the
past 6 months and the letter must be signed and either stamped or in headed
Please send the documents to fulfill the above conditions to agents-
Before accepting any offer from London South Bank it is important that you are
aware of the University policies, regulations and procedures that apply to you.
The latest versions of these documents can be found on our website. It is your
responsibility to read these and make yourself aware of any updates.
You must therefore read the terms and conditions before accepting the offer of a
place. In particular, the University reserves the right to vary the content and
delivery of courses, and to discontinue, merge or combine courses if such action
is reasonably considered necessary by the University. Providing you have
fulfilled all conditions, enrolment details will be sent to you approximately one
month before the start of the course
Important to Student Visa applicants: Please note that this is an academic
offer of study and it is not confirmation that the University will be able to
sponsor the applicant for a student visa.
What to do next?
Your offer is valid for 15 days - to accept please click the link below.
We have limited availability in some courses therefore if you do not accept
within 15 days of receipt of this email your offer may be withdrawn.
We encourage you to check our website to find a wide range of useful
information, and we particularly recommend that you check the following pages:
 For Fees, Bursary & Student Finance information:
 Tuition Fee Regulations
 For Accommadation information: Student Accommodation
 For Disability and Dyslexia Support: Disability & Dyslexia Support
 New students: Enrolment & Orientation for new starters

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards
Admissions Office
London South Bank University
103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA

Tel: +44(0) 20 7815 6272

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Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any
queries please contact our Admissions Team:

© London South Bank University

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