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INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED syllabus for NY Style Salsa on1

(duration 52-80 weeks (~12-16months) = 104-150 lessons)
The Intermediate syllabus is designed to emphasize the importance of the Cross Body Turn and the
Double Right Spin as core elements. The pattern should cover no more than 8 bars (4 x dancers
measure) and build on a theme and all of it’s alternatives for a number of weeks to reinforce the
learning process.
These classes will give the perfect opportunity to introduce students to key concepts such
a. The Double Right Spin and the correct way to lead this (with timing). STRESS must be
placed on the correct arm posture for the lady i.e. the pizzaman with her elbow fixed in front.
The man must lead hand in a halo around lady’s head at the sweet spot height about 1 inch
above lady’s head.
b. The lead “across the corridor” to signal multiple spins and set the lady up. Any hand change
must be made early enough so that, for best effect, the men’s footwork should mirror the
ladies’ whilst they are setting up.
c. Early variants on one and a half turns used in over-and-unders.
d. The ability of the men to execute turns whilst doing simple moves.
e. The correct place for styling within the framework of the dance
f. Shine theory (where they can and should go and how we “lead” them)

Double Right Spins led with different hands

Having taught the basic spins technique at the improvers level, we can do the Multiple Spins Drill
which can all be taught as part of single class.
Mambo basic, Cross Body to double-open then ladies double right spin with men’s 5,6,7, full left
turn before getting into partnership with spring-loaded mechanism. Then, cross Body changing to
right-to-right handshake hold, lead ladies double right spin with men’s 5,6,7, full left turn and get
back into partnership using wash-and-wipe. Then, cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake
hold, lead ladies double right spin with men’s 5,6,7 swivel right turn to set-up for a copa cogwheel
before getting back into partnership using wash-and-wipe.
(TIP Man’s left arm should be tucked in behind his back during these previous two)
Then cross body to Open Break with ladies double right spin with men’s 5,6,7, full left turn before
using international sign of the cross body. Then cross body to Open Break with ladies double right
spin with men’s 5,6,7 swivel right turn with hand off to mans right hand before leading some form
of simple pull through. (TIP Man’s right arm should be tucked in behind his back during these last

Also more interesting Patterns

Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open then lead a double spin with man’s right hand to ladies
left hand and with men’s 5,6,7 swivel full right turn and then looping arch of the ladies hand into a
flamenco and grasping the ladies waist to lead a cross body turn or a bounce-back.

Introducing Ladies’ Double Right Spin Variations (One-Up, One-Downs vs Over &
Unders and Touch-and-keeps vs Touch-and-goes)
One-Up, One-Downs (general technique tips “pulling the zipper” straight down on 6).
Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open then One-Up, One-Down led with man’s right hand to
lady’s left hand pulling the zipper on beat 6. Multiple options for ending:
1. Bringing the lady out using a Copa. The man must break back on 1 and then quickly pull her
using his right hand towards him on 2 before halting the woman’s turn on 3 by holding her left
hand in place on 3. He can then lead variants including:
 Copa with ladies’ flamenco styling.
 Copa into low lasso wrap.
 Copa into whipped Over-and-Under into belly check wrap the man changing hands (to
left hand left hand hold) during the traverse as he turns to his left on 5, 6 ad 7.
 Similar to previous pattern but keeping the woman’s hand above her head and turning
her fully through the copa footwork.

2. Travelling turns

Alternatively, from the One-Up, One-Down he can lead her into early variants on one and a half
turns that could be part of:
travelling one and a half left into open position (man pulls the lady’s left hand through on 2 and
continues on 3 and releases it only on 5 at a low level).
 travelling one and a half left into Wrap/Cuddle position (man pulls the lady’s left hand
through on 2 and continues on 3 and 5 before releasing hand and changing place).
 travelling one and a half left into Wrap/Cuddle position (man pulls the lady’s left hand
through on 2 and continues on 3 and 5. There are different ways of getting out from this.
Including the lady slipping backward through the tunnel).
 travelling one and a half left with an under-and-over-and-under into Wrap/Cuddle
position (man pulls the lady’s left hand through on 2 and continues on 3 and 5)
 1-up-1-down followed by windmill into a wrap before possible mambojazz/accent/
(NB in some cases, she will be executing 2½ travelling lefts by borrowing beats (a topic dealt with in
more detail later on).

Over & Unders (travelling One-Up, One-Downs), Windmills and variations, Swapsies
It is important that a distinction is made between each.
Over & Unders are travelling one and a half turns and the reverse is of course the Under & Over. In
both cases the zipper is pulled either down or up respectively on beat 6. Multiple patterns

Windmills can be either stationary or travelling moves, but in both cases the lady’s arm must be
extended to affect the lead. Multiple patterns

Swapsies are simultaneously an Over & Under with one leading hand and an Under & Over
changing to the other hand, as the lady travels. Multiple patterns

Many of these such movements end up with the lady in some form of wrap or check which segways
nicely to the nest topic.

Touch-and-keeps vs Touch-and-goes
These both start with right-to-right over left-to-left, but differ in that the touch and go

The leaders must be taught to rotate their right hands at the wrist between beats 5-6 and let the
elbow follow so that they end up with their right arm in a “perfect pizzaman” formation tensing and
pushing upwards.
The followers should be taught to maintain contact and tone throughout the “move” ending up in a
“snakes-head” formation with the head pointed towards their own face and their right arm in a
To demonstrate the much more complex lead for the touch-and-keep, teach the right hand lead and
twist in isolation then bring the left hand hold back into the equation.
To ensure that the correct technique is maintained throughout, teach the leaders the significance of
passing the followers right hand from the natural (leaders left, followers right hand) hold across the
corridor (6-7) so that as we get the right-to-right handshake hold on

2-3 classes can be built up from just teaching these leads with very basic or more interesting
endings of more interesting entry methods.

Wraps vs Checks
It is important that a distinction is made between each.
Wraps are generally any movements where the lady is made to wrap into a position within which
she is effectively controlled by virtue of being trapped/wrapped between her own hand/arm and
one of the mans hands/arms. What happens next determines whether it is a true wrap or becomes
a Check.
Checks are movements where the lady is generally travelling in one direction (whether walking or
turning) before her progress is stopped or CHECKED – hence the name) and she is made to either
stop or reverse direction perhaps using a Yoyo movement.
However, the distinction is a very subtle one in some cases. The main difference is exactly where
and when the “pulling” action of the lead is applied and part of this is down to whether the man
breaks back or forward to compliment the lady’s momentum.

More Complex Travelling Wraps & Checks

From a 1-up-1-down
A number of variations where we can easily simply lead the lady in a rocking step motion into a
cross body type lead BUT because they are effectively fully wrapped in a single turn to the right
already they will actually unwrap by executing a 2½ travelling left turn. Although this can be done
more gradually by “borrowing beats” the feet typically describe 1,2,3, ..5 and 6 and 7 and …1 and
the result can also be described as a Whip into Low Lasso.
The multiple variations come from whether this is led into a Low Lasso static or travelling wrap vs
Whip into Low Lasso check AND ALSO if one or both the man’s hands are used.
So we have:
For a 1-up-1-down with man offering his left hand for the ladies right so that he has both hands:
 Then lead a whipped low lasso static wrap (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped low lasso travelling wrap (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped low lasso belly check (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped high lasso (effectively an under-and-over)

For a 1-up-1-down with man so that he only has the ladies left arm in half nelson with his right
 Then lead a whipped low lasso static wrap (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped low lasso travelling wrap (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped low lasso belly check (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped high lasso (effectively an under-and-over)
(NB This is generally harder to lead as the lady tends to want to start turning on 3 but can still get
the ultimate effect).

For a 1-up-1-down with the man changing hands so that he only has the ladies left arm in half
nelson with his left arm:
 Then lead a whipped low lasso static wrap (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped low lasso travelling wrap (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped low lasso belly check (multiple endings)
 Then lead a whipped high lasso (effectively an under-and-over)

From a Double-open hold

Similar to the Improvers section but with more interesting endings

Belly Check Pushovers vs Travelling Wraps

All of the above can then also be taught with different hand-to-hand combinations leading the
Cross Body Turn into wraps.

Neck/Shoulder checks
Identical to above but keep ladies left hand at shoulder/neck level and right hand down so that it
wraps in behind her back half nelson style (multiple endings).

Jesus Check with Broken One and a Half Right Turn to get out, lead with left-to-left handhold.

Half Jesus Check with Broken One and a Half Right Turn to get out, lead with right-to-right

Belly checks.
All variations showing lead into Yoyo, changing into a double right spin or even a Double Yoyo.

Drop Catch & Slam Dunk Variations

Drop Catches are executed with the womans hand dropping and being caught down one specific
side of the mans body whilst slam dunks are where the hand is dropped down the middle of the

Man's Right hand to Ladies Left

 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open then lead a double spin with men’s 5,6,7 half left
turn with drop catch from man’s left shoulder (multiple endings including simple copa fake).
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open then lead a double spin or walking turn with
men’s 5,6,7, half left turn with drop catch from man’s right shoulder catching with the same
right hand (multiple endings including simple copa fake).

Man's Right hand to Ladies right

 Mambo basic, Cross Body and change hand to right-to-right handshake hold then lead a
double spin with men’s 5,6,7 half left turn with drop catch from man’s left shoulder (multiple
endings including simple copa fakes).
 Mambo basic, Cross Body and change hand to right-to-right handshake hold then lead a
double spin with men’s 5,6,7 swivel right turn with drop catch from man’s right shoulder
catching with the same right hand (multiple endings).
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break with change of hand to handshake hold then either
a double right turn with men’s 5,6,7, half left turn with Drop Catch into men’s left hand.
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break then either a double right turn with men’s 5,6,7
swivel half right turn with Drop Catch into men’s right hand.
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break with change of hand to handshake hold then either
a double right turn with men’s 5,6,7 swivel half right turn with Drop Catch into men’s left
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break then either a double right turn with men’s 5,6,7,
half left turn with Slam Dunk into men’s right hand. (Reinforces that Slam Dunks differ from
Drop Catch in what can be done afterwards e.g. turning lady on the spot, Copa etc)
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break with change of hand to handshake hold then either
a double right turn with men’s 5,6,7, half left turn with Slam Dunk into men’s left hand.
(Reinforces that Slam Dunks differ from Drop Catch in what can be done afterwards)

Man's Left hand to Ladies right

Below are variations with leader’s left to follower’s right handhold which have the most number of
variations. Table shows which handhold to start with e.g. leader’s left to follower’s right, which
channel or leader’s shoulder to drop the follower’s hand followed by the variation led with one hand,
two hands or with hand change. All turns are TRAVELLING turns unless otherwise stated.

Starting Hand

Leader’s left
- Right Channel (Drop Catch on RIGHT shoulder, catch with right hand)
- One Hand Lead (leader turning to the LEFT for Drop Catch)
- one and a half outside right turn in pizzaman
- Windmill (follower turning one and a half to the right)
- one and a half inside left turn into hammerlock (keep handhold at waist height)
- inside left turn into neck/shoulder wrap
- inside left turn into Half Jesus check
- double left turn into Half Jesus check
- dipped-whip, two and a half left turn
- dipped-whip, double left turn One-Up, One Down

Follower’s Right
- Left Channel (Drop Catch on LEFT shoulder, catch with left hand)
- One Hand Lead (leader turning to the LEFT for Drop Catch)
- One and a half early Cross Body left turn in pizzaman
- One and a half early Cross Body left turn, over-and-under into hammerlock (leader changes
to right-to-right handhold)
- Windmill (follower turning one and a half to the right, leader finishing with right swivel)
- One and a half right turn in pizzaman (leader finishing with left turn to face partner)

One Hand Lead with Hand Change (leader turning to the LEFT for Drop Catch)
- Throwaway changing from right-to-right to left-to-left hold for one and a half inside left turn
in pizzaman
- Throwaway changing from right-to-right to left-to-left hold for inside left turn into cross belly
- Throwaway changing from right-to-right to left-to-left hold for inside left turn into Half Jesus
- Throwaway changing from right-to-right to left-to-left hold for double left turn into Half Jesus

One Hand Lead with Hand Change (leader turning to the LEFT for Drop Catch)
- Windmill over-and-under into hammerlock (changing to right-to-right hold on 6)
- one and a half early Cross Body left turn in pizzaman (changing to right-to-right on 3, leader
finishing with left turn to face partner)

One Hand Lead with Hand Change (leader turning to the RIGHT for Drop Catch, therefore
becoming a HAND-OFF)
- Throwaway into single left turn in pizzaman on the spot (leader step out to right as if walking
along the circumference of a circle, offering left hand on 3, check on 5)
- Windmill with follower turning one and a half to the right (swapping to left-to-right hold on 5,
leader finishing with half right)
- Windmill into Swapsy – Madness and Mayhem without leader turning (leader offering left
hand on 3, follower turning one and a half to the right finishing with left-to-left hammerlock)
- Windmill into Madness and Mayhem (follower turning one and a half to the right)
- follower’s double right turn on the spot (leader step out to right as if walking along the
circumference of a circle, offering left hand on 3 and facing partner on 3, follower already
turning on 3 with left-to-left pizzaman)
- follower’s double right turn on the spot, One-Up, One-Down – static Madness and Mayhem
(leader step out to right as if walking along the circumference of a circle, offering left hand on
3 and facing partner on 3, follower already turning on 3 with left-to-left pizzaman, leader
finishes with right turn to face partner and swapping to right-to-left handhold)

Two Hand Lead (leader turning to the LEFT for Drop Catch)
- Jesus check on 3 (without turn) with change of place (follower steps forward on 5, then left
and back, leader with mirroring footwork and taking arms over follower’s head on 7)
- Jesus check on 3 (without turn) bouncing follower back (allowing follower to go forward on 5
and taking arms over follower’s head on 7)
- one and a half inside left turn (both arms in pizzaman, then get out using the Big Dipper)
- inside left turn with left-to-left belly check – follower finishes in static (right-to-right in
pizzaman, left-to-left at waist level)
- inside left turn with left-to-left belly check with pull-back (right-to-right in pizzaman, left-to-
left at waist level)
- inside left turn with left-to-left belly check with walk around (right-to-right in pizzaman, left-
to-left at waist level)

Two Hand Lead (leader turning to the LEFT)

- one and a half right turn (leader’s left-to-right in pizzaman, right-to-left at waist level into
- one and a half right turn (both arms in pizzaman)
- belly check crossover with walk back (lead follower across to the right and then back with
right-to-left belly check)
- belly check crossover with pull-back (lead follower across to the right and then back with
right-to-left belly check, bring right arm over follower’s head on 6, leader mirrors follower’s
footwork finishing in front)

Two Hand (leader turning to the RIGHT, therefore a HAND-OFF)

- follower’s Broken Left Turn into travelling wrap (right-to-right in pizzaman, left-to-left in belly
wrap – use handoff rather than Drop Catch). Leader rumba steps to the right on 5 to bring
follower back. After wrap, use back of the forearm to guide follower round and use wrist to
pop her out of the wrap.

More complex Copa Variations

Double-open hold, girls single snap spin keeping both hands then copa led with mans right hand to
Ladies left with multiple possible endings
– copa cogwheel and then into a wrap
– complimentary turn into a hand off
– bring the ladies hand down and then swap hands behind the mans back as he turns
to his left trapping the woman in a belly check

Double-open hold, girls single snap spin keeping both hands and draping ladies left hand behind
her head then copa led with mans right hand to ladies left (using bounce on ladies shoulder).

Mambo basic, Cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake hold, then left-to-left handhold over
the top. Perform Copa then lead with left-to-left handhold with multiple possible endings
– copa cogwheel and then into a wrap
– complimentary turn into a hand off
– bring the ladies hand down and then swap hands behind the mans back as he tunrs
to his left trapping the woman in a belly check (check how easy this is)

Mambo basic, Cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake hold, then left-to-left handhold
underneath, then girls single snap spin keeping both hands to allow the lead of the copa led with
both hands with multiple possible endings
– copa cogwheel
– copa cogwheel into Jesus check allowing the woman to Yoyo on 1,2,3
– copa cogwheel into Jesus check and then pullback on 8 to make woman step back on
– copa cogwheel into Jesus check and then give woman pushover on 1.

Mambo basic, Cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake hold, then left-to-left handhold
underneath. Perform Copa then bring right hand down (point out that that is effectively a One-Up,
One-Down followed by double fold behind ladies back (must stress the timing as well as using the
lady’s arms like rudders to steer and then allow her to overotate until she is almost facing away
from the man allowing her arm to be brought out in an arc in line with her back thus making the
fold easy) – This is good to compare and contrast with the copa fake that goes with it.

Mambo basic, Cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake hold, then left-to-left handhold
underneath. Perform Copa then bring right hand down (point out that that is effectively a One-Up,
One-Down) whilst man turns to his left changing hands as he goes and trapping woman in a half-

Cross Pass into Reverse Copas (behind the back)

- Mambo basic then waist level Cross Pass with man’s half right hook turn, then leading the
Copa behind his back and releasing the lady’s right hand from his left on 3. The lady turns
along the man’s back guided by his outstretched right arm and is collected on beat 7 into
partnership before executing a Cross Body.
- Mambo basic then waist level Cross Pass with man’s half right hook turn, then Copa behind
his back and releasing the lady’s right hand before turning half to left on 3 and guiding the
woman along his arm before collecting her into partnership for a Cross Body lead.
- Mambo basic then waist level Cross Pass with man’s half right hook turn, then Copa behind
the back but maintaining hold on her right hand and whipping it forwards and over her head
as he turns on 3 so that the lady holds her hand in pizzaman before leading out the Copa.
- Mambo basic then Cross Pass with man’s half hook turn then Copa behind the back.

Copa Fake variations Copa Fake with men’s right turn / men’s left turn
These are the only combinations because ladies’ left arm acts as a barrier at waist level.
Follower travelling forward with one and a half right turn.
Double natural handhold to start, then on 3:
- leader’s left-to-right up in pizzaman, leader’s right-to-left at waist height
- leader’s right-to-left up in pizzaman, leader’s left-to-right at waist height
- Right-to-right over left-to-left handhold to start, then on 3:
- leader’s right-to-right up in pizzaman, leader’s left-to-left at waist height
- Left-to-left over right-to-right handhold to start, then on 3:
- leader’s left-to-left up in pizzaman, leader’s right-to-right at waist height

Follower travelling back out from the same direction.

Double natural handhold to start, then on 3:
- leader’s left-to-right up in pizzaman, leader’s right-to-left at waist height
- Right-to-right over left-to-left handhold to start, then on 3:
- leader’s right-to-right up in pizzaman, leader’s left-to-left at waist height

Copa Fake with check

- Copa Fake with double natural handhold with a check, rock left on 5, rock right on 6.
- Copa Fake with double natural handhold with a check, follower does a travelling left turn on

Half Snap Lefts

Ladies’ half snap left, guys hook turn ¾ way round. Drape over girls head on 6. THEN EITHER
Offer L hand underneath for inside turn OR offer hand to push girl back into broken left OR into
belly check and broken left OR inside turn to back to back OR offer left hand underneath for one up
one down into hammer lock, guy turns right on 5,6,7. OR stop girl and push back for a straight
walk OR push back into mambo jazz OR push back turning her into travelling left turn.

Improvers Level
1. CBL, Half snapped left keeping guys R down, stop girl, guys ¾ left and international sign of
the cross body.
2. CB to double open, Half snapped left with both arms up (bringing wrists together), guys right
hook turn to double open hold and drape (not rape) to partnership

Intermediate level
3. Left to left over R to R, Half snapped left, drape over girl’s head on 5,6,7 and guy’s head on

4. As 3 but keep guys L hand down and drape over girl’s head
5. Half snapped left from double open, pull girl back on 4

Advanced level
A number of Variations Used as an ending of another technique which ends with a girl in a left-
armed half-Nelson behind their back.
6. Half snapped left guys keep facing the same direction as girls on 3. Mans right foot steps
across into girls channel on 5 as girl starts figure of 8 with left foot immediately behind him.
- Guys can:
- Keep their right hand down, where their tale would be on 5 with left hand sweeping over
head to left side of channel and making girl do a drape with her right hand on 6 (without looking)
guys can turn either way.
- Take both hands over head slowly joining ladies’ wrists on beat 5 on right side of channel,
then sweeping hands to left side of channel on 6,7 and then crossing the corridor

7. Half snapped left guys turning ¼ turn to right to face their right hand/girls left on 3.
Multiple options their including drape left hand over girl’s head or (at most Adv level guys
executes double right turn on 5, 6, 7 raising their left hands over their heads and bringing it
down again for a hand off behind their backs.

By definition, this is any move that requires a break in the handhold e.g. a touch-and-go can be
classes as a disconnection. This section describes the more interesting disconnection variations
using the body rather than the hands.

- Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open Break with change of hand to handshake hold
with left-to-left over right-to-right. Break back on 1 then into change of place with lady’s half
left turn on beats 2 and 3 (keeping lady’s wrists together), on beat 5 place right-to-right
handhold on man’s left shoulder and bring left-to-left downwards as the man points his right
foot to face partner, on beat 6 man takes left-to-left handhold up in a circular motion and
turning left to step into the channel disconnecting right-to-right handhold, on beat 7 man
finishes left turn and collects lady’s right hand with his right hand. (it helps for the man to
watch the hand as it is being disconnected)
- Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open Break with left-to-left over right-to-right. Man
performs Cross-Hook Turn by doing Broken Left Turn footwork into Jesus Check on beats 1,
2, 3. On 5, man turns to his left by hooking his right foot over his left, bringing the lady
across as she does her Cross Body footwork. On 6, man takes right-to-right handhold over
his head as he continues turning left and places it on his left shoulder by 7. Disconnect
right-to-right handhold on left shoulder as the man performs Cross Body Lead by bringing
left-to-left handhold over man’s head. (it helps for the man to watch the hand as it is being
- Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open Break with left-to-left over right-to-right. Break
back on 1, bring left-to-left handhold to man’s right shoulder and disconnect on beat 2 as he
steps forward to the left of the channel, on beat 3 man performs half left turn to face the
same direction as the lady, collecting left-to-left handhold. Then continue to lead the lady for
one and a half right turn (Variation (1) can keep both arms of the lady up in pizzaman or (2)
right-to-right in pizzaman and left-to-left at waist level into hammerlock). (it helps for the
man to watch the hand as it is being disconnected)
- Mambo basic, Cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake hold. Perform a Copa Fake
by bringing the lady in with her right arm, keeping it at waist level into a hammerlock. On
beat 4, connect with left-to-left handhold and use this to lead the lady for a walk back on 5,
6, 7. Prep the lady with step back on beats 1, 2, 3. Lead lady for a half right turn on beat 5
bringing left-to-left over her head, on beat 6 man turns to his left as he places left-to-left
handhold on his left shoulder, and taking right-to-right handhold over his head on beat 7.
Then on beat 1, as he brings the right-to-right handhold to his left shoulder, disconnect left-
to-left handhold for a Drop Catch catching with his left hand as he continues turning to his
left. On beat 2, disconnect right-to-right handhold as the man brings left-to-left handhold
over his head for a Cross Body Lead. (it helps for the man to watch the hand as it is being
- Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open Break with natural handholds. Use rocking step
to lead lady for one and a half left turn, keeping left-to-left in pizzaman and right-to-right at
waist level for a belly wrap. Check lady on 1, pull lady in a backward direction using man’s
right to lady’s left handhold. Man brings left-to-right handhold to his right shoulder and
disconnects the hold as he brings his right arm upwards and over his head to his left, down
to his waist, before offering his left hand. The lady essentially does a travelling double right
turn by rolling along the man’s back and finishing on his left. (it helps for the man to watch
the hand as it is being disconnected)

Redirections including “Flushing the toilet” and “Ski-lift type” – Continual lead and follows
Related to the 360s/Round the World I PREFER to call them slingshots.
Must train the follower to follow the constant lead in whichever direction – stepping forward as she
goes in normal salsa timing. 5 common variations.

Redirection 1
Lead cross body turn with natural double handholds with both arms up. Lead cross hook turn with
el matador stance and throw lady’s left arm into hammerlock as she performs a cross body (man
can add a full left turn). Lead redirection finishing with a cross pass.

Optional endings:
- Lead redirection, then lady steps forward on 5, man steps forward bringing his left hand over
lady’s head as she snap turns to left on 6, finishing with both arms on man’s shoulder on 7,
both facing the same direction. Man turns left to face partner keeping left-to-right hand and
collecting right-to-left hold.
- Same as above but trapping right-to-left hand on shoulder and draping with left -to-right
- Lead redirection, then lady steps forward on 5, continuing around the man in a Cuban
walkthrough for a walking half left turn followed by a drape.

Redirection 2
Same as first variation but instead of cross pass, lead the lady into a rocking step, dip the left hand
into a double hammerlock so that the lady overturns and the arms are trapped. Lead redirection
with a yo-yo, allow lady to step forward on 5 as the left hand is brought up and she finishes her
one-and-a-half left turn.

Redirection 3
Lead double spin with right-to-right handhold followed by two-and-a-half travelling turn with
shoulder-wrap. Collect left-to-left handhold, finishing with touch-and-keep and man’s full left turn.
Lead cross hook turn with man in Jesus check and throw lady’s left arm into hammerlock as she
performs a cross body finishing left-to-left and right-to-right hold. Lead redirection with

Redirection 4
Left-to-left over right-to-right, lead double spin with touch-and-keep and man’s full left turn. Lead
cross hook turn with man in Jesus check and throw lady’s left arm into hammerlock as she
performs a cross body finishing, men swapping to left-to-right hold behind the back as he turns to
his left and connecting with his right hand to lady’s left arm in hammerlock. Lead lady’s half snap
left turn facing the man’s back followed by drape.

Redirection 5
Left-to-left over right-to-right and lead a cross body turn, keeping right hand at waist level and left
hand up. Lead another cross body turn finishing with man’s arm across the lady’s belly. Redirect
lady using a yo-yo, whilst keeping left hand up throughout the lady’s turn, pull right hand down
and back, keeping hold of the right hand to finish.

Redirection 6
Same as above but redirect lady using a yo-yo, whilst keeping left hand up throughout the lady’s
turn, pull right hand down and back, but then letting go to allow an extra turn for the lady.

Redirection 7
Lead cross body turn with right-to-right hold. Trap lady with man’s left hand on lady’s left shoulder
to redirect lady with a yo-yo, bringing the right arm down and back.

Redirection 8

Similar to above, lead cross body turn with an over-and-under in right-to-right hold. Trap lady with
man’s left hand on lady’s left shoulder to redirect lady with a yo-yo, bringing the right arm down
and back and then take the arm over lady’s head as she finishes her double right travelling turn.

Redirection 9
Lead cross body turn with left-to-right hold keeping the hand at waist level into lady’s hammerlock.
Redirect lady with a yo-yo, bringing the right arm down and then take it over the man’s head as he
performs a half left turn to finish facing partner.

Redirection 10
Same as above but redirect lady with a yo-yo, bringing the right arm down and then take it over the
lady’s head as she finishes her double right travelling turn.

Redirection 11
Double right spin led with left-to-right into hand-off. Lead lady forward then redirect as the man
lunges in the opposite direction on 5, bringing the arm down so the lady turns to her right as the
man turns to his left, swapping to left-to-right hold behind the back.

Redirection 12
Natural double handhold to lead a snap right turn keeping right hand at waist level, lady finishes
behind the man as he takes left arm over his head, keeping hold of both hands. Lead lady into half
snap left turn, taking the left hand over her head, finishing with a drape.


Travelling Spins 1
Natural double handhold leading a triple travelling spin with right-to-left hold, two-up one-down
with man finishing in hammerlock and lady finishing behind the man and facing the same
direction. With his right arm in hammerlock, man breaks forward to lead a copa, taking the right
arm up out the way to clear the lady’s head.

Travelling Spins 2
Same as above but with three-up, taking right-to-left hold over to man’s left shoulder. Finish with a
copa lead.

Interesting variations of “Odd” themes

- Back Break Belly Check Bounce
- Cha Cha Check

Travelling two and a half turns

Simple Slow (Borrowing beats)
Double-open hold, girls single snap spin keeping both hands before setting up the woman with a
rocking step and the travelling slowly on natural beats (5,6,7, 1,2,3)

Dipped-Whip two and a half turns (over & under)

(2 variations in):

and multiple variations out including Cross Body two and a half turns

Copas with 2-and-a-half travel

- Mambo basic, Cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake hold, then left-to-left
handhold underneath. Perform Copa with 2-and-a-half travel then bring right hand down
(point out that that is effectively a One-Up, One-Down) whilst man turns to his left changing
hands as he goes and trapping woman in a half-nelson.
- Mambo basic, Cross Body changing to right-to-right handshake hold, then left-to-left
handhold underneath, then girls single snap spin keeping both hands to allow the lead of the
Copa with 2-and-a-half travel led with both hands with multiple possible endings

Odd Drop Catch Variations

Mambo basic then Cross Pass. Men’s right hand over the top then Pretzel change of place turn
behind back (maintaining handhold) then execute men’s Walking Right Turn followed by men’s
5,6,7, half left turn into a Slam Dunk.

Odd Windmills
 Mambo basic then Cross Pass. Men’s right hand over the top very low to make contact with
the ladies’ right forearm, then Windmill into Drop Catch.
 Madness & Mayhem (see earlier)
 1-up-1-down followed by windmill into a wrap before possible mambojazz/accent/opposition.
 Rolling Windmill Cogwheel
 Matrix

There are a variety of folds and many more if you introduce the element of choreography (WHICH IS
NOT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT – that is fine for the occasional fun class or weekender)

The most important link in the 5-6 variations that we teach is that they are all leadable from
natural movements and simply require that the followers understand the general concept of folding
the arms at the elbows and that they are possible. The key factor with all of them is that the ladies
arms are folded only when they are in line with the ladies back AND THUS there is no danger of
injuring the lady as she is only required to let the arm fold neatly behind the back AND KEEP IT

- Swapsie into ladies left arm fold – 2-3 variants

- Double-open hold leading lady into cross-body turn with man turning right to face away from
the woman under the arms – from here he can fold the ladies left arm behind her back and
then turn in either direction with differing results
- Folding ladies left arm during a cross hook turn

NB Folding the ladie’s right arm is less common because of the lesser prevalence of rightwards
travelling turns.

- Double folds behind backs

- Flick fold from a Cross pass into Belt Loop (most difficult)

Throwaways vs Cast Off Variations - Cast Off – name comes from Cuban Pete where he used to
throw or cast off his hat to indicate to his partner where to go, to differentiate from the normal
Cuban step pattern.

 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break then Throwaway (men’s back step on 5 “collapses”
diagonally as in Broken Left Turn) into Low Five, keeping hold of ladies’ left hand with men’s
left hand simultaneously lead ladies’ Broken Left Turn, men’s 5,6,7, left turn then into
breaking forward for a partnership hold into Cross Body.
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break with elastic extensions (LA style) before bringing
ladies into Cast Off. (For Cast Off, men step into channel on beat 5 and left pivot turn on 6.
Practise both head level (high) and waist level (low) Cast Off.)
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break with elastic extensions bringing ladies into high
level outside one and a half right turns led at head height into a drape over ladies’ head.
Come out using Walking Half Right Turn with ladies’ right hand held high and men
executing a simultaneous 5,6,7, left turn then back into partnership using a cheat.
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break with elastic extensions bringing ladies into low level
outside one and a half right turn led at waist height wrapping ladies behind men’s back.
Come out using windmill type movement draping over ladies’ head.
 Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break with elastic extensions bringing ladies into low level
outside one and a half right turns lead at waist level behind ladies’ back, men turn to face
ladies and execute an In-and-Out.

Cross Hook Turns

Based upon leading the follower through a stylised-variant of the Cross body where the
momentum/lead is given by the leader executing a hook turn on either beat 2 or beat 5.

Shine Theory and where they should really be used in music

 The 3 different types of shines (closed, open and semi-open or semi-closed) and how to get into
them and out of them. These can develop into individual lessons especially when combined
within simple combinations. Sample classes:
1. Mambo basic, Cross Body to Closed position with man facing 45 degree angle braced stance
leaving space for lady’s shines e.g. crossover. Then Cross Body Turn to get out (5 x 8 counts
aimed at teaching determined leads. Reinforce men not able to do shines and they control
shines Rule 1: Men choose when to start and stop shines, Rule 2: Men don’t do shines.)
2. Mambo basic, Cross Body to Double Open (Semi-Open Position) with men in braced “horse”
stance. Ladies go first, then men and then back into partnership with a cheat and Cross Body.
(2 lots of 5 x 8 counts aimed at teaching determined leads done back to back for comparison.
Reinforce ladies go first – HOW DO men know when lady has finished Rule 1: Ladies go first,
men second (men must support ladies), Rule 2: Men must wait for ladies to finish their shines
(by breaking forward or doing a body roll), Rule 3: Men can interrupt shines if partner is in
danger (or taking too long!)
3. Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break then New York into Open shines. Finish shines then
get back into partnership. Mambo basic, Cross Body to Open Break then Throwaway into Low
Five into Open shines. Finish shines then get back into partnership. (5 x 8 counts aimed at
teaching the smooth timing of break in ladies’ left turn and reinforcing what ladies can do whilst
man is turning re. styling etc) - Rule 1: Whoever gets there first gets to start, Rule 2: Ladies
must wait for one basic or men to start their shines before starting, Rule 3: Men must wait for
ladies to finish their shines, Rule 4: Ladies have to respect the men when getting back into

Shines (updated)
8 beat shines
Suzy Q, Suzy Q Drop, Front Double Cross, Syncopated Front Double Cross, Rumba Cross, Rumba
Walk, Rumba Drop, Bicycle, Sailor, Chord Beat, Pachanga, Spiral, Hook Step, Hook Flick, Heel Toe,
Half Flare, Sliding Doors, Bouncing Ball, Syncopated Bouncing Ball, Chuck & 8 Ball Chuck, Cuban
Mambo Step, Whiny Whiny, Crossover Suzy, Kick Toe Swivel, Front Toe Tap, Five Toe Tap

16-32 beat shines

Mambo Flare, Grapevine, Chord Beat Grapevine, Heel Toe Grapevine, Chord Beat Angle Tap Slide,
Full Flare, Double Spiral, Forward and Reverse Slide, Triple Spiral, Suzy Q Plus, Slave Suzy,
Uptown/Downtown Suzy, Cuban, Ghetto Fabulous

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