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Mid Term Examination 2024

Future Stars’ Public High School Tasp

P/C:93007/ 03368896498

Subject: Biology For Class 9th Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Total Marks: 100 Passing Marks: 40
Note: Question N0 1 is compulsory. Attempt 06 questions from PART B and 4 questions from PART C.
QN01: Choose the correct answers. (20)
1- Brassica campestris is the scientific name of;
(a) Wheat b) Rice c) Mustard d) Corn
2- the carrier of dengue virus from person to person is:
(a) aedes b) anopheles c) culex d) insects
3- the classification of living organisms by Aristotle based on:
(a) mode of nutrition b) excretion c) reproduction d) respiration
4- Zea mays is the botanical name of:
(a) Frog b) Corn c) Rice d) Wheat
5- Which one of the following is founder of classification:
(a) Robert Whittaker b) Darwin c) Aristotle d) Bu Ali Sina
6- Basic unit of classification is:
(a) Kingdom b) Species c) Family d) Order
7- The bio element that has least percentage in the living organism is:
(a) Phosphorus b) Nitrogen c) Calcium d) Hydrogen
8- The subject biology is divided into:
(a) Two main division b) Three main division c) Four main division d) Five main division
9- Mushroom belongs to:
(a) Kingdom plantae b) Kingdom animalia c) Kingdom Monera d) None of these
10- The information obtained from observations and experiments are called:
(a) Data b) Deduction c) Scientific law d) Scientific theory

(B Part) Define any 4 from the following terms. (3x4=12)

1) Deforestation 2) Biodiversity 3) Meaning of malaria 4) Biology 5) Tissue 6) Physiology
7) Homologous organ
(C Part) Put “T” for true and “F” for false statements.
i. The word “biology’ has been derived from two Greek words
ii. The study of internal structure of living organisms is called physiology
iii. The first step to solve a biological problem is observation
iv. When a hypothesis is proved by a series of experiments then it is called a scientific law
v. The diversity of animals is known as fauna
vi. Homologous structure are those organs who have similar function and different structure
vii. Two kingdom system is based on mode of nutrition
viii. Abdul malik Asmai was an expert plant science
QN02: Give shorts answers of the following. (Do any six) (5x6=30)
1- What is science?
2- What is biotechnology?
3- Briefly describe the experiments of Ronald ross on malaria.
4- What is importance of biodiversity?
5- Why Aristotle is called father of classification of living organisms?
6- What are the contribution of Jabir bin Hayan in biology?
7- Is mathematics an integral part of scientific process?
8- What is the importance of biology?
Write detail answers of the following Questions. (Answer any four questions) (10x4=40)
QN03: What do you know about the relationship of biology with other science?
QN04: Explain four steps (observation, hypothesis, formulation, experimentation) of a biological method to solve a biological problem.
QN05: Write a note on the structure of virus (Bacteriophage).
QN06: Describe the five kingdoms system of living organisms.
QN07: What do you know about the organism level?
QN08: Write a detailed note on the experiment of Italian scientist on human being to find the cause of malaria.
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