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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (First Year- Secondary)

Prepared By: Kim Bongalbal

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Determine the problems that occur within and damage relationships.
2. Evaluate the story's plot.
3. Perform a short role play that illustrates the lesson of the story.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: A Boy Who Cried Wolf
Reference: Folktale Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples
Materials: Visual Aids, PowerPoint and Printed Materials
Skills: Participation skills, Listening and Reading Comprehension

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

“Good Morning Class.” “Good morning, Ma’am”

Please, kindly arrange your chairs properly (The students will arrange their chairs)
to keep yourself comfortable.

Everyone, please stand up for the opening (The students will rise)

Carl will lead us a prayer. (Carl will lead the prayer)

Thank you, Carl. You may now take your (The students will sit)

How are you lately, my dear students? We are all good, ma’am.

That’s good to hear, before I discuss the

lesson, let me check your attendance first.

Who are the absents? (Students will tell who are the absent for
today’s class)

Last meeting, we’ve discussed the

advantages and disadvantages of being a
Who among you recalls our topic yesterday? “The group's leader motivates people to
reach the goal and encourages
interaction and communication.
However, the disadvantage is taking a
risk can have negative results. Also, lack
of trust.
Great! Very good. I hope you learned
something wonderful yesterday.

B. Motivation

Have you ever attempted to prank someone

or make someone laugh by saying
something that wasn't true?
(Jade is raising his right hand)
Yes, Jade. What happened?

To be honest ma’am, I’ve pranked my

Sometimes we like to try to play tricks on youngest sister that her cat was missing
our family or friends to be silly. That can be even though it wasn’t true.
fun, but, even when playing a trick or being
silly, it is important to be honest.

In your own definition, what is being


(Ysch wants to express her opinion)

Yes? Ysch.

For me, telling the truth means being

That’s very accurate, Ysch. So, people may honest. This means that you explain what
trust you and recognize that what you are actually happened.
expressing is always true when you are
C. Presentation of the Lesson

A while ago, I asked you about honesty.

Today, we’ll read the poem entitled A Boy
Who Cried Wolf. I’m looking forward for you
my dear students that you’ll learn
something new today as we discuss the tale.

D. Development of the Lesson

“Yes, ma’am”
I want you to read and analyze this story
and later on, we’ll be doing some activities.

The Boy who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time, there was a shepherd

boy who used to take his flock of sheep to
the hill to graze on the fresh green grass.
Sitting there, he had nothing to do the
whole day. One day, an idea struck him.

To overcome his boredom, he cried out,

“wolf! Wolf!” All the men came running
with their sticks and to their dismay found
no wolf! The boy laughed. Again after a few
days, he cried out, “wolf! Wolf!” and the
villagers again came running up the hill only
to find that the shepherd boy had fooled
them. He laughed and laughed, seeing that
he had succeeded in fooling them again.

However, this time, the villagers were very

angry, and they told him that the next time
he cries out for help, they would not come.
The next day when his flock of sheep was
grazing, he suddenly saw a wolf. He cried
out aloud “Wolf! Wolf!” No one came to
rescue his sheep.

The shepherd boy returned home crying

only with few of his sheep. The wolf had
taken away one of his sheep, and few of his
sheep had fled. From that day onwards, he
promised never to lie again.
After reading the story, let’s answer the
“Throughout the story, a shepherd boy
“What is the story about?” misleads nearby villagers into believing
that a wolf is threatening his town's flock.
The folks assume it is another false alarm
until a wolf truly does approach, and the
sheep are killed by the wolf before the
boy can call for help once more.”

“The main boy, his flock, the villagers,

“What would you say about the and the wolf are among the characters in
characters?” "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." The boy's job
is to maintain the sheep’s unity and
protect them from danger.”

“The sheep is destroyed when a wolf

What important lesson is conveyed by "The actually does show up because the
Boy Cried Wolf"? villagers do not believe the boy's calls for
rescue. The lesson of the story is that
those who lie will not achieve; even when
they tell the truth, no one will trust

E. Application

Each team will create a short roleplay based

on the story.



F. Generalization

“There is no believing a liar, even when they

speak the truth.”

“People trust you when you are truthful.”

“If you consistently tell lies whether it's for

attention, or any other reason people will
ultimately figure it out and stop believing
whatever you say, even when you're telling
the truth.”

G. Valuing
(Students will response)
My dear students, did you learn something
This tale conveys the moral that even
Mary, what did you learn from the story? when a liar is stating the truth, people
will not believe him. Every student should
read the children's version of "The Boy
Who Cried Wolf" and apply the moral
from it.

“As well as to you, ma’am.”

Great job, students! All of you did well

IV. Evaluation
Fill the missing words to complete the sentence.

1. There was a _____ boy who used to take his _____

2. All the men came_____ with their _____ and to their _____ found
3.______ that he had succeeded in ______ them again
4. The _______ when his flock of sheep was______, he suddenly saw a wolf
5. From that day ______, he ______ never to ____ lie again.

V. Assignment

 Write a little story about someone who lied. It might be a kid, a parent, a
politician, a coworker, or anybody you want.

 Write a brief story in which the same event happens three times, but with slight
changes each time. It might be about three birthdays, three communication
breakdowns, three jokes, or three accidents, for example.

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