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Carl Morgan and Art Johnson share an apartement. The two young men are there now.

Art : I’am going to walk down to the drugstore.

Do you want anything ?

Carl : Have we got any toothpaste?

Art : We have got a little. I will get another tube.

What kind do you want?

Carl : It doesn’t matter.

I need some razor blades, too.
And I haven’t got any shaving cream.

Art : Why don’t you come along?

Carl : Okay. Say, I forgot to go to the bank.

Have you got any money?

Art : Let’s see … Yes, I have got about $ 12.00.

That’s plenty.
I will lend you some.
Come on, let’s go.

Reading : Two kinds of people

There are two kinds of people. One kind likes to get up early in the
morning. The other kind likes to stay in bed.
Art Johnson is the first kind. He gets up early, brushes his teeth,
shaves, takes a shower, combs his hair and gets dressed. He has enough time
to eat a good breakfast and walk to work.
Carl Morgan, his roommate, likes to stay in bed. He does the same
things Art does when he gets up, but he does them in a hurry. He runs to
work. He’s usually late.
Yesterday Carl got up early and had enough time to get ready before
he went to work. He felt much better all day.
That night, like all the Carls in the world, he said to himself, “Why
don’t I do this every day?”

( short dialogs for comprehension )

Carl : Did you get the toothpaste?
Art : Yes. Have you got everything?
Carl : I don’t have the shaving cream yet.
Oh, here it is.
Art : Ok. Let’s check out. Here’s $5.00.
Carl : Thanks. I will pay you back tomorrow.

Mrs. Low : How much are these hairbrushes?
Clerk : They are $4.98.
Mrs. Low : And the combs?
Clerk : They’re 98@

Mr. Mott ; I have a prescription.
Druggist : All right.
We’ll call you when it’s ready.
Mr. Mott : How long does it take ?
Druggist : Oh, it usually takes about 20 minutes. Let’s see what it is.
Yes- about 20 minutes, I’d say.

Ann : Do you have Brightness shampoo/
Clerk ; No, I’m sorry.
We don’t carry that brand.
Ann : I can’t find the aspirin either.
Clerk ; That’s in Aisle 7, Miss.

Mary : I have a roll of film to be developed.
Clerk : All right. Your name?
Mary : Mary Wright. W-r-i-g-h-t
How long does it take?
Clerk ; It takes two full days.
Come back Wednesday after 5:00.

Brenda : Do you know where the bandaids are?
Clerk : Yes, They are right here on the bottom shelf.
Brenda : Oh, thanks. Do I pay you?
Clerk : No, Please take it to the cashier.

Cashier : Will that be all?
Dick ; yes.
Cashier : That’s $4.94 and 20c tax.
$5.14 all togather.

Listen to the dialog until you can understand it easily. Learn the new words.
Carl is in the apartment watching TV when Art returns from down town.

Carl : Hi, Where have you been ?

Art : Downtown. Say, I saw Betty a few minutes ago.
Carl : Oh? How is she?
Art : Just fine.
Carl : She didn’t say anything about Carla, did she?
Art : Yes, She got home late last night.
Her mother’s all right now.
Carl : Good.
Art : Say, are you busy Saturday?
Do you want to take the girls out to dinner and to a movie?
Carl : No, I guess not. I’ve only got $20 until payday.
Say, I’ve got an idea though.
Why don’t we invite them to dinner here?
And there’s a great movie on TV Saturday night.
We can watch that after dinner.
Art : What will we do, get something at the delicatessen?
Carl : No, we will cook here. We’ll have a Chinese meal.
Art : Gosh, Carl, I don’t know anything about that.
Carl : I do. I learned to make two or three dishes when I was in the Far
Art : Well. If you are sure …
Carl : Of course I am.
I will cook the meal.
You clean up the apartment Saturday and get everything ready.
Art : Well, Let’s call them up and invite them.


1. Where was Art ?

2. What’was Carl doing when Art came home ?
3. Who did Art see ?
4. Who’s Betty ?
5. Who did Carl ask Art about ?
6. What did Art answer ?
7. Where do you think Carla was ?
8. When did she get home ?
9. Didn’t Carl want to take the two girls out to dinner ?
10.What did he want to do ?
11.Did Carl learn to cook Chinese food ?
12.What’s Art going to do Saturday while Carl cooks the meal ?

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