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Write Mathematical Notation in LaTeX​

1 Directions for use​

After reading this document, Evasolvers will be able to type mathematical notation with LaTeX
referring to the LaTeX Math Cheatsheet in order that all mathematical notation solvers type
can be recognized and read correctly by algorithm. Evasolvers are required to master the LaTeX
command of mathemtical notation.​

Notice for use​

When to use LaTeX to write mathematical notation​

During the Edit process, in Analysis section, mathematical notation is not required to be
written in LaTeX form when using $$ shows nothing different but the fonts. If solvers have
typed any notation in $$, there is no need to delete it.​
◦ For example, both $AB=1$ and AB=1 are acceptable, since the difference is that they are
showcased in different fonts, not the form.​
◦ For example, $\frac{1}{2}$ will be displayed as​ 1 ​,it cannot be written as 1/2. ​

Likewise, superscripts, subscripts, fractions, radicals etc. must be typed in LaTeX form.​

Special occasions and other instructions​
LaTeX for AI recommended Steps: ​
◦ When editing the Steps in Question Analysis, Evasolvers must type the notation in LaTeX
form in the current step if solvers need the next step to be generated by AI
◦ If solvers would like to click "Require" in the current step to get the content of the AI
recommended step, solvers will have to write mathematical notation in the current step
with LaTeX.​

2 LaTeX Math Cheatsheet​

•1 Basic operation symbols (50)​
Output​ LaTeX Command​ Pronunciation​ Note​

1​ ​ x2 ​ $x^{2}$​ x squared​
2​ ​ xa ​ $x^{a}$​ x to the power of a​ If a=3,then
pronounced "x cubed".​
3​ ​N ​ $\mathbb{N}$​ Natural numbers​
4​ ​Z ​ $\mathbb{Z}$​ Integers​
5​ ​ Z+ ​ $\mathbb{Z}^{+}$​ Positive integers​
6​ ​ N+ ​ $\mathbb{N}^{+} Positive natural numbers​
7​ ​ a ​
​ $\sqrt{a}$​ square root of A​
8​ ​ 3
a ​
​ $\curt{a}$​ cube root of A​
9​ ​ b
a ​
​ $\sqrt[b]{a}$​ b-th root of A​ b is not 2, not 3​
10​ ​ ab ​ ​
$a_{b}$​ A sub b​
11​ ​ ab ​ $\frac{a}{b}$​ a over b(If the numbers are a over b​
big, like a is 1778, b is 2113;

We can use a over B or a

divided by b)​
12​ ​ a cb ​ ​
$a\frac{c}{b}$​ A and c over b​
13​ ​ a + bi ​ $a+bi$​ A plus b i​
14​ ​≥ ​ $\ge$ or $≥$​ is greater than or equal to​
15​ ​≤ ​ $\le$ or $≤$​ is smaller than or equal to​
16​ ​> ​ $\gt$ or $>$​ is greater than​
17​ ​< ​ $\lt$ or $<$​ is less than​ Or “is smaller than”​
18​ ​≈ ​ $\approx$ or $≈$​ is approximately equal to​
19​ ​− ​ $-$​ minus​ Or “negative”​
20​ ​+ ​ $+$​ plus​ Or “positive”​
21​ ​± ​ $\pm$​ Plus or minus​ It may also refer
to"positive or negative"
22​ ​a⋅b ​ $a\cdot b$​ a times b​ Except multiplication, it
may have different
meanings in different
23​ ​a×b ​ $a\times b$ or A times b​ Or “A multiplied by
$a×b$​ b”​
24​ ​a÷b ​ $a\div b$ or A divided by b​
25​ ​≫ ​ $\gg$​ is much greater than​
26​ ​≪ ​ $\ll$ Is much less than​
27​ ​ $f(x)= Function f(x) is equal to 2
\begin{cases} {2- minus x when x is less than 1,
f (x) = {
2 − x (x < 1)
2x−1 (x ≥ 1)
​ ​

x}& (x < 1)\\ 2^{x- and 2 to the power of the

​ 1}& (x\ge1) difference between x and 1
\end{cases}$​ when x is greater than or
equal to 1​
28​ ​∞ ​ $\infty$​ infinity​
29​ ​=
 ​ $\ne$ or $≠$​ is not equal to​
30​ ​ a(b) ​ $a(b)$​ If a is a function, it can be read Or a times (b); b
as a of b​ represents an
31​ ​ ∣a∣ ​ $|a|$​ The absolute value of a​
32​ ​ a% ​ $a\%$​ a percent​
33​ ​ loga N ​ $\log_{a}{N}$​

Log to the base a of N​
34​ ​ log N ​ $\log{N}$​ Log to the base 10 of N​
35​ ​ ln N ​ $\ln{N}$​ The natural log of N ​ Or “natural logarithms
of N”​
36​ ​ (a, b) ​ $(a,b)$​ parentheses A B​ It can also refer to
coordinates (A,b).​
37​ ​ (a, b] ​ $(a,b]$​ Greater than a (does not It's probably
include a) and less than or unreadable because of
equal to b​ the character length​
38​ ​ [a, b) ​ $[a,b)$​ Greater than or equal to a and
less than b ( does not include ( does not include b)​
39​ ​ [a, b] ​ $[a,b]$​ Closed interval a, b​
40​ ​ a∘ ​ $a^{\circ}$​ a degrees​
41​ ​ a∘ C ​ $a^{\circ}C$​ a degrees Celsius​
42​ ​ cm ​ $\rm{cm}$​ centimeter​
43​ ​ kg ​ $\rm{kg}$​ kilogram​

44​ ​ mL ​ $\rm{mL}$​ milliliter​

45​ ​ m2 ​ $\rm{m}^2$​ square meter​
46​ ​ ⟨a, b⟩ ​ $\langle\boldsym The angle between vector a
bol{a}, and vector b
47​ ​ xˉ ​ $\bar{x}$​ X bar​
48​ ​ x^ ​ $\hat{x}$​ X hat​ Represents an
estimate/prediction of
a value​

2 Sets and Geometry (42)​

Output​ LaTeX Command​ Pronunciation​ Note​

1​ ​ A ∈ B ​ $A\in B$​ a is in B​
2​ ​ A ∈/ B ​ $A\notin B$​ a is not in B​
3​ ​∅ ​ $\emptyset$​ empty set ​
4​ ​ A ⫋ B ​ $A\subsetneqq A is a subset of but not equal
B$​ to B​
5​ ​ A ⊆ B ​ $A\subseteq B$​ A is a subset of B​
6​ ​ A ⫌ B ​ $A\supsetneqq A is a superset of but not
B$​ equal to B​
7​ ​ A ⊇ B ​ $A\supseteq B$​ A is a superset of B
8​ ​a⊂b ​ $a\subset b$​ A is a proper subset of B​
9​ ​a
⊂b ​ $a\not\subset b$​ A is not a proper subset of B​
10​ ​a
⊃b ​ $a\not\supset b$​ A is not a proper superset of B​
11​ ​a⊃b ​ $a\supset b$​ A is a proper superset of B ​
12​ ​A∪B ​ $A\cup B$​ A union B​ Or “The union of A and
B”,or “A or B”​
13​ ​A∩B ​ $A\cap B$​ A intersect B​ Or “The intersection of
A and B”,or “A and
14​ ​ ∁U A ​ $\complement_{ Complement of A in U​

15​ ​ ⊙O ​ $\odot O$​ Circle O​

16​ Geometry​
17​ ​ A′ ​ $A'$​ A prime​ Or“not A”​
18​ ​a∥b ​ $a\parallel b$​ A is parallel to b​
19​ ​a∦b ​ $a\nparallel b$​ A is not parallel to b​
20​ ​ ∠ABC ​ $\angle ABC$​ Angle ABC​
21​ ​ △ABC ​ $\triangle ABC$​ Triangle ABC​
22​ ​a⊥b ​ $a\perp b$​ A is perpendicular to b​
23​ ​a∼b ​ $a\sim b$​ A is similar to b​
24​ ​a≅b ​ $a\cong b$​ A is congruent to b​
25​ ​ tan A ​ $\tan A$​ tangent of angle A​
26​ ​ cos ​ $\cos$​ cosine​
27​ ​ sin ​ $\sin$​ sine​
28​ ​ cot ​ $\cot$​ cotangent​
29​ ​ sec ​ $\sec$​ Secant​
30​ ​ csc ​ $\csc$​ cosecant​
31​ ​ arcsin ​ $\arcsin$​ arcsine
32​ ​ arccos ​ $\arccos$​ arccosine​
33​ ​ arctan ​ $\arctan$​ arctangent​
34​ ​ sin−1 ​ $\sin^{-1}$​ inverse Sine​
35​ ​ cos−1 ​ $\cos^{-1}$​ inverse Cosine​
36​ ​ tan−1 ​ $\tan^{-1}$​ inverse Tangent​
37​ ​ $Rt\triangle ABC$​ Right triangle ABC​

38​ ​⌢
AB ​
$\overset{\LARGE Arc AB​ Arc from point A to
{\frown}}{AB}$​ point B​

39​ ⌢​
​ ABC $\overset{\LARGE Arc ABC​ Usually used when
{\frown}} radius is unknown​
40​ ​ AB ​ $\overline{AB}$​ Line Segment AB​ Line from Point A to
Point B​
41​ ​ AB ​ $\overleftrightarr Line AB​ Infinite line​
42​ ​ AB ​ $\overrightarrow{ Ray AB​ Line start from point A ​

3 Statistics (11)​
Output​ LaTeX Command​ Pronunciation​ Note​

1​ ​ $P(A)$​ The probability of event A​

P (A)

2​ ​ $P(A\cup B)$​ The probability of event A
P (A ∪ B ) happening or B happening ​

3​ ​ $P(A\cap B)$​ The probability of event A and
P (A ∩ B) B happening ​

4​ ​ P (A∣B) ​ $P(A|B)$​ The conditional probability of
event A given event B ​
5​ ​ E(X) ​ $E(X)$​ Expectation of random
variable X​
6​ ​ var(X) ​ $var(X)$​ Variance of random variable X​
7​ ​ σ2 ​ ${\sigma}^2$​ Sigma squared​ Represents Variance of
random variable​
8​ ​ σX ​ ${\sigma}_X$​ Standard deviation of random
variable X​

9​ ​ $cov(X,Y)$​ Covariance of random

cov(X, Y ) variables X and Y

10​ ​ ρX ,Y ​ ${\rho}_{X,Y}$​ correlation coefficient of
random variables X and Y​

11​ ​ Aˉ ​ $\bar{A}$​ A bar ​ Mean of a sample ​

4 Greek letters (23)​

Output​ LaTeX Command​ Pronunciation​ Note​

1​ ​α ​ $\alpha$​ alpha​
2​ ​β ​ $\beta$​ beta​
3​ ​γ ​ $\gamma$​ gamma​
4​ ​δ ​ $\delta$​ delta​
5​ ​ϵ ​ $\epsilon$​ epsilon​
6​ ​ε ​ $\varepsilon$​ varepsilon​
7​ ​ζ ​ $\zeta$​ zeta​
8​ ​ζ ​ $\eta$​ eta​
9​ ​θ ​ $\theta$​ theta​
10​ ​π ​ $\pi$​ pi​
11​ ​ρ ​ $\rho$​ rho​
12​ ​λ ​ $\lambda$​ lambda​
13​ ​μ ​ $\mu$​ mu​
14​ ​ξ ​ $\xi$​ xi​
15​ ​ϕ ​ $$\phi$$​ phi​
16​ ​ψ ​ $$\psi$$​ psi​
17​ ​Ω ​ $\Omega$​ omega​
18​ ​ω ​ $\omega$​ omega​
19​ ​δ ​ $\delta$​ delta​
20​ ​Δ ​ $\Delta$​ Delta​
21​ ​ 000∘ 00′ ​ $000^{\circ}00'$​ Zero degree and zero minute​
22​ ​ AB ​ $\vec{AB}$​ Vector a b​
23​ ​ ∣∣AB ∣∣ ​ $||\vec{AB}||$​ The magnitude of vector a b​

5 Other symbols (23)​

Output​ LaTeX Command​ Pronunciation​ Note​

1​ ​ a Pb ​​ ​
$_aP_b$​ Permutation of a and b​
2​ ​ a Cb ​​ ​
$_aC_b$​ Combination of a and b ​
3​ ​x→a ​ $x\to a$​ X approaches a​
4​ n $\sum_{i=1}^{n} summation of a sub i, i from 1
​ ∑ ai ​ ​ ​

a_i$​ to n​

5​ n $\prod_{i=1}^{n} Product of a sub i,i from 1 to n​

​ ∏ ai ​ ​ ​


6​ ​ $\int_{a}^{b} The definite integral of f(x)

f (x)dx
f(x)dx$​ from a to b​

7​ ​ n→∞
lim ​ $\lim\limits_{n\to Limit as n approaches infinite​

8​ ​ x→0
lim ​ ​
$\lim_{x \to 0}$​ Limit as X approaches zero​
9​ ​ y′ ​ $y'$​ Y prime​
10​ ​z ​ $\overline{z}$​ Z bar​

11​ ​ n! ​ $n!$​ n factorial​

12​ ​p∧q ​ $p\land q$​ P and q​
13​ ​p∨q ​ $p\lor q$​ P or q​
14​ ​ ∼p ​ $^{\sim} p$​ Not p​
15​ ​∃ ​ $\exists$​ There Exists​
16​ ​∀ ​ $\forall$​ For all或For every​
17​ ​p→q ​ $p\rightarrow q$​ P implies q​
18​ ​p
→q ​ $p\not\rightarro P does not imply q​
w q$​
19​ ​ p ↔ q ​ $p\leftrightarrow Double implication; p if and
q$​ only if q​
20​ ​ 0 . 3⋅ 4⋅ 5⋅ ​ $\stackrel{} Zero point three four five,
{0}.\stackrel{\cdot three four five recurring​
​ ​ ​ ​

21/18​ ​ $\stackrel{}{0} . Zero point one two three four
0 . 12345 \stackrel{}{1} five, three four five recurring.​
⋅ ⋅ ⋅

​ \stackrel{}{2}
22​ ​ $3.1415926\cdots 3 point 1415926 and so on
3.1415926 ⋯ $​ nonrecurring ​

23​ ​ $\left[\begin{mat Or Just read“ the matrix”​
rix}0 & 1 & 2 &
⎡0 1 2 ⋯8⎤ \cdots & 8\\1 & 2
& 3 & \cdots &
2 3 ⋯9⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮⎥
⎣5 7 ⋯ 13⎦

9\\\vdots & \vdots


​ & \vdots & \ddots

& \vdots\\5 & 6 &
7 & \cdots &

6 New (18)​
Output ​ LaTeX Command​ Pronunciation​ Note​

1​ ​= ​ $=$​ is equal to; equals​

2​ ​ ∠A ​ $\angle A$​ Angle A​
3​ ​ m∠A ​ $m\angle A$​ Measure of angle A​
4​ ​
≅ ​ $\not\cong$​ is not congruent to​

5​ ​ ▱ABCD ​ $\text{▱}ABCD$​ Parallelograms with vertices A.

B, C, and D​
6​ ​ L.A. ​ $L.A.$​ Lateral area​
7​ ​ S.A. ​ $S.A.$​ surface area​
8​ ​ n − gon ​ $n-gon$​ Polygon with n sides​
9​ ⌢​
​ mAB $m\overset{\LARG Measure of Arc AB​ The length
E{\frown}}{AB}$​ of arc AB​
10​ ​a:b ​ $a:b$​ a to b​
11​ ​ detA ​ $det A$​ determinant of matrix A​
12​ ​∗ ​ $*$​ Multiply ​ (in a
13​ ​/ ​ $/$​ Divide ​ (in a
14​ ​ $3x+(5+3-2x)$​ three x plus parenthesis five
3x + (5 + 3 − 2x) plus three minus 2x ​

15​ ​ 3x(x + 3) ​ $3x(x+3)$​ three x times parenthesis x plus
16​ ​ f (g(x)) ​ $f(g(x))$​ F of g of x​

17​ ​ (f ∘ g)(x) ​ $(f∘g)(x)$ or Function f composed with g of

$(f\circ g)(x)$​ x​

18​ ​ x1,2 = ​​ $x_{1,2}=$ the roots x one and x two both

equal to ​

7 Common unit symbols (62)​

Output​ LaTeX Command​ Pronunciation​ Note​

Length​ in ​ $\rm{in}$​ Inch; inches​

2​ ft ​ $\rm{ft}$​ foot; feet​
3​ yd​ $\rm{yd}$​ yard; yards​
4​ mi​ $\rm{mi}$​ mile; miles​
5​ rod​ $\rm{rod}$​ rod; rods​
6​ fur​ $\rm{fur}$​ furlong; furlongs​
Area​ in²​ $\rm{in}^2$​ square inch; square
7​ inches​
8​ ft²​ $\rm{ft}^2$​ square foot; square feet​
9​ yd²​ $\rm{yd}^2$​ square yard; square
10​ mi²​ $\rm{mi}^2$​ square mile; square
11​ mi²​ $\rm{acre}$​ acre; acres​
Mass oz​ $\rm{oz}$​ ounce; ounces ​
13​ lb​ $\rm{lb}$​ pound; pounds​
14​ short ton​ $\rm{short ton}$​ short ton; short tons​
15​ gr​ $\rm{gr}$​ grain; grains​
16​ dr​ $\rm{dr}$​ dram; drams​
17​ cwt​ $\rm{cwt}$​ hundredweight​

Volume​ tsp茶匙​ $\rm{tsp}$​ teaspoon​

18​ teaspoons​
19​ Tbsp​ $\rm{Tbsp}$​ tablespoon​
20​ fl oz​ $\rm{fl oz}$​ fluid ounce​
fluid ounces​
21​ c​ $\rm{c}$​ cup; cups​
22​ in³​ $\rm{in}^3$​ cubic inch​
cubic inches​
23​ pt​ $\rm{pt}$​ pint; pints​
24​ qt​ : $\rm{qt}$​ quart; quarts​
25​ gal​ $\rm{gal}$​ gallon; gallons​
26​ ft³​ $\rm{ft}^3$​ cubic foot​
cubic feet​
27​ yd³​ $\rm{yd}^3$​ cubic yard; cubic yards
Temper °C​ :$\rm^{\circ}C$​ degree Celsius​
ature​ degrees Celsius​
29​ °F​ $\rm^{\circ}F$​ degree Fahrenheit​
degrees Fahrenheit​
Time​ d​ $\rm{d}$​ day; days​

31​ h​ $\rm{h}$​ hour; hours​

32​ min​ $\rm{min}$​ minute; minutes​
33​ s​ $\rm{s}$​ second; seconds​
Length​ mm​ $\rm{mm}$​ millimeter; millimeters ​
35​ : cm​ $\rm{cm}$​ centimeter​
centimeters ​
36​ dm​ : $\rm{dm}$​ decimeter​
decimeters ​
37​ dam​ $\rm{dam}$​ dekameter ​
38​ hm​ $\rm{hm}$​ hectometer ​
39​ km​ $\rm{km}$​ kilometer; kilometers​
40​ m​ $\rm{m}$​ meter; meters​
Weight​ mg​ $\rm{mg}$​ milligram; milligrams ​
42​ cg​ $\rm{cg}$​ centigram; centigrams ​
43​ g​ $\rm{g}$​ gram; grams ​
44​ kg​ $\rm{kg}$​ kilogram; kilograms ​
45​ t​ $\rm{t}$​ ton; tons​

Area​ mm²​ $\rm{mm}^2$​ square millimeter​

46​ square millimeters​
47​ cm²​ $\rm{cm}^2$​ square centimeter​
square centimeters ​
48​ m²​ $\rm{m}^2$​ square meter​
square meters​
49​ dm²​ $\rm{dm}^2$​ square decimeter​
square decimeters​
50​ a​ : $\rm{a}$​ are; ares ​
51​ ha​ $\rm{ha}$​ hectare; hectares​
VOLUME​ mm³​ $\rm{mm}^3$​ cubic millimeter​
52​ cubic millimeters​
53​ 立方厘米​ 字母: cm³​ cubic centimeter​
Latex: $\rm{cm}^3$​ cubic centimeters​
54​ m³​ $\rm{m}^3$​ cubic meter​
cubic meters​
55​ dm³​ $\rm{dm}^3$​ cubic decimeter​
cubic decimeters​
56​ ml​ $\rm{ml}$​ milliliter; milliliters​
57​ L​ $\rm{L}$​ liter; liters​
58​ hL​ $\rm{hL}$​ hectoliter; hectoliters​
59​ kL​ $\rm{kL}$​ kiloliter; kiloliters ​
60​ $​ $\rm{\$}$​ dollar; dollars​
61​ £​ $\rm{£}$​ pound; pounds​
62​ rad​ $\rm{rad}$​ radian; radians​

8 Other LaTeX​
Output ​ LaTeX Command​ Note​
 ​ $\neq$​ ok​
​… ​ $…$​ Or $\cdots$​ ok​

​ a+b ​ $\textbf{a+b}$​ Normal text in bold​ ok​

​ △ABC ​ $△ABC$​ ok​

​ (x + 1) ​ $\left(x+1\right)$ ok​
​ $f(x)=\left\{\begin{array} ok​
f (x) = {
x + 2, x ⩽ 0 {l}x+2,x\leqslant 0\\
loga x, x > 0

​ .$​

​β ​ $β$​ The 24 Greek letters can ok​

be copied from the

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