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1.1 Background of the study

Customer satisfaction is a term used to describe a scenario when an exchange meets

the needs and expectation of its user. It captures the provision of goods or services that fulfil
the customer's expectations in terms of quality and service in relation to the price paid.
Customer satisfaction, as a business term, can also be used to measure how the supply of
products or services surpasses customer expectations.

The relationship of customer satisfaction and efficiency is also relevent in examining the
condition related to contact centers goals. This derives from the indication derived from
academic research that pursuing high effciency can result in impaired customer satisfaction
through a lowered level of customer service. The research of Anderson, Fornell & Rust
(1997) indicates that serivice industries in comparison to manufacturing companies are more
likely to suffer from tradeoffs while pursuing both superior customer satisfaction and superior
productivity. This means that pursuing one is likely to result in lowering the level of the
other. In sum, this finding means that pursuing a high level of both customer satisfaction and
efficiency is difficult in service industries to which the field of contact centers can also be

When discussing and testing theory it is critical to explicate the conceptual domain. Part of
this process is defining the cunstructs of interest and explanning why this conceptualization is
appropriate. For constructs having a consensus definition, this issue does not need to be
addressed in each and every study. However, if multiple definitions for a construct exist, then
researchers must explicitly define and justify the definition selected. Unfortunately, most
satisfaction researchers do not justify their choice of definition. In some cases, most
satisfaction is not defined at all. Even if a researcher attemps to define satisfaction, there are
no clear guidelines for selecting an appropriate definition for a given context. As a result, the
selection of a definition for satisfaction becomes idiosyncratic.

Perhaps the most serious problem caused by the lack of a consensus definition is the
inability to interpret and compare empirical results. Peterson and Wilson (1992) note that
differences in results depend on how satisfaction was operational. For example, how do
expectation influence satisfaction? It is impossible to compare results across studies since

differences in the definition and operationalization of satisfaction will influence the role of
expectations in the model. Furthermore, expectation may be irrelevent for the particular
context in which satisfaction is being determined. A specific concern to managers is that
interruptable results are essentially results that can not provide information to make decision.
Thus, a lack of definitional and measurement standardization limits the degree to which
generalization can be developed; a lack of definitional standardization limits the degree to
which results can be explained, justified, and compared.

One aspect among the contact center industry that has not been throughly examined
is the focus of this research, namely customer satisfaction. Feinberg, Kim, Hokama, de
Ruyter & Keen (2000) state that no literature explicating which variables are related to
customer satisfaction in contact centers existed prior to their research, with the exception of a
few manuals. Bennington, Cummane & Conn (2000) make a similar notion stating that
despite customer satisfaction has raised concerns in the contact center industry, emprical
studies have mostly been conducted on staff (dis) satisfaction rather than customer
satisfaction. Although the research of both Feinberg et al. (2000) and Bennington et al.
(2000) is Twelve years old now, the statement of both parties indicate that the research of the
factors influencing customer satisfaction in contact center is still relatively young and would
benefit from further development. For example, researching which variable can be best used
together to acieve high customer satisfaction and in what way could bring valuable insight to
the field.

Mahesh & Kasturi (2006) on the order hand state that although customer
satisfaction is generally emphasized in organizations, the efficiency of processing customer
interactions is still given more importance than the quality of a customer interaction. Related
to contact center in particular, Raz & Blank (2007) note that ehile the relevance of customer
satisfaction and service quality are recognized, operational efficiency is given more emphasis
due to the mass production model used in contact centers. Taking these findings into
consideration, it would be beneficial to examine the relationship between customer
satisfaction and efficiency in call centers to get a good understanding on exactly how
emphasizing actions targeted at one can affect the other.

Moreover, according to Lywood, Stone & Ekinci (2009), the profitability of contact
centers in influenced by customer experience. They further argue that companies should
strive to treat their customers with greater empathy while also reconizing the need to have

good control over the costs of calls to manage profitability. This means that although there
seems to be a trend among companies to emphasize productivity, they should also manage
customer service levels and customer satisfaction.

Anderson et al. (1997) also note that thee incompatibility of customer satisfaction
and efficiency does note mean that companies should not try to imrove them both. Similar
argument is offered by Gronroos & Ojasalo (2004). They acknowledge that it is difficult to
pursue a high level on both customer satisfaction and productivity at the same time but still
advice tha companies should attempt to make improements on both.

All in all it is clear that it would be benefical for contacr center to discover which
factors influence efficiency and which custoer satisfaction to be able to make wel informed
decisions while balancing the trade off and optimizing the level of both of them. Furthermore,
it would be especially useful to discover whether there are any factors that affect both in the
same or a similar way because it would help avoid the tradeoff.

This is supported by the views of Marinona, Ye & Singh (2008) and

Lywood et al. (2009). According to the former, it is strategically relevent for companies to
aim at having both enchanced productivity and enchanced quality. The latter argue that due to
the importance of both customer satisfaction and cost management, there is a need for
companies to determine an optimal level between empathy and cost.

The goal of this research is to investigate one angle of the objective of finding the optimal
level. The aim is to find group of factors oon one hand leading to improved customer
satisfaction and on the other hand leading to efficiency. Moreover, it is examined whether
there are some factores influencing both in the same way. According to the knowledge of the
author of this thesis, such studies have not been conducted so far. Hence, this research aims
to fill in tha gap, After all, it is not only improtant to recognize the need to find an optimal
level but it would also be beneficial to understand how the factors behind customer
satisfaction and efficiency work. This would help determine what actions can be done based
on the factors to achieve the optimum in the levels of customer satisfaction and efficiency.

1.2 Profile of the Organization

ALC TRADERS was established in Belbari about 10 years ago with the
investment of 30,00,000 rupees. It is located on the south side of the belbari highway. It has
one stored building near of that shop. There contains goods products like footwear, bags and
belt items only. There provides the facilities of different items under ine roof. It serves the
customers according to their desire orders.

ALC TRADERS is located at belbari, morang. This store sells footwear, bags and belt
items. ALC TRADERS sell at a huge quantity. This kind of business is increasing
tremendously nowadays which helps to save the time of busy people. Due to limited time
they want to purchase things at one place with in short period and only one solution of its
shopping center. Establishment of this kind of store is positive part for our country. This store
has also aims to provide better service for its customers in future.

Most popular item of magic footwear, sangrilla footwear, gold star footwear and
other may company's footwear are available for the customers. More than 25 people at a
same time can take benefit of many more facilities. It is a beautiful building colored with
different colors. Marble floor, aluminum, and fidelities are the main attraction of this
department. It has work 2 working well trained & experienced staff and normal dress for
employes. It opens at 7:00 am in the morning and close at 7:00 pm in the evening, ALC
TRADERS sells footwear items as well as bags items and belt items equally. It also satisfies
customers by providing additional facilities like warrenty, discount etc. Every company have
its objectives and the main aim is to achieve the goal. Similarly it also has its certain
objectives which are mentioned below:

i. To provide better quality footwear and other items at reasonable price.

ii. To distribute to the customer whithin short period of time
iii. To safisfy customers by providing the goals i.e. Demanded
iv. To provided employment opportunities to the people at their own country.
v. To fulfill the basic requirement of people
vi. To increase its sales by selling other goods too.

1.3 Event of the Organization

This organization organized discount offer in festival and New Year.

The organization sells the quality products.

The organization sells high quantity.

The organization considered the customer satisfation.

1.4 Activites of the Organization

This organization sales new attractive footwear so that attract the customer.

This organization provide the home delivery facility.

This organization provide the gurente or warrenty.

Always create a peaceful environment.

1.5 Features of the Organization

To be a loyalty for customer.

To create a peaceful environmrnt.

To operating continuously.

1.6 Coverage Area of the Organization

It has been providing service in Belbari, biratchok, khorsane, salakpur, gothgau, kerabari,
belepur and haraicha.

1.7 Objective of the Study

The main purpose of this project work to analyze the customer satisfaction of ALC
TRADERS. The main objective are as follows:

i. To fulfill the desire of the customer.

ii. To satisfy the customer.

1.8 Rationale of the Study

This study is needed to find out the customer satisfaction to wards in the products and
service of ALC TRADERS and it's important to customers as well as to it ALC. This study of

this topic will help to get the knowledge of product and service of ALC TRADERS and also
satisfication level of customer for the service.

1.9 Methodology of the Study

It describes the method and purpose applied in the entire of the study. In this chapter the
research desigm, data collection. Procedure and concurring analysis of data are describe

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may re

understood as a science of study in ho wresearch is don scientifically.

1.9.1 Research Design

A search design is the arrangement of condition fofr collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research pupose with economic in procedure.

1.9.2 Research

In simple sense research refers to the careful investigation or inquiry of a subject matter for
finding new fact in any branch of knowledge.Every is performed for the fulfillment of its
certain objectives it can be classified in two types:

i. Basic Research
ii. Applied Research

Basic Research

The researc that focuses on buildinf knowledge and theory is known as basic research.
It is also known as fundamental research. It doesn't have any time bound.

Applied Research

The research that focuses on finding the solution to an ongoing or immediate problem is
known as applied research. It is also known as action research. It should be perfomed within a
specific time bound.

There are various approach for the research. They are as follows

1.9.3 Qualitative Research

A research which is concerned with subjective phonemenon is known as qualitative research.

The main aim of this research is to gain an underlying reason and motivation, provide insight
into setting of a problem by generating ideas and hypothesis.

1.9.4 Quantitative Research

A research which is conduct based on the measurement of quantity is known as quamtitative

research. The main aim of this research is to quantity data an, grneralize risk from a sample to
the population of inert and to measure the incidence of various views and opinion in a chosen

1.9.5 Descriptive Research

Descriptive research is a study designed to despict the participants in an accurate way.

More simply put descriptive research is all about describing and explain the facts and
characters is of research problems.

In this project work both qualitative and quantities research designed is applied here,
both research designed concerned with describing the performance of customer satisfaction
the designed help in understand that characterstic the characteristic is a given situation think
systematically about aspect in a given situation after idea for the problem and research helps
is make certain simple decision.

1.9.6 Tyoes of data collection

i. Primary data collection

ii. Secondary data collection Primary data

When the data are collected directly by the researcher for the first time is called as
primary data. It is orginal in nature and is specific to a researcher problem understudy.

The methods of primary data collection are as follows.

i) Observation method interview method

ii) Questionnaire method
iii) Observation method

i) Obseervation Method

The data which are collected by observing some event as the occure without asking
the respondent is known as observation method.

ii) Interview Method

The interview is a face to face interpersonal role situation in which one person the
interviewer, asks a person being interviewed, the respondent, Questions designed to obtain
answer pertinent to the research problem.

iii) Qyuestionnaire method

The method of collection primary data by asking some questions related to the
investigation is prepared & provided to the respondent that are excepted to red and
understand the question & writte down replying questionnaire itself. After copy filling the
questinaire the respondent return the questionnaire to investigator. Seconndary Data

Secondary data refers to data that was collected by someone other than the user, common
source of secondary data for social science, include consiqusence information.Collected by
government department organizational record and data that was originally collected for other
research purpose.

The main sources of second, data are listed & describe wow:

Published sources

A number of government and non government agencies collect prime data for their own
purpose these data become the second source for researcher.

Unpublished Sources

All statistical material is not always published there are various sources of unpublished data
such as records maintained by various government and private affices. Studies made research
institution scholar etc such source can be used where necessary this study the researcher has
used the second data by using ledger.

In this research prime data is used direct personal interview and questionnaire are
used the order to collection information for the interview questionnaire is prepaid which is
present in annex.

1.9.7 Population and Samples

A population is entire collection of all observation of the interest for research to make
easier for the study among 8 footwear shop of belbari municipality researcher has taken ALC
TRADERS as sample where the 70 customer re chosen as sample.

1.9.8 Data Processing Procedure

For the operation of this report most of the data are collected from the ALC
TRADERS even the oral interview with this ALC TRADERS limited founders. This has also
shown their positive responds about the customer satisfaction in this co-operative. As the data
is collected from the primary source, presenting the tables and pie chart the data are collected
in crude from in the initial stage and then properly synthesized aranged, tabulated and
calculated to serve the objective of the study.

1.9.10 Data Analysis Tools and Technique

After collection and presenting the data and information the next step is to analyze it's
techniques of fact finding. It is very necessary to analyze and present the collected and
available data in this research all the collected data are tabulated and presented in the figure,
pie chart, table and bar diagram etc.

1.10 Literature Review

The studies examined in this section identify factors that are found influential for customer
satisfaction or service quality. As the objective of any research focused on the factors
influencing customer satisfaction in contact center has traditionally been on identufying
factors with influence rather that without influence, this part is the most comprehensive one
of the three parts of this literature review. This is also the most important part for the
framework because the puepose of the framework is so showcase the influential factors for
customer satisfaction.

The studies examined here represent different types and use different kind of
approaches. Some scholars like Feinberg, Kim, Hokama, De Ryter & Keen (2000) use
satistical methods to test for the impact of several individual factors on customer satisfaction
while others like Rafaeli, Zikilik & Doucet (2008) rely on qualitative methods among other
things to uncover factors behind customer perceived service quality one of the most
comprehensive studies, when it comes to the number of variables influencing customer

satisfaction in contact center, is conducted by feinberg et el. (2000). They based their
selection of factors for the research on a contact center manual by Anton (1997). The manual
includes a total of 13 factors. Feinberg et el's (2000) focus was on confirming which factors
are linked to customer satisfaction with an academic research.

Rothbard & Wilk (2011) found that whether an employe start work in a posative or a negative
mood has an effect on his performance. Their research was based on affective event [theory
according to which affect-driven behaviours, which include performance, are influenced by
affective reactions (Weiss& Cropanzano 1996). According to Rothbard & Wilk (2011), the
impact of mood on performance stems from mood affecting how employes perceive the
affective reations related to the work which I turnn are the factors that in the end affect the

Dean & Rainnie (2009) on the other hand conducted research o organizational factors that
can have an effect on service quality in contact centers. The research was actually based on
the views of the contact center agents. Their findings include nine themes which were found
to affect service quality by the contact center employes who took part in the study. The
themes are listed below based on how frequently they were discussed starting with the most
frequently discussed theme. The themes are: management emphasis on sales, performance
monitoring and feedback, efficiency demands on contact center work, all center structures
and support employe- job fit, human resource management issues, teams, service encounter
stress and managerial attitudes.

Contact center attributes have been examined from the overall point of view of the caller,
benningpt et el. (2000) identified contact center attributes that contact center callers value as
well as attributes in the centers that can irritate that callers, The valued attirbutes are belivable
follow though, reapect and mutual trust, understanding and caring staff, prompt afficient
service, easy accessibility, open and effective communication, personalixed service and
reliable information. The irritants on the other hand consit of lack of personalized service,
having to wait on the phone, uncaring communication, getting the "run around", the
complexity of the telephone system and unreliable information and service. It can be noted
that the identified attributes resemble to quite a high degree the artibutes that could be linked
to any human services operation, as pointed out by Bennigton et el. (2000).

Queuing music is the second factor that has brought conflicting findings among different
studies. Tom, Burns & Zeng (1997) as well Whiting & Donthu (2009) studies it's impact with

opposing findings. Tom et el. (1997) researched the effect of caller queuing time and the
effect of music on customer preception and customer satisfaction. More specifically, they
examined two studies addressing whether music, science or the choice of music influence
customer preceptions of their waiting time and theirr level of satisfaction. Their research
indicates that filling the callers 'queuing time with music increase their queuing music
provides even a greater level of satisfaction.

The customer orientation behaviour of anticipating customer requests necessitates the agent
to untilize both empathy and knowledge. According to Rafaeli et el. (2008) anticipating
customer request means the agent anticipating the customer needs and wants and providing
him with the answer without the customer having to explicity ask for it. It thus requires
knowledge about the issues concering the customer as well as the motivation and sense of a
situation to be able to provide valuable information to the customer. It is thus sort of a
combination of the previous two factory, agent demeanor and agent know- how. Because it is
separately. Identified in the literature, it is still included in the framework.

Personalized service, which of course means how individually a caller is treated, is

adopted to the framework from the researches of Rafaeli et el, (2008) and Bennington et el,
(2000). They bot mention it as an enchancing factor for customer satisfaction.

The smaller the percentage of blocked calls, the higher the average rate if customer
satisfaction is expected to be. This is based on the findigs of feinberg et el, (2000) which
show a satistically significant correlation between the amount of calls blocked customer
satisfaction. This is reason why percentage of blocked calls is in the framework. Its relevance
as a factory is further supported by the result of Boardman Liu (2010) where calls blocked
ranked third highest in importance for service quality as well as the findings of Bennington et
el, (2000) of callers valuing easy accessibility.

It is improtant not to mix the percentage of blocked calls to the similar sounding
factor caller abandonment rate. As describe by Feinberg et el, (2000) the former refers to the
situation where the caller receives a busy single and thus cannot even get to a queue where as
the latter refers to the situation where the caller hangs up prior to answer after getting on the

Contant center service level is an often measured virable among contact centers. It is
indicated I Feinberg et el. (2000) research that higher service levels will results in higher
customer satisfaction. The defination of service level is adopted from their research. It refers
to the number of calls answered in less than a certain predefined number of seconds divided
by the number of total calls. They further state that "Service levels is a measure of how
effiective the center is in achieveing call answer goals". Services level is also one of the
variables identified as important in the panel study of Boardman Liu (2010).

Caller abandonment rate, the measure of how often callers abandon the call before
answer, is ranked sixth highest by the experts in Boardman Liu's (2010) panel study. Hence,
it is not very high in inporatnce in that study. However, its relevence is supported by Feinberg
et el, (2000) who found a satistically significant correlation between it and customer

1.11 Limitation of Study

As in every field there are some limited areas. The limitation of study is as follows:

i) As this study only represents ALC TRADERS.

ii) The sources of data for the study only primary data is used.
iii) To the study only few people were selected.
iv) It is based on the date of 3 days 2080 Baishak 7, 8 and 9 only.



2.1 Data Presentence and analysis

For the analysis purpose the collected data should be organized and present in logical
and structural way. If the data collected from different source are organized and present in
logical structrual and systematic from then only the effective analysis can be done and
effective result can be drawn for this various table and figures are present.
2.2.1 Customer Satisfaction

Table-1, Customer satisfaction of ALC TRADERS in 2080 Baishak 7 Thrusday

Particular No of customer in 7 Percentage (%)

Highly satisfaction 23 65.71%
Satisfaction 9 25.71%
Dissatisfaction 3 8.58
Total 35 100
Source: Field visit, 2080 Baishak 7

From the above table it can analysed the percent of customer satisfaction of ALC
TRADERS in 2080 Baishak 7 the highly satisfaction 65.71%, satisfaction 25.71% and
dissatisfaction 8.58% respectively.

Above table shows in below figure:

Satisfaction of ALC TRADERS

percentage of satisfaction







Highly satisfaction Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

Figure 1: Customer satisfaction of ALC TREDERS in 2080 Baishak 7 Thrusday



Customer satisfaction of ALC TRADERS in 2080 Baishak 8 Friday

Particular No of custumer in 8 Friday Percntage (%)

Highly satisfaction 47 78.33%
Satisfaction 11 18.33%
Dissatisfaction 2 3.34%
Total 60 100
Source: Field visit, 2080 Baishak 8

From the above table it can alalysed the percent of customer satisfaction of ALC
TRADERS in 2080 Baishak 8 Friday the highly satisfaction 78.33% satisfaction 18.33% and
dissatisfaction 3.34% respectively.

Above table data shown in figure below:

Satisfaction of ALC TRADERS

percentage of satisfaction

Highly satisfaction Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

Figure 2: Customer satisfaction of ALC TRADERS in 2080 Baishak 8 Friday.


Customer satisfaction of ALC TRADERS in 2080 Baishak 9 Saturday
Particular No of custumer in 8 Friday Percntage (%)
Highly satisfaction 63 66.31%
Satisfaction 27 28.42%
Dissatisfaction 5 5.27%
Total 95 100
Source: Field visit, 2080 Baishak 9

From the above table it can analysed the percent of customer satisfaction of ALC
TTRADERS in 2080 the highly satisfaction 66.31%, satisfaction 28.42% and dissatisfaction
5.27% respectively.

Above table data shown in figure below:

Satisfaction of ALC TRADERS


percentage of satisfaction






Highly satisfaction Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

Figure 3: Customer satisfaction of ALC TRADERS in 2080 Baishak 9 Saturday

2.1.2 Customer visited in different time for the day pf 2080 baishak 7, 8 and 9

Customer are visit in different season in the time of 2080 baisha 7 thrusday, specially
the visited in used attendence in end of economic year. This visited customer are shows I the

Customer visited in different season for the day of 2080 Baishak 7 Thrusday
Particular No of custumer thrusday Percntage (%)
Morning ( 7 am to 11 am ) 11 31.43%
Day ( 12 pm to 3pm ) 5 14.28%
Evening ( 4pm to 7 pm ) 19 54.29%
Total 35 100
Source: Field visit 2080 baishak 7

From the above table it can analysed the percent of customer visited in different time
in ALC TREDERS of the day 7 Thrusday morning 7 am to 11 am is 31.43%, Day 12pm to
3pm is 14.28% and evening 4pm to 7pm is 54.29% respectively.

Table- 5
Customer visited in different season for the day of 2080 Baishak 8 Friday
Particular No of custumer thrusday Percntage (%)
Morning ( 7 am to 11 am ) 13 21.66%
Day ( 12 pm to 3pm ) 21 35%
Evening ( 4pm to 7 pm ) 26 43.34%
Total 60 100
Source: Field visit 2080 baishak 8 Friday
From the above table it can analysed the percent of customer visited in different time in ALC
TREDERS of the day 8 Friday morning 7 am to 11 am is 21.66%, Day 12pm to 3pm is 35%
and evening 4pm to 7pm is 43.34% respectively.


Customer visited in different season for the day of 2080 Baishak 9 Saturday
Particular No of custumer thrusday Percntage (%)
Morning ( 7 am to 11 am ) 17 17.89%
Day ( 12 pm to 3pm ) 57 60%
Evening ( 4pm to 7 pm ) 21 22.11%
Total 95 100
Source: Field visit 2080 baishak 9 Saturday

From the above table it can analysed the percent of customer visited in different time in
ALC TREDERS of the day 9 Saturday morning 7 am to 11 am is 17.89%, Day 12pm to 3pm
is 60% and evening 4pm to 7pm is 22.11% respectively.

2.2 Service provide of ALC TRADRES in the 2080 baishak 7, 8 and 9

ALC TRADERS provide in different items footwear here some items are showns in the 2080
Baishak 7, 8 and 9 seal product in the below table.


ALC TRADERS provide in the day 2080 Baishak 7, 8 and 9

Particular No of Product Percntage (%)

Magic footwear 57 30%
Sangrilla footwear 43 22.64%
Shikhr footwear 37 19.47%
Other footwear 53 27.89%
Total 190 100
Source: Field visit 2080 Baishak 7, 8 and 9

From the above table it can analysed the percent of ALC TRADERS provide the day
of 7, 8 and 9 magic footwear 30%, sangrila footwear 22.64%, Shikhar footwear 19.74% and
other footwear 27.89% respectively.

2.2 Analysis of Result

After the data collected and presented the researcher need to analysis them it is the
process from which and individual can understand the past present condition of the concerned
subject matter. As we already known that this research quantitative, qualitative and
descriptive in and nature the above data are also found to be shown in this forms while
analyzing the above table bar diagram of number of customer satisfaction in ALC

Customer satisfaction for the year 2080 Baishak 7 Thrusday, 8 Friday and 9 Saturday
it is clearly known that the number of customer satisfaction be increase in this studying we
find that customer visited ALC TRADERS more customer are satisfied.

2.3 Findings

From the study we came to know that ALC TRADERS has perform to fucos on
customer need and observation customer satisfaction. By persenting and analyzing the tables
bar diagram which are prepared from the collected data, it is well known that the number of
customer are increasing 2080 Baishak 7, 8 and 9.

a) It can analyzed the percent of customer satisfation of ALC TRADERS in 2080

Baishak 7 the highly satisfaction 65.71%, satisfaction 25.71% and dissatisfaction
8.58% respectively.
b) It can analyzed the percent of customer satisfaction of ALC TRADERS in 2080
Baishak 8 Friday the highly satisfaction 78.33%, satisfaction 18.33% and
dissatisfaction 3.34% respectively.
c) It can analyzed the percent of customer satisfaction of ALC TRADERS in 2080
Baishak 9 Saturday the highly satisfaction 66.31%, satisfaction 28.42% and
dissatisfaction 5.27% respectively.
d) It can analyzde the percent of customer visited in different time in ALC TRADERS of
the day 7 Thrusday morning 7 an to 11 am is 31.43% , 12pm to 3 pm 14.28% and
4pm to 7pm is 54.29% respectively.
e) It can analyze the percent of customer visited in different time in ALC TRADERS pf
the day 8 Friday morning 7 am to 11 am is 21.66% , 12 pm to 3 pm is 35% and 4pm
to 7 pm is 43.34% respectively.
f) It can analyzed the percent of customer visited I different time of ALC TRADERS of
the day 9 Saturday morning 7 am to 11am is 17.89%, 12pm to 3 pm is 60% and 4pm
to 7 pm in the evening is 22.11% respectively.
g) It can analyzed the percent of ALC TRADERS provide the day of 7, 8 and 9 magic
footwear 30%, sangrilla footwear 22.64%, shikhar footwear 19.74% and other
footwear 27.89% respectively.

3.1 Summary

This project report has been prepared for the study of customer and research
satisfaction of ALC TRADERS. Informationand data has been collected from the customer in
footwear shop by the methof or interview, so that it has been easy to prepare report there are
three purpose of report first customer satisfaction, second analysis what kind of service
provide to the customer and third anal, the number of customer arrival in different season
research is to know the customer's satisfaction about ALC TRADERS. To study of this topic
will help to get the knowledge of footwear shop policy of ALC TRADERS and measure the
satisfaction level of customer for the service.

Summary refers an overview of content that provides a reader with the over
searching theme, but does not expand on specific details. A summary describes a larger work
(such as an entire book, speech or research project), and should include noticeably less
content then the original work.

This project work report has been divided into three main chapters. Those are
introduction, result & analysis and summary & conclusion. These main chapter have been
divided into various sub titles which have been prepared to fulfill the partial requirement for
project work of BBS 4th year.

- Introduction to the topic

- Result and analysis
- Summary and conclusion

In the first chapter, we have been briefly discussed about background of the study,
profile of the organization, objective of the study, rotionable of the study, review of the
sliterature, metholodogy, Limitation of the study. In the second chapter we expalin the
findings by using various types of questions to explain the result we used table, pie chart to
explain the findings results. To find result we set different questions for findings the custmer

3.2 Conclusion

This study was started so as to known whether the customer are satisfied with service of ALC

The project has been done on the customer's satisfaction towards the service the
analysis was done based on the information collected in the form of questionnaire from the
customer of the co operative, this has been done in ALC TRADERS.

The major part of the analysis is based upon the percentage analysis. After berief
analysis few finding were derived. Based on findings the conclusions were made. The report
says that the service by the footwear shop was very good and it was satisfiying the majority
of the customer. The report was very helpful for the footwear shop to know now and the
suggestion of the customer in the service of this co-oprative.

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