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Monday, June 24th

Lesson 14
Topic: Money

1. What do you think about money?

2. Do you like money? Why?

3. How to use money?

4. What can't you do for money? Why?

5. "Money is the root of all evil." Do you agree?

6. "Money can buy almost everything nowadays." Do you agree?

7. "Money is good." Do you agree?

8. Every morning, everyone just thinks about running after money ?

9. "Money provides a good life." Do you agree?

10. Do you think getting money from bets is a good idea?

11. "Money doesn't bring happiness but money is in everything that brings
happiness." Do you agree?

12. "Everything that includes money, automatically becomes a business." Do you


13. "If you want to be happy focus on your family not on money." Do you agree?

14. "In general, people never get satisfied with money." Do you agree?

16. "In a marriage of a poor couple, the man thinks that he's poor, the woman
never thinks that she's poor but she thinks that she married a wrong man." Why
is it so?

17. "People nowadays don't respect the person they respect his pocket." Do you

19. What are the important lessons you can teach people about money?

British English School

Teacher France Armando Chauque
Here are the vocabulary words related to Money in English, along with
their pronunciation and translation:

1. Wealth - wɛlti - Riqueza

2. Fortune - fɔrtuːni - Fortuna
3. Bank - bæŋk - Banco
4. Cash - kæx - Dinheiro
5. Credit - krɛdɪt - Crédito
6. Debt - dɛbts - Débito
7. Expense - ekˈspɛns - Despesa
8. Income - ɪnˈkʌm - Receita
9. Investment - ɪnˈvɛstmənt - Investimento
10. Investor - ɪnˈvɛstər - Investidor
11. Asset - æsɪt - Ativo
12. Liability - laɪˈebɪliti - Passivo
13. Profit - profɪt- Lucro
14. Loss - lʊs - Perda
15. Budget - badjet - Orçamento
16. Economy - eˈkonomi - Economia
17. Finance - fainens - Finanças
18. Market - maket - Mercado
19. Currency - kʊˈrənsi - Moeda
20. Inflation - ɪnˈflætxon - Inflação
21. Deflation - dɪfˈleɪxon - Deflação
23. Taxation - tekˈsexon - Taxação
24. Interest - ɪnˈterest - Juros
25. Rate - reɪt - Taxa
26. Exchange - ɛksˈtxeɪndji - Troca
27. Transaction - tranzekˈxon - Transação
28. Savings - sevᵻng - Poupança
29. Borrowing - boˈroʊwing - Emprestimo
30. Lender - lændər - Credor

Teacher Signature

British English School

Teacher France Armando Chauque
24 - 06 - 2024

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