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Name: Tucay, Marichelle G.

Course Code: GE 8 - ETHICS

Course/Year: BSED – ENGLISH II Instructor: Ms. Lerma Quirimit

If you’re given a chance to create your own rules or laws, what are those? Give
at least five (5) examples each column below.

Home School Community Country

1. Respect each 1. Student must 1. Treat all 1. Provide free
other’s privacy attend school community higher
and personal regularly and members with education at
space. arrive on time. respect and public
2. All family 2. Student must consideration universities and
members must follow the 2. Every member of colleges to
participate in teacher’s the community make education
household instructions must participate accessible to all
chores and participate in decision- and encourage
schedule to actively in making lifelong learning
ensure the class. processes. No 2. Everyone
cleanliness of 3. Students must one will left should
the house. follow the behind. participate and
3. Avoid raising of school’s dress 3. Keep noise check the
voice when code policy and levels down, credentials of
arguing. avoid revealing especially during running
4. Be open to clothes. designated quiet government
each other and 4. Students must hours. officials before
willing to inform the 4. Respect each voting. Be wise.
compromise. teachers or other’s privacy 3. Support local
5. Respect house staff if there is and do not products that
rules and take any bullying, spread false promotes
responsibility harassment, or information. diversity and
for every action dangerous 5. In a community, cultural
and apologize behavior in there must be a traditions.
if necessary. school. good leader to 4. People must be
5. Students maintain the aware of the
should respect peace and unity. social, political,
and follow the and economic
guidelines of issues in the
school. country.
5. People must
follow the rules
and laws to
avoid confusion
and chaotic
situation in the

Answer the question to the best of your knowledge. Write your answer on the
space provided.
Clarity idea- 2 points
Logical structure- 1 point
Grammar- 2 points
1. What if there were no rules? What are possible consequences?
If there were no rules, society would face consequences that could impact in
everyday aspect of life. It can lead to confusion and chaotic situation. People might
undermine the weak, resulting in increased inequality and people have freedom to
violate the human rights. There is no innovation and development of society in different
aspects (environment, health, technology, etc.) In conclusion, a world without rules
could lead to destruction of order, trust, cooperation, resulting to less stable, less safe,
and less equitable society.

2. Are rules important? Why or why not?

Yes, rules are vital because they provide order and predictability in society. They
safeguard human rights and promote fairness by prohibiting exploitation and abuse.
Rules also foster trust and collaboration among individuals, making it easier to live and
collaborate. Establishing rules and guidelines helps to safeguard the environment and
public health. Without rules, instability and conflict are likely to worsen, making life more
difficult and unpredictable for everyone.
3. The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath. What does this mean?
Illustrate with an example.
"The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath" implies that the
Sabbath, or day of rest, is intended to benefit people rather than to be a burden or
severe rule that they must observe. For example, if someone needs to work on the
Sabbath to help a sick friend or family member, the compassionate act is more
important than strictly adhering to the rule of rest. The Sabbath’s goal is to provide rest
and renewal, not to cause unnecessary hardship.

4. The ancient Chinese sage named Lao Tsu taught: “Leave the people to themselves,
no laws and inner goodness will flourish.” “The more laws and commands there are, the
more thieves and robbers will be.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
I disagree with Lao Tsu's view that “Leave the people to themselves, no laws will
lead to inner goodness will flourish.” While some people might naturally act kindly and
ethically, not everyone would do so without guidelines. Laws are necessary to set clear
expectations for behavior and to protect people from harm. Without laws, there could be
chaos and increased conflict, as individuals might act in self-interest without regard for
others. However, I believe that having too many laws can be harmful. Excessive
constraints can overwhelm people, making it difficult to know what is right and wrong.
Feeling confined and controlled can lead to frustration and rebellion. A balanced
approach, in which laws exist to protect and guide rather than oppress, can promote
both order and personal responsibility.

Reflect on your attitude toward rules. Do you welcome rules? Or are you against
to the rules? What if there were no rules?

As a student, I don't have personal attitudes or feelings, however, I recognize the

importance of rules in maintaining order and achieving fairness in society. They
establish boundaries for behavior and protect the rights and safety of everyone. Without
rules, there would likely be widespread confusion and conflict as people encounter
situations without clear intentions or consequences. However, I understand that rules
should be reasonable and adaptive to changing conditions to effectively serve their
purpose without unnecessarily restricting freedom or innovation. Thus, while I recognize
the necessity of rules, I also see the benefit in reassessing and improving them to
ensure they continue to serve the common good effectively.

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