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Senior DevOps/Cloud Engineer – Azure/AWS/GCP
Professional Summary:
 10+ years of IT experience as Cloud Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Build & Release Engineer, Linux Administrator,
Systems Engineer in SCM, Build/Release Management with Continuous Integration & Continuous
Deployment/Delivery as an iterative process and Automation of infrastructure including end-to-end code
configuration using different tools, and cloud Providers like AWS, Azure, OpenStack, and GCP.
 Created a Virtual Network on Azure to connect all the servers, Designed ARM templates for Azure Platform. Utilized
Azure services like compute, blobs, ADF, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL, Cloud services and ARM and
utilities focusing on Automation.
 Designed and implemented Azure ExpressRoute and Hub-and-Spoke architectures for various use cases, such as
connecting on-premises data centers to Azure, and creating a secure, scalable network infrastructure on Azure.
Networking technologies such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Azure Virtual Networks, Network Security Groups
(NSGs), and Azure Load Balancers.
 Proficient in using Azure DevOps to manage development processes, including code release management, build and
release management, and continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) practices. Design and deploy reliable and
scalable solutions on Azure, using services like Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Functions, Azure App Service, and Azure
Kubernetes Service (AKS).
 Proficient in writing bicep templates to build compute capacity like SQL Server with high availability for application
backend infrastructure and virtual machines that scale for frontends and multiple servers such as reporting, writing
scripting and scheduling.
 Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 bucket, RDS, EBS, ELB, Auto - Scaling, AMI, IAM through AWS Console
and API Integration with Puppet Code a responsible for creating multi-region, multi-zone AWS cloud infrastructure.
 Proficient in managing, configuring, and optimizing MSSQL and MySQL databases for performance, security, and high
availability in a DevOps environment.
 Experience in managing DNS infrastructure with Route53, including creating and managing DNS records, configuring
routing policies, and monitoring DNS health checks and integrating Route53 with other AWS services, such as Elastic
Load Balancing, Amazon S3, AWS Certificate Manager, and AWS Cloud Map, to ensure consistent naming and routing
across the infrastructure.
 Proficient in configuring and managing VPN solutions such as OpenVPN, IPSec, and SSL VPNs to establish secure
connections between distributed networks and cloud environments.
 Proficient in using CloudFormation with AWS Code Pipeline and AWS Code Deploy to implement continuous
integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, as well as in writing CloudFormation templates using YAML or
JSON to define AWS resources such as EC2 instances, security groups, S3 buckets, and Lambda functions, and
automating the deployment and management of AWS infrastructure, including multi-region, multi-account, and hybrid
cloud environments.
 Expertise in integrating AWS Lambda with other AWS services, such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon
Kinesis, and Amazon SQS, to build event-driven architectures and programming languages such as Node.js, Python,
Java, and C# to write and deploy Lambda functions.
 Designed, configured, and automated CI pipelines in TeamCity for various projects.
 Implemented CloudWatch Synthetics to monitor web applications, APIs, and other endpoints for availability and
performance and integrating CloudWatch with other AWS services, such as AWS Lambda, AWS SNS, and AWS EC2
Auto Scaling, to automate response actions and improve system availability.
 Experience in using EKS with other AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), AWS Auto Scaling,
and AWS CloudFormation to optimize application deployment and management and using Kubernetes monitoring
and logging tools such as Prometheus, Grafana to monitor EKS clusters and troubleshoot issues.
 The ability to operate infrastructure as code (IaaC) for hybrid cloud settings, including multi cloud platforms like
Amazon and Azure, also setting up the other services like Hashicrop vault and data dog monitor, alerts using
 Worked on modularizing Terraform code to interact with the Kubernetes API and create, update, or delete EKS
cluster objects and used dependencies like vault, fluetbit, Keda and other Kubernetes Add-on's such as auto scalars


and Alb controllers with Kubernetes resources using Terraform to ensure resources are created in the correct order
and avoid conflicts.
 Proficient in implementing Istio to manage and secure service mesh in Kubernetes environments, including
knowledge of Istio architecture, Istio components, and Istio networking and with the architecture, workflows, and best
practices of Argo CD and experience building continuous delivery (CD) for Kubernetes and Istio-based apps.
 Used scripting languages such as PowerShell, Bash, and Python to automate tasks and scheduled Tasks and
maintained Terraform modules, writing Terraform code, and implementing best practices for managing infrastructure
 Experienced in MS Azure Cloud Architecture (MS Azure Pack (Private Cloud), PaaS and IaaS) assessments.
 Worked extensively with Terraform and wrapped it Terragrunt and managed the back-end state in S3 Bucket and
wrote an Ansible role that combined with Terraform and Terragrunt will deploy an Elastic Beanstalk application and
 Extensive experience in deploying docker services in the Amazon ECS and Azure container Apps for the entire
microservices stack. Worked with Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, managing containers,
directory structures and removing Docker images.
 Ability in using build tools like MAVEN and ANT for the building of deployable artifacts such as wars & jars from source
 Ability to manage RESTful APIs with Amazon API Gateway, including throttling, authorization, and API key
management, adding automated test suites, and integrating Postman with CI/CD process, as well as using Postman to
test and debug APIs.
 Installing, Configuring, and managing the Ansible Centralized Server and creating the playbooks to support various
middleware application servers, and involved in configuring the Ansible tower as a configuration management tool to
automate repetitive tasks.
 Well versed with Installing and configuring an automated tool Chef that includes the writing chef cookbooks and
recipes, policy files and configuration of the Chef master, agent nodes and an admin control workstation.
 Experience in using Nagios and New Relic monitoring systems and different Bug Tracking Tools like Remedy, Jira, VSTS,
ServiceNow and Clear Quest. Designed, deployed, and coordinated with different teams to enhance ELK platform and
took ownership of modern technologies.
 Expertise in Splunk solution design, architect, deployment, and configuration of Splunk components like forwarders,
Indexers, Search heads etc.
 Extensive involvement in LINUX/Unix system Administration, System Builds, Server Builds, Installations, Upgrades,
Patches, Migration, Troubleshooting on RHEL.

 Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, India – May 2013
 Master of Science in Computer Information Systems, ACCT, Virginia.
 Master of Science in Information Technology Management, Campbellsville University, Kentucky.
 Pursuing Executive Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology from University of the Cumberland’s, Kentucky



Work Experience:

Azure DevOps engineer (Nov-2021 – Current)

Edward Jones, Saint Louis, MO
Project Description: The aim of this project is to migrate Edwards Jones Company's servers from on-premises to Azure cloud
infrastructure, employing Azure DevOps methodologies to ensure a smooth and efficient transition while enhancing security
measures and optimizing application performance. Project scope includes utilizing PowerShell scripting for pre-migration
checks and execution, managing Azure enterprise applications, implementing security protocols with Azure Active Directory.
 Responsible for the end-to-end migration of the servers from the on premises to cloud (Lift and shift) and diagnosing
migration related concerns regarding the infrastructure and reducing the efforts of the pre-migration checks through
PowerShell Scripting.
 Managed Azure enterprise applications, overseeing application registration, internal and external user authentication,
and authorization processes.
 Implemented security protocols, incorporating Azure Active Directory authentication and role-based access control
(RBAC) to safeguard data privacy and prevent unauthorized access to applications.
 Integrated Azure Power Apps with various Azure services, including Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, and Azure SQL
Database, to enhance data flow and functionality.


 Developed and executed Azure DevOps pipelines for the automated deployment and testing of Dynamics 365
customizations and extensions. Additionally, optimized Dynamics 365 performance through Azure resource fine-tuning
and load testing.
 Established Azure Backup Vault, safeguarding essential VMs through VM-level backups, file/folder level backup, and
adherence to CIS benchmark standards for cloud security. Implemented Azure best practices for securing workloads in
the cloud and migrating on-premises resources to Azure.
 Enforced Azure Policies to ensure compliance with security and governance standards, such as resource tagging
enforcement or restrictions on certain resource types.
 Managed configuration files and environment-specific settings within TeamCity, ensuring consistency across different
deployment stages.
 Developed and maintained Groovy scripts for various automation tasks, including build and deployment processes,
configuration management, and data manipulation.
 Designed Network Security Groups (NSGs) to control inbound and outbound access to network interfaces (NICs), VMs,
and subnets. Provided high availability for IaaS VMs and PaaS role instances for access from other services in the VNet
with Azure Internal Load Balancer.
 Utilized Azure PIM to manage privileged access for users and groups, aligning with security policies and mitigating the
risk of unauthorized access to critical resources.
 Configured time-bound access, approval workflows, and access reviews to uphold the principle of least privilege and
comply with regulatory requirements.
 Utilized Azure Resource Manager (ARM) for deploying, updating, and deleting various Azure resources, including Azure
Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Resource Groups, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Auto-
Scaling, Kubernetes Service (AKS), Cosmos DB, Monitor, and RBAC.
 Maintained a central repository of Azure Blueprints using Azure DevOps Repos and ARM templates, ensuring consistent
and scalable infrastructure code across multiple environments and regions while providing version control and
 Created Templates for Azure Infrastructure as code using Terraform to build staging and production environments.
Integrated Azure Log Analytics with Azure VMs for monitoring the log files, storing them, and tracking metrics and used
Terraform as a tool, Managed different infrastructure resources Cloud, VMWare, and Docker containers.
 Designed and implemented Azure Blueprints and Azure Bicep to establish a repeatable and scalable approach for
deploying cloud infrastructure. Leveraged Azure Policy to enforce governance and compliance across multiple
environments, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced risk.
 Configured and managed Azure Storage accounts, utilizing features such as Blob storage and Azure Files for storing and
retrieving large amounts of data in mission-critical applications to optimize performance and cost efficiency.
 Managed PostgreSQL database instances, including installation, configuration, and regular maintenance.
 Configured and deployed containerized applications on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) using Istio Service Mesh,
improving application performance and reliability through advanced traffic management, security, and observability
 Implemented and managed Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters with Calico CNI for efficient networking and
enhanced security, resulting in improved application deployment and scalability.
 Leveraged Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring Kubernetes object metrics, configuring alerts from the Azure
Kubernetes cluster through email notifications and web-hook mechanisms, and writing Python scripts for Prometheus
Alert-manager alerts to run on Linux VM.
 Worked on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to create and manage Kubernetes clusters, ensuring smooth operation and
maintenance of the infrastructure. Upgraded and maintained the clusters and collaborated with development teams to
deploy applications on AKS.
 Deployed containerized applications on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Azure CI/CD pipeline with Azure
Container Registry (ACR) as the image repository, ensuring rapid and reliable deployment while adhering to DevOps
 Integrated Azure Boards with Microsoft Teams to enhance communication and collaboration between development
teams and stakeholders, facilitating real-time updates on work items, bug reports, and code changes.
 Developed custom scripts and deployment steps in Octopus Deploy using PowerShell and other scripting languages to
accommodate complex deployment scenarios and integrate with various systems.


 Designed a robust future state Ingestion Framework solution leveraging Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL database & Data
warehouse. Deployed and managed Azure storage for SQL DB's (SaaS and PaaS applications), SQL Server on Azure,
Windows, and Linux instances among other Azure cloud services.
 Designed project workflows/pipelines using Azure DevOps as a CI tool, wrote Python Scripts, and converted Classic
pipelines to YAML pipelines to automate the build process.
 Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Azure DevOps Repos and Pipelines, securing pipelines using Azure DevOps security
and compliance, and streamlined the licensing strategy to ensure optimal resource utilization. Utilized Azure Repos as
the source control and code repository.
 Created Service Connections to Azure subscriptions, Azure Container Registries, and Azure Key Vaults, and
created/managed Service Principals for Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication, enabling seamless integration of
Azure resources in DevOps pipelines.
 Deployed and optimized a two-tier .NET web application to Azure DevOps, focusing on development using services like
Repos for code commits, Test Plans for triggering application and unit tests, artifact deployment to App Service, and
Azure Application Insight for collecting process health, performance, and usage data.
 Worked with Ansible and Ansible Tower as a configuration management tool, automating tedious operations,
expediting key application deliveries, and dynamically managing change.
 Used Ansible to automate the installation and setup of Azure services, such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure
Container Instances (ACI), and Azure Functions, enabling rapid and reliable deployment of containerized applications.
 Authored Ansible Playbooks in YAML as wrappers to manage configurations of Azure Nodes, tested Playbooks on Azure
instances using Python SDK, and automated various infrastructure activities like continuous deployment, application
server setup, and stack monitoring using Ansible Playbooks.
 Leveraged Azure Stream Analytics for real-time data processing and analytics, facilitating quick and automated decision-
making based on streaming data.
 Collaborated with cross-functional teams to integrate Dynatrace with other monitoring and logging tools in the Azure
DevOps pipeline, including Azure Monitor, Application Insights, and Log Analytics, ensuring comprehensive observability
across the entire stack.
 Developed and maintained synthetic scripts for Azure Kubernetes using Dynatrace, resulting in a significant reduction in
downtime and improved application performance.
 Used ELK stacking to monitor the logs for detailed analysis and worked on dashboarding using Elastic, Logstash & Kibana
(ELK). Used ELK to set up real-time logging and analytics for Continuous delivery pipelines & applications.

Azure DevOps Engineer (Jan-2020 – Oct 2021)

Vanguard, Charlotte, NC
Project Description: The DevOps transformation at Vanguard streamlined infrastructure management through automation
and advanced technologies. Leveraging Azure Resource Manager templates and DevOps pipelines, we standardized resource
deployment, ensuring consistency. Integration of Azure Function App enabled detailed analysis and report generation,
enhancing traceability. Customized automation workflows in Python streamlined application deployment and diverse DevOps
 Automated the creation and management of Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.
Deployed infrastructure through Azure DevOps pipelines, including Azure Pipelines and Azure Artifacts. Maintained
Azure Resource Manager templates and reusable constructs to establish consistent infrastructure patterns across
various projects and teams.
 Crafted an Azure Function App triggered by events from Azure Blob Storage, enabling intricate analysis and report
generation for end-to-end traceability from Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
 Developed Azure Functions using Python and Azure SDK for Python, automating application infrastructure
deployment, and crafting customized automation workflows for diverse DevOps tasks.
 Enhanced security event visibility by integrating Azure Sentinel with other Azure services, collaborating with
application teams to seamlessly integrate Azure Sentinel into CI/CD pipelines.
 Configured Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) to oversee and block incoming web traffic, seamlessly integrating it
with other Azure services to ensure scalable protection for web applications.
 Engineered custom Azure DevOps pipelines featuring Bash shell scripts utilizing Azure CLI for automated infrastructure
provisioning and introduced blue/green deployment strategies to minimize application downtime.
 Created custom build tools and scripts using Groovy to support project-specific build requirements and dependencies.


 Developed Jenkins files for automating infrastructure and application deployment, implementing blue/green
deployment techniques and internal Jenkins pipelines for AKS service automation.
 Managed SSL certificate operations, including Azure Certificate Manager and Entrust certificates, to ensure secure
end-to-end connectivity, with a focus on Azure Disk Encryption for efficient disk volume and snapshot management.
 Implemented security measures in TeamCity, including role-based access control (RBAC) and secure artifact
 Configured Azure Monitor Log Analytics to conduct security analysis, change tracking, troubleshooting, and
compliance monitoring across Azure resources and subscriptions.
 Designed and implemented infrastructure-as-code solutions using Terraform to securely store key-value pairs in
Azure Key Vault, while effectively managing Key Vault access policies using Terraform.
 Ensured the security of IaaS resources by configuring firewalls, access controls, and encryption.
 Automated Key Vault creation and configuration with Terraform to ensure consistency and enforce fine-grained
access control over keys and secrets.
 Established Docker containers and consoles for managing the application lifecycle and automated Docker component
tasks, including Docker Registry usage and Dockerized application creation.
 Integrated Docker container-based test infrastructure into the Jenkins CI/CD flow, executing builds triggered by Jira
Webhooks and Slave Machines.
 Implemented security operations configurations to GitLab pipelines meeting CIS benchmark requirements, and
configured ARAP docker images for security threat detection.
 Implemented security measures for Kubernetes services using Istio Service Mesh and Docker, ensuring efficient
application deployment in containers, and managed Kubernetes cluster services using Terraform and Ansible.
 Managed and configured Azure AD Domain Services for seamless integration with legacy applications and services that
rely on Active Directory.
 Planned and executed PostgreSQL version upgrades, ensuring minimal downtime and data integrity.
 Integrated PaaS platforms with CI/CD pipelines to automate application builds, testing, and deployments.
 Implemented Istio installation for Node-to-Node encryption on Azure Kubernetes service, deploying applications using
Terraform modules and managing them using Lens.
 Developed and configured Kubernetes objects and employed Kubernetes operators for managing applications on EKS.
 Optimized AKS cluster security monitored using Prometheus and Grafana and implemented proactive measures for
enhanced system performance.
 Configured Prometheus server and Grafana dashboards for monitoring Kubernetes cluster components and visualizing
performance metrics.
 Contributed to CICD pipeline development, encompassing stages from unit testing to production, and refined
application deployment processes using internally hosted pipelines.
 Implemented robust security controls and policies for Azure resources and applications, ensuring adherence to
industry standards like PCI-DSS and HIPAA.
 Developed comprehensive monitoring solutions for Azure resources, including customized metrics using Azure
Monitor APIs for aspects not covered by native Azure monitoring services.
 Established CloudWatch alarms for monitoring server performance and initiated corrective actions for enhanced
 Designed and built custom dashboards and visualizations in Splunk to provide real-time visibility into system and
application performance.
 Oversaw and maintained the DevOps Toolset, comprising GitHub, Jenkins, JFrog Artifactory, and Ansible Tower, to
ensure seamless functioning of the CI/CD pipeline.
 Developed scripts in Bash and Python to automate provisioning and fortifying new Linux servers in Azure Virtual
Machines, encompassing virtual machine creation, configuration, and network security group establishment.

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer (Sep 2018 – Dec 2019)

Cox Automotive, Redwood City, CA
Project Description: As a DevOps Engineer at Signify Health, I played a pivotal role in developing and managing Azure web
application projects, overseeing deployment via Visual Studio, GitHub, and Azure Resource Manager. Utilizing Azure app
service and other PaaS solutions, I ensured efficient application deployment and management. Through the implementation
of DevOps tools like ARM templates.


 Developed Azure web application projects, managed ASP .NET web apps and web jobs deployment via Visual Studio,
GitHub, and Azure Resource Manager.
 Oversaw application deployment and management through Azure app service, cloud services, and other Azure PaaS
 Established infrastructure pipelines using DevOps tools like ARM templates, Azure CLI, PowerShell, and Python. Also,
implemented unit testing and code coverage for both .NET Core and Python projects.
 Utilized Jenkins Pipeline for automating CI/CD pipelines, configuring stages, steps, and triggers. Additionally, set up
CI/CD pipelines for deploying various Azure resources such as Azure Function app, web apps, APIM, .NET Core, and SQL
database projects.
 Implemented DevSecOps strategies for security auditing and continuous monitoring, including Azure Web Application
Firewall (WAF) rule enforcement against attacks like SQL injection.
 Implemented Terraform Sentinel Policies Alongside Terraform Enterprise for enhanced reusability of Terraform Sentinel
functions and data exposure from Terraform plans to Sentinel policies.
 Developed infrastructure as code using Terragrunt with Terraform, emphasizing modularity. This involved building
infrastructure, AKS (Kubernetes) clusters, and utilizing Tekton pipelines for CI/CD of application resources.
 Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, ensuring reproducible builds of Kubernetes applications, and efficiently
managing Kubernetes manifest files and Helm package releases.
 Managed Terraform workspaces and Sentinel policies using Terraform Enterprise, facilitating concurrent and secure
collaboration on infrastructure code.
 Managed MongoDB database instances, including installation, configuration, and maintenance.
 Configured Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Terraform scripts for microservices deployment and management,
including pod operations, service maintenance, load balancing, and network policies.
 Configured and monitored Kubernetes cluster security using kops, including RBAC policies, network policies, and TLS
certificates. Troubleshooted and resolved issues using logs and metrics.
 Implemented backup and disaster recovery solutions for Kubernetes clusters, collaborating closely with developers to
address application deployment and infrastructure issues.
 Implemented Blue-Green Deployment for Kubernetes clusters, managing rollout methods, deployment strategies, and
Helm chart packaging in production environments.
 Deployed Logstash and Filebeat for log propagation to Elasticsearch, ensuring adherence to Elasticsearch Hot-Warm-
Cold architecture and Index Lifecycle Management (ILM) policy through Kibana monitoring.
 Configured Datadog for real-time dashboards and alerts to monitor Azure resource usage, performance metrics, and
security threats. Integrated Datadog with Azure Monitor and Azure Insights for analyzing Azure API activity and ensuring

Cloud Engineer (Apr-2017 – Aug-2018)

Project Description: AWS implementation revolves around optimizing operational efficiency, scalability, and reliability of
the company's logistics and delivery services. By leveraging AWS services such as EC2, S3, DynamoDB, and Route53, DTDC
aims to modernize its infrastructure, enhance data management capabilities, and improve customer experience.
 Utilized various AWS sources, including VPC, EC2, S3, Dynamo DB, IAM, EBS, Route53, Security Group, Auto Scaling
Group (ASG), and RDS, to establish the infrastructure for AWS application deployment. Accomplished this using
CloudFormation and Terraform templates.
 Developed and executed an AWS CloudFormation template utilizing JSON/YAML to deploy Tomcat and Apache Web
servers. Collaborated with both offshore and onshore teams to ensure the successful deployment to production.
Additionally, created a CRON job using AWS REST API to recover and store critical production data on DynamoDB.
 Created AWS Lambda functions triggered by CloudWatch events, integrating them with Amazon DynamoDB tables, S3
buckets, and Amazon API Gateway to handle HTTP requests.
 Utilized Ansible to automate infrastructure management by crafting playbooks and inventories using YAML. Additionally,
employed Ansible Vault for encrypting sensitive data to ensure security.
 Engaged in the development of build deployment, build scripts, and automated solutions using Python, Perl, and various
scripting languages such as bash, ruby, and shell.
 Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, sharing, replication, schema design.


 Leveraged the JIRA tool for creating, updating, and tracking project status through stories. Utilized JIRA in all our projects
following scrum methodology, including story creation and point assignment.
 Integrated Bamboo with JIRA and AWS to establish a seamless end-to-end development and deployment workflow.
Additionally, configured and supervised multiple Bamboo agents to enhance build capacity and reduce build times,
leading to quicker feedback loops and improved efficiency.

GCP DEVOPS ENGINEER (May-2016 – Mar-2017)

Centene, Kansas
Project Description: The "EHR Integration and Continuous Delivery Platform" operates on an Agile-based workflow,
integrating DevOps methodologies and cutting-edge cloud technologies. This project aims to optimize the integration process
of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and other healthcare systems, while also establishing a seamless continuous delivery
pipeline. The primary objective is to facilitate the real-time delivery of software updates to healthcare applications, enhancing
efficiency and responsiveness within the healthcare ecosystem.
 Proficient in building server infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) utilizing services such as Compute Engine,
Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud IAM, Cloud Monitoring, Cloud Deployment
Manager, Cloud Functions, Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP), Cloud CDN, and Cloud AutoML in
large-scale production environments.
 Implemented configuration management for hosted instances within GCP using tools like Puppet or Ansible. Configured
and managed Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networking.
 Established databases in GCP using Cloud SQL, set up storage using Cloud Storage buckets, and configured instance
backups to Cloud Storage. Prototyped a CI/CD pipeline with GitLab on GKE, leveraging Kubernetes and Docker for
runtime environments to facilitate building, testing, and deployment processes.
 Provisioned servers on GCP, managed volumes, launched Compute Engine instances, set up Cloud SQL instances,
created security groups, configured auto scaling, and deployed load balancers (Cloud Load Balancing) within the
specified VPC.
 Utilized Apache Airflow in GCP's Cloud Composer environment to construct data pipelines. Employed various Airflow
operators such as BashOperator, Hadoop operators, and Python Callable operators, as well as branching operators.
 Implemented GCP Firewall rules to manage traffic to and from VM instances based on defined configurations. Utilized
GCP Cloud CDN to distribute content from GCP cache locations, enhancing user experience and reducing latency.
 Established alerting and monitoring systems using Stackdriver in GCP. Additionally, integrated ChatOps for efficient
communication and incident management.
 Developed custom log metrics using Stackdriver Logging in GCP and created corresponding charts and alerts based on
these metrics.
 Managed Splunk deployments using the Splunk Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python. Utilized GCP Deployment
Manager and Cloud Formation templates to deploy Splunk distributed clusters efficiently.

Software Engineer (Aug-2013 – Dec-2015)

Accenture, Noida, India
 Utilized Agile Scrum methodology and Test-Driven Development principles in application development, coordinating
activities through tools like JIRA. Actively participated in daily stand-ups, Sprint planning, Retrospectives, Backlog
grooming, and review meetings.
 Restructured the existing monolithic codebase into microservices architecture using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud,
facilitating the migration of the application. Implemented Rest APIs for seamless integration between services.
 Created scripts for various tasks such as build, deployment, and maintenance using Jenkins, Maven, and Bash.
Collaborated with customers and both onsite and offshore developers throughout the entire software development
 Implemented navigation between different layers of the application using Spring Boot and Hibernate ORM. Employed
Java EE components including Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions, and Spring security for robustness and
 Executed CRUD operations on the database utilizing Hibernate ORM through extension of the JPA Repository. Leveraged
Maven for application building and Jenkins for deploying services to development and QA environments.

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