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Lesson Sequence

Step 1: Introduction to Exponents

•We begin by breaking down the concept of “Exponents”, by defining an exponent as a way
to represent repeated multiplication of a number by itself. Furthermore, we demonstrate the
definition with an example such as 37= 3×3×3×3×3×3×3. We also explore the important
terminologies to note when dealing with exponents such as base, power, and exponents and
what they represent. This is will be presented visually on the board so that learners easily
identify what is what on a formal presentation of exponents.

3 =¿ (3×3×3×3×3×3×3)
Base Power Exponents 3 is multiplied by itself 7 times

•Learners Participation: During this introduction learners are expected to be listening and
asking question where they do not understand.

Step 2: The first law of exponents

• We then present our main goal of the lesson, the first law of exponents. It will then be
written on the board for learners to see that, the first law of exponents states that by
multiplying the powers of the same base, we add the exponents. It will also be written in a
formal representation:

m n m +n
a + a =a
• After we then present diverse examples and solve them in two ways, simplify by expanding
and by using the law 1 as to prove the first law of exponents. The diverse examples on the
board will be as follow:

By using the law Simplify by expanding

2 3 2+3 5 2 3
4 × 4 =¿ 4 =4 ∨1024 4 × 4 =¿ (4×4) (4×4×4) = 16×64 = 1024

2 3 5
2 3
a × a =a
a × a =( a× a ) ( a × a ×a )=a

3a 2×4 a3=(3 × 4)(a 2+3=12 a5 3a 2× 4a 3= (3×4) (a × a) (a × a × a) =12a 5

Step 3: Engagement (Ensuring understanding)

• Learners are given the platform to engage with few questions that will be presented on the
board and learners will solve them in groups. This is to promote peer teaching as some
learners may understand the concepts when taught by their peer other than the teacher. And
also, these diverse questions will be testing their understandings on the terminologies of
exponents and the application of law 1. The questions will be as follow:

1. x
2. x 5
Fill in the blanks:
3 4 7
3. r × r =❑
3 7 10
4. h ×❑ =h
5. x 5 × x 2 × x 4
6. mn× m× n

After the practice we call on different learners to explain each step on any random problems
we they solved to ensure understanding.

Step 4: Individual assessment

• The learners are then given individual work which consist of routine procedure and
complex procedure. During the assessment, there must be a walk round, which helps us clear
misconceptions learners has and promotes face-to-face assistance to learners and it also helps
learners who are scared to raise their hand during the lesson when they do not understand
because of their shyness.

The Assessment is as follows:

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