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Friday, June 21st

Lesson: 13
Topic: Fellowship

1. What do you think about going to church?

2. Do you think going to church is really helpful nowadays?

3. "Going to church is for weak people." Do you agree?

4. "Going to church nowadays is for show off." Do you think so?

5. Why do most people go to churches in your opinion?

6. "The true temple of God is our heart." Do you agree?

7. Do you go to church? Why?

8. Will you go to Church this Sunday ?

9. "Church is business and the believers are the customers." Do you think so?

10. What makes a good church your opinion?

11. What are the characteristics of a false prophet in your opinion?

12. "You need to have a calling from God to be a pastor." Do you agree? Do you think all
pastors nowadays have a calling from God?

13. "Without churches Mozambique would be a chaos." Do you agree?

14. "A person who's always at church means that he loves God." Do you think so?

15. What is the right church in the world?

16. What is a good shepherd in your opinion?

17. Do you think you have a calling from God to serve him?

18. How to serve God?

British English School

Teacher France Armando Chauque
Here are the vocabulary words related to Fellowship in English, along
with their pronunciation and translation:

1. Fellowship (fɛlˈoʊxɪp) - Cultuar/ Adorar

2. Church (txeːtxi) - Igreja
3. Congregation (konˈɡrɛɡeɪxon) - Congregação
4. Minister (ˈmɪnɪstar) - Ministro/Pastor
5. Sermon (ˈsermən) - Sermão
6. Worship (ˈworxip) - Adoração
7. Pulpit (ˈpulpɪt) - Púlpito
8. Altar (ˈeltər) - Altar
9. Hymn (hɪm) - Hino
10. Prayer (preɪər) - Oração
11. Blessing (ˈblɛsɪng) - Bênção
12. Sacrament (ˈsek.rəmənt) - Sacramento
13. Bible (ˈbaɪbol) - Bíblia
14. Amen (ˈeɪmən) - Amém
15. Communion (koˈmuːnion) - Comunhão
16. Eucharist (euːˈkerist) - Eucaristia
17. Offertory (ˌofərˈtɔri) - Ofertório
18. Homily (hoˈmɪli) - Sermão
19. Devotion (deˈvouːxən) - Devoção
20. Missionary (mɪˈsionəri) - Misionário
21. Evangelist (iːvæŋˈgeli.s.t̬) - Evangelista
22. Scripture (ˈskrɪptʃər) - Escritura Sagrada
23. Creed (krid) - Credo
24. Confession (konfexion) - Confissão
25. Baptism (bep.taz.m̩) - Batismo
26. Sunday School (ˈsʌndi skuːl̩) - Escola Dominical Teacher Signature

British English School

Teacher France Armando Chauque

21 - 06 - 2024

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