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V-Shaped Model
Learning Objectives :

 Steps in the V-Shaped


 The V-Shaped Model

 V-Shaped Strengths

 V-Shaped Weaknesses

 Benefits of V-Model

 The Capability Maturity

Model (CMMI)
Steps in the V-Shaped Model

Acceptance &
System Testing

High Level Integration

Design Testing

Low Level Unit

Design Testing

The V-Shaped Model
 V-Model evolved from waterfall Model.

 Each phase must be completed before the next

phase begins.

 Instead of moving down in a linear way, the

process steps are bent upwards after the
coding phase, to form the typical V shape.

 Testing is emphasized in this model more than in

the waterfall model.

 It is a structured approach to testing.

 Brings high quality into the development of our

V-Shaped Strengths
 Works well for small projects where
requirements are easily understood.

 Each phase has specific deliverables.

 Simple and Easy to use.

V-Shaped Weaknesses
 Very rigid like the waterfall model.

 Software is developed during the developing

phase, so no early prototypes of the software are

 Does not easily handle dynamic changes in


 Does not contain risk analysis activities

Benefits of V-Model
 Faults are prevented and it stops fault multiplication.
 Avoids the downward flow of defect.
 Lower defect Resolution cost due to earlier
 Improved quality and reliability.
 Reduction in the amount of Re-work.
 Validation at each level of stage containment.
 Allows testers to be active in the project early in
the project’s lifecycle. They develop critical
knowledge about the system.
Capability Maturity Model Integration
 The Capability Maturity Model (CMMI) is a
methodology used to develop and refine an
organization's software development process.

 The CMMI is similar to ISO 9001, one of the ISO

9000 series of standards specified by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

 To Develop a Software using the SDLC process

CMMI standards have to be followed.

 CMMI defines 5 levels of process maturity based on

certain Key Process Areas (KPA)
CMMI Levels
Optimizing Continuous
Process Managed
and controlled

Process is Documented,
Standardized, Integrated

Repeatable Able to repeat earlier success

Initial Process Unpredictable, Poorly

Controlled and REACTIVE
Levels and Key Process Areas
5 Continuous Organizational Innovation and Highest Quality /
Process Deployment Lowest Risk

4 Quantitative Organizational Process Performance Higher Quality /

ly Managed Quantitative Project Management Lower Risk
3 Process Requirements Development Medium Quality /
Standardiza Verification Medium Risk
tion Validation
Risk Management

2 Basic Requirements Management Low Quality /

Project Project Planning High Risk
Managemen Process and Product Quality
t Assurance
Configuration Management

1 Process is Adhoc and Chaotic process Lowest Quality /

informal Highest Risk
and Adhoc
CMMI Levels
Level 1 – Initial
-- Initial (chaotic, ad hoc, individual heroics) -
the starting point for use of a new process.
-- Quality is difficult to predict.
-- Lowest Quality & Highest Risk

Level 2 – Repeatable
-- Basic project management processes are
established to track cost, schedule and
-- Repeat earlier successes on projects with
similar applications.
-- Low Quality & High Risk
CMMI Levels
Level 3 – Defined
-- The software process for both management
and engineering activities is documented,
standardized and integrated.
-- All projects use a documented and approved
version of the organization’s process.
-- Medium Quality & Medium Risk

Level 4 – Managed
-- Detailed measures of the software process and
product quality are collected, understood and
-- Management can identify ways to adjust and
adapt the process to particular projects
without measurable losses of quality.
-- Higher Quality & Lower Risk
CMMI Levels
Level 5 – Optimizing
-- Focus is on continually improving
process performance through both
incremental and innovative
technological changes.

-- Defects are minimized and products are

delivered on time and within the budget

-- Highest Quality & Lowest Risk

Interview Questions
 Explain V-model architecture.

 Explain validation phases in V-model.

 Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of V


 What is CMMI and what is the advantage of

implementing it in an organization?

 Explain different process area in CMMI.

Any Questions

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