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Mục tiêu:
- Vận dụng được những kiến thức từ vựng đã học được trong suốt lớp 10 đến 12 để dịch được câu hỏi,
các đáp án và hiểu được nội dung cơ bản của bài đọc.
- Biết tìm từ khóa trong câu hỏi, các đáp án và trong bài đọc để tìm ra câu trả lời; vận dụng kỹ năng đọc
lướt và đọc lấy thông tin chi tiết.
Exercise 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
We get great pleasure from reading. The more advanced a man is, the greater delight he will find
in reading. The ordinary man may think that subjects like philosophy or science are very difficult and
that if philosophers and scientists read these subjects, it is not for pleasure.

But this is not true. The mathematician finds the same pleasure in his mathematics as the school
boy in an adventure story. For both, it is a play of the imagination, a mental recreation and exercise. The
pleasure derived from this activity is common to all kinds of reading. But different types of books give
us different types of pleasure. First in order of popularity is novel-reading. Novels contain pictures of
imaginary people in imaginary situations, and give us an opportunity of escaping into a new world very
much like our world and yet different from it. Here we seem to live a new life, and the experience of
this new life gives us a thrill of pleasure. Next in order of popularity are travel books, biographies and
memoirs. These tell us tales of places we have not seen and of great men in whom we are interested.

Some of these books are as wonderful as novels, and they have an added value that they are true.
Such books give us knowledge, and we also find immense pleasure in knowing details of lands we have
not seen and of great men we have only heard of. Reading is one of the greatest enjoyments of life. To
book-lovers, nothing is more fascinating than a favorite book. And, the ordinary educated man who is
interested and absorbed in his daily occupation wants to occasionally escape from his drudgery into the
wonderland of books for recreation and refreshment.
Question 1: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Different types of books B. Different kinds of reading
C. Reading as an exercise for the brain D. Reading as a pleasurable activity
Question 2: According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Ordinary people may think that philosophy and science are difficult.
B. Reading about mathematics is mentally entertaining for a mathematician.
C. Philosophers and scientists do not read for pleasure.
D. A more advanced person takes greater pleasure in reading.
Question 3: The word “derived” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. differed B. established C. bought D. obtained
Question 4: The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. a new life B. our world C. an opportunity D. a thrill of pleasure
Question 5: The word “immense” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. great B. limited C. personal D. controlled
Question 6: According to the passage, travel books, biographies and memoirs ______.
A. are wonderful novels B. tell stories of well-known places
C. are less popular than novels D. are more valuable than novels
Question 7: According to paragraph 4, which of the following is the most fascinating to booklovers?
A. A daily occupation B. An ordinary educated man
C. The wonderland D. A favorite book
Exercise 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Successful students often do the followings while studying. First, they have an overview before
reading. Next, they look for important information and pay greater attention to it (which often needs
jumping forward or backward to process information). They also relate important points to one another.
Also, they activate and use their prior knowledge. When they realize that their understanding is not
good, they do not wait to change strategies. Last, they can monitor understanding and take action to
correct or “fix up” mistakes in comprehension.

Conversely, students with low academic achievement often demonstrate ineffective study skills.
They tend to assume a passive role, in learning and rely on others (e.g., teachers, parents) to monitor
their studying, for example, low-achieving students often do not monitor their understanding of content;
they may not be aware of the purpose of studying; and they show little evidence of looking back, or
employing “fix-up” strategies to fix understanding problems. Students who struggle with learning new
information seem to be unaware that they must extent effort beyond simply reading the content to
understand and remember it.

Children with learning disabilities do not plan and judge the quality of their studying. Their
studying may be disorganized. Students with learning problems face challenges with personal
organization as well. They often have difficulty keeping track of materials and assignments, following
directions, and completing work on time. Unlike good studiers who employ a variety of study skills in a
flexible yet purposeful manner, low-achieving students use a restricted range of study skills. They
cannot explain why good study strategies are important for learning; and they tend to use the same,
often ineffective study approach for all learning tasks, ignoring task content, structure or difficulty.
(Source: Adapted from Study Skills: Managing Your Learning — NUI Galway)
Question 8: What is the topic of the passage?
A. Successful and low-academic achieving students
B. Successful learners and their learning strategies
C. Study skills for high school students
D. Effective and ineffective ways of learning
Question 9: The word “prior” in the first paragraph is closest meaning to______?
A. Important B. earlier C. forward D. good
Question 10: According to the passage, what can be learnt about passive students?
A. They depend on other people to organize their learning
B. They are slow in their studying
C. They monitor their understanding
D. They know the purpose of studying
Question 11: Which of the followings is NOT an evidence of monitoring studying?
A. Being aware of the purpose of studying B. Monitoring their understanding of content
C. Fixing up mistakes in understanding D. Looking at their backs
Question 12: According to the passage, to learn new information, low-achieving students do
A. just understand it B. relate it to what they have known
C. simply remember it D. read it
Question 13: In compared with low-achieving students, successful students use______.
A. aimless study techniques B. various study skills
C. restricted strategies D. inflexible study ways
Question 14: The underlined pronoun “They” in the last sentence refers to______.
A. study strategies B. study skills
C. low-achieving students D. good studiers
Exercise 3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Living things include both the visible world of animals, plants, and fungi as well as the invisible
world of bacteria and viruses. On a basic level, we can say that life is ordered. Organisms have an
enormously complex organization. We're all familiar with the intricate systems of the basic unit of life,
the cell. Life can also "work." Living creatures can take in energy from the environment. This energy, in
the form of food, is transformed to maintain metabolic processes and for survival. Life grows and
develops. This means more than just replicating or getting larger in size. Living organisms also have the
ability to rebuild and repair themselves when injured. Life can reproduce. Think about the last time you
accidentally stubbed your toe. Almost instantly, you moved back in pain. Finally, life can adapt and
respond to the demands placed on it by the environment. There are three basic types of adaptations that
can occur in higher organisms.

Reversible changes occur as a response to changes in the environment. Let's say you live near
sea level and you travel to a mountainous area. You may begin to experience difficulty breathing and an
increase in heart rate as a result of the change in altitude. These symptoms go away when you go back
down to sea level.

Body-related changes occur as a result of prolonged changes in the environment. Using ther
previous example, if you were to stay in the mountainous area for a long time, you would notice that
your heart rate would begin to slow down and you would begin to breath normally. These changes are
also reversible. Genotypic changes (caused by genetic mutation) take place within the genetic makeup
of the organism and are not reversible. An example would be the development of resistance to
pesticides by insects and spiders.
( Source: Adapted from
Question 15: In what way is life organized?
A. Hard B. Difficult C. Complicated D. Problematic
Question 16: Which of the following is NOT a feature of life?
A. Getting a job B. Giving birth
C. Getting larger and left- repairing D. Reacting to the environment
Question 17: What is the energy for living things called?
A. Food B. Metabolic process C. Green energy D. Environment
Question 18: You see life respond most clearly when you _____.
A. intentionally hurt yourself B. move part of your body due to threat
C. look at your toe D. feel hurt
Question 19: Which tyoe of living creatures can adapt to the changes in the environment?
A. More visible B. Lower C. Higher D. More human
Question 20: What does the word “reversible” in the passage mean?
A. Changeble B. Visible C. Fitful D. Irregular
Question 21: Which type of adaption is permanent?
A. Body-related B. Reversible C. Genotypic D. Environmental
Exercise 4. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins
and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony,
which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England
wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only
with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this
pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts,
Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also
made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in
use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the
individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was
printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use
of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary
system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United
States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual states could no longer have
their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official
currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system,
both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the
government at sixteen to one.
Question 22: The passage mainly discusses_____.
A. the American monetary system of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
B. American money from past to present.
C. the English monetary policies in colonial America.
D. The effect of the Revolution on American money.
Question 23: The passage indicates that during the colonial period, money was
A. scarce freely by the colonists B. coined freely by the colonists
C. used extensively for trade D. supplied by England
Question 24: The Massachusetts Bay Colony was allowed to make coins
A. continuously from the inception of the colony B. for a short time during one year
C. from 1652 until the Revolutionary War D. throughout the seventeenth century
Question 25: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a substitute for money during
the colonial period?
A. Tobacco B. Cotton C. Wampum D. Beaver furs
Question 26: According to the passage, what happened to the American monetary system during the
Revolutionary War?
A. The Continental Congress issued gold and silver coins.
B. American money replaced trade in goods and foreign coins.
C. Individual states were not allowed to issue money.
D. So much paper money was circulated that it lost its value.
Question 27: How was the monetary system arranged in the Constitution?
A. Various state governments, including Massachusetts, could issue money.
B. The dollar was made the official currency of the U.S.
C. The U.S. officially went on a bimetallic monetary system.
D. Only the U.S. Congress could issue money.
Question 28: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the bimetallic
monetary system?
A. Gold could be exchanged for silver at a rate of 16 to 1.
B. It was established in 1792.
C. The monetary system was based on two metals.
D. Either gold or silver could be used as official money.
Exercise 5. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Just two months after the flight of Apollo 10, the Apollo 11 astronauts made their historic
landing on the surface of the Moon. This momentous trip for humanity also provided scientists with an
abundance of material for study; from rock and soil samples brought back from the Moon, scientists
have been able to determine much about the composition of the Moon (as well as to draw) inferences
about the development of the Moon from its composition.

The Moon soil that came back on Apollo 11 contains small bits of rock and glass which were
probably ground from larger rocks when meteors impacted with the surface of the Moon. The bits of
glass are spherical in shape and constitute approximately half of the Moon soil. Scientists found no trace
of animal or plant life in this soil.
In addition to the Moon soil, astronauts gathered two basic types of rocks from the surface of the
Moon: Basalt and breccia. Basalt is a cooled and hardened volcanic lava common to the Earth. Since
basalt is formed under extremely high temperatures, the presence of this type of rock is an indication
that the temperature of the Moon was once extremely hot. Breccia, the other kind of rock brought back
by the astronauts, was formed during the impact of falling objects on the surface of the Moon. It
consists of small pieces of rock compressed together by the force of impact. Gases such as hydrogen
and helium were found in some of the rocks, and scientists believe that these gases were carried to the
Moon by the solar wind, the streams of gases that are constantly emitted by the Sun.
Question 29: It is implied in the passage that scientists believe that the gases found in the Moon rocks
A. were not originally from the Moon
B. caused the Moon's temperature to rise
C. traveled from the Moon to the Sun
D. were created inside the rocks
Question 30: What does the word “It” refers to?
A. the impact B. the surface C. breccia D. the Moon
Question 31: The author's purpose in this passage is to
A. demonstrate the difference between basalt and breccia
B. explain some of the things learned from space flights
C. describe some rock and soil samples
D. propose a new theory about the creation of the Moon
Question 32: According to the passage, what does Moon soil consist of?
A. Large chunks of volcanic lava. B. Streams of gases.
C. Tiny pieces of stones and glass. D. Hydrogen and helium.
Question 33: The word 'emitted' in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. vaporized B. sent out C. separated D. set off
Question 34: According to the passage, breccia was formed
A. from volcanic lava B. when objects struck the Moon
C. when streams of gases hit the surface of the Moon D. from the interaction of helium
and hydrogen
Question 35: What is the subject of this passage?
A. The Apollo astronauts B. Basalt and breccia
C. What the Moon is made of D. Soil on the Moon
Question 36: Which of the following was NOT brought back to the Earth by the astronauts?
A. Soil B. Breccia C. Plant life D. Basalt
Exercise 6. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Marianne Moore (1887-1972) once said that her writing could be called poetry only because
there was no other name for it. Indeed her poems appear to be extremely compressed essays that happen
to be printed in jagged lines on the page. Her subjects were varied: animals, laborers, artists, and the
craft of poetry. From her general reading came quotations that she found striking or insightful. She
included these in her poems, scrupulously enclosed in quotation marks, and sometimes identified in
footnotes. Of this practice, she wrote, "Why many quotation marks?" I am asked ... When a thing has
been so well that it could not be said better, why paraphrase it? Hence, my writing is, if not a cabinet of
fossils, a kind of collection of flies in amber." Close observation and concentration on detail and the
methods of her poetry.

Marianne Moore grew up in Kirkwood, Missouri, near St. Lois. After graduation from Bryn
Mawr College in 1909, she taught commercial subjects at the Indian School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Later she became a librarian in New York City. During the 1920’s she was editor of The Dial, an
important literary magazine of the period. She lived quietly all her life, mostly in Brooklyn, New York.
She spent a lot of time at the Bronx Zoo, fascinated by animals. Her admiration of the Brooklyn
Dodgers-before the team moved to Los Angeles-was widely known.

Her first book of poems was published in London in 1921 by a group of friends associated with
the Imagist movement. From that time on her poetry has been read with interest by succeeding
generations of poets and readers. In 1952 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her Collected Poems.
She wrote that she did not write poetry for money or fame. To earn a living is needful, but it can be
done in routine ways. One writes because one has a burning desire to objectify what it is indispensable
to one's happiness to express.
Question 37: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Essayists and poets of the 1920's. B. The use of quotations in poetry.
C. Marianne Moore's life and work. D. The influence of the Imagists on Marianne
Question 38: Which of the following can be inferred about Moore's poems?
A. They were all published in The Dial.
B. They tend to be abstract.
C. They are better known in Europe than the United States.
D. They do not use traditional verse forms.
Question 39: According to the passage, Moore wrote about all of the following EXCEPT
A. artists B. workers C. animals D. fossils
Question 40: What does Moore refer to as "flies in amber" (paragraph 1)?
A. Concentration on detail. B. Poetry in the twentieth-century.
C. A common image in her poetry. D. Quotations within her poetry.
Question 41: The author mentions all of the following as jobs held by Moore EXCEPT
A. librarian B. commercial artist C. teacher D. magazine editor
Question 42: Where did Moore spend most of her adult life?
A. In Carlisle B. In Kirkwood C. In Los Angeles D. In Brooklyn
Question 43: The word “it” in the third paragraph refers to
A. writing poetry B. earning a living C. becoming famous D. attracting readers
Question 44: It can be inferred from the passage that Moore wrote because she
A. was dissatisfied with what others wrote B. wanted to win awards
C. wanted to raise money for the Bronx Zoo D. felt a need to express herself

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