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Leave End Date Should Be Greater Or Equal To Leave Start Date

If Leave Balance Is 0 Then Alert User ("You Have Insufficient Leave.") and Don’t Allow User To Apply

If User Choose Annual Leave And Selecting Less Than Or Equal To 2 Days Then Alert The User As You
Are Appling For '2' Or Less Than '2' Days ,so Your Leave Type Is Changed To ''Short Paid Leave'' Then
Change The Leave Type To Short paid Leave

If Employee's Service Period Less That 6 Month Mean Don’t Allow User To Apply Any Leave

Maximum Allowed Annual Leave Per Year Is 4

if User Service Period In Between 6 Months To 12 Months Then The User Maximum Allowed Annual
Leave Is Can Get Below Calculation ​Var Mdiff = (Leave Request Month/Date) - (Joined Date);
​Var MAXIMUM ALLOWED = Mdiff * Lval;

If Employee Used 3 Annual Leave If Employee Tring To Apply For Fourth Annual Leave Then The
Maximum Allowed Days Is By Below Calculation

Don’t Allow User To Apply Leave If No Of request Leave Days Is More Than Their Leave Balance

In the Employee Number And In Phone Number Field don’t allow for Characters(Only Numeric)

First Level And Second Level Approval(Except Grade 40) Are all Required Fields.
Dynamic Approval List Base one employee Department and grade



Not done
not done
The loan is granted to the Employee who has spent a period of Five (5) years in service.
Attachment is Required
The number of times to benefit from the loan is Five (5) times during the service period.
The value of the loan should not exceed Four (4) times the value of the total salary and with a ceiling
that does not exceed the amount of 15,000 KD.
Maximum Allowed Annual Leave Per Year Is 4
A period of Four (4) years is required from the date the employee obtained the previous loan.
Employee number,loan amount , and installment months are required field
If user selects 'Before leaving the office' Option, then they are not Allowed to select Past Date
If After Returning to the office' Option, then they are not Allowed to select Future Date

Please make user below mention fields are required fields

emp no
leave type
For headoffice user please show only day shift,
no need to display other shifts and select work hour option and select day/night shift option
For shuaiba users we can display all the shift in dropdown, if user select except day shift, then we can display select
in select work hours dropdown if user selects 12 hour shift option ,then display select Day/night shift option.

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