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European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No.

4, 418–432
doi: 10.1093/esr/jcy024
Advance Access Publication Date: 3 July 2018
Original Article

Ride with Me—Ethnic Discrimination, Social

Markets, and the Sharing Economy

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Jasper Dag Tjaden1,*, Carsten Schwemmer2 and Menusch Khadjavi3
Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, International Organisation for Migration, Taubenstraße 20-22,
Berlin 10117, Germany, 2Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration Faculty, Chair of
Political Sociology, University of Bamberg, Bamberg 96047, Germany and 3Kiel Institute for the World
Economy and Department of Economics, Christian Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel 24118, Germany
*Corresponding author. Email:
Submitted December 2017; revised June 2018; accepted June 2018

We study ethnic discrimination in the sharing economy using the example of online carpooling mar-
ketplaces. Based on a unique data set of 16,624 real rides from Germany, we estimate the effects
of drivers’ perceived name origins on the demand for rides. The results show sizable ethnic
discrimination—a discriminatory price premium of about 32 per cent of the average market price.
Further analyses suggest that additional information about actors in this market decreases the magni-
tude of ethnic discrimination. Our findings broaden the perspective of ethnic discrimination by shed-
ding light on subtle, everyday forms of discrimination in social markets, inform ongoing discussions
about ways to address discrimination in an era in which markets gradually move online, and respond
to increasingly recognized limitations of experimental approaches to study discrimination.

Introduction discriminated against (Zussman, 2013; Edelman, Luca

Decades of social science research provide evidence of and Svirsky, 2017).
ethnic and racial discrimination in various areas of We join this effort by examining the extent and the
society and in numerous countries (Pager, 2007; Pager causes of ethnic discrimination in Europe’s largest online
and Shepherd, 2008; Rich, 2014). Despite a long history carpooling market. We compile a new data set of 16,624
of policy responses and the introduction of anti- carpooling rides offered in Germany by programmatically
discrimination legislation designed to attenuate ethnic collecting ride information from an online platform. We
and racial disparities, discrimination appears to persist estimate the effect of drivers’ perceived name origin on
(Pager, Bonikowski and Western 2009). Discrimination the demand for their offered rides (clicks on offer). To
studies continue to enjoy attention, as discrimination is group names into perceived ethnic backgrounds, we con-
seen as one of the key mechanisms for explaining endur- ducted a separate online survey with 1,577 participants
ing economic and social inequality in society. Online who rated a total of 1,381 unique first names to distin-
markets offer a new perspective on the diverse settings guish the associated origin of drivers. Participants distin-
in which ethnic discrimination can occur and provide guished between typically German names and names
new channels to test assumptions about why and how with an Arab, Turkish, or Persian origin. Combined these
members of ethnic or racial groups are being three groups represent the largest and most recognizable

C The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4 419

immigrant community in Germany.1 Previous studies common dilemma given that many ethnic groups in
found that this particular group is disproportionately Germany are over-represented among lower social
affected by discrimination (Diehl et al., 2013; Blommaert, classes.
Coenders and van Tubergen 2014). Our results indicate large ethnic discrimination effects.
In carpooling markets, private individuals use online Controlling for all observable information, drivers with an
platforms to offer seats in their car for a particular ride. Arab/Turkish/Persian sounding name attract significantly
Carpooling websites have become serious competitors less interest in their offers (fewer clicks on the offer) than
for conventional bus and train providers across Europe, drivers with typically German names. To achieve the same

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in particular in low-budget segments of the transporta- demand compared to a driver with a typical German
tion market.2 Carpooling offers mid- to long-distance name, the average driver with an Arab/Turkish/Persian
rides from city to city rather than short taxi rides within sounding name would have to offer the ride at 32 per cent
cities (like services such as Uber). less than the price for an average ride. Group differences
Carpooling platforms are a compelling application cannot be explained by any other observable characteristic
for ethnic discrimination studies for several reasons. associated with the driver or the offered ride and are ro-
First, carpooling is not only an economic market where bust against a series of robustness checks.
riders select drivers with the best economic value Consumers appear to use the name as a proxy signal
(e.g. price per distance). Carpooling is also a social mar- to infer the ‘true’ value of the ride in economic, safety,
ket. The decision to acquire the service is linked to and social terms. When rich information about the
spending one-off time with a stranger, i.e. the driver. driver is available (i.e. high-rating profile picture), ethnic
The element of face-to-face personal interaction in a discrimination decreases, as consumers rely less on the
non-professional setting distinguishes carpooling plat- name.
forms from labour or consumer good markets where Our findings have important implications for policy.
ethnic discrimination has been studied (Doleac and First, ethnic discrimination occurs in social online mar-
Stein, 2013; Ewens, Tomlin and Wang, 2014; Ayres, ket platforms. This expands the view from traditional
Banaji and Jolls, 2015). Carpooling may thus help to discrimination studies in the labour market and housing
draw attention to ethnic discrimination in social situa- to more subtle, everyday forms of unequal treatment.
tions and reveal subtle, everyday forms of discrimination The results draw attention to other sectors with stronger
that may otherwise go unnoticed. social interaction elements, including the service and
Second, online markets such as carpooling are ideally care sector or group environments such as membership
suited to isolate ethnic effects. We are able to observe all in clubs, associations, and interest groups. Second,
characteristics that are visible to the customer, including insights into the mechanisms of discrimination can be
the driver rating, experience, and the car. This set-up the starting point for policy design aimed at reducing
allows us to overcome issues related to both experimen- disparities (Nunley, Owens and Howard, 2011; Guryan
tal designs—because we do not introduce an artificial and Charles, 2013). Our results suggest that providing
treatment that would otherwise not occur in this way3— more relevant context information about market actors
and many observational studies which may suffer from may be a powerful strategy to reduce discrimination
omitted variable bias.4 For example, audit studies have effects. As such, our results inform the discussion
often been criticized for introducing additional unob- around the need for anti-discrimination efforts in mar-
served factors such as demeanour and socio-economic kets that increasingly operate online. While consumers
background that may ‘pollute’ the treatment. Our ana- and service providers are often protected against dis-
lysis controls for every signal available to the consumer. crimination in traditional, offline markets (for instance
Third, we exploit variation in the information about hiring, housing, hospitality, and consumer goods), simi-
drivers to test assumptions about the mechanisms driv- lar provisions do not exist in online markets (see
ing ethnic discrimination. Additional information about Edelman, Luca and Svirsky, 2017) and are difficult to
the driver—such as the rating and experience—could prosecute.
work as a trust signal for consumers (Abrahao et al.,
2017); however, previous evidence is unclear about
whether additional information offsets ethnic discrimin-
Evidence and Mechanisms of Ethnic
ation (Ahmed, Andersson and Hammarstedt, 2010; Discrimination
Nunley, Owens and Howard, 2011). Ethnic and racial discrimination can be defined as
Fourth, we provide tentative evidence that ethnic dis- differential treatment that leads to unequal outcomes
crimination effects are not driven by social class bias—a based entirely on ascribed features such as race, ethnic
420 European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4

background, name origin, and foreign appearance Past evidence on the dominant form of ethnic discrim-
(Blank, Dabady and Citro, 2004). ination remained inconclusive, as support for either
Recent reviews document discrimination effects in mechanism varies considerably across studies (Ewens,
employment, housing, credit, and commodity markets Tomlin and Wang, 2014). However, recent (experimen-
in many countries (Pager and Shepherd, 2008; Rich, tal) studies point to the importance of statistical discrim-
2014). The strongest evidence for ethnic discrimination ination (rather than tastes) for explaining why
is based on studies employing experimental designs discrimination persists (Altonji and Pierret, 2001; List,
(Rich, 2014). These studies show that racial or ethnic 2004; Zussman, 2013; Ewens, Tomlin and Wang, 2014;

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groups often are—ceteris paribus—disadvantaged in Bryson and Chevalier, 2015). Growing evidence in favour
terms of access to labour markets (interview invitations, of statistical discrimination may be good news for policy-
call back rates, wage offers, treatment in interviews), makers given that information asymmetries may more
and the housing market (renting, buying, or selling easily be addressed than deep-rooted prejudice. In prac-
apartments and houses). tice, statistical and taste-based discrimination are difficult
More recent studies have made advances in two ways: to isolate in experimental and non-experimental study
first, they have broadened the application of discrimination designs. Similar to taste-based discrimination, statistical
studies to other markets (Nunley, Owens and Howard, discrimination relies on the concept of stereotypes in the
2011; Gneezy, List and Price, 2012; Doleac and Stein, form of certain beliefs associated with a group. It is not
2013; Zussman, 2013; Bryson and Chevalier, 2015; clear where stereotypes originate and whether they are
Edelman, Luca and Svirsky, 2017). Second, researchers related or congruent with the concept of prejudice. This
have fine-tuned experiments to test hypotheses about why complicates interpreting evidence for one or the other.
discrimination occurs opposed to whether it occurs Our study avoids a framing of statistical vs. taste-
(Gneezy, List and Price, 2012; Guryan and Charles, 2013). based discrimination as mutually exclusive mechanisms.
In terms of relevant mechanisms, much of the We examine the role of information on its own merit
literature across the various domains traditionally while we are aware that previous research has inter-
attempts to discern whether discrimination stems pri- preted information effects as indicative of statistical
marily from taste-based discrimination (racial animus/ discrimination (Nunley, Owens and Howard, 2011).
prejudice) or from statistical discrimination (asymmetric Rather than discerning the origins of ethnic discrimin-
information). ation, our primary aim with this study is to examine
In the case of taste-based discrimination (Becker, how additional information affects ethnic discrimination
1971), the driver of discrimination is a negative dispos- levels. In addition, responding to critiques of experimen-
ition towards certain groups. In our case, an individual tal studies (Heckman, 1998), we take advantage of rich
may suffer ‘disutility’ resulting from contact with a observational data covering real interactions occurring
specific ethnic group. As such, taste-based discrimin- in a real market.
ation relies on the presence of prejudice. Prejudice in re-
turn can loosely be defined as an affective, mostly
unfavourable feeling towards a person or group member Ethnic Discrimination in Online Carpooling
based solely on their group membership. Our study joins the effort of leveraging online mar-
In the case of statistical discrimination, differential kets—in our case, the largest German online carpooling
treatment based on race and ethnic background arises market—for the study of ethnic discrimination.
from incomplete or asymmetric information about the Carpooling markets match drivers that offer available
productivity of actors (Phelps, 1972; Arrow, 1973).5 seats in their car to riders that look for affordable one-
When limited information about a product or an off transport between cities. Riders can search rides by
individual is available, agents rely on observable group departure/arrival town and date. Besides the place, day
characteristics (such as ethnic group, race) to make and time of departure, the price for a seat, and a number
inferences about the individual. Another class of statis- of other ride-specific characteristics, carpooling offers
tical discrimination models focuses on the reliability of show the first names of the drivers. We estimate the ef-
the information that employers have about individual fect of an Arab/Persian/Turkish sounding first name on
productivity (Aigner and Cain, 1977; Altonji and Blank, the demand of offered rides as measured by clicks. Arab/
1999). At the core of both of these strands of statistical Turkish/Persian sounding names are associated with
discrimination is the notion that a lack of information the largest and most recognizable immigrant community
leads the employer to treat individuals as members of in Germany (mostly descendants of low-skilled guest
groups (Guryan and Charles, 2013).6 workers that arrived since the 1960s). Previous studies
European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4 421

have highlighted that members of the Arab/Turkish/ use the name of a driver as a signal to infer the ‘true
Persian community appear disproportionately affected value’ of the ride. Following this approach, the value of
by discrimination (Diehl et al., 2013; Blommaert, the ride depends on the degree of provided information
Coenders and van Tubergen, 2014) in Europe. about a ride rather than exclusively on the name origin
We interpret group differences in clicks net off all ob- of the driver. One advantage of our large data set is that
servable characteristics of the driver and the offered ride we can test for different stereotypes. We hypothesize
as evidence for ethnic discrimination. that a negative ethnic effect on clicks could generally be
In this brief section, we formulate three different pos- driven by three different sets of considerations: (i) price

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sible outcomes to our research question of whether and and comfort relative to distance, (ii) personal safety, and
why ethnic discrimination exists in carpooling markets: (iii) the social value.
(i) no distinct discrimination effects, (ii) discrimination Based on a narrow economic perspective, consumers
effects unaffected by information, and (iii) discrimin- simply click on the ride that offers the cheapest price
ation effects sensitive to the information provided. relative to the distance travelled. Other factors may in-
Regarding (i), we propose that it is plausible to ex- clude the car quality as an indication how fast and com-
pect no distinct ethnic discrimination effect owing to the fortable the ride will be. In our setting, we control for
particular context of carpooling and our study design. the distance of the ride, the price, and the car comfort.
First, carpooling consumers are on average younger Other consumers may choose an offer based on how
than the general population (Destatis, 2017). Second, secure they perceive the ride. Security has to be inferred
rides provide transport between urban centres which from other available information, as there is no object-
suggest that the customers are also more likely to be lib- ive indicator of security and safety on the platform. We
eral. Third, sharing a ride with a stranger already assume that consumers use the name of the driver as two
requires a certain level of trust. Fourth, online market signals for perceived safety of a ride. First, it is a com-
platforms have been shown to reduce information asym- mon stereotype that ‘migrants’, especially males, commit
metries associated with productivity and correct biases more crimes (Fitzgerald, Curtis and Corliss, 2011;
against certain groups (Agrawal, Lacetera and Lyons, Trager and Kubrin, 2014).7 The other common safety-
2013). Accordingly, it would not be surprising to find related stereotype could be that foreigners drive less
no significant discrimination effects given that we con- safely because traffic regulations are less strict or less
trol for all observable information about the ride and enforced in their origin countries. To the best of our
the driver. In this light any effect that we may find is knowledge, there is virtually no reliable comparable
likely conservatively small compared to ethnic discrim- data to prove or disprove this stereotype, but surveys
ination in other contexts and with other sub- suggest that the stereotype exists.8
populations in the German society. Finally, the value of a particular ride (and as a result,
Regarding (ii), in our setting, traditional taste-based demand for that ride) may be driven by the desire for
ethnic discrimination approaches suggest that potential pleasant social interaction. We know from previous re-
consumers discriminate against drivers with a foreign search that certain ethnic groups are disadvantaged, for
name, because they simply wish to avoid contact with a example, in flat sharing markets—a market where
member of a specific ethnic group. In carpooling, this choices include social interaction (Przepiorka, 2011).
means that we would expect discrimination effects re- Consumers may click on those offers that suggest the
gardless of variation in other information about the most enjoyable time during the ride. Sharing a ride
driver. Compared to commodity markets, taste-based means sharing private space, as carpoolers sit in close
ethnic discrimination may be more pronounced in car- proximity. Again, the name of the driver could be a
pooling, as the customer is spending several hours with proxy for language. Pleasant conversation is less likely if
someone from another ethnic group in a narrow space the driver speaks a different language and possibly lis-
(a car). In this case, simply the fact that the driver is tens to ‘foreign’ music. We estimate an interaction effect
associated with another ethnic group should lead to un- with music and dialogue preferences to test this assump-
equal treatment regardless of other observable charac- tion. Studies on online dating have shown that clear
teristics of the ride or the driver. In other words, we ethnic/racial preferences exist that commonly disadvan-
would expect that variation in the information provided tage minorities (Robnett and Feliciano, 2011; Lin and
about the ‘quality’ of the driver should not affect ethnic Lundquist, 2013; Jakobsson and Lindholm, 2014).
discrimination. Similar to those markets, consumers in carpooling
Regarding (iii), in our setting, statistical discrimin- markets may be driven by homophily preferences, i.e.
ation approaches commonly assume that potential riders looking to meet drivers who are most like them
422 European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4

(see McPherson, Smith-Lovin and Cook, 2001). Again, information on all observable information on the
the name would signal greater social distance given that offered rides and the drivers. The visual interface (see
the large majority of consumers are Germans. Figure 1) shows information about age, gender, user pic-
As there is no direct indicator for safety or sociabil- ture if available, user rating, car, timing and stops of the
ity, consumers have to rely on other available informa- ride, price, available seats, and some preferences of the
tion, including the name. We argue that the user rating, driver (smoking, music, talking).
number of ratings, and the driver experience are suitable Rides shown in Figure 1 are offered by drivers travel-
aggregate proxies for both categories. A bad user rating ling from Rostock to Berlin. For instance, the first driver

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or low experience suggests that the ride may be less safe offered a seat for his ride at the price of 11 Euros. He
and less pleasant. Similar to studies that attempt to test has two positive user ratings from earlier interactions on
statistical discrimination, we will interact the ethnic in- the market. Furthermore, he prefers to talk during the
dicator with other indicators about productivity signals, trip and does not mind riders to travel with their pets. In
in this case, the user rating and experience (Nunley, contrast to the other ride offers in Figure 1, the driver
Owens and Howard, 2011; Blommaert, Coenders and did not upload a picture.
van Tubergen, 2014; Ewens, Tomlin and Wang, 2014). Due to volume and restrictions from the provider,
Similar to Nunley, Owens and Howard (2011), we not all rides in the market could be collected. As a result,
argue that consumers’ relative weight on beliefs regarding we selected routes between the largest cities in all 16
the trustworthiness of drivers with an ethnically distinct German states (Länder). Carpooling is more common
name diminishes as other pertinent information about between urban centres due to supply and demand for
credibility becomes available. The scarcer the other infor- rides. Our strategy allowed us to approximate a bal-
mation about the ‘true’ safety and ‘fun’ of the ride, the anced geographical representation of observed rides for
more consumers rely on stereotypes regarding the per- different regions in Germany. As a second step, we
ceived name origin. In our design, the user rating is based included additional large cities in regions with larger
on experience of the driver (how many rides he or she has populations, particularly regions with higher shares of
offered in the past) and the customer satisfaction. The user ethnic minority residents. Oversampling of urban areas
rating is a strong signal about the trustworthiness of pro- was necessary to ensure a sufficient sample of drivers
vided information online and the ‘true’ productivity of the with foreign-sounding names (see Figure 2).
ride. We use additional proxies of safety and sociability to The data were collected in two steps: first, we pulled
test the effect of additional information including the pro- data from the API and, second, we used the program-
file picture (homophily, trust), talking and music preferen- ming language Python to automatically access the web-
ces (sociability), and gender (safety).9 site four times a day at equal intervals between 16 July
2015 and 27 July 2015. Accessing the website in add-
ition to pulling API data was necessary for retrieving in-
Data and Methods formation about our main dependent variable, the
number of clicks that each ride in our sample received.
In this section, we first present details of the data
collection process and then elaborate on the empirical
We assess group differences regarding demand for
Data Collection offered rides on the carpooling platform. Demand is
We compile a new data set with the aim to achieve a measured by clicks. We regress the maximum number of
meaningful balance between internal and external valid- clicks that a ride received until departure using a nega-
ity of discrimination effects. Using one of the largest on- tive binomial regression (see Supplementary Figure B1
line carpooling platforms in Germany, we compile a for distribution of clicks).11 In the analysis, the number
data set of 16,624 observations (i.e. rides) in Germany of clicks is adjusted for the number of days that the offer
that were listed online between 16 July 2015 and 27 was displayed online until departure.
July 2015.10 According to the provider, the platform We restrict our sample in several ways: first, we drop
offered 250,000 rides in 2013 and 2014. The platform rides that depart after the end of our observation period
has 30 million members in 22 countries. According to (right-censoring). This is necessary to obtain an accurate
the company’s website, 10 million users use the website measure of maximum clicks before departure. Second, we
every quarter. Based on access to an Application restrict the sample to rides that were uploaded no sooner
Programming Interface, in short API, we collected than 7 days before we began the data collection. One
European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4 423

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Figure 1. User interface of online carpooling platform

Source: Carpooling Data Germany 2015 (compiled by authors). Images, names, and age of drivers pixelated. See main text for description in English.

week is an appropriate time window given that most rides rides per route and day). The final sample for the analysis
are uploaded a few days before departure. Third, we drop of clicks includes 16,624 rides, including 528 rides with
cross-border rides, as consumers are most likely not an Arab/Turkish/Persian driver.
German and clicks are inflated as affected rides are also As our main independent variable regarding discrimin-
listed in carpooling platforms for neighbouring countries, ation, we use the first name of the driver to infer whether
where the provider also operates. Fourth, we limit our the name is ‘typically Arab/Turkish/Persian’ or ‘typically
sample to routes (e.g. departure city: Munich—arrival German’. Names signal membership to a particular ethnic
city: Berlin) that have more than one offered ride per day group (regardless of whether the signal is true) and ‘ignite’
and have at least one driver with an Arab/Turkish/Persian potential stereotypes (Bertrand and Mullainathan, 2004;
name.12 This step is important to ensure that we can ob- Booth, Leigh and Varganova, 2012).
serve a counterfactual, i.e. consumers cannot discriminate Driven by concerns about the objectiveness and reli-
against drivers from another ethnic group if there are ability of name ratings, we conducted a large online sur-
none. It is important to note that all our models addition- vey in which respondents were asked to rate driver
ally control for route and volume (number of offered names that we extracted from our carpooling sample.
424 European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4

For the analysis of mechanisms, we exploit variation

in information about each offered ride. We estimate the
interaction effect of an Arab/Turkish/Persian first name
with the user rating associated with each offered ride.
The rating score is an average of past riders’ general
evaluation of their ride with the respective driver who
offered it. Past riders can rate the driver retrospectively.
As a result, the rating is a strong signal of safety, soci-

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ability, and overall trustworthiness. To test the sociabil-
ity argument in particular, we estimate an interaction of
the name with the profile picture and the music and dia-
logue preference. Drivers that provide a profile picture
as personal information likely increase their trustworthi-
ness. The profile picture may also function as a proxy
for sociability perceptions. The ‘talking preference’ indi-
cates whether the driver is interested in talking during
the ride which we use as one additional measurement
for the sociability argument. Finally, we estimate an
interaction with name and gender. We assume that
negative stereotypes regarding the safety of rides with
Arab/Turkish/Persian drivers largely apply to male
Figure 2. Sampled rides in online carpooling market drivers.
Controls include all the information that is observ-
Source: Carpooling Data Germany 2015 (compiled by authors).
able to consumers, including information about the
offered ride (route, time, and distance) and the driver
In total, 1,577 student raters participated in the survey. such as age and gender (see Supplementary Table A2
The origin of 1,381 unique first names was on average and A3 for a full description and distribution of all
rated by 20 student raters (SD ¼ 4.6).13 As carpooling model variables). Regardless of ride and driver
riders are younger than the national average (Destatis, information, the clicks on offer may simply be driven
2017), students represent a reasonable approximation of by the size of the potential user population, which
typical riders. Table 1 shows the most frequent names varies considerably across the sampled cities and
by perceived name origin. regions in Germany. For this reason, we control for the
For the analysis, we use an 80 per cent cut-off for demand side using a route identifier for all routes in
determining an Arab/Turkish/Persian name. That is, the our sample.
driver is considered to have an Arab/Turkish/Persian
name if four of five raters (i.e. 16 of 20 raters per name
on average) considered the name to be typically ‘Arab, Results
Turkish or Persian’. We also report results for the con- The analysis confirms substantial discrimination effects
tinuous measure of Arab/Turkish/Persian name origin in Germany’s online carpooling market. Drivers with
variable in percentage points (see Figure 4 below). Arab/Turkish/Persian names attract less demand (meas-
We grouped Arab/Turkish/Persian sounding first names ured in clicks) than drivers with typical German names
together because they are difficult to distinguish for for the same ride. Controlling for all observable char-
the average resident in Germany and are commonly acteristics of the ride and the driver that are visible to
associated as being from the same world region.14 consumers, we find that drivers with an Arab/Turkish/
Members of this broad group are associated with the Persian sounding name obtain on average seven clicks
largest and most recognizable immigrant community in less than a driver with a typical German name (signifi-
Germany (mostly descendants of low-skilled guest cant at P < 0.01, see Figure 3 and Supplementary Table
workers that arrived since the 1960s). Previous studies A3). Seven clicks represent approximately 13 per cent
have highlighted that members of the Arab/Turkish/ of the average number of clicks per offered ride in
Persian community appear disproportionately affected the sample (51 clicks). In a separate step, we calculate
by discrimination (Diehl et al., 2013; Blommaert, the average discriminatory price premium, i.e. the
Coenders and van Tubergen, 2014). average willingness to pay to avoid riding with an
European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4 425

Table 1. Most frequent name origins with high origin certainty

# Male names Female names

Arab/Persian/Turkish German Arab/Persian/Turkish German

1 Ali Thomas Sanam Julia

2 Mohammed Christian Halime Sarah
3 Süleyman Daniel Sahar Johanna

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4 Seref Martin Hülya Lisa
5 Mohamed Michael Taman Anna
6 Kadir Alexander Büsra Katharina
7 Serdar Andreas Dersimgül Grit
8 Ismail Sebastian Gülli Maria
9 Mustafa Markus Gülten Laura
10 Cem Jens Husna Anne
11 Osman Peter Nasrin Franziska
12 Salman Tobias Nesrin Lena
13 Yusuf Christoph Senem Stefanie
14 Amir Matthias Sinem Alexandra
15 Ercan Stefan Özlem Anja
16 Mehdi Chris Hasiba Annika
17 Oguz Robert Cigdem Nadine
18 Rami Jan Elif Sandra
19 Ahmad Volker Fatemeh Miriam
20 Ersin Friedrich Gülcan Carolin

Notes: Most frequent driver names by name origin based on online survey ratings (N ¼ 1,577 survey participants; 20 ratings per name on average). Note that only
30 unique female Arab/Persian/Turkish names were available in the sample.

Figure 3. Predicted number of clicks on offer ride by name origin of the driver

Notes: Carpooling Data Germany 2015 (compiled by authors). Predicted clicks are adjusted (see full model in Supplementary Table A3). N ¼ 16,624.
Group differences are statistically different (P < 0.01).
426 European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4

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Figure 4. Predicted number of clicks on offer by certainty of Arab/Turkish/Persian name origin

Notes: Carpooling Data Germany 2015 (compiled by authors). Predicted clicks are adjusted (see Supplementary Table A3). N ¼ 16,624. Effect of continu-
ous name measure is statistically significant (P < 0.01); 95 per cent confidence interval.

Arab/Turkish/Persian driver. Dividing the name coeffi- Figure 5 shows that drivers with an Arab/Turkish/
cient by the price coefficient indicates that Arab/Turkish/ Persian name are disadvantaged against German drivers
Persian drivers would have to offer their rides on average when they have no or low ratings. Disparities appear to
4.20 e cheaper than German drivers to achieve the same vanish when both drivers have equally high user ratings.
number of clicks. This accounts for 32 per cent of the The interaction effect is statistically significant at
average price of an average ride in our sample. This dis- P < 0.01 (see Supplementary Table A3). Similar results
criminatory price premium increases to 34 per cent when for the number of user ratings and the driver experience
setting covariates to different values, for example, a male, corroborate these findings (see Supplementary Figure B2
30-year-old Arab/Turkish/Persian driver with little ex- and B3).
perience offering a ride over 300 kilometres in a comfort- The findings for the user rating, number of ratings,
able car on a Sunday afternoon. and experience suggest that consumers place less weight
Figure 3 uses the 80 per cent cut-off to determine on the name of the driver when other relevant informa-
drivers with an Arab/Turkish/Persian name. Figure 4 tion is available. This is consistent with the statistical
reports the result for the continuous measure of Arab/ discrimination hypothesis as the name of the driver may
Turkish/Persian name origin (the percentage of survey be used as one more source of information about the
respondents who rated the name to be typically Arab/ perceived ‘value’ of the ride.
Turkish/Persian). Disparities between Arab/Turkish/ We conduct a number of additional indirect tests to
Persian and German drivers increase with the degree of approximate different motives (as discussed in Section
certainty that the name is associated with an Arab/ Ethnic Discrimination in Online Carpooling). There
Turkish/Persian background (see Figure 4). may be at least two possible sources of stereotypes.
In the second part of the analysis, we turn to the role First, consumers may be concerned with safety, since
of information for ethnic discrimination. Our tests sug- carpooling entails sharing a ride with a stranger.
gest that disparities between groups depend on the vari- Given stereotypes regarding crime and driving styles
ation of information about individual drivers. among ‘foreigners’, we hypothesized that statistical
European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4 427

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Figure 5. Predicted number of clicks on offered ride by name origin of the driver and the user rating

Notes: Carpooling Data Germany 2015 (compiled by authors). Predicted clicks are adjusted for all observable characteristics (see Supplementary
Table A3). N ¼ 16,624; 95 per cent confidence interval.

discrimination may be driven by safety concerns. Our Third, we suspected that consumers may select rides
results provide indirect evidence that this is the case. based on sociability considerations. Drivers with an
First, ethnic discrimination effects are larger for males Arab/Turkish/Persian name could be discriminated
compared to females (see Supplementary Figure B4). against when consumers assume that ‘foreign’ drivers
This is consistent with the assumption that stereotypes may not speak the language or do not share similar
regarding crime and driving styles apply particularly music tastes which could make the joint ride less enjoy-
to male foreigners (Trager and Kubrin, 2014). able. In fact, our findings show that Arab/Turkish/
Consumers may generally feel less safe with a male Persian drivers are less disadvantaged when they have
driver with an Arab/Turkish/Persian sounding name indicated a preference for talking during the ride (see
compared to a male German driver. Female drivers Supplementary Figure B6). We speculate that consumers
with an Arab/Turkish/Persian sounding name may interpret a talking preference for foreigners as a sign of
not be disadvantaged compared to female German good German language skills. In contrast, a preference
drivers given that the crime stereotype largely applies against talking may simply be interpreted as a potential
to males. However, sample size limitations regarding language barrier. This could explain why the positive ef-
female drivers with foreign names (N ¼ 31) do not fect of talking preference on clicks is considerably larger
allow us to infer that females are not subject to for Arab/Turkish/Persian drivers compared to German
discrimination. The effect is smaller but not 0 drivers.
(see Supplementary Figure B4 and Supplementary The results for music preference could be interpreted
Table A4). in a similar vein (see Supplementary Figure B7). Our
Second, Arab/Turkish/Persian drivers without a pro- findings show that Arab/Turkish/Persian drivers are
file picture are much more disadvantaged than drivers more disadvantaged when they indicate a preference for
from the same ethnic group with a profile picture (see music during the ride. Again, consumers may infer that
Supplementary Figure B5).15 We interpret the profile a music preference implies a lack of willingness to talk
picture to be a trust-enhancing measure. Ethnic stereo- which, in turn, could be perceived as a language barrier.
types regarding safety may simply have more room to In addition, consumers may assume that drivers with an
engage imagination when users do not know what the Arab/Turkish/Persian name might want to listen to eth-
driver looks like. nic music which could reduce the enjoyment of the ride
428 European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4

for German consumers who may be less likely to share might create rare and artificial situations (Heckman,
similar tastes. 1998). Fourth, we can provide tentative analysis to dis-
In sum, our results document substantial ethnic dis- entangle social from ethnic cues which is a limitation of
crimination in Germany’s carpooling market. Our find- many ethnic discrimination studies.
ings highlight the power of information about drivers. We find evidence of substantial ethnic discrimination
The more useful information is provided about drivers in Germany’s carpooling market. Drivers with Arab/
with foreign-sounding names, the less likely they are to Turkish/Persian sounding names obtain—ceteris pari-
be discriminated. We provided tentative evidence that bus—less demand (on average 13 per cent fewer clicks)

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safety and sociability considerations may drive this in- compared to German drivers. The average Arab/
formation effect. Our results are robust against a series Turkish/Persian driver in our analysis would have to
of checks, including different samples, variable opera- offer his ride 4.20 e cheaper than the average German
tionalization, estimators, and potential social class bias driver to achieve the same demand, a discriminatory
(see the Appendix for details). price premium that is equivalent to 32 per cent of the
One important potential source of bias is perceived price for an average ride. This finding is robust against a
social class given that Arab and Turkish migrant broad range of checks.
communities are over-represented among lower social Discrimination of drivers with Arab/Turkish/Persian
classes in Germany. We compare the effects of typically names persists despite the relatively young and urban con-
Arab/Turkish/Persian names with the effect of typically sumer composition in this particular market. Therefore,
Anglo-Saxon names (i.e. Steven, Justin, and Kevin). the estimated discrimination effect may be conservative
Studies in the German context have shown that Anglo- compared to other everyday social interactions with eth-
Saxon names in Germany are associated with low social nic minorities in the German society. Our findings are
class (Kaiser, 2010). The effect of such names, however, consistent with other recent studies that show ethnic/
is not statistically significant and not negative. As such, racial discrimination effects in other online consumer
we provide tentative findings that the ethnic penalty markets (Ayres, Banaji and Jolls, 2015; Przepiorka, 2011;
appears to be robust against social class bias. Robnett and Feliciano, 2011; Doleac and Stein, 2013;
Zussman, 2013; Blommaert, Coenders and van Tubergen,
2014; Edelman, Luca and Svirsky, 2017). Discrimination
Summary and Discussion against individuals with Arab, Persian, and Turkish
Recent ethnic discrimination studies increasingly make sounding names is consistent with findings in other studies
use of online market data to better understand when across Europe (Blommaert, Coenders and van Tubergen,
and why ethnic discrimination occurs. We aim to con- 2014; Rich, 2014; Gaddis and Ghoshal, 2015).
tribute to this effort with a novel application of ethnic One main result of our study is that ethnic disparities
discrimination in Europe’s largest online carpooling decrease depending on the level of relevant information
market (i.e. Germany). We argue that there are four that is available about the service provider (the driver).
aspects that make our study a valuable contribution to Higher user ratings, a higher number of ratings, and infor-
existing research. First, carpooling is a social market mation on driver experience decrease ethnic discrimin-
that involves one-off, face-to-face interaction in a non- ation. In fact, ethnic disparities seem to disappear entirely
professional setting. This unique setting broadens the for the highest rated drivers. This shows that stereotypes
scope of ethnic discrimination research to more subtle, regarding particular ethnic groups become more salient
diverse, and everyday interactions where ethnic minor- and active when other information that could signal trust
ities may face unequal treatment. Second, the social is scarce. In other words, discrimination is more pervasive
element of this market and the fact that we are able to in information-scarce environments. Consumers appear to
measure all relevant observable characteristics allow us use the name origin as a signal for other relevant informa-
to test assumptions regarding the mechanisms driving tion that is otherwise not available. Previous studies have
ethnic discrimination. We focus in particular on the argued that such information effects are consistent with
effects of information. Third, the advantage of our ap- statistical discrimination. We are cautious to make strong
plication is that we observe real actors making real deci- judgments on the relative importance of statistical and
sions in real markets while being able to control all taste-based ethnic discrimination in general, as we do not
relevant factors that may influence consumer choice. have the tools to adequately isolate taste-based discrimin-
Using observational data while holding all relevant con- ation. Regardless of relative importance, the strong effects
founders constant is a key advantage of our study and of information, including user ratings, deserve attention in
responds to the critique of experimental methods that its own merit and support some previous evidence that
European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4 429

suggests that information can ameliorate discrimination Our study also faces certain limitations. Unfortunately,
effects (Ahmed, Andersson and Hammarstedt, 2010; information about the consumers of the rides is not avail-
Nunley, Owens and Howard, 2011; Abrahao et al., 2017). able. We were also not able to match more disaggregated
Common statistical discrimination assumes that dis- regional population statistics. This information would
criminatory behaviour is based on stereotypes which are allow us to disaggregate effects by location and look at
commonly difficult to capture empirically. Our data how population attitudes may correlate with discrimin-
allowed us to provide a number of indirect tests of atory behaviour. Future comparative research is also
underlying stereotypes that might drive discrimination. needed to assess to which extent discrimination varies

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Unlike conventional studies in the area of employment, across national contexts and different ethnic groups. In
for example, stereotypes in carpooling do not (only) re- addition, more research is needed to study the effect of
volve around low productivity, low educational achieve- gender in online market discrimination. Our results suggest
ment, or work ethics. Our analysis suggests that safety that ethnic penalties are smaller for women compared to
and sociability considerations apply. The results show men; however, our sample size of female drivers was too
that customers may have—ceteris paribus—less trust in small to explore gender-specific processes in more detail.
a driver with a foreign name and that foreign drivers In summary, our results have illustrated the power of
may signal a lower social value, for example, because a name and the information associated with it. We find
they may speak a different language and prefer different that the name is used as a proxy for the trustworthiness
music during the ride. Tentative evidence suggests that of actors in a social market environment. Foreign-
these effects are not driven by social class bias. sounding drivers are trusted less than German drivers
Our findings have implications for policy. The results when information is scarce. When more information is
underscore the importance of a general discussion about provided about both drivers, discrimination decreases to
anti-discrimination legislation in the Internet age. It is levels that are statistically undistinguishable from 0. In
possible that due to one-to-one communication in online other words, when little is known about the quality of a
markets, discrimination goes largely undetected and un- ride, drivers with typical German names enjoy a certain
sanctioned. Moreover, our findings suggest that the type ‘blind trust premium’ that cannot be explained by any
and level of information provided matters for the degree relevant quality indicator. Unique to our social market
of discrimination, providing a useful leverage point for scenario, we were able to provide indication that dis-
policy makers. The magnitude of ethnic discrimination crimination in social markets is based on assumptions
decreases with an increase of available context informa- regarding safety and the social value of spending time
tion about individual actors. Growing evidence in sup- with a member of another ethnic group in terms of lan-
port of statistical discrimination is good news for guage barriers and tastes (e.g. music preference). Our
policymakers (as compared to taste-basted discrimin- findings highlight the role of ethnic discrimination in
ation), as information is often more malleable to policy subtle, everyday social interactions between ethnic
than deep-rooted prejudice. In cases where adding con- groups and the powerful role of information to influence
text information is not possible, another strategy is to re- discrimination.
move the information or signal (ethnic cue) that induces
unequal treatment of some users, i.e. the name. Without
the name it is harder to assign (ethnic) group member- Notes
ship, and thus harder for stereotypes to be activated. 1 The exact origin of Arab, Persian, and Turkish
Which approaches are most effective depends on the names is difficult to distinguish for a lay person.
context and remains an empirical question. It is clear, However, members of all three groups in Germany
however, that online markets are increasingly under are commonly associated to be of the same migrant
pressure to find solutions. The online apartment-sharing group with assumed cultural similarities.
platform Airbnb—for example—has recently introduced 2 See article in the German newspaper die Welt
changes to growing evidence of discrimination on their entitled ‘Vor diesen hippen Mitfahrdiensten zittert
platform (see Edelman, Luca and Svirsky, 2017).16 The die Bahn’ (i.e. these are the carpooling services that
start-up adopted new non-discrimination policies and the train companies are afraid of). Accessible at
systems to address user complaints. Airbnb is now
promising to allow guests to book without prior approv- diesen-hippen-Mitfahrdiensten-zittert-die-Bahn.html.
al or screening by the host and to reduce the prominence 3 As a pre-test, we uploaded a limited number of
of pictures on guests’ profiles in favour of more ‘object- artificial rides on the route Munich to Cologne,
ive’, reputation-enhancing information. varying profiles by the name origin only (using
430 European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4

‘Mehmet’ and ‘Serkan’ as typical Turkish first main aim of the study to avoid demand effects.
names and ‘Johannes’ and ‘Tobias’ as typical More technical information is available upon
German first names). The pre-test indicated large request.
discrimination effects which further strengthened 14 To support this fact, we collected additional data
our objective to collect real market data. from 38 respondents in a university lab setting.
4 See Heckman (1998) and Neumark (2012) for dis- Each respondent was asked to allocate a particular
cussions on the limitations of audit and correspond- origin to the most frequent names in the Arab/
ence studies. Turkish/Persian group. On average, neither of the

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5 Other forms of discrimination include implicit, un- three origins was chosen with more than 50 per
intentional biases (Anderson, Fryer, and Holt, cent certainty. In comparison, the German origin
2006). We will focus our discussion on statistical was allocated to typical German names with a cer-
and taste-based discrimination, as the decision to tainty of over 90 per cent. See Supplementary
carpool (our application) involves conscious weigh- Figure B8 for box plots of name ratings.
ing of numerous alternatives (other competing 15 We also estimated the baseline model based on a
rides) and evaluation of several characteristics (lo- subsample of rides with and without a profile pic-
cation, price, timing, age, experience, rating, etc.). ture (total N ¼ 7,664; Arab/Turkish/Persian ¼
6 Specific applications of statistical discrimination 233). The effect of an Arab/Turkish/Persian name
approaches may not be able to explain average is smaller and not significant.
group disadvantages when group stereotypes are, in 16 See
fact, correct. However, individual members of the bnb-anti-discrimination-review; https://www.the
respective group can still be subject to discrimin-
ation (Kalter, 2006). eric-holder-racial-discrimination-bias
7 See news articles referring to the issue of crimes
rates and foreigners in Germany: http://www.stra; http://www.
Supplementary Data Supplementary data are available at ESR online.
The authors would like to thank the three anonymous reviewers
8 See news report covering a survey on the reputation
for their time and constructive feedback. The authors are also
of car drivers in different European countries:
grateful for comments on previous versions from Uri Gneezy,
Ruud Koopmans, Jack DeWaard, Marc Helbling, Sebastian
Europaweite-Umfrage.html Wenz, and Cornelia Kristen. The research was conducted inde-
9 Stereotypes regarding high crime rates for ethnic pendently by the authors and does not necessarily reflect the
minorities largely affect males (Trager and Kubrin, views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
2014). The research was not conducted in the corresponding author’s
10 We would like to thank the provider for supporting capacity as staff of the IOM.
academic research by allowing access to these data.
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mial regression is superior to other count models.
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Research Foundation through their Excellence Initiative and the
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Fulbright Commission.
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Carsten Schwemmer is a Research Associate and Doctoral
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Since 2000. IZA Discussion Paper No. 8584, Bonn, Germany: language processing and ethnic minority studies. He is also
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), pp. 1–68. interested in political sociology, xenophobia, and social
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tionship between immigration and crime. In Gartner, R. and
McCarthy, B. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and
Menusch Khadjavi is an Assistant Professor of
Crime. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, pp. 527–548. Economics and Ethics at Christian-Albrechts-University
Zussman, A. (2013). Ethnic discrimination: lessons from the Israeli Kiel and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy,
online market for used cars. The Economic Journal, 123, 433–468. Germany. He earned his PhD from the University of
Hamburg in 2013. His research provides insights into
Jasper Dag Tjaden works at the UN Migration morally relevant behavior in economics, including emo-
Agency’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre. He tional motivation and extrinsic incentives, charitable
earned his PhD from the University of Bamberg includ- giving, corruption, procedural preferences, and the pri-
ing research stays at the City University of New York vate provision of public goods. His work has been pub-
and the Minnesota Population Centre. His research lished in leading journals in economics, including
provides insights into migration, integration, educa- Games and Economic Behavior and Management
tional inequality, and discrimination. His work has Science. He has been a visiting scholar at UC San Diego,
been published in leading journals in sociology, UC Berkeley and Columbia University.

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