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Decrees Relating to the Individual Corridors of the Resurrection Temple [BTFJ 1:171]

Physical Realm
Beloved I Am Presence, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Raphael, Gabriel and
Hope, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection Flame, direct the fully gathered
momentum of the Resurrection Flame through the bodies of those who desire bodies that
are absolutely non-recordant to disease.

Etheric Realm
Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Raphael, Gabriel and
Hope, Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection Flame, direct the Resurrection Flame into
the etheric realms and through the etheric bodies of those who have applied through their
own heart flame, for purification of their own etheric records. Dissolve and purify the
etheric records of nations, continents, old castles and places where great evils and
injustices have been done to life. Beloved I Am! By Cosmic Command! Do it today! Do
it to stay!

Astral and Psychic Realms

Beloved I Am Presence, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Raphael, Gabriel and
Hope, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection Flame, direct the fully gathered
momentum of the Resurrection Flame into the mass accumulation of discord which
manifests as diseases of the mind and the body. Direct this flame also into “earth-bound”
spirits to rise into the octaves of Light.

Mental Realm
Beloved I Am Presence, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Raphael, Gabriel and
Hope, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection Flame, direct the fully gathered
momentum of the Resurrection Flame into the vibratory action of the mental bodies of
the race and through the tremendous accumulation of thought forms which fill the
atmosphere, impinging themselves in the mental bodies of the people, thus blocking the
God-directions of the individual Higher Self and Cosmic Truth..

Emotional Realms
Beloved I Am Presence, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Raphael, Gabriel and
Hope, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection Flame, direct the fully gathered
momentum of the Resurrection Flame into the vast sea of the emotional realm and
through the desire worlds of those who wish to rise above the passions of the senses, to
sublimate the lusts of the outer self and to replace them by the “hunger and thirst after

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