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USP 41 Official Monographs / Ipecac 2225

Instrumental conditions cork a few cells thick. The secondary xylem consists of
(See Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy 〈857〉.) narrow, bordered-pitted tracheidal vessels and tracheids
Mode: UV-Vis in combination with xylem parenchyma. The latter have
Analytical wavelengths: 283 and 350 nm simple pits and contain starch grains. Starch is present
Cell: 1 cm also in the medullary rays. The phloem occurs as small
Blank: 0.5 N sulfuric acid groups of sieve tissue embedded in parenchyma. The
Analysis wide phelloderm consists of round-celled cellulose pa-
Samples: Standard solution, Emetine solution, and Ceph- renchyma filled with starch grains and a few idioblasts,
aeline solution each of which contains a bundle of acicular raphides of
Calculate the percentage of emetine in the portion of calcium oxalate crystals 30- to 80-µm long. The starch
Ipecac taken: grains are rarely single but usually occur as 2–4 and
sometimes 8 in a clump. Individual grains measure up
Result = (AU/AS) × (CS/CU) × 100 to 22 µm in diameter.
The rhizome differs from the root in having a ring of
AU = difference in the absorbances of the emetine xylem around a large pith. The pericycle contains
solution from the Sample solution at the characteristic sclerenchymatous cells. Spiral vessels are
wavelengths indicated by (A283 − A350) found in the protoxylem. The pith is composed of pit-
AS = difference in the absorbances of the emetine ted parenchyma, which is somewhat lignified.
solution from the Standard solution at the • OVERGROUND STEMS: The proportion of overground stems
wavelengths indicated by (A283 − A350) is NMT 5%.
CS = concentration of emetine in the Standard • ARTICLES OF BOTANICAL ORIGIN 〈561〉, Methods of Analysis,
solution (µg/mL) Foreign Organic Matter: The proportion of foreign or-
CU = nominal concentration of emetine in the ganic matter is NMT 2.0%.
Sample solution (mg/mL)
Calculate the percentage of cephaeline in the portion of ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
Ipecac taken: • USP REFERENCE STANDARDS 〈11〉
USP Emetine Hydrochloride RS
Result = (AU/AS) × (CS/CU) × (Mr1/Mr2) × 100
AU = difference in the absorbances of the
cephaeline solution from the Sample solution
at the wavelengths indicated by (A283 − A350)
Powdered Ipecac

AS = difference in the absorbances of the

cephaeline solution from the Standard
solution at the wavelengths indicated by (A283 » Powdered Ipecac is Ipecac reduced to a fine or
− A350) a very fine powder and adjusted to a potency of
CS = concentration of emetine in the Standard
solution (µg/mL) not less than 1.9 percent and not more than
2.1 percent of the total ether-soluble alkaloids of

USP Monographs
CU = nominal concentration of cephaeline in the
Sample solution (mg/mL) ipecac, by the addition of exhausted marc of ipe-
Mr1 = molecular weight of cephaeline, 466.61 cac or of other suitable inert diluent or by the
Mr2 = molecular weight of emetine, 480.64 addition of powdered ipecac of either a lower or
Acceptance criteria: The content of emetine
(C29H40N2O4) and cephaeline (C28H38N2O4) together is a higher potency.
NLT 90.0% of the total amount of the ether-soluble al- The content of emetine (C29H40N2O4) and
kaloids. The content of cephaeline varies from an cephaeline (C28H38N2O4) together is not less than
amount equal to, to an amount NMT 2.5 times, the 90.0 percent of the total amount of the ether-
content of emetine.
soluble alkaloids. The content of cephaeline var-
CONTAMINANTS ies from an amount equal to, to an amount not
• ARTICLES OF BOTANICAL ORIGIN 〈561〉, Pesticide Residue more than 2.5 times, the content of emetine.
Analysis: Meets the requirements
Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.
• BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS USP Reference standards 〈11〉—
Macroscopic: A mixture of segments of the roots and USP Emetine Hydrochloride RS
rhizomes. The root segments are mostly curved and Botanic characteristics—Thin-walled, fairly small cork
flexuous, occasionally branched, up to 15 cm in length cells, the starch grains rarely simple and usually 2- to
and usually 3–6.5 mm in diameter, but may be up to 8-compound, the single grains up to 22 µm in diameter;
9 mm in diameter, grayish, grayish brown, or reddish raphides of calcium oxalate 30 to 80 µm in length;
brown, the reddish brown type often having light- tracheids and tracheidal vessels found in groups having very
colored abrasions, transverse ridges 0.5–1.0 mm wide numerous, small, bordered pits; parenchyma of phelloderm
that extend halfway around the circumference of the filled with starch or acicular crystals of calcium oxalate, hav-
root and fade at their tapering extremities into the gen- ing cells thin-walled, oval with intercellular spaces; paren-
eral surface, with from one to six of these ridges per chyma of the xylem composed of small rectangular and lon-
centimeter, and annulations sometimes seen at irregular gitudinally elongated cells with moderately thick walls and
intervals. The rhizomes are cylindrical, 2 mm thick, scattered bordered or simple pits; rhizome parenchyma cells
finely longitudinally wrinkled, with a few elliptical scars. larger than root parenchyma cells, with slightly thicker walls
The odor is distinctive; the dust is sternutatory. and lignified with fairly numerous simple pits; sclereids from
Microscopic: At the center of the root is a well-defined the rhizome large, rectangular, with uneven walls and large,
primary xylem but no pith. Surrounding this is a dense conspicuous pits.
wood of secondary xylem crossed by medullary rays. Assay for total ether-soluble alkaloids—Proceed with
These elements are all lignified. External to the wood is Powdered Ipecac as directed in the Assay for total ether-
a narrow band of secondary phloem and a wide paren- soluble alkaloids under Ipecac.
chymatous phelloderm surrounded by a narrow layer of

Official from May 1, 2018

Copyright (c) 2018 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.
Accessed from by universetx608 on Mon Feb 26 03:23:29 EST 2018

2226 Ipecac / Official Monographs USP 41

Assay for emetine and cephaeline— mixture of 30 volumes of alcohol, 3.5 volumes of
Standard preparation, Phosphate buffer, Citric acid buffer, hydrochloric acid, and 66.5 volumes of water,
and Chromatographic columns—Prepare as directed in the using a volume sufficient to produce 70 mL of
Assay for emetine and cephaeline under Ipecac.
Assay preparation—Transfer to a 150-mL beaker about
the filtrate. Add 100 mL of Glycerin and enough
200 mg, accurately weighed, of Powdered Ipecac. Add 2 mL Syrup to make the product measure 1000 mL,
of dimethyl sulfoxide, mix with a flattened stirring rod to and mix.
ensure complete wetting of the powder, and allow to stand
for about 30 minutes. Add 2 mL of water and about 1 g of Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers,
sodium bicarbonate, and mix. preferably at a temperature not exceeding 25°. Containers
intended for sale to the public without prescription contain
Procedure—Proceed as directed for Procedure in the Assay not more than 30 mL of Oral Solution.
for emetine and cephaeline under Ipecac. Calculate the quan-
tity, in mg, of emetine in the portion of Powdered Ipecac USP Reference standards 〈11〉—
taken by the formula: USP Emetine Hydrochloride RS
Microbial enumeration tests 〈61〉 and Tests for speci-
0.05C(A283 – A350)U / (A283 – A350)S fied microorganisms 〈62〉—It meets the requirements of
the tests for absence of Escherichia coli.
in which the parenthetic expressions are the differences in Alcohol Determination 〈611〉: between 1.0% and 2.5%
the absorbances of the solution of emetine from the Assay of C2H5OH.
preparation (U) and the Standard preparation (S), respec-
tively, at the wavelengths indicated by the subscripts; and C Assay for total ether-soluble alkaloids—[NOTE—It is im-
is as defined for Procedure in the Assay for emetine and ceph- portant that the ether used in this assay shall have been
aeline under Ipecac. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of cepha- shown by test to be free from peroxides within 24 hours
eline in the portion of Powdered Ipecac taken by the prior to use.] Transfer about 50 mL, accurately measured, of
formula: Oral Solution to a liquid-liquid automatic extractor, add
water, if necessary, to reduce the viscosity, render the liquid
0.971(0.05C)(A283 – A350)U / (A283 – A350)S distinctly alkaline with ammonium hydroxide, and extract
with ether for at least 4 hours or until the extraction is com-
in which 0.971 is the ratio of the molecular weight of ceph- plete. Use a water bath to boil the ether. Frequently discon-
aeline to that of emetine; the parenthetic expressions are nect the extractor from the condenser, and agitate the
the differences in the absorbances of the solution of cephae- lower layer by raising and lowering the center tube or by
line from the Assay preparation (U) and the Standard prepa- other suitable manipulation. At the conclusion of the extrac-
ration (S), respectively, at the wavelengths indicated by the tion period, transfer the ether extract to a separator, and
subscripts; and C is as defined above. rinse the extraction flask with 2 or more small volumes of
ether, adding the rinsings to the separator. Complete the
assay as directed in the Assay for total ether-soluble alkaloids
under Ipecac, beginning with “Extract the alkaloids from the
USP Monographs

Assay for emetine and cephaeline—

Ipecac Oral Solution

Standard preparation, Phosphate buffer, and Citric acid

buffer—Prepare as directed in the Assay for emetine and
» Ipecac Oral Solution yields, from each 100 mL, cephaeline under Ipecac.
not less than 123 mg and not more than 157 mg Assay preparation—Pipet 10 mL of water into a 25-mL
of the total ether-soluble alkaloids of ipecac. volumetric flask. With the aid of a 20-mL pipet, add Oral
The content of emetine (C29H40N2O4) and Solution to volume, taking care to prevent contact of the
cephaeline (C28H38N2O4) together is not less than Oral Solution with the neck of the flask above the gradua-
90.0 percent of the amount of the total ether- tion line. Insert the stopper, and mix.
soluble alkaloids. The content of cephaeline var- Chromatographic columns—Pack a pledget of fine glass
wool in the base of a chromatographic tube (25-mm ×
ies from an amount equal to, to an amount not 200-mm test tube to which is fused a 5-cm length of 7-mm
more than 2.5 times, the content of emetine. tubing) with the aid of a tamping rod having a disk with a
diameter about 1 mm less than that of the tube.
Powdered Ipecac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 g To prepare Column I, transfer 4.0 mL of the Assay prepara-
tion to a 150-mL beaker, add about 1 g of sodium bicarbo-
Glycerin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 mL nate, and mix. Then proceed as directed for Chromato-
Syrup, a sufficient quantity, to make 1000 mL graphic columns in the Assay for emetine and cephaeline
under Ipecac, beginning with “add 6 g of purified siliceous
Exhaust the powdered Ipecac by percolation, us- earth,” and prepare Columns II, III, and IV as directed
ing a mixture of 3 volumes of alcohol and 1 vol-
Procedure—Proceed as directed for Procedure in the Assay
ume of water as the menstruum, macerating for for emetine and cephaeline under Ipecac.
72 hours, and percolating slowly. Reduce the en- Calculate the quantity, in mg, of emetine in each 100 mL
tire percolate to a volume of 70 mL by evapora- of Oral Solution taken by the formula:
tion at a temperature not exceeding 60° and
2.08C(A283 − A350)U / (A283 − A350)S
preferably in vacuum, and add 140 mL of water.
Allow the mixture to stand overnight, filter, and in which the parenthetic expressions are the differences in
wash the residue on the filter with water. Evapo- the absorbances of the solution of emetine from the Assay
rate the filtrate and washings to 40 mL, and to preparation (U) and the Standard preparation (S), respec-
this add 2.5 mL of hydrochloric acid and 20 mL tively, at the wavelengths indicated by the subscripts, and C
is as defined in the Procedure.
of alcohol, mix, and filter. Wash the filter with a

Official from May 1, 2018

Copyright (c) 2018 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.

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