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Hello, Kitten, Run Copyright © 2023 by Anonymous Author

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or

reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in
the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles or reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses,

organiza- tions, places, events and incidents either are the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

ISBN: 978-978-58499-5-0

First Edition: December 2023
To the girls who want to be fucked with a bomb tied to their bodies, if you
scream, you die.
Yad - Erika
Middle of the night - Elley
Tattoo - Loreen
Tag, You’re It - Melanie
Hurts so good - Astrid S
Shameless - Camila Cabello
The heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez
Rescue -Lauren
Radio - Lana Del Rey
Daylight - David Kushner
Don't blame me - Taylor Swift
War Of Hearts - Ruelle
Animals - Maroon 5
RunRunRun - Dutch Melrose
Royalty - Ezgod, Chives, Neoni
Love story (slowed) - Indila

(Clears throat and covers face)

This book is dark, the darkest I’ve ever written actually, it might not be
as extreme for some but it would be for some, it contains R-A-P-E i’m not
going to try and sweet talk here or furnish words, i want you to know
exactly what you’re getting into and if by any means, you’re not into it,
kindly turn back now! Leave because you’d get angry and messed up after
reading and I won’t be responsible for it. It would be funny after reading
and you’d be like “He literally raped her, what are you guys reading” it
would sound stupid by then because you were warned clearly and you went
ahead to read.
It contains torture and offensive language, violence, Death of kids, little
girls to be exact, children die in this book and the words are not censored, I
wrote this book with an anonymous account because i wanted to go wild, i
wanted to explore my mind without caring about what people would think
if they saw me after reading this book, so that should already tell you how
bad it’s going to be.
If you’re still here, it means you want to dive in and go on and that’s
pretty cool, as long as you don’t complain about the sexual assault and
violence in it because you were warned.
Hello Kitten, Run is a work of my imagination and for everything good
and holy, please Run if you’re not into dark romance like these…
But if by any chance you feel like you are capable to handle dark, let’s
dive right in…
Table of Contents
Chapter One 12
Chapter Two 22
Chapter Three 29
Chapter Four 40
Chapter Five 48
Chapter Six 55
Chapter Seven 65
Chapter Eight 73
Chapter Nine 81
Chapter Ten 90
Chapter Eleven 97
Chapter Twelve 103
Chapter Thirteen 114
Chapter Fourteen 122
Chapter Fifteen 134
Chapter Sixteen 142
Chapter Seventeen 152
Chapter Eighteen 159
Chapter Nineteen 165
Chapter Twenty 174
Chapter Twenty-one 180
Chapter Twenty-two 186
Chapter Twenty-three 193
Chapter Twenty-four 201
Chapter Twenty-five 208
Chapter Twenty-six 213
Chapter Twenty-seven 219
Chapter Twenty-eight 225
Chapter Twenty-nine 232
Chapter Thirty 239
Chapter Thirty-one 245
Chapter Thirty-two 254
Chapter Thirty-three 260
Chapter Thirty-four 267
Chapter Thirty-five 273
Chapter Thirty-six 277
Chapter Thirty-seven 285
Chapter Thirty-eight 292
Chapter Thirty-nine 297
Chapter Forty 303
Chapter Forty-one 310
Chapter Forty-two 318
Chapter Forty-three 325
Chapter Forty-four 332
Chapter Forty-five 341
Chapter Forty-six 350
Chapter Forty-seven 363
Chapter Forty-eight 373
Chapter Forty-nine 383
Chapter Fifty 388
Chapter Fifty-one 396
Chapter Fifty-two 404
Chapter Fifty-three 412
Chapter Fifty-four 422
Chapter Fifty-five 430
Chapter Fifty-six 438

He was always there. Watching, waiting, lurking.

Stalkers were supposed to stay hidden, spying from a corner of the
building. They were meant to be like Joe from the movie show or lovable
like Zade from my best friend's favorite book. But with a man like this, I
realized my definition of stalkers was certainly wrong.
College was supposed to be a new start for me, a way to make new
good decisions. However, with him being there, I had no idea what it felt
like to be free. Heck, I didn't even remember when I was last peaceful. If he
wanted anything, he'd get it, no matter what means were used. The only
problem this time was that he wanted me.
Chapter One

<< ELSA >>

“If fictional men were real, do you think they’d fuck like gods?”
Gianna’s voice filled the car. I had to look at the driver as my cheeks turned
red, he must think we are whores now. “Maybe their dicks would go into
our clits so deep that we’d see the shape on our lower belly.”
“Gianna!” I nudged her shoulder, and she scowled at me.
“What? I just want to know.”
“You need to stop fantasizing about fictional men, Gia. They’re not
even real, and if they were, you certainly in hell wouldn’t want one like the
types you read about in your life.”
“You need to stop breathing air; I mean, it’s not even real, and we’d die
anyway. Yours can just be some years earlier, I’ll join you when I’m old.”
“You’re sick.” I rolled my eyes at her and stared outside the window of
the moving vehicle, the houses and trees I knew I would definitely miss
when I left for college. I didn't exactly feel sad about moving out to college
next week, but this was the town I had spent all my high school years in. I
felt a little squeeze on my hands and I squeezed her hands back to reassure
her I was fine.
"You know, I didn't think you were going to wear this dress to your
own prom night," she gave me an annoyed look, her eyes staring at my red
gown with a slit by the thigh and a wide v-neck on the chest.
"It's just for one night, Gianna," I couldn't help but laugh. My ex-
boyfriend, Lucas, had given me the dress as a birthday gift a year before we
broke up. It was in my favorite color, and honestly, I was still not over him,
but some people are just not meant to be. Besides, after tonight, it wouldn't
matter anymore. "I had nothing else to wear anyway, Lucas won't be here to
see it."
"Whatever," she untangled our hands and typed aggressively on her
phone. I instantly felt pity for whoever was on the receiving end of her
phone. "I hated the guy either ways."
The driver didn't pay us any attention, he looked so focused on driving
us to the prom venue, and honestly, I couldn't be more grateful.
I heard my phone vibrate in my right hand, and I opened it immediately
to check who it was. Half expecting it to be Lucas, maybe sending a happy
college life message or something. It was someone else, an unknown
number, and it was a message as well.
Anonymous: You look beautiful little Kitten
The message took me unaware, and I just stared at it, unsure of what to
say or do. Gianna was so engrossed with texting that she didn't notice the
unease and tension surrounding me.
I had everyone's number at school saved, who even used nicknames
like 'Little Kitten'? I turned off the screen of my phone and focused on the
We were almost at the venue. The big school prom building was
coming into view, and I clutched my inhaler in my left hand tight. I had a
hundred others even if this one got lost, but this was my favorite.
Maybe because Lucas gave it to you as a gift before cheating on your
bony ass
That stupid inner voice!
"We are here, ladies…" The driver said, and Gianna finally looked up
from her phone, excitement filling her face. The fact that we were going to
graduate together without going to the same college was a slap to our
happiness. We both stepped out of the car; Gianna's white dress was
anything but calm, with feathers around her curly hair, making them look
more attractive, her dark skin magnetic with the under light special glow.
Hours after prom and into the prom party, everyone was wilding out,
having fun, saying their goodbyes, getting drunk. And then there was me,
with a non-alcoholic drink, thinking about how much I was going to miss
my family. Tonight was supposed to be about loosening up and having fun.
My phone pinged again, prompting me to check it instantly. The
unknown number that messaged me last time popped up again. Today was
prom night, so stuff like this was bound to happen, someone deciding to be
stupid by chatting people up, trying to scare them and all. That was the
whole deal with Halloween coming up next week. It was just too bad I'd be
far from home by then.
Anonymous: red is certainly your color
I felt a smile appear on my lips, the first genuine one I'd had this night.
Finally! Someone agreed red was my color. I might as well play along; it
would probably be the only fun thing I'd do tonight. I held my phone
together as I typed in some words, but his next message halted me, and I
felt a sudden shiver all over my body. Did anyone increase the air
Anonymous: And black, fits in the right places.
I stared at my phone, unable to move. He said black, and I was wearing
black panties. How would he know that? Was he a stalker, a creep maybe?
Had he been following me?
"Gianna, something is wrong," I tapped her shoulder repeatedly after
hurrying to her side. The room was full of people, drunk and sane. Someone
was watching me, I could feel their eyes on me. My body itched from the
feeling; it didn't look like a prank anymore.
"Why?" She turned to me immediately, searching my body and then
back to my face with worry. "Did you lose your inhaler?"
I shook my head negatively and unlocked my phone to show her the
message, still looking around for any sign of being watched or anyone
looking suspicious enough to be the creepy anonymous message sender.
"I'm sure it's just a random guess, Elsa. Remember that today is prom
night? People would try to do crazy things," she smiled at me, and although
I wanted to argue, I didn't. I forced myself to believe her. It was just a prank
and a random guess, it didn't mean anything.
I returned my phone to my black purse and joined people on the dance
floor. Tonight was my prom night, and I wasn't going to let anyone ruin it
for me.
Another hour went by, no anonymous messages, no thoughts about
missing my family, no thoughts about Lucas, just me dancing to the music
with my friends. I was going to miss them, I was going to miss this.
My phone vibrated, and the sound jerked me off. At first, I wanted to
ignore it and just keep dancing, but curiosity got the better of me. I looked
at the message again and read it for the fifth time to be sure I wasn't
Anonymous: Come to the storage room in twenty seconds or the death
of three girls will be on you. Tick-tock, Kitten, the clock's ticking.
I looked over at Gianna; she looked drunk and happy. I couldn't take
that from her with some mysterious number assumptions. I gulped before
placing my inhaler in my mouth and breathing in deeply.
"Hey, Elsa," a guy walked up to me. I recognized him as Gilbert, one of
the least popular kids from school. "I've been meaning to talk to you, but..."
Another vibration, I checked my phone instantly, it was from the
unknown number, fifteen seconds left.
"Don't worry about it, Gilbert. Honestly, I can't hold a grudge against
you because you stole my pen months ago," I forced a smile. I didn't want
to sound rude to him because he obviously was trying to straighten things
up with everyone before going to college, but he was the least thing on my
Another vibration, I didn't need to check it to know the content, ten
seconds left. What if he wasn't bluffing, and innocent girls actually died
because of me?
I walked towards the storage room, but a large figure blocked my view.
I looked up at him, annoyance on my face, but it cleared immediately when
it met his face.
"Lucas," my voice was soft and full of surprise. My ex-boyfriend, who
I obviously still had feelings for, was standing right in front of me. He had
cheated, yes, I had broken up with him, yes, but I still loved him, loved.
"Happy prom day, Elsa," he cupped my face and placed a kiss on my
forehead. Anger, hurt, denial, all emotions had floated up to the surface and
filled up my expression.
Another vibration from my phone, five seconds.
"Look, Lucas, thank you for coming, but I can’t talk to you right now."
I gave him a genuine smile and sprinted away. I felt my chest shrinking as
my hands held the handle of the storage room. What would happen if the
unknown number was dangerous, and it wasn't some prank? I had no idea.
I twisted the door handle open, and immediately the alarm on my phone
that indicated time was up rang in my ears. My mouth dropped open at the
sight in front of me. Three girls were tied up with a rope, and they each had
a bomb attached to them with tape. They were inside a transparent glass that
occupied the middle of the storage room. The girls stared at me with tears,
fear, and darkness in their eyes, trying to scream out, but it was impossible
with the black cloth tied to their mouths.
Immediately, the place exploded, and I screamed and tried to rush out.
The noise wasn't intense, but it was heard, and people gathered around me,
staring at the blood and scattered flesh around the once-white glass. The
skin and blood of the three girls that had died because I was one second
late. I tried to stay up, but it was impossible. I was on the ground, staring at
the blood-covered glass.
My best phone vibrated; I opened it immediately.
Anonymous: See you soon, Kitten.
It wasn't a joke, he wasn't joking. It wasn't a prank either. Three girls
were dead, and someone was stalking me. My chest heaved up and down,
making it difficult for me to breathe. People were running around; I could
hear the police sirens, but I couldn't breathe. My inhaler wasn't in my hands
"A... Air..." I grabbed the legs of some people. "I... I need air." I
couldn't feel, hear, or see anything anymore. I felt my head hit the ground.
Chapter Two

<< ELSA >>
I made it! It felt lonely without Gianna, but I was glad I made it either
way, staring at the big building with the name Kingston’s University boldly
plastered on the exterior. Students of different sizes, colors, and races
moved around, some in pairs and some alone.
“Will you be fine, Honey?” Aunt Tiana asked, dragging my traveling
bag to meet up with me, “You know where to come whenever you get
“I’ll be fine. You worry too much, and you’d get grey hairs faster that
way.” I laughed at her as she grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze. I
was finally here, in Washington DC, far away from Ohio and far away from
the stalker.
“Alright then. In you go, I still have to drop off James at high school.”
She fumbled with her keys before turning away. Aunt Tiana lived here; she
basically grew up in DC, and that made it more comfortable for me coming
New school, new decisions, fresh start, new life.
I held onto the bag handles and dragged both of them along with me
towards the registration room. There were other people with various
traveling bags and luggage lining up at the office door. I have a good
feeling about this year.
After that night with the stalker, I woke up in my bed; my parents and
my brother said I was brought in by the paramedics. I lived in fear for the
last week of being home. I couldn’t even tell anyone the real truth about
what happened at the party—the fact that I was contacted by a psychopathic
serial killer. I changed my phone and card number before leaving for DC.
At least I was sure of one thing: there was no way in hell the stalker would
follow me to this place or even be able to contact me.
“Move, bitch.” A female voice screamed behind me, and I turned
backwards to glare at her, but she passed me before I could see her face.
“Perfect!” I sighed, running a hand through my red hair.

Hours and hours of registration, I've not even been here for up to
twenty-four hours, and it was already extremely stressful. I fumbled with
the keys I was assigned to open my dorm room with. The hallway contained
so many doors, which I presumed all belonged to other students. There was
a big exit door at the end of the long hallway, and if the map of the school
and dorm rooms they gave me was correct, then it should lead to another
hallway that contains an entrance to the main school.
I finally clicked the door open. Room 909 was boldly written on the
wall above the door. It contained two beds and a big space dividing them,
big enough for everyone to maintain their distance and privacy. Maybe
college isn’t as bad as I thought.
Goosebumps filled my skin, that feeling of being watched was there
again. I rushed back to the door and closed it. “He can’t follow you here,
Elsa, you’re safe here.”
I took the bed close to the window. I've heard nasty problems about
roommates and really hoped to get a nice one. The small knife hidden in my
ankle over my trouser and boot poked at me. Pulling it out, I placed it on
the little nightstand that held the bed lamp. Call me paranoid or whatever,
but I'm taking that knife wherever I go, I'm not a fan of surprises.
“Attention please.” The speaker I saw earlier in the hallway came to
life; this must be their way of communicating to all students at once. “All
students are expected to go to campus for a brief meeting in five hours.”
There were cameras in my room. I looked around to inspect the place.
Three cameras to be exact, but we were told not to worry, they only check it
when there is a problem and not without our consent. They also stated
something about a button to press when in trouble so they can monitor the
situation from the cameras.
I might as well unpack, today was one hell of a day.
Hours had passed, five to be exact, no one had come in yet as my
roommate, and I was glad about it. I needed the peace and quiet for some
time. Removing the towel from my wet hair and wet body, I picked up my
outfit, a red crop top that had pink flower drawings on it, then a white
denim bum short that hugged my waist perfectly. I picked up my red hair
bow tie from the drawer where I arranged thirty of them perfectly and tied it
on my hair in a high ponytail then brought two strands down to my face. I
did some mascara on my doe-shaped eyes and a light gloss on my full lips,
I was ready, a bracelet that had a love pendant and my inhaler in my
pocket, I was ready, not only for the meeting but for everything, and of
course, my knife.

“Hey, you dropped this.” A male voice halted me as I walked back to

my dorm, he had my inhaler in his hands.
I gave him a warm smile and took it from his hand. “Thank you, I hate
my pocket most times.”
“I can relate.” He was taller than me and was brown-skinned; the
meeting was over, and most people were on their way back to their dorm
rooms. “I’m Nathan, by the way.”
“Elsa.” I kept walking after placing my inhaler back into my pocket.
“You’re a fresher here too?”
“Nah, second year,” he smiled at some girls that passed us, and I
couldn’t help but notice the dimple on his cheek.
“Right! How was it like for you in your first year? Main classes start in
two days, and I’m honestly nervous.” I pushed a strand of hair behind my
ear; the hallway was getting empty now.
“Was tough, but don’t worry, you’d enjoy it.” He gave me a wink
before stopping in a T junction; I guessed he was taking the opposite
direction. “This is my cue to leave, but if you need any help, I’m right here,
room 402.”
“Sure, thank you, Nathan.” I watched as he disappeared into the crowd
before checking my phone for the school map I snapped. My stomach did a
low growl; I needed to find the cafeteria.
“Which way exactly is this?” I asked no one in particular as I walked
through the empty hallway that was supposed to lead to the cafeteria, well,
according to the stupid map anyway.
The lights in the hallway were dim, and it had lockers but no doors. Did
I mistakenly wander into the main school building? “I should probably just
go back; besides, I still have the snacks Aunt Tiana packed.” She murmurs
to herself.
Just as I’m about to turn, I felt a masculine hand on me and then a loud
thud that made my entire body ache with pain. He barged me on the wall,
one of his hands on both my arms, pinning it to my back, and the other on
my neck, pushing the side of my face on the wall, pinning me to it.
“Who are you? Let me go!” I wiggled, screaming at him, the cameras
in the hallway; this was the right time the campus security should check the
damn cameras.
I looked from the side of my eye at his face; it was a guy, with a mask,
a skeleton mask. My heart rate increased, and I felt every bone in my body
tense up, my heart kept beating against my chest so hard that it made it
difficult for me to breathe.
I felt his face and lips go to my ear, his breath across my neck. “Hello,
Kitten. We meet again.”
Chapter Three

Little Kitten
<< ELSA >>
I felt his face and lips go to my ear, his breath across my neck. “Hello,
Little Kitten. We meet again.”
My entire body froze for a second. That name – my head did a spin
back. The only person that called me that, the stalker from Ohio.
I pushed at the figure behind me and stepped on the toes so hard that
the person released me for a bit, giving me a chance to run. I turned, and my
legs began working faster than they have ever done, running through the
hallway filled with locker rooms.
“He... help!” I screamed on top of my voice. I couldn’t see him again. I
looked back; he wasn’t standing there, he wasn’t chasing me either.
“Do you know how long I’ve fantasized about how good you’d look
when you are running away from me with so much fear in your eyes,
I couldn’t exactly pinpoint where the voice was coming from, but I
could hear it everywhere, echoing through the empty hallway like he was
some demon from hell. I felt instant happiness and hope immediately I
sighted the door to the exit of the hallway, or at least I prayed that was what
it was; my heart kept pounding against my chest; I felt sweat beads form on
my forehead.
Immediately my hand held the handle of the door, he came from the
side and held my wrist, pushing it into himself.
I tried to fight him, trying to remove my wrist from his hold with my
free hand, he didn’t look like he was even putting any energy into holding
me, and yet his hold was so tight I could swear my blood there stopped
flowing. “Let go of me, you sick psycho.”
I didn’t pay any attention to him, his attributes or what he looked like;
the only thing I knew was that I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to be far
away from him. I brought my knee up and instantly used my free hand to
tug out my knife; I lunged it at him, but just like he was already expecting
it, he held my wrist and twisted it so the knife dropped. He didn’t let it fall
to the ground; he caught it. My eyes widened; he was armed, I wasn’t.
“Help!” My voice was loud but quivered; my eyes searched around the
hall hurriedly. There should be a red big button to alert security for danger,
right? Just like the one in the dorms. None.
He twisted my hand behind my back, adding my second hand as well
and holding both in one of his big hands. Before I could say or think of
anything, I felt my back and a side of my face on the wall again, just like
earlier, except now, I had no hope of escaping.
“Are you done?” He asked, his voice so deep I’d say it was one of
those men that read audiobooks.
“Who are you?” I turned my face to look at him; he still had my hands
behind my back, and he still held them in his. His second hand went behind
me; the hallway got more dim; I could barely see his face. “What do you
want from me? Let me go!” I screamed into his face, but he ignored. He
was working on something behind me.
My eyes widened when I felt the cold metal on my wrists; did he just—
“Did you just handcuff me, you fucker?” I stared at him with disbelief.
He let go of my arms. I felt the knife he was holding go to my neck. I
swallowed the invisible lump that grew there. “Who are you? Please let me
“You look like a goddess from a closer view.” I focused on his face; he
wore a skeleton mask that covered from his nose downwards and his
forehead. His light blue eyes were visible, but his dark brown hair draped
over it. “My goddess.”
He cupped my chin with his free hand and brought my face up to meet
his; his eyes searched my face with so much softness I didn’t think any
psychopath would have.
I removed my face from his hold angrily as I tried to remove my wrists
from the handcuff; it was impossible. “Why are you doing this?” My entire
body was trembling; the knife was still on me.
“Because it’s time for me to claim you, Little Kitten.” He invaded my
space, pushing his body up against mine. I could feel his thick thighs rub up
against mine. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?”
I was speechless. I tried to speak, but I couldn’t find words to make out.
I just stared at the sick fool who held me against my will and killed people.
“You’re a killer. You killed three girls, and for what reason?”
“I don’t need to have a reason to kill, Frozen.” He pulled one of the hair
strands that blocked my vision behind my ear. “But I get really pissed when
people don’t do what they’re told.”
“You’re insane.” If fire and brimstone could come out from my eyes,
he’d be down on the ground, dead.
His face was covered, but I could swear he was smiling. “Maybe.”
I brought my knee up to his groin. I tried to, rather; his hand caught my
thigh before it got to his groin. He held it in his hand; his hold was hard,
strong, masculine. Fear gripped my body as I tried to retrieve my thigh.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kitten.” He didn’t look happy; he
looked pissed. I couldn’t see his face, but the way his eyes looked me down,
and he twisted his head.
“Let go of my thighs.” I struggled, but he just held on tighter; the knife
was still on my neck with his other hand. I have no idea why the knife being
on me didn’t affect me as much as his hands on me.
“Beg.” His voice was condensing; he began drawing circles on my bare
thigh with a free finger while still gripping it with his hand.
“What do you want from me? Please, just let me go.” I felt my chest
tightening up and water building up in my eyes.
“That’s the problem, Kitten.” He let go of my thighs and immediately
spun me so I was now facing the wall and my back was turned to him; he
came closer to me as he bent down to my ear. “I don’t want anything from
you, I want you.”
Goosebumps were on my body; they filled me up. Fear and every bad
emotion I didn’t think I had. I could hear the hammering of my heart
against my chest this time as something hard poked my ass through the bum
short I wore. His dick; he was hard. My eyes widened.
“If you do this, I’m going to report you to the authorities; your life
would be over, do you understand? You’d be going to prison.”
“You still don’t understand, do you?” His whisper held me at a
chokehold; his mouth was still very close to my ears; I felt his tongue on it
too; my entire body stiffened. “My life has been over since the first time I
saw you, Elsa; I wanted nothing more than to be that cat you hugged and
cuddled so much.”
“Cat? My cat died five years ago. Could it be... have you been—” he
knew my name, Of course he did.
“Yes, Frozen. I’ve been watching you since you were 17.” He fisted my
hair that was tied in a high ponytail and dragged the ribbon down, making
my red hair fall on my shoulders. “And now you’re here; I’m never letting
you go.”
The realization that my life has been monitored since I was seventeen
made my head hurt so bad that I felt like it was going to explode. Who
wastes so much time of their life this way?
“You wasted your time watching me, and honestly, I feel bad for you. If
it hasn’t occurred to your sick head yet, I’m never going to willingly accept
“And that, Kitten, is the first lesson you need to learn about me. I don’t
need your acceptance, as long as your body, your soul, and your fucking life
belongs to me.” He trailed the knife from my neck down my chest slowly. I
leaned more towards the wall like it was the only thing protecting me from
him, maybe it was. “You can keep your acceptance as the only thing you
“Fuck you!” I wiggled and tried to kick at him; it felt like a doll trying
to come back to life, it was impossible.
“I plan to.” My back was turned to him, but I could swear he was
smiling. “Eventually.”
I screamed hard and unexpectedly when the knife pierced my chest just
near my collarbone. “Wh… what are you doing?”
He turned me over to face him; I felt my blood from where the knife
had pierced my skin roll down my body; pain filled up the spot that knife
had been. “Claiming you, Elsa.” He stared at the wound he had created on
my chest with so much desire I didn’t think was humanly possible. “And
don’t you dare scream or do anything stupid; I would only like to give you
one scar, for now.”
That was the last thing he said before he tore my crop top into two,
throwing the fabric on the ground. My bra was out; it was white in color. I
stared at him with so much fear in my eyes; my body was shaking; my head
was spinning. Was he going to rape me? Was he going to kill me?
He didn’t look at me; his entire focus was on my chest. His lips went
down to it; I closed my eyes tight; I felt his tongue on that particular spot he
had just punctured, sucking and licking it, like he was trying to ease the
pain. His hand slid up my bra; I could hear my own heartbeat. He fumbled
my nipples before he left them.
“St… stop please…” I could tell that the thing that blurred my vision
were tears. “Please stop.”
“But we just almost got to the fun part.” His deep voice rumbled
through my entire body like an electric shock. From his voice, he was
probably twenty-seven or twenty-nine.
“Just let me go; I promise I won’t tell… I… I won’t say a word.”
“Shhhh.” He whispered and took out the hand from my body and
placed it on my mouth, hard enough to stop me from talking, soft enough to
not hurt.
His other hand dropped the knife, and a shock eluded my body when I
felt them at the hem of my bum short. I shook my head profusely, but I
couldn’t scream; he’d kill me if I do. God, no, I don’t want this; I don’t
want any of it.
“Spread your legs, Kitten.” His voice was rough; I didn’t. I just kept
sobbing; my tears touching the injury he made on my chest made it hurt
“Pl… please…” it came out as a mumble instead of actual words.
“Now.” He sounded like he was starting to get pissed off. I gulped and
immediately separated my thighs a bit; he didn’t say anything, but I guessed
he was pleased. Of course, he’d be pleased.
His hands found their way into my shorts and into my panties; his hand
came in contact with my bare pussy. A shiver passed through me; it was
fear, the idea that he might kill me when he’s done, and no one would know.
Goosebumps were on my skin again as he played with the slit of my clit
before pulling his hand out.
I stared at him; he looked at his hand that was inside my panties a
second ago, like he couldn’t believe this was real.
“Close your eyes, Elsa.” He looked from his fingers to my face, and I
gulped before obeying, preparing myself for the worst. He was a serial
killer and a stalker; what’s the worst that can happen?
I heard some rustlings and then it stopped; I heard nothing. When I
opened my eyes next, he was gone.
Chapter Four


“What was that you said again?” I asked, picking up the blood-stained
towel on the cabinet and wiping off the blood on the knife with it before
turning backward to face the half-dying man tied to the chair of nails. Every
movement he made caused him pain and made the nails shift in his body.
“I’m sorry, we didn’t know you were in this city; we would have—“ I
hit the sharp blade on the handle of his chair where his fingers were
separated, a screeching scream came from him as he closed his eyes trying
to endure the pain. His pinky finger was on the ground, cut out from his
hand and making it four fingers left. He was missing his left ear and one
pinky finger, both on the ground.
“You’re not sorry for trying to sex traffic and sell little kids going to
school or young thirteen-year-old girls that still have their whole life ahead
of them.” I walked around the chair, trailing the blade on the wall as I
passed. “You’re sorry for getting caught by me.”
“Who are you to judge us?” Tears were in his eyes now; his face had
turned red. “You kill too; we know you, everyone does, but when we do it,
it’s the problem?”
“When they said your gang were fools, I didn’t believe them but now, I
do.” A laugh crept up my throat. “You can kill whoever; you can do
whatever you want, but kids? Girls who you know very well cannot protect
themselves, that’s where I draw the fucking line.”
“They are what we need in business; you can’t blame us for wanting to
eat. What’s the difference from you and I? You torture us like you’re the
better person, but in reality, you do worse than what we do.”
“I never said I was a good person; I don’t plan on being one either. I’ll
own up to my doings any day, any time. Can you?”
“Is that what you tell yourself whenever you stalk that girl? Elsa
“I’d rather wait till I know she is mature enough for me. Why do you
think I waited for eight years? I’d be willing to wait for fifty years more
until I’m sure she’s mature. Do you still want to pull strings?” I squatted
before him.
“The difference between you and I is that I’d never pretend to be what
I’m not to please her. I’d rather show her exactly what I am and make her
fall in love with all the fucked-up parts of me.”
“If you kill me, my people will come for you… and her.”
“People like you are the reason why Hazel isn’t alive. And till I take my
last breath in this world, I won’t stop till all of you are six feet under.” I
immediately plunged the knife into his right eye socket. He screamed, he
kicked. Blood came oozing out from his face. I didn’t remove the knife; I
left it in his eyes and walked away from his chair. He couldn’t remove it
either because his hands were tied.
“Let. Them. Come.”
I washed my hand in the sink right beside the door; he was still
screaming, but it was obvious the screams couldn’t be heard. He was far
away from human ears.
“Come and finish him off, clean this place till it’s sparkling too. The
last thing I’d want is to get this fucker's infected blood on my ground.” I
ended the call before walking out of the building, leaving him tied up there.
This was my torture warehouse, for anyone who deserved it. It was far deep
inside the woods, a small cabin; away from prying eyes.
Anytime I dealt with any child or girl trafficker, it reminded me of the
past. Saving children and little girls from being sexually trafficked doesn't
make me a good man. I never have been a good man, and I don't plan on
being one now either.

<< ELSA >>

“Ma’am, we are going to need you to be more specific; you are not
giving us enough information.” The policeman sitting at the other side of
the table sighed in a frustrated manner, still holding his jotter and pen.
“He… his face, it was… he wore a mask, I couldn’t see.” My hands
were shaking profusely. I held it together under the table to calm down the
intense shivering. “I’m sorry… it was dark, and I… I couldn’t…”
The man in front of me looked at me sympathetically before dropping
his pen and jotter. “Look, Miss Reed. I know this must have been a very
traumatizing experience for you, but we can’t help you if we don’t know
how he looks like.”
“I understand.” I nodded, holding back the tears that filled my eyes
before standing up.
“We will look into the camera footage of yesterday and also ask the
school for information that might be helpful. We will try the best we can.”
One step outside the police station, and the cold evening breeze caused
a shiver on my body the moment it touched my thighs. I placed my hands
inside the pocket of my jumper gown that stopped at my mid-thigh for
comfort. I wore a white long sleeve with it. My eyes looked around the
area; this was a new town. I’ve been here once or twice for holidays with
Aunt Tiana, yes. But I’ve never had to come to the police station before.
I was far from campus, and yet I felt him, the masked man. I could feel
his eyes on me, every part of my body.
Yes, Frozen. I've been watching you since before you turned
My heart felt like it was chained; the thumping increased, and I rushed
to a corner of the busy area and held a tree nearby.
“My inhaler.” I breathed out the words as I searched through my little
bag, not minding the other contents that were dropping out. I couldn’t find
it; it wasn’t here. I always keep it here; I can’t breathe…
I can’t…
“Hey, it’s alright; it’s right here.” Someone bent down then picked
something up from the ground and handed it over to me. Without much
thought, I plunged it into my mouth and took in a deep, sharp breath. I felt
my entire body calm down; my asthma was getting worse.
I finally looked up to him, the guy who just saved me. “Nathan!”
“Good to see you too, Elsa.” His cheeks were lit with a comforting
smile, his dimples deeply visible, his eyes searched through my face and
body worriedly. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” I nodded. “No, not really. “ I couldn’t exactly tell him about the
stalker; it’d be too dangerous for him. What if the stalker went for him?
He placed a hand on my shoulder, which caused me to shudder a bit,
but it wasn’t really visible. “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it,
but whatever it is, I know you’d get through it.”
“Thank you, Nathan, for finding my inhaler for the second time.” A
little laugh escaped my throat, the only real one I’ve had since today. “We
really have to stop meeting like this.”
“I agree.” He nodded, helping me pack the remaining stuff that fell on
the ground. “We should probably walk back to campus together?”
“That would be great.”

I fumbled with my keys and let out a sigh of relief when I was able to
unlock the door to my dorm room. I never want to be in any hallway alone
I pushed the door open and locked it behind me once I was inside; the
school stated that I was going to be assigned a new roommate soon. I took
off my bag and dropped it on the chair, but my entire body froze when I saw
what was on the bed.
It was an envelope that had a big red ribbon. I didn’t keep that there,
who did?
Chapter Five

Beautiful Disaster
<< ELSA >>
My eyes searched the room hurriedly; someone came inside here. I
locked the door before leaving. I rushed to the door handle to inspect it for
any signs of break-ins or forced entry; there was none. It can’t be the
stalker; I’ll see signs of a break-in if it was him. Maybe it was the
university; perhaps it’s just one of the ways they pass information or
something. It’s definitely not the stalker. Right?
I walked towards the neatly dressed bed slowly and picked up the
envelope. I’ve loved red ribbons since I was a kid; that was partly why I
dyed my hair red, so I can match the aesthetic of the ribbon. But whoever
made this envelope didn’t know that, right? Because only my family did,
and maybe a few friends.
I untied the ribbon on the envelope by pulling the other side of it; it
opened, and I gulped when the content of it came into sight. I emptied it on
my bed and just stared. An electronic drawing pen, a Mac drawing pad, and
some… chocolates?
I didn’t know how to feel about what was on my bed; fear or surprise or
worry. I stopped drawing when I was eighteen; the electronic pen always
had this radioactive substance that affected my asthma and made it worse.
Don’t ask me how; that was what the doctor said after I fainted two times
while drawing. Everyone knew that; chocolate inspired me to draw too. It’s
either that whoever sent this is trying to make a joke or is totally clueless.
I laid on the empty side of the bed tiredly; I couldn’t walk around town
without feeling like I was being watched. I hated that feeling so much; I
came here to start afresh, not… this.
“Hey, you’re going to forget about the stalker, buy another knife, and
learn how to use it, then live your life everyday like it’s your last.” I held
my chest like I was saying a pledge.
Rushing in and out of classes in a rush to escape the stalker and stuff,
that was not going to be happening anymore. I picked up the pen and Mac
drawing tablet; it was the latest model, wouldn’t cost anything less than five
thousand dollars. It was the unreleased version that was advertised but not
in stock yet. My eyes widened in shock; I immediately rushed through the
pen; it had nothing to wrap around it. I held onto it and turned on the tablet.
My eyes closed on their own, trying to invite the inevitable, the vibrations
that the pen always gave that affected my heart. It didn’t come; it seemed…
I felt my nerves calm down and my blood rate relax. I stared in shock
and looked at the pen, studying it; there was nothing like this. If there was, I
would have known. There was a tiny initial of A&S written by the corner of
the pen.
“Are you going to answer the door or what? I know you’re in there; I
can literally hear your breathing.” An annoyed female voice screamed from
the other side of the door.
I jerked up immediately and went to the door; someone had been
knocking, and I was too lost to hear it. I opened the door, and she was there,
a girl with blue hair and black clothes, glaring at me with two traveling bags
in her hands.
“Sorry, I was…” I cleared my throat. “My roommate, I presume?”
“The one and only.” She did a royal bow, and I laughed, holding the
door wider for her as she passed through, she dragged her traveling bag
behind her. “It’s not a problem; I get lost often too.”
She hurried to the side of the room that was empty and put her bags in
place; I couldn’t help but keep looking at her. I wish I can be this free and
“I’m Rose, by the way.”
“Elsa.” I rushed back to my bed and packed everything that was
scattered there back into the envelope. She looked at me with curiosity.
Her brows quirked up. “Elsa as in Frozen?”
“No, certainly not.” A laugh escaped my throat; now I understand why
the stalker called me Frozen, fucker!
“You draw?” Her eyes went to the envelope and back to me; I threw it
into the small drawer in my vanity immediately.
“Did. It’s a long time since I did.” I checked my phone; it was my
alarm alerting me of my next class in five minutes. “I don’t even know who
sent that.”
“It looks familiar; can I… see it?” She moved a step closer to me. “That
is if you don’t mind.”
“Of course!” I smiled and brought the pen out of the envelope before
giving it to her. She inspected it, and when she got to the A&S, she stopped.
“It belongs to A&S, the biggest electronic digital company in America.
My mom works there.” She said casually returning the pen to me.
“Wow, do you think I can get information about who sent it if I visit the
“I can just ask my mom about it, if that’s okay with you.” She picked
some of her books and placed them in a small tote bag.
I nodded and did the same with my books; I guessed we both had
classes in five minutes. “That’d be great. Nice to meet you, Rose.”
“You too, Elsa.” She smiled, unzipping her traveling bag as I walked
out of the door.

The campus hallway was filled up; everyone had places to be, classes
to attend. I felt safe; I knew he wouldn’t try to attack me here. He was a
stalker, not a fool.
I felt a cold metal touch my lower back, where my long sleeve crop top
stopped. It felt like… a gun!
I instantly halted and tried to turn, but a strong hand on my shoulder
kept me in place. My chest tightened with fear. Someone was behind me,
masculine arms on my shoulder. I was halted in one position, looking at
every other person going about their business, not noticing what was going
on with me.
“Hello, Kitten,” his mouth was close to my ear, so close that I could
feel his hot breath there. “Run.”
Chapter Six

Tag, You’re It
<< ELSA >>
“Hello, Little Kitten,” his mouth was close to my ear, so close that I
could feel his hot breath there. “Run.”
It sounded like a whisper, so quiet that anyone else wouldn’t have
heard, but I did, and I ran.
The hallway seemed to be closing in on me. There were so many
people; some scowled at me as I bumped into them while looking behind
me, some cursed at me. I didn’t care. All I knew was that I had to go, far
away from this place.
“Nooo!” I screamed and struggled when strong hands held my arms
from my front. I didn’t bother opening my eyes; I knew it was him.
“Hey, calm down… are you alright?” I opened my eyes to see Nathan’s
worried expression all over his face as he searched mine.
I had no idea what I was thinking or what came over me, but I knew
that if there was anyone I was glad to see right now, it was Nathan. I threw
my arms around him and hugged him; I could feel his body tense up and
freeze, but then he eased up and hugged me back.
My eyes searched around the hall from behind him; the stalker was
here, and I wasn’t sure if he was with a mask or not, but everyone here
looked normal, as normal as college students could get.
“Are you fine?” Nathan pulled away from the hug but kept his hands on
my waist. I had no idea how I felt about it, but at least I was receiving
“Y.. Yes.” I nodded. “But I have to go, thank you, Nathan.” Before he
could say a word, I sprinted out of the hallway; I was in the parking lot
now. I knew I had to keep running; the stalker was a psychopath. What if he
already placed bombs in the campus building, waiting for me to disobey or
try other alternatives? Then everyone will die, just like the three girls that
died that night because of me.
“I gave you time to run, Frozen.” His voice filled the parking lot. “I get
very pissed when people touch what’s mine, and now, I’m going to punish
you for it.”
I looked back, and I saw him. I couldn’t focus on his face, but I didn’t
plan to stick around for long to find out what he looked like.
I ran, like I’ve never done before, like it was what I was meant to do.
He kept walking, like he was sure he was going to catch me. The parking
lot was empty, just cars, empty cars. There was no one to save me.
“Help!” I screamed, like my entire life depended on that very word.
“Please help, anyone?” It was low this time; I stumbled against a stone,
tripped, and within seconds, I was already on the ground. I instantly wanted
to stand, but then I felt his hands grab my leg.
“I love it when I hear you breathing.” His deep voice was behind me.
“Stop! Let me go, let me go!” My chest tightened, goosebumps on my
skin; I kicked and dragged my nails on the ground trying to escape. “Please
let me go.”
He spun me over to face him; tears filled my eyes as they rolled down.
“I swear to God you’re never leaving.”
He looked… he looke— I felt my consciousness leaving my body; I
couldn’t see or feel anymore, all I felt and saw was instant darkness.

My eyelids opened slowly as they tried to adjust to the light. I was

laying on something, something soft, a bed?
What the hell happened? I can’t remember a single thing that happe—
“The stalker!” I jerked up immediately; my heart pounded against my
“I have a name, you know.” His brows quirked up. I stared at him; his
face without a mask, he looked older than me, stubble beards on his jaw.
His face was diamond-shaped, making his jawlines look stronger and
When my eyes met his icy blue ones, I felt shivers all over my body. He
had a scar on the end of his right brow and a little piercing there too.
He was just there, sitting on the chair right in front of the big bed I was
lying on, looking at me with so much intensity, as though he’s trying to take
in everything, from my face to my body, then to my heart, mind, and
freaking soul.
“What am I doing here? Who are you?” I screamed, shifting to the
other end of the bed, far away from him. I wasn’t chained or anything,
just… here.
“Nice to meet you too.” He gave a sarcastic eye roll. He stood up from
his chair and rolled up the hand of his black shirt that was open on the
He poured two glasses from a wine bottle, and I used that moment to
look around; this looked like an actual room, not the basement or
something. I’ve seen his face; would he let me go now?
“You still didn’t answer me, why am I here? I haven’t done anything
wrong to you or anyone, why won’t you leave me alone?” The door was on
the other side of the room; if I can run…
”Drink.” He ordered, turning over to me and giving me a glass cup with
some liquid inside.
I looked from him to the cup. “You think offering me a cup of whatever
the fuck is in there will make me forget everything you’ve done?”
“No, but it will calm my nerves enough for your little friend Nathan not
to get a bullet in his head for touching you.” He brought his phone out of
his pocket and typed in some words before showing the screen to me.
“What have you…” my chest tightened at the sight, a video of Nathan
in the hallway chatting with a girl, then the video of him got smaller, and it
showed the same scene but from a much higher level, another building in
school; it was a—
“A sniper, aimed at him right now.” He trailed his drink in his hand
before taking a sip. “Do you want to give me a reason to send an order for
him to be killed?”
Anger and fear gripped my body as I took the cup from his hands; the
drink kept pouring on the bed due to the shivering from my hand. It got to
my lips, and I gulped it all in one go; his eyes were on me every second of
the way. “Are you happy now?”
“Maybe. But not enough to not kill him.” He twisted his head to a
corner before he started walking towards me; I stood up from the bed
immediately and ran to a corner of the room.
“Do not come any closer.” I broke the glass on the wall and held the
sharp part to him; I could feel my own blood dripping through my hands.
“Do you really think this is the way to get me to like you? I’d never be with
you even if my life depended on it.”
“Drop. It.” His face went down in a frown as he stared at the glass in
my hand, and I looked at the door again; I could throw it at him and
immediately he’s distracted; I’d run.
I threw the broken glass at his position, and I sprinted towards the door;
I held on the knob quickly as my hands shivered; within seconds, his hand
was on my waist, dragging me back. I was in the air, screaming, punching,
kicking. He carried me like I weighed nothing, like I was a piece of paper.
“Let me go, you fucker!” I could feel my throat dry up, I felt my back
land on the soft bed. I wanted to stand, but the cold metal I felt on the side
of my head stopped me.
I looked up at him, his eyes stared down at me with so much interest,
surprise, joy. He looked like he was happy at what I did, trying to escape,
like he was so surprised and it excited him.
His right hand held the gun to my forehead; I couldn’t move, I didn’t.
“You grew up to be fearless, just like I knew you would. Anyone that lets go
of you after they’ve had you is terribly sick and would need a bullet in the
fucking head as punishment.”
I stared at him like he was insane, he was. “Look, I don’t know who
you are or what you want, but killing me isn’t going to get you that. If you
let Nathan and me go, I won’t report you.”
His face changed at the sound of Nathan’s name, and he cocked the
gun; the sound made me want to jump out of my skin. I wasn’t with my
inhaler; I dropped it while running. I couldn’t lose control now.
“Don’t mention that name in front of me; I don’t want to see you with
him, ever again.” His scarred brow furrowed; his voice was so deep and
condescending that I felt the rumble in my bones. “Has the dickhead
touched you before now?”
He had no right to tell me what to do and what not to do. “And what if
he has?” My anger was crying to be let out now, but with a cocked gun to
my head…
“I would kill him—and you.” The room grew silent; our eyes bore into
each other with so much intensity. “One thing you need to know about me,
Frozen, is that I have no good part to show. Don’t expect it from me, and I
don’t expect you to accept me either. You belong to me, whether or not you
agree to it; that’s your problem.” He pulled me up by my hands, making me
stand to face him. My height was still no match for his.
“But let a man other than me touch you, I’d burn him alive and make
you watch. Then I’d burn everyone you love after him. Am I clear,
Tears filled up my eyes; he just threatened my family. He was messing
with my life, my entire existence, and I couldn’t do anything about it. “I
will hate you for all the days of my life.”
“Is. That. Clear?” He pressed the gun further into my head, and the
tears slid down my cheeks continuously. I closed them and nodded as I
swallowed the lump in my throat.
He moved a strand of hair that fell on my face behind the back of my
ear softly, so softly like he didn’t want his hands to hurt me. “Good girl.”
More tears rolled down my cheeks. “I will never belong to you, and I
swear that as long as I live and breathe, you’ll be in prison for the rest of
your life for this.”
“Get on your knees and take out my dick, Kitten.” The gun was on my
lower chin now, lifting my face up to meet his.
Chapter Seven

The Manipulated
<< ELSA >>
“Get on your knees and take out my dick, Kitten.” The gun was on my
lower chin now, lifting my face up to meet his.
My heart was thumping extremely hard now. He didn’t just… did he
just ask me to… The gun under my chin made my body quiver. He could
kill me right now, toss my body into the river, and no one would know;
they’ll think I lost my inhaler and died.
“You don’t have to do this; I swear I won’t tell—“
“Remove my belt, Elsa.”
A shiver dropped down my spine, and I took in a deep breath before
going on my knees. He was wearing black trousers that looked like jeans
but weren’t. My hands were shaking when I got to his belt. I removed it and
tossed it away; my hand went to his zip next, and I pulled it down. I could
just punch his dick and make a run for it.
but he'd kill Nathan.
I couldn’t see his face, but I had a feeling he was watching me intently
—my every move. I obeyed his earlier request and placed my hand inside
the open space the zip had created for me. I didn’t have to go deeper; it was
there. My chest tightened when I felt it, and his deep intake of breath also
showed that he felt it. I closed my eyes and tried to bring it out; my hands
couldn’t fully wrap around it—it felt hard and big. Something else was
poking at me. I brought it out of his trousers and immediately dropped my
hand like he had a flu I didn’t want to contact. I stared at his dick; was it
possible for someone to be this big? It was hard, eight inches long and big.
Believe it or not, I was excellent at mathematics, and it was a solid eight
with veins and… piercings…
My eyes widened with shock.
His dick was pierced, actually pierced on both sides of the cap.
Something in my belly shifted—not sure what exactly it was, but I knew it
My knee was starting to ache, but that wasn’t the problem.
I tried not to give him the satisfaction of seeing any emotion in my
expression, and I hoped I was doing a good job at hiding it.
“Open your mouth.” He ordered, and I gulped; the gun left my chin and
went back to the side of my head.
“It’s…” I couldn’t complete the words; it would give him the
satisfaction he needed. But I couldn’t take it, not all of it; it’d break my
“Open.” He ordered; I furrowed my brows angrily. What the hell was I
doing? This man kidnapped me and killed people, and I’m thinking of the
size of his dick and the fucking piercings it has? Are you dumb, Elsa?
“If you do this, I would scream, so loud that everyone around this
fucking building will come to my aid, and you would be in jail.”
“If you want to scream, why waste it on empty words? Let me make
you scream my name instead.” I looked up at him this time; he had a grin
on his lips that made me gulp as he threw the gun to the bed and fisted my
hair to push my face back to his dick that was standing out to me. “But first,
I want you to taste me.”
With that, he plunged his full length into my mouth without as little as a
warning. I gagged, and my eyes widened; I grabbed his thighs and pushed
myself off. I tried to get away, but his hand on my hair made it impossible.
My body was filled with fear; he brought it out, and I took in deep breaths
before he placed it in my mouth again, but not fully and not as aggressive as
the last time.
The salty taste of him slipped deep and deep across my tongue until I
could feel his piercing all over my mouth—the coldness of the metal. He
groaned when he reached the end of my throat, but there was still a
significant amount of his length that didn’t enter.
The piercing was scraping against my insides as he kept fucking my
mouth; his pace was from slow to fast. I held onto his thighs like they were
the only thing keeping me standing. He kept going in and out of my mouth
with no remorse, no control; his groans filled the room; I gagged when he
added more length into it.
Tears formed at the back of my eyes. The piercings made things worse,
so much worse! The tears flowed freely down my cheeks when he gripped
my throat and buried more of his length to the base. I could feel them all—
his dick, the thickness, the piercings—every single thing, down my throat.
My eyes were rolling behind the back of my head; my face was wet with
tears, and just when I felt my breathing stop, he pulled out of me. I gasped
for air, taking in a lot as if I had just woken up from the dead. I thought it
was over, but my eyes stared shocked when he pushed in his dick, carrying
me up from the ground by my waist. The next thing I knew, my back was
on the bed.
Fear gripped my chest. “W… what do you think you’re doing?” It hurt
to even speak; that was how much he had ravaged my mouth.
He had already tied my hands to the bed. “You’ve tasted me, and now,
I’ll taste you.”
My eyes widened. “No, no please…” I tried to struggle away by
tugging at the rope that tied my two hands together to the bed stand.
“This would be the punishment for letting Nathan touch you, and since
you’ve been such a good girl, he won’t die today.” His hand went to my
jumper gown and pulled it up to my waist, exposing my red panties.
“If you do this, I’ll never forgive you.” I shouted at him; my legs were
both on the bed, and his hands separated them. He knelt on the ground in
between my thighs and dragged me down by my waist. My body was still
on the bed, but my clit was close to him.
“I think we are past the redemption phase, Kitten.” He tugged at my
panties and in one go, they tore. “You wanted to scream, Elsa. Now,
His cold tongue and mouth plunged into my pussy, and just like he
commanded, I screamed and tried to wiggle away from his tongue, his lips
and everything about him. His hand that gripped my thighs held me in
place. I tugged at the rope that held my hands together; they didn’t budge.
His tongue on my pussy was anything but soft; he licked up and down, left
and right, nibbling my clitoris. I was soaked up, and I hated it so much.
“Oh God…” My eyes were rolling behind my head, “I can’t… please
stop… please.”
“I love the idea of being your God, Kitten.”
fuck, I can't enjoy it, I want him to stop, I want him to stop t…
touching me.
His tongue thrust became more intense; he pulled his hand under my
gown that was now on my waist, and his hand found my breast. I tried
shaking his hand away, but he bit my clitoris; I whimpered as pain eluded
my body. He began licking it again to ease the pain he caused; he was
eating me out like he was worshiping me. His fingers were on my sensitive
hard nipples from under my gown and black long-sleeve topl; he pinched
with his hard sharp fingers. I shrieked; his tongue was right inside my
pussy, flickering inside it with his tongue. It felt like my body was all over
the place; I was…
The pleasure, the anger, it was overwhelming. I wanted to hold him and
push him off me; I…
“You… you can’t do…” What was I saying? I had no idea; I was just
about to—
His lips left my clit, and anger coupled with disappointment filled my
body, like cold water had just been poured on me. He left me on edge.
I couldn’t say anything; I just stared at him.
“It’s called punishment for a reason, Kitten.” He smiled and licked his
lips slowly as he closed his eyes, like he was trying to get every taste of me.
I felt my stomach twist, and it irritated me because it wasn’t fully
because of fear.
He walked over to my hand and untied my wrists; I immediately jerked
my arms over my body and covered my gown. Tears came back to my eyes.
He had just violated me. I looked at my panties, and his eyes went there too.
“Don’t even think of wearing panties; I want your thighs to get sticky
as you walk today, so you’d remember exactly who did that to you.”
“You’re a sick psychopath. If you think you’re going to get away with
this, you’re wrong. I will make sure you go to jail.”
He opened a drawer and picked something up before throwing it on the
bed right next to me; it was an inhaler, a brand new one. “Get into the car
then; I’d drop you off at the police station.”
Chapter Eight

The Manipulation
<< ELSA >>
I opened my eyes, my head was banging; I was sitting on leather, or
something like it.
When my vision became clear, I gasped. I was in the back seat of a car
which was in front of the police station. I remembered fighting with the
stalker when he told me he was going to drop me here. I remembered him
putting a white cloth on my nose, and that was it…
“He drugged me! That fucker!”
“Miss, you’re awake.” A male voice spoke up from the front seat, and I
looked up at him. He was looking at me with both fear and surprise.
My eyes searched all over his face; he didn’t look familiar in any way.
But with his suit and black glasses, I guessed he worked for the stalker.
“Who are you?”
“I was asked to drop you here. Please kindly exit the car.”
“You were asked? Are you crazy?” Anger flushed in my eyes. “Could
you not see I was drugged against my will? You couldn’t even try to help by
calling 911 or something.”
He took in a deep breath. “Look, Miss. I have a child in kindergarten,
and I honestly don’t want her to grow up without a father. Please, make this
easy for both of us and get down.”
I didn’t want to understand what he was saying, but I did. Every piece
of it. The psychopath wasn’t only a stalker; he was a murderer too.
I stepped out of the car and walked towards the police station. My
thighs were sticky, and my legs ached. My hair looked messed up, but I
didn’t care. All I wanted to do was get that psycho to jail.

“Did he tell you his name?” The middle-aged policeman in front of me

asked. There were two of them.
“No, he didn’t… B… but I can draw him.” My hands were shivering
under the table. What if I couldn’t draw anymore? What if he runs far away
before they can catch him?
Or worse, what if he hurts Nathan because I reported him?
“Miss? Are you okay?” My eyes went back to the man who was
holding out a pen and paper for me; he looked genuinely concerned.
No, I’ve just been sexually abused, and I have no idea if coming here
has made things worse or not. “Yes, I’m fine.”
I took the paper and pen from his hand and began sketching, trying to
remember how exactly he looked.
You wanted to scream, Elsa. Now scream!
No, not that. I want to remember his face, how he looked so they can
get him.
Furrowed brows with a scar at the end of the right one with a piercing
there too, stubble beards, maybe in his late twenties or early thirties.
“This is a rough sketch of him.” I looked at the sketch I drew again; it
looked like him… to some extent.
They took the paper from me, and their expressions changed when they
looked at the sketch. The two men looked at each other, both sharing a
fearful and knowing look before the other one that spoke earlier dropped it
back on the table, entwined his fingers together, and cleared his throat
before facing me again.
“Look, Miss…” He sighed. “We don’t think we can help you, not with
this case. We are not permitted to. But we would advise you on one thing, if
this man is after you, you shouldn’t be anywhere close to this town. You
have to leave, run, and go far away.”
I stared at both of them like they were insane, they clearly were.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry we can’t help. From what you’ve said, this man has
traumatized you a lot, and I’m sorry about that. But you really have to
leave, now.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be THE POLICE? How can you be so scared
of an ordinary man?” It was a scream this time, and everyone in the big hall
turned to look at us.
The men bowed their heads in shame, “Will you leave on your own, or
do we have to drag you out, Miss?”
“I’m disappointed in all of you.” I threw the tissue they gave me on the
table and stomped off. I could feel my entire life crashing down. I missed
having a normal life; I missed it all.
I picked up my phone and dialed Nathan’s number; I needed to talk to
someone about all these, or I was going to explode. It was getting dark; the
clouds and all. I sat on the bench outside the police station. Nathan picked
up after the third ring.
“Hey, El, did you solve the urgent thing that came up?” He sounded
like he was still in the school atmosphere, flickering of students filled the
“Na… Nathan…” I sniffed, my voice cracking.
“Hey…” his voice was calm, and the concern in it grew bigger.
“What’s wrong? Where are you?”
Tears were rolling uncontrollably now; I covered my face in my thighs.
I was still outside, and although the number of people passing had reduced,
I had no intention of being on social media. “Outside the Station.”
“Don’t go anywhere; I’m coming to pick you up right now.” I nodded
and ended the call before cleaning my tears. I missed Gianna.
Twenty minutes later, a white car parked in front of me, and Nathan
came out, he rushed to where I sat.
I stood up and hugged him immediately. When I saw the car at first, my
body shivered; what if it was the stalker?
“Hey, I’m here…” he stroked my hair slowly. I had no tears left to cry;
I was tired, but I knew I needed to talk to someone.
“Thank you for coming, Nathan.” I disengaged from the hug and
smiled at him; his curly hair had this extra glow to it.
“It’s okay. Do you want to… um….” He rubbed the back of his neck
nervously. “Go to dinner with me so maybe you can talk about what’s
bothering you?”
I tried to suppress a smile, “I’d like that.”

My bed was warm and soft; I was finally in my room, safe and happy.
Nathan and I went to dinner; it was the happiest I’ve been since my prom
night. I was slowly forgetting my ex-boyfriend; heck, I’ve not thought of
him for a while now, with everything going on.
Nathan had dropped me at my doorstep and left. I freshened up and
washed that psychopath’s scent from my body. I couldn’t tell Nathan what
happened; it was too dangerous for him to know. What if the stalker kills
I took in a deep breath; it was night already, and Rose wasn’t here. I
guess that’s one of the perks of being a college student; you can do
whatever you want, whenever you want it.
I twirled the drawing pen gift I got from an anonymous sender. No
matter how much I held onto it, it didn’t drain or affect me; it calmed me
instead. Rose said she was going to find out; I was still waiting.
A knock came on the door, and I jerked up. Rose had her keys, so why
would she be knocking? Or maybe Nathan?
The knock came again, and I gulped before knotting my nightgown
rope and walking towards the door. I opened it slowly; no one was there.
My eyes went down to the white box with a red ribbon that formed a perfect
bow tie on top of it. It was on the ground.
I looked around again; the hallway was empty. I picked up the box and
studied it; it was packaged the same way as the brown envelope I got with
the pen and drawing tab.
I closed the door behind me and pulled the end of the red ribbon on the
box, and it fell loose to the ground. I opened the box, and I screamed out in
fear and dropped it to the ground.
My heart was beating rapidly, my body vibrating; it was a finger that
had a white fancy ring on, the exact one Nathan was wearing. I sighted a
white paper that fell from the box; I opened it.
Oh no! No, no, no.
I looked at the finger again; Nathan wore that ring today at dinner. This
was Nathan’s finger.
Chapter Nine

The Manipulator
<< ELSA >>
I looked at the finger again; Nathan wore that ring today at dinner. This
was Nathan’s finger. Everything we ate at dinner appeared back in my
throat. I rushed to the toilet immediately and bent to throw up; my stomach
was hurting so bad.
I took in a deep breath before flushing, then washing my face and
hands in the sink. Why was this happening to me? I haven't done anything
bad to anyone; I can't even call it karma.
Maybe I should move out. My brain mentally reminded me that the
stalker first sent me a message when I was at Ohio, prom night. There was
no escaping him.
I went back to the room; the finger which was covered with blood was
still on the ground, making the room stink badly. Tears filled my eyes
looking at it. Nathan went through this because of me, because I hugged
I used a tissue to put the finger back into the box and disposed of it the
only way I knew how to. I was going to apologize and cut ties with Nathan.
It was for his own safety, at least until I know how to deal with the stalker.
I washed my hands again with soap and every cleaning agent I could
find. Keys rattled from the hallway to my room. I jumped on the bed and
picked up my phone, doing nothing in particular, but there’s no way Rose
would know I just disposed of a human’s finger. Right?
A small knock came first, and then the door opened. Rose came in all
smiley and giggly.
“Someone is in a good mood.” I turned to her, and she cleared her
throat. She felt like a child just caught stealing candy.
“Hey… I didn’t know you’d still be up.” She took off her coat and
dropped it on the chair next to her vanity.
I took in a deep breath. “Yeah, I didn’t know I’d be up either.”
“And about the pen and Mac pad…” She sat on her bed then focused
on me. “I asked my mom, and she said her company made it but it was
customized, and only one of it is in existence.”
“Customized which means someone asked specifically for it, an
electronic drawing pen that calms the nerves?”
“Technically, yes. She said the customer paid twelve thousand dollars
for it.”
I gasped. I just stared at her like she was insane, but maybe she was. I
mean, she just called a pen for twelve thousand dollars. “Is she sure? That
sounds absurd. It’s just a … pen.”
Her brows came together in a frown. “The only one of its kind in the
world…” She let out a sigh and removed her black hair tie, letting her blue
hair fall freely on her shoulders. “There’s something else…”
My eyes trailed up to her. “What? Did she tell you who purchased it?”
She shook her head negatively. “She said it was too confidential, but
she did tell me to stay away from you.”
“From me? Why?” I sat up from my bed; fear gripped my body. Her
mom definitely knew more than she was letting on.
“I have no idea. You know parents and being paranoid.” She laughed
before going into the bathroom with a towel.
I didn’t need more evidence to know who sent the first gift. It was
obvious, even from the way the second box was packaged. Asshole.
I felt my phone vibrate almost immediately. I opened it, and it was a
Anger filled my body as I stared at the message. I imagined the smile
on his face right now. I changed my number; how on earth did he get this
one too?
He messed with my friend, and he was going to pay for that. I couldn’t
control my hands as it flew through the keyboard.
I poured out all my anger in that one text. I felt a bit better after
pressing the send button. For a second, it didn’t show he was typing. He
must have finally gotten the idea of everything. It finally pinged again; he
had dropped a text.
I threw my phone on the wall next to my bed; my entire body was
burning up with anger. I immediately opened the drawer where I had placed
the Mac drawing pad and pen; I grabbed it and threw it into the trash can.
He was rich; only someone that was rich could pull such strings and also
afford this. An idea popped into my head. I knew it was a bad idea to mess
with him, but at this point, all I wanted to do was hurt him for what he did
to Nathan.
Nathan must hate me right now… Rose came out with a white towel
tied to her hair and body. Her eyes went to the brown envelope in the trash
“You threw it away?” Her eyes widened and went back to mine.
“Trust me, it’s the best thing for everyone.” I looked at it; it would have
really been nice using it to get back into drawing, but knowing he’s the
sender, never.
“Okay.” She proceeded to dry her hair.
“Do you know how to hack an account or do you know anyone who
does?” She paused and turned to me before nodding. I love my new

Nathan wasn’t in class today; they said he wasn’t at his hostel either.
He had to go home after ‘an accident’ he had.
Rose and I had the same class together, so we walked and sat together.
Besides, we had an after-class event to execute.
“And that was how everything was in 1793; of course, the earth still
had the same shape as now, but it was less contaminated.” Mrs. Rivers, the
college history professor, stated, drawing the shape of the earth on the
Some girls were laughing behind me, probably at something they said.
It was so easy for them to laugh and be free without feeling like someone
was monitoring them. Must be nice.
“And that marks the end of our session.” She closed the textbook
before everyone stood up and began walking out.
Rose and I took a cab to the orphanage distribution center worldwide. It
was a small office that connected all orphanages together. A middle-aged
woman greeted us politely.
“How may I help you, Miss?” She asked from the other end of the
I watched her all through last night; her expression as I texted her, her
frustration when she received the last message before throwing her phone
against the wall. Her asking her chicken-like roommate for a hacker.
I strictly told the school not to give Elsa Reed a roommate. I might
have to give them a visit soon. Her throwing the Mac and pen into the
wastebin; her chicken roommate picking it up while she was asleep. I
hacked into her room camera, and I’ve been watching her since the first day
she stepped foot into that dorm room.
I’ve stayed awake at night so many times just so I can watch her sleep.
I’ve kept men around her and in her school, protecting her in case any of
my enemies decided to sign a death wish. But they all have limits; get more
than a hundred feet radius to her and get a fucking bullet to your head.
A hurried knock came on the door to my camera room; I switched it
off. No one gets to watch Elsa or her empty room aside from me.
“Come in.” I replied, and the door clicked open. My bank manager
rushed inside; he looked like he was in high panic, he was sweating badly.
“S… Sir.” He shivered before trying to adjust his tie. I trailed in my
chair as I looked at him. “Your account has been hacked sir, Some fraudster
took out 100 billion dollars, we were able to trace the transaction; it all went
to hundreds of orphanages.”
A laugh I couldn’t stop passed through my throat; my manager
shivered, and he stared at me with confusion. “That’s not a hacker,
Richard.” I crossed my legs. “That’s my Little Kitten trying to get my
My phone pinged, and I picked it up; it was a text.
And… blocked. She blocked the number; I couldn’t help but laugh. I
felt so proud of her.
Now that’s my little kitten’s rage.
Chapter Ten

Death Wish
<< ELSA >>
I took in a deep breath and smoothed my palm on my red round neck
top and jean skirt that stopped at the middle of my thighs before my
knuckles came in contact with the door in a subtle knock.
I was outside the front porch; it was Nathan’s house. It’s been one week
since what happened to Nathan, and I didn’t know how to show up at his
These past few days made me realize one thing: I liked Nathan more
than a friend. The stalker had also been off my neck; he stopped texting,
and I didn’t have that fear of being followed anymore. Me withdrawing that
amount of money definitely put him and his business on the edge… I hope.
“Hello…” An old woman who seemed like she was in her early eighties
said, opening the door with a wide smile, her dimples visible, probably
where Nate got his from.
“Hi, ma’am, I’m Elsa.” I looked around; just standing here made my
heart ache at the realization that I caused this to him. “Nathan’s friend.”
“Ohhh, come on in, dear.” She held the door widely for me to enter.
“My Naty boy has said a lot about you.”
“Grandma!” Nathan’s voice vibrated from inside the room, and we both
laughed before she left.
Nathan was sitting on a three-seater chair in the living room, with a
white bandage on his right hand.
Tears filled my eyes; this was done to him because of me. “I’m sorry,
Nathan.” I looked at him, he was in pain, it was obvious.
“It’s not your fault, Elsa. Don’t worry about it. Grandma hired a private
bodyguard for me, so I’m safe… I guess.”
“Will you be coming back any time soon? School feels so boring
without you.” I sighed; after the hacking with Rose, she has been MIA. Not
like I expect us to be friends instantly or anything.
Besides, we literally know nothing about each other.
“Elsa… before all these happened, I wanted to ask you out, with a nice
dinner, a table filled up with your favorite foods.” I stared at him, my entire
face was red now, I was blushing, hard.
“Wanted?” This was a dangerous game I was playing, and Nathan’s life
was the one in danger, not mine. But the stalker hasn’t contacted me since
then; it’s possible he gave up. Why can’t I be happy because of a stalker?
a dangerous one, one that has no problem killing everyone that
matters to you if you disobey him.
“I just don’t know if you’d say… yes … you know..” he brought his
bandaged hand up, and I laughed.
“Because of a missing finger?” I held his other hand in two of mine. “I
don’t see you as Nathan less than the Nathan I know.”
“Would you go out with me then?” He looked like he was begging not
to be turned down. I took in a deep breath; the stalker wasn’t here, he hasn’t
been here for over a week, and we’d be extra careful too.
Maybe it’s time I fully move on from my ex; Nathan’s a nice guy.
“Yes, I would.” That answer sealed it; I owed him that at least. I mean,
every bad thing that happened to him happened because of me; I owed him
that much.

More weeks had passed; Nathan was back at school, and although there
was no way he’d grow extra fingers, everyone stayed respectful about his
state. I strengthened the bed again for the tenth time; everything needed to
be perfect for tonight. Nathan and I agreed to meet up at my room tonight,
and although he didn’t say, I knew what exactly followed. I spoke to Rose,
and she agreed to stay at her bestie's room tonight. Rose and I were not
close, but we were supportive. I still heard nothing from Mr. Stalker, and
that was a good thing. I hope he died wherever he disappeared to.
“Come on Elsa, calm, down… this isn’t your first time.” I paced around
the room nervously. I wore a crop top that showed my upper breast and a
skirt that barely covered my thigh. I wanted to do it with him; I was
prepared. The last time I had sex was six months ago; how would it feel
having it again?
A knock on the door made me almost jump out of my skin.
“Coming…” I screamed before rushing back to my vanity mirror. I
reapplied my red lip gloss, my brows, perfected my light make-up, and put
up my perfume again.
“Everything is in place.” I took in a deep breath before rushing to open
the door. Nathan was outside; he was dressed in a white polo with blue
“You look…” his eyes scanned me, desire evident in them.
“Beautiful?” I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear slowly.
He smiled before coming in. He placed his hand on my waist and
dragged me closer to him so my hands were on his chest. “Like a dinner I
want to devour.”
His lips grabbed mine in a hot kiss. I tried, I really tried, but I wasn’t
feeling it; his hand groped my ass, and I gasped in his mouth. He continued
to kiss me.
Nathan was such a good boyfriend, but he didn’t have that spark I
needed. I felt happy on the day we actually started dating, but after that day,
it felt like I only liked him as a friend and accepted because I felt
responsible for what happened to him. I thought if we had sex, then I’d start
feeling something real with him, but we were about to, and it still didn’t feel
that way.
“Nate…” I broke the kiss and stared into his eyes. He still had a hand
behind my back.
“Mhh” he mumbled, his eyes staring into mine. “What’s wrong El, you
know it’s fine if you’re not ready to do this.”
“I wanted to ask if you brought a condom.” I laughed, and he smiled,
exhaling a breath he probably didn’t know he was holding. I wasn’t going
to destroy this night for him; I wasn’t going to do that.
“Of course.” He reached for a pocket behind him as he struggled to
grab something from it.
Immediately, the door handle rattled. Nate and I paused and stared at it.
Rose agreed not to be here till tomorrow. Did she forget anything?
“I’d check it out.” Nathan said before removing his hand from his back
pocket and walking towards the door. Before he could open it, it opened,
and his entire body stiffened. He started walking backward, and when the
other man’s leg became visible, I sank into the wall, my heart hammering in
my chest.
The door was closed, three men came in…
“If anyone looks at Elsa, they’d die too,” the first one stated, and the
other two turned backward immediately. I covered my chest that was barely
hiding my breasts. The first one looked like—
“Hello, Kitten.” He gave me a fake smile, his face looked angry.
Nathan was shivering; the stalker had a gun to his head.
Chapter Eleven

Red Is For Blood

<< ELSA >>
Hello, Kitten. I recognized that voice all too well.
“You… what are you… why…” I couldn’t utter words; all that was in
my mind was Nathan. He was going to hurt Nathan for real this time.
“Who are you?” Nathan screamed, trying not to shake. His life was
already flashing before his eyes.
“Please, please let him go. I swear I’d do anything you want. Please…”
My heart was racing so fast at this moment; I couldn't breathe properly.
A smirk appeared on his cheeks, the scar on his eyebrows furrowed,
“You’d do anything I want either ways, Kitten.” His voice was so deep it
held so much vibration.
“Why are you doing this? It’s my life, why won’t you let me live my
life?” Tears flowed freely from my eyes to my cheeks now.
Nathan looked confused at me. “You know him?” His voice had hurt in
it; it was all my fault. I should never have gone to his house.
“You didn’t tell your little friend that the reason he is one finger short is
because of you?” The stalker twisted his head towards a corner, the amount
of hate and anger it held was unimaginable.
“What?” Nathan stared at me with so much betrayal. “You knew who
did this to me and you didn’t say a word?” Tears collided in his eyes, my
entire body felt like it was burning.
“No… Nathan, I was trying to protect you. I…”
A gun went off, and Nathan screamed. The stalker had shot his leg; he
was on the ground now, holding his leg and screaming. We were in my
room; someone needed to come. They should have heard the gun shot
already; they would have to come and get us, to save us.
My eyes searched around the room for the big red button that activated
the camera. It was all the way through the other wall; I would never reach it
in time.
“I’m going to kill him, Elsa. Slowly and in front of you; you’d see the
fate of every man that as much as says hi to you.” He brought his hands
towards the two men that were still turning their backs to me; they put a
knife in his hand my breath hitched.
“I didn’t want this; I don’t want any of this, please, don’t do this.” I was
on the ground now; my legs couldn’t take any more of it. “I’m sorry; please
don’t do this.” My face was so soaked that my vision became blurry.
“You’d beg soon; save them for later, Frozen.” He said before putting
on a black glove. Nathan couldn’t talk anymore; his lips were tied with the
ribbon; his eyes looked over everyone, shaking intensively as the stalker
grabbed his dick. Nathan’s eyes and face were now red.
“No, no please.” I shook my head profusely. “Let him go, and I’ll
belong to you, I’ll accept anything you want to do to me. Heck, I’d even
bow down and fucking worship you if you want.”
“No, Elsa,” He positioned the knife on Nathan’s dick and began
cutting his dick slowly. Nathan was shaking; pain and fear eluded his body.
My body was shaking as well, like I felt every pain he did. “I’m the one
who was born to worship you; I only breathe because you do; I exist
because you do”
Nathan’s dick fell to the ground; blood was gushing from the place his
dick once stayed; all the dinner I had taken reappeared in my throat. I held
it back; Nathan’s eyes were rolling backwards now; he was definitely going
through intense pain. I could feel it, every single thing.
The stalker went for his eyes next; he placed the knife into it; Nathan
screamed so loud, but it was muffled by the ribbon; the man behind me held
my lips to stop my own screaming; I bit him, I bit him hard, but he didn’t
let me go, he didn’t let go of my mouth.
Blood was everywhere; Nathan’s eye socket was visible, the hall of
eyes were not there anymore, Nathan wasn’t moving; he was breathing, but
he wasn’t moving.
The stalker looked so angry that it felt like he still wasn’t satisfied with
what he had done. He plunged the knife into Nathan’s stomach and took it
up to his chest; the sound of flesh tearing and blood gushing was audible,
the pain was too intense. Nathan was shaking abnormally now before he
stopped; his chest wasn’t heaving up and down anymore; the knife was still
in his chest; he had given up on fighting.
Nathan was dead; the stalker killed him. I couldn’t feel anymore; my
throat hurt from too much shouting. I felt my body slump; I was on the
ground, looking at Nathan’s lifeless body.
“Are you happy now?” I turned to the stalker who was currently
cleaning his hand using a white towel. “Did killing him make you feel any
“No, I’m angry, and when I’m angry, bad things happen.” He threw the
towel to Nathan’s face. “You, Kitten, will fix that.” He walked towards me
but went into the washroom instead.
The two men began packing up Nathan’s remains. The other one
grabbed me and sat me on the empty chair on Rose’s side of the room and
tied both my hands together behind my back.
My chest tightened; he was going to kill me. The room was clean now,
like nothing happened; the two men had taken Nathan’s body out after
putting it into a black bag.
The stalker came out from my restroom; he had removed his black
jacket and washed his hands; he wore only a black round neck top.
“You’re going to kill me next, aren’t you?” My eyes burned into his
with both fear and anger. “I pray you do; maybe it can snap you out of your
delusions. Because if you think you won’t go to jail after this, you are sick.”
“No, Elsa. I’m going to fuck you with a bomb tied to your body and
activated. If you scream, it will explode.” He brought out the bomb that was
attached to a rope.
“If I die, you’d die too.”
“I know, Kitten, and I’d die a hundred times if it means I’ll be with you
in hell; heck, if you’re in heaven, I’d fucking go to church and get baptized
if it means I’ll be in heaven with you.”
Chapter Twelve

All For The Fans

<< ELSA >>
I stared at him like he was insane; he was actually insane. He wasn’t
going to put a bomb on me just to fuck me and make it blow up if I scream.
Someone please tell me I’m in a dream, and I’d wake up, then
everything would go back to normal.
“Do you know how much I missed you, Kitten?” He was in front of me
within minutes; his hands smoothed my hair. I removed my face from his
hand immediately.
“You can have my body and my life, but you… you’d never have my
heart.” I didn’t know how much I was shaking until a tear slipped from my
eyes down to my cheeks.
He reached his hand behind me, and the ribbon that was tied to my
wrist released. “That’s fine by me; at least you get to keep one thing to
yourself. You see… I’m not that stingy.” He grabbed my waist and threw
me across his shoulder like I weighed nothing.
“Let me down!” I wiggled on his shoulder, but he didn’t budge. He
dropped me on something soft, Rose’s bed. I gasped when a cold metal
clinged on my wrist. I immediately looked up, my eyes widened in fear. A
handcuff that was tied to the bed.
“I know you’d very much prefer that on me right now, and don’t worry,
your fantasies would come to life, eventually.” His hands went to the small
crop top that barely covered my breast, and he tore it in one tug. My breast
was exposed to him; my entire body quivered. “But it’d be done by you.”
“Fuck you!” I screamed to his face as I tried to remove my hands from
the handcuff. Fear gripped me; this was not happening.
“With pleasure, Love.” He smiled, the fucker was smiling. He brought
the belt that has a bomb-like thing that seemed activated; I wiggled, trying
to distract him. His light blue eyes met mine before going down to my
breast that was exposed; me shaking caused it to shake too. I stopped
immediately; he smirked before wrapping the bomb belt on my stomach.
My heart was beating; I was going to die; I wouldn’t see mom or dad again.
“All you have to do, Kitten, is not say a word.” He used his thumb to
softly brush my bottom lips before reaching out to my hands to undo the
handcuff. “The bomb timer has been set to forty minutes; you have forty
minutes to spread your juice all over my dick, and we both get to see
another day.”
“Have you always been this fucked up and depraved? Were you not
given toys and love while growing up?” I sat up on the bed, I was glaring at
him, trying my best to keep my voice low, the bomb was beeping on my
body, and each beep had a vibration attached to it. “Do you really think I
won’t find a way to put you behind bars and let you rot there for all
“You surely are confident for someone who is tied to a bomb begging
to be triggered.” A side of his lips went up in a smirk; he was handsome.
Taking a better look at him now, too bad he’s a depraved psychopath. “And
that’s why I’m so obsessed with you, Kitten.”
“Your obsession is unhealthy; why can’t you see that?”
“Oh, I can. I just don’t care.” He stood up from where he squatted on
the ground. “I decided I was going to have you the first time I saw you with
your father, taking ice cream and playing with your cat; you’ve belonged to
me since then.”
“You’re a bastard.” Keeping my anger in check was hard when all I
wanted to do was scream on top of my voice.
“A bastard that is about to fuck you hard till all you can remember and
all you dream about is the feeling of my pierced dick in your tight little
pussy.” He held my right nipple in his hand and pinched; I closed my eyes
to shut out the pain and tingly sensation it brought.
“You’ve been obsessed with me for years just so you can get some
pussy; aren’t you ashamed of yourself, how old are you? Eleven?”
“Twenty-nine, Kitten. And not some pussy, yours and yours alone.” He
dragged my body forward to him with my nipple. “Because it was made for
me, every. fucking. part. of. you.”
In my next life, I’d like to be born as a cop; I’d be the only good cop in
the world that can actually do their job. “You’re delusional.”
He removed the belt that held his trouser and tossed it to the chair I was
tied on before. “Take off your cloth, Elsa, and touch your toes.”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m going to do that.” I folded my arms on
my breast, and I felt my heart rate go up when it touched the bomb.
“Time is ticking. Twenty-five minutes left.” My eyes went to the bomb
and back to him; my heart was racing. “I can bend you over myself if I
want; I’m being generous enough to give you just one ounce of free will.
Don’t misuse it.”
“You call this free will?” Tears filled my eyes now.
“Bend.” His voice was thick and commanding now; his brows came
together in a frown; it was no more a suggestion, it was a command.
I stood up from the bed then removed my jean bump short and stepped
out of it; I didn’t wear any panties or bra because of Nathan, and now I was
here, and the man that killed Nathan was abusing that.
I was naked, bare to him. My heart was hammering against my chest,
but I obeyed; I touched my toes with both my fingers.
“That’s my good girl.” I couldn’t see his face, but I could bet my life
right now he was smirking. “Now spread those legs wide for me.”
I didn’t want to, but I had to, so I did. Goosebumps filled my skin; I felt
like a slut, being this open to someone I didn’t even know the name of—
“F—“ I wanted to scream as his dick slammed into me with no
warning, no remorse but I sealed my mouth shut immediately, the bomb!
I whimpered as a hard slap landed on my ass, “The rule is not to
scream, Frozen.” He fisted my hair in his hand and dragged it back, giving
his dick inside me a new depth and feeling. “Unless Of course you don’t
want to see our babies grow.”
He let go of my hair and my hands went back to my toes, he grabbed
my waist and kept pushing in and out, his piercings were inside me,
scraping my insides in both pain and pleasure, I couldn’t see his dick but it
was obvious that I had only taken half in, I felt too filled up, my entire body
trembled and I hated the fact that it wasn’t because of fear.
He fucked me like he owned me, thumping hard inside me like he was
punishing and pleasuring me at the same time.
“You’re going to take in all of me now, try not to scream, Kitten.” And
just like that, he brought me up by placing his hand on my throat, my back
was on his chest, his hand on my throat violently, his dick in me, and just
like he warned, he slammed his full length into me. Tears filled up my eyes
and my legs quivered, I covered my mouth with my two hands instantly, to
stop the screeching scream that filled my throat. I couldn’t stand, my legs
couldn’t take it anymore, the only thing that kept me up was his hand on my
throat, my legs were too weak to do that.
“You’re so full, Elsa, and so fucking wet for me.” He pushed out and
slammed back in, with force, he didn’t slow down, he didn’t let me adjust to
his size, he was bigger and longer than anything I’ve ever felt, my pussy
arched. He was right, I was wet, what I felt was pleasure and pain in equal
measures. He pulled out from me and pushed me on the bed so my back
was on it and I was facing him, my legs shivered and I felt empty, the
places his piercings touched had pain, coldness and a tingly bit of pleasure
surging through them, ones that would take days to heal.
“You have ten minutes, Frozen.” He laid on the bed and carried me up
so I was sitting on his thighs, his long erect dick was just next to my pussy,
veiny and wet with my juice, just like he promised. “Allow me to make it
count.”He placed his hand on my waist and pulled me up, when he let me
go, his dick slammed back into me, my hands went back to my mouth
Oh god! I can't say a word, if I do, I'd end up screaming.
"Ride.” He ordered and removed his hand from my waist, I tried
moving but with the new position, his dick reached places I never thought
was humanly possible. Every move hurt so bad and made the tingly
sensation and pleasure so unbearable that I wanted to explode right there.
He grabbed my waist and began slamming inside me from under, I
felt… it felt… it…
“I’m about to…” I placed my hand on my mouth again; I was shaking
my head profusely now.
“Hold.” His voice was low, someone else in the room wouldn’t have
heard but I did, clearly and my body did too because it obeyed him; he
grinded my waist over his dick as he kept plumping into me, causing the
piercing to hit my stomach, I felt it there, I felt everything there.
“Now, cum for me, Kitten.” He stared up at me, his light blue eyes
looking deep into mine, and just like he ordered, I did, hard. My juice
milked his dick, and he stared at me all along the way, like he just found a
new interest in me. He pulled out of me and sat me back on his thighs;
shame and anger filled me up; I tried to stare at anywhere but him; my
pussy was still throbbing; it hurt so bad; I could feel the sourness from the
parts the piercings had rubbed against.
“Sit on my face. Let me ease the pain.” He held my waist to carry me
up, but I shook my head, surprise was in my voice.
“I can’t sit—” I looked at my thighs which were soaked and felt sticky.
“I’m a mess.”
His eyes went to the bomb on me that read four minutes left. His brows
came together in a frown. "When I say sit on my face, you don't fucking
complain, you don't talk, you don't breathe, you just sit, like the Queen you
are and let me worship you like I was born to do, Do you understand?"
I looked at the bomb timer; three minutes. I was going to die of both
pleasure and explosion. I nodded and allowed him to carry me up to his
face; he licked my pussy like he was worshiping me, apologizing for how
hard and rough he was with me. His tongue went in and out; it felt like he
was trying to smooth the pain. It helped; his tongue went in and out of my
clit, flickering my clitoris. I had no idea when I began grinding against his
face; he held the top of my waist and pushed me down his face more,
making his tongue go deeper into me. The pleasure built up in my core, and
I held my hand on my mouth as I tried to push myself off him, I was about
He bit my clitoris and held my body intact from my waist; I came on
his mouth, and he licked it all, every single drop of it.
He lowered my body to his chest, his blue eyes still staring at me like I
was some gem he just found. “I can eat you out all day and I’d never have
to take a drop of anything else till I die.”
My body was still vibrating, Oh My God! I can't say a word, if I do, I'd
end up screaming.
His hand went to the bomb on my body, and he pressed in some codes;
the red light changed to green; he had disabled it.
He stood up from the bed and went for his trousers. He had removed
the belt from my body and now held it in his hands. I was curled up in the
bed; anger, tiredness, and hate filled me up; Nathan had died, he killed
Nathan and he took advantage of me.
“I’d never forgive you.” I said sincerely; I would have died today; he
was a psychopath that belonged in a psychopathic lab.
“I know, Elsa.” He said without sparing me a glance; he put the bomb
in a small bag and walked towards the door, opening it, he turned a side of
his face to me. “You’d still cum for me, though.”
He left.
Chapter Thirteen

To All The Boys We Loved Before

<< ELSA >>
“…Forever in our hearts.” The pastor did the cross sign before closing
the casket of Nathan.
“My sweet boy.” His grandma shivered, I held her hand in mine and my
Aunt Tiana held my other hand from beside me, she heard what happened
to Nathan and the fact that we were close, she rushed over to school and
asked they give me one week break to recover, after the burial, I was going
to her house.
I felt tears fall down my cheeks, staying here made me feel guilty, like I
caused Nathan’s death and here I am, mourning him. It had been two days
since the police found his body, that’s incorrect since it was actually
dumped in-front of their station at midnight by two masked men.
I shook my head and the guilty feeling that was eating me up and left
the arena. Tiana followed me and rubbed my back slowly, I wrapped my
hand over her body and let it all out, the guilt, the anger, everything.
“It’s alright… I’ve got you.” Her voice penetrated through places I
didn’t think it would and for that exact time, I felt better, I was pretty sure I
soaked her carefully designed black dress.
“Are you ready to leave now?” She asked and I disengaged from the
“You can go, I have a few things to pick up. I’d come over in thirty.”
One hour had passed, I paid the cab man that took me to Tiana’s house
and got down. Her voice had this all American style, she’s lived here all her
life so that isn’t really a surprise.
“Hey cous, nice man you’ve got there.” James winked as he passed me
with his skate board, I looked at him weirdly but he had already gone far.
𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒔
I did a little knock before opening the door, my small travel bag of
urgent clothes and personal accessories in my right hand.
“Tiana, I’m here.” I dragged my bag up the stairs to the room she had
customized for whenever I visit.
“I’ll be with you in a bit, Darling.” Her voice responded from the
kitchen. “You have a handsome friend waiting in your room for you, you
and I.. have to talk later.”
I furrowed my brows, a friend? The only friend I had in college is dead.
I rushed to the room and opened the door, fear gripped my chest as I stared
at him, he looked up from the photo collage book in his hand, his sky blue
eyes and scared brows with a piercing at the end staring directly at mine, a
smirk at the corner of his lips.
He wore a red round neck and Jeans that hugged him perfectly.
“Wha…” I looked around the small hallway that had Aunt Tiana’s door
and James, it was empty, no one was coming. “What are you doing here?”
All I wanted to do was scream bloody murder at the man in-front of me, the
same man who killed Nathan. “If you hurt my aunt or cousin I will destroy
“Happy to see you too, Kitten.” His attention went back to the book in
his hands casually, like he wasn’t a killer and a psychopath.
“How do you breath and sleep well at night knowing the number of
people you’ve taken their lives from?” Anger surged throw my veins.
“Under air conditioner and without an inhaler.” He stood up from the
vanity chair he sat then threw something at me, I flipped my hands to catch
it, an inhaler. “You need to stop dropping that, Elsa, or I might have to
attach one to your body so you’d —“
“What!” My eyes widened at the horror.
“I’m just joking, relax.” He rolled his eyes and I folded my fists, the
sound of footsteps coming closer filled the hallway and I took in a deep
breath and gave him one last warning look, I would release hell if anything
bad happened to her.
“Hope you’re comfortable, Kian?” Tiana asked opening the door after a
subtle knock, she held a trey of of homemade muffins and cookies with a
two cups of orange juice. My favorite.
She called him Kian, was that his name?
“Elsa’s favorite.” He smiled at Tiana, standing up and I turned to him in
surprise, how did this guy know so much about me, Tiana’s face looked
surprised and impressed at the same time but she covered it up immediately.
The stalker took the tray from her and dropped it tray on the vanity
“And they say the perfect guy doesn’t exist.”
“Tiana, um… thank you so much for the treat, but can I speak to him,
alone?” I gave her my most sincere look and she nodded before leaving, I
immediately turned to face him.
“You have to leave now, you can’t be here.” I folded my arms
protectively over my body, like my heart wasn’t hammering against my
chest with fear.
“Right! I’d prefer to be in-between your thighs than just sitting here.”
He picked a cup of the orange juice and trailed it over his fingers.
I brought out the knife I had tugged into my boot anklet and shoved it
into him, that was wrong, he saw it coming and dodged it, he pinned my
hands so they were in one of his and behind my back then jammed my face
to wall.
“A knife? Really Elsa?” He scoffed, still holding both my hands in
check. “Are you flirting with me?”
“You killed my boyfriend and if the police will not do anything about
it, I will.” I stepped on his toes and tried to wiggle away from his hold but
he didn’t budge. “Let me go, You monster!”
His hot breath was on my neck and his voice on my ear. “Scream, and
anyone that comes in here first receives a bullet to the head.”
My entire body came to a halt, I knew he wasn’t joking, he was going
to do it, he is a psychopath without remorse. “I’m going to put you in jail,
you might have found a way to bribe Washington police but not everyone of
them are corrupt.”
“It’s called donation, Kitten. Not bribery.” He looked like he was tired.
“You are going to tell your aunt you’ve decided to spend the rest of your
one week break starting from tomorrow in my place, do you understand?”
My eyes widened, “No, I can’t do that, leave me alone or I’m going to
involve more authorities higher than the police.” My hands that were being
held behind my back had already stared aching, I didn’t want to be scared
of him but only a fool would not fear him.
“Do you want to attend another burial this week? Elsa? Your aunt was
really nice, would be a shame if she died of a gas leakage wouldn’t it?” He
held my hands in one of his and the free one trailed down my black gown
till where there was a slit that exposed my skin, my entire body jerked in
fear when I felt his hand on my bare skin.
He was drawing circles on it slowly. “Can you stop threatening people I
love already? That’s not fair, they didn’t do anything bad to you.”
He sprung me around so I was facing him, the black gown had v neck
which exposed the top of my breasts, his eyes went there and I felt the
sudden need to kick his dick and run but I thought better of it.
“I’m still angry with that dead guy for touching you and you are still
yet to complete your punishments.” He lowered his head and dropped a kiss
on the top of my breast that was exposed. I gulped and folded my fists that
he was still holding behind my back and which was in contact with the wall.
“This time, I’m going to give you something permanent, something you
can’t throw away.” His eyes met mine and he took out a white towel from
his pocket and tied it on my mouth, I struggled but his hand was still tightly
holding mine behind my back, I couldn’t scream, aunt would come here and
he would kill her.
Chapter Fourteen

Maybe, Maybe Not

<< ELSA >>
He grabbed me by my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I
mumbled through the thick cloth tied to my mouth and tried to come down
from his shoulder, kicking my legs. It felt impossible.
He walked to the bed and threw me on it. His hands immediately
dragged my legs down, tying them to a rope I didn’t realize was there
before I came in. My two legs were tied to both sides of the bed. The ropes
were strong, and the more I tried to push my leg out, the more it hurt. He
was by my head next, his hands moving over mine, tying them to another
rope across my head. My chest heaved with fear. I had just finished
attending Nathan’s funeral, one that this stalker in front of me caused. Why
couldn’t today just be to honor him?
The stalker stood in front of me. I was tied to all four sides of the bed.
He looked over at me with a smirk at the corner of his lips. The fear that
filled my eyes could barely be explained; I was certain he saw that too, he
just didn’t care.
His hands reached towards the towel on my lips and he dragged it down
to my neck.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Fear, anger, and sadness were
extremely visible in my eyes. I didn’t know what his messed-up mind had
planned, but I wanted absolutely no part in it.
“Marking you, kitten.” He turned behind and clutched a bag on the
table, bringing out some items and spreading them over the empty side of
the bed. My eyes scanned them with curiosity. “This will hurt, and
remember, the minute your aunt gets suspicious, she’s dead. I have a sniper
aimed at her head right now.” He reached for his back pocket and clicked a
few things before showing me the screen. The red dot on my aunt’s head
was captured from a building far away from ours.
I gulped and stared back at him. “Don’t hurt her… please, do…”
“Shhhh…” He rubbed his thumb against my face slowly. I didn’t
realize I was crying until I felt his hand softly clean the tear that slipped.
“As long as you do what I say, no one would have to get hurt, Elsa.”
My eyes looked up at him from where I laid. “What are you going to do
to me?”
He looked at the odd-looking things he placed on the bed. “I spent three
months learning how to draw a tattoo perfectly for you. Do you want to
know why?” His hand went to the V-neck of my gown. He used the scissors
on the bed to cut it until it reached my waist. My bra was exposed to him,
the hem of my pantie too. I turned to look away from him as I closed my
eyes shut, my body vibrating from the fear of whatever he had planned.
“Because I’d rather die than let someone else see your bare body in the
name of giving you a tattoo for me. Only I get to see you this way, Frozen.”
I gasped as the sound of fabric tearing filled the air; my dress had been
ripped into two. He wanted to give me a tattoo, a tattoo that is permanent
and is going to scar me for life.
“You… You do not have to do this, please.. I don’t want a tattoo, I can’t
My words went back into my mouth in a harsh swallow as he pulled
back the fabric lingering on my neck back to my mouth. He tore my grey
pantie from my thighs; I was bare to him. I didn’t like being bare to anyone.
He stared at my body like he had just gotten blessed by God. He did the
same with the bra top I wore; my breasts popped out from them. I shut my
eyes closed; he was watching me, watching every part of me, and I hated
“It’d be painful, but I’d help.” There was no warning after his words.
All I could do was shut my eyes and brace myself for whatever was coming
next. I felt his hand on the slit of my pussy before something wet followed
—his tongue.
I shivered immediately the contact was made. One of his hands held my
waist and a stubbed sound filled the air before an intense pain eluded the
top of my pussy. I wiggled, but his tongue found its way inside my pussy;
he was eating me out, flickering my clitoris before plunging into my clit,
going in and out like it was his dick. The metal on my waist kept moving. I
couldn’t pinpoint what exactly it was doing or what drawing it was, but all I
knew was that at this moment, I had both pain and pleasure in equal
My body was shivering; I’ve never shivered this much. It was like I
was going to… I couldn’t breathe. My inhaler.
I need my inhal–
The fighting, the anger, the pleasure, the pain. It felt like for a second,
everything stopped. I felt nothing, saw nothing, smelt nothing.

The bright light from outside the open window threatened to blind me
as I placed my hand over my eyes to block it. How long was I asleep for?
My eyes went to the alarm clock next to my bedside table; it read nine thirty
My body felt like it was burning up; I remember the stalker tied me up
with a white towel to my mouth. Why the hell would he do that? Did he
harm Tiana? I tried to stand, but the pain focused on the top of my breast
and between my thighs prevented any movement at first.
Then I quickly looked down at my body; my eyes widened— a tattoo!
A red ribbon tattoo to be precise, it was on the upper side of my right breast.
I jumped out of my bed instantly; my heart hammering against my chest. I
was stark naked, and the room was empty.
Oh no no no.
God no!
There was a tattoo on the top side of my pussy, an initial of K but it’s
curved on the edges. I was right; his name was Kian, and he did this to me.
He tied me, so he would brand me or whatever messed-up ritual this was
supposed to be.
A red ribbon on the top of my breast and an initial of his name on the
side of my pussy— anger and hurt filled me up. Quickly getting something
to wear I folded my arms beside my body as I stormed out of the room; I
could still feel the pain from the two tattoos. I opened the door to my room;
laughter filled the entire house coming from the kitchen downstairs. It was
lively; my aunt's laughter filled the air, including James', James was never
in the kitchen.
Their conversation and clinging of plates became clearer when I got
close to the kitchen door.
“That’s the problem, James never gets the girls; he gets leftovers.”
Tiana laughed loudly; I heard the stalker's laugh too. It sounded genuine.
“Yes, I do. You just always find something wrong with them,” James
sounded defeated and embarrassed.
“That’s because you don’t bring the sexy ones that look like Regina
George; you bring the second-hand items that look like frogs."
“The Regina George ones think I look like expired broccoli. I’m
fifteen, Mom, not twenty; I’m not matured… in the right places.”
“Or you just don’t have enough money yet.” The stalker spoke up, and
Tiana laughed.
“That too, no girl wants a broke man.”
I finally opened the door; everyone stopped to look at me. The stalker
had a spatula in his hand; he was turning the bean cake in the oil. My aunt
was obsessed with the African bean cake Gianna taught her to make; I think
she called it Akara.
“Hi.” I waved, and Tiana smiled. My eyes met the stalker; he had a
smirk at the side of his chin. Of course, he did.
“We need to talk.” My entire focus was on him; I could see Tiana and
James exchange glances. I walked out, and I think he followed too. I hated
to break their giggling and happiness, but that man was dangerous and
wasn’t someone who anyone should giggle with; he was someone people
should try to put in jail.
“Did you miss me?” His voice vibrated behind me.
I opened the door to the room and held it out from him; as much as I’d
do anything to not stay in the same room as him, I would rather protect my
family and put myself in danger.
“Why would you do this to my body? Why would you think you can
just appear, claim to own me, and do whatever you want with me?” My
eyes glared into his; he placed his hand into the pocket of his trousers. He
looked refreshed, like he had taken his bath already.
“Tell your aunt what I said yesterday over breakfast and get ready;
we’d leave in an hour.” He ordered and walked out of the room, leaving me
alone with my anger. What the hell did I just get myself into?

There was a tinted black car in front of the house already waiting. I waved
Tiana goodbye and entered the back seat. I felt sad for leaving without
staying for up to three days. The stalker was next to me within minutes. He
was wearing a black jacket with black jeans and a black round neck top.
“Drive.” He ordered, and the man who sat in front brought the car to
“This is kidnapping.” I turned to him, trying to keep my body from
shaking. I made sure my inhaler was inside my pocket; I wore a trousers
and a sweatshirt, anything to fully cover my body from this monster.
“Maybe.” He responded without looking at me; his focus was on the
photo collage he stole from my room. My body was still hurting from the
tattoo I didn’t ask for.
We had gone far away from the house. We were in a busy street with
mini shops all over.
“I need to use the restroom, stop the car.” I held my little bag tightly in
my hands; the driver didn’t spare me a glance, and the stalker just looked at
me from the side of his eyes.
I gulped; the stalker's brows furrowed, and he turned to the driver. “You
heard her, didn’t you?”
Immediately, the car came to an instant stop; the cars behind almost
bumped into us, and angry driver horns and stares filled the place.
The driver was shivering, and I instantly felt scared for him, but I
wasn’t sticking out to find out what the stalker had in store for him; I had to
I opened the door and hopped out; there was an ice cream shop in front
of us, and I sprinted into it. I didn’t bother turning backward to look at the
car; something in me told me I’d not like whatever I’d see.
When I was stepped to the are with no transparent glasswall, and I was
sure he wasn’t watching anymore, I ran into the restroom.
“Sorry…” my shoulder bumped into some girls coming out. I
immediately changed my clothes and wore them the other way around; I
ripped my jeans and took out the emergency grey cloth spray from my
purse. When I was done, I packed my hair in a bun and covered it with a
bonnet; I put on some sunglasses, and I was ready.
I only tried out one police station in DC; there should be more. I looked
over my Google for numbers of stations; my entire hands kept shaking.
What if they realized I was taking too long?
A soft female voice spoke up from the other end of the phone. “You’ve
reached 911, what’s your emergency?”
“This… I want to report a stalker and murderer; he is very dangerous,
and I’m in deep trouble…”
“Take in a deep breath, Miss; we’ve got you. Do you know his name?
Or something we can use to track him at this moment?”
I was talking and breathing too fast. “I’m not sure if his name is Kian,
but he is in a black car; I have no idea of the brand, but it’s very clean, and I
know the plate number ends at 678.”
I heard her calling the numbers out to other colleagues; my weight
shifted from one leg to another, my hands shivering. I dug out my inhaler
and took a deep breath with it.
“Alright, Miss, we’ve got you. Stay safe; we are trying to locate him.”
I ended the call and adjusted my makeup to look different from before,
then I fixed my glasses properly and came out of the restroom; the black car
was still there. I went through the opposite direction; I was going to take the
first flight back to Ohio. I needed to think of what to do, where to go a place
the stalker would never follow me.
He killed Nathan in cold blood; he killed those three girls. He was more
than ready to kill my aunt; this wasn’t a game anymore. It was real, and I
knew I had to disappear.
Chapter Fifteen

Shark Man
<< ELSA >>
I was far away from the car and the vicinity where we parked, by now,
they must have noticed I had escaped, he must be looking for me now. The
entire place was crowded with people going about their daily lives. A man
was sitting alone and drinking from a cup, the other seat was empty, there’s
no other way to hide from a stalker other than blending into the crowd.
I immediately sat opposite the guy, he looked up from his phone and
gave me a weird look, he looked like he was in his late twenties. “Hi, will
you be my boyfriend? Just… for a minute.” I tried not to show that it was
obvious I was hiding from a psychopathic stalker that would kill both of us
if I was found. “You’re not a.. serial killer are you?”
He folded his arms and dropped his phone on the table. “That depends,
how many times does it take till you get to serial?”
I did a hurried thinking with my eyes. My voice filled up with
uncertainty. “Five?”
“Oh, no. We’re good.” He smiled and I genuinely hoped he was joking.
“Nice to meet you.” I took out my hand and he put his in.
His eyes ran over my body and I immediately felt shivers cover me. “If
you’re looking for a place to hide away from someone, I might know a
perfect spot you can hide without needing a pretend boyfriend.”
I saw a guy with a black suit looking around, goosebumps filled my
body, they were looking for me. “Show me.”
“With pleasure, darling.”
He stood up and took my hands in his, he directed me to a corner, no
one was there, it seemed the further we went, the more empty and dim it
We finally reached a part he pushed me into an alleyway, my body hit
the ground and I looked up at him with confusion in my eyes. “Wha… what
are you doing?”
He looked around one more time and when he smiled, I realized he
confirmed no one was there or coming here. “Didn’t your mother teach you
not to follow strangers into dark alleyways?”
I stood up immediately, my entire body shaking I couldn’t hold my
hands straight. “You said you’d help.. what are you doing.”
He walked close to me and dragged me by my collar, I screamed and I
felt a knife on my throat stopping me from speaking, my chest was heaving
up and down, he was speaking but I heard nothing.
“Stop… please stop.” I tried to remove his hand but instead, his hands
went across my face hard, the force of the slap almost pushed me down but
the wall behind me kept me up, that side of my face hurts so bad, my
tongue felt some liquid, tasting it I realized what it was, blood.
“Shut your mouth.” He screamed into my face before tearing my sweat
shirt from the top with his knife. His finger traces on the top of my chest. “I
want to see what is so good about your pussy that makes Kian so crazy
about you,” he turned my face to the other side, his breath was stinking, his
hands on me was disgusting. “You’d let him do anything to you so you
should have no problems with me doing it to you too, right slut?”
He pushed me on the ground, Just when he took out his belt, a gun
sound filled the small alleyway and he screamed, falling on his knees.
The stalker was behind him, his brows were furrowed and I could feel
the rage emanating from his body.
I shifted to a side of the alley and covered my hand around my thorn
sweatshirt, two men on black suites followed behind the stalker but kept
their distance, one held a chain saw and the other a can and a lighter.
“I warned you and your crew, I told you what would happen if you
went near Elsa.” The stalker’s voice make a shiver pass through my entire
body. They knew each other, Of-course they did.
“You can’t kill me, my people will come after you.” The man stood on
the other foot and faced the stalker, he shoot his other foot and he was on
the ground again, groaning in pain.
“Let. Them. Come.” The stalker brought a his hand out and the chain
saw was in his hand in seconds, the other two men in black that came in
with him ran to the man on the ground, holding him by his hands, The
stalker looked like a volcano about to explode. He drew the handle of the
chain saw and it was brought to life, “You can attack me and get away with
it, but the very minute you lay a hand on a hair from her head, you’re a dead
man walking because I will find you, and I’ll kill you.”
I couldn’t see the face of man that tried to attack me but from his back
which was turned to me, it was obvious he was shaking.
“You might want to cover your eyes, Kitten.” The stalker didn’t look at
me but I knew he was right, the only problem was, I couldn’t bring myself
to do anything, I just stared.
“No… don’t, I.. I was sent.. I’ll give you their names, don’t…” the man
tried to wiggle away from the hold of the two guys on him, his two arms
were stretched out and the man with a chain saw in-front of him.
“I know their names, but thank you for your co-operation, they’ll see
you soon. Parts of you anyway.” The stalker needed no go-ahead command,
he placed the active chain saw on the edge of the man’s right arms, screams
filled the alleyway, accompanied by the sounds of flesh tearing and bones
breaking, tears rolled down my checks and my heart was beating, I had no
idea why I was crying, he deserved it but the pain…
The chainsaw was cutting through his bone and flesh 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒚, his right
arms dropped on the ground, blood splattered everywhere, the stalkers face
didn’t look like his anger was reducing, if anything, it increased, badly.
He placed it on the second arm and did the same thing, blood splashing
on the wall, I felt a sharp pain on my palm, 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅. My blood, I was holding
onto the inhaler too tightly that it’s sharp part pierced my skin. I was
traumatized, I knew I was.
The sound of a thud pulled my attention back to the scene in-front of
me, the man’s second arm was on the ground already, the man was still
screaming. blood had already stained the stalkers cloth, he didn’t mind, the
amount of rage he felt couldn’t be contained, I had no idea what he’d do to
me for running away but what scared me more was the fact I felt like I
deserved whatever was coming to me, if he didn’t show up, I would have
been raped and killed.
Like he's the good guy
“Please don’t do this…” the man had lost his voice, I have a wife…
and..” He coughed, there was nothing for the other two men to hold
anymore, the man fell to the ground with his face.
“I will be sure to kill them too, actually, I’ll give them a less painful
death, it’s not their faults you’re a dick.” The stalker walked to the side
where the man’s body laid. “So I’ll burn your house, every living thing in it
will Burn.”
With that, he placed the chainsaw on the middle of the man, cutting him
from his back, he was screeching now, no one deserved to face this type of
rage. The stalker put more pressure and within two seconds, his body was
cut into two, blood was oozing out from his mouth, I took the stalkers
earlier advice and covered my eyes, someone’s hand grabbed me by my arm
and took me over to another place, probably the other side of the alleyway, I
still didn’t open my eyes, I knew whatever I would see will make me pour
out everything I ate this morning.
The person released my arm and I backed the scene before opening my
eyes, I was staring into the wall, imagining the terrible way that man would
be feeling by now.
“Pour the fuel over his face and burn him. Package the rest of his body
in a body bag and send it to those who sent him, that should be enough to
send them the intended message.”
And just like ordered, I heard the fuel dropping on the ground and
immediately, the flames came up, I could see it from the side of my eyes,
the man that tried to harm me was cut into pieces and set up in flames.
I had no idea of what was going to happen to me but I prayed so bad I’d
get to see Halloween this year.
Chapter Sixteen

Fire and Ice

<< ELSA >>
“Tie her up and put her into the front seat, you’re both dismissed.” he
ordered before taking the white towel one of the guards gave him then he
cleaned his hands on it aggressively.
I didn’t say anything as one of them carefully tied my hands together
with a strong red ribbon that felt like a rope, the car was already at the
entrance of the alleyway, he opened the door wide for me and gestured
towards the front passenger seat. I obeyed and sat there.
“Can I ask a question?” I turned to the man holding the car door, he let
out a tired sigh before shaking his head negatively.
“I’m not permitted to talk to you, Miss.” he proceeded to close the door
but I held out a hand and it bounced back to him, he brought a brow up in a
questioning stance.
“You don’t have to talk, just nod for yes and shake your head for no.”
When he didn’t argue, I proceeded. “Kian, Is his name Kian?”
The man kept looking at me before he finally nodded and walked away
leaving the door with me, they must be so certain that I wouldn’t run away
this time.
Kian, the stalker's name is Kian.
“Freshen up, change your clothes and get back into the car, don’t think
of anything silly, Kitten. You’re in enough trouble as it is.” He ordered
before walking out of the car and disappearing into the big building that
looked like a hotel, it was a hotel, it had the name written boldly on the
entrance wall in all Irish. I took in a deep breath and stepped out of the car,
a young lady stopped infront of me and bowed.
“Miss Reed, please follow me. I’d show you where to freshen up and
also a collection of clothes to pick from.” She offered a genuine smile but I
didn’t even try to smile back, I wanted nothing to do with both Kian and his
workers, I didn’t say a word all through our journey, he drove me himself to
this place, he didn’t say a word either.
I followed the young lady and after we left the elevator that took us up
the five star building, we stepped out on the fourth floor.
“Here.” She handed the keys over to me and walked away, the key had
a tag number, similar to the one on the door I was standing before. I wasn’t
going to try and escape today, tomorrow, maybe. But just not today.
In a minute, I was done dressing, the pain from the top of my breast and
the top of my pussy had reduced, it wasn’t as intense as it was the first day
he gave it to me, I have a feeling that is because of him too, he must have
probably rubbed something on me to calm the pain down.
I wore a black jean skirt and a white round neck top, anything to hide
the stupid tattoo that was forced on me. Staring at my reflection in the
mirror didn’t make anything better, I looked tired, I was tired, I just wanted
to be left alone, Was that too hard to ask for?
Escape plans flooded my head but all I kept thinking about was my
Aunt, Kian has no problem hurting everyone I love as long as he gets his
way, that’s worse than the sort of monsters Gianna reads in her books.
“You look good.” A male voice I recognized all so well startled me
from behind, I held on the wall as support as I faced him, my heart beating
hard against my chest, he was there, leaning on the wall with his arms
crossed over his black jeans and red polo.
I walked backwards to the end of the room slowly, so slowly so he’d
not notice how terrified I am of him “I don’t get to have my privacy to
myself too?”
“Is that what you want, Kitten? Privacy?” His eye studied me with so
much intensity that it made me feel shivers all over.
“I want my life back, I want my freedom back, I want you out of my
life, I want you to stop threatening the people I love, I want you to
disappear from this earth.”
His lips quirked up in a smile, I frowned, what exactly about what I
said was funny to him? “You can hate me, I won’t stop you from doing
that.” He pushed off the wall and walked towards me in calculated steps, I
wasn’t going to move back, I wasn’t going let this asshole think he was
Nathan Daniel is dead
The three girls who just wanted to go to prom were dead
I found my legs instantly moving backwards, he stoped walking
towards me and his eyes went to my leg before it went back to my face, his
face had a hint of sadness to it, like he didn’t want me to be scared of him.
“But I can’t leave you alone, Elsa. You’re too well tangled in my soul,
letting you go means giving the only thing that completes my fucked life
up, and what can I say, I’ve always been selfish.”
My palms came together to a fists, “you’re a sick psychopath.”
“I know, Kitten.” He nodded towards the door “Get back into the car,
you still have your pending punishment for trying to run away.” He turned
backwards and walked out, leaving me staring at the empty hallway through
the open door.
𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭.

I looked around in fear, panic filling up every visible bone in my body

as he drove past the empty road, I didn’t see any incoming cars or
pedestrians since he turned over to this street ten minutes ago, I kept turning
around in the car, searching for anything that showed an example of where
we were headed. 𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐞.
I clutched the hem of my skirt "Wh… Where are you taking me?”
He waited for some seconds before responding. “Somewhere no one
will hear you screaming.” He made another turn to an empty place that
looked like a beach and was filled up in sand, there was also something
round that was covered by wall bricks, it looked a… A well?
Kian brought the car to a halt, he exited the car without sparing me a
glance. I took in a deep breath, whatever he had planned for me, his
intention was obviously to take it out here, it would be more safe to stay in
the car, but one glance from him and I found myself opening the car and
stepping out.
I was right, it was a pond filled with water. I touched my back pocket to
feel my inhaler and make sure it was intact, it was.
I walked to where he stood but still kept my distance, I needed to see
what was in the well, if he planned to drown me with it, I was two feet’s
away from him but close enough to see the water that filled the well up to
the brim.
“Doesn’t this place look like paradise to you, Kitten?” He placed his
hand in his pocket before turning to me. He looked back at me with so
much intensity and I could feel anger in his gaze too. His piercing blue eyes
hovering over my body.
“The only thing you look like and everything that represent you, is
hell.” I folded my palms into a fist. “And that’s exactly where you’re
Amusement flickered in his features. “Hell is empty, Elsa.” He walked
towards me and when I tried to step back, he grabbed my arm and pulled
me closer to the pool, I was standing before him, he let go of my arm. “All
the demons are here.”
“Too bad, you’re far from being a demon. You’re the devil himself.” I
instantly reached for my boots and pulled up a small knife I stole from the
hotel room and tugged it at him, he held my wrist and twisted it causing the
knife to drop, not really he caught it before it could reach the ground and
spinner me over so my back was on his chest, I kicked at him, I tried to use
my elbow, I tried to use anything to escape him but complete stood still
when I felt a cold metal on my neck.
The knife, he held the knife to my throat.
"Feisty!” He chuckled, his hot breath was on my neck. “I like that.”
“You’re a psycho, what are you going to do now? Kill me?” I tried to
hide the sadness that my voice contained. “Because I would rather be dead
than live a life like this, being hunted and used by you like I’m some piece
of trash.”
“No, Elsa. You’re my Queen, but you keep resisting, I plan to break
you totally and fix you back into pieces that’d fit me perfectly.”
“Well too fucking bad, you can’t break what’s already broken.” My
voice was a scream but only I knew how I felt as the words left my lips, I
wanted to live life to the fullest, I wanted to fall in love and have kids, I
wanted to grow old and be happy, but here I was, willing to die to stop the
pain this psychopath was engraving on me.
“You’re not broken, Kitten, you’ve not even gone through half of the
plans I have for you, but don’t worry, breaking you is just for the greater
good.” He dropped a soft kiss on the back of my neck. “If only you could
see yourself half of the way I see you, then you’d understand why owning
you means so much to me.”
“I’m not a toy anyone can just own.” He placed another kiss on the
other side of my neck.
“Do you know what water is in this pool?” His lips were next to my
ear, I looked at the water and gulped. “It’s a space filled up with Piranha
fishes, they feed on human flesh the moment they smell blood.”
My eyes widened. “What do you plan—“
My words were cut short by the sharp piercing of the knife on the upper
side of my neck, pain eluded my body, I felt the gushing of blood from a
side of my neck, the injury was small but the pain was intense. “I taught
him a Lesson.” My eyes widened at the realization of what he intended to
do. “Now, it’s your turn.”
“Please… please don’t do this… please let me go…”
“I’m going to put your head inside this deep well and I’m going to
Fuck you from behind, Elsa. Your head will be in the well for three minutes
and I’ll bring it out after every three minutes has passed, until I spill my
cum inside you.”
“I have Aqua-phobia, please don’t do this, I’d die in there, please—“
“I know. Try to survive and you’d get your freedom for a week, the
more you struggle in there, the more the blood gushes out of your neck into
the water and the more you loose your breathing.”
“Please…. I’d do any—“
“Take off your clothes and bend, or the injury on your neck would be a
lot worse and I’d bend you over myself.”
Chapter Seventeen

Survive If You Can

<< ELSA >>
“Take off your clothes and bend, or the injury on your neck would be a
whole lot worse and I’d bend you over myself.”
“Why on earth are you doing this to me?” I screamed, tears
accumulating in my eyes, my body was shivering, I couldn’t even survive
underwater for ten seconds, how would I survive for three minutes. “This is
He grabbed me by my arm and bent me over so I was backing him, I
placed my hand on the hem of the well to maintain my stamina. “Try not to
die, Kitten. You can only report me to the police if you’re alive.”
I wiggled, trying to push him off me from behind, he grabbed my two
hands and tied something on them, it felt hard and like metal… a small
chain. “No no no… please let me go… leave me alone, please—“
My words were cut short when I felt his hand at the back of my neck,
he instantly pushed it down and my face was inside the pool of water, I kept
struggling to come out, the hold of his hand on my neck was strong, too
strong for me, the more struggling I did, the more the chains that were tied
to my hands went tighter, burning into my skin.
My chest was heaping up and down with so much intensity, I couldn’t
open my eyes, the water filled my lungs, I couldn’t cough, Piranhas were in
this well, God, I was going to die.
I felt a hard slap on my bare ass, Kian has already brought up my skirt
to my waist and torn my panties, I just didn’t notice because of the water
filling my brain up.
I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t feel anything, my consciousness was
He immediately pulled me up by my hair, I kept coughing, my throat
was filled up with water, my breathing was slow, too slow.
Coughs came after coughs, I couldn’t see Kian but I felt his dick behind
my ass, it was out.
“Sto… stop, pl..ease, stop…” his hand grabbed my neck in a hard hold.
I screamed when his teeth bit the part of my neck the knife initially
pierced. “HELP… SOMEONE HELPPP—“ He pushed my head inside the
water again.
Elsa, you can do this, breath slowly, don't struggle, do not open your
A screeching sound erupted from my lips but died down in the water
when he slammed his dick into me from behind without warning, the only
thing that kept me from falling over into the well was his hand on my hair,
the same hand that kept my head down.
I could feel him, his dick in me, the size, I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t wet
enough, pain eluded my body, the metal from his piercing scraping my
stop…. stop please…
I can’t—
I immediately opened my eyes, a shadow deep down the water moved,
it looked like Piranha.
I tried to push my head up but Kian didn’t let go of my head, instead,
he pushed it deeper inside making my back bend more, his dick inside me
reached a new deeper length, a hard spank came on my ass again, I
whimpered as I shut my eyes closed. He was going in and out of me with so
much force, I could feel him everywhere, in my stomach, in my waist,
He immediately pulled me up by my hair with unexpected roughness
that the pain made me almost fall to my knees but instead, he drew me
closer to him so I was relaxing on his chest, giving his pierced dick inside
me a different depth.
“It’s… it’s too deep…” I cried, tears were forming in my eyes now, his
dick kept ravaging my insides, he reached his hand to the front of my
stomach, slowly slipping down to my pussy and flickered it, causing a jolt
of both pain and pleasure.
“You look so pretty taking half of me, Let’s see how you’d look with all
of me in you.” His hot breath on my neck caused my heart to pound heavily
across my chest.
“Fuck you.” I screamed at him, I wished so bad I could do something
more than screaming, I wasn’t a murderer but I could swear that if I should
kill him, I wouldn’t fill a danm thing.
“So eager to take all of my dick, Aren’t you, Kitten?” I couldn’t see his
face but I knew he had a grin, I had no warning and no chance to respond,
my head was shoved back into the water, the fish was there I could feel it,
the movement in the water made noises, oh God.
Kian pushed his full length into me, with no remorse, like he was
punishing me, he was.
I felt sore, my legs wobbled, the fish was right in the middle of the big
well, I couldn’t move, if I did, more blood will come out from my neck and
it’d come for me, goosebumps filled my skin, Kian’s hand was still holding
my neck down the water, his dick still ravaging me, I felt his free hand on
my thigh, he pulled it up so I was on one leg, his dick filled me up, the new
position gave him more entrance, I felt him rest my leg on his shoulder, I
couldn’t protest, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t react, I shut my eyes tightly. If
I was going to die today, I wanted to tell my family that I loved them,
irrespective of what they do to me.
He kept going, in and out, his piercing hitting the same spot with heavy
thumps, I could swear I had an injury there, a burning sensation filled me
up, he was too big, I couldn’t adjust to him, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t
see properly, fear filled me up, I was going to die, I was going to die here, I
can’t breathe.
“I…” I tried to utter words as pleasure and pain eluded my body,
bubbles filled the well, the Piranha turned to me, I could see the pool color,
my blood was ozing out now, the fish aimed for me, coming towards me.
I kept shaking my head profusely, I was on the verge of both orgasm
and death.
Kian was fucking me fast and hard now, harder than he did before, each
thrust of his dick made my legs wobble, I kept trying to push myself off the
water, he didn’t let me, the pleasure filled me up and I immediately
exploded, I felt my body shaking from how sensitive my pussy was now
due to the orgasm, the Piranha was very close to me, I felt Kian’s groans as
his sperm filled me up, just like he said it was going to. I was on the verge
of losing consciousness.
I immediately gasped and took in a deep breath when I felt fresh air hit
my lungs, the Piranha was visible on the water but it went back inside
instantly, my chest was bumping, my hair and cloth were wet, I was a mess,
my life was a mess, I wanted to die, Kian pulled out of me and I felt
completely empty, my legs failed me and I almost reached the ground but
he caught me immediately.
“The next punishment won’t be this easy, Kitten.” He carried me off the
ground and into his arms, I couldn’t talk, I was exhausted, I felt like
throwing up, I couldn’t breathe properly, I wish I had died in there. “Stop
testing me, you’re running out of your luck.”
Chapter Eighteen

<< ELSA >>
“Lift your chin and swing your arms with full energy,” the martial arts
instructor ordered, and I did as he instructed, punching the sandbag with so
much intensity that it flew to the edge before coming back to me.
“Good job, Miss Reed,” the man looked at me with a smile on his face.
Kian had kept to his word. He said if I survived, I’d be free for a week. I
haven’t seen or heard from him. I used that opportunity to enroll in a self-
defense class at my university. I canceled my leave and came back to
campus. I was alone; I had to be alone. Anyone who got close to me in any
way was going to get hurt. I needed to learn how to protect myself.
“That’s enough for today. I’d see y’all in the next class.” The trainer’s
voice echoed over the hall, and I took in a deep breath. Mentally, I was
exhausted; physically, I wanted to die, commit suicide maybe.
I tied my shoelace into a knot and exited the center. The walk back to
my dorm was short. Opening the door, Rose, my roommate, was already
holding a dress for me, a broad smile on her face. I looked at the dress and
back at her.
“We’ve spoken about this already, Rose…” I let out a deep breath as I
walked over to my side of the big room.
She dropped the gown on the bed and walked over to me. “So you’re
really not going to tell me what’s wrong? Why wouldn’t you go on a date
with everyone I’ve set up for you?” She placed her hand on her forehead in
“It’s not that; it’s just…” It's just that anyone I try to go on a date with
will die because of me. “I’m just really busy, that’s it.”
“With the self-defense classes you’re taking?” She crossed her arms
and raised her brow “What do you want to be? A ninja?”
“Rose, come on… just let it go, this once. I really don’t want to go on
I couldn’t complete my sentence before she dragged me by my arms.
“Everyone keeps saying you’re a sadist because you feel like Nathan’s
death is on you. We are going to change that; you are going on this date.”
“Rose…” I could barely hear my own voice; I sounded tired, I was
“Please, Elsa… just this once, and I swear, I’d get off your skin.”
She gave me one of those puppy eyes she rarely gave. I understood her,
and I knew very well that if I were in her shoes, I’d do the same.
“Fine.” I took in a deep breath, and she let go of my arms, smiles all
over her face. “But it has to be in a private place.”
She nodded profusely before picking up the dress from her bed and
shoving it into my hands.
My eyes went to the camera, and I instantly had this feeling that I was
being watched, the same feeling I’ve been having for the past one week, all
because of my stalker, the one I couldn’t get rid of.
I pray I don’t regret this.

“You’ve got this, babe,” Rose whispered in my ear before handing me a

black bag. I took in a deep breath; the place was filled up with other
couples. I asked for a private place, for crying out loud.
I dialed the number Rose gave me, and someone in a suit who sat at the
far end of the big hall, facing away from me, picked up his phone. It was a
blind date; I had no idea who Rose had picked for this. I walked over to the
distant table.
My eyes widened when I saw who it was “Lucas?”
His smile broadened; he didn’t look surprised to see me. “The one and
only.” He did a little bow in his seat before standing up and pulling my
chair out for me.
I sat in front of him, the one I broke up with back in high school. The
excitement disappeared, and fear remained, the fear that something bad
could happen to him. I had no idea what I was going to do if something bad
happened to him. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here."
“Why? Because I’m your ex-boyfriend?” He folded his arms and
picked up the menu in front of us.
I looked around again, trying hard to stop the way my heart was beating
hard against my chest. “That. And also, this place is dangerous; you really
can’t be here. You have to leave now, Lucas.”
“Look, El, I miss you, I want you back, I’m sorry for cheating.” He
adjusted the watch on his wrist; I stared at him like he was insane, maybe
I’m the insane one.
I still missed what Lucas and I shared. In fact, I still had feelings for
him when I left for college, but now? Heck, I can’t even afford to have
anything; I feel… numb.
“Did you prepare that speech yourself, or did an AI do it for you?” I
folded my fists under the table. Lucas and I dated, and I cared about him. I
cared enough about him that I didn’t want him to get killed because of me,
but I was never going to forgive him for what he did. We agreed to be just
friends, but showing up here and trying to get into stuff with me was
“Showing up for this was a bad idea.” I grabbed my purse from my
thighs. “Go home, Lucas.” I stood up; he couldn’t utter a word. He just
stared at me, exactly what I thought; as long as an AI wasn’t there to form
words for him, he could never utter a meaningful thing on his own.
Anger from the encounter with him burned through me. Rose set this
date up to loosen me up and make me happy; Instead it added to every bad
thing already happening to me.
“Aww…” I screeched as I bumped into someone who immediately
stood in my path. “How fucking blind are yo—“
My words went back into my throat immediately as I looked up at him.
My stalker was staring at me, his brows furrowed, and fists folded.
“You gave me a week; you said I was free for a we—“
“I changed my mind.” His face held no emotions; he was at least 6'5”.
He bent down to my ear; I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, my heart kept
thumping hard against my chest. “Run, Kitten. And do not stop, do not look
back, do not pause for breaths. I have no idea what I’d do to you if I catch
you, but I’d bet you don’t want to stick around to find out.”
Chapter Nineteen

Cat And Mouse

<< ELSA >>
His eyes searched mine, his hand was still fisted. I instantly turned
backwards to where Lucas sat; his attention was on his phone. He had no
idea what was going on here. I immediately sprinted off, just like he
ordered. Everywhere was crowded, navigating outside the hall was hard.
Curses filled the air as I kept bumping into different people, my heart beats
against my chest with so much intensity. His voice was all over my head, it
contaminated every remaining good parts of me.
Do not look back, Do not breathe.
I went for self-defense classes for this purpose but at this moment,
everything I had learned disappeared from my head like it was never there.
I ran outside to the parking lot. I fumbled the keys to the car Rose gave me
to use for the date. My eyes looking behind profusely, my hands were
shaking. The key fell off my hands; I immediately picked it up and clicked
it into the car door. It opened, I flew inside.
I was about to plug the car key into the car when a metal to my head
stopped me. I halted; I couldn’t move, my breathing felt forced.
“I happen to know all the shortcuts, and I caught you. Now you’d pray
to God you never left your hostel room.” The gun clicked, still on my head.
I felt a large lump forming in my throat. “Drive, Kitten.”
He ordered, and I swallowed the invisible lump. My hands kept
shivering over the sterling wheel; how did he get into my car, it was locked.
“Why are you doing this… pl… you said you’d let me be,” Tears I never
knew were forming in my eyes fell down to my cheeks slowly. “Why the
hell are you doing this! I didn’t do anything wrong to you or anyone.”
“You either ride the car or you ride my dick, make your choice,
Frozen.” I was staring at him from the center mirror in front of me.
I closed my eyes and pulled the ignition of the car. I pushed my leg on
the accelerator and drove out; my eyes were blurry. I constantly had to clean
off the tears that couldn’t stop dropping.
“Make a right turn.” He ordered; he had taken the gun out of my head
but it didn’t change the effect of knowing he could pull the trigger at any
time and this would be the last breath I’d take.
My eyes kept watching the unfamiliar environment vividly; we were
surrounded by bushes. It looked like a place that was abandoned; there was
not even a single sign of any living thing. “We’ve been driving for hours,
where are you taking me?”
“A gift and a punishment, Frozen.” Goosebumps filled my body at his
words. I wanted to die, maybe not, maybe I wanted to live but I wanted to
be happy, not… this.
“I don’t want it, any of it, I’d throw every single gift you get me into
the trash, I don’t deserve any punishment from you, I did nothing wrong.”
“Pull over there.” He ordered, and my attention immediately shifted to
the old cabin in front of me that was made with woods and surrounded by
flowers. I gulped and parked at the corner. He came out of the car first, and
my mind immediately thought about reversing the car and making a run for
it, but I knew what would follow if I did that.
I’d find Aunt Tiana dead or worse, my entire family. I was dealing with
a psychopath.
“Come out, Kitten.” He opened the front door for me. I took another
look at the environment; I was going to die here, I was so sure of it.
“What do you plan on doing to me?” My voice sounded defeated, like I
was giving up, and that wasn’t me. I wasn’t one to give up; never have
“Your roommate, the Mushroom hair-looking one…” He began before
grabbing my arms from the seat in a soft but rough pull. I stood up from the
car seat due to the pull. “I’ve been watching you, Kitten. And your
roommate is going to die today for telling you to go out with other men.”
My eyes widened, I couldn’t move, I just stared at him. “What the fuck
is wrong with you? She didn’t do anything, leave Rose out of this…” tears
again, more tears and sniffing “She… she did nothing, please…”
My back was pressed against the closed door of the back seat; he was
in front of me but kept the distance between us. His hands touched my
cheeks as he smoothed his right thumb over the tears that fell from my eyes.
“You should have told her who you belonged to, but instead, you went
along for the date; your ex is lucky he is already so useless,” Another swipe
of his thumb on my cheek. “He would have been dead too, but from the
looks of it, killing him is a waste of blood and energy.”
breathe! Breathe Elsa. He isn't going to do it, he isn't…
Of course, he knew Lucas was my ex; he was a stalker, a psychotic
stalker. I felt my vision disappear slowly, and I fell, everything turned
black; was I… dead?

I opened my eyes slowly; my eyes were trying to adjust to the bright

bulb light directly on me. I tried to move but something stopped me; I
immediately snapped out of my waking syndrome and looked around. I was
tied; my hands were tied in a ribbon style to a chair I was sitting on. My
legs were separated and tied to different poles so it was completely open. I
was naked; my heart kept beating against my chest. I remembered, I
remembered everything that happened and led to this. The tattoo that was
forced on me was visible now; it reminded me of that day and every other
traumatic thing Kian has ever done to me. I tried my best to avoid seeing it
and avoid every outfit that involved the red bibbon he drew on the top of
my breast showing.
My eyes immediately shifted to where he was sitting, his eyes were
already on me, studying, claiming, watching me, intently. I instantly tried to
shake myself off the rope, something sharp pricked my skin, I felt the pain
“What the fuck?” My eyes widened as I looked properly around me, I
was surrounded by the sharp edge of knives. They were tied to ropes and
pointed at me, all around me, there were… Five, six, nine…. Eleven.
Eleven knives that had their sharp edges surrounding my naked body
and a psychotic psycho who sat and watched. “What the hell is wrong with
you? Why would you do this to a person?” I screamed at him, trying not to
move. The knives left me little to no space for movement; any move I made
would cause a piercing on my body. I already felt the rolling down of a drop
of blood from the first piercing of the knife when I woke.
“I told you, Kitten.” He stood up from the chair, having changed his
clothes into a black long-sleeve round neck polo and jeans. “A Punishment
and a gift.”
“You’re crazy!” I glared at him; shame filled me up as he stood in front
of me. My pussy was wide open for him, totally shaved, and bare. His eyes
went down to it, the amount of desire in his eyes couldn’t be explained.
“You’re doing all this, and for what reason exactly? Because you want
“I don’t want you, kitten. I need you, not in ways to survive but in
ways that make my life worth living.”
“Stop, please, stop all this, I can’t fight anymore, please stop…” I let
out a frustrated sigh and bent my head to my thighs; my soul was drained. I
felt like I had no life in me anymore; I felt like a walking corpse.
“I told you, I was going to break every part of you and fix all your
pieces back to fit me; it will be over soon, I promise, Elsa.” He walked
forward toward me and stood between my separated thighs before squatting
in between them, his attention directed on my pussy. I shut my eyes closed.
Even if I screamed, no one would hear me. Even if they heard, no one
would save me. No one could.
He instantly pushed a finger inside my clit; I jerked back, and the knife
behind me pierced my back, a shrinking scream erupted from my throat. He
removed his finger that was once inside me and took it inside his mouth, his
eyes never leaving mine.
“Mhhhh” he mumbled, like he was taking his time tasting me. “You
taste like life and sin, I can never get enough of you.”
He looked genuinely worried about the injury I sustained on my back,
but I wasn’t buying that; he was a monster, he always has been, he always
will be.
“Why are you doing this.” I screamed, my voice cracking at the last
word, “I can’t… I can’t go on like this… please…”
“Your roommate will die today; however, she dies will depend on you.”
His hand went to his belt as he began undoing it. “I’m going to fuck you,
Kitten. If any of those knives pierce your skin, your roommate is dying in
the most brutal way possible. Maybe I’d start by cutting her fingers off, one
after another. But if you can try not to move until I make you cum all over
my dick, and moan my name, she will die, peacefully.” He removed the belt
totally and let it drop on the ground. “Your choice, Frozen, what is it to be?”
Chapter Twenty

My girl, My World
<< ELSA >>
“Your choice, Frozen. What is it going to be?” His voice was so
calming. He stood up from between my thighs and walked a step
backwards. His voice and tone were contrasting what he actually was—a
demon, a beast, someone who has no business being alive and well.
“How exactly do you sleep at night knowing all the traumatic things
you’ve made people face? All the bad things you’ve done?”
A sneer appeared at the corner of his cheeks before he undid his button,
letting his trousers fall to the ground and revealing his already erect dick,
which was obviously pierced. “I’m far past the redemption stage, Kitten.”
He stepped out of his trousers and walked between my thighs. “Stop trying
to see if there’s a part of me that would feel remorse. I know nothing of that
word, but I can assure you that every part of me belongs to you and wants
you to feel like the woman you are.”
“Fuck you.” My eyes stared directly into his, anger coursing through
my veins. His smile only infuriated me further.
“My pleasure, Darling.” His hand was on my waist, raising it up to his
dick. His piercings that had always been the bane of my existence were now
pointing at my entrance. My eyes widened. I couldn’t try to fight him off;
the knives that surrounded me were sharp. I couldn’t let them touch me; I
wouldn’t let them touch me.
“Please…please don’t do this. I’m begging you, please.” My body
tensed up; everything in my body stood as goosebumps filled my skin.
Without remorse, he plunged into my clit, his full length. A shrinking
sound erupted from my throat as I shut my eyes close. The ribbons were
tight on my wrist; it was going to leave a scar. I felt his hand on my neck as
he bent over to my ear, giving his dick inside me a deeper position. “Beg
His hot breath on my neck was all it took. He began pounding into me.
I wasn’t wet; I couldn’t be wet for this monster. It hurt; everything hurt so
His hand went directly to my nipples, and he pinched hard. “Open your
eyes, Kitten.” He ordered, adding pressure on the next thrust, making it
reach places I never knew existed. I was soaking up, fast, it eased the pain.
“I need you to see who exactly owns your pussy, who exactly you were
made for.”
I obeyed; I opened my eyes. I was staring directly at his sky blue ones,
the scar on the middle of his right eyebrow, and the piercing at the end.
“You’re... You’re a—“
He fisted my hair in his hand, he dragged it backward. Tears filled up
my eyes at the excruciating pain the knife behind me caused as it pierced
my back; his piercing inside me caused sourness. It was scraping my insides
aggressively with each thrust he gave.
“Let me go! Let me—-“ I screamed and tried to push him off me. More
knives on me, my arm. Oh God, he was going insane now. His pace
increased, like he was angry the knives were hurting me. His thrusts went
from sensual to purely wicked and toxic, hitting deep into my soul.
“Kian...Oh God..” I was going insane now; the pain was unbearable but
so was the sweetness and pleasure. The metal ring piercings inside me made
everything worse. It felt like they were cutting into my insides. I wouldn’t
be surprised if blood would come out as a result of an injury caused by
“Here you are, Letting me ruin you and still calling me your God,
worshiping me.” He grabbed my nipples and pinched so hard that I
screamed. Another knife pierced the side of my waist. “My name sounds so
good in your mouth, my little Whore. Say it again.”
“K…Kian please…” I folded my hands into fists, pleasure and pain
eluding my body. I was shaking now; I was sweating. I felt pain
everywhere, in me, outside me. Blood was dripping on every side of my
body. “Please, I want to cum…I want to…”
“Do you now see why I can’t let you go, Kitten?” Another hard pinch
on my nipples. “Your angels dance so well with my demons.”
“I am about to—“
“Say my name.” He ordered, increasing his pace.
I shook my head, it felt lite a ritual, like if I said it, he would win. “I
can’t… Kia…”
“Say it! Or I’d put a dog collar filled with thorns on your neck and fuck
you from behind while I drag it.”
“Kian… please… I need to, pl… please let me cum.”
“Wrong word.” His hand fisted my hair, and he bent down to me. I felt
the metal from his piercing touch my lower abdomen. “Who exactly is
ravaging your pussy right now, who was your pussy made for?”
A hard slap came on my right breast made me shiver, I didn’t want to
say the words but I had no option, heck, my brain couldn’t take anymore
pleasure, it was too extreme. “You… you own it.”
“And who am I to you?” Another hard flicker on my other nipple.
“You’re…” he bent down, giving his dick in me a new depth as he took
my left nipple into his mouth and bit it, hard, making me scream out my
next words. “You’re my god.”
“Good girl.” He went deeper into me, making me shift back, more
knives on me, oh God, I was going to die, I felt his piercing all over me. I
wasn’t exaggerating; I felt it everywhere. He placed a soft kiss at the down
part of my ear before a soft whisper followed. “Now cum for me, Elsa.”
He increased the pace of his thumping into me, and I obeyed. My
orgasm filled me up; the shaking was so intense that I was sure every knife
that was tied around me pierced me. He followed after me; he didn’t pull
out. He did it in me, and his sperm filled me up. He slowly pulled out, and
the white liquid rolled out from inside my clit.
His eyes never left mine, like he had just found a treasure he never
wanted to lose. And that was when I knew, this was just the beginning.
Chapter Twenty-one

<< ELSA >>
I still had my hands wrapped over my body in a protective and
shameful way. I pulled my leg to my chest on the bed filled with red roses
that he had carried me to after carefully removing the knives. I couldn’t
think straight; I had no idea what to do next. The door to the room I was in
opened, and my body instantly did a little shake. He had folded the sleeve
of his black shirt, revealing a cursive tattoo on his left arm with an initial
I moved backward to the end of the bed, my arms still wrapped over
my body, and my heart still beating against my chest with intensity. I felt
pain all over my body, mostly from the sharp knives that pierced me.
“I drew you a bath. Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?”
He asked, his eyes staring directly at me, like he felt sorry for me. How
could he feel sorry after he caused this?
“I want to be left alone. I can go to the bath tub myself.” I didn’t spare
him a glance. He looked like he wanted to argue but turned backward to
leave. I unclutched myself and dropped my leg on the ground to stand.
“Ow.” I winced in pain as I fell on the ground; my legs were aching and
shaking. He instantly turned back to me; I had no idea why he was giving
me whatever look he was giving. He walked towards me and placed a hand
under my leg.
“Do not touch me… I can go myself.” I tried to push him off, but he
didn’t budge.
His voice was still calm, like I wasn’t slapping the heck out of his
chest. I was off the ground and in his arms but I still tried to fight him. “Be
“I’d rather crawl to the washroom than have you carry me. Let me
“Do you want to crawl, Elsa?” He stopped walking and faced me; his
face was near mine, too close, his sharp jawlines and the scar in between his
left brows, our eyes met. I gulped and looked away. I didn’t want to think of
what he meant, but I knew it and I understood it.
He carried me like I weighed nothing as he walked towards the extra
door outside the room. I couldn’t help but admire the washroom when he
opened the door; it had a big bathtub that was surrounded by bubbles. The
washroom was dark even though it was still midday; there were colorful
fairy lights around the ceiling and a brown bathtub.
But, of course, I wasn’t going to tell him that.
“You’re going to kill her, aren’t you?” My voice and the excitement I
felt seconds ago dropped completely. Rose was going to die because of me.
His face looked over mine before he proceeded to the bathtub. He
dropped me into the foaming water slowly; I noticed it was light blue in
color, just like his eyes. The water felt calming; it eased the pain I felt all
over my body and smelled like strawberries. That was my favorite scent as
a kid; there must have been something else inside the water for it to have
that effect.
“She was a shitty friend anyways; you are better off without her.” He
said slowly, and I shivered as a soft foam came on my back; it was him…
he was ...
“I can wash myself.” I turned to take the soft wash towel from him, but
he held it out and turned me backward, he kept scrubbing the towel over my
body. “You don’t get to be the judge of who’s good or bad; you don’t get to
take lives like you created it.”
“The broccoli-looking girl is dying, Kitten. Get over it.” His voice was
soft but yet held a commanding tone. “She’d get times two of the number of
knives that pierced your skin.”
“What exactly do you want from me?” I turned to him, tears filling up
my eyes and threatening to blind my vision.
I had no friends; I had no one. Anyone that tried getting close to me
ended up dead.
“I want a lot of things from you, Elsa.” He moved the towel over my
breast, brushing against my nipple with his pinky finger. “I want you to
want me as I want you. Desperately.”
“Is that why you’re doing all this?” I raised a brow at him; my fists
were clenched under the water. “Why you’re killing everyone I love and
why you’re destroying my life?”
“Not just that, I want to make you shiver from my touch; I want to hear
your voice, breathless and shaky.” He used a free hand to tug a strand of my
red hair behind my ear. “Oh, Kitten. I want you to say my name like a
prayer, full of devotion.”
“You’re a sick psychopath.” I forcefully stood up from the bathtub, or I
tried to rather. He grabbed me by my shoulder and pushed me back into the
“Do you want to get fucked with your head underwater, Frozen?” His
brows came together in a frown; I stared at him, fear evident in my eyes. I
was shaking without even knowing it. “You’re lucky you don’t get to watch
your broccolI friend being cut into pieces; don’t make me change my mind
about it.”
The tears I was holding fell freely down my checks, I was sobbing,
hard. Rose was gone, and I couldn’t do anything about it, the same way I
couldn’t do anything about every other thing he did.
“Before you waste tears on her, know that the only reason she sent you
out on that date with your ex boyfriend was to poison the drink you placed
at the corner of your bed.” He stood up from the side of the bathtub he was
My eyes widened, he was lying, he was trying to justify his actions, he
was a demon, a devil that killed for no reason. “That’s not true, why would
you say a thing like that?”
“I promised you a punishment and a gift,” he walked to the exit door
before he halted in his steps, the side of his face was turned to me. “Your
gift is on your bed and there’s someone waiting to take you back to your
hostel. Happy new month, Kitten.”
Chapter Twenty-two

You’re In The Wind

<< ELSA >>
He left; all emotions I had been trying to keep in for days all came
rushing in as soon as I heard the door of the bathroom shut closed.
“Oh God…” I covered my face with my palm, tears falling
uncontrollably down my face as I sank into the water, letting it wash me,
consume me. I had no will to live, no will to fight for my life back. “What
exactly did I do to deserve this?”
I lifted my face out of the water, feeling the force as water came
rushing from my long red hair down my face and body. There were two
pink towels next to the bathtub; I picked one up and wrapped it around my
body. The next one went to my hair. I stepped out of the bathtub; it took a
toll on me to stand on two feet. I felt sore all over; the injuries from the
knife didn’t hurt as much as they did earlier, but I could still feel it. Kian is
a monster, and I was going to take my revenge. I would kill him with my
bare hands, and I wouldn’t feel sorry about it.
I walked into the room I exited earlier; it was cleaner, like someone had
arranged it properly, maybe Kian? Like he said, there were two boxes on
the bed. I walked slowly to them; one was white and had red ribbons on it.
The clothes I had come with were there, on the bed, folded into a white
transparent plastic like they were dry cleaned. I took in a deep breath as I
unwrapped the towel from my body and changed into my clothes. They
smelled… clean.
I slowly went to the two boxes on the bed; I went for the first one that
looked smaller compared to the other. I tugged on the strand of the red bow
that would loosen the ribbon; it instantly fell to a side of the bed, leaving
the box totally white. I pulled up the gift box cover, and my eyes widened
when I saw its content: a MacBook,a chocolate box and a pen, exactly like
the one I was gifted with the first time that cost a fortune but better.
I shouldn’t be getting excited about him gifting me after violating me; I
shouldn’t be excited about drawing again with instruments bought by my
I took in a deep breath and sat on the bed as I pulled out the MacBook
and pen that were in a transparent box. I opened it and held on to the pen
tightly; I closed my eyes, trying to inspect if I was going to feel as anxious
as with the others I bought for myself or if it was the same as the first one
he gifted me.
My nerves were still down; it made me relax more, just like the first
one I threw away. Fear and a tint of happiness flashed in my expression; I
missed drawing; it helped me escape reality. But taking this gift from him…
I double-tapped the MacBook, and it came to life. A cat video played as
the opening scene on the screen; my eyes widened in surprise. Was this
customized specifically for me? It finally turned on, and the first picture on
it was a very ugly one.
One I could never forget, and it made my shock more intense. It was
the first drawing I ever did with a MacBook when I was fifteen before I
gave up on drawing due to the effect of the digital pen on my health.
How did he… I didn’t even have this picture anymore; how did he get
it? I scrolled to the next; it was another one of my drawings. I felt a laugh
escape my throat at how horrible it looked. The color shade of the girl’s
skin in the picture was so out of place; I remembered deleting this when I
initially drew it seven years ago because it was trash…
The second box near me moved, and I jumped out of bed instantly; my
heart almost dropped to my stomach. “What the…”
My eyes scanned the box fearfully; what if it was someone’s head?
Maybe someone I care about? I felt my skin shrink, and my lips go dry as I
walked towards the box slowly; I gulped hard when I dragged the end side
of the red ribbon to open it. The cover of the box opened on its own accord
and fell down to the other side of the bed; surprise filled me up when the
thing inside the box lifted its head. It was a… A kitten, a baby cat?
I looked at it with confusion; it kept meowing, trying to understand its
environment. It had white and black fur, just like my cat five years ago, the
one that died. I went closer to the box to take a closer look at the kitten, but
the ringing of the phone on the bed stand jerked me up.
I picked it up instantly. His voice filled the air. “Do you like your gifts,
I looked at the box and back to my hands. “Why does it look exactly
like my cat who died years ago? Did you have something to do with the
death of my cat?” Fear laced around my voice at the realization that Katty,
my cat, may not have died a natural death.
“How evil do you think me to be, Kitten?” A small laugh escaped his
throat, like he even had the audacity to ask, considering everything he had
done to me. “Your cat was pregnant when she ‘died’; did your mother
bother checking her pulse before putting her into that hole underground?”
My eyebrows came down in a frown, “what do you mean?”
Goosebumps prickled my skin at the second realization of what his words
meant. “And how did you know it was my mother who buried Katty?”
“I know everything about you, Kitten; I was there and I watched. Your
cat fainted due to her pregnancy, but everyone proclaimed her dead.” His
voice went cold and dark as he said the last words, like they related to him
in some way.
The image of that night Katty didn’t move and just laid lifelessly on my
thighs replayed in my head, “You’re lying; my mother would never bury
Katty if she didn’t think she was dead already.”
He was quiet for some seconds, and I had to unclench my fists I had no
memories of clenching, my heart rate going up and down, “I dug the ground
that night and took her out; I took her to the best vet and made sure he
treated her. That kitten there is her grandchild; she died after childbirth, but
I took care of her kitten.”
“That was why the ground looked disturbed in the morning; they said
her soul had gone to rest.” Tears formed in my eyes as I clenched the hem
of my cloth; I spotted my inhaler on the other side of the bed; I bent over to
pick it up and buried it in my palm.
“I made sure her kitten lived a happy life; this is the baby of her baby. I
thought you’d like to have her.”
“What about… what about her mother?” Anticipation filled me up as I
stared into the air, waiting for his answer.
He let out a sigh before speaking up again. “Died during childbirth too.
Take care of her, Elsa; I’d see you again.” The vibration on the phone
showed that the call had ended.
I took in a deep breath before walking back to the box; it wasn’t my
mom’s fault; she didn’t know.
The words kept echoing in my head, I couldn’t be thankful to Kian for
anything, not after everything he had done to me, Saving my kitten didn't
quench my anger or hate towards him, but it gave me hope, hope enough
that there was a human side inside him that might let me go and never
bother me again.
Chapter Twenty-three

You’re In The Water

<< ELSA >>
The walk in the hallway of my hostel was long, longer than expected. I
closed my eyes and gave the kitten in my arms a little squeeze. He wouldn’t
attack me now; he was done with the chaos for today. I was sure of that, but
it didn't stop the trauma from kicking in—the feeling of being watched, the
fear that I'd enter my room and Rose wouldn’t be there, the unsettling
realization that he wasn’t just bragging.
The shiver I had immediately upon pulling the door knob open was out
of this world. My room was empty. Rose wasn’t there, and not just her; her
belongings were gone too. A white box on her bed with a red ribbon bow tie
made my heart drop completely. That was the stalker’s signature design.
I dropped the kitten, whom I had named after her grandmother, Katty,
on my bed and took hesitant steps towards the white box. My hands and
fingers shook as they reached towards the box.
“Oh God, please…” I held my hand to my chest, my heart pounding so
loudly I could barely feel a thing. I opened the box, and a scream erupted
from my throat, making me fall flat on my ass as the box fell from the bed.
The head, still coated with blood on the neck region, rolled out to the
ground and stopped when it faced me. Those were Rose's eyes, her mouth
open. My roommate, who was always happy and did nothing to deserve any
of this. My hands were shivering; everything in me was shaking.
Rose Is Dead
I closed my eyes and grabbed Katty from my bed as I sprinted out of
the room, tears filling my eyes. “Help!” I screamed across the empty
hallway. People began opening their doors. It was evening, so they looked
annoyed but came towards me. I couldn’t utter words; tears streamed down
my face. I pointed towards the box with a head in my room; screams filled
the building. The notification sound of my phone vibrated through my
entire body.
I clicked on it immediately; it was from an anonymous number.
ANONYMOUS: Do you call on God often or is it only when you think
of me?
My eyes looked around the crowded hallway; no one looked strange.
The camera!
I clutched Katty and my inhaler closer. He had been watching me from
the camera in my room; that's how he knew everything. That's how he
always stayed one step ahead of me. Oh my God.
I immediately opened the call log of my phone and dialed the quickest
number I could remember.
“Hello, you’ve reached 911, what’s your emergency?” The female
voice on the other side of the phone stated.
“I…” The tears that came through more couldn't be controlled. Hostel
authorities were in my room already, inspecting. “My name is Elsa Reed; I
am calling to report a serial killer and a stalker.”
I told them all I could over the phone; I told them all I knew. I told
them all he did to me. I told them how he killed Nathan; I told them he
might kill me too if they don’t act immediately. They promised to.
“Elsa, I’m sorry this had to happen to your roommate, but we spoke to
the other students already.” The hostel mistress walked up to me after I
ended the call with the police. “But I’d be grateful if this news doesn’t get
past our hostel walls; it’d be a very bad impression on our college.”
My eyes widened, unsure of what I was hearing. “A student here just
died, and all you think about is the impression it’s going to leave on your
college?” My heart rate increased; my inhaler, I had to calm the fuck down,
I needed to breathe.
Elsa, breathe.
“Miss Reed…”
“I reported to the police already, but I’m signing out from your hostel;
let’s see how many more deaths you’re willing to cover.” I walked out; I
was hurt, I was angry, I was damaged. First Nathan, now Rose?
How far exactly is he planning to take this?
Two hours later, I was at Aunt Tiana’s house. She had just exited my
room after giving up on trying to get me to talk and making comments on
the ribbon tattoo I got; if only she knew it wasn’t the only place with a
tattoo, and none of them were my choice. I didn’t want to talk; I wanted
revenge. I wanted Kian to pay for everything he has done.
Another ringing of my phone pulled me out of my thoughts; it was a
strange number. Fear gripped me as I slowly took the call button to the
other side of the screen, answering the call.
“Hello?” I spoke up first, the feeling of goosebumps prickling my skin.
“Hello, this is Anita from 911,” the lady that spoke up last time came
up again, a sigh of relief escaped my throat. “We were able to look into the
camera issue; you were right, and it was indeed hacked.”
“Oh God.” A tear slipped from my eyes; the number of times I had been
thinking I was hiding from him, he had been watching me all along. “What
did I do to deserve this?” More tears, I couldn’t even stop them at this point.
“I’m so sorry, Miss; no one should have to go through something like
this, and I promise you, we are doing everything in our power to get him.”
“What about his name and description I gave? Did it help?” I asked
nervously; I wasn’t sure, but if I had just made Kian angry, he was going to
come for me and everyone I love. I don’t even know what I’d do if more
people should die because of me.
“I’m sorry; it was a dead end; we found no one with that description.
You said he took you to a place in the woods; do you think you’d know it if
you see it?” Her voice sounded anxious, and for the first time, I felt I wasn’t
alone; it felt like I had someone fighting for me. “There are only three
places here that match your description; it might help.”
She sent pictures to my mail, and one felt familiar, too familiar. “I think
it’s the third; please take me with you; I need to go with you, and we need
to go now; he might come for me tonight.” Fear laced my words, and
although she sounded like she wanted to argue, she agreed.
Hundreds of doorbells kept coming from the main entrance, each
making my heart jump. It was Halloween night, and kids were coming for
trick or treat; it was easier for the school to hide the fact that Rose was
murdered under the disguise of Halloween.
“Are you sure you’d be fine?” My aunt asked for the fifth time after I
told her I was going to go with the police; she still had no idea of what was
going on; it was safer for her that way.
“Yes, I will be back.” I forced a smile before leaving with the police car
that came to pick me up; every notification on my phone made me jump.
The car drove through the empty woods that had Halloween scary lights all
over. The police promised to keep my aunt safe in case my stalker decided
to go for her.
“This!” I screamed when we reached a cabin, the cabin Kian kept me
in. “This is the place.” I pointed at it, fear laced in my voice.
“Stay back; let’s handle this.” The woman ordered, and I nodded. It was
night already, and the Halloween vibe could be seen everywhere.
My eyes widened, and my body stiffened when hard hands held my
mouth and a knife to my neck in a threatening manner.
His masculine scent filled the environment; I didn’t need to look back
to see what was happening or who held me. I tried to form muffled sounds
to the five police officers that surrounded the house; they turned to me, but
it was too late.
“Viola.” He said in a rusty voice, and immediately, the front porch of
the cabin exploded, throwing the officers away in different directions.
I. Was. Doomed.
Chapter Twenty-four

Noche Del Diablo

<< ELSA >>
"Nooooo," I tried to scream, but it came out muffled, his hand still on
my mouth. He turned me over, so I was facing him. Tears, hurt, and anger
filled me up. He wore a ghost skeleton mask and skeleton hand gloves, one
that covered his face and hands properly. "All they wanted to do was help.
You monster." I punched his chest with every ounce of energy I could
muster up at that moment.
"Don’t worry, Kitten. Their deaths are personal." His thick voice filled
the air as he jerked my leg off the ground and threw me over his shoulder.
I kicked and struggled; he didn’t flinch, he didn’t act like he was
carrying someone half his weight. "Let me down! Let me go this instant."
He opened the police car door next to us and threw me inside the
passenger seat, using the handcuffs in the front seat to clip my wrist to the
bars on the car seat.
He stepped into the driver's seat with some keys in his hands as he put
on the car ignition.
"You… you’re going to kill me, aren’t you?" Tears streamed down my
face as he drove past the empty woods, passing and climbing over the
bodies that were on our path—the policemen who came here to save me.
They died because of me.
"Far from that, being dead or alive tonight is completely up to you,
He didn’t look at me; it was like he was so focused on what he was
doing that he didn’t realize there was a girl next to him, so close to giving
up her life. He pulled into an empty part of the woods. I gulped, looking
around; there was no form of light. The trees had fairy lights tied to them,
signifying Halloween, but no living person was here.
"What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone? For you to let me
live my life. I’m so tired, I’m really tired. I give up." Tears I didn’t know I
was still capable of filled my eyes, falling down my cheeks. He opened the
car door and walked to my side, opening my side of the door. His eyes
searched my face before he took my wrists slowly and unlocked the
handcuff. He tugged my hand outside the door, and I followed through,
coming out fully from the car.
"There’s nothing you can do; it’s too late anyway." He took a gallon
from the boot and poured the liquid content all over the car. He still had the
skeleton mask covering his face, excluding only his eyes and forehead.
It smelled like… fuel. "What do you mean? What are you doing?"
"You can never be free from me, Elsa. You’re all too well tangled into
my soul." He grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me backward, far away
from the car. He pulled a lighter from his pocket and began clicking it.
"Maybe if I didn’t decide to visit Ohio years ago, I wouldn’t have seen you.
But like I said, it’s too late."
The lighter finally picked up, and he threw it on the car. It caught fire,
burning mercilessly. More tears ran down my cheeks as I watched it burn. It
didn't just feel like the car was burning; it felt like I was burning.
I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting my mind calm down
because what I was about to do next was bloody. In a split second, I pulled
out a glass particle I picked up while Kian was dragging me out of the car,
and I plunged it into the side of his stomach before his quick reflex could
kick in.
"Fuck!" He groaned in pain, holding his hand on the part that was
already bleeding. I gasped immediately, looking at him and the injury I had
"Run..." I muttered to myself as I sprinted off into the woods. I left him
there; I didn’t look back; I didn’t care if he died or not. I wanted him to die;
I needed him to die.
The woods and dried leaves with trees passed my vision as I ran. I
didn’t stop; I didn’t pause for breaths. My breathing began cutting. I have
asthma; I’ve never gone this far before in running. I’ve been specifically
told that I shouldn’t go for running sports or anything because of my
"You're so cute when you're running from me, Frozen." A hitched voice
came from behind me. I gasped, and goosebumps filled my body; I injured
him; there’s no wa— "But sadly, you’d have to know these woods better
than I do to outrun me."
My breath… I can’t— I can’t breathe.
My legs felt heavy; my breathing was getting worse. I immediately
tried to bring out my inhaler from the back pocket of my jeans. I grabbed
the plastic inhaler, but when I was about to put it in my mouth, it dropped
from my hands.
"Oh no, fuck," I screamed as I looked around. He wasn’t in sight. I fell
to the ground as I pushed the dried leaves aside, trying to find it. The light
wasn’t bright enough for me to see it immediately.
My heart rejoiced when I felt it, but just when I was about to stand, he
came from the side and grabbed my neck, lifting me up and slamming my
back into one of the trees. He still had a hand to his waist where I had
punctured; he didn’t look so happy.
"Let me go, you monster!" I clawed at him, trying to remove his hand
from my neck, but to no avail. "Help, somebody help!" I screamed at the
top of my voice.
He instantly turned me over, so my face was on the tree, and my back
was turned to him. He pulled two of my wrists behind my back, and I felt
his hand draw circles on my neck.
"I’m going to kill you." I felt my chest heave up and down in fear. "I’m
going to fucking kill you."
"Survive the night first, Frozen." He let go of me. I immediately turned
to face him; he still had his mask on, but one could tell he was enjoying
this. Of course, he was.
I tried to wiggle out of the handcuff, but it was impossible. "What do
you mean?"
He picked up my inhaler that had fallen to the ground and handed it
over to me. I took it in a rush and inhaled deeply; my legs failed me due to
tiredness from running, and I was now sitting on the ground. "Do you know
what night this is, Elsa?"
I stared up at him, "Halloween?"
"Wrong," he furrowed his brows. "It’s Noche del Diablo in Spanish. Do
you want to know what it means in English?"
He squatted down to meet my face as he tugged a loose strand of hair
behind my ear softly, so softly, like he didn’t want his hands to hurt me in
any way.
My eyes, filled with tears, stared up at him as he lowered his lips to my
ear, "It means The Devil’s night." His gaze went back to my face. "Run,
Kitten, and hide."
Chapter Twenty-five

Animals by Maroon 5
<< ELSA >>
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I stared at him as fear filled me up,
cold shivers and goosebumps were all over my skin.
“I called in a favor from someone at the wild animal shelter
department. I specifically told them to release four of their most dangerous
animals.” My eyes widened at the realization of what he meant. “A hyena, a
tiger, a wolf, and a lion.”
“In just about three seconds, they should be dropped off in these
woods…” I was speechless. It felt like everything I had ever believed about
humanity was wrong. My body jerked at the howling of a wolf that filled
the air. “Just about time. Happy Halloween, Kitten.”
“What are you planning to accomplish with this? Do you think you’re
untouchable because you killed some cops?” I stood up from the ground
immediately; my entire body was alert when another growl came. I couldn’t
tell what animal it was from, but it was getting close, too close.
He bent down a bit to reach my ear as he whispered, “Run, Kitten.
These animals are carnivorous; if they get to you first, they’ll eat you.” He
turned me over so I was facing him; I felt like sinking into him for safety,
my body was shivering in fear. “But if I get to you first, I’d put a gun in
your mouth and fuck you; the moment you show any resistance, I’d pull the
“I can’t… I can’t do this. Please don’t make me do this.” I held onto his
wrist, my eyes going from corner to corner of the woods.
“If you find and reach the cabin house before either of us gets to you,
you’re safe.” He used his free hand to tug a loose strand of hair behind my
ear. “For tonight, anyways.”
“Please, let me go. I swear I would not report to anyone. I’ll do
anything you—“
He took the inhaler from my hand and placed it inside his pocket.
“Clock’s ticking, Kitten… Run.”
Oh God, I was going to die. I didn’t even have a chance with my
inhaler, what about without it? “I’m going to die. I have asthma, you fool!”
“I know, it only makes this night more fun.” I couldn’t see his face, but
with his eyes, it was obvious he was grinning. “You’re making it easier for
me to catch you, Elsa. I’ll give you a head start; start running.” I instantly
sprinted into the woods; I ran past trees, jumping the roots on the ground,
ducking branches of dried tree trunks. My head felt heavy; I should have
just killed myself instead of this. This was torture, and he knew it too. The
night's air blew past me as I ran, faster than I ever had. I’ve never really
loved Halloween; that would mean visions were real. I probably saw this
day coming and hated this night before it came.
I looked back a bit, and I saw a pair of yellow eyes, lurking and staring
at me. It was one of the wild beasts Kian had released. I had no idea which
of the animals it was, and I sure as hell wasn’t waiting around to find out. I
instantly increased my speed.
Kian talked about a cabin. 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐦 𝐢 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚
𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬?
How am I even sure I’m on the right part? What if the cabin is all the
way backward, and I’m just heading to a place of void?
I stumbled on a tree root, and immediately a growl appeared behind
me. I turned back to see a tiger; it was a bit far from where I was but still
looked like it was more than ready to swallow me whole.
“Oh God.” I jumped up from the ground and kept running; there was a
place that the light was more bright. I wasn’t sure what exactly that place
held, but it felt safe; I needed to get there. I knew the tiger was chasing after
me, but I also knew another animal was behind me too. I heard another
growl in the distance; my breath was cutting off again and my head felt
heavy. I could see the cabin now; it was still a bit further away but I could
see it. That was supposed to give me hope, right?
“I’m… I’m about to pass out… I’m.” I couldn’t breathe; my legs were
hurting, everything in me was hurting. I can’t go any further. I kept trying to
remember everyone I loved, good memories, anything to keep me going,
anything to fuel my desire to keep living. But all that came up were
memories of the torture and pain Kian had put me through since that night
in Ohio, the prom night.
My chest tightened, and I instantly fell down, my knees scraping the
ground harshly. The hyena and lion lurched towards me; I covered my face
into my arms as I embraced what was going to happen next; there were
sounds of gunshots from around me. I didn’t know where exactly they were
coming from, but I knew that if I didn’t have my inhaler in five seconds, I
was going to die. I felt the life slipping out of me.
A hand grabbed me from behind, and something solid slipped into my
mouth; My inhaler! I instantly took it in like I just got given the breath of
life. My eyes opened, and my chest tightened at the sight in front of me; the
four animals were dead, all of them, bullets to the head. The realization of
what that meant hit me, and I sprung backward to face Kian. He was
relaxing on one of the trees with his arms folded and his sky-blue eyes
staring down at me with desire and intensity.
“I got to you before they did, and now, you’re going to wish they got to
you first.”
Chapter Twenty-six

You’d Wish They Got You First

<< ELSA >>
“If you think breaking me would make me fall in love with you, then be
certain you have a loosened knot in your head that needs to be fixed.” I
tried to stand up from the ground to face him properly, but my legs were
hurting due to the bruising the hard ground I fell on while running. “I will
never belong to you, and be rest assured that I’m not scared of you
anymore. After today, I won’t give a damn what happens to me. Heck, I can
go do a threesome with whoever is available.”
His brows came together in a frown at my last words. I wanted to
provoke him; I knew that would do the trick. He was going to do whatever
he wanted to me either way. What difference did it make? “Say that one
more time, and I’ll make sure you can never walk again.”
He walked closer to me, his steps looked calculated. “Don’t worry,
Kitten.” He carefully held my chin. When I’m done with you, the last thing
you’d think of is a threesome,”
I tried to push him, but he grabbed my hand immediately. “Fuck you.”
“Kneel and open your mouth.” He ordered; his eyes never left mine,
anger filled me up. A part of me was ready to die, but another part thought
of the long life I had ahead of me.
A cold metal pressed on a side of my head, my throat dried up. It was
the gun. “Do I need to repeat myself, Kitten?”
My body shivered, and I closed my eyes to swallow the invisible lump
that grew in my throat. I pushed off the ground a bit to kneel, but the minute
my knees touched the ground, a jolt of pain eluded my body.
“Urghh” I groaned, falling back to the ground as I held my knee in my
hands. Concern flashed in his eyes, and they went to my knee. It was
bruised and had blood all over, my hand too. “I… I fell on the ground
while… while running.”
I felt the urgent need to explain; the gun was still on my head. I slowly
felt the metal leave my head, and he placed it back behind his jean before
removing his mask.
I shouldn’t have been shocked; I had seen his face countless times, his
eyes to be precise, but I didn’t expect he’d take off his mask.
“Are you injured in any other place?” He asked, squatting down and
placing his hand on my thigh to bring my knee closer to him.
I immediately pulled it away from him. “You caused this; do not act
like you care.”
He stared at me for some seconds before letting out a sigh. He placed a
hand under my thighs and one at my back before lifting me up.
Confusion laced around my words and voice. “What the hell do you
think you’re doing?” I tried to get down from his hold.
“Be still, unless you’re certain you can walk to the cabin yourself.” He
didn’t pay any attention to me; he just kept walking.
He was right; I couldn’t walk to the cabin, not with my knee like this
anyways, but he didn’t need to know that. I tried to wiggle again but
completely stopped when I felt the hard bulge in his dick area; he must have
known too because the corner of his lips quirked up.
We finally reached the cabin, and he closed the door behind him as he
entered. The entire place was dark; he released a hand from me, and I heard
a click that also brought life to the cabin. It was small but beautifully made.
“Let me Down.” I ordered as I tried to kick my legs out of his hold, but
the injury hurt more with each swing.
“Be still, Elsa.” He sounded frustrated now. There was another door in
front of us, and he opened it. There was a medium-sized bed and a drawer
in it; he took me to the bed and carefully dropped me down. “Stay down;
I’d get some first aid.”
“I don’t want to be here; take me back to town.” He raised his
eyebrows. “Just because you’re pretending to care about me doesn’t change
my mind about hating you.”
“Elsa. I don’t care if you hate me or not; that’s the only decision I’m
leaving to you. All I care about right now is that injury not getting
infected.” He went to the drawer and pulled out a first aid box from one of
it. “Unless of course you want me to keep going from where we stopped.”
We stared at each other for some seconds before I turned my face to the
other side and shifted my knee to him.
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” He sat on the space on the bed and
placed my leg on his thigh as he unboxed the first aid box. I didn’t learn
how to do the first aid; I hated it so much.

<< KIAN >>

The way she closed her eyes tightly as I brought out spirit and wool to
sanitize the injury on her knee gave me a second to study her eyelids
properly; she hated first aids, I knew that already.
Seeing her in pains as she tried kneeling earlier made my heart quiver;
the plan was to break her, and you can’t break anyone without them feeling
pain, but this was different.
She opened her eyes again and gave me a questioning look. “What?”
She asked, fear and caution in her voice.
“Why are you afraid of first aid?” I tilted my head to the corner, and
something flashed in her eyes before she tuned it out and was back to this
room, reality. “Did anyone hurt you, Elsa?”
Disbelief filled her voice, “You mean aside you? No, everyone else is
human enough to know that if a girl wants to be left alone, you don’t force
yourself on her.”
I ignored her and focused on sterilizing the injury; I knew she was
hiding something. I already knew she was scared of the first aid box, but
with her reaction right now, it was obvious there was something more to it,
and I hated not knowing.
“If I find out someone hurt you in any way with that, then the person
better pray they are dead already because if they are alive, I wouldn’t want
you to imagine what I would do to them.” I placed the wet cotton on the
injury, and she shut her eyes tightly in pain; the scream that threatened to
erupt from her throat was held down too by her hand on her mouth. “And
there is one thing you should know, Kitten, I always find out.”
Chapter Twenty-seven

My Girl
<< KIAN >>
“Suit yourself; good luck finding her.” The way her voice sounded was
obvious; either whoever was far away or was out of reach, but one thing
was certain, it was a female.
“Why did you go to the hospital two days ago?” I rolled out fresh
bandages from the box and carefully placed wool on her knee; the bandage
came after.
She looked at me before looking away. “Do you watch me when I use
the toilet too?” Her voice sounded sarcastic and annoyed.
“Do I need to fuck the answer out of you, Frozen?”
“Stop threatening me; it’s annoying. You sound like a horny freak
starved of pussy.” She took in a deep breath and retrieved her leg from my
thigh. “I went to get birth control. With you showing up every single time to
do whatever you want with me, it was needed.”
“Do you want to know when I decided you were mine?" I didn't allow
her to answer that as I just continued to speak. "You had just celebrated
your fifteenth birthday, with your pretty red gown and brown hair, dancing
around with a red ribbon tied on your hair.” Her expression was stunned;
she looked like she was having a hard time believing me. “That was when I
decided red was going to be my favorite color and the ribbon was
something I liked.”
“I was fifteen!” She whined; it looked like she was fighting the urge to
break apart. “I was a child; you were twenty-two at that time. How dare you
claim a girl who isn’t even legal? I didn’t deserve that; you are a monster
and you should have been put behind bars a long time ago.”
“My obsession with you wasn’t as simple as I thought it was going to
be. Do you want to know the last time I had another girl in my bed, Elsa?”
“People like you should have never been born; you should have been
“Twenty-two, Kitten, since that night I saw you, I’ve not touched or
slept with any other woman. Do you want to know why?” I leaned closer to
her so our bodies were just inches away from each other. “Because the
moment I saw you, I knew it would only be you and no one else.
Everything in my brain was a slave to you. Tell me, how do you move on
from that, Elsa?”
“But I didn’t realize I was being watched; it didn’t feel—“ With the
way her eyes twitched, I knew she was beginning to understand everything.
She was beginning to understand that there was no ‘escaping me,’ not in
this lifetime anyway.
“I’m not a good person; you’d realize that sooner or later. But even I
have bridges I do not cross because if I do, what makes me better than those
who took my sister?”
“What do you mean?” Confusion laced around her voice and her gaze
as her brown eyes stared at me. To her, they were just eyes; to me, they held
my entire world. Heck, they were my whole world.
“I promised myself that I was going to let you live your life. I was
going to let you be matured enough to accommodate me, and then, I was
going to stamp my claim on you. And so help me God, anyone who tries to
block my path was not going to live to see their next breath.”
“I’ve been doomed since I was a child.” Tears ran down her cheeks,
slowly, like they escaped, and she was too tired to stop them.
“I do not believe in soulmates, Kitten, and I know you were not made
for me. But damn, Elsa, I swear I am going to break you so I can forge you
into something, someone created specifically for me.”
“You’re not ever going to let me go, are you?” Another tear ran freely
down her left cheek.
I stood up from the bed and walked towards the window. “Maybe in
your next life, if reincarnation is real.” I turned a side of my head to her.
“And that’s how I know you lied to me. You didn’t go to the hospital for
birth control, Elsa, because you’re infertile. Why were you there?”
She slowly rubbed her hand over her arms, a gesture I knew she only
did when she was afraid. “I…” her voice was breaking.
I am not in love with her; I am obsessed. I am addicted; she is my
version of marijuana and every other dangerous drug out there. I already
knew from the moment I saw her that it was the end of me, or maybe the
beginning. But all I knew was that this girl sitting on the bed was my whole
world, my reason for breathing and living. She was the only thing that made
sense in this fucked-up world of mine, and I’d rather have every part of me
cut and roasted than to let her go. She had to love me; she had no other
option, because she was never escaping me. Whenever she was involved,
nothing else made sense. It was an unhealthy obsession, but it was also
something completely out of my control.
“There are other ways we can get that answer out of you. Would you
like us to explore them?” I was facing her now; her eyes stared at me with
so much fear in them. Like she knew whatever she was hiding was going to
get bloody.
“My ex-boyfriend, he… he got into an accident, I…” Pleading eyes
stared up at me; anger burned through me. She went to see him.
“Did you touch him?” My voice was void of emotions as
possessiveness took over. All the brutal ways to murder him played out in
my head. No one got to have Elsa’s attention.
“No, he… he didn’t. He got…” She focused on the bedsheet as her
hand grabbed a handful of it. “We are just friends. I just wanted to be sure
he was fi—“
"I don't care if you're just friends. I don't want you seeing him again,
unless of course, the next visit you'd have with him will be you standing
over his grave." I walked closer to her. “Are we clear, Elsa?”
Her eyes met mine, anger coursing through them. “Yes.” She shut her
eyes closed like she was trying to calm her nerves down. “Crystal.”
Chapter Twenty-eight

Best Friends for Life

<< ELSA >>
His phone vibrated and he held it out. His brows drew together as he
read the content. "You are free to go tomorrow. I'll be away for a while. Try
doing anything stupid, and a crazy ex isn't the only person you'd visit at the
graveyard." He walked away, leaving me alone in the room. Him
threatening me was now a normal thing. I didn't take any of them for
granted because knowing Kian, he was going to do everything he
threatened to do if I provoked further. I swallowed and watched him exit the
room; he was leaving. I was going to have a few days to come up with a
better plan of escaping him. I had to; I owe that to my innocent fifteen years
old self that didn't deserve being watched and marked before I could even
fully understand what life was. The door opened again, and I jerked up
instantly. He threw something on the bed next to me – my phone.

It was morning; I was back in town. I was fine, physically anyways.

After giving me my phone, he left, and that was the last I heard of him. I
couldn't explain the joy I felt due to the fact he was away. "Do you need to
change the bandage, Honey?" Aunt Tiana asked, giving me a sympathetic
look as she brought my food in a tray.
I smiled at her, shaking my head before collecting it from her. "I think
this would do; I changed it already this morning." Katty, the kitten Kian
gave me, walked up to me slowly, meowing and yawning. In as much as I
hated Kian, I couldn't hate Katty, not with the kind of history we both had.
"Elsa..." Aunt Tiana sighed, squatting down to where I sat. "You know I
would never force you to talk to me about your problems. You might or
might not want to tell me, but I want you to know that I am here." I stared at
her softly; warmth filled my body. She was all I could ask for in a relative,
and that was more reason why I couldn't drag her into this. If anything bad
happened to her because of me, I would never be able to forgive myself.
"I know Aunt T; thank you." She looked into my eyes before smiling
and standing up fully.
"I have a surprise for you." Curiosity embraced my features, and my
eyes widened when a slim figure with an African Afro and a killer green
dress that hugged her waist so perfectly jumped into the room.
"Hello Bitches!" Gianna screamed, bringing down her glasses with one
finger to her nose. I slapped my palm over my face in amusement, while
Aunt Tiana's eyes widened. "Gianna, Language."
"Oh my Gosh, so sorry Aunt T; I completely forgot." She placed her
hand on her chest apologetically, and we all laughed at the gesture. Aunt
Tiana left the room, leaving just the two of us. "Why were you being so
cryptic on the phone?" Gianna glared at me angrily, pulling off her shade
and dropping it on the side table before sitting on the bed beside me. "Aunt
Tiana might have been eavesdropping. I didn't want her finding out about
him." I sighed and dug into my plate. I called Gianna last night and told her
everything that happened from that night in Ohio, prom till now. I felt
overwhelmed, and I needed to talk to someone about it. It was eating me up
faster than anything, especially with the realization that his obsession with
me didn't just start now; it's been ongoing since we were kids.
"And that's why I am here." She winked at me before digging into her
bag and bringing out some documents.
"You really didn't have to leave school though. I told you I was fine."
"And I told you I heard. Anyways, check this out," she handed me one
of the documents, leaving the second in her hand. "I spoke to an agent in
Ohio who has houses here. She was able to get one that would be perfect
for us and cheap too."
I rose an eyebrow to her. “Us?”
“Yes, dummy, did you really think I’d let you stay alone after
everything I heard this morning?” She handed the second document to me,
and I read through it.
My eyes widened, and I stared at her in disbelief. She transferred to
Kingston University, my University. “You transferred because of me?” The
rate of the beating of my heart increased; she took my hands in hers and
rubbed them softly.
“I can’t make your problems go away, but I can promise you do not
have to go through them alone.” She smiled at me; I couldn’t think of what
to say.
“But how would you pay the fees? Your uncle—“
“I found a way.” Her smile wasn’t genuine, and I wondered what
exactly she had to do to be here with me. But knowing Gianna, I knew her
life was fucked up already, and asking questions made it worse for her.
“Thank you, G.” I threw my arms over her shoulder and hugged her
tightly. “What exactly would I do without you?”
“Completely Nothing.” I could hear her chuckle. “Now let’s move into
our new apartment; I need all the details on our ‘stalker boy.’”

The apartment was big enough for Gianna and I. A joint room for us,
then a extra separate rooms too, in case Gianna wanted to hook up – she did
that a lot.
“Isn't this the perfect place for a hideout?” Gianna smiled, trailing her
feet like a ballerina as she inspected the house – our new apartment. It had
been one week, and I heard nothing from Kian. A part of me wanted to
believe he was dead, but I knew better than to do that.
The last time I made an assumption like that, Nathan died. Everything
was in place already. Gianna and I agreed to resume classes after three days.
I made sure to add cameras everywhere around the house—cameras only I
controlled. The company told me no one else would be able to access it
aside from Gianna and I.
“You know, your stalker gives off the vibe of Zade Meadows from
'Hunting Adeline.'” She closed the book she was reading, the name read
'Silk Luv.'
“And let me guess, he is one of your fictional crushes?” I didn’t need to
look at her to see she was smiling.
“You have no idea; he is literally the best of the best…”
“Then trust me, he is nothing like your Zade Meadows because there’s
no way in the world anyone would find this guy attractive or pick him as a
I turned over to her; she had closed the book she was reading and kept
it on the side of her bed. “Tell me about him; let me be the judge of that.”
Chapter Twenty-nine

<< ELSA >>
“I didn’t mention before, but I completely love your tattoo.” Gianna
stated, her eyes fixated on the ribbon at the upper part of my breast. It was
impossible to cover with the bra top I wore.
I gave her a knowing look, and she glared at me. “What? It’s badass.”
“He gave it to me, G.” I moved the hand of the bra top so she could see
the ribbon that stayed perfectly on the upper part of my right breast. “He
didn’t give me a choice; it was forcefully carved into my body. Just so you
know, that is not the only one he gave me.”
“I... I didn’t know that. I’m sorry.” She bowed her head and picked up
her book again “Something like this would have been totally cool in the
fictional world.”
“I still need more details about him, though. Don’t try to escape it.” She
folded her legs; I knew she wouldn’t let me off that easily. G was a helpless
dark romance reader; her excitement when she heard I had a stalker that
looked like he was a descendant of Hercules himself was priceless. She
loved me, I knew that, but her being a reader, I expected this already.
I hit my forehead with my hand tiredly. “I have a stalker, Gianna. This
isn’t books; this is real life.”
“I know, I know. I just, you know, want to know how it feels in real
life...” She licked her lips slowly. “How does he look like?”
I gave her a death stare but rolled my eyes. “Fine! Umm, I don’t know,
tall, Irish American, scarred brow, stubble beards.”
With the way she looked at me, I already knew I wasn’t going to like
her next question. “What about, you know...” She cleared her throat and
looked down at my boy shorts. “Down... Down there.”
”Oh, Goodness.” Embarrassment filled my features. “Gianna!”
“I'm sorryyyy; it's just... I read a lot, and it's like you're the main
character in a dark romance book, and you know...”
I eyed her, and she chuckled, giving me a love sign with her fingers.
“Fine! But if I tell you, do not mention it to me again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” I could swear I saw her ears perk up. God save us.
“He... um...” I was finding it difficult to say out the words. “He has
piercings in his dick, two to be exact.”
Gianna held a hand on her chest and the other over her mouth in shock
and speechlessness. “Fuck! I'm dead; you're kidding right? Oh. My. God.”
She fell on the bed, pretending to die from shock before springing back up.
My stomach was hurting from too much laughter. “Why does all the good
stuff happen to you and boring things to me? I’m the one reading about
them, goddamit.”
I threw a red pillow at her, but she caught it before it could hit her face.
“It’s not good ‘stuff,’ Gianna. He sexually assaulted me. Are you crazy?” I
picked another pillow and threw it at her; happily, she couldn’t catch it on
time, and it went directly to her face. “You're a lost cause.”
Laughter filled the room as she hugged the pillows I threw on her
happily, like she just found a way to bring the books she reads back to life.
“I know; I'm sorry; I won't bring it up again, I promise.” She put her hand
up in a promise manner before picking up a notebook and scribbling some
things on it.
“Can I get his number, though? Or maybe he has a single brother…”
“Gianna!” I jerked up from my bed and ran towards her; she jumped up
too and ran all the way to the side of the room, next to the open window. “I
swear to God G, if you ask me that again, I'll throw you out of the fucking
window, you—" I raised my brows in confusion as Gianna looked down the
window and drew some figures in the air with her fingers. "What are you
"Checking how high the drop is, to see if it's worth it."
“I’m so done with you.” I went back to the bed and laid down; I don’t
remember when I last had a good laugh; I missed having Gianna here with
me, and now she was back, I had a feeling everything was going to be fine,
for the meantime at least.

Days had passed, and they had been the happiest of my life. No news
from my stalker, no fighting, no threatening, just my best friend and me,
having the best time of our lives. We walked towards the lecture room.
Sadly, Gianna and I had different classes today, so we had to split up.
“Are you sure you would be fine?” She asked for the fifth time today.
Since Rose died, I wouldn’t say I was the happiest to be back here. Every
nook and cranny of this place brought memories I tried so hard to forget
back to me.
“Of course, not like my stalker would just show up out of the blues.” I
forced a laugh before heading into the building my afternoon session was
supposed to hold. I had the same classes with Rose, and looking at the seat
she used to be in, which was now empty, brought a sensation I tried so hard
to escape from back to me.
I blinked away and focused on the woman speaking in front of me. And
one thing you should know Kitten, I always find out.
His words from Halloween night rang back into my head; he realized I
was scared of the first aid, but he’d never know why, no one would.
“Hello, is this seat taken?” An Asian guy that looked like he was the
reincarnation of Rose stood next to me. I stared at him for a bit, shock and
guilt overwhelming me.
“Um.. yes, no.” I shook my head, trying to get my head back to reality.
“You can go ahead.” I gave him a soft smile, and he proceeded to sit.
“I’m Kai Rivers; Rose has told me a lot about you.” He offered a soft
smile and turned to the woman in front. I knew talking to him would put
him into trouble, just like it did to Rose, and Nathan, and every other person
Kian had hurt because of me.
I gulped. “I’m… I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Funny you’d say that.” A small chuckle escaped his throat before he
turned to face me. “Considering you’re the reason she is dead in the first
My heart jumped, and fear filled me up. A shrieking scream escaped
my throat when a sharp pain on my thigh over my floral polka-dot dress
filled me up.
“What the…” I looked downwards; he had scratched me with an iron
“You’re lucky I have no orders to kill you; this is little compared to
what you did to Rose. What the hell were you thinking getting involved
with The Devil.”
I couldn’t utter meaningful words; everyone looked at me, but their
attention was off now. Kai stood up from the seat and walked away. I just
sat there, shocked. He wanted to kill me.
I wished he did. It felt unfair being here and learning after I killed his
sister, cutting her life short.
Blood rolled from my thigh down my leg. I exhaled, trying to hold in
the tears that followed. I brought out a small towel from my bag; the injury
caused by the comb was small, thankfully, small enough for no one else to
see, but its pain was still unbearable, nothing I didn’t deserve.
Chapter Thirty

<< ELSA >>
“You are really not going to tell me what happened?” Gianna asked
again as we walked inside our apartment door. I had been quiet throughout
our ride back home, and she has been looking for ways to cheer me up.
“I just need to rest, and I think I’d be fine.” I smiled at her. The phone
began ringing, and her mood immediately changed.
“I need to get this; I’ll be in my room.” She sprinted off to the separate
rooms we had. Something was up with her, but knowing Gianna, it was
better to let her talk on her own accord.
I looked at the cameras I had personally placed at every corner of the
house and the entrance too. My phone vibrated, it was my gmail
notification, and I haven’t used that in forever.
[I need an art design, and its due in five hours. Do you take
commissions? The pay is $2500.]
I kept staring at my screen; the last time I received a message like this
was when I was 17, when I was still drawing. I don’t…
Another message. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that it was from
F.A Comics. It must have been a prank message; they were the biggest
drawing and comic company in the world, the dream of every artist is to be
accepted by them.
[Hello, Miss Reed, we saw your application to our company, and we
are writing to invite you to our collaboration dinner with our top artists. We
would explain more on the terms of our agreement; the details will be sent
to your mail. Thank you.]
Doubt laced around my expression. I sent them a message when I was
freaking sixteen.
“OMG!” I screamed. The door from inside opened and closed with a
bang, and Gianna was out with a bottle of alcohol in a defensive manner.
“Where is he?” She looked around with fear, ready to hit anyone she
saw. I couldn’t help the laugh that erupted from my throat.
“Guess what, G.” I held my phone to my chest, feeling butterflies all
over my stomach.
“I thought he was here.” She brought down the glass and kept it on the
table. “Your stalker is dead?” She raised a brow, and I rolled my eyes.
“I wish.” I handed my phone over to her. “I got accepted, not
personally, but they sent me a mail replying to my application to join the
world’s top artists; they never reply to anyone, ever.”
“F Freaking A comic company, girl, you’re going to be famous.”
Gianna screamed, opening her arms wide as I ran into it with a deep hug.
My joy crumbled when reality hit me.
I disengaged from the hug. “But I gave up on drawing; I can’t…”
“Remember the gift.” Gianna twisted her head to a side; the scene of
the box he had given me played fresh in my head. “You said he had given
you a MacBook and drawing pen that had no effect on your health; that can
help, you can use that.”
“Oh.” I took in a deep breath before settling down on the living room
chair. “But it’s a gift from him; I can’t… I don’t know if it’s okay to take it,
considering everyone he has killed.”
“You’ve wanted this since you were a kid, Elsa; it has basically been
your dream. I say you pick that damn tablet back up and start drawing
“There’s only one problem.”
She raised her brow. “Do not tell me you threw it out again, Elsa
“Okay.” I gulped.
“Where is it?” She folded her arms and squinted.
“I threw it away again.” I covered my face with one of the throw
She paced around the room anxiously. “You’re not being serious right
“You said not to tell you.”
“Tf, Elsa. That thing cost thousands of dollars; you said it yourself, it
was custom-made for you.”
Gianna looked frustrated now. “I couldn’t take any gifts from him, not
after what he had done to me, to the people I care about.”
“I understand, but what do we do? This is a one in a lifetime chance to
actually follow your dream. I’m not going to let you sleep on it.”
The doorbell rang, our attentions went to it. “I ordered pizza; that
should probably be it.” She hurried off to the door and opened it.
“That’s weird.” She mumbled.
“What’s weird?” I still had my face buried in the throw pillow. You
don’t get the chance to pursue your dream every day; I’m being dragged
between the bridges of wrong and right. Would it be bad to put myself first
for once, for just one time?
“Do Washington pizzas come in a big white box with a red ribbon
across it?”
“Red ribbon…” That only belonged to one person. “Do not open it; it’s
from him—“
Before I could finish, Gianna had already removed the ribbon and
opened the box. She held the content in her hand.
“It’s a box of a brand-new drawing MacBook and digital pen,
everywhere in the doorway is filled up with red ribbons, like 75 of them, I
guess you don’t have to worry about the one you threw away.”
“They are from him, Gianna; he is back, and he has found me.”
Chapter Thirty-one

<< KIAN >>

I ran my hand through the table of different sharp objects, looking for
the perfect one that would create the perfect injuries. The man I had tied up
to a chair was still struggling to escape, the more I heard his forced breaths,
the more anger filled my veins.
My fingers finally settled on a gleaming knife that looked like it could
cut through air itself. The cold metal reflected in the light as I walked
towards him, the room dimly lit with a single flickering bulb on the roof.
He was shaking, but he tried not to move too much. He was sitting on a
chair of thorns, sharp thorns that currently pierced his skin and stayed inside
it. “You think this changes anything; you can’t save them all! You’d keep
killing, and more would keep coming”
I didn’t respond; my silence was a precursor to the storm I was about to
unleash. With deliberate slowness, I dug the edge of the knife along his
cheek. A huge line of blood followed its path. His screams filled up the
room; no one could hear him, and even if they did, no one dared to come.
“Stop… please….” He cried. I’ve seen men cry; I’ve seen them beg for
mercy; I’ve seen them go down on their knees for me. I’ve seen them
worship me; at this point, they all got boring.
I went back to the table I had picked the knife from and picked another
one that had blades and a switch. It was a machine that could grind through
the wall itself if the switch was turned on. A human body should be easy
peasy for it. I walked closer to him.
Fear eluded his body when he realized what I had planned to do to him.
He screamed, trying to get away, but at the same time, the small nails he sat
on kept moving under his thighs, his hands tied to each side of the chair.
“This will hurt like a bitch, greet the devil in hell.” I winked at him
before turning on the machine and putting it in his stomach; the sound of
flesh tearing and grinding filled the air. He kept screaming; his intestines
were out, some of them grinded already, but he was still breathing, probably
one of the worst forms of slow death a person can go through, nothing he
didn’t deserve anyway.

Chicago 7-Star Hotel

“Did you find them?” I asked Tony, my right-hand man and personal
assistant over the phone as I tapped on the elevator ground anxiously. The
silence on the other end of the phone said a lot before he spoke up.
“They gave us a wrong location… I’m sorry, I thought we—“
“What did I tell you about making assumptions, Tony?” Anger filled
my veins.
“We had hacked into their systems, but they realized it and redirected
us to another location.”
“Those girls were taken today, they are just ten. If you do not find them
before any more damage is done, I’ll do things you wouldn’t be able to
imagine.” I ended the call and sighed. The elevator door opened, and I
stepped out; two ladies dressed in formal suits bowed to me and began
following me.
“Would you like us to get you anything, Sir?” The blonde-haired lady
spoke up, her voice quivering as she tried to maintain it.
“Prepare one of my cars; I have somewhere to be.”
“On it, Sir.” She ran off immediately. I couldn’t count the number of
employees I had fired for just saying the wrong words, touching me, or
being too awkward.
I was at the entrance of one of the VIP rooms of my 7-star hotel in
Chicago, one of them anyway. The other lady immediately opened the door
and bowed, inviting me in.
I removed my black leather jacket and dropped it on the chair before
sitting. I had to think fast and far; where exactly could they have taken the
I was still with Elsa when I got a text from one of my spies about a plan
to kidnap three girls and sell them off as sex slaves. That was how wicked
the world I was surrounded by was, and everyone else around was clueless,
going about their daily lives without any idea that their little daughters
could be next or anything like that is even in existence.
But I? I’ve seen it; I’ve experienced it, and now, I stop it. I try to,
I dropped a text for the receptionist to send someone into my room with
a laptop, and within seconds, a knock came through, and she came in.
“Here’s what you asked for, sir.” She bowed and handed it over to me,
her finger slowly brushing mine before a smile appeared on her lips as she
stared at me lustfully.
“Thank you…” I looked at the name tag on her chest. “Sophie.”
She walked backward with her head still bowed to me. “I will be off
now, sir, if that is all, of course.”
“Just one more thing, Sophie.” I picked up the hand sanitizer under the
table next to me and emptied it on my hand. “You are fired and banned
from this hotel.”
“I’m so sorry, sir, I’m… it won’t happen again.” Her eyes widened in
fear as her body trembled.
“You can either leave now, alive and well, or you’d leave in a corpse,
butchered.” She sprinted out of the room crying; I stood up and walked to
the bathroom, taking a handful of liquid soap and washing my hands,
focusing on the exact part her hands touched.
Minutes later, I was back to the computer she had brought, my fingers
flying across them. A ring came on my phone.
“You better have good news about those girls, Tony.”
“I do, and more.” Sounds of fingers flying across the keyboard filled
his end of the phone before he spoke up again. “About the girl from
Washington, Miss Reed, I heard news she had visited a security camera
company earlier today.”
My fierce Little Kitten. “Do you have information about what exact
company it is?”
“Positive Sir.”
“Good, Find out how much their yearly earnings are, Triple the amount
then offer it to them; I want to buy their company.”
“Understood, Sir, is there any other thing you need me to do?”
“Give me the details of Elsa’s camera, did you find out anything about
the location of the girls?”
“Positive sir; they are at Chicago, I’ll send you their full location now,
“Good job, Tony. I’ll give them a visit.”

I pulled my car into a driveway; Tony was coming with some of the
guys. They were far away from Chicago, but with a jet, they’d be here in no
My gun was loaded, three of them; my mask was on. The warehouse in
front of me looked abandoned, the perfect place for people like them to
I spotted the first man; he held a gun at the entrance, looking around for
any sign of someone coming. I aimed my gun at him; it was called a
silencer for a reason, it made no sound.
One thing about me, I never miss; an aim to his forehead and bang, I
pulled the trigger, his body dropped to the ground.
“We are here, sir.” Tony spoke through the communication device
clipped to my ear.
“One man down at the entrance.” I whispered back. “Dispose off his
body and take the other entrance; send me a signal if you see the girls, we
must get them, all of them.”
“Copy that, Sir.” The device beeped, showing it had come to an end. I
went deeper into the warehouse, slowly, making sure I wasn’t seen, yet.
Them seeing me might alert everyone and make them kill the girls
before we get a chance to save them. Another fully loaded man walked
ahead; I cocked my gun again and aimed it at his head; I was about to pull
the trigger when a small girl that looked American walked to the man. He
looked angry.
“I.. please… I need to pee; Mommy said—“
“Go over there.” He pointed to a side of the building before lowering
his face to her, making her shiver. “If I find you trying to do anything funny,
I’d violate you before we even get to sell you, do you understand?”
She nodded, hugging the teddy that had one eye, and a button covered
the other before sprinting off to the place the man had pointed. My skin
burned with hate and rage, so deep I wanted to shoot the man in the head
right there and then. But with the little girl being there, a sight like that
would traumatize her.
I should be able to kill him when she wasn't looking behind; the girl
immediately turned and squatted, and I aimed for the guy’s head. Just when
I was about to pull the trigger, the girl looked back, and our eyes met.
Chapter Thirty-two

<< KIAN >>

"Hey! You there." The man had turned to face me and had his gun up.
Fear of the little girl witnessing me kill him filled me up. Her full blue eyes
reminded me of someone else. The man was already coming close to me; I
had to act quickly.
I sighted Tony from behind him; he had his gun out. I instantly shook
my head to stop him, “No, don’t shoo—“
The force from the bullet hitting the man’s head from behind made the
little girl shake, and she screamed. I ran to her side in minutes and hugged
her tightly, my knees on the ground and burying her face into my chest.
“Shhhh, it’s okay… it's going to be okay.” I rubbed her hair softly, so
softly. She sobbed into my body, holding onto her teddy like it was going to
save her from this, from all of this.
I looked up to look at Tony, who had remorse in his eyes as he stared at
the little girl.
“We do not shoot in front of kids; how many times do I have to tell you
that?” I tried not to scare her more by shouting; he brought his head down
“I’m sorry… he was coming to you and I…”
“I don’t care if I have a fucki… a gun to my head, if a kid is there, do
not shoot.”
“Noted, sir.” He stood straight. Other men behind him did the same but
kept their distance.
“Go look for the other two; I’ve got this one.” My hand was still going
up down her long black hair, smoothing it. She had stopped crying now, and
it felt like she was more stable than she was earlier.
“Alright, Sir.” He bowed and turned to the others. “Let’s go.” He
muttered before leaving.
I held the girl by her arms and took her to an empty corner; being out in
the open here wasn’t safe for her.
“Who are you?” She asked softly, her blue eyes looking at mine
I squatted next to her so we were just inches apart. “My name is Kian,
what’s yours?”
“I’m Melissa, but my friends call me Mel, my teddy is called Fiona.”
She looked around before holding her teddy closer. “Are you my guardian
A smile escaped my lips before I shook my head, “No Mel, I—“
“No, we aren’t friends yet; you can’t call me Mel.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Melissa.” I sat on the ground and urged her to do the
same. “I’m not an angel, Melissa; I’m far from that.”
Her eyes quirked up sadly. “But you saved me from that bad man.”
“Yes, but I’ve done bad things, really bad things.” I brought my hand
close to her hair, and she flinched a bit. “Can I touch your hair, Melissa?”
“My mommy said only my friends can touch my hair.” She pouted her
lips before hugging her ted— Fiona again. “Angels do bad things
sometimes too, but they are still loved, so you’re my angel.”
“if you say so, Melissa.” I smiled at her before standing again. “Can
you stay here for me? I need to find the other girls; I’ll come back for you.”
“Do you promise?” It felt like tears were threatening to roll down from
her eyes. “I do not like it here; they are mean.” She brought her pinky finger
out towards me.
“Yes, Melissa, I promise.” I entwined mine with hers before closing the
door and running off for the rest. She reminded me of all the other girls I
had rescued, so bright and had so many years to live. They took little girls
because they were easy to manipulate.
Tony came running with two other kids; only three of his men were
behind him instead of five.
“We were outnumbered; we have to go, now, Sir.” He screamed, and I
carried two of the girls, and we began running back to the jet that brought
them; the flying of guns filled everywhere.
Melissa is at the opposite direction.
“Keep going, do not stop; I’ll be right behind you.” I ordered, and
although Tony looked like he wanted to argue, he took the kids from me and
continued running. I turned to the opposite direction, running towards the
place I had kept Melissa.
When I sighted the door, it was still closed, a sigh of relief escaped my
throat. Gunshots still filled the building, and it felt like they were coming
closer. I instantly opened the door; she was there, staying where I left her,
her teddy in her hands, her little hand was shaking; I was sure it was from
the gunshots.
“Melissa, come on; it's time to go.” I forced a smile, giving her my
hand to grab onto. Just as she was about to take my hand, someone grabbed
me from behind and pushed me aside. I immediately reached for my gun,
but the man had already grabbed Melissa and had a gun to her head.
“Don’t fucking move.” He screamed, tugging on the gun. Melissa
stared at me with teary eyes, hugging Fiona tightly. “Drop the gun to the
ground, or I will blow her head off.”
“Alright, fine.” I brought the gun down slowly to the ground. “Let her
go now, please, this is between us, just… just let her go.”
“Not a chance in hell, Man.” He laughed and cocked his gun then
pointed it towards me,
“Noooo!” Melissa screamed biting the man’s hand that held her before
rushing towards me to shield me from the gun, while screaming, the man
pulled the trigger.
Melissa gasped, and my heart fell out of my chest; it was on her; he
shot her.
Chapter Thirty-three

<< KIAN >>

I hurriedly picked up my gun and I shot the guy before he could fire
another bullet. A headshot was all it took, and he was on the ground.
Melissa fell, almost hitting the ground, but my arm caught her. Fear was
evident in her eyes as they stared into mine; she didn’t blink, the shock
from being shot overpowering her.
“Hey…” I pulled her closer to me, searching her back for where exactly
the bullet was. “Melissa, stay with me…” The bullet was too deep in; I
couldn’t remove it, I couldn’t save her. Smoothing her hair backward, I
reached for the intercom in my ear.
“Tony, call an ambulance immediately, do you copy?” I tapped it
repeatedly. “Fuc— God! Do you copy, Tony?”
“Copy that, sir.” He responded, but his voice sounded rough, and the
sound of guns and bullets filled his side of the phone.
Melissa coughed, but blood came out of her mouth. “Ki… Kian, you’re
fine.” She smiled, closing and opening her eyes. It looked like it took a toll
on her to keep her eyes open.
“Why did you do that? You were not supposed to take the bullet for
me.” I held my voice from shaking as I smoothed her hair further. “You
were not supposed to—“
“My mommy said not all bad people were born evil.” She raised her
little hands slowly to my face as she took down the mask; I didn’t stop her;
I couldn’t stop the beating of my heart either. “You save everyone but who
saves you?”
“I… hang in there, help is coming.” I tried to carry her up, but she
screamed in more pain, shaking her head profusely.
“I can’t… I won’t make it; he said I won’t make it.” She looked behind
me and back at my face; I turned backward, but it was empty.
“Who?” I asked.
“My Daddy, he died two years ago,” her smile as she looked behind me
and back to my face. “He is smiling at me, and his hands are out, I called,
and he came.”
“I’m sorry, Melissa.” My voice was breaking; I couldn’t hold it
anymore. “I failed you; I’m… I’m sorr—“
“You can call me Mel now; we are friends.” Her hand dropped from my
face, and she swallowed softly, her eyes fluttering. “Goodbye, Kian; I
promise to watch over you.”
“Goo.. Goodbye, Mel.” She wasn’t moving anymore; her bright blue
eyes were still open and looking at me, and she had a smile on her face, but
she wasn’t here anyway; she was gone, hugging her teddy tightly.
<< ELSA >>
“How is the drawing going?” Gianna asked pacing around the room
with her protein shake.
I used the digital pen to click on the delete aspect of the screen. “It’s
not going; it’s stagnant. I don’t think I have the talent anymore, G.” I
dropped the tablet and pen beside me. “I don’t think I can do it.”
“Are you kidding me? I’m sure you can; you just need a certain type of
um… motivation.”
I grabbed the drink on the table and emptied it all in one gulp. “Do you
think he’d come for me soon? He already knows where we live.”
“Do you want a positive or negative answer?” She dropped her cup,
and I rolled my eyes.
“I think I’d just go for a walk, clear my head a bit.”
“If you see a fine ass Mafia Italian-looking man out there, just get his
number for me.” Gianna gave me a pen and a small paper.
“Go to the club; I’m sure you’d see someone to fuck.” With a small
laugh, I exited the house; I wore cargo pants and a blue crop top. Pizza has
always been my go-to food for lack of inspiration; just a few slices, and I’d
be fine.
The pizza shop was filled up, just as every other time I’ve passed this
place. I opened the transparent door and went to an empty two-seater chair;
a waitress immediately sighted me and rushed to my table.
“Hello, miss, welcome to Kay Slices; what can I get you?” She had a
paper, pen and smiles all over her face.
“Just a medium-sized pepperoni-flavored pizza with extra cheese
toppings.” She gave me a paper, and I looked through it. “And vanilla
flavored ice cream; that would be all.”
“Will be right back.” She bowed before leaving.
Most people here were with their partners; for a split second, jealousy
filled me up.
I instantly picked up my phone to text Gianna.
Me: I wish you came; everyone here has a date. I can’t even count the
number of cobwebs I have in my love life because of Kian.
I saw the icon that she was typing pop out.
“Would you like me to fix that, Kitten?” A deep voice I recognized all
too well came from behind me. I instantly turned backward to see Kian; he
had a black round neck top and a black leather jacket on. He was looking at
my phone, but now his eyes were on me, those blue eyes.
I jerked up from my seat, but his hand on my shoulder pushed me
down, back to my seat, and he sat next to me. Sadly, this place was mostly
for couples, and their seats were made in recognition of that.
“What the hell are you doing you?” Fear and anger burned in my eyes
as I side-eyed him; he still had his hand on my shoulder, so I couldn’t turn
to him fully. Goosebumps filled my skin.
“Do you think I can be away from you for that long? Did you get my
gift Elsa?” He turned his face fully to me, his eyes looking over my face,
inspecting me.
“And I thought I was finally going to be at peace.” I folded my fists.
“Stop sending stuff to me, or I’d keep throwing them out; save your money
for someone who wants it. “
“Even if I bought drawing materials for you every day for the rest of
my life, I’d still have more than enough for my generations to use.”
“Do you not have people you love? Why do you keep hovering around
me? Do you not get bored?” Anger was evident in my voice.
"That's nothing but human delusion; I'm not swayed by something so
stupid." He looked over at me, as though inspecting my eyes, face, and
body. "Love is a weakness; humans are already foolish, and it only makes
them even more foolish."
I sighed; there was nothing I would say that would actually hurt him.
“Leave me alone; I beg of you.”
Chapter Thirty-four

<< ELSA >>

“Would you prefer it if we were in a more private place?” He
arrogantly snickered as he faced the lady that was walking over with the
pizza carton and a tray.
“What makes you think I won’t scream ‘murderer’ in here so you’d get
He reached for a strand of my hair, and he threw his arm over my
shoulder. I pulled away so his hand couldn’t touch my hair.
“Because, Elsa, you wouldn’t want the death of all these lovers on your
hands,” he looked all over, and I followed his gaze. “I’m feeling a bit
merciful, a bomb should do the trick, painless and quick.”
“Here you go, Miss.” The lady reached our table and dropped the pizza
in front of me; “That would be 9 dollars.”
“Right!” I forced a smile towards her, reaching for my side pocket for
the money. But before I could do anything, Kian had already handed a black
card over to the lady who was blushing earnestly.
I gave him a death stare, and the lady walked back to pick up the card
money extractor. “I didn’t ask you to pay for me.” I removed his hand from
my shoulder; surprisingly, he didn’t protest. I shifted to the end of the chair,
putting enough space between us. “What the hell do you think you’re
He looked at the box and back at me. “You stopped eating pizzas three
years ago. Why are you back to it?”
“How do you… Right!” Stalking asshole. “That’s none of your
business.” I eyed him.
I gasped immediately I felt his hand grab my thigh from under the
table. “Do you want me to get the answers the easy way or the hard way,
“What the hell are y…” My voice was loud enough to attract people’s
attention to our table, but they turned back almost instantly “Stop..
“You do know that I have no problem killing everyone here just so I
can bend you over this table and fuck the attitude and living daylight out
you.” His voice sounded calm, too calm that anyone else seeing us from
afar would think he was professing love words.
“I…” I took in a deep breath, my fists coming together; I promised not
to let anyone else die because of me. “I didn’t feel inspired, so I wanted to
try pizza; it helped when I was…”
His entire attention was on me while I was talking, concentrating on my
lips and back to my face, he let go of my thigh and kept his hand back on
the table. “Mmh, I see.” He mumbled.
The lady that took Kian’s black card came back to return it to him; a
ring on my phone took my attention away from Kian and the table. My
mom? I had to look twice on the screen to be sure; she never calls.
I took in a deep breath before switching the call icon to answer it, I
wrapped my fingers together nervously, Kian’s eyes went over to where my
fists were folded on my thigh, and he looked over my face like he was
studying me.
“Hello, Mother.” I spoke up immediately I heard the rustling from the
other end of the phone.
“Your school said you left your hostel, why would you do that?” Her
voice didn’t sound pleased, I’m fine too, thank you.
“I had… I… some personal issues came up, and my mental—“
“Do you think money grows on trees? Your dad and I work extremely
hard to afford that school; if you are not going to be serious with it, you
might as well have schooled back here in Ohio, like your friend did."
I closed my eyes, trying to tell my brain and head to calm down; Kian
was right in front of me, I couldn’t show any look of displeasure, he’d
notice. Not like he'd care anyways.
“I’m sorry, Mother, I’d resume tomorrow.”
“Good.” I heard whispers behind her before she cleared her throat.
“You broke up with Lucas months ago, why haven’t you introduced another
man to us?”
I stared at Kian; he was typing furiously on his phone, and I thanked
God he was paying no attention to me.
“I… I have none, my mental health—“
She sighed loudly, cutting me off from what I was about to say. “Look,
Elsa, in our family, we females get married before twenty-five; I did it, your
Nana did too. I won’t let you bring shame on this family.”
“But I’m not ready yet, Mother, I’m barely finished with school and—“
“Being ready or not is just a mindset; fix it. We have an urgent family
dinner in two days to celebrate your brother’s graduation. Be in Ohio for it
on time, and for everything pure and just, do not show up here with that
ungodly hair color.” She ended the call.
I gulped, still holding the phone to my ear, trying to get my mood back
up. Seconds later, I calmly dropped it on the table, my eyes focused on the
pizza, and my hands joined together under the table as I pulled my nail with
my free hand.
“Who was that?” Kian stared at me with an unreadable expression on
his face.
Count one to three then take in a deep breath.
Gianna’s instructions about how to calm myself whenever a difficult
situation came up surfaced in my mind.
“Why are you…” I stopped myself from completing the sentence; from
what happened already, I didn’t want to provoke Kian. All I wanted to do
was go back to my bed and rest. “My Mother, she called to check up on
“That didn’t look like checking up to me.” He bent his head to a corner.
“Please, Kian. Leave me alone.” I stood up but had to grab the table to
avoid falling back to the chair; my head felt like it was spinning. “Since you
paid for the pizza, I’d leave it for you; I can pay for my own things.” I
forced a smile before walking away. This wasn’t how I expected things to
go; he was supposed to hold me back, threaten me, and ‘punish’ me. But for
the first time in my hell hole of a life since I met him, he actually let me go,
and I couldn’t be more grateful for it.
Chapter Thirty-five

<< ELSA >>

“Flight 907 has reached its location; all passengers are expected to
evacuate the aircraft immediately,” the speakers of the plane said
repeatedly. People lined up to get off the plane, mostly tourists. Gianna
wasn’t a fan of my family, so we agreed she was going to stay home alone. I
didn’t blame her; my mother wasn’t exactly fond of her either.
I was back home, the place that I hated and loved in equally. Tourists
were everywhere and had already started taking pictures and smiling
The video call on my phone was back to life, Gianna was doing her
edges in the mirror. It was evening, but she said she had a date with a hot
man she found.
“Are you sure you’d be fine with your family?” She had put in new
braids, but according to her and African traditions, it had to be down before
she’d pack it, or it’d wrinkle because it’s still new and fragile.
I nodded to her earlier question, grabbing my small bag tightly. “They
don’t bite… not literally, anyways.”
“I’m sorry I can’t be there, B, I feel bad about letting you do this
alone.” She focused on me, remorse in her face and voice.
I forced a smile, the same thing I have been doing for the past months. I
can’t recall any good memory I’ve had in this place; it has all been… bad,
broken memories. “It’s fine, I’ve got you. Besides, it’s just for tonight; I’d
sit on the table and be the perfect young lady they want me to be.”
A yellow taxi honked next to me, and I immediately flagged it down. I
waved Gianna goodbye before entering the car.
“Second avenue of Billionaire Boulevard, please.”
“Howdy, Miss.” The man smiled, bringing the car to life as he began
Thirty minutes later, he stopped in front of a mansion; I was two
minutes late; they were going to be pissed. I grabbed my small bag after
paying the driver and hurriedly went into the mansion. There were butlers
and maids around; we… my father was wealthy, one of the top men in Ohio
actually, to others, we were the perfect family, but only I knew we were far
from that; we were just picture perfect. Nothing more.
I took in a deep breath before smoothing my hair over my pink long
dress and the black hair wig I bought to cover my red hair.
In mother’s words, what would they say of us when they see you
dressing and acting so ungodly? You are supposed to remain pure for
whoever will marry you. I held onto the door handle, and with one last
inhale, I opened it. Just like I had expected, they were all there, sitting in a
round table.
My mother on the right next to my father, my brother who was four
years older on the left, and three more chairs on the other side.
They all turned to look at me; I rubbed my arms nervously. My father
gave an honest smile; my mother looked behind me, and when her eyes got
to my face, she frowned. She looked at my outfit, her gaze screaming
“You didn’t bring anyone? You came alone?” She looked behind me
again; she had dropped the fork she once held.
“I’m sorry; I… it was short notice, and I—“
The door opened immediately, and someone rushed in, cutting my
words short and grabbing everyone’s attention. “Sorry, Kitten, I got held up
by some meetings; I didn’t mean to show up late.” His eyes were looking
directly at me; I stared back at his sky-blue ones; it felt like at that moment,
time stopped, and we were the only ones in the room. He was properly
dressed… in a suit.
He held out a bouquet of red flowers to me; his eyes never leaving
mine, and for the first time, he felt like my savior instead of my tormentors.
Chapter Thirty-six

<< ELSA >>
“Elsa, you didn’t tell me you brought someone over.” My mother stood
up from her seat hurriedly and rushed towards us, happiness in her voice.
My father was like a puppet, her puppet; he barely spoke or did anything,
just watched the scene unfold. I had taken the flower Kian brought.
“I..” I was speechless as I looked between Kian and my Mother. I felt
strong hands on my waist, making me shiver. Memories of other things
those hands had done filled me up, but I pushed it back down.
“I told her it was a surprise, but I’m here now, and that’s what matters.”
“I agree.” Mom smiled again, pulling the chair for Kian and returning
to her seat. Kian took me slowly to the table and brought the chair out for
me. He waited to make sure I was comfortably seated before taking his seat.
“Hey man.” My older brother Calvin waved at him before going back
to his phone. My dad was typing furiously on his phone.
“Darling, does anything seem to be the problem?” Mom frowned,
turning to my dad, hell-bent on keeping the picture-perfect family image.
“I need to attend to this, I’ll try to make it back on time.” He gave
everyone an apologetic smile before sprinting off. I couldn’t look up from
my plate; it always saved me from having to face them. My dad was smart
too; he did the same thing every time we had a family dinner. He would say
something came up and leave. I took it that he and mom were both tired of
each other.
This was the reality of our family, the reality of the Reeds without
pictures and paparazzi. I had parents but at the same time, I had no parents.
To them, as long as they were sending your monthly allowance and paying
your schooling fee, they’ve fulfilled their roles.
Sometimes I feel happy about being infertile, so my kids do not have to
feel the kind of pain that comes with having a picture-perfect family.
My mother finally cleared her throat; she patted a napkin on her
perfectly glowing red lipstick. “Elsa, wouldn’t you like to introduce your
boyfriend to us?”
She had this excited glow and happiness attached to her voice. Mother
had this gift of knowing when someone was bastardly rich, and even
without it, just the watch that Kian wore was screaming wealth.
“Yes, Mum.” I felt the shaking of my entire body. I turned to Kian but
instead met sky-blue eyes; he was already looking at me. “This is Kian; he
is my… he is my boyfriend.” The words were so hard to get out of my
mouth. Kian's lips lit up in a subtle smile as he met my mother’s eye. No
one could do that, meet her eyes; they were all scared of her. “Kian, this is
my mother. And that is my brother, Calvin.” I turned to Calvin, but he was
too focused on his phone to know we were talking about him.
“Pleasure meeting you.” Kian responded, still keeping eye contact with
my mother.
“The pleasure is all mine.” She picked up her fork again and cut
through the steak on her plate elegantly. “Tell me, Kian, what do you do for
a living?”
Kian took a napkin from a side of his plate and tapped the corners of
his mouth slowly before speaking up. “Do you know Dzadum?”
Mom nodded her head twice, her lips forming a thin line of smiles. “It’s
the biggest real estate company, do you have shares in it? Or does it belong
to a relative?”
Kian shook his head and carefully dropped his fork down; he rubbed
his hands against each other. “I own it, and many more companies time
won’t permit me to list.”
Mom looked speechless; she’s never speechless. “That is indeed mind-
blowing.” She stretched her hand towards Calvin. “My son just got
accepted into Dc tech, for making movies and games, it’s the biggest in the
film-making industry. This night is to celebrate his win.”
“I know.” Kian’s gaze trailed to Calvin, who didn’t care about whatever
was happening in front of him. “I hired him.”
Mom choked on the juice she was taking a sip of; she coughed a little
before facing Kian again. I too had turned to him in shock; was he lying to
impress her?
Even if I bought you drawing materials for you everyday for the rest
of my life I'd still have enough for my generation to use.
“Elsa has always had eyes for good things and people.” She dropped
the cup on the table, and I felt her eyes on me; my face was buried in my
plate, like every other time we had our yearly dinner.
“Do you know that Elsa also hit a milestone? She was contacted by F.A
Comics.” My eyes widened, and I turned over to him in a rush; I didn’t tell
anyone about that. How did he know?
“What?” I heard the words escape my lips before I could think. Kian
turned to me; I felt his hand under the table grab mine. I pulled away, but he
just held onto it tightly. I frowned at him, and his thumb began smoothing
my fingers.
“Wow, Elsa, this is good news.” My mom smiled, it was forced. She
didn’t give a damn about my drawing, but as always, picture-perfect family.
“Th.. thank you, Mother.” My nerves were calming down; it seemed
like it was due to what Kian was doing to my hand. It seemed like he was
doing it on purpose, to calm me.
I took in a deep breath and turned to pick up my bag; I needed my
“Oh my goodness, Elsa!” My mother shrieked as she covered her
mouth with her hand in horror, staring at me. Kian’s brows were furrowed;
he had let go of my hand under the table already. I immediately sat straight
to face my Mother. “Is that a tattoo on you? How dare you put a tattoo on
your body; it’s unfeminine—“
She had let down her mask, and for the first time since Kian came, she
was back to being the awful, judgmental mother I knew. I rubbed my arms
fearfully, unable to find the right words to utter. My dress had opened due
to the bending; I particularly picked this dress to please her and hide the
Kian looked at me, and when he saw I had already given up before the
fight even started, he gave me a look that I didn’t quite understand, but it
seemed like him saying. Don't worry, I've got you. “I gave it to her," Kian
stated, taking my hand in his on the table, visibly enough for everyone to
see. “There’s another in a place only I can see.”
My eyes widened; Calvin finally looked up. He gave me a judgmental
look before going back to his phone.
Mom cleared her throat and maintained her position. “Oh well, it is
actually very pretty, and it fits in the right places.”
“Do you want to know what else is very pretty too?” Kian dropped his
fork and knife.
I scratched his hand from my hand that he still tightly held. When he
looked at me, I mouthed, ‘what are you doing.’
“What?” Mother said smiling. Kian dragged my wig away, so my red
hair fell flat on my shoulders; the rate of my heartbeat increased, and my
Mother gasped.
“My woman is beautiful in red hair; don’t you think so? Her beauty
should never be suppressed by a wig.” I felt a tingly sensation in my
stomach; it felt so unreal as I stared at him. No one has ever stood up for me
or even tried to. Too bad he is just like them, all for the camera; no one
really means anything they say. All picture-perfect. Kian was doing this to
help me stand up to my family, and I was glad, but a part of me, a tiny part
of me wished it was real.
Mother forced a smile before filling her mouth up with steak,
something she only does when she’s stressed. “That’s right; it’s… it's very
Chapter Thirty-seven

<< ELSA >>

My hand kept quivering. I’ve never been in the spotlight before, not at
our family dinner. I’ve always been the person who is judged and would
dare not talk back, but tonight was different. My mother was the speechless
one, and it felt like tonight was all about me.
Kian let go of my hand, and a rush of fresh air hit my palms, bringing
me back to reality.
“Elsa, would you like to tell me about this deal you got with the comic
company?” Mother turned to me, smoothing her dress. I gulped and
nodded. This was the first time my mother paid attention to me. She had
never asked anything like that before; she just didn’t care enough to ask.
“Yes, Mom.” I forced a smile, and my eyes met Kian’s. He had a smile
I interpreted as ‘you’ve got this, and even if you don’t, I’m here for you.’
“They are the biggest comic company worldwide. I contacted them
years ago but just got feedback last week.”
She looked genuinely surprised. “Did they hire you?”
I shook my head negatively. “Not yet. I still have to go through the
process of submitting an entry, but I’m… I’m working on it.”
Calvin finally dropped his phone to look at me. “I thought you stopped
drawing years ago because of your asthma?”
Mom’s face tightened, but in a flash, it was back to normal.
“Yes, but I’m working towards it, and so far, it’s been going well.” I
lied. It was far from well. I had no idea what gave me the confidence to say
more. This was the highest number of words I’ve said in our family dinner.
Calvin nodded before focusing on his phone and food.
I felt an instant twisting in my stomach, so fast that it brought a sharp
pain to my abdomen. I stood up from the chair. “I have to use the restroom.
Kian’s eyes went to me, worry filling them. He was so good at acting;
one would think we are actually together, and he isn’t the psychopath that
ruined my life. Expect that is a fact, and my life had already been ruined
long before he came along.
Mom looked unbothered at first but immediately her eyes went to Kian.
She hurried up and rushed to me, fake worry in her eyes as she searched my
body for what was wrong.
“Are you fine, Darling? Do we need to call a doctor?” Her eyes stared
into mine, and for a second, a split second, I let my guard down, I let a tear
slip from my eyes.
“I wished for a split second that you were actually not pretending to
care about me, and this was real. I need… needed a mother, but I got you.”
“You ungrateful bitch! How dare you!” Anger and shock flashed in her
eyes, and I waited for the inevitable, the exact thing that happens whenever
I speak my mind. Her hand came up, and I closed my eyes to embrace the
slap she had intended. I heard the slap but didn’t feel it.
Gasps filled the room. I opened my eyes slowly to see the large
masculine figure that blocked my view.
Kian, oh God, Kian had taken the slap instead of me. He stood between
us just in time for her hands to come down on his cheek instead of mine.
She held her hand over her mouth in shock; Calvin had dropped his
phone and was standing now, watching the scene unfold. Kian stared at her,
and I couldn’t make out what exact expression he had, but it wasn’t good. It
looked like it took a toll on him as he held himself. The room grew silent.
My mother rushed to soak up a towel as she ran back to him. “I’m so
sorry. It wasn’t, I didn’t…”
Kian turned to me, cutting her off, his face softening up as his eyes met
mine. “Are you alright? Are you hurt somewhere?” He looked over my
body softly, so softly that instant butterflies grew in my stomach. More
tears poured from my eyes.
I nodded softly and looked back at my mother. Kian turned back to her;
he was way taller than her, so he bent down to meet her face. She rubbed
her arms slowly, looking at the ground. I felt bad for her. She was my
mother; no matter what she did, I don’t know what gave me the feeling that
Kian wouldn’t try to hurt her.
“Touch her again.” His eyes were burning with rage. “I dare you.” My
mother looked like she was about to say something, but she swallowed it
back. “We are leaving; pick your things, Kitten.” He was talking to me, but
he still had his attention on my mother. I gulped; this wasn’t the first time of
me seeing Kian angry, but this time around, it felt different, way different.
“What… what?” I found myself stammering.
He turned a side of his face to himself. “We are leaving, and you’re
never stepping foot here again. Pack everything, every single thing here that
belongs to you.”
I wanted to protest. It was an order, but at this point, I didn’t care. I
wanted the same thing; I wanted to be free from them, so I did. I walked
towards my room, leaving them.
More tears rolled down my cheeks; I picked up a picture on my bedside
stand that had my complete family portrait. I was six, we were happy, I was
happy. “I just want to be loved; I want to matter.” I pushed it into the bag I
picked. “Is that too much to ask for?”
I looked around the room; there was nothing to pick. They removed
most of my stuff already. I took in a deep breath before emptying the bag
and just picking the family picture. I wrapped it enough so no one would
see the details it held, and when I came out, my mother was already seated
on the chair, eating slowly, and just like I thought, till the end, she didn’t
care about me. She didn’t even bother to look at me when I came out of the
“Are you ready?” Kian looked over me. I had no box, just the picture I
had tied in a small paper.
I nodded, keeping my expression in check, or I tried to, and I prayed so
hard that I was doing a great job at it. “I am ready.”
He opened the door and brought a hand towards me; I walked to where
he stood at the door, hugging the picture tightly. Memories of my childhood
flashed in my eyes, running around happily with my dad chasing Calvin and
me, my mom sitting far away and laughing at us.
Mother finally looked up from her plate. “The second you step a foot
outside this house, Elsa, is the second you’d stop being one of us.”
I looked at her; the anger in her eyes was clear but I still didn’t see what
I wanted to see, the regret I wanted to see, maybe a sign she regretted what
she had done to me and wanted to make things work, but none.
“I stopped being one of you since the first time you laid your hands on
me seven years ago.” A tear slipped, and I swore that was the last one I was
going to shed for them.
I lied.
Chapter Thirty-eight

<< ELSA >>

He beeped a car, and the door came up on its own. He still held my
arm. I didn’t try to complain or remove his hand. I took in a deep breath as
he led me into the passenger’s seat and walked over to the driver’s seat.
He turned on the ignition of the car before the car doors that were up
began closing. I wasn’t a fan of cars, so I had no idea what name it was
called, but I knew damn well it wasn’t your regular car.
“Thank you, Kian,” I held onto the picture in my hand. “For showing
up and for standing up for me.” Every bad thing Kian did wasn’t forgotten,
but tonight, it felt like they didn’t hurt as much. Like tonight, he made up
for it.
“Mhh,” he mumbled, focusing on the road like he knew every nook and
cranny of it.
I didn’t know how to feel about him cutting ties with my family for me.
They were my only source of income, but I didn’t feel bad about it. I felt
sad. I was longing for the love I would never get. “Can I ask a question?” I
focused on my finger on my thigh. He looked at me from the side of his
eye. I didn’t ask where we were going. Heck, I had no idea why I was
trusting the guy that made my life a living hell for months, the guy that
killed the people I loved, and yet, in my darkest hour, my time of need, he
was the only one that could save me.
“How do I know about your comic email?” He asked, and I gulped. He
knew what I wanted to ask.
“I have a feeling you have a hand in it.” I looked out of the window. “In
some way.”
“The C.E.O and I go way back. Yes, Kitten, I recommended you, but I
made sure she saw a work you did, and she was amazed you drew that
when you were just six.” For a split second, he turned to me, his eyes
smiling at me like he was proud of me. No one is ever proud of me. “So
don’t worry, you were contacted because of your talent and not just because
I recommended you.”
You were contacted because of your talent and not just because I
recommended you.
“Can I know what drawing you showed them?” My voice was low and
soft; I could barely hear myself.
“Do you remember the blue sky and stars you drew when you were a
kid?” He asked, and I nodded, “that was it.”
I took in a deep breath.
“But why?” I finally found the courage to look at him.
“Why what?”
“Why did you tell them about my drawing? Why did you show up back
at the house? Why are you still here? Why did you form those nice words
about me to my family? Why did you stand up for me? Why, Kian?”
He pulled over to a corner after doing a little typing with his phone. He
turned his body to me, his sky-blue eyes looked at mine then looked over
my face softly. “Do you want to know if it was just for the show? ‘A
picture-perfect’ show for your parents?"
Picture perfect
I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, his face was close to
mine. My chest did a sudden bump, and I wanted to shift away but held
myself. His hand slowly went to my cheek; he softly shifted a hair strand
that blocked my view behind my left ear. “They don’t deserve you, Elsa.
None of us do.”
His eyes went to my lips and back to my face; his thumb was still
slowly stroking my cheek. I should back away, but I don’t. The worst that
can happen has already happened. “The answer to your question, Kitten,
No. It wasn’t all for your family.” His thumb went over the top of my
cheek, under my eye, and swiped; it was wet. Fuck! I let a tear slip. “I
meant every word I said in there. I’ve been obsessed with you for years, and
I hate myself so much for not realizing you were having to face this. I was
fooled by the picture-perfect family too.”
I sniffed, feeling the cold liquid roll down my second eye. “I can’t
forgive you for the things you did to me, but I’m grateful you are here.”
He shook his head. “I don’t want you to forgive me. The whole idea of
breaking you was for you to fit me and understand this is who I am, for you
to fall in love with all the fucked up parts of me.”
“I’m not a good person; you know that already, Elsa.” His thumb
brushed over my cheeks softly again. “I won’t change for the better, but I
promise you wouldn’t have to go through any bad thing alone. That, I
I blinked; my heart rate didn’t speed up; goosebumps didn’t appear on
my skin; my breathing was still steady. I think he had won; he broke me,
just like he intended from the beginning, just like he promised. And now, I
could feel myself fitting into all fucked up and scattered pieces of him,
Chapter Thirty-nine

<< KIAN >>

She didn’t say any other word; she sat still, looking outside the window.
I had texted an agent I had in Ohio to fix one of my apartments for us
tonight. I increased the speed of the car, turned off the air conditioner, and
clicked on a button; the top of the car opened. She turned to me with
confusion in her eyes.
I took down the glass of the car, letting the cool night air in. “Enjoy the
ride.” My legs went to the accelerator again, going far over the speed limit.
She let out a sigh and closed her eyes before bringing out a cotton pad from
her bag. She brought out a spray of something I had no idea what the
content was, probably ladies' stuff. I got a glimpse of the name; if Elsa uses
it, I need to know it. Sensibio H2O Micellar Water, got it. She dappled it on
a white cotton pad before smoothing it on her face softly. The makeup she
had done began to come off. I knew she wasn’t comfortable in it; it wasn’t
her style. It was her mom’s.
After a few draping and cleaning, she closed the can and properly
wrapped the used cotton before putting everything back into her purse.
I focused on the road, or rather, I made her believe I was focusing on
the road. My attention had been on her all along. She immediately roughed
her hair from the top, like she was ready to drop everything that reminded
her of her mother. Her body moved up, and she placed a hand outside the
window, as though feeling the wind. A smile I didn’t see coming tugged on
my lips.
She sat up and placed her body in a way it was facing me and shifted
her head out of the window; her chest upwards was bent outside, her hair
blowing with the wind. We were on an empty road; cars barely came here.
They couldn’t; I owned this part; it was part of my estate.
“Awooffff” she screamed happily, trying to get the hair off her face. I
couldn’t suppress the laughter that erupted from my throat. I don’t
remember the last time I had a happy laugh, and just like that, I stepped on
the accelerator again, making her shake a bit, but I held her thigh instantly.
My hand on her made her shiver a bit, but it wasn’t just her that had a
reaction to the touch. My dick was hard.
Fuck, I don't think it's just an obsession anymore; it's something more,
actually, it's been something more for weeks now. I just pushed it aside.
She brought her head in; her face looked brighter and happier than
before. “Thank you, I needed that.” She took in a deep breath, clutching her
gown that had exposed more of her thigh due to the position she was in
seconds ago.
“Mhhh” I mumbled as I pulled into the apartment gate; the man who
opened it bowed.

<< ELSA >>

He opened the door and held it for me; I walked in, and he closed the
door behind me. Days ago, I would have been terrified about being in the
same room as Kian. I was still scared of him, especially knowing that he
didn’t plan on changing, so I was sure to expect more craziness from him.
“Thank you, Kian.” I stated without looking at him. The room was
medium-sized; there was a white vanity and a bed, one bed.
When he didn’t respond immediately, I turned to him. He was resting
on the door, his arms folded, and his eyes on me in a way I couldn’t explain.
“What?” I instinctively crossed my arm over my body.
“Did anyone physically harm you while I was away, Elsa?” He looked
over my body and back to my face. His eyes staring deeply into mine with
concern. “Do not lie to me.”
Rose’s brother stabbed me, but I caused his sister’s death, so I deserved
it. If I told Kian about it, he’d kill him. I shook my head negatively, “No,
“Because I know every inch of your body, and I know for a fact that
scar was not there before.” His eyes were on my thigh, but my gown was
long enough to cover it; I looked back up at him, confusion filling my
expression. “I saw your thigh while you were… in the car.”
“Oh.” I gulped; he knew. “I fell, back in the house.”
He twisted his head to a corner; it was obvious he didn’t believe me.
“You are not saying the truth.”
My eyes went down to the ground, and my hand found my arm,
rubbing it slowly. I couldn’t say anything; I knew anything I said would just
make it worse.
He pushed off the wall and walked towards me; I felt a bit scared, but
for the first time, it wasn’t for me, it was for Rose’s brother, for whatever he
was going to do if he found out he hurt me.
A part of me, an evil part felt warmth, knowing someone cared about
me, maybe not exactly the type of person I’d want caring about me and
noticing small details, including injuries that were barely visible, but
beggars cannot be choosers.
His hand went under my chin in a soft hold, lifting my face up to his.
“You get a green check tonight, Kitten, but after tonight, if I find even a
scratch on your body, I’d kill whoever caused it, in a very brutal way, and
I’d go for their relatives, one after another, do you understand?”
I gulped, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat before nodding.
I wanted to tell him he could stop pretending now, and he didn’t have to be
my ‘fake boyfriend’ anymore, but I thought better of it.
“Good girl.” He looked at the extra door in the room. “I told them to
draw you a bath; you might want to freshen up.”
Chapter Forty

<< ELSA >>

I had freshened up, and honestly, I felt much better. Basically, I had cut
off all ties with my family. I doubted they’d keep paying my bills, my
school fees, to be precise. I had to go back to drawing, and I had to get the
deal with F.A. comics. If I do, I’ll never need them again.
I walked into the room, a towel tied to my hair and another on my body.
I almost jumped out of my skin on seeing Kian; he was sitting casually on a
chair at the far end of the room, his focus on his phone. His eyes came up to
my face slowly, like he was taking his time observing every inch of my
“Stop looking at me like that.” I shrugged, clutching the towel that was
wrapped on my body tighter.
He crooked a brow, twisting his head a bit to the side, “Like what?” His
eyes went back to my chest before they met my eyes.
“Like I’m dinner.”
“Mhhh” he mumbled “Maybe I’m hungry.”
I glared at him before turning over to face the vanity. “I need to change,
and I want privacy, and why is there only one bed, I don’t trust—“
“Don’t worry, Kitten, I won’t touch you without your permission for
tonight, tomorrow maybe, but not just tonight.”
“You know we are no longer in the Reed Mansion; you can stop being
all ‘protective fake boyfriend.” I turned to face the small vanity, searching
my bag for my skincare products.
“I told you already, Elsa, I meant everything I said in there, from the
beginning to the end. If I said I was your boyfriend in there, then I’m your
boyfriend. You can either choose to put a tag on it or not, but you belong to
me, that would never change.”
I scoffed; he was being delusional, like I’d ever willingly date him. “If
you were attempting to make a joke, you need to take more lessons on it
because I’d never willingly agree to it.”
I focused on the eye cream tube; the vanity had no mirror, so I had to be
extremely careful with it. I felt my skin jerk out of my body when hard,
strong hands grabbed my waist, spinning me around and jamming my back
on the wall next to where the vanity was. My eyes stared into sky blue ones
in both fear and confusion. I still had the eye cream lingering on my face.
“What are you doing? You promised.” I frowned; his eyes went to my
chest, my towel had gone down a bit due to the impact of the spin. I tried to
pull the towel back up, but his hand immediately caught my wrist.
“Do not push your luck, Elsa.” His eyes went back to my face, and I
gulped. He finally let go of me before walking back to the chair he stood up
This was going to be a long night.

It was midday, I was back in Washington D.C., Gianna was stroking

Katty on her thigh and staring at me with intense eyes. I held the MacBook
and pen; I’ve been holding it for hours now, trying to dribble some line or at
least draw a star or something. Nothing worked.
“So you’re really not going to explain in details what happened?” She
asked for the fifth time. I sighed and looked up at her; her eyes instantly
went up to the ceiling. I had explained what happened at dinner and about
cutting my parents off, Kian showing up, the feeling I had at that instant, us
spending the night in the same room, even though he was out before I woke
up in the morning.
“I basically told you everything already. What else do you want from
me, My soul?”
“You literally get to live my dream, so there’s no way you, Elsa Reed,
would tell me you spent the entire day with your stalker, who is extremely
hot by the way, and nothing happened.”
“He just made some crazy jokes. Nothing happened, I swear.” I rolled
my eyes. “He is not hot, by the way.”
She gave me a doubtful look. “That wasn’t what you thought last when
he came in as your knight in shining armor.”
“Fuck! Gianna.” I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. “I’m so done
with you.”
The doorbell rang, and I felt my body jerk up. I looked at Gianna in a
questioning way in case she was expecting any visitors; she shook her head
“I’ll check it…” I swallowed immediately, walking towards the door.
My heart was beating, but it wasn’t for the reason it has always been. I was
scared of seeing him, not because I was scared of what he was going to do
to me, I was just scared of seeing him. I can feel myself getting confused all
over again, just like the night in Ohio.
I turned the knob of the door, opening it. My expression turned from
scared to shocked and scared again; it wasn’t Kian. It wasn’t anyone I was
expecting; it was Lucas. My ex-boyfriend with a flower in his hand and a
red box in the other, staring at me.
“What… what are you doing here? How did you…” I was speechless.
“I want to talk to you; I know I messed up a lot, El. Just give me a
second to talk to you.” He looked desperate; I’ve never seen Lucas look
desperate. I hated turning people down, especially if they once meant
something to me, but Lucas was going to be in serious trouble if he kept
standing here.
I shook my head negatively, “I’m sorry, but I have nothing to say to
you. Please leave, go back to Ohio; you already overstayed your welcome
“Please, just, go please.” I looked around. What if he was here already?
What if he saw Lucas? He’d kill him. Oh God.
“You leave me no choice.” He sighed before bringing his phone out. He
did some typing on it before showing me the screen. I held my hand in my
mouth before looking up to him again. It was a video of him and me, on our
first night together; he had asked me to give him a blowjob. The video
contained me sucking his dick; I had no idea he videoed us.
Fear filled up my chest, “How could you…”
“I want you back, Elsa, and I’m sorry if the method I’m using isn’t
exactly the best, but I’d do anything I can to get you.” He folded his phone
into his pocket. “Since you broke up with me and left Ohio, my life has
been a living hell.”
“He will kill you. What the hell is wrong with you?” It was a scream
this time. I felt Gianna behind me; my voice probably attracted her.
“You mean the big bad wolf that follows you around in the shadow like
a dog wherever you go?” He took my hand and shoved the flower into it.
“He can’t catch me; I’m smarter now. I got backup before going into this; I
want you back, Elsa, and I’m not letting you go this time.”
Chapter Forty-one

<< ELSA >>

“Is there a problem here?” Gianna asked, looking at Lucas in a
suspicious way. I unclenched my fists and repositioned myself; Lucas had a
subtle smile on his cheek before taking my hand up and shoving the flower
in it.
“I’ll see you again, El.” He smiled, and the amount of cringe I felt was
unimaginable. He walked away, leaving Gianna and me.
I closed the door and took in a deep breath; Gianna still had the
confused look on her face.
“What happened, what did he say?” Worry was all over her face.
“Nothing important, just…” my eyes went to the camera; there was no
way Kian would hack into this one too. They were the best security
company in Washington. But I still wasn’t taking any chances. “Just to
apologize for cheating.”
“Ohhh… I see.” She sounded doubtful but she didn’t push it; Lucas
was threatening me with our sex video, a video that had the ability to ruin
my life. F.A. seeing that video will ruin every chance I have with them.
Another knock on the door; I folded my fist as I marched towards it. I
opened it immediately. “I thought I told you to—“ I halted myself; it wasn’t
Lucas. Fuck!
“Well, Hello to you too, Kitten.” He twisted his head to a corner; his
eyes went to my hand and his brows came down in a frown. I followed his
gaze, the Flower, I still held it. Double Fuck! I instantly threw it inside the
house and rubbed my hands together. “What are you doing here?”
“Dress up; you’re coming with me.” He ordered before turning over
and began walking to the car he had packed.
I twisted my face, “You don’t get to show up at my house and ask me to
come with you without any information of—“
“Would you rather I tie you up and throw you into my trunk instead?”
He turned a side of his body to me, and he gulped. “You’d come with me
either way, Kitten, the means used solely depends on you.”
“And I thought you had changed for the better.” I mumbled before
turning back inside the house.
“You have five minutes, Elsa.” He was already standing next to his car,
relaxing on it with his arms crossed. Asshole
Closing the door behind me, Gianna was already on the chair, peeping
through the window to look at him; she didn’t even hide the drool.
“Girl, He. Is. Hot.” Gianna stared up at me; her face went all soft; this
wasn’t Gianna, she was hard, hard as rock.
“No, he is not.” I glared at her walking towards the room tiredly to get
changed, saying no to Kian was just like signing your death and suffering.
“He has a fucking eyebrow piercing; he looks like he jumped out of a
dark romance book.”
“I’m going to throw you out of the window.” I glared at her.
“He will be there to catch me, so in all
Honesty, Elsa darling, please do.” She instantly picked up her phone
and began typing speedily; I looked from her phone to her face.
“What are you doing?”
“Texting the group.” She replied, following me as I walked into the
“The Group?” I rose an eyebrow, and she rolled her eyes, not taking it
off her phone, her hands still actively going over her keyboard.
“Big book energy, Hello, the Smuthood, and spicybooktok; it’s like a
group for readers on Facebook, I’m telling them I just saw a dark romance
stalker character in real life.”
“Well, aren’t you being delusional?” I held out two outfits, weighing
them on the mirror. “Yes, he might be attractive to you, but he is a
psychopath; there’s nothing romantic about it.”
“Says the girl who’s trying to pick out the nicest dress in her closet to
go see said ‘psychopath’ “ She eyed me before laughing on something that
popped up on her phone. “Do have fun on your date.”
“What? No! I’m not picking an outfit for him…” I screamed at her but
knowing Gianna, I couldn’t change her mind, no matter what I said. “It’s
not a date dammit; I’m looking for something that can cover my body in
case he gets any crazy ideas.”
“Like a cloth will stop him from having his way with you; do you not
read books, Elsa? Like at all?”
“Not books with the type of psychopaths you read and fantasize about.”
I stepped out of my cloth, and Gianna instantly closed her eyes.
“Girl, a warning next time; we don’t want your obsessed stalker to kill
me for seeing you naked not knowing I’m not interested in you in any way.”
“You’re a psychotic bitch!” I screamed at her with laughter, throwing a
pillow but she caught it effortlessly.
“Kierra Lewis, the booktok queen just posted about your stalker.”
Gianna looked shocked; she jumped around before running out of the room;
God knows, sometimes all I want to do is tie her up for days.
A ping on my phone drew my attention to it. It was a text from Kian,
<<You’re five seconds late, Kitten. You’re going to be punished for
I gulped, goosebumps filling my body as I sprinted outside; he was still
in the same position he was before; he looked at me, from my toe back up
to my face, slowly, like he was assessing me. I wore black jeans with a
turtleneck crop top, anything to hide that stupid tattoo. See? Not a date.
“Get in.” He ordered, opening the door; I walked in, and he closed it
before going over to the driver’s side.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked, Clutching my bag in my hands;
months ago, I would have been extremely scared of what he was going to
do. He said he was going to punish me, and damn if my heart didn’t skip a
beat. I wasn’t going to pretend like I didn’t know what his punishment was
or like I don’t know he’d do whatever he said he’d do, but here I was,
sitting beside him.
Like you have a choice, you'd still sit beside him either way.
"The guy that stabbed your thigh is dead, slit his throat, and hung him
upside down to bleed to death.” He said casually, and my chest bumped up.
“I see he was the brother of the mushroom-haired girl I killed, Rose? Their
family must be really stubborn… and stupid.”
“What do you…” I stared at him, folding my fists in anger. “You
promised! You said you were not going to hurt him.”
He didn’t spare me a glance; he just kept driving. “I wanted to keep my
promise to you, but each time I see the injury on your thigh, I get more
furious. I’d never let the man who hurt you walk around this earth freely.
Kitten, as long as you’re concerned, anyone who touches you, anyone who
as much as breathes in your direction is a dead man walking. I will hunt
them down and kill them, brutally.”
I rubbed my hand over my arms; guilt filled me up; he killed him. “So
you’re just going to go around killing whoever touches me?”
“Exactly, starting with the person that gave you those flowers, who
gave them to you?” He looked at me before his attention went to the road
again. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“A friend, it was an apology gift.”
“You should know better by now than to lie to me, Kitten.” He stepped
on the car accelerator, making me hold onto my chair for support. “My
obsession with you is no longer just an obsession; it’s worse than that
because now, feelings are involved, and I’d say that’s bad for you because
everything is getting heightened.”
My face trailed to meet his. “What do you mean?” Confusion laced
around my voice.
“I don’t get jealous, Kitten; I get murderous, and you know me, I don’t
hesitate to kill people. Not when it comes to you. The minute someone
touches you, they are dead.” He stopped in front of a big mansion that was
white in color. “Let’s just say, before, I wanted your body, your soul, your
mind, but now… I want your heart too, every part of it.”
I gulped, still clutching the hand of my bag; I knew I was doomed, but
as always, it was out of my control.
Chapter Forty-two

<< ELSA >>

He pulled into a mansion, an extremely big one; it was hidden deep in
the woods, like he respected his privacy and wanted no one here.
I couldn't help but admire it. It had beautiful flowers all over—white,
red, black. I was angry at him for killing Rose’s brother, but it was Kian we
were talking about.
I made a mental note never to tell Gianna about it; she’d find it ‘cute.’
Just like she read my thoughts, I heard a ping on my phone—her message
popped up.
<< Dead yet? Do I need to call the police? >>
Like they’d help, I rolled my eyes before texting her back that I was
fine. Kian didn't say a word since he dropped the bomb about wanting my
heart, whatever that meant.
I had asked countless times why I was here, but he never responded. I
gave up. Besides, if he wanted me dead, he would have done that days ago.
“You do know I am a college student, and I still have classes that would
determine my successful graduation, right?”
“Mhhh,” he mumbled, pulling into a car park he had used a key to
open. “I covered that already.” The way he casually said the words like they
were the least of his problems.
Since we entered the gates of the mansion, I haven’t seen a soul.
Everywhere still looked perfectly clean and tidy. He couldn’t do it on his
own, but where are the gardeners? Or maids?
“Why do you keep making decisions for me?” I furrowed my brows.
“Because when I said you belonged to me, that covered every aspect of
you, nothing excluded.” He opened his car door and undid his seat belt. He
instantly bent over me, and my entire body stiffened.
A soft smile appeared on his lips; they were close to my face, his eyes
going down my lips slowly. A sound came from beside me; he undid my
seat belt before relaxing back in his seat.
“Relax, Kitten,” he smiled with a hint of arrogance. “I’m not going to
fuck you here.”
“Forgive me for not being exactly trusting. Who knows, you might do
it.” My eyes darted around the house. “Besides, I still don’t know what I am
doing here.”
“Get down and follow me,” he ordered, already walking away without
looking back. He must have so much trust that I’d follow.
I took in a deep breath before stepping out and walking behind him,
still taking in my environment. And then it occurred to me; I knew nothing
about Kian. Everything I knew, I found out from others, including his name.
But of course I don't care about knowing him… right?
He stood beside a long thing that looked like an elevator and waited for
me. When I reached where he stood, he clicked on a button, his eyes giving
me a go-ahead as the doors opened. It was indeed an elevator, a transparent
We both stepped in; he didn’t say anything, and I had no idea what to
say either. I might not be as scared of Kian as I was a month ago, but that
didn’t mean I felt safe being with him in this big building where he could
do whatever to me, and no one would hear me scream.
I don't want you to forgive me, the whole idea of breaking you was
for you to fit me and understand this is who I am, for you to fall in love
with all the fucked up parts of me.
He was going to do bad things to me here, that, I was sure of.
<< KIAN >>
She was quiet. It was obvious she had so many questions, but she was
quiet. Her question from earlier came to my head—why was she here?
Truth is, I really don’t know. But what I do know is I want her here, and
that’s weird and rare. I hardly want people here; I love my space, but I got
so tired and sick of watching her from that damn camera. I knew I had to
have her here, today.
I stayed up at night watching her in her room, sleeping like a baby, the
way she looked peaceful and happy. She looked like she had no worry in
this world, and that did things to me—things I had no idea how to explain.
But I know something happened. It feels… different. Like my obsession is
turning into something, something highlighted. I’m not a vampire; I don’t
get to have highlighted emotions.
I relaxed on the elevator metal walls; my house was big, and before we
could reach the exact floor we were going to, it’d take minutes. But that
wasn’t why we were still in here even after minutes had passed. We were
still in here because I had set the elevator to go to all the floors two times
before stopping. I wanted to watch her, without her seeing me watching but
also in person and not on that damn laptop. She was in front of me, facing
the exit, while I had my chance to watch her, to take in everything about her
for the 600th time. I watched her for eight years, and yet, every single time,
it feels like it’s the first time I’m seeing her. Like her glow never dims;
heck, it only gets better, and so do my desires and desperations.
I want her, I want every part of her. Not in the way that we want people,
but in a way that screams hunger. In a way that makes me feel like clawing
my nails on her skin so every other male that looks at her instantly knows
she’s taken. But also in a way that wouldn’t do that because it’d hurt her. In
a way that makes her burn for me, as much as I do for her right now. I think
I’ve gone mentally insane. And this woman in front of me… she is causing
it, and in some way, in some twisted way, I can’t explain, she is also the
cure to it.
“Are we in a maze runner or something? Why is it taking forever?” She
sighed, frustration laced around her words. “Feels like we’ve been going up
and down for hours.”
“Patience, Kitten,” I tapped the metal wall with my fingers, still
focused on her. The door of the elevator opened, and I could see the way the
tension left her body, like she knew I was watching her—unless being here
with me did the same thing it did to me to her.
She rushed out of the elevator and cleared her throat, clutching the hand
of her bag tighter. She only does that when she’s nervous.
“Are you finally going to tell me why we are here?” She folded her
arms, her eyes staring up at me. We were in my living room; I saw her
looking over it, but her focus was back on me seconds later.
“We are here to give you the inspiration you need for your submission
to the F. A comics in the next two months” I pulled off my black jacket and
hung it on the large sofa. “But first, I’d punish you for being late. Take off
your clothes and get on your knees, Elsa.”
Chapter Forty-three

<< ELSA >>

“You’re going to assault me again?” I raised a brow, staring at him.
“What are you? A horny freak?”
He twisted his head to the side. “Try going without sex for more than
half of your life and jerking off to the pictures and videos of the red-haired
girl you’ve been stalking for years while bathing.”
I swallowed the invisible lump that appeared in my throat. “News flash,
I didn’t ask you to do that; you would have easily gotten with anyone you
wanted to fuck with a face like yours.”
His brows quirked up in surprise. “Careful, Kitten. I might think you
find me attractive.” He walked up to me slowly. I was supposed to go back;
I am to go back, but for some fucked-up reason, I don’t.
I looked over his face before looking at his eyes again. “In your
dreams.” It was a lie; I knew it. Gianna had been right all along; he was
smoking hot. I knew he was since the first time I saw him, but when I’m
being chased or assaulted by him, it’s really hard to see.
at least he isn't some pot bellied man with unshaved hairs all over.
“I’m loyal to my woman till the end; no one can make me feel like you
“Even when she doesn’t know you exist? What if I died before turning
twenty-two.” Did I just admit to being his woman? No! “I’m not your
woman, by the way.”
“Not knowing I exist doesn’t change anything. If I claim you, I’m yours
till I take my last breath.” Another step closer to me. I looked at his leg,
then back to his face. “Death doesn’t change that; I’d watch and rewatch
pictures and videos of you till I die. That’s how much you are engraved in
my mind, Kitten.”
“But you—”
“I wish you could feel what I feel when I look at you; maybe, just
maybe, then you’d have an understanding of why I can’t look at anyone else
and why I can’t let you go.”
A tingling feeling in my stomach before it disappeared. If Gianna were
here, she’d say it’s butterflies. It isn’t that; it’s definitely something else,
hunger maybe. "You look more like a Mickey Mouse. You have a nickname
for me; I might as well give you one of mine.”
“It sounds like an injured hen.”
“No, it sounds cute. See? Mickey Mouse.”
“Before giving me a nickname, practice first to see if it’d sound good
when you’re screaming it.” Another step closer to me. “Kian or My God
sounds better; would you like me to show you?”
“Nah, I’m good.” I turned to leave, but with an arm-stretched hand, he
grabbed me by my wrist and sprung me so I was now in his arms, my hand
on his chest.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked, my voice cracking.
“You were supposed to be on your knees, but since you’re such a smart
mouth, I don’t want to fuck just your mouth; I want your pussy too. Let’s
see if you’d still be able to talk after.”
“Fuck you.” I screamed into his face, trying to push off him, but he
didn’t look like he was sweating it, and yet his hold on me was so strong.
“Are you wet already for me, Kitten?” He turned me over so his arm
was on my neck, and my back was on his body. Something hard and strong
poked my ass from behind me, his dick. Of course, the asshole was wet.
“I’d rather die than be wet for you.”
“Then you should have no problems with me checking to see for
myself, to be sure.” His hot breath behind my ear. I swallowed again.
“Let me go…” I struggled, still trying to wiggle out of his hold. His
hard dick behind me felt like it was going to rock now. Oh God.
“I will, after I’ve confirmed, and you’re telling the truth.” He dropped a
soft kiss on the side of my neck. “Put two fingers into your pussy and bring
them out to me.” A metal to my head, a gun.
“I… I…”
“Now, Kitten. You already have so many punishments piling up for
you; do not add to them.”
I took in a deep breath before bringing down the zipper to the trouser I
wore. I was shivering, but it wasn’t from fear; that pained me more than
anything. I’m not usually this way; I don’t enjoy things like this. A part of
me wanted this; I could feel it. A part of me wanted the punishment; a part
of me wanted him to fuck me in the most dangerous way he could. I didn’t
want it, but a part of me did, and that scared me.
The whole idea of breaking you was for you to fit me and understand
this is who I am, for you to fall in love with all the fucked up parts of me.
His plan from the beginning; it was working, or rather, it worked.
My finger shifted my pantie before smoothly moving into my pussy. It
had no resistance. I bit back the soft sound that almost escaped from my
“Bring it to me,” he ordered, turning me over so I was now facing him,
his sky-blue eyes burning into mine.
I exhaled before removing it from my pussy and bringing it out. I
closed my eyes, the gun still on the side of my head, my two fingers that
were in my pussy earlier in front of him.
I couldn’t see his expression, but I knew he was holding my finger by
the root and bringing it closer to himself. “You’re not just wet, you’re
completely soaked.” Warm wetness touched the two fingers, and my eyes
instantly opened. My fingers… they were… they were in Kian’s mouth, his
eyes looking directly at mine as he licked my juice off my fingers,
completely, not leaving a single drop.
I was speechless. I couldn’t say a word. “Take. It. Off.” he ordered, his
eyes on my jean trouser. I opened my mouth to argue, but one warning look
from him, and I knew better than to say anything else. He had confirmed
what he wanted to, and I couldn’t really say anything to defend myself. I
obeyed, taking it off by dragging it down to my ankle. After some seconds,
it was completely off,
“The top too.” His eye went to my crop top and I obeyed, I felt my
hands shiver.
Desire filled his eyes. “Good girl.” He grinned before slowly going
down until he was on his knees. “You're the only one that I've gotten on my
knees for Elsa, and you're the only one that can ever bring me to my knees.
Now spread these legs wide for me, let me worship you like I was born to
Chapter Forty-four

<< KIAN >>

I was on my knees, she looked surprised. She shouldn’t have been, I’d
go on my knees for her and only her anytime, any day, no questions asked.
She had taken off her top too. She stared at me, shocked, she still didn’t
separate her thighs, I furrowed my brows. “Would you spread them for me
willingly or do you need help with it, Kitten? Maybe I’d need to tie both of
them separately on two different chairs, that should be enough.”
Her body tensed up and she obeyed, the space between them wasn’t as
wide as I wanted but I was too starved to complain, “Hold onto something,
Elsa. You’d need it.”
Without extra warning, I placed my lips on her clit that was already wet
and looked more than ready, a gasp escaped her lips and she immediately
held my hair, her fingers passing through it, my tongue flickered her clit,
going up and down her lips, it felt so good, I positioned my tongue to her
entrance before pushing it in slowly, she whimpered, her body going
backwards, I placed my hand on her waist, pushing her more to me, my
dick throbbed badly, begging to be buried in her, deep. The pace of my
tongue went faster, her moans filled the room.
“It’s too… Kian please… It feels…” A devilish smirk appeared on my
lip, she shivered, her fingers going through my hair, roughly.
“That’s not the name I want.” I took her left pussy lip and gave it a soft
bite. My tongue was fucking her like it was my dick now, she was going
insane, with the way she held my hair, like she had no idea if she wanted
me to go in or out.
“I’m about to… I can’t take it anymore, I want to cum, please Kian…”
her voice cracked like she was about to cum.
“Wrong name, Kitten.”Another bite but this time, I grabbed her thighs,
lifting them up as I stood slowly.
“What are yo—“ she grabbed my neck as her legs left the ground, she
instinctively wrapped her legs around my neck. Her clit still directly on my
face, giving my tongue in her a different depth and feeling.
“Oh fuck…” she wimpered, throwing her head back but still holding
onto my neck. I think I just found a meal I would take all day and never get
“Who’s your god now?” She shivered, like my breath was doing things
to her.
“Yo… you are, you’re my god, Kian, please, I need to.. I might mess up
your face, I don’t want— Arghhhh”
She screamed immediately I bit a lip of her clit, shutting her words out.
“It’d be my pleasure to have your cum on my face, Kitten. I’d lick every bit
of it, every single time.”
Her body shivered, my tongue went into her again, I could feel the
goosebumps on her thighs that were on my shoulders, the ones I held so
firmly. “Cum for me, Kitten.”
And just like I ordered, she held onto my neck, hugging me tightly as
her her cum filled me up. Her body shaking in the process, I licked it off
her, every bit of it.
God! She tastes like fucking heaven.
When I was sure she had recovered from the shaking, I slowly took her
down from my shoulder and onto my body, I urged her to wrap her legs
over my body, she did, without protest, her face buried on my chest, her
arms over my neck.
“Would it be a crime to tie you up in my bedroom so I can eat you out
everyday for hours?” I whispered, the way her body tensed up at my words
showed she didn’t exactly hate the idea, a part of her anyways. I walked to
the bathroom, still carrying her, it felt like she had slept off, or maybe not,
but with the way her breathing was, she was obviously tired.
i was still wearing my cloth and my dick was still poking inside my
jean trouser but today, I wanted to take care of her needs, she still had more
punishments so she needed the rest.
Her legs were wrapped tightly over my waist, I turned on the shower,
her body shivered when the cold water fell on her skin but it relaxed back
almost immediately, I picked up the strawberry body wash and poured it
softly on her back, I shouldn’t wash her but this was probably what she
wanted with how comfortable she was wrapping all over me, I couldn’t
exactly wake her. I stepped into the big bathtub in-front of me and made
her lay on my body instead, her eyes were closed, she was either too deep in
sleep or too tired to open her eyes.
Minutes later, I was done bathing her, some strands of her red hair
covered her face, I carefully took it behind her ear, softly running my hand
through her hair as I got lost in staring at her, how peaceful she looked. I
wasn’t watching her from her camera anymore, she was right here, in-front
of me, sleeping in my arms peacefully, and that surprised me more, I was
anything but peaceful, I was chaotic, the embodiment of evil.
“You’re the peace I crave in this Chaotic world, Elsa.” My hand was
still on her hair, caressing it softly and then it finally hit me. I finally
understood everything.
I think I… fancy her, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.
<< ELSA >>
I was laying on something… soft. I felt way better than I did earlier
today, my eyes opened slowly, I was… fuck. I jerked up from the bed, I
was laying in Kian’s bed, why the hell was I still in his mansion? Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. He wasn’t here here and that was a plus for me. I looked
down at my body, I was with a big white polo, my brain did a spin back,
everything I did with Kian, my stomach was acting out again, I was too
tired to do anything after I.. after Kian… ahhhh!
What have you done, Elsa, heck what the hell are you doing? This man
killed the people you love, stalked you since you were fifteen, do I need to
list the names of those he killed for your stupid head to recall?
He also stood up to your parents for you, no one has ever done that, he
made your dreams of being contact with F. A happen, he waited for you, he
took care of you when you—
I rolled my eyes before trying to get up from the bed, my legs wobbled,
if I get to walk properly after anything with Kian it’s probably his twin
brother and not him.
Where was he anyways? There were three doors, “Which exactly is the
exit?” I did a mini pinny with my finger before heading for the one by the
right, I opened it and my body went completely still, fear and questions
filled my head as I stared at the pictures on the wall.
This wasn’t an exit and neither was it a bedroom, it was like a picture
room? I stepped in, the place felt like a small hallway filled up with pictures
of kids hanging on the way, five pictures to be precise, one occupied more
space in the room, she had the same eye color as Kian, sky blue, she wasn’t
smiling and the picture felt old. the one that looked like the latest was the
smiling picture of a girl hugging a teddy that had a button on the left side of
it’s eye, she had black hair, unlike the rest with blond and brown hair
“What do you think you’re doing?” I jerked up to the sound of Kian’s
angry voice, he was right outside the open door, a tray of food in his hand.
My eyes went to his, they looked furious, “Who are these girls?” I
asked, trying to stop the trembling of my hand and the rapid beating of my
heart against my chest at the idea that he was doing the same thing he did to
me to them, ‘marking them’
“You shouldn’t be here.” He dropped the tray on the center table of the
large room, his anger and rage had gone down a bit, like me opening that
door opened a part of him he didn’t want to see.
“Tell me, I want to know, who are they? Are they like me? Did you—“
“No, Elsa, God! How evil do you think me to be?” He turned to me, his
eyes held a sharp hurt. “You should leave, I’d drop you off, get dressed.”
He turned to pick his jacket that was on one of the chairs.
“I am not leaving until you tell me what’s going on, who are they?” My
voice was stern, I walked out of the room and walked close to him.
“Please… Kian.” I was playing a risky game, Kian was dangerous I had no
idea what part of me had this feeling that he wasn’t going to hurt me, but it
did and in some fucked up way, for some fucked up reasons, I believed it.
I remembered the ‘H’ tattoo on his arm I had seen the first time he took
me to his cabin, it was a wild guess but…
“Does it have something to do with ‘H’?”
The way his attention immediately went to my face showed I was right,
it certainly had something to do with her.
“Do you want to know the truth Elsa?” He asked, dropping his jacket
back, his blue eyes staring down at me, I nodded softly. “Fine, buckle up,
you’re about to get deep into my messed up world.”
Chapter Forty-five

<< KIAN >>

"Hazel was my sister, my little sister.” I took in a deep breath, Elsa’s
eyes were staring deeply into mine, I was opening up to her, I have never
opened up to anyone, I’ve never had to explain why I do the things I do to
anyone, I’ve never had to be vulnerable to anyone, and yet, here I was,
talking about what happened for the first time in fifteen years, from the first
time since it happened, I shouldn’t be having this feeling but a part of me
knew I could trust her, a part of me felt like I could let my guard down, just
this once, and so I did.
“Was?” Elsa’s voice went soft and low, almost unhearable, but I heard
her, clearly and I nodded.
“She was nine and I was fourteen , she was an artist and she had doe
shaped eyes and asthma.” Just like you, I wanted to say, the clear picture of
Hazel was back into my head. “They took her, she was a kid but they took
Elsa’s eyes went from bright to sad in seconds “Who?”


“Come on, Hazel, you have to get out of the snow, you can't get a cold
on your birthday.” I screamed, watching my nine years old sister running
all around the piled up snow outside our house. She had her Mac drawing
pad, she wanted to build the snowman she had drawn.
“Daddy will be back soon, he promised to be here for my birthday this
year. I have to show him the snowman I had built,” I had made sure to
carefully wrap her hands so it wouldn't get frostbite. “Come on Kian, build
with me, it's your birthday too.” She smiled at me, the braces she had done
shining perfectly with the freckles that covered her face, and her very
visible birthmarks, that were exactly eight in number. Hazel and I weren't
twins, I was 14 years older than her but we happened to be born on the
same day.
I looked up at the sky before running out to meet her, Mom and Dad
fought today and Dad had gone to be with the other woman. Hazel didn't
need to know that, I had put a headphone to block her ears during their
arguments but I heard them clearly.
Immediately my leg hit the snow, a soft ball of snow came in contact
with my forehead and Hazel's laughter filled the environment as she ran
“Happy birthday, Kian.” She had stopped running and now, shs was in
front of me, hugging me tightly. “I love you,”
“I love you, Hazel, I will always be with you, I promise.”
“I want a giant cotton candy for my birthday.” She stretched her hands
wide to show how big she wanted it to be.
“I will get it for you when we grow big.” I smiled too.
A gun shot sound filled the air and I felt a sharp pain on my arm. Some
men came out of nowhere, they were with heavy guns, they were… five.
Fear filled Hazel's eyes as she stared at me, she tried to drag me up.
“Run, Hazel, Run!” I screamed but she shook her head. The men were
walking towards us, I recognized one as the man who had an argument with
my father once.
“I can't leave you here, come on, just stand, let's go.” She tried to drag
me up from my other arm but each time I stood, I fell. I tried to push Hazel
away from me but it was too late, they were here.
One of the men grabbed her by the arm and the other grabbed me. “Let
her go! Let her go, please.” Tears filled up my eyes, the men around
laughed. The man holding me slapped me so hard that I couldn't see
properly. Tears and whimpers filled Hazel's eyes as the man in front of her
tied her hands together.
“Ki…Kian!” Hazel sniffed, trying to draw her hands towards me, to
save me, I wanted her to save herself.
The man who held her looked at her body as though inspecting her.
“Let me go!” She screamed as she bit his hand. He growled in anger
before slapping her across the face.
“Be still you little shit!” He screamed before opening her cloth, she
screamed, kicked and fought. “You're so lucky the boss wants you pure, I
would have violated you first!”
I was seeing double, I couldn't see properly. I couldn't stand, I alid on
thd cold ground filled with snow watching my nine years old sister struggle
as they took her away and into an unknown car.
“What about him? Should I kill him?” The one that was once beside me
asked when he turned back.
The guy that took Hazel shook his head. “let him pass the news to his
shitty father.
Tears had filled her eyes already, her face was soaked, like she didn’t
want to think of the things they did. “I killed my parents when I found out
they were the reason she was taken, I shot them both in the head at the age
of fourteen and I tracked her for years.”
“Did you find.. what happened?” Her voice was breaking.
“She was raped, she was raped from that day she was kidnapped till
when she turned sixteen where she killed herself, everyday of her life,” I
closed my eyes, trying to hold myself. “I found her, I found her but it was
too late, and the last words she said to me. ‘It’s not your fault, Kian, I love
you, Brother.’ I couldn’t save her, I lost her, twice.”
“Kian…” she wrapped her arms over my neck, I was numb, I felt numb
from that day, fifteen years ago, Elsa’s arms were still over my neck. “I’m
so sorry, I…”
“I couldn’t save her, she was the only one I had and I couldn’t….” The
breaking of my voice was my cue to stop talking, my chest felt heavy, and
once again, I was the fourteen years old helpless boy that couldn’t do
anything to save his sister.
“it’s wasn’t your fault, you were fourteen, you wouldn’t have been able
to do anything.” I didn’t hug her back but she didn’t disengage from the hug
“If I was stronger… or if I found her on time, I would have sav—“
“You were fourteen, Kian, none of it was your fault .” She withdrew
from the hug, her two hands holding my arms. “That’s what you’ve been
doing, saving little girls from the same fate?” She looked back to the room
she had found the pictures in and I nodded.
“Except these aren’t the pictures of the girls I rescued…”
“They are the ones you couldn’t save.” She looked at me, I didn't see
the judgmental look I had seen on my father when he heard I couldn’t
protect my little sister, I saw a soft look, a look that screamed, I’m here for
you, no matter what. She walked into the room again and I followed her this
She stared at each of the pictures, sadness in her eyes, she reached
Melissa’s picture and her eyes looked back at me, I was sure my eyes said
alot about that particular picture.
“She was recent?” She asked, her eyes going back to Melissa. “She was
“Her name was Mellissa, and her teddy, Fiona.” Elsa looked back at me
in shock,
“You know their names…” it wasn’t a question.
“All of them.” I went close to her and stared at Melissa’s picture again.
“I wanted to save her so bad but she saved me instead, just like Hazel did
fifteen years ago.”
“What about the ones you’ve saved? They are your accomplishments.”
She looked up at me, her hazel brown eyes staring into mine softly.
I shook my head negatively. “If I can’t save them all, what makes me
different from the 14 years old boy that could not save his sister?”
“It wasn’t your fault… what happened to her.” Her eyes darted to
Hazel’s portrait
“If only I was told by my father about it earlier, I would have…”
“There was nothing you could have done either way, they were hefty
“I was supposed to be stronger, Elsa.”
“You were fourteen, you were not supposed to be strong, you were
supposed to be safe.” I knew she was right, deep down, I’ve known for a
long time but maybe I just needed someone to say it, maybe I just needed
her to say it. I was in the darkness so the darkness, I became, instead of
being afraid, I became something to fear
“I couldn’t find all of the men that took her, I found three but two
disappeared from the face of the earth and all links to them were blocked.”
“I think they are dead already, maybe someone else found them and
killed them.” She walked out of the room, and when I was out, she closed
the door behind her.
“Maybe or Maybe not.”
“Can I stay? For tonight.” She asked and although I was surprised, I
still couldn’t bring myself to speak, not for the next hours anyways so I
Chapter Forty-six

<< ELSA >>

Hours had passed. I had no idea what I was thinking when I asked to
stay for the night, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t want to be alone, not after
it felt like he just faced his deepest fear, talking about what happened to her.
And suddenly, I didn’t exactly see him as the tormentor I saw him as
before. I saw him as someone who was broken and piled up his heart with
guilt and every bad thing for years. I didn’t think Kian was less guilty for
what he did to me, but I just stopped to care. Judge me if you must; I judge
myself every day since the day I started having crazy thoughts about him.
Heck, I’d judge myself forever for whatever I’m feeling for him right now.
He had gone out after a ring came on his phone. I had the entire house
to myself. I walked around, checking everything, how it looked. The house
was massively big, but it felt like a ghost lived here. There were parts that
didn’t feel like a human had walked in there in years. It looked clean but not
used. Three swimming pools, and surprisingly, a cupboard section filled up
with inhalers; another filled up with red ribbons. I didn’t want to think of
why he kept that many inhalers there because if I did, that illegal tingly
feeling in my stomach would resurface, and my cheeks would go red.
The door opened, and Kian came in, I immediately cleared my throat
and straightened my hand on my cloth— Fuck! I am still in his white polo
that stopped under my ass. I was basically half-naked.
He stepped in, three pizza boxes in his hands, his gaze went from my
thigh up to my face.
“Close your eyes. If anyone looks at Elsa, they wouldn’t leave these
walls alive.” Confusion filled me as I looked over at him. I understood
better when three men came in carrying more boxes of pizzas. Their hands
were loaded, the boxes were so tall that they nearly reached the roof, each
of them.
Kian immediately walked towards me and pulled off the jacket he
wore. I didn’t argue; he placed it over my arms, covering my body properly.
I took it from him and held onto it. “Who are they? Why are they here?” I
asked in a soft whisper. My eyes looked over at them and back to the pizza
They kept their eyes closed, and yet somehow, it felt like they still
knew exactly where the center table was and where to keep the boxes they
were with. They did and walked out, none of them doing as much as
blinking or trying to open their eyes. Were they so scared of Kian? You
were scared of him once.
The door shut behind them, and I mentally counted the pizza boxes.
“Are you having a party?” I looked over at him. He had opened the small
drawer in the room and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. It looked like there
was a stack there.
“I got them for you,” he responded, his eyes on the cigarette pack he
was holding, unboxing it. “Pepperoni flavor, your favorite. I also bought the
company in your name. The documents will be brought to you tomorrow;
you can get as many as you want every day.”
My eyes widened, and I looked back to the table filled up with large-
sized pizza boxes. My stomach did that thing again, the thing I hated so
much. “You freaking got 52 boxes of large-sized pepperoni pizza because I
said once that I liked it?”
“Would have been more, just didn’t want you to get sick from eating
too much of it.” He held a stick of cigarette in between his index finger,
trailing it.
I instantly made a mental note to never tell Gianna about this. She’d tell
her book group readers again.
“Kian, you didn't hear what I said back there. I stopped because of the
calories... “ I sighed, my eyes going over the boxes again. “My mother had
stopped me from eating them when I was nine. She said it was going to
make me gain fat.”
“Oh I heard, clearly. I just do not care about the calories, Kitten.” He
had crossed his arms, relaxing on the drawer next to him. His eyes and
attention fully on me. His jacket on me made me shiver, and not even from
the cold; it scented like him, masculine with a hint of… strawberry that was
my signature scent. A hint of me.
“Yes, but I have to watch the calories to be in shape and stay healthy.” I
walked over to the table; my stomach did a little noise. I couldn’t eat the
food Kian had prepared because it was cold before we finished talking. And
somehow, he knew I hated microwaved dishes.
“I'd still like you even if you add a million calories, Kitten. But if it
worries you so much, you can burn it by riding my dick.”
“Oh.” Like? He liked me? A hiccup I didn’t see coming escaped my
throat, and I instantly slapped my hand over my lips, looking at him; he was
laughing already. It looked… Genuine. It made me smile, and not just my
lips, my entire being. This was the first time I’ve seen him smile… it was
beautiful, it was a sight I wanted to see more.
He took out a lighter from his pocket and put it under the cigarette he
held; I picked up a box from the stack that had formed a mountain on the
center table. It had a label of extra cheese on it; I opened the box. It looked
so good; the last time I tried to eat pizza, I ended up giving it to Kian. Just
as I was about to take a bite, my nose felt filled up with smoke. I coughed
and looked up to him, “Put that away; it affects…” Another cough came
unannounced. “It affects me.”
He had a worried expression on his face; he had started smoking the
stick he had brought out; he instantly tugged it away.
“Sorry.” He muttered.

Hours had passed; Kian was in the bathroom. I could hear the running
water from the bathroom; shivers appeared on my skin. I had texted Gianna
that I wouldn’t come home tonight, and you could already guess the first
thing she said in her response.
<< I know you already can’t breathe, but please do not let him take
your remaining breath. I’d go buy us party tickets, Have fuck… sorry, Fun.
I rolled my eyes, focusing on the pictures I had found on my phone
from years ago. I needed inspiration for drawing, and the pizza boxes Kian
brought did the trick. After years, I was finally starting to draw something
that actually made sense. Being with Kian gave me the inspiration I needed;
for the first time in forever, I was actually drawing something I was proud
The shower sound stopped, and the bathroom door opened; I was
sitting on the bed already, a blanket over my thighs. He stepped out of the
bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, showing the line
of where his dick muscles began. I looked up at his body slowly; water was
still dripping from it. The abs were strong and in place; his hands were up
on his head, cleaning the water off it. My eyes went back to his body, and
𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲! I wanted this man; I wanted him so bad.
“Eyes up here, Kitten.” His voice was deep, sounding like a growl, a
knowing smirk at the corner of his lips as I met his eyes. He knew I was
checking him out. 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤.
I cleared my throat and dragged my attention back to my MacBook and
pen, scribbling all sorts of nonsense on a blank page. My brain wouldn't
recover from a sight like that so easily.
“If you want to be fucked by me, all you have to do is ask, Elsa.” He
walked to the vanity.
“I do not!” I screamed at him, his back facing me. “I just wanted to ask
where I was going to sleep tonight.”
“Next to me, on that bed.” He didn’t turn back to me, roughing his hair
like he was rubbing something on it, the smell of strawberry hair cream
filling the room.
“But what if I want a bed of mine.”
“You are sleeping with me tonight, Kitten.” He didn’t leave room for
arguments; I rolled my eyes and focused back on my drawing. After
combining his hair, he came back to the bed, he wore a black round neck
top and grey pants before laying next to me. His bed was big enough for us.
I shifted to the far end of the bed, far away from him.
Minutes later, after the first drawing for my submission was done, I
dropped my Mac and pen on the table. I could only eat three cartons out of
52; I made sure Kian did something about the rest. I laid far away from him,
covering myself with the long duvet. Kian laid down twenty minutes ago; I
guessed he was asleep already.
“Come here, Elsa.” He ordered in a soft, sleepy voice, sounding tired.
He was probably already tucked in.
“Are you good to force me to sleep next to you too?” I shifted further
away from him.
“No...” he mumbled. “But you’d watch that pretty mouth of yours
before I fuck it, because if I come to get you myself, I might fuck you with
your eyes and mouth tied.”
The image of his threat formed in my head, and a messed-up part of me
wanted to stay away and test him, to see what he’d do. But I slowly pulled
myself to him.
“Mhhh.” His voice was soft and sensual as he wrapped his arm around
my stomach and pulled me more into himself. “Good girl.”
His hand on my stomach kept drawing circles on it, slowly. It felt...
“You’ll be the ruin of me, Won’t you, Elsa?” He sounded like he was
in-between the dreamland and reality.
“Yes.” I took in a deep breath. “Does that scare you?”
He didn’t respond at first. Minutes had passed, and it seemed like he
had finally fallen asleep with the way his breathing seemed less forced and
more natural on a side of my neck. “Yes.”
It sounded faint, and I was falling asleep too, but I heard it, clearly.

The sound of struggling and whimpers filled the air; fear gripped my
chest as my eyes went open. The first thing I sighted was the clock on the
table. 3:48 AM.
I tried to turn over; the sound was coming from Kian. His hand was still
wrapped around my waist tightly. I slowly took it away before facing him;
the room was cold but sweat beads formed on his forehead. His face looked
like he was struggling; he was having a nightmare, and he was burning up.
I immediately rushed to the bathroom and took out one of the face
towels that were hanged. I turned on the cold water, soaking it up and
putting extra water into a small bowl. I went to the bedroom where he laid;
his fever was getting worse. I squeezed excess water out of the towel and
placed it on his forehead to calm his fever. Aunt Tiana taught me this trick
and did it on me whenever I had a fever. “Hazel.” He muttered, and I wasn’t
sure if it was sweat, but a liquid ran down his high cheekbone from his eyes
and down the pillow.
I laid back on the bed next to him and brought his head to my chest, the
towel still on it. My hand went to his back over his black round neck top,
and I began rubbing it slowly. He was heavy on me, but I didn’t care; I
wanted him to be fine.
“What are you doing?” He asked with a sharp tone, awake.
“Aunt Tiana does it a lot for me when I have nightmares and can't
sleep; it'd hel—“ my voice had a bit of a shiver to it. No matter what
messed up things I was feeling for Kian, the traumatized part of me still
feared him.
“Nothing can help me, Elsa; it's been years I've been like this for.”
Although he didn’t get off me, it was obvious he was about to.
“Just lay on me.” I urged, my hand still going up and down his back,
and the towel still on his forehead.
“Fine.” I felt his body relax more, and the tension was no longer there.
He closed his eyes back, as though trusting me.
I remembered the song I always had on repeat whenever I had a
nightmare. I took in a deep breath before starting in a very slow and low
voice, still rubbing his back softly. “I see your monsters… I see your pain.
Tell me your problems; I'll chase them away, I’ll be your lighthouse, I’ll
make it okay. When I see your monsters, I’ll stand there so brave and chase
them all away…”
Within hours of singing the same lines on repeat, he let out a deep
breath, and it felt like he was sleeping. I didn’t stop; whatever I was doing
was working, calming him.
I traced his jawline as he slept, my heart fluttering as a small smile
graced his lips. I felt as though I could live in this moment forever; the
moment between my finger brushing his skin and the smile appearing. It
was soft and simple, but it felt like everything. In that moment, I felt
beautiful. Not because I actually was, but because even while he was
asleep, my touch and presence could cause a smile, and that was more than
enough for me.
<<Two hours later>>
“Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away, I’ll be your lighthouse,
I’ll make it okay. When I see your monsters, I’ll stand there so brave and
chase them all away.”
I felt my consciousness leave me; I was too tired to keep my eyes open.
Sleep took over.

My eyes opened; I looked around, and everywhere was bright already.

My eyes had gone to the alarm clock. 10:02 AM.
I stood up from the bed slowly; Kian was still sleeping, deep in it, and
he looked peaceful. Like a newborn baby, like my Mickey Mouse.

Five hours had passed, and Kian wasn’t awake. He was breathing, so I was
sure nothing bad happened to him. I sat on the vanity and watched him; I’ve
always wanted to do this for whoever my boyfriend was. Kian turned,
waking up. He slept for 16 hours.
Chapter Forty-seven

<< ELSA >>

“No, not that one either,” she sighed, looking over at the clothes on the
bed and my now empty wardrobe.
“Maybe I could just go with panties and a bra.” Frustration filled me
up. I fell on the bed tiredly; I was supposed to meet up with Kian today for
inspiration in my drawing. The F.A meeting and interview was in two
months, and being with him last week gave me inspiration, sadly.
“I doubt he’d complain; heck, he’d kill everyone that looks at you
naked, intentionally or not.” G had her hands on her chest, her eyes smiling
and shining brightly. As always, I told Gianna about what happened. Not
like she’d let me live if I didn’t tell her.
“It was just a one-time thing, and I wasn’t even naked. You're really
going to torment me with now?” I raised a brow, squinting my eyes at her.
She still had a smile on her face, but her attention was on the bed, going
through the clothes I had. “The group wants a picture of Kian.”
“The group… Oh, you mean your readers group.” She nodded. I didn’t
tell her about Hazel; that was personal, and Kian trusted me with that
information. I didn’t want to believe I was the only person in his life that
knew about it, but it seemed that way.
“Come here, Elsa.” Gianna made her voice sound deep, trying to
imitate Kian, and the memory of that night came back to my head. My
stomach did that butterflies thing it usually did. Fuck.
“You’re a lost cause.” I rolled my eyes at her, but the way she stared at
my face in shock, I instantly wondered if I had a spider on my hair.
“Your cheeks.” She pointed at her own, but she was still looking at
mine. “They are red. Are you blushing? Did Elsa Reed just blush at
something Kian said?”
“What? No!” I stood up and ran to the mirror; she was right, my cheeks
were red. I went back to the bed and sat opposite her. “I’m just hungry,
that’s all. Besides, I’ve been drawing all day.”
Gianna’s face still showed she wasn’t buying whatever I was saying.
“Do you like him?” She asks, her gaze going soft. I barely saw this side of
I took in a deep breath. “I don’t want to.”
“But you do?”
“I do.”
A horn jerked us from our conversation; only me, anyway. Gianna still
had her eyes on me. It looked both sad and happy.
“He is here; I have to go.” I picked up the polka-dot gown that stopped
at my mid-thigh and showed the top of my breast, including the tattoo.
Since I got it, this was the first time I was confidently showing it. I didn’t
like how I got it, but there was nothing to be done than accept it.
Taking one last look at the mirror, I grabbed my purse and sprinted
outside. A white, clean car that looked like it just got dropped to earth was
outside. The windows were tinted, but I already knew who was in there. My
stomach twisted again, and I felt my cheeks begin to get red. I had no idea
how, but I had a feeling he was looking at me, intently, every part of me. He
didn’t mention exactly where we were going, but he said it was going to
help with the inspiration I needed. Kian and I spoke every day since then,
on the phone and sometimes chatting. It was weird, considering the fact that
I was an expert in blocking every number he used in messaging me in the
past. Gianna didn’t just realize I liked him from what I told her after I got
back; my mood throughout the week and during class was better. Although
Lucas had been sending love messages all week, and I knew I had to act in
accordance with him or, at least, not provoke him until I’ve found a way to
delete the nude from everywhere they were. Knowing Lucas, he would have
put it on his laptop and on his phone, then created another copy into a flash
to be hidden in the side of his laptop bag.
I had entered the passenger side of the car; Kian was looking at me
now. He didn’t even try to hide his expression. When has Kian ever hidden
anything? He had a soft smile at the corner of his lips. “You look
gorgeous,” he said, pulling the car handle to drive instead of park. He wore
a black jacket and a white round neck polo inside with black trousers, and
of course, the wristwatch that could buy more than half of Washington and
still have a significant amount left.
“Careful…” I mumbled, dragging the seat belt and pulling it over my
“What?” He raised a brow, but his focus was still on the road. He was
out of our driveway and was on the main road now.
“Your smile. You look like you’re about to fall in love.”
“Talk about medicine after death.” He scoffed, turning into a street; my
eyes widened with the realization of what he meant. “Too late, Kitten.”
He loved me? But he… How is it… My heart was drumming against
my chest, and like the past few weeks, it wasn’t from fear. “I don’t
understand…” I understood; I did deeply. Maybe I just wanted to hear him
say it. The past few weeks has been a roller coaster for both of us. Before, I
had no idea anything could happen between us, but from Halloween night
when he paused whatever plans he had because I was injured, I knew
something shifted in me. Maybe it didn’t show earlier to him and me, but
something changed in both of us.
“I arrived at loving you slowly. I've never believed in falling head over
heels instantly. No, with loving you, it took its time. I studied every facet of
your being and not to fall in love with you, no, it was because I was
obsessed with you. The slow way your chest moved up and down as you
slept. You are the road less traveled, and here I am. I didn't drive in. I
walked here. Slowly and without knowing. I didn't plan this, but I guess
while stalking and being obsessed with you, I dug too deep and found a soul
so beautiful that loving you was the only choice. I grounded myself in you.
This took time. The roots are so deep now that I want to kill everyone that
has ever said a word to you, before and after me.”
My chest felt warm. Everything I knew, every word I learned,
everything he had done, I begged them so bad to come back to the surface,
to remind me that this could never be real. They didn’t, and I said the only
thing that came up to my mind at that moment. “Oh.”
“We are here.” He said after checking his phone. He drove his car into a
driveway of the street; the place was a street, not filled up with too many
people, but people could be seen. There was a bookstore by the corner, a
cover shop opposite, a food tray next to the bookstore; it was lively. He
stepped down from the car, and I took in a breath I didn’t even realize I was
holding . My side of the car opened, and he was holding it out for me. He
didn’t look like he just shared an intimate moment with me. My eyes met
his, and I took it off immediately, stepping down from the car and clearing
my throat.
He walked in front, and I followed behind him. There was a yogurt
shop in front; he was heading there. “How do you know I love yogurt?” I
raised a brow to him.
“I know everything about you, Kitten.” He winked.
“And I know nothing about you.”
“You never asked.”
“I’m asking now. What’s your full name, where are you from...”
“Kian Slater. I’m from Ireland, I’m Irish American.” We were still
walking past the streets; I followed him closely. Slater, his last name was
Slater, Kian Slater.
“What’s your favorite food?”
“My favorite food is your pussy, Kitten.”
My cheeks heated up, but I covered it up by rolling my eyes. “I’m
being serious, Kian.”
“I’m being honest too. What else do you want to know?”
“Your favorite song?”
“I see your monsters, in Elsa’s voice.” He looked at me softly before
staring back at the road. I thought he was fast asleep.
“You heard me? I thought you were…”
“Asleep? I was. Your voice played on repeat in my head and dream.”
He looked over at the shop beside us before entering; it was the yogurt shop
we had sighted before.
“Do not buy me 500 cups, please Kian, I beg of you.” I glared at him.
He made me sign the company documents, and I made sure they produced
extra pizzas every day and gave it to the orphanages. Those kids there
needed it more than I did.
“Understood, Kitten.” A soft smile appeared on his lips. He walked into
the store, motioning for me to wait. After some seconds, he came outside
again with two cups of yogurts and a spoon. He gave one to me and took
the other.
“What's your favorite color?”
“Red.” He responded immediately.
“You're only saying red because I like red, what's the color that you like
because of you.”
“Red.” He took more spoons of the frozen yogurt and bumped his
shoulder softly in an annoyed manner.
“You like red, I liked it instantly because you liked it, and now, no other
color comes to my mind”
His face kept squeezing with each spoon that went into his mouth. We
were still walking further, and I understood why he didn't take his car; this
place was filled with people, and a car would never comfortably pass here.
“You don't look like you're enjoying that; your face isn't even trying to
hide it.” A small laugh escaped my lips.
“It tastes like you're sucking milk from a cow's breast, which is
disgusting...” he took another full spoon into his mouth. “But you like it, so
my tongue must learn to like it too.”
“You know you don't have to force yourself to take it if you don't like it
because of me.”
“My world has revolved around you for years, Kitten. If you like it, I
like it. If you enjoy it, I enjoy it. If you hate it, I hate it.”
I wanted to protest, but it didn’t exactly look like he gave space for it.
He stopped walking when he reached a table that a man and a woman sat
together; the chair opposite them was empty. It was an ice cream shop. “We
are here.” Kian stated, his gaze on the table we were close to but still
maintained a distance. The man on the table had a scar on the right side of
his face and stubble beards, just like Kian’s. He had black hair and was
smiling at something the woman next to him said. His attention was exactly
on her face, her lips, and everything about her. It was obvious he was in
love with her, deeply. He wore a black shirt that had open buttons to his
chest region. The woman beside him had light brown hair, and she was
turning to him, so I couldn’t see too much of her facial features. “James
Caleb and Vivian Reilly.” Kian said when he noticed I was still staring at
them. “We are here to meet them.”
Chapter Forty-eight

<< ELSA >>

The name sounded familiar, I know it did, Gianna mentioned it times
without numbers, I didn’t say anything as Kian led me up to the table they
sat, They stopped talking and focused on us, Kian took out a chair for me,
urging me to sit and he did same, James nodded slowly to him and he
nodded back, must be a way of acknowledging each other, Vivian had her
hands straightened towards me. “Hello, Elsa, I’m Vivian.” She smiled
happily, I sat directly infront of her and James sat directly opposite Kian,
She knew my name too, how… I took her hand and offered a smile,
Kian grabbed my hand from under the table and did a little squeeze before
standing up with James and strolling away, I was left with Vivian.
“Permit me to ask, are you James and Vivan from Haunting Shadows?”
She had a bright smile as she nodded. “Fuck, My best friend reads alot
about you, but how? Isn’t it supposed to be fictional?”
She laughed, it was soft and genuine. “It is, or rather everyone thinks it
is.” She looked in James direction and although he was still talking to Kian,
he was looking at her at that exact time and they exchanged smiles, my
heart warmed for them. “James and I are very real, we were written about.”
She looked at his direction again.
“You really are in love with him.” I found myself smiling without
“He is the best man anyone can ask for.” Her attention went back to
me. “Enough about us, what about you and him? Kian, Right?”
I nodded. “What do you think they are talking about?”
“I’d assume if you have gotten this far with him then you’d know
everything about what he is. So probably what warehouses to attack next.”
“Oh… I see.” Kian and James were the same height, they looked so
serious and focused on whatever they were discussing, Gianna was going to
freak out if I told her James and Vivian were actually real.
“He loves you.” Vivian said, grabbing my attention back to her, Shock
all over my face, she looked back at Kian and then at me.
“What?” Surprise filled my features.
“Kian, he loves you, it’s quite obvious, he looks at you like he just
realized what love is, He stares at you every time you look away.” My
cheeks felt hot and when she realised, she laughed.
“But he has done bad things to me… things I don’t think I can forgive,
and considering the kind of genre Gianna reads, I’m guessing James has
done a lot worse.”
“I’m a writer darling, I see the way you look at him too, forgiveness is
the last thing on your mind, you deny it but truth is, you’re falling in love
with him as well. But you ask yourself the same question I asked myself for
months, Why him? After all he has done.” My eyes darted to the direction
where they stood and this time, I saw him, Kian was looking at me already
before I looked, he looks at you everytime you look away.
Butterflies appeared in my stomach and I turned back to Vivian who
already had a smile on her face, a vanilla flavored ice cream cup was
brought to her from inside the store we were sitting outside of.
“I still ask myself that now but I think I know the answer, He caused
me the most pain and yet he is the only one that makes me feel truly alive,
that makes me want to drop every dead weight and do whatever it takes to
be happy.”
“You have your answer then.” She took a spoon of the ice-cream and
filled her mouth with it.
“By chance, do you think James knows someone who can hack? I
really need to hack into someone’s computer.” My face had gone serious, I
had asked Lucas to meet up with me and to bring all evidence that he
actually had my sex tape, Lucas was stupid and had a brain the size of his
penis so I already knew he’d fall for it.
“Let me guess, you don’t want Kian to know about it do you?” I shook
my head and she picked up her phone and typed out some things before
showing me her screen, it had a number there. “Call this number, He can
I nodded. “Thank you, do you want to go for a walk? These guys are
talking for like… forever.” I sighed before sending a text to Kian, telling
him we were going for a walk.
She stood up and we walked together, she was fun and I liked her, the
fact that if I told Gianna I met her fictional character, she was going to go
insane and keep saying I get to have all the good things while she’s stuck in
a book.
“James loves red balloons, he cosplayed as Pennywise during
halloween.” She admired the little boy that held 5 balloons in his hand as
we turned to an empty street.
I got chased by animals for Halloween.
“They are—“ I shrieked as a felt a hard hand slap my ass then giggles ,
I turned immediately, Vivian with me. A man with a polo and a bottle of
alcohol looked up at me, we were in a lonely street so no one else was here.
“Nice ass you’ve got there.” His eyes back to my gown, anger filled me
“You are going to pay for that.” Vivan screamed before punching the
man, he dodged it and tried to grope her, she instantly pulled a gun from
behind her long boots and shot his right leg, he fell on the ground screaming
and cursing.
“What happened? Are you okay?” Kian’s worried voice filled the air as
he rushed towards me, holding my arms and checking my body with
intensity. My eyes went to Vivian, James was doing same for her.
I nodded to Kian. “I’m fine, he…” I pointed to the man who was still
holding his leg.
“He touched Elsa in an werid way and I shot him.” Vivian explained
and the way Kian’s brow’s squinted, I instantly felt pity for the man.
“I’ll handle him.” Kian said, his fists folded as he walked towards the
man and dragged him by his collar before turning to me, James was already
urging Vivian to go with him. Vivian gave me one last sorry look before
leaving, I was left with Kian and the man Kian held angrily by his collar
who was still obviously in pain. “Which hand did he touch you with?” Kian
asked, his voice deep and screaming danger.
“He… he was drunk, it wasn’t his fault, please Kian.” I pleaded, my
heart already feeling heavy as the fear of what Kian intended to do to him
filled me up.
“What. hand. did. he. touch. you. with?” His voice this time left no
space for arguments.
“Left.” I gulped and he looked at the man’s left hand before looking
back at me, he tugged out a car key from his back pocket and gave it to me.
“Wait in the car for me.” I was about to protest and beg on the guys
behalf again but I could feel the heat of Kian’s anger so I obeyed and I left
I had no ideas what plans Kian had for the man but I was sure as hell
they were not good.
<< KIAN >>
I held myself from destroying the man right there right then, a sight of
what I wanted to do to him would have traumatized Elsa for years and now
I was alone with him, it was game over. I had been talking to James about
the company of traffickers that kidnapped my sister fifteen years ago, he
had said he had some news and they were back in town using someone as
an informant.
I dragged the man and threw him across the wall, he hit his back and
screamed, no one would hear him, James and I only heard the gunshot
earlier because we were following the ladied closely, there was no way in
hell we’d let them go anywhere by themselves.
“You touched my Woman, and now, you’d burn.” I brought out a small
knife I always kept in my back pocket. His eyes widened.
“No, please… it was the alcohol, I swear it, I wasn’t thinking straight, I
I tied his right hand to a pole I had seen with a rope on the ground and
grabbed his left hand, I stabbed the knife in his palm hardly, he screamed,
the pain unbearable but this was just the beginning, I added more force to
the knife with all my energy until the knife came out on the other side of
hand, the back. He looked at his hand like he was seeing double, like the
alcohol was still at work.
“When you go to hell…” I held the extremely sharp knife handle and
dragged it forward with it still in his hand so it was now cutting his left
hand into two from the middle, “Ask the demons and other members there
who touched Elsa Reed exactly what happened to them and how they died.
You’d know I’m currently doing you a favor.”
I tore his cloth and folded it into his mouth, my other hand still
dragging the knife, until it was out of his hand and his palm was now
divided into two, I grabbed the two of them and tore it more with extreme
power, tearing more of his hand and into his wrist. He screamed and
screamed before he fainted, too bad even fainting can’t help him. The knife
was free from his palm now and I stabbed his trouser where his dick bulge
was and hopefully his dick too, his eyes went open, he looked at the palm of
his left hand that was now divided into two and the blood coming out from
his dick.
The screaming was muffled due to the cloth that covered his mouth.
“You’re lucky I can’t torture you as much as I want because my Woman is
waiting in the car, I can’t keep her waiting,” I took out the gun I kept in the
other side of my trouser and aimed it in-between his eyes, I would have
preferred lighting him on fire and letting him burn alive but I threw out all
my cigarettes after Elsa said it affected her, that was the last time I would
ever smoke. “Greet the devil in hell for me, would you?”
He shook his head as though begging for forgiveness but I am no saint
and I do not do forgiveness, especially when it comes to Elsa Reed. I shot
the gun and the bullet pierced the space between his two eyes, he dropped
dead on the ground, I still felt angry but meeting Elsa on time was far more
important to me than this bastard.
Chapter Forty-nine

<< ELSA >>

“He didn’t deserve whatever you did to him, he was drunk.” I glared at
him when he reached the front of my house.
“Do you hate me now?” He didn’t look remorseful, if anything, it felt
like he was angry he didn’t do enough. “Why don’t you come sit on my
thigh and tell me all about it Kitten, I’ll drill that hatred out of you, no one
touches my woman, Kitten.” I opened his car door angrily and shut it close.
This was the first time he spoke since we started the ride, I was more
angry at him, I had no idea what exactly Kian did to the man but he was
quiet all through the ride, like he was angry at me for begging on behalf his
He had dropped me off and although he didn’t leave till I was inside the
house, He still looked annoyed. I was supposed to be angry at him and not
the other way around.

“Go get dressed, the best way to get back at your man is by going with
other men and we are going to the club tonight.” Gianna stated, applying
more lipstick to her full lips over the vanity in our joint room.
“He is not my man.” I glared at her but started dressing up either way, I
needed the distraction, especially with the way it was with Kian, I thought I
liked him, it was something more than that, I felt sad because he was giving
me the silent treatment, I didn’t want to feel sad because of him.
“Anything you say, Mia cara.” She blew a kiss to me, I added more
mascara on my eye lashes, Gianna had specifically picked an outfit for me,
a short skirt that stopped by my hips and a crop top that barely hid anything.
I looked like a slut and I liked it, I was drinking madly tonight, maybe by
tomorrow my head would go back to normal and i’d go back to hating Kian.
“Ready?” Ginna smiled and I nodded

The bouncers looked over at me then Gianna and we brought out our
ID cards, he moved out of the way and we entered, the club was filled up,
booming music, hot men, and of course, the constant smell of alcohol. Just
how I want it.
“Let’s go get you drunk.” Gianna screamed grabbing my arm into the
crowd of people, they had Yeah 3X by Chris brown loud on the speaker,
people were jumping dancing and grinding, Gianna took me to the bar after
minutes of shaking it off on the dance floor,
“Two glasses.” She screamed to the bartender who had tattoos
“Coming right up.” He gave a thumps up before dishing them out and
pushing the cups to us, we both gulped it in one go, a lady walked up to
Gianna, she was obviously trying to flirt with her.
Gianna flirted with her back for a bit but when a tatooed man walked
past and took her eyes away, she looked bored. “Look, I know you love
pussy and all, I would never judge you for that, I honestly love my pussy
“Why do I feel like there's a but coming up?” The blonde girl with a
corset and tight skinny leggings rose a brow.
Gianna gave an apologetic smile, “But I love dick more, it's kind of
hard not to love dick, especially when it's pierced.” She made sure to
whisper the last word but made it in a way I would hear it, clearly. I pushed
her head and we both laughed.
We stood up and began to dance again, I felt someone masculine
behind me, he grabbed my waist in a sexy manner, I immediately wanted to
turn him down but ignored it, tonight was about getting over Kian, I would
not let anything come inbetween that. When I looked at the man, he had
blonde hair and he look hot, but not as hot as Kian.
“Elsa! He is here!” Gianna screamed, grabbing me from the guy that I
was dancing with, he looked angry but left with someone else.
“Who?” I asked, looking around until I saw him, he looked angry,
searching around the club, I instantly pulled Gianna to the ground so we
were both squatting. “Fuck! Do you think he saw us?”
“I have no idea, Shit, we are gonna die." Gianna’s face looked
“Now, I don't want to hear that negative attitude. Look on the bright
side!" I took in a deep breath looking up a bit to see if he left already.
"Yay, we're gonna die! Wooo!" Gianna did like she was dancing and I
slapped my head across my face tiredly, we were both getting tipsy.
I turned to her, “Quick, what's our exit strategy?”
She quirked her brows in confusion. “Our what?”
My eyes widened. “Oh God, we're actually going to die.”
Chapter Fifty

<< ELSA >>

My heart was beating hard against my chest, how the fuck did he know
we were here? Was he still watching me? But I control the cameras now.
Long legs stepped in-front of me and I looked up slowly, Kian was
there, staring down at me with furrowed brows. I cleared my throat and
tapped on Gianna’s shoulder to tell her we were busted.
I stood up straight and straightened my skirt, “What…are you doing
here?” My voice was shaky but I tried to hide it and show more anger.
“Follow me.” He ordered, his face void of emotions, I turned to look at
Gianna but her eyes said the same thing, I couldn’t say no to Kian, not at
this moment when he looked angry and murderous, Kian might be in-love
with me but he was still Kian, he might have tied bombs all over this
building, just waiting for me to defy him and he’d set it off.
I took in a deep breath and walked with him till we were outside the
club, I could see the white car we had used earlier today parked in a corner.
“You didn’t answer me, what are you doing here?” I stoped walking
when we got beside his car, his back was turned to me.
“Get into the car, Elsa.” He opened the passenger seat for me. “You’re
in enough trouble as it is.”
“Or what? You’re going to tie me up and force me into your car?” I
screamed, not only because of the loudness of the club music but because I
wanted to, he wasn’t supposed to the kill the man back there, he had no
right to.
“Look around you, Kitten. Do you really want the blood of hundreds of
people on your hands? Maybe I’d fuck you in their blood too.” His brows
came down in a frown, I fisted my hand.
“Fuck you.” I gave him the middle finger before walking into the seat
he held the door open to, I was drunk, I had more than enough to drink and
now I was doing crazy things.
He didn’t say anything but he was in the drivers side of the car within
seconds, the car began moving, I couldn’t count the number of times my
head rolled left and right but each time, Kian blocked it from hitting
anything crucial that could cause pain.
“Do not touch me.” I pushed his hand away from my face in a drunk
way. But immediately my head bounced back again and his hand blocked it.
“God help me, Elsa… stop fucking fighting and just be still.” He
sounded frustrated.
“Why do keep making things hard for me, why won’t you just be the
bitch you were to me, it makes things easier.” My stomach did a little
turning, God! Why did I have so much to take, he turned to me, his eyes
searching mine before going back to the road.
“It makes what easier?” He asked, his voice low but still having the
hint of lingering anger. He had reached the mansion, if I was right, he was
inside now, but with my vision fluttering, it was really hard to tell, he turned
on something in a bottle, like a liquid.
“Hating you.” I took in a deep breath, trying to focus on the road but it
felt like there were four roads and I could swear there were two when
Gianna and I were coming. “I don’t want to have these tingy feelings
whenever you touch me, I don’t want to wish you are with me whenever
you are far away, I hate having them, I don’t want people to see you and I
and think I’m in love with you, that would mean I’d have to stop lying to
myself and embrace the truth that they are right and I’m actually head over
hill inlove with you, I don’t want to do that, I—“
His palm on my cheek had cut me off from what I was saying, turning
me to face him and before I could say Jack, his lips were on mine. Shock
filled my expression, he disengaged from the kiss, I was still dumbfounded,
he looked at my lips and back to my face, my heart kept beating in my
chest, it wasn’t from fear, it was a whole new different feeling, I held his
gaze and entwined my lips in his, the kiss was sensual, it was soft.. and then
he kissed me back, with all the power he could muster, making up for all the
weeks, days, minutes, seconds we had craved each others touch and denied
them, it didn’t feel like two horny people trying to make out, no, it felt…
different, it felt like it held so much power, like it entwined our hearts
together, like we were… soulmates. And finally, finally it felt like the world
was no longer burning around me.
I disengaged from the kiss but his eyes never left mine, he stared at me
like he was looking deep into my soul, like he knew me, because he did. I
had no control of what I was saying next but I knew I meant it, every. word.
of. it. “I love you, Kian.” The world around me felt different whenever he
was near, if that wasn’t love, I had no idea what it was. “I love you so much
and I can’t deny it anymore, Loving you feels illegal but then again, jail
might not be so bad afterall.”
He grabbed me by my throat but he didn't choke me. He lips were on
mine, he kissed me so deep I forgot whose air I was breathing.
He pulled away from the kiss but kept his hand on my chin. “You
probably won’t remember this tomorrow because you’re drunk, but.” He
took in a deep breath. “When I see you...the world, it… stops. And all that
exists for me is you, and my eyes staring at you. There's nothing else. No
noise, no other people, no worries. world just stops and it's a beautiful place
and there's only you. Just you. And my eyes staring at you. When you're
gone the world… it starts again, and I don't like it as much. I can live in it,
but I don't like it. I just walk around in it, and wait to see you again, and
wait for it to stop again. I love it when it stops. It's the best thing I've ever
known or felt. And that is why I stare at you, so yes, I fucking love you,
Kitten. I love you so much that it hurts but do you know what is more
special? The fact that I’m going to love you till my lungs give up and it will
just be me and you till we get old.”
“Kian…” A small smile appeared at the corner of my lips, like my
insides were not tearing at themselves right now.
“Are you aware you just sold your soul to the devil, Elsa? Running
doesn’t matter anymore.” He tugged a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
“I’ll hunt you down for eternity if I have to.”
I chuckled before nodding. “I’m done running.” I was drunk, how the
hell was I still saying meaningful stuffs? Or was I just not as drunk as I
thought I was?
I relaxed back on my seat, Kian did too, he pressed a button and our
chairs relaxed back till they felt like beds and the top of the car slid opened
slowly, showing the stars.
“You drew about stars alot, they even got the attention of F.A Comics.”
He said, looking up at them, I knew the stars wasn’t what got their
attention, Kian did, it was obvious, everyone would do whatever it took to
please him so I was going to make my debut drawing worth it, it was in
Two months and I was done with my drawing, I just wasn’t sure if it was
good enough. Being with Kian changed me a lot these last few weeks, more
than I could say.
“I tried counting them when I was ten, to prove people wrong whenever
they said they were uncountable.” I laughed. “It was actually pointless
counting them, they were indeed endless.”
I felt his eyes on me. “It’s also pointless to count birth marks but I
know you have eight,” He stated and I turned my face to him, my vision
was clearer, there was some perfume looking thing in Kian’s car that looked
like an air freshener, I felt like it helped in someway with my drunk state.
“Two on the edge of your right hand, two under your breasts, one on your
thighs, one at the back of your right ear, one on the back of your leg and one
near your belly button."
I was speechless, I’ve never had anyone paying attention to me or
remembering small details about me, not just my favorite pant color and
what position I liked in bed, more like, what food made me allergic, what
food gave me inspiration, how many birthmarks I had, things no one in this
world would remember about others, but Kian did, he remembered it all,
and that made him special.
Chapter Fifty-one

<< ELSA >>

It felt weird, we had just confessed our feelings for each other on the
night I was so scared hundreds of people were going to die because I snuck
out, we were in his mansion now, his room to be precise, he came in behind
me, holding two glasses of water that were filled up to the brim, I had no
idea what they were for, he carefully dropped them on the vanity and turned
to me,
“What are we?” I asked, rubbing my arms slowly. “I mean, after
tonight, everything changes.”
He crossed his arm and his gaze went to the short stuff I wore to the
club, he furrowed his brow like he remembered something he didn’t exactly
like before it went back to normal. “You’ve always been my woman, Kitten,
you always have been and you always will be”
“Why were you at the club?” I walked to the bed and sat down. “You
don’t come off as a club person to me.”
“My eyes are on you, Always.” He walked closer to me, goosebumps
were back on my skin. “And for your punishment for sneaking out tonight
and letting that man touch you…”
I gulped, raising a brow to him. “You’re going to ruin tonight for both
of us with your threats again?”
“Far from ruin, I’m not going to ruin the night, Kitten, I’m going to
ruin you.” The anger on his face was now visible, I knew letting that man
touch me was a bad idea.
“Kian…” I called out softly standing up from the bed and rubbing my
arms, my attention was on the ground.
“Do you know how angry I felt seeing him touch you and seeing you
let him?” He picked up the two glasses and walked towards me slowly, his
eyes never leaving mine but making sure no drop poured. “I wanted to take
you out of there and bomb the club, I was this close to going for his family
members next, one by one.”
I gulped moving backwards till my back hit the wall, each step I took
he strode forward to me. Someone would think Kian telling me about his
feelings would mean he had changed but I knew better than that and yet, a
fucked up part of me still loved him, wanted him even.
“I didn’t mean to.. I was mad at you for killing that man and I—“
“The club man has been captured and is currently being held captive.”
My body stiffened, fear evident in my eyes. “Him dying or not dying
tonight solely depends on you, Kitten.”
“Wh.. What do you mean?” My voice was shaking, heck, I didn’t even
know what the man looked like. He handed the cups over to me and
although I didn’t want to take it from him, it was forced into my hand.
“What do you think you’re doing?” My eyes stared up at his in fear.
“I’m going to fuck you from behind, and your only support will be
these two glasses of water in your hands.” I looked at the glasses that were
filled to the brim and stared back up to him, my heart was beating again. “If
even a drop from those cups go down, I’d kill him, in the most brutal way
you can think of.”
“Please no… he didn’t do anything wrong.” I tried plead with him but
knowing Kian, it was obvious he had made up his mind already. “Why not
just punish me instead.”
He turned me over so I was backing him, his hand between my thighs,
slapping them apart. I had to separate them for him, the short skirt lines
digging into my thighs. “I am punishing you already, Kitten. Punishment
and Pleasure in equal measures.” My hands that held the glass cup was
shivering, I felt his hand pull up my skirt till it was on my waist, a hard slap
on my ass on top of my panties made me quiver, the rate of my heart beat
increasing again. “If the water doesn’t drop, I’d beat him but make sure he
doesn’t die.”
“This isn’t fair.” I screamed to him from the side of my face “It wasn’t
his fault, why are you doing this?”
“I need you to know the fate of every man that as much as touches you,
either with your consent or not.” His hand went to my pantie and in one tug,
he tore it, cold air hit my bare pussy causing me to shiver, I heard the
rattling of his belt before the sound of it dropping to the ground came.
“Hold tight, Kitten, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” And that was the
only warning I was given before I felt his dick and the piercing in my
entrance from behind before he slammed it in, a scream erupted from my
throat as I held onto the glass like it was my only form of support, it
actually was.
“You’re so fucking soaked already,” he gripped my hair and pulled it
back so my head was on his chest. “So ready for me.”
He pulled out a bit and slammed back in, I was already filled up, I
could feel the coldness of the piercing of his dick deep inside me. “I’m …
I’m not wet for you.” I tried to force the words out.
The water was still stable in my hands even though my head was
already spinning backwards from the pleasure his dick going in and out of
me was bringing.
“Mhhh.” He mumbled before grabbing my waist and lifting it up a bit,
slamming from behind me with my waist so close to him, I bit back a moan,
he was going in and out, there was pain from his piercings and pleasure, the
water, the effect of him grabbing my waist made the water quiver but it
didn’t pour. “Do you still want to deny being wet for me?”
“Oh God..” I moaned out, I couldn’t hold it back, his rhythm had gone
faster than before, I could feel him everywhere, my stomach, my insides
were burning up, It felt like the world was coming to an end.
“You drew about stars a lot as a kid, I made you see them, what makes
you think I won’t make you see the whole galaxy in one night if I want you
“Kian…” I moaned, my head going overboard.
“Would you ever let anyone else touch you, Kitten?” He asked but I
was too far gone to hear a word he said, his next push was violent and with
force, like wanted it to hurt me, his piercing scrapped my walls causing me
to jerk backwards. The water poured, more than half. “Answer me!” He
ordered, taking a fist full of my hair and dragging it backwards hardly,
giving his dick inside me another dept.
I had fucked up and the man was going to die. “No!” I screamed. “I
won’t, I promise, please don’t… don’t kill him.”
Kian must have noticed the water had dropped, he instantly grabbed my
neck and turned me around so I was facing him, he jammed my back on the
wall making me drop the glass cups and they fell on the ground, they
shattered. He hurled me up from my waist so my legs were no longer on the
ground and he wrapped them
Over his waist, like he didn’t want the shattered glass on the ground to
hurt me.
His dick was inside me again, my back against the wall, my legs over
his waist, he kept going in and out of me, his dick having a new depth, he
didn’t slow down, there was no remorse, his piercing scraping against my
insides and causing me to shiver as the pleasure eluded my body.
“I’m about to… Kian, I…” I screamed, unable to hold it in and it
looked like he was about to cum too, he grabbed my neck roughly and
brought my neck closer to him, his lips were on mine in an aggressive and
hot kiss, his dick still slamming in and out of me, my hand was on his neck.
“Cum for me, Kitten.” He ordered in a whisper mumbling into my
mouth and just like my body heard it’s master, it obeyed, I felt like I was
dying of pleasure as my nails scratched his back, I hugged him tightly, he
had released too, at the same time inside of me, our breaths filled the room
and when I looked down, there were footsteps covered with blood, the glass
had injured him but he didn’t seem hurt by it.
Chapter Fifty-two

<< ELSA >>

Days had passed and Kian and I were doing well, my life wasn’t
miserable anymore, I was going to classes but I still had an annoying ex I
had to take care of, I got a device that could help me retrieve the video from
Lucas phone and I was ready to meet him, I told him I had something to tell
him and knowing Lucas, he was stupid enough to believe me, I sighted him
coming to where I stood in the alleyway, I took a taser incase he tried
anything funny.
“Are you finally ready to accept my offer, El?” He asked, holding his
laptop bag in his hand.
“That depends, are you with everything that has to do with the video?”
I looked at the bag he was carrying and back at his face, he had snapped the
video into bits to keep as pictures.
“Yes, so how is it going to be Elsa?” He walked up to me slowly and
my hand in my pocket held my teaser tightly.
“How is what going to be?” I rose a brow to him in a disgusted manner
and he stepped closer to me and held my waist, I instantly brought out my
taser to attack him with it but just like he knew what I wanted to do, he hit it
down before holding my neck and slamming me into the wall.
“Let me go, you disgusting piece of shit!” I screamed, trying to pull his
hand from my neck but he laughed as he reached for the jean trouser I wore.
“When last did we fuck, El? I miss your pretty pussy around my dic—“
A shrieking sound erupted from his throat as he held his neck, blood
gushing out of his mouth he was shot inside his mouth, Kian walked into
the alleyway, still pointing the gun on Lucas, my heart was beating as I
stared at him, Lucas was on the ground, I had no idea if he was breathing or
not but what I knew was that I was in trouble, deep trouble.
“How long has it been since he contacted you?” Kian had brought
down his gun and he turned to me, anger evident in his voice and face.
“I…. Kian, I’m…” I was shaking without even knowing it, my eye met
his sky blue ones that looked like evil and sin, no, wrong, it looked like he
was the devil himself.
“How. Long. Has. It. Been.” Kian was burning up now.
“Two weeks, he was threatening me with our se.. sex video and you
were going to kill him, I didn’t…”
He looked like a volcano that was about to erupt.
He pointed to the exit, his fists folded together, “Leave, I don’t want to
see you right now.” I was scared, I felt bad about not telling him, tears filled
my eyes.
“Kian, please…”
“Now! Frozen.” He ordered and I gulped before walking away, he only
called me Frozen when he was mad at me but I was sure of one thing, Lucas
just got the easiest death ever, especially coming for Kian.

"You did what!” Gianna screamed over the phone when I told her what
had happened with Kian. “Gurl, bye!”
“I didn’t mean to, he’s mad at me and I have no idea if going to
apologize for it is the right call.”
“Of course it is! You went there alone to face that lunatic, what if Kian
hadn’t showed up in time, what if something bad happened to you.” she
sounded genuinely scared for me, I took in a deep breath.
“I’m before his mansion, I’ll call you back.” Before she could make
more negative comments, I ended the call. I knew the passcode to his
mansion so it was easy going in.
I was in the elevator that led to his room, my heart beating so hard
against my chest like it was going to stop working.
The elevator stoped and I sighted his room door, I gave a subtle knock
before opening it, he was there, sitting on the chair in the room with his legs
crossed and a magazine in his hand.
“Kian…” I said softly when he didn’t bother looking up from the paper
he was with.
And just like he already knew who it was, he turned to the next page of
the magazine still not sparing me a glance. “Are you here to beg, Kitten?”
“ I… yes, I’m— “
“Get on your knees. “ He closed the paper and his focus was on me.
“What?” I blurted out in shook. “What do you mea—”
“The only apology I’d take from you is with you on your knees, naked
and your thighs widely separated for me. If that isn’t what you’re here for,
I took in a deep breath before removing the cargo skirt I wore and the
crop went off next. “Do you have any other requirements, Sir?” I stressed
the last word and I hoped it was sarcastic enough, he gave me a warning
“I want you stack naked, if my hands touch your underwears, I’d tear
them to shreds and burn them right infront if you.”
I took in a deep breath before obeying, I took off the underwear and I
was naked, just like he had ordered.
“Good. Now close your eyes.” He stood up from the chair he sat in and
I knew whatever was in his head to so wasn’t good and I wasn’t going to
like it but I obeyed, I was prepared.
I felt his hand on my leg and then a rope, it tightened around my ankle
and I winced in pain but I couldn’t open my eyes, he’d punish me for it.
“What the hell are you doing?” I screamed at him, the rope was tied to
my second ankle too.
“Open your eyes and see, Elsa.” He ordered and I did, immediately my
eyes went open, he pressed a button on a controller he was with and the
rope dragged me upwards my leg, I screamed trying to maintain stamina, I
was off the ground and upside-down. My legs were on top and my head
“What.. What are you—“ my words died down in my throat when I saw
what was on the table, Lucas’ head, it was casually kept on the table, his
mouth open and his eyes opened too, staring at me, blood and dirt all over
his face. “He is dead, why would you do this to him.” I cried out, it felt like
my world was upside down and my blood wasn’t flowing anymore.
“You’ve been having a lot of attitude lately, Kitten. I’m going to fuck it
out of your mouth, I’m going to fuck you hard and deep so you can know
who owns you and never think of pulling a stunt like that again.”
I gulped, fear filling me up, Kian removed his trouser, his dick was out,
pierced and already leaking with precum, The head of Lucas that was
staring at us make my body quiver, I hated to admit it but my pussy was
soaking up, When Kian said he was going to break me earlier, I found it
difficult understanding what he was saying but hating this and being wet
because of it were two different emotions and I was feeling them, both of
He came closer to me and slapped my checks with his dick. “Open up,
Kitten…” I gulped but obeyed, giving him entrance by opening my mouth,
without warning he plunged into it, fucking it mercilessly, his piercing
going over every inch of my mouth, filling it up.
He purposely pulled me closer by the rope that tied me, making the
tightness and pain on my ankle increase.
“I’m sorry… please… Kian…” I pleaded as tears came out from both
sides of my eyes, rolling from my eyebrow to my forehead, I needed to
breathe, I couldn’t breathe. He wasn’t giving me space to do anything, he
wanted to make sure I knew this was a punishment.
“I can’t brea—“ another push into my throat, I gagged but he didn’t
stop or slow down, I closed my eyes, each time I opened it, I was welcomed
by the bloodied head of my ex boyfriend.
I can't breathe.
"Kian…” it didn't sound whole, it sounded weird, and just when I
couldn’t feel any part of my body again, He slashed a knife on the rope,
cutting me loose, I fell but not on the ground, he caught me in time, I
coughed, trying to take in deep breathes, I felt something solid in my
mouth. An inhaler, Kian had put it there, I inhaled sharply like I had been
starved, Kian watched me, softly smoothing my hair.
Chapter Fifty-three

<< ELSA >>

One month had passed, it was May, 8th. Kian and I were doing good,
we went for dates, we fucked everywhere, I received the same threats from
Lucas but came every Friday, in the same AI style, knowing how robotic his
brain was, he must have programmed it that way before he died and now,
his phone just kept sending the texts every Friday until I blocked his
Aunt Tianna had called, it sounded urgent, she said she had something
to tell me and I was already feeling goosebumps on my skin, her voice
didn’t make it sound like a good thing.
I took in one last deep breath before turning the handle of her door,
Kian was behind me, he gave my hand a squeeze, he knew I was worried, I
felt like whatever Aunt Tiana wanted to say was going to cause a lot of
damage. We walked in, she was there, sitting on the chair, she stood up and
looked at both of us.
“Elsa…” her voice was low and it looked like she had been crying. I
rushed to her side, helping her to sit, Kian brought a chair out for me before
settling down in another.
“What’s going on?” I asked, curiosity filling my voice.
“I’m sorry… it wasn’t, i…” I wanted to touch her but Kian held me
back by dragging my arm, I looked at him in a confused way but he shook
his head, something was wrong, something wasn’t right, I didn’t know what
but something wasn’t right.
“Your mother, Elsa..”
“Did anything happen to her?” My eyebrows rose and she shook her
“Listen, Closely.” She took in a deep breath before continuing. “Your
asthma, Elsa, isn’t natural, I found some suspicious voice notes and I’ve
been tracking them for weeks.”
“You think someone someone had something to do with it?” My heart
was beating fast, my fists were folded, Kian must have noticed because he
slid his hands into mine, softly drawing circles on the inside, he did that
whenever I was nervous and it calmed me, always.
Aunt Tiana nodded, she opened the drawer of the table next to her,
bringing out some documents that looked old then giving them to me, “That
was the drug that was given to you when you were two for nutrition by your
mother. Sylthium is derived from the venom of a rare species of arachnid,
that is a drug specifically for wild animals and if given to a human…”
“They die,” Kian spoke up, stiffness in his voice. “Or in rare cases,
they’d develop difficulties in breathing, Just like Asthma but bigger than
that, it affects their entire body system.”
Aunt Tianna nodded, a tear slipping from her eye. My body was
shivering, shaking. “Do you think maybe… maybe mother didn’t know,
Tiana shook her head. “I thought that at first but then I dug deeper,
turned out that nine months before you were born, she was having an affair
with a your father’s assistant, she got pregnant for you and she tried to kill
you before anyone found out you were not really, Your Father’s daughter.”
A tear I didn’t know I was holding slipped down my check. “That’s
why she never loved me from beginning, she…” more tears. “Dad must
have found out the truth too, he loved me as a child but became numb to me
years later.”
“Elsa, I…” Aunt Tiana and Kian tried to reach out to me but I jerked up
“I.. I have to go, I just, i… I just need air, please…” Kian didn’t want to
let me go, I saw it in his eyes but he knew how I felt, he had felt something
similar before, if not worse, so he did, and I ran out.

<< KIAN >>

Two weeks had passed, Elsa wasn’t eating, she hasn’t picked up her
drawing materials in days, she pleaded for me to overlook it, to not do
anything, but seeing her this way…
I hated it so much, I hated the fact that I could make her mother pay
and yet, I wasn’t even allowed to do that. The cool air of Ohio blew past
me, I had gone to Ohio alone, I just had one question for Elsa’s mother.
The next door bell rang and the door was opened, the woman that
looked like the older version of Elsa stood there, face frowned, Elsa had
called her to confront her about what had happened but she had nothing to
say, no apology, nothing.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, her voice condensed. “I told
you and Elsa already that I have nothing to say, if you want any other thing
from me, you won’t get it.” She left the door and walked inside, I joined
her, I was holding myself so much, Elsa would never forgive me if I did
something bad to her mother, even if she totally deserved it.
“Was it worth it?” I asked, looking over at the empty house, everyone
had left her, the news was all over headline, Her son had left her, her
husband who stayed even after knowing what happened because of public
image had no reason to put up with her anymore, she was all alone.
“What?” She asked, her voice irritated.
“Everything you did, was it worth losing your family over?” I asked
again, moving closer to her, she looked at my leg and back to my face,
trying to hide the fear in her expression. “You ruined your own daughters
life, all she wanted was a family, even if you couldn’t care for her, did you
have to go as far as trying to poison her? She was a child danmit!”
“My body is my choice, I gave birth to her.” She slapped her hand
across her chest, she looked tattered, no matter her much she tried to look
put together, she was far from that, she was miserable. “Me! I gave her life
and I decide if I want to take it back or not.”
I scoffed, anger flowing in my veins, I wanted nothing more than to
give this woman in-front of me the punishment she deserved. “Your body is
your choice only when she is in your fucking womb, what type of mother
gives birth to a child and chooses not to love them? Or take their life back?”
Another step closer to her. “You should never have given birth to her in the
first place!”
I took more steps towards her, she was walking backwards now until
her back touched the wall. “I warned you about what would happen if you
as much as touched Elsa, or spoke to her in a bad way, you’re pushing your
luck.” Another step closer to her and we were just inches apart, she was
shivering now. “You don’t deserve Elsa, none of us do.”
“My only mistake and regret in this life.” She shivered in anger as she
said it, the viens on her forehead being visible as she reached for her dress
pocket. “Was not giving Elsa enough drugs to kill her, and now, I’d kill
you.” She screamed plunging a knife in my direction, I was able to move
away as fast as I could, I grabbed her arm and twisted it, pushing her away
from where I was.
“How fucking stupid are you?” I screamed at her, she was on the
ground, blood by the side of her lips, laughing.
She picked the knife up from beside her and held it tightly, she laughed
as she looked at me, “If I can’t ruin Elsa’s life, I’d ruin yours, just like she
ruined mine,” She immediately stabbed the knife into her stomach,
“No!” I screamed, trying to stop her but it was too late, it was deep in
her stomach and she was coughing out blood. My eyelids widened in shock.
“Let’s see how Elsa would forgive you for killing her mother.” Another
laugh followed before she coughed more and fell to the ground lifeless.
I was still on the ground, No! No! No! I’ve never known fear, I’ve
never had to be afraid of anything in my life but the way I felt right now
couldn't be helped or controlled, I wasn’t the type to loose control of my
emotions. I never did, Elsa was never going to forgive me, I’d loose her.
“Kian…” a soft shaky voice, a voice I recognized all so well sounded
behind me, I immediately turned to see Elsa, I knew she’d come, she would
have guessed where I was and used my jet to fly over here. Her eyes darted
from my bloody hands and back to her mother who was laying lifeless on
the ground with a knife in her stomach.
She gasped, her hands covering her mouth and tears filling her eyes.
“What have you done?” She looked at me, hatred and hurt in her eyes as
she rushed to her mother’s side, falling on the ground and constantly
shaking her.
“Mother…” she screamed. “Please wake up, please don’t leave…”
“I didn’t mean to, Elsa. she stabbed—“
She turned to me, her eyes, they didn’t look like the ones I knew, the
ones I fell inlove with, they looked… different.
“You killed her!” She screamed at me, standing up from my mother’s
side and facing me. “I begged you, Kian, I fucking begged you for just this
one thing and you couldn’t do that for me.”
“Kitten…” I stood up and tried to walk to her, she stepped back. It
broke my heart, I don’t remember the last time she stepped back from me.
“Don’t you dare, you don’t get to call me that.” More tears rushed
down. “I don’t know whatever we were but I’m ending it, do not contact
me, do not think of me, do not watch me, do not act like you know me.”
“Elsa, please…”
“If you do, if I find out that even by the slightest bit you watched me or
you tried to contact me, I swear to the heavens, Kian, I would kill myself.”
She cleaned the tears that flowed down, it felt like my heart was being
shattered into pieces. “You were right all along, Your sister died because of
you, everywhere you go, death follows, don’t you see that?”
“Elsa..” Drops of blood rolled from my palms to the ground, I dug my
fingernails into my palms without knowing.
“Your sister deserved better, way better and I did too. I was just too
blind to see that” She looked like she knew she had hit a spot, I deserved it,
she was right. “You capture those who rape women and yet you did that to
me, times without number, like the word no meant nothing to you, Good
bye Kian, I regret ever meeting you.”
she walked away, she left, my heart was destroyed, broken into
different pieces, pieces I knew I would never be able to fix, my knees were
on the ground and the scream that followed made more blood to flow from
my palms. Her words penetrated into the deepest parts of my soul and even
though I was breathing perfectly, I wasn’t alive, Not anymore.
Chapter Fifty-four

<< KIAN >>

I was in-front of her house, I have been here for three days now, I was
on my knees, I didn’t stand, I didn’t eat, I didn’t as much as think of
leaving, I wanted her to forgive me, I wanted her to be fine, I wanted….
“Kitten, let me talk to you, please, just one last time.” The words that
had been on repeat came again, I heard her sobs at night through her
window, I heard her screaming, I heard her friend Gianna begging her to
talk to me, begging her to do the little things like to eat and get out of bed.
I broke her, I broke her more than anyone has ever done and I think I
took it too far this time and I broke myself without knowing.
The door opened and my hope vanished when Gianna came out. She
had a sad and hurt look on her face, she had been the only one coming out
since the past three days. I couldn’t count the number of times I’ve had to
hold myself back from barging into the house and hugging her, kneeling to
her, begging her.
“Kian she…” Gianna took in a deep breath.“She hasn’t eaten in three
days and she doesn’t want to see you, I’m sorry, I tried everything… she’s
too broken and numb.”
I felt moist come to my eyes, my heart felt like it was shattering again,
this time, into pieces I couldn’t fix back no matter how much of them I tried
to pick up. “Just let me see her, Please Gianna, just once.”
She shook her head. “We can’t go against her wishes, she might kill
herself, please… give her time, you look so… pale and sick.” She looked
over me, she was right, I was burning up, I had been burning up for days,
the fever was getting worse every night I spent here.
“I can’t leave without her… I can’t give up on—“
“I’m not telling you to give up, I’m telling you to give her time. She
needs to heal.”
I heard rustling from inside the moment Gianna said I was burning up,
the door knob turned a slightest bit but went back to normal, she was behind
that door, I was sure of it.
“I’m sorry, Elsa, I will give you the space you need but I will never
give up on you, on us.” A tear slipped, fuck! The last time I felt any wetness
in my eyes was fifteen years ago when Hazel was taken, what the heck was
happening, it was also completely out of my control. “I’ll wait for you from
now till the day I take my last breath, no matter how long it takes, I’d wait.”
Gianna was sniffing now, she was crying.
It has been a month, a month filled of suffering and pain, I’ve never felt
this way before, not in my thirty years of living, December ninth passed a
long time ago. Elsa said not to contact her or watch her, it was hard but I
knew that was the only way she wouldn’t kill herself, if only she knew how
hard this was for me. I obeyed her wishes, I deleted the camera login from
my computer, I’ve not had appetite for weeks and I fell sick five times due
to fatigue, I threw myself into work, that was the only way I wouldn’t
drown in my thoughts. I took in a deep breath and turned the ignition of my
car, I had to meet up with Tony, I passed streets, places Elsa and I went to
together, the memories kicked in, the void and sadness. How was she? Was
she eating properly? Was she sick? Was she working towards her
submission in one month time? The most important question lingered in my
head does she remember me?
My car came to an instant halt when I sighted a red haired lady who
had her back to me talking to a guy.
The guy looked like he was laughing at something she said, she turned
behind to a small child who dragged her dress from behind and at that
instant, my heart hung in my chest, I couldn’t breathe, I tried to but I
couldn’t. She was standing there, her eyes met mine from the transparent
front glass of my car, sadness and void returned to them, I remember the
spark those eyes once had, it seemed like they had been replaced by void.
she held my gaze for three seconds to be exact before turning back to the
guy in-front of her, and they walked off together. I saw a stranger I wasn’t
allowed to remember today and it was weird… I knew their birthday, where
they lived, their favorite color, what their lips tasted like and what their
voice sounded like, that stranger had a smile that had always been directed
to me to someone else, that stranger shattered the remaining lines of thread
I was holding on to, I lost her, she was once my whole world and now all
there was, was void, darkness and void.

Another month passed, It’s been two months… time doesn’t heal,
whoever said it does was fucking stupid, because why do I keep having the
same dreams every single time, they are happy dreams on Elsa rubbing my
back slowly and singing me to sleep but once my eyes go open, I’m back to
reality and instead of something happy, it turns into a nightmare. The
number of times I’ve had to stop myself from stalking her and watching her
from the shadows should be illegal, the number of times I’ve wanted to
check who the man she was with a month ago was and kill him should be
illegal, the number of times I’ve let a tear slip should be illegal, but instead
of doing all by that, I bought a book, a dairy to write it all down, I sound
like a child, but when it comes to Elsa, I don’t care, I needed to process my
emotions in a healthy way, in a way that would not end with her hating me
more or wanting to kill herself because of me. I picked up a pen and began
<< ELSA >>
I lost myself again but I remember him. I held myself crying, from
running into his arms, I lied to Willams that I felt sick and had to go home,
he was the new friend I made at school, I lied to myself and everyone
around me everyday that I was fine, truth is, I was far from fine, With time,
every wound heals, mine didn’t, the hurt from losing my mother was
healing, softly, but losing Kian? I wasn’t prepared for it, he respected my
wishes and stayed far away from me. The way his eyes looked at me today
showed that he was still having a hard time giving up, God knows I missed
those eyes. I sat on the living room chair, I had to submit my drawing to F.A
tomorrow, this art took a toll on me, I wanted to give up but Gianna had
been my only standing rock since I broke things off with Kian, keeping me
in-check, keeping me from breaking down and falling,
A drop of something liquid fell on the screen of my tablet and that was
when Gianna walked in, another drop of the tear on the tablet, I was crying
again, she thinks I didn’t cry for weeks, I felt numb, that wasn’t the truth, I
cried all night since that day till today but now, I couldn’t hold it, I let a tear
slip, in front of her.
“Elsa…” Her soft voice called out to me, I stared up at her, my vision
blurry from the tears that filled them up. She sat beside me, Her eyes staring
directly at mine. “You still have feelings for him?”
I’ve been doing so well hiding it, why today? I forced myself to eat
well, I cleaned up, I went to classes, why fucking today. More tears rolled
down my, I tried to stop them but I wasn’t strong enough, Her eyes got wet
with sadness, I looked at her guiltily.
“You still do.” She said softly, her hand on my hair, pushing a strand
backwards, “Come here.” She pulled me closer to her and wrapped her arm
around my neck, smoothing my back softly, so softly that I didn’t feel the
need to hide anymore, I hugged her back, solidifying the hug as more tears
rolled down, I screamed, I sniffed, I didn’t use a pillow to hide the tears
“Let it out, Elsa… let it all out.” I obeyed and I did, I missed him, I
missed him so fucking bad that it hurt.
“My chest… I can’t breath, Gianna, I can’t…” I could barely hear
myself from the tears that covered my voice
She handed me my inhaler without breaking the hug, her hands still
smoothing my back. “Let it all out…”
I inhaled but I knew it wasn’t the inhaler I needed… my heart was
hurting and only one person could fix it, the one stranger I could never
Chapter Fifty-five

<< ELSA >>

A week had passed, I had submitted the drawing to F.A Comics and I
had also attended their dinner where I got to meet top artists, they were
going to get back to me today on the result, I had been standing in front of
Kian’s mansion of three minutes now, I needed him to leave, I forgot a
picture in his room the last time I went there and it was important to me
because it was my family picture, the only one I had, I had taken it from my
room on the night I cut off tiles with them, sadness overwhelmed me but I
took in a deep breath and pushed it aside, Kian had already driven his car
out of the mansion, I couldn’t let him see me, I… I don’t know what I
would do if I see him.
He was finally out, far away from his mansion, I knew his passcode so
this was pretty easy, break in, grab the picture break out and disappear
before he gets back. I needed to have my feelings in check, even if it was
just for today.
I ran in, I wore a wig to cover my hair incase he had cameras around,
after some jumping and ducking, I was in. This place looked like a mess,
The room reeked of alcohol, it looked clean but looked unarranged, it
brought memories to me but I was prepared for it, I began searching the
room for where he could have placed the picture, I opened cupboards,
dressing boards, the place that was once filled with cigarettes was empty, he
had none, there was no way he smoked that much, did he perhaps throw
them away? Could it have been because I said it affected me?
Focus, Elsa.
I took in a deep breath, there was no picture in the cupboard, my eyes
went to the table and chair, there were papers scattered around the table,
some folded, some rumpled, some coming out from the half closed drawer
of the table.
I had a feeling I shouldn’t be going through his things, I wanted to grab
the picture and get the hell out but I couldn’t help it, I walked slowly
towards the table, the papers were written notes… my name was on them, I
picked one up and my eyes went through it’s content.
October 17th
I will love you , Kitten, although honestly I cannot imagine that last
occurrence no matter how hard I try. I will love you as we grow older,
which has just happened, and has happened again, and happened again, I
will love you in all out lifetimes, a billion times over, I will love, die and live
for you.
I will love you for centuries to go and come, and then several years
before that, and will continue to happen as the spinning hands of every
clock and the flipping pages of every calendar mark the passage of time,
except for the clocks that people have forgotten to wind and the calendars
that people have forgotten to place in a highly visible area. I will love you
as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where we once
we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender
spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively. I will love you until the
chances of us running into one another slip from slim to zero, and until your
face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog,
and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by
the memorized memory of a foggy fog. I will love you no matter where you
go and who you see, no matter where you avoid and who you don't see, and
no matter who sees you avoiding where you go.
I Love You, Kitten. And I Would Never Stop Trying, I’d Die Trying if It’s
What It Takes, I would Never Give Up On You, On Us.
October 𝟭𝟴th
She read more than she loved. Her favorite songs told me more about
her than she ever did. Half the days, she'd ignore me. The other half her shy
smile when I made a joke made my week. I wanted to understand her, I
wanted to read every book she'd ever read and understand how in hell her
world could be less important to her than the ones she dived into everyday.
I can't understand how she doesn't see the stars in her eyes or the sun in her
smile or the music in her voice but all I can think is that if she was a book
I'd never put her down.
Before I reached the end, tears already filled up my eyes, soaking the
paper, there were many more, I read through them, the same contents but in
different words, I thought Kian had moved on, he didn’t, he wrote these
every day since the day we broke up till now, in each of them, he kept his
word and didn’t follow or stalk me, he was hurting so bad, maybe even
more than I was. One of the papers in the drawer caught my attention, I
opened it and the picture I was looking for was there, I grabbed both the
paper and my portrait, the paper had the date of… my mothers death, he
had written what had happened, my Mother stabbing herself and although it
wasn’t his intention, he was still at fault, more tears, a noise from outside
the door brought me back to reality, it must have been the wind
I needed to leave, Kian was going to be here soon, I couldn’t do this
anymore, reading these made me feel some kind of way. I brought out my
phone and opened my call log, searching up Gianna’s number, I tried to
click on it but before I could call her fully, I felt someone hold my neck
from behind, a soft towel on my nose.
I struggled, trying to escape the grasp, the person smelled like smoke, I
tried to scream but the soft fabric covered my mouth too, I felt my vision go
off, was I dead?
<< KIAN >>
I was back to my mansion, I had just received news about the men that
took my sister, they were back and they were in Washington DC, Their
organization was continued by their sons after their fathers had died, after I
killed them, specifically. They had been watching and monitoring me for
years. I needed to warn Elsa, I couldn’t talk to her directly so I had to talk to
her friend, I needed them to be careful, these guys were brutal and if they
were after me, they’d go after Elsa first. Stepping into my room, it smelled,
different… like Elsa, Elsa and cigarette.
I don’t recall the last time I used cigarette, I threw them out after Elsa
said it affected her health, There was no way Elsa could have been here. I
looked over at my table and it was scattered, the papers were not how they
were before, I opened the drawer and the picture wasn’t there anymore, the
childhood photo of Elsa.
Elsa was here but someone else was here. My phone ringed and I
picked it up, it was an unknown number, fear filled my chest, what if I was
too late?
“Hello, please… Kian, something is wrong.” A female voice sad
“Gianna?” I asked and she took in a deep breath. “What happened to
“She… she said she wanted to pick something up and she called me
and I picked up although the ring was short… there were mumbles,
struggling sounds, it sounded like her, Elsa.”
My chest tightened. “I’m on it, Thank you, Gianna.” I ended the call
before she could respond. Elsa was here.
I opened the camera on my laptop, I hated checking it, I might
mistakenly check on Elsa and I promised not to do that anymore.
Gianna was right, Elsa was reading the papers and crying before
someone came from behind her, he wasn’t even masked, like he wanted me
to know he took her. He looked at the camera and a smirk appeared on his
lips before he dragged her unconscious body out.
They had her, the same people that took Hazel took her and I couldn't
save her.
Chapter Fifty-six

<< KIAN >>

It had been two weeks, Elsa’s submission resulted had aired and yet, we
couldn’t trace where she was, I didn’t bother checking the result, all I
wanted was to know where they had taken her, I wanted to kill those
“Did you find anything?” I asked Tony who had a laptop on his thigh
and sat opposite me, he shook his head negatively. My hands flying over
my keyboard, I wanted to contact them, bargain with them, they were quiet
for Two weeks.
My phone vibrated, it was a video, Fourteen videos to be precise, they
were from an unknown number, probably burner phone, my heart rate
increased as I slowly clicked on it, the fear that I wouldn’t like whatever I
saw. They watched Elsa put in my keypad security lock code and that was
how they were able to get in.
My screen came to life, I saw Elsa, she was… My brows furrowed in
anger, my nails dug into my palm as I stared at the video before me, She
was naked, tied to a tree as different men on masks lined up, five to be
exact. The one with the video laughing, Tony looked up at me like he knew
what they were about to do, he couldn’t see the screen but with Elsa’s
pleading voice, it was obvious.
The first one came close to her and she struggled but he slapped her
before putting his dick in, she screamed, they laughed, Tony immediately
grabbed the phone from me, I didn’t protest, my two hands were filled with
blood, both hands, I held onto the phone too deeply that the sharp edge of
the phone case was digging into my hand, my other hand, my nails caused
blood to flow down, I couldn’t breathe, my head screamed bloody
murderer, I was going to kill them.
“Sir…” Tony called but I didnt answer him, I wasn’t In this world
again, all that filled my head and mind was the amount of pain Elsa would
have been going through by now and then it hit me, there were fourteen
videos and Elsa had been there for fourteen days, they raped her every
single day.
I tried to feel something, anything, all I felt was anger and guilt, I
brought her into my life, she was right all along, everyone close to me gets
hurt, eventually.
“Sir!” Tony screamed this time and I turned to face him. “They used a
burner phone to send this but I was able to track the last location of the
My eye quirked up immediately and I stood up from the chair, “Where
are they?” I couldn’t recognize my own voice, I was supposed to protect
her, not… this.
“Ireland, Sir, Morosoco warehouse.”
My body did a halt. “That was where Hazel was kept when she was
kidnapped.” Tony nodded. “They are trying to make a point and send a
message, we need to get there, now! Get the jet.”
I grabbed my jacket from the chair hand and sprinted off, making sure
my guns were in place. Tony followed suit but tried to keep up.
“Sir, it’s a trap… if they want you there, they know you’re coming and
they’d escape before you get there.”
“And that’s why I need you to find them, I’ll go for Elsa with some
men, go with the rest and find them, they wouldn’t have gotten far, do not
kill them when u do, I’d do that myself.” Tony nodded before rushing to his

Hours had passed and we had gotten to Ireland, I was driving like a mad
man, they wanted to punish me for killing their Fathers, why didn’t they
come to me, why the heck did they get Elsa get involved in this? I ruined
her life by coming into it. The car speedometer read 160km per hour but no
one dared stop me, I’d crush them if they do.
There were fifty two rooms in the warehouse and I had to check all of
them to find where exactly Elsa was, it was a trap and I was walking blindly
into it but fact was, I didn’t care, not even one bit.
My phone rang and it was an unknown number, I picked it up instantly.
“I swear to God, if I find you, I will Kill you in the most brutal way
possible for what you did to Elsa.” The soft whimper that followed showed
Elsa was there.
“Kian…” Her voice was low, like talking took a toll on her.
“Fuck! Kitten? Elsa please what room are you? Hang in there, I’m
coming for—“
"There... There's a bomb on me, Kian, I'm not going to make it" She
sniffed, trying to hold herself from breaking down.
"No.. No Kitten, tell me where you are, I need to know, I need to know
please… I…" I felt my own tears roll down, Like I felt her pain, like we
were one. “I’m almost there, I just need to know what room you’re in, Elsa,
"I don't want you to,” Panic filled her voice and it felt like she was
looking down at the bomb on her. “It’s 5 minutes left and if you are in the
vicinity, you'd die"
"Like I fucking care about dying." I tried to press the accelerator harder
but this was the fastest the car could go, "Fuck, Kitten just tell me what
room you are in, how does it look like? Baby please, Just... Just please." I
sighted the warehouse, I was still speeding in it’s direction
"I called to tell you I love you and I forgive you. Maybe in our next
life, we’d be together and I’d die together with you,” She sniffed, more
fighting back tears, my heart was beating fast against my chest. I was there,
I was at the warehouse, “And… and… you have to not blame yourself for
this, Kian, just.. just don’t—“
The call had disconnected, I jumped out of the car and other cars were
behind mine, My men all dressed in black were running behind me towards
the big warehouse. The explosion sounded first and a part of the big
building collapsed, the force throwing me and my men that were following
me backwards, I felt my head hit the hard ground but that was the least of
my problems.
“Elsa, No!” I screamed, watching the building that was once tall and
large, smoke filled the environment. I tried running into it but my men held
me back by my arms.
“Sir, there might be more bombs in there, we are on strict orders to
keep you safe.”
Tears filled my eyes and I went down on my knees, it felt like my world
crashed in-front of me. “I didn’t get to tell her I love her, I didn’t get to ask
for her forgiveness, I still have a lot to say, I didn’t get to beg her, I didn’t
A faint cough filled the environment and I looked up from the ground, a
figure although covered by smoke was coming forward from the building.
“Elsa?” I muttered, trying to see past the Smoke.
“Kian…” Her voice was faint and I was sure no one else heard it but I
did and I dragged my arms out of the hold of my men and rushed towards
her, she tried running to me too but her legs failed her, she almost fell but I
caught her just in time, I made her wrap her legs over my body as I
embraced her like I was starved, like I had just seen a hint of light.
“I’m so sorry, Elsa… I thought I lost you… how Is this possible?” I
asked, not letting her off my body.
“The call… it disconnected and I fainted, I saw a girl… she had a teddy
with one button eye and she had sky blue eyes, she smiled at me and waved,
when I woke up, the bomb was off my body and I ran.” she sounded weak
and tired but I heard her, Clearly.
“Melissa.” I whispered. Goodbye Kian, I promise to watch over you.
“She kept her promise.”
It felt like Elsa wanted to say something but she was too weak to as she
fainted, her legs still wrapped over my body, safely in my arms. I was never
letting go of her again, not in this life time.
<< ELSA >>
I coughed before opening my eyes slowly, the noise of beeping
machines and smell over flowers filled me up, I looked around, I was in the
hospital and there were flowers everywhere, Kian was laying beside me, his
head on my body.
I placed my hand on his hair, brushing it softly, he took in a deep breath
before opening his eyes and sitting up
“You’re awake.” He said, his eyes searching mine and my body for any
sign of discomfort. “How are you feeling?”
“Undead.” I smiled, looking over at him, “How long was I passed out
"Three days.” He took in a deep breath and took my hand in his. “I was
scared, Elsa… I thought you were going to—”
“I survived, you gave me strength, I kept singing that song I hated so
much because it reminded me of you and you were the last person I wanted
to think about if I was going to die.”
His gaze was soft and sensual. “I brought you into this mess, you were
right all along.”
I shook my head negatively. “No, I wasn’t, I was a bitch for saying
those words to you.” I looked around before a memory I wanted to keep
away forever came back to me. “What about the men that…”
“I caught them, all of them this time, do you want to do the honors?”
He turned his head to the side.
The idea of killing them myself was enticing but I didn’t want to be like
Kian, I didn’t want to change him either, I wanted him to the darkness and
I’d be his light, guiding him everyday so he doesn’t go astray.
“I’m sorry about your Mother, I didn’t mean to.” He softly rubbed my
hand that was in his and I nodded softly.
“I know.” I moved a bit closer to him, my hands holding his face softly
as I kissed his forehead. “I love you, Kian, and get ready to be tired of me
because I’m never leaving your side, not in this lifetime anyways.”
“Not in the next lifetime either, my word still stands, there is no
‘escaping me’ like I said, you are all too well tangled into my soul.” He
grabbed my face and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “I love you.”
Something vibrated next to me, it was my phone, I picked it and stared
at it, a smile at the corner of my lips as I showed Kian the content.
“You got accepted.” He said happily, hugging me. “Congratulations,
“Thank you, Mickey mouse.” I pouted and he gave me a warning look.
“I’d accept that name, just for today.” We both laughed, staring into
each others eyes like we never, ever wanted to ever let go.
The End
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Dear readers,
Thank you for embarking on this literary journey with me. Each word
on these pages is a piece of my heart, and I hope they resonate with you in
unexpected ways. May this story be a companion, a mirror, or a guide –
offering solace or stirring your imagination?
The Author You Would Never Know

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