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SDG GOAL 2 (Zero hunger)

By-Amogh Bansal
The Sustainable development goals were created by the united nations. The
Article below talks about one of these goals.

Sustainable development goal 2 is about creating a world with zero hunger by

2030. In 2020 720-811million people worldwide were suffering from hunger and
malnutrition, also a little above 30% of the world population was insecure about
food or didn’t have regular access to food. In comparison to 2019 the number had
increased by almost a 161 million. Globally ,150 million children under the age of
5 were found to be suffering from stunted growth due to malnutrition in the same
year. These number had decreased by 2.4% in comparison to 2015.

The number of people going hungry has gone up after covid-19 crisis as many
people lost their jobs and homes. Also, the Russia-Ukraine war is creating the
most major global food crisis after the world-war 2 as global food supply chains
have been affected because of the same.

Also, the united nations have created a goal for themselves of 5% reduction in the
number of children growing with malnutrition by 2025. Some of the major targets
of the goal 2 are to end hunger, malnutrition and stunted growth. It also aims to
double the income of small-scale food producers. It is also trying to develop a
sustainable food crop production system so that crops do not get destroyed by
bad weather conditions.

In conclusion, I say that the work being done by the united nations is quite
remarkable they have showed dedication for the same, they have been trying to
implement these goals in the world since 2015, let us try to lend a helping hand
for the same. “Food is as important as the energy, security and environment.
Everything is linked together"

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