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+ 1 972.636.1299

Professional Summary
- Full Stack Developer with 10+ years of professional experience in analysis, design, development
and testing of web and distributed multi-tier Applications and 9+ years of experience in building
web applications using JavaScript MERN Stack, ReactJS, MongoDB, Express JS, NodeJS, and
Next.js and Redux
- Expert in creating single-page web applications with React using HTML, CSS3, MVC, Tailwind
CSS, JavaScript, ES6, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, and XML. Good understanding of Document Object
Model (DOM/functions), Hooks, and Redux for stateful management,react-router for routing.
- Experience in Node Environment using NPM, Gulp, Maven, Bower, and MongoDB along with
Mongoose.JS to create server-side applications while using components, Forms, Events, Keys,
Router, Animations and Flux concept, Package Manager (NPM) (manage modules)
- Expert in CSS, padding, table, Animations, Pseudo classes, Layouts, positioning, border, margin,
and Pseudo elements for responsive web designs that fit across all platforms and devices.
- Strong experience with version controlling using GIT, GITHUB, Bit Bucket, and Package Manager
NPM with a good understanding level of RDBMS through Database Design, writing queries, and
stored procedures using MySQL, and MongoDB.
- Configured AWS MultiFactor Authentication in IAM to implement 2 step authentication of
user’s access,using Google authentication and AWS Virtual MFA.
- Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC subnet,NAT to ensure
successful deployement of web application and database template.
- Experienced in Automating,configuring and deploying instances on AWS,Azure environments
and data centers,also familiar with EC2,cloud watch,cloud formation and managing security
groups on AWS.
- Expertise in using React components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations, Flux concepts
also developments using RESTful Web APIs with NodeJS, and Express.js while testing APIs using
- Fully immersed in all SDLC lifecycles during development as well as working in AGILE
Methodologies participating in sprints/iterations and SCRUM meetings (DevOps and involved in
CI/CDs) and a good understanding of cloud computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Google
Cloud Platform.
- A result-oriented professional with good communication skills, a team player with leadership
and analytical skills, independent and innovative thinker with the ability to work under low

Technical Skills

UI Web Technologies HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, SASS, LESS, XHTML, XML, JavaScript,

ES6, AJAX, jQuery, WordPress,Java, TypeScript JSON,
Bootstrap, OAuth, ReactJS, Express.JS, NodeJS,
IDE Editor Eclipse6.0.1, JBuilder05/06, RAD, WSAD, Eclipse, Notepad++,
Text3, NetBeans, Visual Studio Code.

Databases Oracle DB, MySQL Server, MongoDB

Frameworks Node JS, Backbone JS, Exit JS
Application/Webserver HTTP Web Server, Express Server
Version Controls Git, GitHub, Bit Bucket SVN TFS
Languages JavaScript, C, C++, JAVA, MySQL
Cloud Platforms OSE3, AWS, Azure.
Debugging Tools Chrome Element Inspector, Firebug, IE Tester,React Testing
Testing Tools/Logging Frame Works Junit3.8/4.0, Selenium, Jest

Methodologies Agile, Rational Unified Process (RUP), UML Waterfall


 Post-graduation in MTech (CSE) (2010)from JNTUH University

 Bachelors in BTech Engineering (EEE)(2007) from JNTUH University


Client: Assurant, Miami, FL

Position: Sr. Full Stack Developer
Environments: HTML 5, CSS3, ReactJS, Tailwind-CSS, ReactJS, Redux, Flux, NodeJS, NPM, Jasmine,
Karma, Mocha, Chai, EJS, Bootstrap, JSON, RESTful web services, JIRA, JavaScript, Visual Studio Code,
GIT, OSE3, Sauce Labs, Preprocessors (LESS), Jenkins.

- Involvement in all SLDC lifecycle (gather/analyze/ design/development/ Q&A/Support).

- Built front-end UI using HTML5, CSS3, ReactJS, jQuery, and Bootstrap to build a single-page web
app that communicates with the backend via RESTful API.
- Maintaining Parent and Child elements by using State and Props in React JS.
- Responsible for implementing UI mock-ups, integrating third-party React libraries, and
handling/creating Redux store data.
- The back-end use of NodeJS, Express.js, MongoDB, and Mongoose, the complete MERN Stack to
provide RESTful API.
- Configured AWS MultiFactor Authentication in IAM to implement 2 step authentication of user’s
access,using Google authentication and AWS Virtual MFA.
- Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC subnet,NAT to ensure
successful deployement of web application and database template.
- Experienced in Automating,configuring and deploying instances on AWS,Azure environments and
data centers,also familiar with EC2,cloud watch,cloud formation and managing security groups
on AWS.

- Developed a full-stack application with the express framework in ‘Node.js’ environment.

- Implemented new feature (React 16.8’s) Hooks to write the front end of the application.
- Implemented Axios HTTP request and attached Bearer token for secure usage of API.
- Developed stateful management while using useState, useEffect, useReducer, useRef.
- Incorporated react-redux for global-state management (authentication process) and caching
using Redux Store.
- Built n-level nested comments and highly optimized the search by implementing debouncing.
- Migrated existing codebase from JSP to JS and HTML5 rebuilt React components in ES6 and
developed CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) features for the application functionality using
RequireJS and Responsive Design.
- Implemented Open Shift Environment (OSE3) as a Docker to run the application and Jenkins to
CI/CD of the project.
- Proficient knowledge of JIRA to track issues and communicate with other teams for various
environments, involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the project status.

Client: Roku TV, Germany Jan 2020 – Oct 2023

Position: React Developer
Environment: ReactJS v15.6.1, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js v.11.0, Express.js v.4.17, Bootstrap 4.0,
MongoDB v4, RESTful web services, SASS, Protractor, JIRA, Jenkins, Git 2.12, Gulp, Webpack, ESLint,
Babel, Agile, Scrum, WebStorm.

- Followed Agile methodology during SDLC, with regular SCRUM sessions and bi-weekly sprint sessions
to discuss the project progress.
- Used GitHub as a version control system and a source repository to organize the code base while using
JIRA for bug tracking and workflow management.
- Implemented modules into NodeJS to integrate with design and requirements and created Restful web
services/APIs using NodeJS.
- Designed front-end applications, user user-interactive (UI) web pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
and ReactJS. Developed components, Forms, and Events using ReactJS.
- Developed stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
- Created react component architecture for managing State precisely.
- Worked on ReactJS Virtual DOM and component life cycle phases like Mounting, Updating, and
- Build the application responsive using Bootstrap and CSS Media Queries and Integrated React code in
the backend using AXIOS to call backend APIs.
- Used ReactJS code for making calls (GET, POST) for fetching data from Restful APIs provided by the
backend team and NodeJS package manager (NPM) and Webpack for dependency management.
- Configured ESLint for the React code quality.
- Created an automated End-to-End testing framework for ITMC using Protractor and wrote test cases
for the application for End-to-End testing.
- Utilized GULP to compile SASS, Uglify, Minify, and module bundling.
- Used Jenkins to build projects and deploy the CI.
- Worked on Cross-Browser compatibility and fixed the bugs for several browsers.

Project: Zero-Touch, Hyderabad, India Oct 2017-Dec 2019


Position: Software Developer

Environment: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ajax, Bootstrap.js, jQuery, Visual, React, Visual, react-
bootstrap, Studio Code and JSON.
- Developed a full stack application with ‘express framework’ in node.js environment.
- Parsed HTML requests with express middleware including body-parser, cookie-parser, and CORS
Morgan. Implemented passport.js as authentication for node.js.
- Enhanced UX design for dynamic and browsers-compatible webpages with HTML/CSS JavaScript,
Bootstrap, and jQuery.
- Involved in database designing and implementing models/schemas in Mongoose to connect to
- Managed dependencies/packages with package manager NPM.
- Followed Agile and Scrum software development methodology.
- Utilized React’s life cycle methods, including componentDidMount, shouldComponentUpdate, and
componentWillUnmount for performance boosting and bug fixing.
- Implemented all basic CRUD operations (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE).

Project: Star Health Insurance. India May 2015-Sept 2017

Position: Software Engineer
Environment: .NET Framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2008, WCF, WWF, MVC, ASP.NET 3.5, C, Web
Services, AJAX, jQuery, XML, JavaScript, SQL Server 2008.
- Participated in requirement gathering sessions with the client and prepared/modified the
requirements in the Requirement Specification document using UML.
- Implemented OO Design and concepts data modeling to analyze the design and define the data
requirements needed to support business requirements.
- Used and participated in Agile methodology SCRUM meeting for iterative software development.
- Designed and developed dynamic ASPX web pages using C, ASP.NET, XML, HTML, JavaScript, and
- Designed the database, and developed stored procedures, functions, views, and triggers in SQL Server
2009. Extensively used XML for data passing between modules and applications.
- Used ASP.NET 3.5 User Controls and Rich Controls Multi-views, Wizards to create forms for submitting
and modifying events and forms and created logics for several modules.
- Used Cookies, Session, and Application objects for state management at the client-side and the server-
side servers.
- Designed and developed various abstract classes and interfaces to construct the business and data tier
using ADO.NET.
- Worked with ASP.NET Web Parts, Navigation Control, and Master Pages and developed Cascading style
sheets CSS for a consistent look and feel of the website.



Period Position Held Organization Years

2013-2015 Assistant Keshav Memorial Engineering and Technology 2 Years
Professor College
2010-2013 Assistant Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and 2 Years
Professor Technology

During the above tenure, handled classes on below shown subjects:

 Computer Organization  Management Science

 Databases and Management Systems  Human Computer Interaction
 Java Programming  Databases and Compiler Design lab
 Operating Systems  Computer Networks and Operating Systems lab
 Object Oriented Analysis and Design  C Programming and Data Structures

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