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Academy of St Louis Zone II / Podor Harmonized English Exam Paper /2nd Semester 2 H 2023/2024 1ère S 2

Student’s Name: ……………………………………….…………………… Grade: ……...…./ 20

Text: Independent Energy Providers in Africa

1 Across Africa approximately 600 million people still use candles to light their homes at night. Many live in
2 rural areas. Distances are too big to connect these people to traditional electricity supplies. In West Africa, the
3 result is that only a few people have access to electricity. According to the World Bank, in 2014 this was less
4 than 20% in Burkina Faso and 15% in Niger. A more recent report said that more than 50% of West Africans
5 had no access to electricity.

6 That is why there is more and more interest in renewable energy. Every country has natural resources – wind,
7 sun and water – that can be used. It is simply a question of innovative thinking.

8 The small island nation of Cabo Verde is a good example of success and ambition. 90% of its citizens have
9 access to electricity. But it wants to make sure that by 2025 all the energy will be 100% renewable. Scientists
10 say the country can do this if it mixes all three energy sources.

11 Interest is spreading across the region. In 2016 Cote D’Ivoire signed a contract to build the country’s first
12 solar power plant. In 2018 they announced that two more plants will be built in the north of the country. In
13 2017 Burkina Faso announced the construction of a large solar power plant at Zagtouli, not far from the capital.

14 But it is not governments who are taking the lead in this. It is independent energy providers. These are
15 companies that invest in researching new technology and developing it for specific situations. Before,
16 governments controlled the energy in their countries. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, they
17 started to allow private companies and foreign companies to help build new power plants. Finally, there was
18 enough investment and soon everyone will benefit from this.

A/ Match the facts or situations with the name of the country they correspond. 2 marks
Cabo Verde – Senegal – Cote D’Ivoire – Burkina Faso – Niger
1. 90 percent of its citizens have access to electricity. ___________________________
2. Only a quarter of its populations have access to electricity. ____________________
3. They built their first solar power in 2016. __________________________________
4. A big solar power plant was built near the capital city. ________________________
B/ Find in the indicated paragraphs words with the same meaning as: 1.5 marks
5. Provisions =______________________________________P1
6. Energy using sunlight =_____________________________P4
7. Being responsible =_________________________________P5
C/ TRUE and FALSE. Use relevant passages from the text to justify the statements. 3 marks
8. People don’t have electricity because they live away from cities. TRUE
9. By next everyone will have electricity in Cabo Verde. TRUE
10. Governments control the power supply in their countries. FALSE
D/ Complete with words from the indicated paragraphs of the text. 2 marks
Access to electricity is still not effective in many parts of Africa. Most people living in
________________________ P1 are still using candles to light their homes at night. So, people are more
and more interested in 12__________________________ P2. Many countries have launched the construction
of 13__________________________ P4 but it is not the governments who are the main
______________________ P5 of energy. There are some private and foreign companies who take the lead.
E/ Complete with the correct verb tense or form 2 marks
In many parts of Africa, the use of electricity 15______________________________ (not/be) effective
yet. Every night, candles 16_________________________ (are burnt / burn / have burnt) to light the
houses. If nothing is done about this, it 17_____________________________ (hinder) the area’s economy.
So, it is about time for State authorities 18__________________ (found / finding / to find) solutions for
alternative energies.
F/ Complete the following conversation meaningfully. 3 marks
Teacher: Hello Fatimata! Could you show me your homework?
Fatimata: I’m 19____________________ Sir! I didn’t manage to complete it.
Teacher: What? You failed to do your assignment, 20_____________________________________?
Fatimata: Not exactly Sir. I started doing it but I wasn’t 21_______________ (allowed / able / necessary)
to finish because the power went 22____________ (off / over / down) immediately after.
Fatimata: No, the power didn’t go on until bed time. I think it only did early morning.
Teacher: And how did you charge your mobile?
Fatimata: 24__________________________________________________________________________
G/ Match these halves to build meaningful sentences. 2 marks
25. As distances are too big, a) but only a few people make profit from them.
26. The weaker the electicity supply of a country is, b) to build power plants.
27. Every country has natural ressources c) villages can’t be connected to modern
electricity supplies.
28. People rely on foreign investors d) the poorer its economy will be.

25. As distances are too big, ________________________________________________________________

26. The weaker the electricity supply of a country is, _____________________________________________
27. Every country has natural ressources _______________________________________________________
28. People rely on foreign investors __________________________________________________________

III- WRITING: Choose one topic and write about 150 words. 5 marks
TOPIC ONE: Electricity is a very important thing in people’s life. Write a paragraph to explain how
people can save energy in the houses and workplaces.
TOPIC TWO: Write an email to your friend Rama to tell her about the importance of electricity.

Good luck!!!

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