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GRE Verbal Reasoning, List 1

1. acquiesce: v. agree or express agreement

2. acumen: n. shrewdness shown by keen insight

3. aggrandize: v. embellish; increase the scope, power, or importance of

4. banal: adj. repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

5. cacophony: n. loud confusing disagreeable sounds

6. disparage: v. express a negative opinion of

7. dissemble: v. make believe with the intent to deceive

8. erudite: adj. having or showing profound knowledge

9. ebullient: adj. joyously unrestrained

10. exigent: adj. demanding immediate attention

11. facade: n. the front of a building

12. homage: n. respectful deference

13. hyperbole: n. extravagant exaggeration

14. laconic: adj. brief and to the point

15. monotonous: adj. tediously repetitious or lacking in variety

16. morose: adj. showing a brooding ill humor

17. obstinate: adj. marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield

18. prolific: adj. bearing in abundance especially offspring

19. polemical: adj. of or involving dispute or controversy

20. profound: adj. far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect

21. sublime: adj. of high moral or intellectual value

22. specious: adj. plausible but false

23. terse: adj. brief and to the point

24. tacit: adj. implied by or inferred from actions or statements

25. zeal: n. a feeling of strong eagerness

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