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2014 GRO Minor Audit Check List – easyJet Operation

Date: Audit No:

Company: Audit Type: Auditor:

Audit Questions Comments Score NCR

0-3 Y/N
Stock Control Management & Systems
Review previous two months inbound TS4 data by randomly
selecting a batch of C208 for inspection;

 Have the barsets been inbounded correctly in TS4 as per

packer count sheets.
 Review packers count sheets and cross reference.
 Does any of the C208 contain minus values? If yes,
compare this against count sheet to establish if this is due
to incorrect inbound?
 Check Manage Barset and Daily Outstanding barset
Information to establish if barsets are being processed as
per GROs SOP (i.e. every barset should be processed
within flight day+1).
 Review Ghost Bars and Previous Communications

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Ullage Report

Run an Ullage report at barset level and warehouse Level for the
previous 6 months. Review data and conduct cross comparison
with unit’s manual sheets and physical stock of ullage in the unit.

 Discuss with unit management / supervisor regarding the

 Demonstration on process at packing station
 Demonstration on process at TS4

Out of Stock – In Bars

Run an OOS in bars for the days flying (day before for same day as
audit) check and confirm OOS match with relevant OOS list
provided by the catering unit – any deviation, request explanation
and investigate accordingly.

 Manual & Physical Checks

Review previous two months despatch records – have barsets been

despatched correctly against packers documentation – discuss and

 Review count sheets and discuss accordingly

 Any incorrect despatch of barsets with OOS when the unit
have had stock
 Incorrect despatch of barsets with product when items
physically OOS

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Inspect a sample (minimum of 4 weeks deliveries) of good receipt
notes over a two month period to ensure they have been processed
correctly and accurately in TS4

 Include Supplair Receipts

 Include Pourshins receipts
 Date entered into System
 PO Numbers / Delivery Notes Entered
 Good Receipt Notes Signed, Dated, Including Delivery
 Have discrepancies been recorded on delivery note and
correctly captured on TS4?
 Have any discrepancies identified been communicated to
GRO? Is documented evidence available?

Review the previous two months Tuesday Stock Counts, ensure they
match correctly (100%) to the blind counts

Review variance checks between blind counts and final counts for
the past two months

 Are variances highlighted

 Are variances initialled
 Do the stock sheets state - name and date
 Are independent personnel conducting the counts
 Review Pre & Post Counts / Variance Loses / Previous
Delist Counts prior to audit

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Can the unit demonstrate the sheet to shelf, shelf to sheet? Is the
count correct against the TS4 stock take correction / Final Sheet

 Have 2 counts been conducted on Sheet to Shelf, Shelf to

 Two Signatures to confirm verification
 Are products checked in line with the GRO Dashboard

Fresh Food Wastage

Check and review a sample of fresh food uplift and wastage records
against TS4 / catering schedule – ensure figures are correctly

Seal Register process

Can the unit demonstrate sound knowledge of seal management

 Control of Seals
 Seal Register (Bulk and Daily Operation)
 Red Seal Process
 Documentation / Supporting Evidence

Have the last 4 weeks dry stores count been submitted correctly
and accurately?

 Submitted on time and to the correct distribution list

 Any discrepancies / miscounts identified

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Can the Catering Unit demonstrate that as a minimum, 1 full bar is
self-audited weekly as per GRO SOP?

 Is documented evidence available?

 Any errors / observations highlighted?
 Corrective Actions / Follow-up Process in place with
 C208 is correctly printed, including bar coding, seal
numbers, flight date and flight numbers

Stock Count Process (Inspection)

Monitor & Inspect stock take process from start-finish; referencing:

 GRO Warehouse Operations Manual

 GRO Standards Manual

Observe Process, including

 Counting (2 Blind Counts)

 Warehouse, Bond, Packing Stations, HV Cage etc.
 Verification, Variance Checks, Highlighting
 Sheet to Shelf, Shelf to Sheet
 Inputting into TS4
 Submission Process to GTS Stocktake
 Dry Stores Counts
 Is there a sign-off / verification of stock count process by a
senior member of staff on shift (Pre or Post check)

Auditor to Randomly verify a sample of counts

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Warehouse Appearance / General Operations

 Is the unit Clean, Tidy and presentable during the

 No evidence of stock being stored within an unsuitable
 GRO products not being used by the unit for internal use
(Dry Stores / Consumables).
 Employees personal belongings located within a suitable
location (Staff Lockers)
 Are staff searches undertaken, Pre or Post Packing, End of
Shift, Random Staff Searches
 Are the above searches documented where applicable
 Is the number of searches conducted enough in relation
to number of staff in the facility?
 Are their adequate management / supervisory personnel
on site?
 Is the bond packing area / high value cage secured?
 Can the unit demonstrate verification of stock control
FIFO (First In, First Out) is this being adhered to in all
packing and bulk storage areas?

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Bar Packing Checks
Check 3 x random barsets, are the carts correct against the packing
plan and the relevant C208?

Scoring 0-3 Points Per Barset (Max point which could we

rewarded 9)

1 Point = 1-3 Errors made on consumable/ High Value Lines or

C208 Discrepancy

2 Points = Barset 100% Correct, but Seals and / or Paperwork

Wallet incorrect

3 Points = 100% Correct – Nil Errors Identified

0 Points = 4 x Errors identified on one Barsets and / or C208

Documentation. In the case of multiple errors exceeding (9 Products)
identified over 3 barsets inspected will result in ‘O’ for this question.
EPOS Management
Can the unit demonstrate effective control on the following

 Sufficient Par levels – If more than 3 devices have been

sent to BCN in 1 shipment then request further
information and investigate the reason. If there is a
technical failure reported then confirm with GRO
 Traceability Log for Defective Equipment
 Review Last two Months EPOS Performance and ECB
levels and manual bars (5% threshold). Suitable /
acceptable responses to GRO
 Was the last EPOS count submitted on time and accurate
 Are correct amount of till rolls being loaded – ask
 Have there been any reports from GRO / Customer
regarding less that <3 EPOS loaded on-board?

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Operational Performance
Can the unit demonstrate how it has oversight on operational
improvement (GRO Operational Dashboard) What measures have
been put in place to demonstrate continuous improvement,
including senior management involvement?

Has there been a month on month improvement on overall

operational improvement.

 OTP, ASR’s, EPOS Performance, Equipment Cleaning

 Barset Accuracy Audits
 Any other operational Performance areas outside of the
reporting dashboard
 Monthly Equipment Count (On Time / Late / Incorrect)
 EPOS Monthly Count (On Time /Late / Incorrect)

Can the unit demonstrate how it has oversight on Stock


 (GRO Dashboard / Daily Stock Emails & easyJet DF stock

discrepancies, including responses and investigations)

 What measures have been put in place to demonstrate

continuous improvement, including senior management

 Review weekly ‘pre & post count data’ – is there

consistency with the variances, are any variances
explained / unexplained.

 Where units operate SACs with TS4 for the recording of

DF stock are both systems & processes aligned in terms of
data capturing and accuracy

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Score / Rating – Category Audit Score Audit Percentage Overall Commentary

Stock Control Management & Systems / 33 / 100%

Stock Control Process (Inspection) /6 / 100%
Bar Packing Checks /9 / 100%
EPOS Management /3 / 100%
Operational Performance /6 / 100%

Audit Score / 57 / 100%

Gate Retail Onboard Scoring Mechanism

These can be rated either by 3, 2, 1 or 0 depending upon the level of compliance.

(Repetitive finding(s) may result in an additional point being deducted)

3 Fully in control and good visual / documented evidence. (100% Accuracy Scores 3 Points)

2 Acceptable level of visual standards or documented evidence but needs improvement. This level would be the minimum level acceptable to
GRO or easyJet (99% Accuracy Scores 2 Points / 1-2 errors identified, or 1-2 observations raised which is against Operational Procedures)

1 Below an acceptable standard and needs improvement (98% Accuracy Scores 1 Point / 3-4 errors / observations identified)

0 The area or activity is not in control or visually unacceptable and needs urgent action to be taken. (<97% Accuracy Scores 0 Points / 5 + errors

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Scoring Mechanism - The maximum points a station can earn during an audit is 57 points

Level 1 – Fully in control and good visual evidence

57 / 57 = 100%
56 / 57 = 98.24%
55 / 57 = 96.49%

Level 2 – Acceptable level of visual standards or documented evidence

54 / 57 = 94.73%
53 / 57 = 92.98%
52 / 57 = 91.22%

Level 3 – Requires Further Improvements

51 / 57 = 89.47%
50 / 57 = 87.71%
49 / 57 = 85.96%

Level 4 – Requires Immediate Improvement

48 / 57 = 84.21%
47 / 57 = 82.45%
46 / 57 = 80.70%

Level 5 – Immediate Action is required (<45 Points)

45 / 57 = 78.94%

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