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707-SL-51-029-G 767-SL-51-036-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G

717-SL-51-107-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
737-SL-51-042-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G MD-90-SL-51-108-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G
757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G

ATA : 5100-00
17 November 2021
MODEL : 787, 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, MD-11, MD-80, MD-90, MD-10
APPLICABILITY : All 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, 787, DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, MD-11, MD-80, MD-90 and
MD-10 Airplanes

Reference Type Reference Number Revision Number Reference
a) Service Letter (SL) 707-SL-51-017-M
b) Other 14CFR 1.1. Gen
eral Definitions
c) Service Letter (SL) 707-SL-51-028-E
d) Other 14CFR 121.379, Aut
hority to Perform and
Approve Maintenance
e) Other 14CFR 145.201, Pr
ivileges And Limita
tions Of Certificate
f) Other 14CFR 65.95, Inspecti
on Authorization: Priv
ileges And Limitations
g) Other Technical Implementa 5 10/05/2015
tion Procedures for Air
worthiness and Enviro
nmental Certification b
etween the Federal Av
iation Administration (
FAA) of the United St
ates of America and th
e European Aviation S
afety Agency (EASA)
of the European Union

Disclaimer: This document contains BOEING PROPRIETARY, Export Controlled ECCN:9E991 information, Encrypted emails
required for forwarding via Email. Document Generated on 11/18/2021 by Fleet Team Digest-Service Letter.

Page 1 of 5
707-SL-51-029-G 767-SL-51-036-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
717-SL-51-107-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
737-SL-51-042-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G MD-90-SL-51-108-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G
757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
ATA : 5100-00
17 November 2021
Reference Type Reference Number Revision Number Reference
h) Multi-Operator Message (MOM) MOM-MOM-14-0065-0
1B Information - Traini
ng Presentation - Submi
tting Structural Requests
i) Other 14CFR183, Representati
ves of the Administrator


No license is required for the dissemination of the commercial information contained herein to foreign persons other
than those from or in the terrorist supporting countries identified in the United States Export Administration Regulations
(EAR)(15 CFR 730-774). It is the responsibility of the individual in control of this data to abide by U.S. export laws.

This service letter informs operators of the damage/repair data needed by Boeing when reviewing and approving airplane
structural repair or modification data. The information in this service letter will assist operators in the preparation and
submittal of complete and accurate detailed damage reports and repair proposals.
No service bulletin or FAA action is anticipated as the result of this service letter.

Boeing frequently receives damage reports and/or repair proposals that do not provide sufficient detail to support the
review and approval process as described in reference a) multi-model service letter. These incomplete requests for
assistance cause Boeing to respond with requirements for additional information. Each request for clarification results in
costly delays to the operator and an undue burden to Boeing Customer Support resources.
Boeing is also receiving an increasing number of operator requests for FAA Form 8100-9 approvals for repair data. Many
of these requests for FAA approval of repair data do not, in Boeing's opinion, warrant that level of approval. Customer
Support attempts to limit FAA approval to only "major" repairs as defined by reference b) FAA regulation. Operators are
encouraged to review reference c) multi-model service letter for major/minor repair classification guidance.

The reference d) FAA regulation requires that in the case of a major repair or alteration, the work must have been done in
accordance with technical data approved by the FAA Administrator. If so delegated, the Boeing Commercial Airplanes
(BCA) Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) is authorized to approve technical data in support of a major
repair so that the operator, repair station or holder of an inspection or maintenance authorization can show compliance
to the reference d), reference e) or reference f) FAA regulations, as applicable. The reference b) FAA regulation
provides the FAA definition for what constitutes a major and minor repair. Under the FAA system, the responsibility for
determining whether a repair is major or minor rests with airplane operators, repair stations and holders of an inspection
or maintenance authorization. Under the EASA system, the classification of repairs is made by EASA or an EASA
Design Organization Approval (DOA) holder. The BCA ODA Engineering Unit Members (referred to as Authorized

Disclaimer: This document contains BOEING PROPRIETARY, Export Controlled ECCN:9E991 information, Encrypted emails required for
forwarding via Email. Document Generated on 11/18/2021 by Fleet Team Digest-Service Letter.

Page 2 of 5
707-SL-51-029-G 767-SL-51-036-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
717-SL-51-107-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
737-SL-51-042-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G MD-90-SL-51-108-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G
757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
ATA : 5100-00
17 November 2021
Representatives or ARs within BCA) have not been delegated the authority to classify repairs, but Customer Support is
available to assist operators in classifying their repairs. Operators may review reference c) multi-model service letter for
guidance in classifying repairs either major or minor.

Under the provisions of reference i) FAA regulation, the FAA Administrator is authorized to appoint and supervise
qualified persons and organizations to act as his/her representatives. Such delegation does not relieve the FAA
Administrator of any of his/her responsibilities. The BCA ODA is delegated by the FAA Administrator per reference
i) FAA regulation with authority to approve structural engineering information and other structural considerations
within the limits prescribed by and under the general supervision of the FAA Administrator. The BCA ODA authority is
restricted to the review and approval of repair data for BCA Type Certificates, Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs)
and a limited number of non-Boeing STCs. This restriction is based upon the FAA requirement for the designees to have
access to all pertinent information regarding loads, stresses, materials, etc., to support the issuance of FAA approval.
Therefore, the BCA ODA has limitations for approving repair data to structure that has been affected or altered by non-
Boeing STCs.

The BCA ODA does not provide FAA approval for minor structural repairs submitted for review by the operators. For
minor structural repairs, a statement such as "the repair has been reviewed and found to be structurally acceptable."
is included with the outgoing messages. The "found to be structurally acceptable" statement does not constitute FAA
approval. To better identify repair data that has been found to be acceptable, Boeing is now providing a Repair and
Deviation Record (RDR) form [see reference c) multi-model service letter]. This form is to be used as a cover sheet
for the data associated with minor deviations or minor repairs. Reference g) procedures explain that minor repairs from
BCA are considered EASA approved. Some operators request "No Objection" or "No Technical Objection" (NTO)
statements as an alternative to standard structural repair approvals. The use of the expressions "No Objection" or "No
Technical Objection" is limited to situations where insufficient data is available to facilitate review and FAA delegated
structural repair approval. In some cases, additional data that is necessary to complete the review will be identified in the
accompanying message.

In order to comply with these FAA regulations, complete and accurate detailed damage reports and repair proposals are
required as noted below. As part of the approval process [see reference a) multi-model service letter] Boeing is required
to fully document the reported damage, the approved repair, and the analytical substantiation of the repair.

Boeing has developed attachments I, II, III and IV to assist operators to prepare and submit complete and accurate
detailed damage reports and repair proposals. These attachments were originally included in reference a) multi-model
service letter. Attachment I has been revised for clarity and to expand the recommended contents of damage report/repair
proposal submittals. This information is intended to provide guidelines for the minimum data to be submitted in support
of a Boeing review and approval of a structural repair. When a request for assistance is received, Boeing will review
the data as submitted and reply to the operator per reference a) multi-model service letter if sufficient data is provided.
If it is determined that the data as submitted is not adequate, Customer Support will reply with a request for additional
information and/or clarification of the damage and/or structural repair.


The information (typical) as follows can be found in the applicable airplane model's Structural Repair Manual (SRM),
Chapter 51, in whole or in part. Additional inspection requirements and suggested actions are described in the Aircraft
Maintenance Manual (AMM) depending on damage incurred.

Disclaimer: This document contains BOEING PROPRIETARY, Export Controlled ECCN:9E991 information, Encrypted emails required for
forwarding via Email. Document Generated on 11/18/2021 by Fleet Team Digest-Service Letter.

Page 3 of 5
707-SL-51-029-G 767-SL-51-036-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
717-SL-51-107-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
737-SL-51-042-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G MD-90-SL-51-108-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G
757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
ATA : 5100-00
17 November 2021
Operators should refer to the SRM and/or AMM for guidance in repair assessment, classification, damages tolerance
limitations, and repair development before requesting Boeing's assistance.
When requesting Boeing's assistance for structural repairs, operators are responsible for the following:

• Submitting complete and accurate descriptions of damage and repair plan proposals. Attachments I and II provide
guidance information and checklists that can be used to ensure that repair requests are submitted with complete and
appropriate information.
• Determining if a repair is major or minor [see reference c) multi-model service letter] and requesting formal FAA
approval for major repairs only [see reference a) multi-model service letter].
• Advising Customer Support if a copy of the completed FAA Form 8100-9 is required (major repairs only).
• Determining if a repair is located in an area covered by an existing Airworthiness Directive (AD) and advising BCA
that the requested repair affects an existing AD.
• Advising Customer Support if an Alternative Method of Compliance (AMOC) is required. Inform Boeing if any
structural repairs or alterations exist that are performed by non-Boeing STC in the AD area.

All structural repair requests must provide complete and accurate repair data to allow an evaluation to determine if the
repair complies with applicable requirements of the FAA regulations. Attachment I provides a list of specific items
normally considered essential in the repair documentation process. These items have been formalized in a comprehensive
damage / repair reporting checklist which is found in Attachment II.

To expedite the review process, operators are encouraged to submit a completed repair plan/design to Boeing when
requesting assistance. The reference h) MOM provides additional instructions on submitting structural repair requests to
Operators are advised to obtain review and approval of repair plans for STC modified structure from the STC holder


Boeing warranty remedies are not available for the information included in this service letter.

Original Release Dated: 21 January 2008.
Revision A Dated: 25 September 2009. Revision to add
Boeing (Douglas Heritage) models for the s
ubject matter at the request of one operator.
Revision B Dated: 25 September 2009. Revision to add
Boeing (Douglas Heritage) models for the s
ubject matter at the request of one operator.
Revision C Dated: 9 April 2010. Revised to include 787 Mode
l Airplanes. Also updated references a), b) and d).
Revision D: Dated: 16 March 2011. Revised to
reflect changes to the RDR form.

Disclaimer: This document contains BOEING PROPRIETARY, Export Controlled ECCN:9E991 information, Encrypted emails required for
forwarding via Email. Document Generated on 11/18/2021 by Fleet Team Digest-Service Letter.

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707-SL-51-029-G 767-SL-51-036-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
717-SL-51-107-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
737-SL-51-042-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G MD-90-SL-51-108-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G
757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
ATA : 5100-00
17 November 2021
Revision E: Dated: 10 November 2014. Revised to reflec
t changes to Attachment I - Structural Servic
e Request Submitting Check List, and to add
reference to related multi-operator message.
Revision F: Dated: 20 November 2017. Provide damage rep
orting recommended best practices based on cu
stomer feedback and evaluation of Boeing respo
nse time through Boeing Communication Syste
m (BCS) including additional clarity on damage
to composite structure. Minor edits throughout.
Revision G: Revised to update sections A thru C to improve messa
ge quality of data reported by customers based on flee
t history of Boeings request for additional information
to initial service request message. Revision also incor
porates additional comments for reporting damage on
composite sandwich structure and damage evaluation
for Lightning Strike damage at Diverter strip/ Lightnin
g Strike protection doubler locations fastener locations
common to diverter/lightning strike protection strips.
Attachment I: Structural Service Request Submitting Check List
Attachment II: Checklist for Reporting Structu
ral/Composite Damage/Repairs
Attachment III: 737NG Winglet Upper and Lower Skin Damage Maps
Attachment IV: Composite Sandwich Structure Cross-Section



Original: Dated: 15 September 2017 I approve the content of this SL.

• structural_sr_check_list
• Checklist for Reporting Repairs
• 737NG Winglet Damage Map
• Composite Sandwich Structure Cross-Section

Disclaimer: This document contains BOEING PROPRIETARY, Export Controlled ECCN:9E991 information, Encrypted emails required for
forwarding via Email. Document Generated on 11/18/2021 by Fleet Team Digest-Service Letter.

Page 5 of 5
707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
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Structural Service Request Submitting Checklist

When submitting a structural service request, always include the following five categories of
Note: Please do not provide proprietary data that Boeing is not authorized to have.

A. Airplane Information:
1. Provide aircraft registry, variable number, or serial number in addition to total Flight
Cycles (FC) and total Flight Hours (FH). Be advised this is applicable for removed and
replaced structure such as nose radome assemblies. If Service Bulletin (SB) is being
performed, please specify the current group & configuration of the aircraft relative to
the subject SB (and Airworthiness Directive, if applicable).
2. Provide the 24-hour contact information if AOG status.
3. Provide Return to Service date (RTS) including desired date for all documentation
(including 8100-9s).
4. Provide the type of approval required (8100-9, RDR, NTO, or structural approval).
Include how long the approval is required for (FC, FH, calendar days, etc.).
5. Advise if interim or temporary repair is acceptable as an option.
6. Advise if the repair is to structure affected or altered by a non-Boeing STC.

B. General Description:
Note: Typically, Boeing does not need airline or MRO-specific documentation, such
as airline task cards, NDT reports, work orders, etc.
1. Numerically identify each discrepancy and provide the type of damage (dent, crack,
delamination, corrosion, short edge margin, etc.) and part numbers for each.
2. Describe damage discovery (walk around, scheduled maintenance, service bulletin
incorporation, etc.). If SB is being performed, please specify which step was being
accomplished when the damage was found.

C. Location and Damage Extent:

1. Locate and size discrepancies using aircraft coordinates and/or distance from known
structure. Specify measurement system used (inches, centimeters, millimeters, etc.).
a. Provide dimensions of damage (length, width, depth, crack orientation).
b. Provide edge margins, hole sizes, hole spacing, etc.
Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991
707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
Page 2 or 6

Note: Please highlight worse case for all data provided. (E.g. shortest fasteners
spacing, shortest edge margin, etc.)
c. Provide distance to production cutout if damage is in close proximity (within
10 inches).
d. Provide distance to nearest frame station and stringer location (if applicable)
2. Provide photographs, sketches, and/or drawings to help describe the damage or repair
as follows:
Note: It is preferred for damage definition to be mapped on a drawing (if possible).
a. Provide photographs showing general area (zoomed out) for reference and
additional photographs (zoomed in) to show enhanced details with
orientation(s) labeled in each. Ensure structural landmarks (frame station,
stringers, etc.) are labeled if applicable.
b. Ensure damage is accurately shown and that location and orientation
annotations are added if providing a marked-up Boeing drawing.
3. Specify the type of inspection used to detect the defect. Be advised of limitations for
each (tap test / Ramp Damage Checker (RDC) for composite structure does not provide
damage depth).
4. Clarify delamination extent in composite structures. If delamination is detected,
perform Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) per 787 NDT Part 4 Section 51-00-06 (A-
scan) from both sides to fully define delamination per the following:
a. Provide Outer Mold Line (OML) and Inner Mold Line (IML) NDI data in 0.5
inch x 0.5 inch grid increments with part thicknesses labeled in each grid. It is
recommended to have OML and IML grids match.
i. Extend data minimum two grids / 1.0 inches beyond detectable
5. For Composite sandwich and edge band solid laminate structure NDI requirements:
a. Refer to commodity specific SRM’s or Boeing drawings for material system
identifications and ply sequence/lay-up details. Typically, understanding the
build/ply sequence and core details is recommended before performing detailed NDT
b. For NDT method and damage evaluation, refer to Flowchart in NDT Manual Part 1,
51-01-01, Figure 9 for guidelines to evaluate composite structure damage. For
impact damage NDT requirements, refer to NDT Manual Part 1, 51-01-02
guidelines. For lightning strike damage NDT requirements, refer to NDT Manual
Part 1, 51-01-03 guidelines.
c. Refer to attached figure for reference composite sandwich structure cross section.
Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991
707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
Page 3 or 6

d. After NDT completion, below damage information should be provided (in detail) to
Boeing for evaluation in addition to description of any cracks, nicks, scratches,
gouges, holes, dents, etc:
i. Interply delamination checks (solid laminates and sandwich facesheets)
1. Laminate interply delamination details.
2. Provide delamination description as inspected from both the Outer
Mold Line (OML) and Inner Mold Line (IML) of solid laminates or
both sandwich facesheets, when possible.
ii. Disbond between Facesheets and Core and Core damage (sandwich structure):
1. Check for disbond between OML Facesheet plies and Honeycomb
2. Check for disbond between IML Facesheet plies and Honeycomb
3. Identify, if any, core crush is present.
iii. Disbond between co-bonded or co-cured solid laminate structures
e. Note(s):
i. Different NDT methods (defined in NDT Manual flowchart identified above)
are used to check for interply delaminations and disbonds between sandwich
facesheets and core and other bonded structures.
ii. It is recommended to extend the inspections to 5 inches around the damage
zone (in all directions, if possible) to ensure no hidden damage exists within
the structure.
iii. Confirm the number of damaged plies (as inspected from both the OML and
IML surfaces, or of both sandwich facesheets, when possible) and disbond area
(including core damage) and report final size (length, width and depth) of the
damaged area on a detailed dimensioned sketch/photograph.
1. It is not recommended to do any damage removal or extensive
disassembly at this time. Provide (whatever possible) above
information without any damage removal at this point.
2. In addition to above detailed damage information, provide location of
damage with reference to adjacent structure including distance to
adjacent/nearest fastener lines (if present) in all directions. Clearly
label the adjacent structure with Part numbers and distance.
3. Mark the part/damage directions relative to aircraft (forward/aft/
inboard/outboard) on the detailed sketch/photograph that is sent in with
incoming BCS message.
iv. Identifying individual ply numbers on the damage report (refer to commodity
specific SRM Chapters or Boeing drawings for ply build up details –if
available) helps identify and compare the damage to type design configuration
build sequence.
Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991
707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
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1. Refer to commodity specific SRM cross-section details – depending on

damage location – if any partial plies are damaged, indicate the partial
ply numbers and damage dimensions relative to SRM cross section
f. In addition, for Composite Damage evaluation (787) , refer to SRM Chapter 51-13
with below sub-chapter details:
i. B787-A-51-13-01-01A-280A-A: Effects of damage to Composite Structure
ii. B787-A-51-13-02-01A-280A-A: Inspection and removal of damage
iii. B787-A-51-13-03-01A-010A-A: Heat Damage Evaluation (Composite
iv. B787-A-51-13-04-01A-280A-A: Evaluation of UV Damage to Composite
g. For other Boeing models, see applicable sections of SRM Chapter 51.
2. Damage evaluation for Lightning Strike damage at Diverter strip/ Lightning Strike
protection doubler locations (and fastener locations common to diverter/lightning strike
protection strips) :
a. Step 1: Perform Contact Through-Transmission Ultrasonic, (CTTU) inspection
(NDT Manual Part 4, 51-00-03) around the damaged area to confirm no
disbond/delamination exists between diverter strip and skin panel. If CTTU cannot
be performed due to loss of signal, use bond test (high-frequency bondtester (NDT
Manual Part 4, 51-00-01) for aluminum frame to skin disbond detection purpose
only (see additional notes below).
b. Step 2:
i. If No disbond is found:
1. Perform pulse echo (NDT Manual Part 4, 51-00-02) or TTU
inspection (NDT Manual Part 4, 51-00-03) to confirm no skin ply
delamination around periphery of aluminum frame in damage area.
2. Note: This Step can be performed along with Step 1 above.
ii. If Disbond is found:
1. Trimming of diverter strip adjacent to the damaged area to gain
access to perform NDT inspection might be required. Consult Boeing
Service Engineering for trimming details and direction.
2. Provide location of damage with reference to adjacent
structure including distance to adjacent/nearest fastener lines (if
present) in all directions. Clearly label the adjacent structure with
Part numbers and distance.
iii. Note(s):
1. If CTTU is performed as Step 1 – it will check for both
disbond between Al frame and Skin laminate, and also Skin
laminate interply delaminations
Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991
707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
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2. In case CTTU not available – or loss in signal occurs- If High

frequency bondtester is used to check for disbond between AL frame
and Skin – 51-00-01, Pulse echo 51-00-02 is required for underneath
skin damage verification. Metallic frame must be trimmed off locally
(Consult Boeing Service Engineering for trimming details and
direction) to perform 51-00-02 inspections.
3. For all the adjacent fasteners within 5 inches of visible damage in all
directions, perform a 10x magnified detailed visual inspection (DVI)
of the fastener to ensure no pitting, blistering, discoloration, melted
metal, etc. on the fastener head. In particular, if there is lightning strike
damage to the Protective Doubler(Aluminum frame) at the periphery
of the fastener head, there may be small pitting damage along the edge
of the fastener head.

7. For lightning strike damage, perform inspection per AMM and SRM. Advise condition
of NDI results and fastener integrity.
8. Report if the damage is near any existing repair, modification or Third Party STC. Provide
the proximity from the damage and history of the existing repair/modification (SRM,
Boeing approval, etc.).
9. List part numbers, drawing numbers, and thickness of parts when it is useful for
researching or evaluating a repair. Include the serial number if the damaged part is a
component also. Contact STC holder if the part is a non-Boeing STC part.
10. For dents, define the dent perimeter and report the dent maximum (Lmax) length,
minimum (Lmin) length and maximum depth (Ymax). Determine and show the
location of maximum depth and the minimum distance to nearby fasteners. For cases
of many small circular dents from hail damage, just the Ymax and the dent diameter
needs to be reported. Indicate if dents are gouged or creased. If creased, report if the
crease crosses any stiffeners or frames. Rework per SRM, if possible, and report the
original dimensions prior to rework and the final dimensions. Inspect for damage to
underlying/adjacent structure and provide details if found, or state that no adjacent
damage was found.

D. Damage Removal:
1. It is generally preferable to remove the damage prior to submitting information to
Boeing for review EXCEPT for dents on metallic and composite structures,
delamination or punctures to composite structure, and/or scribe to metallic or
composite structure unless removal is already approved by SRM or service bulletin.
Remove corrosion before submitting to Boeing. Note: in very complicated repairs,
Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991
707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
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Boeing can be contacted prior to removal of the damage.

2. Report if the repair has been accomplished, is in-work, or is scheduled.
3. Damage removed by blending per SRM: Provide dimensions of blended area (length x
width x depth); provide the maximum blend depth and the remaining material
thickness. For larger blend areas, it is helpful to provide a blend map on a photo or
sketch of the area with a grid added. Indicate the blend thickness and remaining
thickness for each grid square. Show any fasteners included in the blend area.
4. Damage removed by trimming per SRM: Provide trim area (length x width); indicate
the material thickness at the trim and the trim radius. Indicate, on a sketch or photo, the
distance from the trim to adjacent fasteners and structure.
5. Provide inspection method(s) that have been completed [for example confirmed crack
free by High Frequency Eddy Current (HFEC), Dye Pen. If it is composite material,
confirm the extent of delamination by tap test, etc.]

E. Repair Proposal and Submittal Guidelines:

1. Provide a proposed repair using the SRM as guideline.
2. Include complete detail of the repair with sketches, photos, cross-sections, etc.
Adhere to guidelines stated in item 2 of section “location and size of the damage.”
3. Provide the Boeing Communication System (BCS) message number if referencing
previously submitted repairs. Include a list of deviations if applicable.
4. Specify the proposed repair material to be used including material specifications,
thickness, length and width.
5. Provide detail information of any adjacent damage or existing repairs. If the previous
repair is based on an SRM repair, provide the reference procedure.
6. Define fasteners by size, type, and class of hole (clearance fit, interference,
transition fit or close tolerance).
7. Specify fastener spacing, edge margins, and end margins.
8. Provide details of any shims used to meet SRM or drawing gap requirements.
9. Specify finishes applied to all detail parts.
10. For bonded repairs, provide the procedure and references used (hot bond, cold bond,
wet layup, prepreg, etc.).
Note- Refer to the specific model SRM for definitions

Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
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Request/Document Number ATA*

Date submitted Contact name *
Reply due date * Company name *
A/P due out date * Phone number *
E-mail address Fax number
S/N or
Airline A/P model Tail no. Variable

Registration Line number Hours Cycles

A/C status: C-Check D-Check AOG Other

If NO, pls advise
Has the repair been accomplished or scheduled? * Yes No schedule.

Has all damage been removed? * Yes No

If NO, please provide details.
The new repair would be: *
Interim Acceptable inspection interval: hours cycles
Time limited Next A-Check: days hours cycles
Next B-Check: days hours cycles
Next C-Check: days hours cycles
Next D/HMV- days hours cycles
If airplane is due out soon, is a time limited repair with repeated inspection acceptable? Yes No
If NO, please provide details.
Provide information where applicable.
Use multiple forms for multiple damaged parts.
If available.
From known structure such as top of floors, seat tracks, floor beams, bulkheads, frames, stringers, spars, ribs, cutouts, etc.
* Boeing required information.

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
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Item number: Part number: Damage type:

Damage Dimensions:
Length: (in/cm/mm) Width: (in/cm/mm) Depth: (in/cm/mm)
(in/cm/mm) (at/fwd/aft) of STA
(between/at) stringer(s)/longeron
Other geometric description: _

Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
Page 3 of 6


1 Does this repair plan need an FAA form 8100-9? * Yes No

2a Was the damage found during the incorporation of a Service Bulletin (SB)? * Yes No
2b If YES, please provide SB no.
2c Was the damage found during the accomplishment of an AD? * Yes No
2d If YES, please provide AD no.
3a Is the new repair in the vicinity of an existing repair? * Yes No
3b Will the new repair overlap an existing repair? * Yes No
3c Describe the cause of damage.

3d Does this airplane have a winglet? * Yes No

4a Is the new repair in the vicinity of an existing STC modified structure? * Yes No

4b Will the new repair overlap the STC structure? * Yes No

5a Is the new repair in the vicinity of any existing AD modified structure or structure
which is the subject of an AD? * Yes No
5b Will the new repair overlap the AD modified structure? * Yes No
5c If 5a or 5b are YES, please provide AD no.
6a Is the new repair made to an existing Principal Structural Element (PSE)/Significant Structural Item (SSI) as
noted in the SSD/SIP/SSID/SSIP document? * Yes No
6b Will the new repair overlap any existing PSE/SSI? * Yes No
6c If 6a or 6b are YES, please provide document no.
7 If this damaged part is a spare, please provide spare ownership details. *

• Boeing required information.

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
Page 4 of 6


8a Is the repair plan developed from the SRM? * Yes No

8b If Yes, provide SRM chapter and figure.
8c If NO, please provide preferred plan.
9 If a similar repair has been approved, please identify Boeing message number? *
Notes on attaching sketches of damage to this report.
Provide a detailed sketch of the damage on a Boeing
drawing, SRM figure, or rubbing.
• Make sketch lines bold and distinct for sketch 2.0 D=0.75 3.0
callouts so that the faxed sketch will be easy to A/Y=35
read. B

• Digital photographs could be used to D

supplement the sketches, but damage areas need D=1.0

to be hi-lighted. 4.0 4.5

• List detailed part numbers and drawing

numbers, when possible, to expedite repair. D=1.75
E D=0.
• Show all fastener locations accurately using 5
relative distance from reference objects. (see 2.5

diagram on right side) 4.25

• Damage size and relative distance from 6.0 F

reference objects is mandatory. (see diagram on A D=0.5

right side) 1.5


Typical method of sketching damage.

(D = diameter, A = longest length of damage, Y = depth of damage)
* Boeing required information.

Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
Page 5 of 6


What is the damage found? * (check all the apply)
Creases Cracks Corrosion Dents Gouge
Lightning Strike Punctures Scratches Wrinkles Others
What inspection method was used to detect the damage?
Ultrasonic Visual X-ray Others
Size of damage 4 *
length inch / mm width inch / mm
depth inch / mm
original thickness inch / mm thickness remaining inch / mm
blend-out taper A/Y blend-out surface finish
Provide information where applicable. Dimensions should be measured after damage removal. Specify inches or millimeters. Use one (1)

METAL STRUCTURE REPAIR form for each damage location.

Give brief description of damage

Repair Material Used *

repair material material spec.
length inch / mm width inch / mm
thickness inch / mm
Replacement Fasteners *
Rivets P/N 5 , ,
Hi-Loks P/N 5 , ,
Bolt P/N 5
, ,
with alpha code

Classification of repair holes Hole size Bolt Hi-Loks (


• Boeing required information.

Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
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Fastener Spacing
Is any individual fastener spacing less than 4D or greater than 6D? Yes No
If YES, please provide details.
Fastener Edge Clearance
Is any fastener less than 2D from the edge of a skin? Yes No
If YES, please provide details.
Trimmed Structure
Does any structure need to be trimmed? Yes No
If YES, please provide details such as size, corner radius and location.

Specify surface finish of trimmed edges.

Fin ishes and Sealant

Alodine 6 , ,
Primer 6 , ,
Sealant 6 , ,
Produ ct name or prefix with n umber – DPM, DMS, BMS
What inspection method will be used to verify t he repair?
Eddy Current Dye penetrant Mag. Particle
Ultrasonic Visual X-ray
References – Sketches, AD, SB, SRM, Previous Repairs, Previous Correspondence, etc. *
Appendix number
References (in this document) No. of pages


• Boeing required information.

Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
Page 1 of 2

737NG Winglet Upper Skin Damage Map

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G
Page 2 of 2

737NG Winglet Lower Skin Damage Map

Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991

707-SL-51-029-G 757-SL-51-022-G DC-9-SL-51-108-G
717-SL-51-107-G 767-SL-51-036-G DC-10-SL-51-107-G
727-SL-51-041-G 777-SL-51-013-G MD-10-SL-51-105-G
737-SL-51-042-G 787-SL-51-001-G MD-11-SL-51-107-G
747-SL-51-048-G DC-8-SL-51-106-G MD-80-SL-51-108-G

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Composite Sandwich Structure Cross-Section

Export Controlled ECCN: 9E991


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