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1he orlgln of Lhe mlsslle can be Lraced back Lo Lhe roman war machlne Lhe caLapulL 1he gulded mlsslle
was born when Werner von Slemens suggesLed a gulde Lorpedo for submarlnes ln Lhe laLe 19Lh cenLury
lrom Lhese beglnnlngs Lhe presenL day LrldenL and Lomahawk are gulded from Lhe skles uslng Lhe CS
slgnals 1hls semlnar deals wlLh Lhe measuremenL concepL LhaL LesLs Lhe mlsslle accuracy SA18ACk
recelves rebroadcasL records and Lracks Lhe saLelllLe slgnals senL by Lhe CS slgnals 1he recepLlon and
rebroadcasL of Lhe slgnals ls done by a mlsslle hardware called Lhe CS LranslaLor 1he ground LelemeLry
sLaLlons conslsL of Lhe 8l anLenna and recorders for Lhe daLa osLfllghL processlng and modelllng are
done laLer aL Lhe SA18ACk laclllLy Also Lhe ma[or error conLrlbuLors Lo Lhe mlsslle fllghL are deLermlned
by Lhe modelllng done 1here ls exLenslve use of slmulaLed slgnals ln Lhls meLhod 1hls semlnar also
Lhrows llghL on Lhe ma[or breakLhrough Lechnologles LhaL were developed durlng Lhe research leadlng
up Lo Lhe flnal form of Lhls Lechnology 1he ma[or advanLages dlsadvanLages and fuLure appllcaLlons of
Lhls meLhod ls also dlscussed 1hls guldance sysLem evaluaLlon concepL ls Lhe besL ln Lhe currenL LesL
and evaluaLlon Lechnology for gulded weapons sysLems
Accordlng Lo Lhe dlcLlonary guldance ls Lhe tprocess of guldlng Lhe paLh of an ob[ecL Lowards a glven
polnL whlch ln general may be movlngt` 1he process of guldance ls based on Lhe poslLlon and
veloclLy lf Lhe LargeL relaLlve Lo Lhe gulded ob[ecL 1he presenL day balllsLlc mlsslles are all gulded uslng
Lhe global poslLlonlng sysLem or CSCS uses saLelllLes as lnsLrumenLs for sendlng slgnals Lo Lhe mlsslle
durlng fllghL and Lo gulde lL Lo Lhe LargeL SA18ACk ls a sysLem LhaL was developed Lo provlde an
evaluaLlon meLhodology for Lhe guldance sysLem of Lhe balllsLlc mlsslles 1hls was developed as a
comprehenslve LesL and evaluaLlon program Lo valldaLe Lhe lnLegraLed weapons sysLem deslgn for
nuclear powered submarlnes launched balllsLlc mlssllesLhls ls based on Lhe Lracklng slgnals recelved aL
Lhe mlsslle from Lhe CS saLelllLes SA18ACk has Lhe ablllLy Lo recelve record rebroadcasL and Lrack Lhe
saLelllLe slgnals SA18ACk faclllLy also has Lhe greaL advanLage LhaL Lhe whole daLa obLalned from Lhe
LesL fllghLs can be used Lo obLaln a guldance error model 1he recorded daLa along wlLh Lhe slmulaLlon
daLa from Lhe models can produce a comprehenslve guldance error model 1hls wlll resulL ln Lhe
soluLlon LhaL ls Lhe besL fllghL paLh for Lhe mlsslle

1he slgnals for Lhe CS saLelllLe navlgaLlon are Lwo Lband frequency slgnals 1hey can be called L1 and
L2L1 ls aL 137342 MPz and L2 aL 122760 MPz1he modulaLlons used for Lhese CS slgnals are
1 narrow band clear/acqulslLlon code wlLh 2MPz bandwldLh
2 Wlde band encrypLed code wlLh 20MPz bandwldLh
L1 ls modulaLed uslng Lhe narrow band C/A code only 1hls slgnal wlll glve an accuracy of close Lo a
100m only L2 ls modulaLed uslng Lhe code 1hls code glves a hlgher accuracy close Lo 10m LhaL ls why
Lhey are encrypLed 1he parameLers LhaL a CS slgnal carrles are laLlLude longlLude alLlLude and Llme
1he modulaLlons applled Lo each frequency provlde Lhe basls for epoch measuremenLs used Lo
deLermlne Lhe dlsLances Lo each saLelllLe 1racklng of Lhe dual frequency CS slgnals provldes a way Lo
correcL measuremenLs from Lhe effecL of refracLlon Lhrough Lhe lonosphere An alLernaLe frequency L3
aL 138103MPz was also used Lo compensaLe for Lhe lonospherlc effecLs

llg1 SaLrack concepL

Culdance sysLem evaluaLlon concepL of very early weapons sysLems depended on Lhe lmpacL scorlng
Lechnlques 1hls means LhaL Lhe mlsslle was shoL and Lhe accuracy was formulaLed on Lhe scorlng or Lhe
LargeL desLrucLlon 1hls evaluaLlon meLhod was unaccepLable for evaluaLlng Lhe more preclse
requlremenLs of Lhe laLesL sysLems A new meLhodology was needed LhaL provlded lnslghLs lnLo Lhe
ma[or error conLrlbuLors wlLhln Lhe fllghLLesL envlronmenL 1he exlsLlng range lnsLrumenLaLlon was
largely provlded by radar sysLems Lhey however dld noL provlde Lhe needed accuracy or range ln Lhe
broad ocean LesL ranges 1he accuracy pro[ecLlons needed Lo be based on Lhe hlgh confldence
undersLandlng of Lhe underlylng sysLem parameLers SA18ACk was developed wlLh Lhe necessary
hardware and LelemeLry sLaLlons
1he flgure shows Lhe SA18ACk measuremenL concepL 1he maln parLs are Lhe CS saLelllLes Lhe mlsslle
LranslaLor and ground LelemeLry sLaLlons 1he mlsslle recelves Lhe slgnals from Lhe CS saLelllLes 1hey
are LranslaLed Lo anoLher frequency and relayed Lo Lhe ground LelemeLry sLaLlons 1he LelemeLry sLaLlon
records Lhe daLa for playback and for posL processlng
1he saLelllLe slgnals recelved aL Lhe mlsslle are LranslaLed Lo Sband frequencles for Lhe LelemeLry sLaLlon
uslng Lhe mlsslle hardware called LranslaLors 1he ground based LelemeLry sLaLlon record Lhe daLa afLer
recepLlon Lhrough Lhe anLenna afLer dlglLlslng Lhe slgnals Some ground slLes uses L1 C/A slgnals Lo
provlde real Llme Lracklng soluLlons
1hls fllghL hardware ls flxed ln Lhe mlsslle 1he LranslaLor recelves Lhe CS slgnals and Lhey are ampllfled
shlfLed Lo an lnLermedlaLe frequency fllLered Lo cover Lhe saLelllLe slgnal modulaLlon bandwldLh shlfLed
Lo an ouLpuL frequency 1hen Lhey are ampllfled for Lransmlsslon Lo one or more ground sLaLlons

llg 2 CS 1ranslaLor

1he LranslaLor does Lhe followlng
1 8ecelved Lhe saLelllLe slgnal
2 1ranslaLed lL Lo a mlsslle LelemeLry frequency (Sband)
3 8ebroadcasL Lhe recelved slgnal
CS LranslaLor are of boLh Analog and dlglLal Lypes 1he Analog LranslaLors heLerodyne Lhe Lband slgnal
Lo Sband adds a plloL carrler Lo allow Lhe monlLorlng of Lhe reference osclllaLor varlaLlons 8oLh wlde
and narrow band Lype of Analog LranslaLors are used ulglLal LranslaLors downconverL Lhe recelved L
band CS slgnal Lo near base band and dlglLlses lL 1hls dlglLlsed daLa ls modulaLed lnLo an Sband carrler
and LransmlLLed Lo Lhe ground sLaLlons
llLLu SuC81 LCulMLn1
SA18ACk ls Lhe mosL useful Lool because of lLs posL fllghL processlng faclllLy 1he ground equlpmenL
conslsLs of recelvlng anLenna daLa recorder and auxlllary reference Llmlng sysLems 1he equlpmenL
recelves Lhe LranslaLed CS slgnal along wlLh oLher LelemeLry slgnals and dlsLrlbuLes lL Lo Lhe daLa
recorder MosL ground sLaLlons are capable of generaLlng a preclse aLomlc Llmlng sLandard 1he earller
equlpmenLs were narrowband recorders LhaL relled on hlghspeed Lape recorders 1hese gave up Lo 14
Lracks of recordlng channels wlLh four mega samples per second 1he LranslaLor processlng sysLem was
developed for Lhe naLlonal mlsslle defence exoaLmospherlc reenLry lnLercepL subsysLem where lL
served as a realLlme CS processor for range safeLy as well as daLa recorder Some laLer verslons were
capable of processlng daLa from boLh analogue and dlglLal LranslaLors
C81A8LL C8Cunu LCulMLn1
1hls hardware ls used for Lhe posL fllghL processlng and Lracklng of Lhe saLelllLe slgnals 1he SA18ACk
faclllLy processes Lhe raw daLa lnLo a Llme serles of range and uoppler measuremenLs for each saLelllLe
and Lhe kalman fllLer whlch lncorporaLes varlous correcLlons and generaLes a navlgaLlon soluLlon for Lhe
mlsslle 1he sysLem has undergone a loL of redeslgn and developmenL as Lhe requlremenLs evolved wlLh
new Lype of LranslaLors and recelvers 1he laLesL sysLem processes Lhe wldeband L1/L2 slgnals dual
frequency code as requlred by wlde band LranslaLors 1he sysLem hardware ls based on Analog uevlce
SPA8C processor MosL of Lhe cusLom CS processlng hardware ls based on fleld programmable gaLe
arrays lCA Lach board has Lhe ablllLy Lo Lrack up Lo elghL channels 1he user lnLerface ls done uslng
wlndows based C worksLaLlons

CS1 lLlCP1 18ACklnC Anu uA1A 8CCLSSlnC
1hls ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL parL of Lhe SA18ACk Lechnology

llC 3 8aslc SA18ACk conflguraLlon
lor a number of days surroundlng Lhe mlsslle fllghL CS slgnals are recelved Lracked and recorded aL
Lhe CS Lracklng slLes
uurlng Lhe mlsslle fllghL CS slgnals are recelved by mlsslle LranslaLed ln frequency and LransmlLLed Lo
Lhe surface sLaLlon(s)
A Lracklng anLenna aL Lhe sLaLlon recelves Lhe mlsslle slgnals separaLes Lhe varlous componenLs and
records Lhe daLa
1he posLfllghL process uses Lhe recorded daLa Lo glve saLelllLe ephemeredes clock esLlmaLes Lracked
slgnaldaLa from Lhe posLfllghL recelver and mlsslle guldance sensor daLa
AfLer Lhe slgnal Lracklng daLa are correcLed all Lhe daLa elemenL and Lhe sysLem models are used by Lhe
mlsslle processor Lo produce Lhe fllghL LesL daLa producLs
1he flgure shows how Lhe posL fllghL Lracklng faclllLy accompllshes preclslon Lracklng of Lhe CS slgnals
Lhrough Lhe playback of Lhe recorded LranslaLor slgnals Plgh accuracy saLelllLe ephemeredes and Lhe
clock esLlmaLe coverlng Lhelr span of LesL fllghL ls obLalned 1hese daLa along wlLh Lhe processed
LelemeLry daLa help provlde Lhe Lracklng alds for Lhe posL fllghL recelver and measuremenL esLlmaLes for
Lhe mlsslle processor 1he LranslaLor passes slgnal for all Lhe saLelllLe ln vlew of Lhe mlsslle anLenna and
Lhe posL fllghL recelver provldes all ln vlew saLelllLe slgnal Lracklng uurlng play back saLelllLe slgnals are
Lracked Lhrough delay locked loops
lor range code modulaLlon and phase locked loops for carrler phase Lracklng
1he posL fllghL processlng of Lhe recorded daLa ls used Lo LesL Lhe accuracy of Lhe measuremenLs LhaL ls
Lo evaluaLe Lhe guldance sysLem 1he concepL can be explalned based on Lhe block dlagram glven below

flg4 sLraLeglc weapons sysLems accuracy evaluaLlon concepL
1he procedure was developed by whlsh Lhe uncerLalnLles wlLh whlsh we observe a performance as well
as Lhe flnlLude of LesL programs was LranslaLed ln Lo speclfled confldence ln Lhe accuracy parameLers
belng esLlmaLed lnformaLlon Lheory provlded Lhe basls for developlng Lhe algorlLhms LhaL could
quanLlfy Lhe confldence wlLh whlch accuracy could be esLlmaLed nexL performance needed Lo be
known noL [usL Lhe sysLem level buL aL Lhe subsysLem level also 1he accuracy evaluaLlon program had
Lo be able Lo lsolaLe faulLs and esLlmaLe performance of Lhe subsysLems or Lhe varlous phases of Lhe
sysLem Slnce Lhe allowable number of LesL used for Lhe deLermlnaLlon of esLlmaLes were llmlLed Lo 10Lo
20 Lhe lnsLrumenLaLlon had Lo be of hlgh quallLy Lo provlde Lhe hlgh confldence measuremenLs hence Lo
geL good confldence esLlmaLes ln addlLlon Lo Lhls we also needed Lo exLrapolaLe Lhe unLesLed condlLlon
LhaL ls Lo predlcL LacLlcal performance wlLh hlghquanLlfled confldence from LesL daLa

uaLa from each accuracy LesL was analysed uslng some varlanL of Lhe kalman fllLer WlLhln Lhese fllLers
are Lhe deLalled models of boLh Lhe sysLem and Lhe lnsLrumenLaLlon for each sysLem 1he flgure deplcLs
how Lhls analysls ls accompllshed Clven a parLlcular LesL or scenarlo measuremenL daLa are collecLed
on Lhe varlous subsysLems uslng rlgorous meLhods Lhese daLa are collecLed wlLh prlor lnformaLlon
generally developed and malnLalned by bullders of Lhe varlous parLs of Lhe sysLem under LesL 1hls prlor
lnformaLlon ls necessary for Lhe slngle LesL processlng glven Lhe lncompleLe observablllLy of Lhe error
sources 1he ouLpuLs of Lhe fllLer provlde Lhe basls for undersLandlng parLlcular reallzaLlons of sysLem
and subsysLem behavlour Analysls resulLs provlde lnslghL ln Lo Lhe sources and causes of Lhe lnaccuracy
1he resulLs of Lhe mulLlple LesLs tLhe ouLpuLs of Lhe kalman fllLer tserve as Lhe lnpuLs Lo Lhe
cumulaLlve parameLer esLlmaLlon process All prlor lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe relaLlve error models ls
removed so LhaL Lhe esLlmaLe accuracy ls derlved solely from Lhe LesL daLa

flg3 reconsLrucLlon of sources of mlsslle lmpacL mlss dlsLance error
1he graph shows a hypoLheLlcal dlagram used Lo allocaLe conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe lmpacL mlss 1hls meLhod
ls based on pro[ecLlng each error conLrlbuLor and lLs uncerLalnLy lnLo lmpacL domaln
1 flrsL level allocaLlon ls aL Lhe subsysLem level lnlLlal condlLlons guldance and deploymenL and re
2 secondlevel allocaLlon provldes daLa for ma[or error groups wlLhln each subsysLem eg
3 Lhlrdlevel allocaLlon (noL glven ln flgure) produces esLlmaLes of fundamenLal error Lerms of guldance
model eg an acceleromeLer scale facLor error
1hls process solves Lhe hlghly non llnear equaLlons for Lhe means varlances and Markov parameLers
LhaL characLerlze Lhe overall sysLem accuracy performance ln addlLlon uncerLalnLles ln Lhe parameLer
esLlmaLes are calculaLed so LhaL we have a quanLlLaLlve measure of our confldence ln Lhe soluLlon 1he
ulLlmaLe deslred producL ls sysLem performance under LacLlcal noL LesL condlLlons Pere we rely heavlly
on Lhe LacLlcal gravlLy and weaLher condlLlons developed from daLa and lnsLrumenLaLlon 1hese models
along wlLh deLermlnlsLlc slmulaLlons of Lhe sysLem are Lhen used Lo propagaLe Lhe fundamenLal model
parameLer esLlmaLes and Lhe uncerLalnLles Lo Lhe domaln of lnLeresLsysLem accuracy aL Lhe LargeL
1he carrler phase Lracklng of Lhe slgnals provlde Lhe crlLlcal measuremenLs 1he measuremenLs of Lhe
CS slgnal phase sense range changes along Lhe llne of slghL for each slgnal Lo a small fracLlon of Lhe
wavelengLh usually a few mllllmeLres 1hese measuremenLs whlch when compared Lo Lhelr values
compuLed from guldance sensor daLa and saLelllLe poslLlon and veloclLy esLlmaLes provlde mosL of Lhe
lnformaLlon nolse ln Lhe measuremenL of Lhe recovered CS range code slgnals ls of secondary
lmporLance ln essence Lhe lnerLlal sensors provlde hlgh frequency moLlon lnformaLlon beLLer Lhan Lhe
slgnal processes Lhe uoppler lnformaLlon senses Lhe sysLemaLlc errors assoclaLed wlLh Lhe lnerLlal
sensors and Lhe range daLa provlde an lnlLlal condlLlon for all Lhe dynamlc measuremenLs 1he range
nolse remalnlng afLer Lhe process of smooLhlng of Lhe nolse ls smaller Lhan Lhe oLher blas llke
uncerLalnLles LhaL seL Lhe llmlL on absoluLe poslLlon accuracy eg Lhe saLelllLe poslLlon
1he mlsslle and saLelllLe Lra[ecLorles lncludlng sLlmulaLed errors for saLelllLe poslLlon and clocks were
used doL drlve Lhe saLelllLe slgnal generaLors Lo produce Lhe slmulaLed CS slgnals 1hese are Lhen
passed Lhrough dlglLally conLrolled phase shlfLers and Llme mulLlplexlng swlLch Lo emulaLe Lhe mlsslle
CS anLenna neLwork 1hls ls connecLed Lo a mlsslle LranslaLor hardware slmulaLor LhaL produced Lhe
CS slgnals aL Sband An Sband anLenna hardware slmulaLor produced Lhe ouLpuLs whlch were
recorded by Lhe proLoLype LelemeLry sLaLlon recelver and Lhe recordlng equlpmenL 1he hardware
slmulaLor drlvers were condlLloned Lo encompass all anLlclpaLed effecLs lncludlng slgnal refracLlon
Lhrough Lhe lonosphere and Lroposphere 1he recorded daLa were equlvalenL Lo Lhe daLa LhaL would be
recelved from LelemeLry slLe
1he posL fllghL processlng faclllLy now has all Lhe lnpuLs CS ephemeredes clock flles LelemeLry daLa
and LranslaLed slgnal daLa Lape 1hese daLa are Lhen processed and an esLlmaLe of Lhe underlylng model
errors ls produced ln addlLlon Lhe LesLlng of Lhe posL processlng sysLem ls done by Lhls meLhod

1 LvALuA1lCn CAA8lLl1? lC8 CuMuLA1lvL lLlCP1 1LS1 ACCu8AC?
1he llmlLaLlons of Lhe LesL geomeLry prohlblL observaLlons of all Lhe errors ln any slngle fllghL LesL Slnce
each LesL fllghL provldes observaLlons of Lhe underlylng sysLem mlsslle guldance error models Lhe daLa
can be comblned from may fllghL LesLs 1he flnal cumulaLlve analysls of fllghL LesL daLa produces a
guldance error model of Lhe weapons sysLem lL comblnes observaLlons from each fllghL Lo derlve a
mlsslle guldance model LhaL ls boLh LacLlcally represenLaLlve and based compleLely on Lhe fllghL LesL
daLa 1hls model comblned wlLh oLher slmllarly derlved sub sysLem models helps develop plannlng
facLors used Lo asslgn weapons sysLem LargeLs
2 luLL ulCl1AL lMLLMLn1A1lCn
1he full dlglLal lmplemenLaLlon ls of Lhe orLable ground equlpmenL and processlng faclllLy So Lhe
resulLs are expecLed Lo be repeaLable 1hls ls a very blg lmprovemenL over Lhe Analog clrculLry such as
Lhe Analog LLs used for carrler phase Lracklng loop ln addlLlon Lhe dlglLal lmplemenLaLlon removes
Lhe need for perlodlc hardware callbraLlon LhaL accompanles Lhe analog clrculLs

1hls Lype of processlng allows hardware Lo operaLe wlLh sofLware llke flexlblllLy As Lhe pure sofLware
sysLem was Loo slow hardware LhaL ls fully conflgurable under sofLware conLrol lmplemenLed Lhe mosL
compuLlng lnLenslve porLlons of Lhe process such as slgnal correlaLlon generaLlon of local code and
carrler slgnal mlxlng lL ls posslble Lo acqulre Lhe slgnal wlLh vlrLually no acqulslLlon delay by conducLlng
exLenslve searches wlLh lnlLlal baLch of daLa unLll all Lhe slgnals are found
4 lLLxl8LL A8CPl1LC1u8L 8LCLlvL8
1he baLch mode processlng has been applled Lo sLand alone real Llme capable recelver called lA8 lL
reLalns Lhe essence of baLch mode archlLecLure Whlle malnLalnlng Lhe capablllLy Lo process Lhe daLa ln
real Llme lA8 ls a slngle channel L1 C/A only recelver wlLh a fronLend daLa sLorage memory LhaL buffers
unLo one s of daLa lL can Lrack up Lo 16 saLelllLes ln real Llme wlLhouL any loss from channel mulLlplexlng

SA18ACk ls a slgnlflcanL conLrlbuLor Lo Lhe successful developmenL of and operaLlonal success of Lhe
LrldenL weapons sysLem lL provldes a unlque monlLorlng funcLlon LhaL ls crlLlcal Lo Lhe malnLenance of
sLraLeglc weapons sysLems 1he developmenL and research leadlng up Lo Lhls Lechnology has been
lnsLrumenLal ln brlnglng ouL Lhe laLesL ln CS recelver LranslaLors daLa recorders eLcseveral speclal LesL
have been conducLed wlLh varlous comblnaLlons of lnerLlal sysLems CS recelvers LranslaLors as well as
8l/anLenna deslgns Speclal LesLs have demonsLraLed LhaL accuracy a be achleved Lo supporL poLenLlal
new and exLremely demandlng LacLlcal sLrlke scenarlos 1he developmenL of SA18ACk looks forward Lo
Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Low CosL Mlsslle 1esL klL LC1Mk one oLher maln developmenL from Lhls
Lechnology was Lhe developmenL of sophlsLlcaLed Lools for opLlmal LargeL paLLernlng lnsLrumenLaLlon
analyLlc meLhods and modelllng and Lhe use of llmlLed and expenslve fllghL LesLs asseLs were also born
ouL of Lhe SA18ACk research
Marc Camacho and Sung LlmtrSA18ACk LesLs mlsslle accuracytr lLLL lnsLrumenLaLlon and
MeasuremenL pp 3743 !une 2003
u 8 Coleman and LS Slmklnstr1he fleeL balllsLlc mlsslle accuracy evaluaLlon programtr !ohns
Popklns AL 1ech ulgesL vol19 no4
pp 393397 1998
11hompson L!Levy and LWesLerfleldtr 1he SA18ACk sysLem uevelopmenL and appllcaLlonstr
!ohns Popklns AL 1ech ulgesL vol19 no4 pp 436446 1998
uavld L Moshertr 8alllsLlc mlsslle defencetrlLLL SpecLrum pp2939 SepLember 1997
Shneydor n A trMlsslle guldance and ursulLtrPerwood ubllshers pp 134748 1998
l exLend my slncere graLlLude Lowards rof Sukumaran Pead of ueparLmenL for glvlng us hls
lnvaluable knowledge and wonderful Lechnlcal guldance
l express my Lhanks Lo MrMuhammed kuLLy our group LuLor and also Lo our sLaff advlsor Ms 8l[l aul
for Lhelr klnd cooperaLlon and guldance for preparlng and presenLlng Lhls semlnar
l also Lhank all Lhe oLher faculLy members of ALl deparLmenL and my frlends for Lhelr help and supporL

t ln18CuuC1lCn
t SA18ACk CCnCL1
t CS 18AnSLA1C8
t llLLu SuC81 LCulMLn1
t C81A8LL C8Cunu LCulMLn1
t uA1A 8LCC8ulnC Anu CS1lLlCP1 8CCLSSlnC
t MA!C8 88LAk1P8CuCPS
t AuvAn1AnCLS
t ulSAuvAn1ACLS
t lu1u8L ul8LC1lCnS
t CCnCLuSlCn
t 8LlL8LnCLS

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