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Self Management Skills Class 10 MCQ Ql. stress makes a person worrisome, less productive and may lead to various disorders, a. Negative b. Positive ¢.Both of the above 4d. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. a. Negative Q2. Stress refers to strain/tension. a. Physical b. Mental Emotional 4. All of the above Hide Answer Ans. d. All of the above Q3. refers to human efforts for maintaining healthy body and mind.. 2. Stress Management, b. Self Motivation Self Regulation d. None of the above Hide Answer ‘Ans. a. Stress Management Q4. Stress causing agents are : a. Mentat b. Physical «Financial 4. All of the above Hide Answer Ans. d. All of the above QS. Students may feel their assignment. 2. Physical b. Financtat «Mental 4. None of the above Hide Answer “Ans. c. Mental stress if they are unable to submit Q6. Issues related to health of an individual can lead to low self- esteem and cause a. Financial b. Emotional Mental 4. Physical Hide Answer Ans. d. Physical stress. Q7. Importance of stress management is/are a.Improves mood ». Boosts immune system c-Increases efficiency 4. All of the above Hide Answer Ans. d. Al of the above Q8. Breathlessness, dry mouth, butterflies in stomach, indigestion etc are sign of. stress, 2. Mental b. Physical ©. Both of the above 4. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. b. Physical Q9. Stress management prevents 2. psychological disorders ». behavioural problems ¢.both of the above 4. none of the above Hide Answer ‘Ans. c. Both of the above Q10. Irritation, impatience, loneliness, upset mood, anxiety are sign of stress, a. Mental b. Physical «.Emotionat 4. None of the above Hide Answer ‘Ans, a. Mental Q11. Which of the following help to manage stress? a. Self-awareness of symptoms of stress. b. Speaking out to the well-wishers like family and friends. c.Both of the above 4. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. c. Both of the above QL is/are Stress Management Technique. 2. Physical Exercise »-Yosa «. Meditation 14. Allof the above Huge answer Anz. d, Allof the above ol. includes a series of postures and breathing exercises to control body and mind. 2. Meditation .v098 ccrmysea Exercise 4d. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. v. Yooa Q14._ is a practice where an individual is supposed to focus his/her mind. Yous b. Physical Exercise ‘< Meaitation Hide Ancwer ‘Ans, Megitation Q15. Which of the following help to manage stress? ‘2 Recreational ectivitie ke watching movies ete ». Going on vacations with Family and Friends ‘Taking Nature Watks 1. allof the above Hide Ancwer Ans. d. Alor the above QL6. SelFReliance means 2. Ability to Work Independently. b. Take ownership of the task assigned and leave no stone unturned in accomplishing the task. < Both of the above <6. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. c. Both of the above Q17. Having conscious knowledge of your own self capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is called as a. Self- Regulation b. Self- Motivation c.Self- Awareness, 4. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. c. Self- Awareness Q18. Ability to work independently can be enhanced by being 2. Self-aware b. Self-motivated c.Setf-regulated 4.Allof the above Hide Answer Ans. d. All of the above Q19. Importance of The Ability to Work Independently is/are __ a. Ensures greater learning. b. It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals. «Both of the above 4. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. ¢, Both of the above Q20. Which of the following is not a Stress management technique? a. Taking Nature Walk b. Focusing on negative aspects of life. c. Maintaining a positive attitude towards life. d. None of the above Hide Answer Ans, b. Focusing on negative aspects of life. Q21. Being means that you can identify your strengths and weaknesses 2. Self Aware b. Self Motivated c Self Regulated 4. None of the above Hide Answer ‘Ans. a, Self-Aware Q22. Which of the following statement is showing weakness of Ravi? a. Ravi play guitar very well. ». Ravi is good at creative writing. Ravi find it dificult to solve mathematics problems. 4. None of the above Hide Answer ‘Ans. . Ravi find it difficult to solve mathematics problems. Q23. is simply the force within you that drives you to do things. a. Self-Awareness b.Sett-Regulation «Self Motivation 4. None of the above Hide Answer Ans. ¢. Self Motivation Q24. makes you to complete work or studies without others cheering you. 2. Self- confidence b. Communication G Self- motivation 4. Self-Esteem Hide Answer Ans. ¢. Self - motivation

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