8-The d and F-Blocks Elements (1)

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8 The d and f-Block


Past Year Trend Analysis NEET (Year 2012-2021)


Number of Questions

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Past Year Weightage Percentage

Exam Average % Weightage Key Concepts
NEET 5.28 • General characteristic of d-Block element
• Preparation and properties of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7
• Lanthanoid contraction

Questions Bi-section
Topic-wise Questions Morale Booster Questions Multi-Concept Questions NEET Past 10 Year Questions Total
186 50 44 32* 312

*Past 10 year questions include Re-Neet paper and Covid Paper Questions also
The d and f-Block Elements 87

4s) of orbitals is small enough to prevent electron entering the

 In the periodic classification of elements, the elements are  Similarly in case of Cu, the configuration is 3d104s1 and not
classified on the basis of their electronic configuration into 3d94s2.
s,p,d and f-block elements .This classification is based on the  ns2 np6 nd10 configuration for an ion or atom is known as pseudo
type of atomic orbital that receives the valence electron in the inert gas configuration (or) nickel group configuration.
 The electronic configurations of outer orbitals of Zn, Cd, Hg
 The d-block elements lying between s- and p-block elements, are represented by the general formula (n - 1)d10ns2.
i.e., between groups 3 -12 of the periodic table are collectively
known as transitional elements.  The orbitals in these elements are completely filled in the
ground state as well as in their common oxidation states.
 The elements whose differentiating electron enters in (n–1) d Therefore, they are not regarded as transition elements.
sub-level are called d-block elements.
 There are greater horizontal similarities in the properties of
 The middle layer presents in the periodic table is filled with d the transition elements. However, some group similarities also
block with elements.
 Their properties are transitional between the highly
electropositive s-block element to least electropositive p-block Key Note
 All d-block elements are not transition elements. . However, palladium does not follow this general electronic
configuration. It has electron configuration [Kr]36 4d10 5s0 in
Ex.: Zn, Cd & Hg are not transitional elements order to have stability.
 Transition element are classified into the following series: Practice
 First transition series (3d) - 21SC to 30Zn The Pause
It will correspond to filling of 3d sub-shell consists of the Q.1. What is the general electronic configuration of transition
following 10 elements of 4th period. elements ?
Ans. (n–1)d1–10 ns1–2;
21Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and 30Zn.
 Second transition series (4d) - 39Y to 48Cd, Q.2. Write the electronic configurations of the following ions.
(a) Mn2+ (b) Fe3+
4d series corresponding to filling of 4d sub-shell consists of
the following 10 elements of 5th period. (c) Ni2+ (d) Cr3+
Ans. (a) [Ar] 3d5 4s0 (b) [Ar] 3d5 4s0
39Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag and 48Cd.
(c) [Ar] 3d8 4s0 (d) [Ar] 3d3 4s0
 Third transition series (5d) - 57La and 72Hf to 80Hg.
Q.3. Name the d-block elements which do not have partially
5d series corresponding to filling of 5d sub-shell consists of filled d-orbitals in their atoms or in their simple ions.
following 10 elements of 6th period.
Ans. Zn, Cd and Hg have (n – 1) d10 ns2; electron configuration in
57La, 72Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au and 80Hg. their atoms and (n – 1) d10 ns0; electron configuration in their
 Fourth transition series (6d) - 89Ac and 104Ac to 112Uub most stable simple ions i.e. M2+. So they do not have partially
filled d-orbitals in their atoms or in their simple ions.
6d series corresponding to the filling of 6d sub-shell starts with
89Ac followed by elements with atomic number 104 onwards GENERAL PROPERTIES OF THE OF
Properties of Transition metal
The general telectronic configuration of d-block elements is (n–1) The transition elements exhibit typical characteristic properties.
d1–10 ns1–2, where n is the outer most shell. This is due to their small atomic sizes, large nuclear charges and
 A typical transition element shall have an incompletely the presence of unpaired d - electrons.
filled d-sublevel either in its elemental form or in any of its Trends in M.P. of transition elements (TE)
chemically significant oxidation states.  High melting point of these metals are due to the involvement
 Atoms of d-block elements having d5 (half filled) and d10 of greater no. electrons from (n – 1)d in addition to ns electron
(completely filled) configuration are more stable because of in the interatomic metallic bonding.
greater exchange energies  In any row the melting points of these metals rise to a
 A consequence of this factor is reflected in the electronic maximum at d5 except for anomalous values of Mn and Tc
configurations of Cr and Cu in the 3d series. For example, and fall regularly as the atomic number increases.
 Consider the case of Cr, which has 3d5 4s1 configuration  They have high enthalpies of atomization. The maxima at
instead of 3d44s2; the energy gap between the two sets (3d and about the middle of each series indicate that one unpaired
88 The d and f-Block Elements

electron per d orbital is particularly favorable for strong in nuclear charge (as atomic number increases), where as the
interatomic interaction. Greater the no. of valence electrons shielding effect of d-electrons is small. After mid way as the
stronger is the resultant bonding which leads to higher electrons enters the last but one shell, the added d-electron
enthalpies of atomisation. shields the outer most electrons. Hence with the increase in
 Enthalpy of atomization: the d-electrons screening effect increases.
V > Ti > Ni > Co > Fe > Cr > Cu > Sc > Mn > Zn  The atomic radii, in general, increase down the group.
 The atomic radii of 2nd series are greater than those of 1st
 But the atomic radii of the second and third transition series
are almost the same.
 The filling of 4f before 5d orbital results in a regular decrease
in atomic radii called Lanthanoid contraction which
essentially compensates for the expected increase in atomic
radii with increasing atomic number.
 The net result of the lanthanoid contraction is that the second
and the third d series exhibit similar radii (e.g., Zr 160 pm,
Hf 159 pm) and have very similar physical and chemical

Fig.-1: Trends in melting points of transition elements

Ionisation Energies
 I.E of transition elements generally increases from left to
 After chromium, the number of unpaired electrons goes on right in any series due to increase in nuclear charge that is
decreasing. Accordingly, the melting points decrease after opposed by screening effect.
middle (Cr) because of increasing pairing of electrons.  First Ionization Energy: Ist I. E. values for the first four 3d
M.pt-Sc < Ti < V < Cr > Mn < Fe > Co > Ni > Cu > Zn block elements (Sc, Ti, V and Cr) differ only slightly from
d5 d10 one another. The value of Ist I. E. for Zn is considerably
higher. This is due to the extra-stability of 3d10 level which
Exception: Zn>Cd>Hg-Completely filled orbitals
is completely filled in Zn-atom.
(Volatile metals with very low M.pt)
 Second ionisation Energy: The value of IInd I.E for Cr and
Practice Cu are higher than those of their neighbours. Because the
The Pause electronic configurations of Cr+ and Cu+ ions have extra stable
3d5 and 3d10 levels. There is a sudden fall in the values of
Q.1. Which element among d-block elements has (a) the ionisation energies in going from II B (Zn - group elements)
lowest melting point and (b) the highest melting point to III A sub-group
Ans. (a) As Hg has weakest interatomic interaction on account  Ionization Enthalpy: It increases from left to right in any
of no unpaired electrons, (n–1) d10 ns2 available for series.
Zn > Fe > Co > Cu > Ni > Mn > Ti > Cr > V >Sc
(b) As W has highest interatomic interaction on account  In a period the increase in IP2 and IP3 values are predominant
of more number of unpaired electrons, (n–1) than increase in IP1.
d5 ns1 available for bonding.
 Atomic radii of Zr = 1.6 Aº and Hf =1.59 Aº and their IP
Q.2. Why zinc has lowest melting point in 3d series? values are Zr = 674 kJ/mole and Hf = 760 kJ/mole. This is due
Ans. In case of zinc, no electrons from 3d-orbitals are involved to Lanthanide contraction.
in the formation of metallic bonds.
 IP values of 4d and 5d series are all most equal due to
lanthanide contraction.
Size of atoms and ions
 The atomic radii of the transition metals lie in-between those
of s-block and p-block elements.
 The covalent radii of the elements decreases from left to right
across a row in the transition series, until near the end when
the size increases slightly.
 In a series ,the atomic radii first decreases with increases in
atomic number upto the middle of the series,then become
constant and at the end of the series show a slight increase.
 In the beginning, the atomic radius decreases with the increase Fig.-2: Trends of ionisation energy for transition metal
The d and f-Block Elements 89

become more stable and, therefore, are lower in energy than

Key Note the 4s-orbitals. As a result, electrons are first removed from
The third ionization enthalpy of Mn is higher than because 4s-orbitals.
third electron is to be removed from d5 subshell in Mn which  The elements which show the greater number of oxidation
is half filled than Fe which has d6 configuration. states occur in or near the middle of the series. For example,
in the first transition series, manganese exhibits all the
oxidation states from +2 to +7.
The lesser number of oxidation states in the beginning of series
The Pause can be due to the presence of smaller number of electrons to
Q. Why are the ionization energies of 5d elements greater lose or share (Sc, Ti).
than 3d elements?  On the other hand, at the extreme right hand side end (Cu, Zn),
Ans. In the 5d series, after lanthanum (Z = 57), there is lesser number of oxidation state is due to large number of d
lanthanide contraction. In each group, the size of 5d electrons so that only a fewer orbitals are available in which
element is smaller while nuclear charge is greater than the electron can share with other for higher valence.
3d element. Hence, ionization energies of 5d elements The highest oxidation state shown by any transition metal is +8.
are greater than 3d elements..
 In the +2 and +3 oxidation states, the bonds formed are mostly
Oxidation states ionic. In the compounds of higher oxidation states (generally
 The transition metals shows a large number of oxidation formed with oxygen and fluorine), the bonds are essentially
states. covalent.
 These different oxidation states are related to the electronic  Within a group, the maximum oxidation state increase with
configuration of their atoms. atomic number.
 The existence of the transition elements in different oxidation  Transition metals also form compounds in low oxidation
states means that their atoms can lose different number of states such as +1 and 0 or negative.
electrons. This is due to the participation of inner (n – 1)  The common examples where zero oxidation state are
d-electrons in addition to outer ns-electrons because, the [Ni(CO)4], [Fe(CO)5] in which nickel and iron are in zero
energies of the ns and (n – 1) d-sub-shells are nearly same. oxidation state.
 For example, scandium has the outer electronic configuration  Unlike p-block elements where the lower oxidation states
3d14s2. It exhibits an oxidation state of +3 only. are favored by heavier members (due to inert pair effect), the
 Similarly, the other atoms can show oxidation states equal to higher oxidation states are more stable in heavier transition
ns-and (n – 1) d-electrons. elements.
Table: Different oxidation states of first transition series.  For example, in group 6, Mo (VI) and W (VI) are found to
be more stable than Cr (VI). Therefore, Cr (VI) in the form
Element “Outer electronic Oxidation states of dichromate in acidic medium is a strong oxidising agent
configuration” whereas MoO3 and WO3 are not.
Sc 3d14s2 +3
Ti 3d24s2 +2, +3, +4 Practice
V 3d34s2 +2, +3, +4, +5 The Pause
Cr 3d54s1 +2, +3, (+4), (+5), +6 Q. Why do transition elements show variable oxidation state ?
Mn 3d54s2 +2, +3, +4, (+5), +6, +7 Ans. The energies of (n–1)d orbitals and ns orbitals are very close.
Fe 3d64s2 +2, +3, (+4), (+5), (+6) Hence, electrons from both can participate in bonding.
Co 3d74s2 +2, +3, (+4)
Ni 3d84s2 +2, +3, +4 Metallic Character
Cu 3d104s1 +1, +2  All the transition elements are metals, since the number of
Zn 3d104s2 +2 electrons in the outermost shell is very small being equal to 2.
Oxidation states given in parenthesis are unstable.  They are hard, malleable, and ductile, except Hg which is
liquid and soft.
 It may be noted that the stability of a given oxidation state
depends upon the nature of the elements with which the metal  They exhibit all the three types of structures. Face-centerd
is bonded. cubic (fcc), hexagonal close packed (hcp), and body-centerd
cubic (bcc).
 The variable oxidation states of transition metals are due to
participation of inner (n – 1)d and outer ns-electrons. The  Both covalent and metallic bonding exist in the atom of
lowest oxidation state corresponds to the number of ns- transition metals.
electrons.  The presence of unfilled d-subshell favor covalent bonding,
and metallic bonding is due to possession of one or two
 Except scandium, the most common oxidation state of the
electrons in outermost energy shell.
first row transition elements is +2 which arises due to loss of
two 4s-electrons. This means that after scandium 3d-orbitals  These metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
90 The d and f-Block Elements

Practice Trends in Stability of Higher Oxidation States

The Pause  In 3d series highest oxidation numbers are observed in TiX4,
VF5, CrF6.
Q. Chromium is a typical hard metal while mercury is a liquid.
Explain why?  Manganese show +7 state in MnO3F and in other halides its
not observed.
Ans. Cr has five unpaired d electrons in the d-subshell (3d5,
4s1). Hence, metallic bonds are very strong. In Hg, all the
 Beyond Mn except FeX3 and CoF3 has trihalides.
d-orbitals are fully filled (3d10, 4s2), Hence, the metallic  Fluorides of highest oxidation state are stabilised due to high
bonding is very weak. lattice energy or higher bond enthalpy
Eg.: CoF3, VF5, CrF6
Electrode potentials and chemical reactivity  VX5 hydrolysed to give oxo halides VOX3
Trends in the M2+/M Standard electro potential  Cu forms fluorides, chlorides, bromides but not iodides.
 S.R.P of M+2/M values increases from left to right as IP values
increases. (except Zn) Key Note
 Cu cannot displace H2 from acids because it has highest S.R.P ŠŠ Cu+2 oxidises I– to I2
value which is +0.34 V. 2Cu2+ + 4I– → Cu2I2 (s) + I2
 Mn, Ni and Zn have more negative S.R.P values than expected ŠŠ Cu+ compounds are unstable in aq. solution and
because. Mn & Zn have d5 & d10 stable electronic configuration disproportionate in aqueous solutions.
Ni has highest hydration energy. 2 Cu → Cu2++ Cu
(DHHyd Ni+2 = –2121 kJ/mole)
ŠŠ Cu2+ compounds are stable due to more negative enthalpy
Practice of hydration.
The Pause
Q. Explain the following statements: Practice
Zinc readily liberates H2 from cold dil. H2SO4 but not from The Pause
cold conc. H2SO4.
Q.1 Explain as to why the E value for the Mn3+ / Mn2+
Ans. Conc. H2SO4 is a covalent compound. Hence, does not contain couple is much more positive than that for Cr3+ /Cr2+ or
H+ ions. Dilute H2SO4 contains H3O+ which reacts with Zn and Fe3+/Fe2+..
liberates H2.
Ans. Much larger third ionisation energy of Mn (change from 3d5
H2SO4 + H2O → 2H3O+ + SO42– to 3d4) is responsible for this. This also explains why the +3
Zn + 2H2O+ → Zn2+ + 2H2O + H2 state of Mn is of little importance
Q.2 Most of transition metals do not displace hydrogen from
Trends in the M3+/M2+ Standard electro potential dilute acids. Why ?
 Mn+3 and Co+3 are strong oxidising agents due to high S.R.P Ans. Because most of the transition metals have negative oxidation
of M+3/M+2 values. potential and lie above hydrogen in electrochemical series.
 ESc
has low value that shows noble gas configuration
 E 0Mn +3 /Mn +2 is high as Mn+2 has stable d5 configuration Magnetic Property of Transition Metals
 Paramagnetic substances contain unpaired electron spins or
 E 0Fe+3 /Fe+2 is low as Fe+3 has stable d5 configuration
unpaired electrons.
 E 0Mn +3 /Mn +2 is more positive than E 0Cr +3 /Cr +2 (or) E 0Fe+3 /Fe+2 due  Ex : K3[Fe(CN)6], Sc2+, Cr3+ etc
to high 3rd I.E of Mn.  Diamagnetic substances contain electron pairs with opposite
 Ti +2 , V +2 and Cr+2 are strong reducing agents and liberate H2 spins.
from dilute acids.  Ex.: Ti+4, V+5 , Sc3+, Zn, Hg, Cd etc
2Cr2+(aq) + 2H+(aq) → 2Cr3+ + H2(g)  Ferromagnetic substances are considered as a special case
Practice of paramagnetic substances.
The Pause  Paramagnetism of substances (molecules, atoms or ions)is
Q. It is well known that alkali and alkaline earth metals displace due to the spins of the unpaired electrons and also due to
hydrogen from dilute acids. But most of the transition elements angular orbital momentum.
do not behave so. Explain the same.  In terms of number of unpaired electrons (n), the magnetic
Ans. Alkali and alkaline earth metals have positive value of moment is given by the formula.
oxidation potential. But most of the transition elements µs
= n ( n + 2 ) BM
have negative oxidation potentials. So they are not as good
The magnetic moment increase with the increasing no. of
oxidizing agents as the alkali and alkaline earth metal are.
unpaired electrons.
The d and f-Block Elements 91

Practice Key Note

The Pause ŠŠ Anhydrous CuSO4 is almost colourless. But hydrated
Q.1 Why Ti+4 complexes are diamagnetic ? CuSO4 is blue in colour. This is because of the absence of
Ans. Electronic configuration of 22Ti4+ is [Ar]18 3dº4sº. So water molecules (ligands), there is no splitting of d-orbitals
all electrons are paired and thus its all complexes are in anhydrous CuSO4.
diamagnetic. ŠŠ KMnO4 (dark pink), K2Cr2O7 (Orange) have d0
Q.2 A substance is found to have a magnetic moment of 3.9 BM. configuration. So they have color due to charge transfer
How many unpaired electrons does it contain? spectrum.
Ans. mB(3.9) = , n = 3 unpair e– s.

Colours of Transition Metal Ions Practice

 The transition metal ions with unpaired d-electrons absorb The Pause
characteristic coloured light from the visible region and Q. Which of the following ions would form (i) coloured and
transmit its complementary colour in the same region. This is (ii) colourless complexes in water ?
responsible for the colour of the ion. Cu2+, Zn2+, Ti3+, Ti+4, Cd2+, Mn2+
 Colour in transition metal ions is associated with d-d transition Ans. (i) Ti3+ (3d1), Cu2+ (3d9) and Mn2+ (3d5) have unpaired
of unpaired electron from t2g to eg set of energies electron(s). Thus they are coloured due to d-d transition
of electron according to CFT.
Colurless - Sc3+ ,Ti4+ , Zn2+ etc
(ii) Zn2+(3d10) , Ti+4 (3d0) and Cd2+ (4d10) do not have

Coloured - Fe3+ : yellow, Fe2+ : green, Cu2+ : blue, Co3+ : blue
unpaired electron(s). Thus they do not under go d-d
etc. transition of electron according to CFT and, therefore,
Table: Colours of some of the first row: Transition Metal Ions are colourless.

Example Configuration Number of Colour

Formation of complexes
unpaired electrons
 The great tendency of transition metal ions to form complexes
Sc3+ 3d0 0 Colourless is due to :
(i) small size of the atoms and ions,
Ti4+ 3d0 1 Colourless
(ii) high nuclear charge and
Ti3+ 3d1 0 Purple (iii) availability of vacant d-orbitals of suitable energy to accept
lone pairs of electrons donated by ligands.
V4+ 3d1 2 Blue
Example : Fe(CN)6]3–, [PtCl4]2–
V3+ 3d2 3 Green
Catalytic properties of transition metals
V2+ 3d3 5 Violet  Transition metals and their compounds act as good catalysts.
This is due to the presence of free valencies and also variable
Cr3+ 3d3 4 Violet
oxidation states.
Mn3+ 3d4 4 Violet  Catalysts at a solid surface binds the reactants in which metals
utilise (n-1)d and ns electrons for bonding.
Cr2+ 3d4 5 Blue
Ex.: Iron (III) catalyses the reaction between iodide and
Mn2+ 3d5 3 Pink perdisulphate ions.

Fe3+ 3d5 2 Yellow  TiCl4 with Al(CH3)3 forms the basis of Ziegler catalyst used
in the manufacture of polythene.
Fe2+ 3d6 1 Green
Key Note
Co3+Co2+ 3d63d7 3,2 Blue pink
ŠŠ In the synthesis of Ammonia by Haber’s process, the
Ni2+ 3d8 2 Green catalyst used is a mixture of Iron and Molybdenum.
ŠŠ In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process,
Cu2+ 3d9 1 Blue the catalyst used is V2O5.
Zn2+ 3d10 0 Colourless ŠŠ In the manufacture of HNO3 by Ostwald’s process, the
catalyst used is Platinum.
 The transition metal ions with empty d-orbitals (or) completely ŠŠ The catalyst used in the hydrogenation of oils is Nickel. .
filled d-orbitals are colourless.
92 The d and f-Block Elements

Formation of Interstitial Compounds 4. Magnalium 85-99%Al; in balance beams,

 Transition metals form interstitial compounds with elements
such as hydrogen, boron, carbon and nitrogen. 1-15%Mg aircrafts parts and motor
 As they are able to entrap atoms of elements having small atomic spares
size like H, C, N, B etc. 5. Aluminimum 88-90% Cu; in ornaments,
Example: TiC, TiH2, Fe3H
 The general characteristic physical and chemical properties of Bronze 10-12% Al photoframes etc
these compounds are: 6. Solder metal 50% - Sn Electrical appliances
(i) High melting points which are higher than those of pure
47.5% - Pb
(ii) Retain metallic conductivity i.e., of pure metals. 2.5% - Sb
(iii) Very hard and some borides have hardness as that of
diamond. Concept Application Questions
(iv) Chemically inert.
Q.1 The general configuration (n-1)d3ns2 indicates that
particular element belongs to the following group
(a) II B (b) I B
(c) V B (d) III B
Q.2 The second IP of Cr is high due to:
(a) 3d0 (b) 3d5
(c) 3d10 (d) 3d4
Q.3 Which of the following pairs of elements cannot form an
(a) Zn , Cu (b) Fe, Hg
Fig.-3: Formation of interstitial compounds
(c) Fe, C (d) Hg,Na
Alloy Formation
Q.4 In which of the following cases, the stability of two
 Alloy is a homogeneous mixture of a metal with other metals
oxidation states is correctly represented.
or metalloids or nonmetals. Alloys are solid in solid solutions.
 Since d-block elements are similar in size, they can easily (a) Ti3+ > Ti4+ (b) Mn2+ > Mn3+
form alloys. (c) Fe2+ > Fe3+ (d) Cu+ > Cu2+
Alloys of transition metal with non-transition metals. Q.5 Which of the following cation is colourless in its aqueous
Eg: Brass-(Cu + Zn) and Bronze-(Cu + Sn) solution?
 The best known Ferrous alloys are chromium, Molybdenum (a) Cu+2 (b) Sc+3
and Manganese.
Ex: Ferrous alloys : Stainless steel, cast iron. Non - ferrous alloys: (c) Fe+3 (d) Co+3
Brass, German silver Ans. (1)-(c), (2)-(b), (3)-(b), (4)-(b), (5)-(b)
 Alloy of a metal with Mercury is called an Amalgam.
Table: Some non Ferrous Alloys COMPOUNDS
Alloy Composition Uses (in making)
1. Gun metal 88% Cu; Guns, Bearings
Oxides and Oxoanions of Metals
10% Sn;  These oxides are generally formed by the reaction of metals
2% Zn; with oxygen at high temp. All the metals except scandium
form MO oxides which are ionic.
2. Bell metal 80% Cu; Bells
20% Sn  As the oxidation number of a metal increases, ionic character
3. Duralumin 95% Al; for stressed structures decreases.
4% Cu; like aircraft  Mn2O7 is a covalent green oil.
0.5% Mn;  CrO-basic oxide; Cr2O3 and V2O5 amphoteric oxide
0.5% Mg  In these higher oxides, the acidic character is predominant.
The d and f-Block Elements 93

Potassium Dichromate (K2Cr2O7)

 In a reverberatory furnace
4FeCr2O4 + 8Na2CO3 + 7O2 Roasting
in air → 8Na2CrO4 + 2Fe2O3
(chromite ore) + 8CO2
 The yellow solution of Na2CrO4 is then treated with H2SO4. Fig.-4: Dichromate ion, orange

2Na2CrO4 + H2SO4 → Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O

 The solution is concentrated when less soluble Na2SO4
crystallises out. The solution is further concentrated when
crystals of Na2Cr2O7 are obtained.
Hot saturated solution of Na2Cr2O7 is then treated with
KCl when orange red crystals of K2Cr2O7 are obtained on Fig.-5: Chromate ion, yellow
(ii) It acts as a powerful oxidising agent in acidic medium
Na2Cr2O7 + 2KCl → K2Cr2O7 + 2 NaCl
(dilute H2SO4)
Key Note Cr2O72– + 14H+ + 6e– → 2Cr3+ + 7H2O. (Eº = 1.33 V)
K2Cr2O7 is preferred over Na2Cr2O7 as a primary standard in The oxidation state of Cr changes from + 6 to +3.
volumetric estimation because Na2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic in (iii) Ferrous salts are oxidised to ferric salts :
nature but K2Cr2O7 is not.
6Fe2+ + Cr2O72– + 14H+ → 6Fe3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
(iv) Sulphides to sulphur
K2Cr2O7 + 8H2S → Cr(OH)3 + 3S + KHS + H2
(a) Physical: It is orange-red coloured crystalline compound. It
is moderately soluble in cold water but freely soluble in hot Other reactions of K2Cr2O7
water. It melts at 398ºC. Heated
●● Cr atom is surrounded by four oxygen atoms tetrahedrally. Yellow
●● It contains two types Cr – O bonds. Yellow
Conc. Cold H2SO4
●● Other oxygen atom surrounding Cr atoms have KHSO4+CrO3+H2O
intermediate bond length which lies in between single and K2Cr2O7
Na2SO3 +H2SO4
K2SO4+Cr2(SO4)3+ Na2SO4
Or SO2
double bond length ( 163 pm ) due to resonance. Green
or K2SO4+Cr2(SO4)3
(b) Chemical: HCl
(i) Effect of heating : On heating strongly, it decomposes SO2
liberating oxygen. KCl, H2SO4(conc.) Heated
(Chromyl chloride test) Red vapour
2K2Cr2O7 → 2K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2
2 Uses: It is used:
Key Note ●● As a volumetric reagent in the estimation of reducing
On heating with alkalies, it is converted to chromate, i.e., the agents such as oxalic acid, ferrous ions, iodide ions, etc.
colour changes from orange to yellow. On acidifying, yellow It is used as a primary standard.
colour again changes to orange. ●● For the preparation of several chromium compounds such as
K2Cr2O7 + 2KOH → 2K2CrO4 + H2O chrome alum, chrome yellow, chrome red, zinc yellow, etc.
Cr2O + 2OH¯ → 2CrO42– + H2O ●● As a cleansing agent for glass ware in the form of chromic acid.
Orange Yellow
2CrO42– + 2H+ → Cr2O72– + H2O Practice
The Pause
Yellow Orange
Q. Gas (A) and Gas (B) both turns K2Cr2O7/ H+ green. Gas (A)
Thus CrO42– and Cr2O72– exist in equilibrium and are
also turns lead acetate paper black. When gas (A) is passed into
interconvertable by altering the pH of solution.
gas (B) in aqueous solution, yellowish white turbidity appears.
2CrO42– + 2H+  2HCrO4–  Cr2O72– + H2O Identify gas (A) and (B) and explain reactions.
Ans. A is H2S, oxidized to S by Cr2O72−/H+
 The oxidation state of chromium in chromate and dichromate B is SO2, oxidized to SO42− by Cr2O72−/H+
the same (+6).
94 The d and f-Block Elements

Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) This type of behaviour is shown by KMnO4 itself in neutral
Preparation medium
2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 → 2K2MnO4 + 2H2O 3e– + 2H2O + MnO4– → MnO2 + 4OH–
3MnO42– + 4H+ → 2MnO4– + MnO2 + 2H2O In alkaline or neutral medium KMnO4 shows oxidising
 Commercially it is prepared by fusion of MnO2 with KOH properties.
followed by electrolytic oxidation of manganate.
In acidic medium
MnO42– → MnO4– + e–
(green) (purple) KMnO4 + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + O2 + 6H2O
 In the lab
2Mn2+ + 5S2O82– + 8H2O → 2MnO4– + 10SO42– +16H+ Key Note
Properties In alkaline medium KMnO4 solution is also known as Bayer’s
(a) Physical: It is purple coloured crystalline compound. It is reagent (1% alkaline KMnO4 solution).
moderately soluble in water at room temperature.

A few oxidising reactions of KMnO4:

In acidic medium (in presence of dilute H2SO4):
(1) Ferrous salts are oxidised to ferric salts.
MnO4– + 5Fe2+ + 8H+ → 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O
Fig.-6: Tetrahedral manganate (green) ion (Paramagnetic 1 unpair e–) Green yellow
(2) Iodine is evolved from potassium iodide.
2MnO4– + 10I– + 16H+ → 2Mn2+ + 5I2 + 8H2O
(3) H2S is oxidised to sulphur :
2MnO4– + 16H+ + 5S2– → 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 5S
(4) SO2 is oxidised to H2SO4:
Fig.-7: Terahedral permanganate (purple) ion (Diamagnetic) 2MnO4– + 5SO2 + 2H2O → 5SO42– + 2Mn2+ + 4H+
Chemical: (5) Nitrites are oxidised to nitrates :
(i) Effect of heating 2MnO4– + 5NO2– + 6H+ → 2Mn2+ + 3H2O + 5NO3–
2KMnO4  → K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2 In neutral are faintly alkaline solution
(ii) Potassium permanganate acts as an oxidising agent in (1) Mn(II) ions produced catalyse the reaction; thus the
alkaline, neutral or acidic solutions. reaction is autocatalytic.
Key Note 2MnO4– + 16H+ + 5C2O42– → 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2
MnO42– in dilute alkaline, water and acidic solutions is (2) Oxidation of iodide to iodate
unstable and disproportionates to give MnO4– and MnO2.
2MnO4 + H2O + I– → 2MnO2 + 2OH + IO3–
3MnO42– + 2H2O → 2MnO4– + MnO2 + 4OH–
Potassium permanganate is a powerful oxidising agent.
(i) KMnO4 is used as an oxidising agent in laboratory and
In alkaline & neutral medium:
(ii) Alkaline potassium permanganate is called Bayer's reagent.
In strongly alkaline medium KMnO4 is reduced to manganate.
This reagent is used in organic chemistry for the test of
2KMnO4 + 2KOH (conc.) → 2K2 MnO4 + H2O + [O] unsaturation. KMnO4 is used in the manufacture of saccharin,
or benzoic acid, acetaldehyde. etc.
e– + MnO4– → MnO42–
However if solution is dilute then K2MnO4 is converted in to
MnO2 which appears as a brownish precipitate.
The Pause
Q. What happens when Potassium dichromate reacts with
2K2MnO4 + 2H2O → 2MnO2 + 4KOH + 2[O]
cold and concentrated H2SO4.
Ans. K2Cr2O7 + 2H2SO4 (conc & cold) → 2CrO3 (red) + 2KHSO4
2e– + 2H2O + MnO42– → MnO2 + 4OH–
+ H2O
The d and f-Block Elements 95

Concept Application Questions LANTHANOIDS

Q.1 Acidified K2Cr2O7 solution turns green when Na2SO3 is
added to it. This is due to the formation of:  The series involving the filling of 4f-orbitals following
(a) CrSO4 (b) Cr2 (SO4)3 lanthanum La (Z = 57) is called lanthanoid series.
(c) CrO42– (d) Cr(SO3)3  There are fourteen elements in this series starting from
Q.2 KMnO4 in basic medium is reduced to the elements with atomic numbers 58 to 71, i.e., cerium to
(a) K2MnO4 (b) MnO2 lutetium (which come immediately after lanthanum Z = 57).
(c) Mn(OH)2 (d) Mn2+  Lanthanoids are also known as “rare earth elements”
Q.3 Potassium permanganate acts as an oxidant in neutral,  These elements involve the filling of 4f-orbitals. Promethium
alkaline as well as acidic media. The final products (Pm), having atomic number 61, is the only synthetic (man-
obtained from it in the three conditions are, respectively made) radioactive lanthanoid.
(a) MnO2, MnO2, Mn2+ (b) MnO42–, Mn3+, Mn2+  Since, Lanthanum (La) closely resembles the Lanthanoids, it is
(c) MnO2, MnO42– (d) MnO, MnO4, Mn2+ also included among the lanthanoids.
Q.4 When KMnO4 acts as oxidising agent in acidic medium, Electronic configuration
the oxidation number of Mn decreases by
 General electronic configuration of Lanthaoids is 4 f1-14 5 d0–1
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 5
Ans. (1)-(b), (2)-(b), (3)-(a), (4)-(d)  The lanthanoids have electronic configuration with 6s2 filled and
involve the gradual filling of 4f-orbitals.
THE INNER TRANSITION F-BLOCK Table: General Electronic Configuration of Lanthanoids
ELEMENTS Elements Symbol At. Configuration
Introduction: Lanthanum La 57 [Xe]5d16s2
Cerium Ce 58 [Xe]4f1 5d16s2
 Those elements in which the differentiating electron enters in
Praseodymium Pr 59 [Xe]4f36s2
(n – 2) f-orbital are called f-block elements.
Neodymium Nd 60 [Xe]4f46s2
 Elements having three outer shells incomplete are known an Promethium Pm 61 [Xe]4f56s2
inner transition or f-block element elements. Samarium Sm 62 [Xe]4f66s2
 The general electronic configuration of f-block elements is: Europium Eu 63 [Xe]4f76s2
(n – 2)f1–14(n – 1)d0–1ns2 Gadolinium Gd 64 [Xe]4f75d16s2
Terbium Tb 65 [Xe]4f96s2
 The elements constituting the f-block are the members
Dysprosium Dy 66 [Xe]4f106s2
of group 3. In f-block elements, the 4f and 5f oribitals are
Holmium Ho 67 [Xe]4f116s2
progressively filled.
Erbium Er 68 [Xe]4f126s2
 The f-block consists of the two series, (i) lanthanoids (the
Thulium Tm 69 [Xe]4f136s2
fourteen elements following lanthanum) and (ii) actinoids (the
Ytterbium Yb 70 [Xe]4f146s2
fourteen elements following actinium).
Lutetium Lu 71 [Xe]4f145d16s2
 It should be noted that the lanthanoids resemble one another
more closely than that of the ordinary transition elements in Atomic and Ionic sizes
any series.  In the landthanoid series, with increasing in atomic number
the atomic and ionic radii decrease from one element to
 They have only one stable oxidation state and their chemical another but the decrease is very small.
properties provide an excellent opportunity to examine the
Lanthanoid contraction
effect of small changes in size and nuclear charge along a
 There is decrease in atomic and ionic radii from lanthanum
series of similar elements.
to lutetium due to lanthanoid contraction. It is due to greater
 However the chemistry of actinoids is much more complicated effect of the increased nuclear charge than that of the screening
and this complication arises partly owing to the occurrence of effect.
a wide range of oxidation states in these elements and partly  The decrease in atomic radii is not quite regular as it is regular
because of their radioactive nature. in M3+ ion.
96 The d and f-Block Elements

 This contraction is of course, similar to that observed in an Physical Properties

ordinary transition series and is attributed to the imperfect
shielding of one electron by another in the same subshell.
 All the lanthanoids are silvery white soft metals and tarnish
 However, the shielding of one 4f electron by another is less rapidly in air.
than a d-electron by another with the increase in nuclear
charge along the series. Hardness
Consequences of Lanthanoid Contraction  With increase in atomic number, the hardness increases,
samarium being steel hard.
 The cumulative effect of the contraction of the lanthanoid
series, known as lanthanoid contraction, causes the radii of
the members of the third transition series to be very similar  Density of lanthanoids generally ranges between 6.77 to 9.74g
to those of the corresponding members of the second series. cm–3.

 The almost identical radii of Zr (160 pm) and Hf (159 pm) is  Generally, densities of lanbthanides increase with increase in
atomic number.
a result of the lanthanoid contraction.
Melting Points
 Lanthanoid contraction accounts for their occurrence together
in nature and for the difficulty in their separation.  Melting points of lanthanoids range between 1000 to 1200
K (fairly high melting points), however no definite trend is
Oxidation States observed.
 +3 is the common oxidation state exhibited by Lanthanoids.  Samarium melts at higher temperature, i.e., at 1623 K.
 However, occasionally lanthanoids can also exhibit +2 and +4
ions in solution or in their solid compounds. Magnetic behavior
 Due to the unpaired electrons in f-orbitals, Lanthanoid ions
 This irregularity in oxidation states arises mainly due to the (M3+) generally show paramagnetism.
extra stability of empty, half filled or fully filled f-subshell.
 The paramagnetism rises to maximum in neodymium.
 In Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Lutetium, +3 oxidation state
is more stable due to having empty (f0),
a halffilled and [f7]  The lanthanoid ions having f0 configuration (like La3+
completely filled (f14) configurations of +3 ions of these and Ce4+) and f14 configuration (like Yb2+ and Lu3+) are
elements. diamagnetic.
 Cerium exhibits +4 oxidation state due to having stable Colour
configuration of Ce+4(4f0), likewise Terbium also exhibits +4  Many trivalent lanthanoid ions are coloured both in the solid
oxidation state due to having stable configuration of Tb+4 (4f7) state and in aqueous solutions.
 Pr, Nd, Dy also exhibit +4 state but only in oxides, MO2.  The colour is due to f-f transitions because they have partly
 Europium can show +2 oxidation state due to having filled f-orbitals. (Absorption bands are narrow probably
configuration f7 of Eu2+ which is formed by losing the two s because of the excitation within f-level).
electrons. Example: La+3(having 4f0 configuration) and Lu+3 (having
 Eu2+ is a strong reducing agent changing to the common +3 4f14 configuration) are colourless.
oxidationstate. Nd3+, Er3+ are pink in colour and Sm3+, Dy3+ are yellow in
 Ytterbium can show +2 oxidation state due to having f14 colour.
configuration.  The elements with xf electrons have a similar colour to those
 Samarium (Sm) also exhibits both +2 and +3 oxidation states. of elements with (14 – x) electrons.
 Oxidation states +2 and +4 exist but they revert to +3 oxidation Example: Sm3+ (having 4f5 configuration) and Dy3+ (having
states. 4f9 configuration) have same colour (yellow).
 Yb2+ having f 14 configuration is a reductant. Nd3+ (having 4f3 configuration) and Er3+(having 4f11
 Tb4+ has half-filled f-orbitals and is an oxidant. configuration) have same colour (pink).

 There is a large gap in energy of 4f and 5d subshells and hence Ionisation Energy
the number of oxidation states exhibited by lanthanoids is  Ionisation energies of lanthanoids are fairly low.
limited.  The first ionisation enthalpies (IE1) of the lanthanides are
around 600 kJ mol–1,the second ionisation enthalpies (IE2)
Key Note about 1200 kJ mol–1 which is comparable with those of
The formation of Ce4+ is favoured by its noble gas alkaline earth metals particularly calcium.
configuration, but it is a strong oxidant reverting to the  Abnormally low IE3 values in the case of lanthanum
common +3 state. The E° value for Ce4+/ Ce3+ is +1.74 V (4f0 5d16s2), gadolinium (4 f75 d16s2), lutetium (4f145d16s2)
which suggests that it can oxidise water. However, the
reaction rate is very slow and therefore, Ce4+ is a good Electropositive Character
analytical reagent.  Lanthanoid metals are highly electropositive in nature because
of their low ionisation energy.
The d and f-Block Elements 97

Radioactivity ACTINOIDS
 Except promethium and samarium, rest other lanthanoids are
non-radioactive.  The elements having atomic numbers 90 to 103, i.e., thorium
(Th) to lawrencium (Lr) (which immediately comes after
Chemical Reactivity of Lanthanides actinium (Ac), Z = 89) belongs to actinoid series.
 In their chemical behaviour, in general, the earlier members
 The elements of actinoids or actinones involve the filling of
of the series are quite reactive similar to calcium but, with
5 f-orbitals.
increasing atomic number, they behave more like aluminium.
Values for Ee for the half-reaction:  Actinoids include 3 naturally occurring elements i.e, thorium,
protactinium, and uranium and they include 11 transuranium
Ln3+ (aq) + 3e– → Ln(s) are in the range of –2.2 to 2.4 V elements or transuranics that are produced artificially
except for Eu for which the value is –2.0V. (synthetic or man-made elements) by nuclear reactions.
 When lanthanoid metals are heated with carbon, the carbides,  The actinoids are radioactive elements and the earlier members
Ln3C, Ln2C3 and LnC3 are formed. have relatively long half-lives, the latter ones have half-
 Lanthanoid burn in halogens to form halides and they liberate life values ranging from a day to 3 minutes for lawrencium
hydrogen from dilute acids. (Z = 103).
 They form oxides M2O3 and hydroxides M(OH)3. The  Since, actinium closely resembles Actinoids, hence these are
hydroxides are definite compounds, not just hydrated oxides. usually included in any discussion of Actinoids.
 Like alkaline earth metal oxides and hydroxides, they are Electronic Configuration
basic in nature.
 General outer electronic configuration of actinoids is 5f1–14
 The lanthanoids slowly react with cold H2O and react quickly 6d0–1 17s2.
with hot H2O .
 [Rn]5f7s2and [Rn] 5f76d17s2 are the configurations of Am and
2M + 6H2O → 2M(OH)3 + 3H2 Cm.
 The covalent character of hydroxides of lanthanides increases  Although the 5f orbitals resemble the 4f orbitals in their
angular part of the wave-function, they are not as buried as 4f
with the decrease in size from La3+ to Lu3+. However basic
orbitals and hence 5f electrons can participate in bonding to a
strength decreases. Therefore, La(OH)3 is most basic, whereas far greater extent.
Lu(OH)3 is least basic. In the similar way, the basicity of Table: General Electronic Configuration of Actinoids
oxides also decreases in the order from La and Lu. Elements Symbol At. Configuration No
Actinium Ac 89 [Rn]6d17s2
Thorium Th 90 [Rn]6d27s2
Protactinium Pa 91 [Rn]5f 26d17s2
Uranium U 92 [Rn]5f36d17s2
Neptunium Np 93 [Rn]5f46d17s2
Plutonium Pu 94 [Rn]5f3 7s2
Americium Am 95 [Rn]5f7 7s2
Curium Cm 96 [Rn]5f76d1 7s2
Berkelium Bk 97 [Rn]5f9 7s2
Californium Cf 98 [Rn]5f 10 7s2
Einstenium Es 99 [Rn]5f11 7s2
Fermium Fm 100 [Rn]5f12 7s2
Fig.-8: Chemical reactions of the lanthanoids
Mendelevium Md 101 [Rn]5f13 7s2
Uses of Lanthanoids Nobelium No 102 [Rn]5f14 7s2
Lawrencium Lr 103 [Rn]5f14 6d17s2
(i) Lanthanoids are used for the production of alloy steels for
plates and pipes. A well known alloy is mischmetal which Ionic Sizes
consists of a lanthanoid metal (~95%) and iron (~5%) and
traces of S,C, Ca and Al. A good deal of mischmetal is used in The general trend in lanthanoids is observable in the actinoids as
Mg-based alloy to produce bullets, Shell and lighter flint. well.

(ii) Mixed oxides of lanthanoids are employed as catalysts in Actinoid Contraction

petroleum cracking.  There is a gradual decrease in the size of atoms or M3+ ions
across the series which is refered as actinoid contraction. Due
(iii) Some individual Ln oxides are used as phosphors in television to poor shielding by 5f electrons, the contraction is however
screens and similar fluorescing surfaces. greater from elements to element in this series
98 The d and f-Block Elements

Oxidation States of the lanthanoids is not evident until the second half of the
actinoid series.
 Actinoids exhibit greater range of oxidation states which is
due to the fact that the 5f, 6d and 7s levels are of comparable Note: The lanthanoids contraction is more important because
energies the chemistry of elements succeeding the actinoids are much
less known at the present time.
 Generally, actinoids exhibit +3 oxidation state.
 Higher oxidation states are exhibited by the elements in the Uses of actinoids:
first half of the series. For example : The maximum oxidation (i) Uranium (U) is used as a nuclear fuel. Its salts are used in
state increase from +4 in Th to +5, +6 and +7 respectively in glass industry (for imparting green colour), ceramic industry,
Pa, U and Np but it decreases in succeeding elements. textile industry and in medicines.

 Actinoid series includes 15 elements. i.e. 89Ac to 103Lr. (ii) Plutonium (Pu) is used as a fuel for atomic reactors and is also
used for making atomic bombs.
 All these elements are radioactive.
(iii) Thorium (Th) is used in atomic reactors and in the treatment of
 U & Am exhibit +6 oxidation state in it’s compounds. cancer. Its salts are used in making incandescent gas mantles.
 NP & Pu exhibit +7 oxidation state in it’s compounds.
Concept Application Questions
 Actinoid metals are all silver in appearance.
Q.1 Which of the following can act as oxidizing
 Except 89Ac, 90Th, 90Pa, 92U the remaining elements are
synthetic elements. (a) Ce+4 (b) Sm+2

 The common oxidation number is +3 and they also exhibit +4, (c) Gd+3 (d) Lu+
Q.2 Which of the following is not an actinide?
+5, +6, oxidation numbers.
(a) Uranium (b) Curium
 Elements after Uranium are known as transuranic elements.
(c) Californium (d) Erbium
 Actinoid contraction is due to poor shielding of 5f electrons. Q.3 What are constituents of ‘Misch metal’?
General Characteristic and comparison with (a) La, Fe (b) La, Ce
lanthanoids (c) Fe, Ce (d) Ce, Cu
1. The actinoids metals are all silvery white in appearance but Q.4 Lanthanide for which +II and +III oxidation states are
display a variety of structures. The structural variability is common is:
obtained due to irregularities in metallic radii which are far (a) La (b) Nd
greater than in lanthanoids. (c) Ce (d) Eu
2. The actinoids are highly reactive metals, especially when Ans. (1)-(a), (2)-(d), (3)-(b), (4)-(d)
divided, the action of boiling water on them, for example,
gives a mixture of oxide and hydride and combination with
most non metals takes place at moderate temperatures;
hydrochloric acid attacks all metals but most are slightly
affected by nitric acid owing to the formation of protective  Iron and steels are the most important construction materials.
oxide layers; alkalies have no action.
 Some compounds are manufactured such as TiO for the
3. It is evident from the behaviour of the actinoids that the ionisation pigment industry and MnO2 for use in dry battery cells.
enthalpies of the early actinoids, though not accurately known, but
are lower than for the early lanthanoids.
 Many of the metals and their compounds are important
catalysts in the chemical industry.
4. This is quite reasonable since it is to be expected that when 5f
V2O5 catalyses the oxidation of SO2 in the manufacture of
orbitals are beginning to be occupied, they will penetrate less
into the inner core of electrons. The 5f electrons, will therefore,
be more effectively shielded from the nuclear charge than the 4f TiCl4 with A1(CH3)3 forms the basis of the Ziegler catalysts
electrons of the corresponding lanthanoids. Because the outer used to manufacture polythene.
electrons are less firmly held, they are available for bonding in  The photographic industry relies on the special light-sensitive
the actinoids. properties of AgBr.
By this comparison, it is revealed that behaviour similar to that  Cobalt-60 isotope is used in cancer therapy.
Topic-wise Questions

10. Which of the following statements is not correct about the

Position in periodic table and electronic
electronic configuration of gaseous chromium atom
configuration of d-block elements
a. It has 5 electrons in 3d and one electron in 4s orbitals
1. Among all the known elements, the % of transitional elements b. The principal quantum numbers of its valence electrons
(approximately) is are 3 and 4
a. 48% b. 28% c. It has 6 electrons in 3d orbital
c. 60% d. 75% d. Its valance electrons have quantum number 'l' 0 and 2
2. The transition element have a characteristic electronic 11. The most stable ion among the following is:
configuration which can be represented as a. Fe2+ b. Sc4+
a. (n – 2)s2p6d1–10(n – 1)s2p6ns2 c. Cr3+ d. Mn2+
b. (n – 2)s2p6d1–10(n – 1)s1p6d2 or d1ns1 12. Among the following series of transition metal ions, the one
c. (n – 1)s1p6d10ns2p6nd1–10 where all metals ions have 3d2 electronic configuration is
d. (n – 1)s2p6d1–10ns1 or ns2 a. Ti4+, V3+, Cr2+, Mn3+ b. Ti2+, V3+, Cr4+, Mn5+
c. Ti3+, V2+, Cr3+, Mn4+ d. Ti+, V4+, Cr6+, Mn7+
3. In Fe2+ (At no. of Fe = 26), the number of d-electrons present
is not equal to that of the 13. Columns or groups to which d-block elements belong in the
long form of the periodic table are:
a. d – electrons in Iron (Fe)
a. 1 to 10 b. 3 to 12
b. s – electrons in Magnesium (Mg) (At. no. = 12)
c. 4 to 18 d. 6 to 15
c. p – electrons in Neon (Ne) (At. no. = 10)
14. Which of the following electronic configuration is that of a
d. p – electrons in Cl– (At. no. of Cl = 17)
transitional element
4. Which of the following elements does not belong to the first
a. 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s2p6d10,4s2p6 b. 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s2p6d10, 4s2p1
transition series
c. 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s2p6d2, 4s2 d. 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s2p6, 4s2
a. Fe b. V
15. The ground state electronic configuration of chromium is
c. Ag d. Cu against:
5. The stable electronic configuration of Fe+3 ion is: a. Hund’s rule b. Pauli’s principle
a. 3d64s0 b. 3d5 4s0 c. Aufbau principle d. Boyle principle
c. 3d4 4s0 d. 3d4 4s2 16. The following is not a typical transition element:
6. Which of the following general configuration of outermost a. Cu b. Ag
shell represents chromium element [Cr’s atomic number = 24] c. Au d. Hg
a. d5s1 b. d6s0 17. Which among the given d-block elements have same
c. d4s2 d. d3s2 electronic configuration of (n-1) d subshell?
7. Which of the following represents the correct configuration a. Cu , Zn b. Co, Zn
for d-block elements? c. Cr, Zn d. Co, Ni
a. (n–1)d1–9 ns1 b. (n–1)d1–10 ns1–2 18. The d-block elements include:
c. (n–1)d1–2 ns0 d. (n–1) d1–10 ns2 a. Metals and non-metals
8. Which of the following set of elements does not belong to b. Only non-metals
transitional elements set c. Only metals
a. Fe, Co, Ni b. Cu, Ag, Au d. Metals, non-metals metalloids
c. Ti, Zr, Hf d. Ga, In, Tl 19. The elements of transition series are those which have:
9. Find the atomic number of a transition element X, if its a. Incomplete outermost shell
electronic configuration in +3 oxidation state is [Ar] 3d5. b. Completely filled outermost shells
a. 21 b. 26 c. Incomplete inner orbitals
c. 27 d. 24 d. None of these
100 The d and f-Block Elements

31. Which of the given transition metal is present in the alloy

General properties of transition element Gun metal?
20. In a reaction the ferrous Fe++ iron is oxidised to ferric (Fe+++) a. Pb b. Zn
ion. The equivalent weight of the ion in the above reaction is c. Sn d. Cu
equal to
32. Which forms interstitial compounds
a. Half of the atomic weight
a. Fe b. Co
b. 1/5 of the atomic weight
c. Ni d. All of these
c. The atomic weight
33. Among the given alloys, an alloy of a metal and a non-metal is :
d. Twice the atomic weight
a. Brass b. Bronze
21. Which among the given pairs will have same effective
magnetic moment? c. Nichrome d. Steel
a. Sc+3 and Fe+2 b. Cr+2 and Fe+2 34. Fe2+ show
c. V and Sc +3 d. Ti+2 and V+2 a. Ferromagnetism b. Paramagnetism
22. Mn2+ can be converted into Mn7+ by reacting with c. Diamagnetism d. None of these
a. SO2 b. Cl2 35. Elements which generally exhibit multiple oxidation states
c. PbO2 d. SnCl2 and whose ions are usually coloured are
a. Metalloids b. Transition elements
23. Which forms coloured salts
c. Non-metals d. Gases
a. Metals b. Non-metals
c. p - block elements d. Transitional elements 36. Elements that form interstitial compounds are:
24. Zinc does not show variable valency like d-block elements a. Alkali metals b. Transition metals
because c. Alkaline Earth metal d. Noble gases
a. It is a soft metal 37. Which one of the following transition metals ions is colourless
b. d-orbital is complete in aqueous solution?
c. It is low melting a. Ti4+ b. V4+
d. Two electrons are present in the outermost orbit c. Mn2+ d. Fe3+
25. Which among the following will weigh less when weighed in 38. Which metal represents more than one oxidation state
the magnetic field? a. Al b. Na
a. VCl3 b. ScCl3 c. Mg d. Fe
c. CrCl3 d. FeCl3 39. Maximum number of unpaired d-electrons is present in:
26. The atomic number of vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), a. Ti2+ b. Fe2+
manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) are respectively 23, c. Ni2+ d. Cu+
24, 25 and 26 which one of these may be expected to have
the highest second ionization enthalpy 40. The spin only magnetic moment of Fe3+ ion (in BM) is
a. V b. Cr
a. 4 b. 7
c. Mn d. Fe
c. 5 d. 6
27. Which ion has maximum magnetic moment
41. The highest oxidation state which is shown by transition
a. V+3 b. Mn+3
metals is:
c. Fe d. Cu+2
a. +3 b. +8
28. Which of the following transition metal is used as a catalyst
c. +7 d. +5
a. Nickel b. Cobalt
42. The magnetic moment µ, of transition metals is related to the
c. Gold d. Both (a) and (b) number of unpaired electron, n as:
29. Which among the given metals react with Cl to form their a. µ = n (n + 2) b. µ = n2(n + 2)
respective chlorides?
a. Au b. Ag c. µ = =
d. µ n ( n + 2)
c. Cu d. All n+2
30. With increase in number of unpaired electrons, the magnetic 43. Paramagnetic behaviour shown by transition metal is because
moment of their:
a. Increases a. Paired electrons
b. Decreases b. Variable oxidation state
c. First increases then decreases c. Characteristic configuration
d. None of these d. Unpaired electrons
The d and f-Block Elements 101

44. Stainless steel contains: 57. Which among the following is an essential component of
a. Fe + Cr + Cu b. Fe + C + Ni amalgam?
c. Fe + Cr + Ni d. Fe + Ni + Cu a. Fe b. Pb
45. Which one of the following properties is not of transition c. Hg d. Cu
elements? 58. The metal ion which does not form coloured compound is
a. Colour b. Paramagnetism a. Chromium b. Manganese
c. Fixed valency d. None of the above c. Zinc d. Iron
46. Which of the following pairs involves isoelectronic ions? 59. The stability of ferric ion is due to:
a. Mn3+ and Fe2+ b. Mn2+ and Fe3+ a. Half-filled f-orbitals
c. Cr3+
and Mn2+ d. Fe2+
and Co2+ b. Half-filled d-orbitals
47. Which among the following is the correct order of no. of
c. Completely filled f-orbitals
unpaired electron?
d. Completely filled d-orbitals
a. Cu2+ > Ni2+ > Cr3+ > Fe3+ b. Cr3+ > Cu2+ > Fe3+ > Ni2+
c. Fe3+ > Cr3+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ d. Cr3+ > Fe3+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ 60. The number of unpaired electrons in cobalt atom is (atomic
48. In which one of the following pairs metals have same number number of Co = 27)
of unpaired electrons? a. 2 b. 3
a. Cr, Cu b. Mn, Zn c. 4 d. 1
c. Sc, Zn d. Sc, Cu 61. On applying magnetic field, the paramagnetic substances get
49. The elements of 3d-series exhibit the variable oxidation state a. Repelled b. Attracted
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of these
a. They contain paired electrons in 3d orbital
62. Which among the given ions is not an example of amphoteric
b. 4s-electrons are readily involved in bonding
c. Energy difference between 3d and 4s orbitals is small
a. Zn2+ b. Cr3+
d. Only 3d- electrons are involved in bonding
c. Fe2+ d. Al3+
50. Only one oxidation state is possible with:
63. The decreasing order of second ionization enthalpy of Ti (22),
a. Cu b. Zn
V(23), Cr(24), and Mn (25) is correctly represented as:
c. Fe d. Mn
a. V > Cr > Ti > Mn b. Cr > Mn > V > Ti
51. Which of the following shows +1 oxidation state?
a. Cr and Cu b. Zn and Fe c. V > Mn > Cr > Ti d. Mn > Cr > Ti > V
c. Cr and Zn d. Mn and Zn 64. The maximum number of unpaired electrons are present in:
52. Which of the following have maximum number of unpaired a. Fe b. Fe2+
electrons c. Fe4+ d. Fe3+
a. Fe3+ b. Fe2+ 65. Which one of the following compounds is expected to be
c. Co2+ d. Co3+ coloured?
53. Ni2+ ion (Atomic No. of Ni = 28) has the magnetic moment a. TiCl3 b. Cu2Cl2
(in BM unit) equal to: c. ZnSO4 d. ScCl3
a. 4.21 b. 1.68
66. In the reaction, Cu → Cu+ + e– , the electron is lost from the
c. 5.96 d. 2.84 subshell:
54. Which of the following transition metal is not coloured?
a. 3d b. 4s
a. Cu+ b. V3+
c. 3p d. Either 3d or 4s
c. Co d. Ni2+
67. Among the following ions, Cu+ ion is isoelectronic with:
55. The ion of least magnetic moment among the following is:
a. Cu2+ b. Fe2+
a. Ti3+ b. Ni2+
c. Co2+ d. Mn2+ c. Zn2+ d. Sc3+
56. Alloy cannot be formed by which of the following pairs of 68. Which one of the following species will impart colour in its
elements? aqueous solution?
a. Zn , Cu b. Fe, Hg a. Cr3+ b. Cu+
c. Cu, Sn d. Hg,Na c. Zn2+ d. Ti4+
102 The d and f-Block Elements

69. Which metal does not give the following reaction 82. KMnO4 acts as an oxidant in neutral, alkaline as well as in
M + water or steam → oxide + H2↓ acidic media. The final products which are obtained from
these in the three conditions are, respectively
a. Mercury b. Iron
a. MnO2, MnO2, Mn2+ b. MnO2– 3+
4 , Mn , Mn
c. Sodium d. Magnesium
c. MnO, MnO42–, Mn3+ d. MnO, MnO4, Mn2+
70. Among the following pairs of ions, the lower oxidation state
in aqueous solution is more stable than the other in 83. Silver chloride dissolves in ammonia solution but does not
dissolve in water because
a. Ti+, Ti3+ b. Fe2+, Fe3+
a. Ammonia is a better solvent than water
c. Cr2+, Cr3+ d. V2+, VO2+
b. Ag+ forms a complex ion with NH3
71. Highest number of unpaired electrons is present in:
c. NH3 is a stronger base than H2O
a. Co2+ b. Ti2+
d. None of these
c. Fe2+ d. Mn2+
84. Potassium dichromates are
72. Which one of the following configurations represents the ion
which would be colourless? a. Strong oxidising agents
a. 3d4, 4s0 b. 3d3, 4s0 b. Strong reducing agents
c. 3d5, 4s0 d. 3d10, 4s0 c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
73. Which of the following is paramagnetic
a. Ni++ b. Cu+ 85. A white powder soluble in NH4OH but insoluble in water is
c. Zn++ d. Sc+++ a. BaSO4 b. CuSO4
c. PbSO4 d. AgCl
74. Among the given pair of ions, which pair of ions is colourless
in nature? 86. Which among the given oxides of Mn is amphoteric in nature?
a. Zn2+, Fe2+ b. Cu+, Fe2+ a. MnO2 b. Mn2O3
c. Ti4+, Cu+ d. V3+, Zn2+ c. Mn2O7 d. Mn2O5
75. The lightest transition element among the given elements is: 87. Galvanisation is the
a. Cu b. Os a. Deposition of Zn on Fe b. Deposition of Al on Fe
c. Sc d. Co c. Deposition of Sn on Fe d. Deposition of Cu on Fe
76. Which of the following is the correct sequence of atomic 88. Chemical formula of calomel is correctly represented as
weights of given elements a. Hg2Cl2 b. HgCO3
a. Fe > Co > Ni b. Ni > Co > Fe c. HgCl2,H2O d. HgSO4
c. Co > Ni > Fe d. Fe > Ni > Co 89. Metal oxides which decomposes on heating is
77. Brass is an alloy of a. ZnO b. Al2O3
a. Zn and Sn b. Zn and Cu c. HgO d. Na2O
c. Cu, Zn and Sn d. Cu and Sn 90. Ionic radii of Cr would be smallest in:
78. In German silver, the % of Ag is a. K2CrO4 b. CrO2
a. 0% b. 2% b. CrCl3 d. CrCl2
c. 8% d. None of these 91. In acidic medium potassium dichromate acts as an oxidant
79. Solder is an alloy of according to the equation,
a. 70% lead, 30% tin b. 30% lead, 70% tin Cr2O72+ + 14H+ + 6e–→ 2Cr3+ 7H2O. What is the equivalent
c. 80% lead, 20% tin d. 90% Cu, 10% tin weight of K2Cr2O7? (mol. Wt. = M)
a. M b. M/2
Compounds of Transitional Elements c. M/3 d. M/6
80. Which oxide of Mn is acidic in nature? 92. The compound of copper which turns green on keeping in air is
a. MnO b. Mn2O7 a. Copper sulphate b. Copper nitrate
c. Mn2O3 d. MnO2 c. Cupric chloride d. Cuprous chloride
81. On adding excess of NH3 solution to CuSO4 solution, the 93. Acidified solution of chromic acid on treatment with
dark blue colour is due to hydrogen peroxide yields
a. [Cu(NH3)4]++ b. [Cu(NH3)2]++ a. CrO3 + H2O + O2 b. Cr2O3 + H2O + O2
c. [Cu(NH3 )]+ d. None of the above c. CrO5 + H2O d. H2Cr2O7 + H2O + O2
The d and f-Block Elements 103

94. Which among the following is a mild oxidising agent? 107. In which of these processes platinum is used as a catalyst
a. Ag2O b. KMnO4 a. Oxidation of ammonia to form HNO3
c. K2Cr2O7 d. K2CrO4 b. Hardening of oils
c. Production of synthetic rubber
95. A copper salt is isomorphic with ZnSO4, the salt will be
d. Synthesis of methanol
a. Paramagnetic b. Diamagnetic
108. CrO3 dissolves in aqueous NaOH to give
c. Ferromagnetic d. None
a. CrO42– b. Cr(OH)–3
96. In basic medium, potassium permanganate is reduced to c. Cr2O72– d. Cr(OH)
a. K2MnO4 b. MnO2 109. Which of the following is also known as “Fools gold”
c. Mn2O7 d. Mn2+ a. Wurtzite b. Iron pyrites
97. The reaction of K2Cr2O7 with NaCl and conc. H2SO4 gives c. Chalcosite d. Silver glance
a. CrCl3 b. CrOCl2 110. Which of the following metal is purified by Monds process?
c. CrO2Cl2 d. Cr2O3 a. Ni b. Cr
98. Silver nitrate is supplied in coloured bottles because it is c. Fe d. Cu
a. Oxidised in air 111. Equivalent weight of KMnO4 acting as an oxidant in acidic
medium is equal to
b. Decomposes in sunlight
a. Molecular weight of KMnO4
c. Explosive in sunlight
d. Reactive towards air in sunlight b. × Molecular weight of KMnO4
99. Which among the given compounds is expected to be colourless? 1
c. × Molecular weight of KMnO4
a. K4[Fe(CN)6] b. V2O3 3
c. CuCN d. Cr2(SO4)3 1
d. × Molecular weight of KMnO4
100. A group of acidic oxide is
112. When copper turnings and concentrated HCl is heated with
a. CrO3, Mn2O7 b. ZnO, Al2O3
copper sulphate the compound formed is
c. CaO, ZnO d. Na2O, Al2O3 a. Cupric chloride b. Cuprous chloride
101. Which among the given compounds is coloured? c. Copper sulphate d. CO2
a. ScCl3 b. TiO2 113. Rust is
c. MnSO4 d. CuCN a. FeO + Fe(OH)2 b. Fe2O3
102. Aqueous solution of ferric chloride is c. Fe2O3 + Fe(OH)2 d. Fe2O3 and Fe(OH)3
a. Acidic b. Basic 114. Which among the given is known as white vitriol?
c. Neutral d. Amphoteric a. ZnCl2 b. MgSO2.7H2O
103. Acidified potassium dichromate is treated with hydrogen c. ZnSO4.7H2O d. MgSo4
sulphide. In the reaction, the oxidation number of chromium 115. In the reduction of dichromate by Fe(II) the number of
electrons involved per chromium atom is
a. Increases from + 3 to + 6
a. 2 b. 3
b. Decreases from +6 to +3
c. 4 d. 1
c. Remains unchanged
116. Purple of cassium is
d. Decreases from +6 to +2
a. Gold solution b. Silver solution
104. KI and CuSO4 solution when mixed, give c. Copper solution d. Platinum solution
a. CuI2 + K2SO4 b. Cu2I2 + K2SO4 117. The properties of steel is altered by heat treatment due to
c. K2SO4 + Cu2I2 + I2 d. K2SO4 + CuI2 + I2 a. Chemical reaction on heating
105. How H2S is liberated in laboratory? b. Residual energy change
a. FeSO4 + H2SO4 b. FeS + dil H2SO4 c. Incomplete rusting
c. FeS + conc. H2SO4 d. Elementary + elementary S d. Change in the lattice structure due to differential rate of
106. In the compound Hg[Co(SCN)4], the spin only magnetic cooling
moment of Co will be: 118. Pure conc. HNO3 makes iron passive as the surface is covered
with protective layer of
a. 4 b. 8
a. Fe2O3 b. FeO
c. 15 d. 21
c. Fe3O4 d. Fe(NO3)3
104 The d and f-Block Elements

119. What is the effect of shaking dil. H2SO4 with small quantity 129. Silver nitrate is prepared by
of anhydrous CuSO4 a. The action of only conc.HNO3 on silver
a. The white solid dissolves to form a colourless solution b. Heating silver oxide with NO2
b. The white solid dissolves to form a green solution c. The action of hot dil. HNO3 on silver
d. Dissolve Ag in aqua–regia
c. The white solid turns blue but does not dissolve
d. The white solid dissolves to form a blue solution 130. Silver chloride is soluble in which of the following solution?
a. Aqua–regia b. H2SO4
120. Which of the following process is used for the manufacturing
c. HNO3 d. NH3 (aq)
of best quality of steel?
131. When silver nitrate is heated to red hot, what is formed?
a. Siemen –Martin’s open hearth process
a. Ag b. Ag2O
b. Electrical process c. Ag2O3 d. AgO2
c. Mond's process 132. Which of the following is used for making Ag from AgNO3?
d. Blast furnace a. PH3 b. AsH3
121. Which of the following is the green coloured powder c. CaCO3 d. NH3
produced when ammonium dichromate is used in fire works 133. Which compound does not dissolve in hot dilute HNO3
a. Cr b. CrO3 a. HgS b. CuS
c. Cr2O3 d. CrO(O2) c. PbS d. CdS
122. Which metal is used to make alloy steel for armour plates, 134. The nitrate of which metal left globule on heating strongly
safes and helmets? a. Pb(NO3)2 b. NaNO3
a. Al b. Mn c. AgNO3 d. Cu(NO3)2
b. Cr d. Pb 135. Which of the following is formed when zinc reacts with
123. If excess of NH4OH is added to CuSO4 solution, it forms blue excess of NaOH?
coloured complex which is a. Zinc hydroxide b. Zinc chloride
a. Cu(NH3)4SO4 b. Cu(NH3)2SO4 c. Di sodium zincate d. Sodium zincate
c. Cu(NH4)4SO4 d. Cu(NH4)2SO4 136. Pair of metals which dissolves in NaOH solution
124. The most convenient method to protect bottom of ship made a. Al, Cu b. Zn, Hg
of iron is c. Zn, Cu d. Zn, Al
a. White tin platting 137. Which of the following metal dissolves in hot concentrated
NaOH solution?
b. Coating with red lead oxide
a. Fe b. Zn
c. Connecting with ‘Pb’ block
c. Cu d. Au
d. Connecting with ‘Mg’ block
138. Which of the following metal forms an amphoteric oxide?
125. Oxidation number of Mn in K2MnO4 and in KMnO4 are a. Ca b. Fe
c. Cu d. Zn
a. + 6 and + 7 b. + 6 and + 6
139. Zn reacts with cold and very dilute nitric acid to give:
c. + 7 and + 7 d. + 7 and + 6 a. Zn(NO3)2 + N2O b. Zn(NO3) + NH4Cl
126. Which among the given metals gives more than 1 chloride? c. Zn(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 d. Zn(NO3) + NO2
a. Cu b. Na 140. Copper sulphate is commercially made from copper scraps by
c. Ag d. K a. Dissolving in hot conc. H2SO4
127. On adding KI to a solution of copper sulphate b. The action of dil. H2SO4 and air
a. Cupric oxide is precipitated c. Heating with sodium sulphate
b. Metallic copper is precipitated d. Heating with sulphur
c. Cuprous iodide is precipitated with liberation of iodine 141. The reaction, which forms nitric oxide, is
d. No change occurs a. C and N2O b. Cu and Z2O
c. Na and NH3 d. Cu and HNO3
128. Iron is dropped in dil. HNO3 it gives
142. In the vapour state, a compound of Fe exists in a dimeric
a. Ferric nitrate
form. This compound is hygroscopic in nature and dissolves
b. Ferric nitrate and NO2 in H2O giving brown acidic solution. The compound is:
c. Ferrous nitrate and ammonium nitrate a. Fe3O4 b. Fe2O4
d. Ferrous nitrate and nitric oxide c. FeCl3 d. FeCl2
The d and f-Block Elements 105

143. In the dichromate dianion: 154. Acidified K2Cr2O7 solution turns green when Na2SO3 is
a. 4 Cr-O bonds are equivalent added to it. This is due to the formation of:
b. 6 Cr-O bonds are equivalent a. CrSO4 b. Cr2 (SO4)3
c. CrO4 2- d. Cr(SO3)3
c. All Cr-O bonds are equivalent
d. All Cr-O bonds are Non-equivalent 155. When KMnO4 is reduced with oxalic acid in acidic solution,
144. Which of the following acts as self indicator during estimation the oxidation number of Mn changes from
of oxalic acid with KMnO4? a. 7 to 4 b. 6 to 4
a. KMnO4 b. H2C2O4 c. 7 to 2 d. 4 to 2
c. KCl d. MnSO4
145. Which of the following is not an amphoteric oxide?
a. HgO b. PbO2 156. The correct order of ionic radii of Y3+, La3+, Eu3+ and Lu3+ is
c. ZnO d. SnO2 a. La3+ < Eu3+ < Lu3+ < Y3+
b. Y3– < La3+ < Eu3+ < Lu3+
146. What happens, when potassium permanganate reacts with
c. Lu3+ < Y3+ < Eu3+ < La3+
acidified FeSO4?
d. Lu3+ < Eu3+ < La3+ < Y3+
a. FeSO4 is oxidised as well as reduced
(Atomic No. Y = 39, La = 57, Eu = 63, Lu = 71)
b. Only KMnO4 is oxidised
157. Which among the following is the correct electronic
c. FeSO4 is oxidized and KMnO4 is reduced
configuration of cerium?
d. KMnO4 and FeSO4 oxidised
a. [Xe]4 f95d26s2 b. [Xe]4 f15d16s2
147. An element M has the electron configuration [Ar]3d54s2. c. [Xe]4 f25d06s2 d. Both (b) and (c)
Which one of its oxide is unlikely to exist 158. The most common oxidation state shown by Lanthanoids is:
a. MO2 b. M2O3 a. +2 b. +3
c. MO4 d. M2O7 c. +5 d. +2
148. Which among the given reactions is incorrect? 159. Europium is
a. 2MnO4– + H2O + I– → 2MnO2 + 2OH– + IO3– a. s-block element b. p-block element
b. 2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 → 4KMnO4 + 2H2O c. d-block element d. f-block element
c. 2Na2CrO4 + 2H+ → Na2Cr2O4 + 2Na+ + H2O 160. Which among the following does not represent the
d. K2Cr2O7 + 7H2SO4 + 6KI → 4K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 3I2 + configuration of lanthanoid?
7H2O a. [Xe]4 f145d16s2 b. [Xe]4 f15d1.6s2
149. When CuSO4 solution is added to K4[Fe(CN)6], the formula c. [Xe]4 f145d106s2 d. [Xe]4 f10.6s2
of the product formed is 161. Which of the following is the strongest base?
a. Cu2Fe(CN)6 b. KCN a. Sc(OH)3 b. La(OH)3
c. Cu(CN)3 d. Cu(CN)2 c. Lu(OH)3 d. Yb(OH)

150. How many moles of I2 will be liberated if one mole of 162. In the inner transition elements, the added electrons go to:
acidified K2Cr2 O7 reacts with excess KI? a. (n-4)f-orbitals
b. (n-2)f-orbitals
a. 2 b. 3
c. (n-1) d-orbitals and (n-1)f-orbitals
c. 5 d. 2
d. (n-1)d-orbitals and ns orbitals
151. KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent in acidic medium. The
163. Lanthanoids are
number of moles of KMnO4 that will be needed to react with
a. 14 elements in the sixth period (atomic no. = 58 to 71) that
one mole of sulphide ions in acidic solution is:
are filling 4f sublevel
a. 2/5 b. 3/5 b. 14 elements in the seventh period (atomic no. = 58 to 71)
c. 4/5 d. 1/5 that are filling 4f sublevel
152. The oxidation state of chromium is + 6 in: c. 14 elements in the sixth period (atomic no. = 90 to 103)
that are filling 4f sublevel
a. Potassium chromate b. Potassium dichromate
d. 14 elements in the seventh period (atomic no. = 90 to 103)
c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these that are filling 4f sublevel
153. In potassium manganate, the oxidation state of Mn is: 164. Which among the following is referred as 'chemical twins'?
a. +7 b. +6 a. La, Tm b. Hf, Ta
c. +2 d. +4 c. Tc, Re d. La,Ac
106 The d and f-Block Elements

165. The common oxidation state shown by lanthanides in their 176. The f-block elements are characterized by:
compounds is: a. Filled of 4f-subshell
a. +1 b. +3
b. Filling of (n-2) f-subshell
c. +5 d. +16
c. Vacant (n-2) f-orbitals
166. Zr and Hf have almost equal atomic and ionic radii because
of: d. Both (b) and (c)
a. Diagonal relationship 177. The number of incomplete orbitals in inner transition element
b. Lanthanoid Contraction is
c. Actinoid contraction a. 2 b. 3
d. Belong to the same group c. 4 d. 1
167. In lanthanoids the last electron enters (n – 2)f subshell where
n is equal to: Actinoids
a. 4 b. 5 178. Which of the following is not an actinide?
c. 6 d. 7 a. Curium b. Californium
168. Lanthanide for which + II and + III oxidation states are c. Uranium d. Terbium
common is
179. Which among the following represents the correct general
a. La b. Nd
electronic configuration of actinides?
c. Ce d. Eu
a. 5f1–14 6d0–1 7s2 b. 5f1–10 6d0–2 7s1
169. How many unpaired electrons are present in an atom of Gd
c. 5f1–14 6d0–6 7s1 d. 5f1–10 6d0–2 7s2
a. 6 b. 8 180. Lanthanides and actinides resemble in
c. 5 d. 10 a. Electronic configuration b. Oxidation state
170. Gadolinium (64) shows only +3 oxidation state because: c. Ionization energy d. Formation of complexes
a. It contains 3 unpaired electrons 181. Which belongs to the actinides series?
b. It has unstable configuration in +3 oxidation state a. Ce b. Cf
c. In +3 oxidation state it has stable configuration c. Ca d. Cs
d. It contains 5 electrons in 4f orbital in +3 oxidation state
171. The lanthanide contraction relates to
Some Application of d-and f-block
a. Atomic radii b. Atomic as well as M3+ radii elements
c. Valence electrons d. Oxidation states 182. One of the important use of ferrous sulphate is in the
172. Which is the non-lanthanide element? a. Manufacture of blue black ink
a. La b. Lu b. Manufacture of chalks
c. Pr d. Pm c. Preparation of hydrogen sulphide
173. The properties of lanthanoids are not affected by the 4f d. Preparation of anhydrous ferric chloride
electrons because they:
183. In which of the following, copper sulphate (CuSO4) is not
a. Are inactive in nature
b. lie well in the interior of the atom
a. In detecting water
c. All are unpaired
b. In dyeing and calicoprinting
d. lie well in the interior of the atom and hence not exposed
of surroundings c. In electrotyping
174. The incorrect statement among the following is: d. As fertilizer
a. d-block elements show irregular and erratic chemical 184. In photography, silver halides are used because
properties a. They are photosensitive b. Soluble in NaOH
b. La and Cu have partially filled d-orbitals and no other c. Soluble in hypo d. Soluble in acids
partially filled orbitals
185. Which silver halide is used in medicine?
c. The chemistry of various lanthanoids is very similar a. AgNO3 b. AgCl
d. 4f and 5f orbitals are equally shielded c. AgBr d. AgF
175. Atomic number of elements of 4f-series ranges from: 186. The substance used in cancer therapy is
a. 52 to 82 b. 58 to 71 a. Rn b. Ni
c. 51 to 63 d. 57 to 72 c. Fe d. Co
Morale Booster Questions

Question Tagging
Conceptual understanding Memory Based Formula Based Reasoning and comprehension

1. The correct order of magnetic moments (spin only values in 9. In the given reaction,
B.M.) among is[F] 4X + 8CN– + 2H2O + O2 → 4[X(CN2)]– + 4OH–
a. [Fe(CN)6]4– > [MnCl4]2– > [CoCl4]2– The metal X is[C]
b. [MnCl4]2– > [Fe(CN)6]4– > [CoCl4]2–
a. Cu b. Fe
c. [MnCl4]2– > [CoCl4]2– > [Fe(CN)6]4–
c. Au d. Al
d. [Fe(CN)6]4– > [CoCl4]2– > [MnCl4]2–
10. F2 is formed by reacting K2MnF6 with[C]
2. Acidified K2Cr2O7 is treated with H2S. In this reaction, the
oxidation number of Cr[R] a. SbF5 b. MnF3
a. Increases from + 3 to + 6 c. KSbF6 d. MnF4
b. Decreases from +6 to +3 11. Which among the given is not correctly matched?[M]
c. Increases from +4 to +6 a. German silver Cu + Zn + Ni
d. Decreases from +6 to +2 b. Bronze Cu + Sn
3. Which statement is true about the transitional elements?[M] c. Monel metal Cu + Zn + Sn
a. They are highly reactive d. Duralumin Al + Cu + Mg + Mn
b. They show variable oxidation states 12. Copper sulphate solution reacts with KCN to give[C]
c. They have low M.P.
a. Cu(CN)2 b. CuCN
d. They are highly electropositive
c. K2[Cu(CN)4] d. K3[Cu(CN)4]
4. A nitrate gives a white precipitate when mixed with common
salt, the formed precipitate is soluble in dilute ammonium 13. Which of the following statement is correct?[M]
hydroxide. It is the nitrate of[C] a. Iron belongs to 3rd transition series of the periodic table
a. Cu b. Sn b. Iron belongs to f-block of the periodic table
c. Ag d. Au c. Iron belongs to second transition series of the periodic
5. Which among the given compounds is colourless?[C] table
a. Na2CuCl4 b. Na2CdCl4 d. Iron belongs to group VIII of the periodic table
c. K4Fe(CN)6 d. K3Fe(CN)6 14. The compound ZnFe2O4 is[M]
6. Stainless steel does not rust because[C] a. A normal spinel compound
a. Chromium and nickel combine with iron b. Interstitial compound
b. Chromium forms an oxide layer and protects iron from c. Covalent compound
d. Co-ordination compound
c. Nickel present in it, does not rust
d. Iron forms a hard chemical compound with chromium 15. Identify the compound which is formed when ZnO is heated
present in it. with BaO at 1100º.[C]
heat a. BaZnO2 b. BaCl2 + ZnO2
7. 4K 2Cr2O7  → 4K 2CrO 4 + 3O 2 + X . In the above
c. BaCdO2 d. Ba + ZnO2
reaction X is[M]
a. CrO3 b. Cr2O7 16. Zinc and mercury do not show variable valency like d-block
elements because [C]
c. Cr2O3 d. CrO5
a. They are soft
8. Which among the following pair of crystals is isomorphous?
[C] b. Their d- shells are complete
a. PbSO4, CaCO3 b. MgSO4, CaSO4 c. They have only two electrons in the outermost subshell
c. ZnSO4, MgSO4 d. PbSO4, NiSO4 d. Their d-shells are incomplete
108 The d and f-Block Elements

17. From solid potassium permanganate, oxygen gas can be 26. The number of unpaired electrons in ferrous ion is [C]
prepared by [C] a. 5 b. 4
a. Strongly heating the solid c. 3 d. 2
b. Dissolving the solid in dil. HNO3
27. In the beginning, the decolourization is slow when KMnO4
c. Dissolving the solid in dil. H2SO4 solution is added to oxalic acid solution, but it becomes
d. Dissolving the solid in dil. HCl instantaneous after some time because: [C]
18. Which element belongs to d – block? [M] a. CO2 is formed as the product
a. Na b. Ca b. H2 is produced as the product
c. Cu d. Ar –
c. MnO4catalyses the reaction
19. Electronic configuration of a transition element X in + 2
oxidation state is [Ar]3d5. What is its atomic number? [R] d. Mn2+ acts as autocatalyst
a. 25 b. 26 28. Elements belonging to f-block elements have atomic number
c. 27 d. 24 from [M]
20. Zn and Hg belong to the same group, they differ in many of a. 58 to 71 b. 90 to 103
their properties. The property that is shared by both is
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None
 [M + C]
a. They form oxide readily 29. In acidic medium, KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent. Find
b. They react with steam readily the no. of moles of KMnO4 that will be required to react with
1 mole of sulphide ions in acidic solution. [R]
c. They react with hot concentrated sulphuric acid
d. They react with hot sodium hydroxide 2 3
a. b.
5 5
21. On addition of small amount of KMnO4 to concentrated
H2SO4, a green oily compound is obtained which is highly 5 1
d. d.
explosive in nature. Identify the compound from the 3 5
following:[R] 30. Which among the given is amphoteric oxide? [C]
a. Mn2O7 b. MnO2 V2O5, V2O4, Cr2O3, CrO, Mn2O7, CrO3
c. MnSO4 d. Mn2O3
a. V2O5, Cr2O3 b. Mn2O7, CrO3
22. In general, due to the presence of unpaired electrons,
transition elements form coloured salts. Among the given c. CrO, Mn2O7 d. V2O5, V2O4
compounds, which compound will be coloured in solid state? 31. Gadolinium belongs to 4f series. Its atomic number is 64.
 [C] Which of the following is the correct electronic configuration
a. Ag2SO4 b. CuF2 of gadolinium? [C]
c. Na2CdCl4 d. Cu2Cl2 a. [Xe]4f75d16s2 b. [Xe]4f6 5d2 6s2
23. Metallic radii of some transition elements are given below. c. [Xe]4f8 6d2 d. [Xe]4f9 5s1
Which of these elements will have highest density: [C]
Element Fe Co Ni Cu 32. The aqueous solution containing which one of the following
ions will be colourless [C]
Metallic radii/pm 126 125 125 128
a. Sc3+ b. Fe2+
a. Fe b. Ni c. Ti3+ d. Mn2+
c. Co d. Cu (Atomic number Sc = 21, Fe = 26, Ti = 22, Mn = 25)
24. Which one of the following statement is not true for transition 33. The magnetic moment is associated with its spin angular
elements? [M] momentum and orbital angular momentum. Spin only
a. They exhibit diamagnetism magnetic moment value of Cr3+ ion is: [F]
b. They exhibit inert pair effect a. 2.87 BM b. 3.87 BM
c. They do not form alloys c. 3.47 BM d. 3.57 BM
d. They do not have a tendency to form complexes more than
34. In alkaline medium, potassium permanganate acts as an
s and p block elements
oxidising agent.
25. In which oxidation state, most of the lanthanoid ions are
coloured both in the solid state and in aqueous solutions? When alkaline KMnO4 is treated with potassium iodide,
 [M] iodide ion gets oxidised to: [C]
a. + 1 b. + 3 a. IO2– b. IO–
c. + 6 d. + 5 c. IO3– d. IO4–
The d and f-Block Elements 109

35. Which of the following statements is not correct? [C] 42. When zinc is added to CuSO4 copper gets ppt. due to [C]
a. Copper liberates hydrogen from acids a. Reduction of copper ions
b. In its higher oxidation states, manganese forms stable b. Oxidation of copper ions
compounds with oxygen and fluorine c. Hydrolysis of copper sulphate
d. Complex formation
c. Mn3+ and Co3+ are oxidising agents in aqueous solution
are reducing agents in aqueous solution 43. Which of the following actinoid(s) show oxidation states
upto +7? [M]
d. Ti2+ and Cr2+ are reducing agents in aqueous solution
a. Am b. Pu
36. On addition of acidified K2Cr2O7 solution to Sn2+ salt, Sn2+ c. U d. Np
ion gets changed to: [C]
44. (n – 2) f1–14 (n – 1) d0–2 ns2 is the general electronic configuration
a. Sn b. Sn3+ of actinoids. Which among the given actinoid(s) have 1 electron
c. Sn4+ d. Sn6+ in their 6d orbital? [C]
a. U (Atomic numbr. 92) b. Np (Atomic number. 93)
37. In fluorides (MnF4), the highest oxidation state of Mn is +4
but in oxides (Mn2O7), the highest oxidation state of Mn is +7. c. Cf (Atomic number. 98) d. Am (Atomic number. 95)
This is because: [C] 45. The tendency of 3d-metal ions to form stable complexes is
due to their [M]
a. Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen
a. Variable oxidation state
b. Fluorine does not contain p orbitals b. Strong electronegative nature
c. Fluorine stabilises lower oxidation state c. High charge/size ratio and vacant d-orbitals
d. In covalent compounds, fluorine can form single bond only d. Very low ionization energies
while oxygen forms double bond 46. Which of the following ions show higher spin only magnetic
38. Ce-58 is a member of [M] moment value? [F]
a. s-block b. p-block a. Ti3+ b. Mn2+
c. Fe2+ d. Co3+
c. d-block d. f-block
47. Binary compounds are formed by transition elements with
39. In oxidation reactions of KMnO4 in acidic medium, HCl is not halogens. Which among the given elements will form MF3
used to make the medium acidic because: [R] type compounds? [C]
a. Both HCl and KMnO4 act as oxidising agents a. Cr b. Co
b. KMnO4 oxidises HCl into Cl2 which is also an oxidising c. Ti d. Ni
agent 48. Which of the following will not act as oxidising agents? [C]
c. KMnO4 is a stronger reducing agent than HCl a. CrO3 b. MoO3
d. KMnO4 acts as a reducing agent in the presence of HCl c. WO3 d. CrO42–
40. Generally transition elements and their salts are coloured due 49. For lanthanoids, the characteristic oxidation state is +3, but
to the presence of unpaired electrons in metal ions. Which of Ce also shows +4 oxidation state because: [C]
the following compounds are coloured? [R] a. It has variable ionisation enthalpy
b. It has a tendency to attain noble gas configuration
a. KMnO4 b. Ce(SO4)2
c. It has a tendency to attain f 0 configuration
c. Both (a) and (b) d. Cu2Cl2
d. It is similar as Sn2+
41. Due to spin and orbital motion of electrons transition elements
50. Which of the following statement is not true about Mohr's
show magnetic moment. Which among the given metallic salt? [R]
ion(s) have almost same spin only magnetic moment? a. It decolourises KMnO4
 [F + C] b. It is a primary standard
a. Co2+ b. Ti2+ c. It is a double salt
c. Mn2+ d. Cr3+ d. Oxidation state of iron is +3 in this salt metal
Multi-Concept Questions

1. Arrange the following ions, Yb+3, Pm+3, Ce+3, La+3 in 9. In which of the following, a blue colouration is not obtained?
increasing order of their ionic radii a. Ferric chloride reacts with sodium ferrocyanide
a. Yb+3 < Pm+3 < Ce+3 < La+3 b. CuSO4 solution reacts with potassium ferrocyanide
b. Ce+3 < Yb+3 < Pm+3 < La+3 c. Ammonium hydroxide dissolves in copper sulphate
c. Yb+3 < Pm+3 < La+3 < Ce+3 d. Anhydrous CuSO4 is dissolved in water
10. A metal when left exposed to the atmosphere for some time
d. Pm+3 < La+3 < Ce+3 < Yb+3
becomes coated with green basic carbonate. The metal in
2. On adding excess of ammonia solution to cupper sulphate question is
solution, the dark blue colour obtained is due to
a. Copper b. Nickel
a. [Cu(NH3)4]2+ b. [Cu(NH3)2]2+
c. Silver d. Zinc
c. [Cu(NH3)] d. [Cu(NH3)6]+
11. Cerium (Z = 58) is an important member of the lanthanoids.
3. The colour of K2Cr2O7 changes from red orange to lemon Which of the following statements about cerium is incorrect?
yellow on treatment with aqueous KOH because of
a. The +4 oxidation state of cerium is not known in solutions
a. The reduction of CrVI to CrIII
b. The +3 oxidation state of cerium is more stable than the +4
b. The formation of chromium hydroxide oxidation state
c. The conversion of dichromate to chromate c. The common oxidation states of cerium are +3 and +4
d. The oxidation of potassium hydroxide to potassium d. Cerium (IV) acts as an oxidizing agent
12. In the metallurgy of Cu, metallic copper is finally formed by
4. Acidified solution of chromic acid on treatment with which of the following reaction in the furnace?
hydrogen peroxide yields
a. Cu2S + O2 → 2Cu + SO2
a. CrO3 + H2O + O2 b. Cr2O3 + H2O + O2
b. Cu2S + 3O2 → 2Cu + 2SO2
c. CrO5 + H2O d. H2Cr2O7 + H2O + O2
c. 2Cu2S + 3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2SO2
5. Excess of potassium iodide reacts with copper sulphate Cu2S + 2Cu2O → 6Cu + SO2
solution. After this, Na2S2O3 solution is added to it. Select
the incorrect statement/s for this reaction. d. Cu2S + 3O2 → 2CuO + 2SO2
a. Na2S2O3 is oxidised b. CuI2 is formed 2CuO + CuS → 3Cu + SO2
c. Cu2I2 is formed d. Evolved I2 is reduced 13. General configuration of outermost and penultimate shell is
(n – 1)s2 (n – 1)p6 (n – 1) dxns2. If n = 4 and x = 5 then no. of
6. Of the ionsZn2+, Ni2+ andCr3+ [atomic number of Zn = 30,
proton in the nucleus will be
Ni = 28, Cr = 24]
a. > 25 b. < 24
a. Only Zn2+ is colourless and Ni2+ and Cr3+ are coloured
c. 25 d. 30
b. All three are colourless
14. Which statement is not correct?
c. All three are coloured
a. Potassium permanganate is a powerful oxidising substance
d. Only Ni2+ is coloured and Zn2+ and Ce3+ are colourless b. Potassium permanganate is a weaker oxidising substance
7. With reference to the ferrous and ferric ions, correct than potassium dichromate
statement/s is/are: c. Potassium permanganate is a stronger oxidising substance
a. Fe3+ gives black colour with potassium ferricyanide than potassium dichromate
b. Fe2+ gives blue precipitate with potassium ferricyanide d. Potassium dichromate oxidises a secondary alcohol into a
c. Fe3+ gives red colour with potassium thiocyanate ketone
d. Both (b) and (c) 15. For the couples Cr3+/Cr2+ & Mn3+/Mn2+, given E° values are
–0.41 & + 1.51 V respectively. Among the given, select the
8. When metallic copper comes in contact with moisture, a
green powdery/ pasty coating can be seen over it. This is correct option by considering these values.
chemically known as a. Cr2+ acts as a reducing agent and Mn3+ acts as an oxidising
a. Copper sulphide - Copper carbonate agent in their aqueous solutions.
b. Copper carbonate - Copper sulphate b. Cr2+ (aq) is more stable than Cr3+(aq).
c. Copper carbonate - Copper hydroxide c. Mn2+(aq) is less stable than Mn3+(aq).
d. Copper Sulphate - Copper sulphide d. None of these.
The d and f-Block Elements 111

16. The yellow colored solution of Na2CrO4 changes to orange, 25. The separation of Lanthanides is a formidable task due to:
red on passing CO2 gas due to the formation of: a. Similarity in ionic size
a. CrO5 b. CrO3 b. Small charge radius ratio
c. Na2Cr2O7 d. Na3CrO8 c. Constant charge of +3
17. In first transition series, the melting point of Mn is low d. All of these
because 26. Which one of the following reactions is incorrect?
a. Due to d10 configuration, metallic bonds are strong
a. FeCr2I4 + Na2CO3 + O2 → Na2CrO4 + Fe2O3 + CO2
b. Due to d7 configuration, metallic bonds are weak
b. Na2Cr2O7 + KCl → K2Cr2O7 + NaCl
c. Due to d5 configuration, metallic bonds are weak
c. K2Cr2O7 + NaCl + H2SO4 → KHSO4 + NaHSO4 + CrO3 + H2O
d. None of these
d. None of these
18. Reaction of potassium permanganate in neutral or faintly
27. In which of the following elements, the configuration is
alkaline solution is given by which of the following equation?
against Aufbau rule ?
a. MnO4– + 3e– + 2H2O → MnO2 + 4OH–
a. Ni, Pd, Pt b. Sc, Ti, Zr
b. MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e– → Mn2+ + 4H2O c. Pd, Pt, Cu d. Fe, Cr, Mn
c. MnO4– + e– → MnO42–
28. The reason why cuprous ion (Cu+) is colourless while cupric
d. 5Fe2+ + MnO4– + 8H+ → Mn2+ + 4H2O + 5Fe3+ ion (Cu2+) is coloured is because:
19. Transition metal with low oxidation number will act as a. Cuprous ion has completely filled d-orbitals while Cupric
a. A base b. An acid ion has incompletely filled d-orbitals.
c. Reducing agent d. None of these b. Cuprous ion has exactly half-filled ‘d’ orbitals.
20. MnO2 is pyrolusite which is used for the preparation of c. Cupric ion has completely filled ‘d’ orbitals, while Cuprous
KMnO4. Steps are, MnO 2 I
→ MnO 24 − 
→ MnO −4 . ion has incompletely filled ‘d’ orbitals
Steps I and II are respectively : d. Cupric ion do not contain electrons in d-orbitals
a. Fuse with KOH / air and electrolytic oxidation. 29. In acidic medium, when potassium permanganate acts as
b. Fuse with KOH / KNO3 and electrolytic oxidation. oxidising agent, the oxidation number of Mn decreases by
c. Both (a) and (b). a. 4 b. 2
d. Dissolve in HNO3 and oxidation. c. 1 d. 5
21. KMnO4 reacts with ferrous sulphate according to the equation 30. Chromyl chloride when dissolves in NaOH solution gives
MnO4– + 5Fe2++ 8H+
→ Mn2+
+ 5Fe3+
+ 4H2O. Here 10ml of yellow solution. The yellow solution contains:
0.1 M KMnO4 is equivalent to a. Cr2O72– b. CrO42–
a. 20 ml of 0.1M FeSO4 b. 30 ml of 0.1M FeSO4 c. CrO5 d. Cr2O3
c. 40 ml of 0.1M FeSO4 d. 50 ml of 0.1M FeSO4 31. One of the following metals forms a volatile carbonyl
22. Lanthanoid contraction occurs because compound and this property is taken advantage of for its
a. The 4f electrons, which are gradually added, create a extraction. This metal is
strong shielding effect a. Iron b. Nickel
b. The 4f orbitals are greater in size than the 3d and 3f orbitals c. Cobalt d. Tungston
c. The 5f orbitals strongly penetrate into the 4f orbitals 32. The electronic configuration of Ag atom is
d. The poor shielding effect of 4f electrons is coupled with a. [Kr]3d104s1 b. [Xe]4f14d106s1
increased attraction between the nucleus and the added c. [Kr]4d105s1 d. [Kr]4d95s2
33. Match the column 1 with column 2.
23. Which of the following statements is correct about equivalent
Ion Magnetic Moment(B.M)
weight of KMnO4?
1. Mn2+ A. 2.83
a. It is one third of its molecular weight in alkaline medium
b. It is one fifth of its molecular weight in alkaline medium 2. Ti4+ B. 1.73
c. It is equal to its molecular weight in acidic medium 3. V4+ C. 3.87
d. It is one third of its molecular weight in acidic medium 4. Co3+ D. 5.25
24. Which of the following oxides of chromium is amphoteric in a. (1)-D, (2)-B, (3)-A, (4)-C
nature? b. (1)-B, (2)-C, (3)-A, (4)-D
a. CrO b. Cr2O3 c. (1)-A, (2)-B, (3)-C, (4)-D
c. CrO3 d. CrO5 d. (1)-C, (2)-B, (3)-D, (4)-A
112 The d and f-Block Elements

34. Match the items given in List-1 with the elements/compounds than that of ferricyanide ion.
given in List-2 and mark the correct option. 38. Assertion: Cuprous ion(Cu+) is colourless whereas cupric
List 1 List 2 ion (Cu++) is blue in the aqueous solution.
(i) Artificial gem (A) NaCl Reason: Cuprous ion (Cu+) has unpaired electrons while
(ii) Explosive (B) Fe3O4 cupric ion(Cu++) does not.
(iii) Self reduction (C) Pb 39. Assertion: ZnO is an amphoteric.
(iv) Magnetic material (D) Pb(N3)2
Reason: Zn react with acid as well as base.
(E) Al2O3
(F) Fe2O3 Statement Based Question
(G) Cu
Directions: These questions consist of two statements each,
(H) SiCl4
printed as Statement-I and Statement-II. While answering these
a. (i) A, (ii) D, (iii) G, (iv) B questions, you are required to choose any one of the following
b. (i) A, (ii) D, (iii) G, (iv) F four responses.
c. (i) E, (ii) D, (iii) G, (iv) B
a. Statement-I and Statement-II both are correct
d. (i) E, (ii) D, (iii) G, (iv) F
b. Statement-I and Statement-II both are incorrect
c. Statement-I is correct and Statement-II is incorrect
Assertion & Reason
d. Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Directions: These questions consist of two statements each, 40. Statement-I: [Ti(H2 O)6]3+ is a coloured ion.
printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering these questions,
you are required to choose any one of the following four responses. Statement-II: Ti shows +2, +3, +4 oxidation states due to
4s2 and 3d2 electrons.
a. If both Assertion and Reason are True and the Reason is
a correct explanation of the Assertion. 41. Statement-I: Most of the trivalent lanthanide ions are
coloured both in the solid state and in aqueous solution.
b. If both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not
a correct explanation of the Assertion. Statement-II: The elements with xf electrons have a similar
colour to those of (14-x)f electrons.
c. If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
42. Statement-I: KMnO4 is purple in colour due to charge
d. If Assertion is False but the Reason is True.
35. Assertion: In the actinides, numbers of electron participating
in reaction are lesser than lanthanides. Statement-II: There is no electron present in d-orbitals of
manganese in MnO–4 .
Reason: Energy difference in between 5f and 6d electrons is

greater than that of in between 4f and 5d electrons. 43. Statement-I: K2Cr2O7 is used as primary standard in
volumetric analysis.
36. Assertion: Magnetic moments values of actinides are lesser
than the theoretically predicted values. Statement-II: It has a good solubility in water.
Reason: Actinide elements are strongly paramagnetic. 44. Statement-I: Cu+ is less stable than Cu2+ & Fe3+ is more
37. Assertion: Potassium ferrocyanide is diamagnetic where as stable than Fe2+.
potassium ferricyanide is paramagnetic. Statement-II: Half filled and completely filled subshells are

Reason: Crystal field splitting in ferrocyanide ion is greater more stable.
NEET Past 10 Year Questions

1. Zr (Z = 40) and Hf (Z = 72) have similar atomic and ionic a. A-iii B-iv C-i D-ii
radii because of: (2021)
b. A-iii B-i C-iv D-ii
a. Diagonal relationship
c. A-ii B-iv C-i D-iii
b. Lanthanoid contraction
d. A-i B-iv C-ii D-iii
c. Having similar chemical properties
d. Belonging to same group 6. Identify the incorrect statement from the following:

2. The incorrect statement among the following is: (2021)


a. Most of the trivalent Lanthanoid ions are colorless in the a. Lanthanoids reveal only +3 oxidation state.
solid state b. The lanthanoid ions other than the f0 type and the f14 type
b. Lanthanoids are good conductors of heat and electricity are all paramagnetic.
c. Actinoids are highly reactive metals, especially when c. The overall decreases in atomic and ionic radii from
finely divided
lanthanum to lutetium is called lanthanoid contraction.
d. Actinoid contraction is greater for element to element that
d. Zirconium and Hafnium have identical radii of 160 pm
Lanthanoid contraction
and 159 pm, respectively as a consequence of lanthanoid
3. The calculated spin only magnetic moment of Cr2+ ion is

a. 4.90 BM b. 5.92 BM 7. Match the element in column I with that in column II.
c. 2.84 BM d. 3.87 BM
Column I Column II
4. Identify the incorrect statement. (2020)
(A) Copper (i) Non-metal
a. The transition metals and their compounds are known for
(B) Fluorine (ii) Transition metal
their catalytic activity due to their ability to adopt multiple
(C) Silicon (iii) Lanthanoid
oxidation states and to form complexes.
(D) Cerium (iv) Metalloid
b. Interstitial compounds are those that are formed when
small atoms like H, C or N are trapped inside the crystal Select the correct option:
lattices of metals.
a. A-i B-ii C-iii D-iv
c. The oxidation states of chromium in CrO42– and Cr2O72– b. A-ii B-iv C-i D-iii
are not the same.
c. A-ii B-i C-iv D-iii
d. Cr2+(d4) is a stronger reducing agent than Fe2+(d6) in water. d. A-iv B-iii C-i D-ii
5. Match the following aspects with the respective metal.
8. The manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral, due
to:  (2019)
Aspects Metal
a. The p-bonding involves overlap of p-orbitals of oxygen
(A) The metal which reveals a (i) Scandium with d-orbitals of manganese
maximum number of oxidation
states b. There is no p-bonding
(B) The metal although placed in (ii) Copper c. The p-bonding involves overlap of p-orbitals of oxygen
3d block is considered not as a with p-orbitals of manganese
transition element
d. The p-bonding involves overlap of d-orbitals of oxygen
(C) The metal which does not exhibit (iii) Manganese with d-orbitals of manganese
variable oxidation states
9. Which one of the following ions exhibits d-d transition and
(D) The metal which in +1 oxidation (iv) Zinc
state in aqueous solution undergoes paramagnetism as well? (2018)
disproportionation a. CrO42– b. Cr2O72–
Select the correct option: c. MnO42– d. MnO4–
114 The d and f-Block Elements

10. Match the metal ions given in Column I with the spin c. [Xe]4f 6 5d16s2, [Xe]4f 7 5d16s2 and [Xe]4f 9 5d16s2
magnetic moments of the ions given in Column II and assign d. [Xe]4f 6 5d16s2, [Xe]4f 7 5d16s2 and [Xe]4f 8 5d16s2
the correct code: (2018)
17. Which one of the following statements is correct when SO2 is
Column I Column II
passed through acidified K2Cr2O7 solution?  (2016-I)
A. Co3+ i. 8 B.M a. SO2 is reduced
B. Cr3+ ii. 35 B.M b. Green Cr2(SO4)3 is formed

C. Fe3+ iii. 3 B.M c. The solution turns blue

d. The solution is decolourised
D. Ni2+ iv. 24 B.M
18. Gadolinium belongs to 4f series. Its atomic number is 64.
v. 15 B.M Which of the following is the correct electronic configuration
of gadolinium? (2015 Re)
a. A-iv B-v C-ii D-i 6 2
a. [Xe]4f 5d 6s 2 8
b. [Xe]4f 6d 2

b. A-i B-ii C-iii D-iv c. [Xe]4f 95s1 d. [Xe]4f 75d16s2

c. A-iii B-v C-i D-ii 19. Because of lanthanoid contraction, which of the following
d. A-iv B-i C-ii D-iii pairs of elements have nearly same atomic radii? (Numbers
11. Name the gas that can readily decolourise acidified KMnO4 in the parenthesis are atomic numbers) (2015)
solution: (2017-Delhi) a. Zr (40) and Nb (41) b. Zr (40) and Hf (72)
a. P2O5 b. CO2 c. Zr (40) and Ta (73) d. Ti (22) and Zr (40)
c. SO2 d. NO2 20. Which of the following processes does not involve oxidation
12. The reason for greater range of oxidation states in actinoids is of iron? (2015)
attributed to: (2017-Delhi) a. Decolourisation of blue CuSO4 solution by iron
a. 4f and 5d levels being close in energies b. Formation of Fe(CO)5 from Fe
b. The radioactive nature of actinoids c. Liberation of H2 from steam by iron at high temperature
c. Actinoid contraction d. Rusting of iron sheets
d. 5f, 6d and 7s levels having comparable energies 21. Magnetic moment 2.84 B.M. is given by: (Atomic numbers,
Ni = 28, Ti = 22, Cr = 24, Co = 27) (2015)
13. HgCl2 and I2 both when dissolved in water containing I– ions
a. Ti3+ b. Cr2+
the pair of species formed is: (2017-Delhi)
c. Co2+ d. Ni2+
a. Hg2I2, I– b. Hg I 2 ,I3−
22. Reason of lanthanoid contraction is:  (2014)
c. HgI2,I– d. Hg I 24 − ,I3− a. Increasing nuclear charge
14. Which of the following lanthanoids shows +4 oxidation b. Decreasing nuclear charge
state to acquire noble gas configuration? (Atomic noumber : c. Decreasing screening effect
La = 57, Ce = 58, Eu = 63 and Yb = 70) (2017-Gujarat) d. Negligible screening effect of ‘f ‘ orbitals
a. Eu b. Ce 23. Magnetic moment 2.83 BM is given by which of the following
c. Yb d. La ions?  (2014)
15. Which one of the following statements related to lanthanons (Atomic Number Ti = 22, Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Ni = 28)
is incorrect? (2016 - II) a. Ni2+ b. Cr3+
a. All the lanthanons are much more reactive than aluminium c. Mn2+ d. Ti3+
b. Ce(+4) solutions are widely used as oxidizing agent in 24. Which of the following statements about the interstitial
volumetric analysis compounds is incorrect?  (2013)

c. Europium shows +2 oxidation state. a. They retain metallic conductivity

d. The basicity decreases as the ionic radius decreases from Pr b. They are chemically reactive
to Lu. c. They are much harder than the pure metal
16. The electronic configurations of Eu (Atomic Number 63) Gd d. They have higher melting points than the pure metal
(Atomic Number 64) and Tb (Atomic Number 65) are: 25. Which of the following lanthanoid ions is diamagnetic?
 (2016 - I) (Atomic Number Ce = 58, Sm = 62, Eu = 63, Yb = 70) (2013)
a. [Xe]4f 76s2, [Xe]4f 75d16s2 and [Xe]4f 96s2 a. Ce2+ b. Sm2+
b. [Xe]4f 76s2, [Xe]4f 8 6s2 and [Xe]4f 8 5d16s2 c. Eu2+ d. Yb2+
The d and f-Block Elements 115

26. A magnetic moment of 1.73 BM will be shown by one among c. Their unfilled d-orbitals
the following: (2013) d. Their ability to adopt variable oxidation states
a. [Cu(NH3)4]2+ b. [Ni(CN)4]2– 30. Four successive members of the first series of the transition
c. TiCl4 d. [CoCl6]4– metals are listed below. For which one of them the standard
27. Identify the correct order of solubility in aqueous medium: potential E 0M / M value has a positive sign?
2+ (2012 Mains)

 (2013) a. Fe (Z = 26) b. Co (Z = 27)

a. Na2S > CuS > ZnS b. Na2S > ZnS > CuS c. Ni (Z = 28) d. Cu (Z = 29)
c. CuS > ZnS > Na2S d. ZnS > Na2S > CuS 31. Which of the statements is not true? (2012 Pre)
28. Which one of the following does not correctly represent the a. K2Cr2O7 solution becomes yellow on increasing the pH
correct order of the property indicated against it? (2012 Mains) beyond 7
a. Ti < V < Mn < Cr : increasing 2nd ionization enthalpy b. On passing H2S through acidified K2Cr2O7 solution, a
b. Ti < V < Cr < Mn : increasing number of oxidation states milky colour is observed
c. Ti3+ < V3+ < Cr3+ < Mn3+ : increasing magnetic moment c. Na2Cr2O7 is preferred over K2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis
d. Ti < V < Cr < Mn : increasing melting points d. K2Cr2O7 solution in acidic medium is orange
29. The catalytic activity of transition metals and their compounds 32. Which of the following exhibits only + 3 oxidation state?
is ascribed mainly to: (2012 Mains)  (2012 Mains)
a. Their chemical reactivity a. U b. Th
b. Their magnetic behaviour c. Ac d. Pa
Answer Key

Topic-wise Questions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
c d d c b a b d b c d b b c c d a c
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
c c b c d b b b c d d a d d d b b b
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
a d b d b d d c c b c d c b a a d a
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
a b c c b b b c b d a b c a a a d d
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
a c c c b d b b a a b a d a a a c a
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
d d c a a b c b c a c a b c b c a a
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
b a d b d c b a d c d a c b a a a a
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
c c c d a a a c d d b d c b d c b a
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
a c c b a b a c b b c c b b d c b b
163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
a c b b c d b c b a d d b b b d a b
181 182 183 184 185 186
b a d a a d

Morale Booster Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
c b b c b b c c c a c d d a a b a c
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a a a b d d b b d c a a a d b c a c
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
d d b c a,d a b,d a,b c b,c a,b b,c b,c d

Multi-Concept Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
a a c c b a d c b a a c c b a c c a
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
c c d d a b d c c a d b b c a c b b
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
c c a b a a c a
NEET Past 10 Year Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
b a a c a a c a c a c d d b a a b d
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
b b d d a b d a b d d d c c
8-The d and f-Block Elements

Cr24 = 3d54s1
Topic-wise Questions
Therefore, Cr4+ = 3d2
1. (c) % of transitional element =
Mn25 = 3d54s2
Transition element + Inner transition element
× 100 Therefore, Mn5+ = 3d2
Total element
33 + 28 Hence, option (b) is correct.
= × 100
105 13. (b) In the long form of periodic table, the elements of d-block
belong to 3 to12 columns or groups of the periodic table.
= 58.09 ≈ 60%
14. (c) 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s2p6d2, 4s2
2. (d) The transition element have a characteristic electronic
15. (c) 16. (d)
configuration which can be represented as:
17. (a) Both elements Cu and Zn belong to 3d series.
(n – 1)s2p6d1–10ns1 or ns2
Cu = [Ar] 3d10 4s1
3. (d) p-electrons in Cl– (Atomic no. of Cl = 17) Zn = [Ar] 3d10 4s2
Cl– : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 Hence, both Cu and Zn have same configuration of (n –1)
Fe2+ : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 d subshell.
Total number of de– present in Fe2+ = 6 which is not equal
18. (c) The d-block elements include only metals.
to pe– present in Cl– = 12.
19. (c) The transition series are those which have incomplete
4. (c) Among the given elements, Ag belongs to second (4d) inner orbital.
transition series, rest other elements belong to first
transition series. 20. (c) As we know,
5. (b) Fe(26) : 3d6 4s2 Atomic weight
Equivalent weight =
Fe3+ : 3d5 4s0 No. of e – lost or gained
Hence, 3d54s0 is the stable electronic configuration of Here, Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e–
Fe+3 ion.
Hence, number of electrons lost = 1e–
6. (a)
Because of symmetrical distribution of electrons ∴ Equivalent weight = Atomic weight
and exchange energy, this electronic configuration of
outermost shell of Cr is more stable. 21. (b) Cr+2 and Fe+2
d5 s1 Cr+2 – 3d4 (4 unpaired electrons)
5 1 Fe+2 – 3d6 (4 unpaired electrons)
d s
Since, Cr+2 and Fe+2 contain same number of unpaired
7. (b) (n–1)d1–10 ns1–2 is the general electronic configuration of electrons, hence will have same effective magnetic
d-block elements. moment.
8. (d) Elements : Ga, In, Tl belong to p-block elements. 22. (c) Strong oxidising agents such as PbO2 or sodium
9. (b) Given, the electronic configuration of X3+ : [Ar] 3d5 bismuthate (NaBiO3) oxidise Mn2+ to MnO–4 or Mn7+.
Therefore, atomic number of element X = 18 + 5 + 3 = 26 23. (d) Due to the presence of unpaired electrons in d-orbital,
10. (c) Among the given statements, this statement : “It has 6 transitional elements form coloured salts.
electrons in 3d orbital.” is not correct. 24. (b) Zinc does not show variable valency like d-block elements
11. (d) Fe2+ → 3d6 4s0, Sc4+ → 3p5, Cr3+ → 3d3 4s0 because it’s d-orbital is complete Zn – 3d10 4s2
Mn2+ → 3d5 4s0 (Exactly half-filled d-orbital, therefore 25. (b) ScCl3 → Sc+3 + 3Cl–
3s2 3p6 3d0 4s0
12. (b) Ti22 = 3d24s2
Therefore, Ti2+ = 3d2,
Since there is no unpaired electron, hence will show
V23 = 3d34s2 diamagnetic character and will be repelled, therefore will
Therefore, V3+ = 3d2 weigh less when weighed in the magnetic field.
The d and f-Block Elements 127

26. (b) V = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3 4s2

= =
35 5.91 ≈ 6 BM
Cr = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s23 p6 3d5 4s1
41. (b) +8 is the highest oxidation state which is shown by
Mn = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1
transition metal.
Fe = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2
In second ionization enthalpy Cr+ has exact half filled =
42. (d) µ n ( n + 2 ) BM
d-sub shell.
43. (d) Paramagnetic behaviour shown by transition metals is
27. (c) Among the given options, Fe+3 has maximum magnetic because of the presence of unpaired electrons.
moment 44. (c) Stainless steal contains Fe + Cr + Ni
Ions Outer Number Colour Magnetic 45. (c) Due to presence of vacant d-orbitals, transition metal
electronic of of ion momen shows variable valency / variable oxidation states.
configuration unpaired (in BM)
46. (b) Mn2+ and Fe3+ involve isoelectronic ions.
V3+ 3d2 2 Green 2.76
Mn+3 3d4 4 Violet 1.9 47. (c) Fe+3 = 3d54s0 = = 5 unpaired electrons
Fe+3 3d5 5 Yellow 5.96 Cr3+ = 3d34s0 = = 3 unpaired electrons
Cu+2 3d9 1 Blue 1.9 Ni2+ = 3d84s0 = = 2 unpaired electrons
28. (d) Both Ni and Co transition metals are used as catalyst. Cu2+ = 3d94s0 = = 1 unpaired electrons
29. (d) All the given metals react with Cl to form their respective
48. (d) Sc → [Ar] 3d1 4s2
Cu → [Ar] 3d10 4s1
30. (a) The magnetic moment increases with the increasing
number of unpaired electrons. 49. (c) Since, the energy difference between 3d and 4s orbitals is
31. (d) Cu small, hence both these electrons are involved in bonding.
Therefore, the oxidation state exhibited are maximum.
32. (d) The transition metals in which small atoms like hydrogen, Hence, the elements of 3d-series exhibit the variable
carbon, boron and nitrogen occupy interstitial sites in their oxidation state.
lattices form a large number of interstitial compounds.
50. (b) Zn has completely filled 3d-subshell hence, its oxidation
33. (d) Among the given alloys, steel is an alloy of iron (metal)
state is decided only by 4s electrons, i.e., + 2
and carbon (non-metal).
51. (a) Outer electronic configurations are : Cr = 3d5 4s1 , Cu =
34. (b) Fe2+ shows paramagnetism because of having 4 unpaired
3d10 4s1. Hence, Cr and Cu shows +1 oxidation state.
52. (a) Fe3+ → [Ar] 3d6 4s0,
35. (b) Due to availability of vacant d-orbitals, transition elements
show multiple oxidation states and they are coloured due No. of unpaired electrons = 5
to d-d transition. Fe2+ → [Ar] 3d6 4s0,
36. (b) No. of unpaired electrons = 4
37. (a) Ti4+= (22 – 4 = 18) = [Ar] 3d0 Co2+ → [Ar] 3d7 4s0,
V4+ = (23 – 4 = 19) = [ Ar ] 3d1
No. of unpaired electrons = 3
Mn2+ = (35 – 2 = 23) = [Ar] 3d5
Co3+ → [Ar] 3d6 4s0,
Fe3+ = (26 – 3 = 23) = [Ar] 3d5
⸫ Ti is colourless in nature, since Ti is not having any No. of unpaired electrons = 4
unpaired electron. 53. (d) Ni28 = [Ar] 3d84s2
38. (d) Among the given options, Fe represents more than one Ni2+ = [Ar] 3d8 (2 unpaired electrons)
oxidation state because it belongs to transition series.
Therefore, n = 2
39. (b) Ti2+ = 3d2 = 2 unpaired electrons are present
µ n(n + 2)
Ni2+ = 3d8 = 2 unpaired electrons are present
Fe2+ = 3d6 = 4 unpaired electrons are present = 2(2 + 2) = 8 = 2.84 BM
Cu+ = 3d10 = no unpaired electron are present 54. (a) Cu+ = 29 [Ar] 3d10 4s0
40. (d) Fe = 26 = [ Ar] 3d6 4s2 ∴ There is no unpaired electron. Hence the transition
metal Cu+ is colourless.
Fe3+ = [Ar] 3d5
∴ n =5 55. (a) Ti3+ = 3d1 = = 1.75 BM.
µ= n(n + 2)= 5(5 + 2)= 5(7)= 35 Ni2+ = 3d8 = = 2.76 BM.
128 The d and f-Block Elements

Co2+ = 3d7 = = 3.86 BM. As, Ni2+ contain 2 unpaired electrons in its 3d subshell,
hence it is paramagnetic in nature.
Mn2+ = 3d5 = = 5.96 BM.
74. (c) Since, Ti4+ and Cu+ do not contain any unpaired electron,
56. (b) Alloy is a homogenous mixture of two or more metals. hence are colourless in nature.
Hg (mercury) forms amalgams (alloy) with Au (gold), Ag
75. (c) While moving along the period, density of transition
(silver), Sn (tin), Na (Sodium). But it does not react with
elements increases.
Fe (iron) and Pt (platinum).
76. (c) As, atomic weight of Co is 58.90, atomic weight of Ni is
57. (c) Amalgam is an alloy of metals and mercury (Hg). 58.60, atomic weight of Fe is 55.85. Hence, the correct
Therefore, mercury (Hg) is the essential component of sequence of atomic weight is Co > Ni > Fe.
77. (b) Brass is an alloy of Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu).
58. (c) Zinc forms only colourless compound because it does not 78. (d) German silver is an alloy of Cu not Ag. German silver
contain any unpaired electron pair. contain Cu = 56.0%, Ni = 20.2% and Zn = 24.0%.
59. (b) Fe = [Ar] 4s23d6 Fe3+ = (Ar)3d5 79. (b) Solder – Sn 67% and Pb 33%.
60. (b) Electronic configuration of Co : 27 80. (b) Mn2O7
2 2 6 2 6 7 2
27Co : 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s
81. (a) CuSO4 + 4NH3 → [Cu(NH3)4]++ SO4– –
Hence number of unpaired electrons = 3
The dark blue colour is due to [Cu(NH3)4]++
61. (b) Diamagnetic substances get repelled by the applied field
82. (a) MnO2, MnO2, Mn2+
while the paramagnetic substances are attracted.
KMnO4 acts as an oxidant in neutral, alkaline and acidic
62. (c) medium.
63. (b) Cr(24) : [Ar] 3d5 4s1 In neutral medium :
Second ionisation enthalpy of Cr is higher because 2KMnO4 + 3MnSO4 + 2H2O → K2SO4 + 2H2SO4 + 5MnO2
after removal of 1 electron from Cr, the resulting In alkaline medium :
configuration, i.e., [Ar] 3d5 becomes more stable.
2KMnO4 + H2O → 2MnO2 + 2KOH + 3 [O]
64. (d) Fe (3d6,4s2), n = 4 ; Fe2+ (3d6), n = 4 In acidic medium :
Fe4+ (3d4), n = 4 ; Fe3+ (3d5), n = 5 +2
2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 → K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 5H2O + 5O
65. (a) No. of unpaired electrons are
Ti3+ = 1 , Cu+ = 0, Zn2+ = 0, Sc3+ = 0 83. (b) AgCl dissolves in a solution of NH3 because Ag+ forms a
66. (b) Configuration of Cu is [Ar] 3d10 4s1. Hence; the electron complex ion with NH3
lost is from 4s subshell. AgCl + 2NH3 → [Ag(NH3)2] Cl
67. (c) Isoelectronic species are the species in which same 84. (a) Potassium dichromates are strong oxidising agents.
number of electrons are present. 85. (d) AgCl is a covalent compound hence it is insoluble in
68. (a) Cr3+ → 3d3, contains three unpaired electrons. water also it form complex with NH4OH, thus is soluble
69. (a) Among the given options, Mercury (Hg) does not give in NH4OH.
H2 on reacting with water or steam because of its very AgCl + 2NH4OH → [Ag(NH3)2] Cl + H2O
high ionization energy. 86. (a) Because of intermediate oxidation state MnO2 forms
70. (a) Among the given pairs of ions, Ti+ ions are more stable amphoteric oxide.
than Ti3+ ions and hence, Ti3+ ions change to Ti+ ions, 87. (a) Galvanisation is the deposition of Zn on Fe.
therefore acts as an oxidising agent.
88. (a) Hg2Cl2 is the chemical formula of calomel.
71. (d) The No. of unpaired electron present are

Co2+ = 3, Ti2+ = 2, Fe2+ = 4, Mn2+ = 5 89. (c) 2HgO  → 2Hg + O 2
Hence, highest number of unpaired electrons is present 90. (a) In options a, b, c and d, oxidation number of chromium
in Mn2+. are +6, +4, + 3, + 2 respectively.
72. (d) As they do not contains any unpaired electrons. Hence; Since, oxidation number of Cr is high in option (a),
this ion is colourless in nature. therefore its radii will be less. With increase in oxidation
number, atomic radii decreases.
73. (a) Ni++ is paramagnetic in nature.
8 2 91. (d) As, it accept 6 electrons.
28Ni = [Ar]3d 4s
Ni2+ = [Ar]3d84s0 Hence, its equivalent weight = M/6
3d 4s 92. (d) Cuprous chloride slowly oxidises to green basic cupric
Ni2+ Stage chloride.
93. (c) Acidified solution of chromic acid on treatment with
The d and f-Block Elements 129

hydrogen peroxide yields CrO5 + H2O K2SO4 + Cu2I2 + I2

K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + 4H2O2 → K2SO4 + 2CrO5 + 5H2O 2 KI + CuSO 4 
→ CuI 2 + K 2SO 4
94. (a) Among the given options, Ag2O is mild oxidising agent (Unstable)

because greater the oxidation number of metal stronger is 2 CuI 2 

→ Cu 2 I 2 + I 2

the oxidising agent. 105. (b) FeS + dil. H2SO4 → FeSO4 + H2S
95. (a) ZnSO4 → Zn+2 + SO–24 106. (c) Electronic configuration of Co in this complex is [Ar]3d7,
Zn++ ≈ Cu+2 hence 3 unpaired electrons are present. Therefore, spin
Cu+2 → 3d9 – 1 unpaired e– only magnetic moment of Co in the given compound will
\ paramagnetic in nature. be 3(3 + 2) i.e., 15 B.M.
96. (b) Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is first reduced to 107. (a) Platinum acts as catalyst in the oxidation of ammonia to
manganate and then to insoluble manganese dioxide form nitric acid. This reaction is used in the Ostwald’s
(MnO2). Firstly colour is changed from purple to green method of nitric acid preparation
and then finally becomes colourless. Pt
4NH3 + 5O 2  → 4NO + 6H 2O
97. (c) The reaction of K2Cr2O7 with NaCl and conc. H2SO4
2NO + O2 → 2NO2
gives CrO2Cl2.
4NO2 + O2 + 2H2O → 4 HNO3
NaCl + H 2SO 4 + K 2 Cr2 O7 → CrO 2 Cl2 + K 2SO 4 + Na 2SO 4
Chromyl chloride 108. (a) CrO3 + 2NaOH → Na 2CrO 4 + H 2O
98. (b) Silver nitrate is supplied in coloured bottles because it Yellow solution
decomposes in sunlight. 109. (b) Among the given options, Iron pyrites is also known as
‘fools gold’.
99. (c) Among the given compounds, CuCN is expected to be
colourless. 110. (a) Mond's process is used for the purification of Ni.
3d10 4s0
111. (d) × molecular weight of KMnO4
Since all the electrons are paired in Cu+, hence CuCN is 5
expected to be colourless. Because, when KMnO4 acts as an oxidant in acidic
medium, transfer of 5 electrons take place.
100. (a) Since, CrO3 and Mn2O7 react with water to form acid,
hence they are acidic oxide. 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5 O
CrO3 + H 2 O → H 2 CrO 4 ; Mn 2 O7 + H 2 O → 2HMnO 4 112. (b) The compound formed is Cuprous chloride.
Chromic Permagnic
acid acid Cu(s) + 2HCl + CuSO 4 → 2CuCl + H 2SO 4
Cuprous chloride

101. (c) MnSO4 → Mn2+ + SO42–

113. (d) Fe2O3 and Fe(OH)3
3d5 4s0
114. (c) ZnSO4.7H2O is known as white vitriol. It forms a white
Mn2+ : pigment lithopone when heated with barium sulphide
Since, unpaired electrons are present, hence it will form
coloured salt. 115. (b) Cr26+ + 6e– → 2Cr3+; Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e–

102. (a) FeCl3 is a salt of strong acid and weak base. It gives 116. (a) We know by reducing auric chloride by stannous chloride,
Fe(OH)3 and HCl on hydrolysis. Fe(OH)3 is a weak base the colloidal solution of gold is obtained. It is known as
and HCl is strong acid. purple of cassium.
So the aqueous solution of FeCl3 will be acidic in nature 117. (d) The properties of steel is altered by the heat treatment due
to change in the lattice structure due to differential rate of
103. (b) In the reaction, the oxidation number decreases from + 6
to + 3.
118. (c) The passivity of iron is due to the formation of a thin
K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 → K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 4H2O + 3O
insoluble and invisible iron film on surface which prevents
[H2S + [O] → S + H2O] × 3 its further reactions. The film is due to the formation of
K 2 Cr2 O7 + 4H 2SO 4 + 3H 2S → 119. (d) When a small quantity of anhydrous CuSO4 is shaked

+3 with dil. H2SO4, the white solid dissolves to form a blue
K 2SO 4 + Cr 2 (SO 4 )3 + 7H 2 O + 3S solution.

104. (c) KI and CuSO4 solution when mixed, give CuSO 4 + dil.H 2SO 4 → CuSO 4 .5H 2 O
blue vitriol
130 The d and f-Block Elements

120. (a) Best quality of steel is manufactured by Siemen–Martin's ZnO + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2O
open hearth process.
139. (c) Very dilute HNO3: → NH4NO3 is formed
3 4 Zn + 10 HNO3 → 4 Zn(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O
121. (c) (NH 4 ) 2 Cr2 O7  ∆
→ 2K 2 CrO 4 + Cr2 O3 + O 2
122. (b) Mn used to make alloy steel for armour plates, safes and 140. (b) Copper sulphate is commercially made from copper
helmets. scraps by the action of dil. H2SO4 and air

123. (a) Formed blue coloured complex is Cu(NH3)4SO4 2Cu + 2H2SO4 + O2 → 2CuSO4 + 2H2O

CuSO 4 + 4NH 4 OH → [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ]SO 4 + 4H 2 O 141. (d) 3Cu + 8HNO3 → 3Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO + 4H2O
142. (c) The compound is FeCl3.
124. (a)
125. (a) Oxidation state of Mn in K2MnO4

2 +x–8=0⇒x=6
Oxidation state of Mn in KMnO4 143. (b)
1 + x – 8 = 0 ⇒ x= 7
126. (a) Metal Chloride in + 1 Chloride in + 2
144. (a) KMnO4 acts as self indicator.
oxidation state oxidation state
Cu CuCl Cu2Cl2 145. (a) 146. (c) 147. (c)
Ag AgCl – 148. (b) 2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 → 2K2MnO4 + 2H2O
Na NaCl – 149. (a) The formula of the product formed is Cu2Fe(CN)6.
K KCl – 2CuSO4 + [K4(Fe(CN)6] → Cu2[Fe(CN)6] + 2K2SO4
Hence, Cu metal gives more than one chloride. 150. (b) Cr2O7–2 + 6I– + 14H+ → 2Cr+3 + 3I2 + 7H2O
127. (c) On adding KI to a solution of copper sulphate, Cuprous Hence, 3 moles of I2 are liberated.
iodide is precipitated with liberation of iodine.
151. (a) 2MnO4– + 5 S2– + 16H+ → 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 5S
2KI + CuSO4 → CuI2 + K2SO4 + I2
152. (c) K2CrO4 K2Cr2O7
128. (c) When iron is dropped in dil. HNO3, it gives Ferrous 2(+1) + x + 4(–2) 2(+1) + 2x + 7(–2) = 0
nitrate and ammonium nitrate.
2+x–8=0 2 + 2x – 14 = 0
Iron (Fe) is oxidised to ferrous nitrate and nitric acid is x–6=0 2x – 12 = 0
converted into ammonium nitrate
x=+6 x = +6
4Fe + 10HNO3 → 4Fe(NO3) + NH4NO3 + 3H2O
153. (b) The oxidation state of Mn in potassium manganate
(K2MnO4) is +6.
129. (c) 3Ag + 4HNO3 
→ 3AgNO3 + NO + 2H 2O
dilute 154. (b) K2Cr2O7 + 3Na2SO3 + 4H2SO4 → 3Na2 SO4 + K2SO4 +
4H2O + Cr2(SO4)3
130. (d) AgCl + 2NH3 → [Ag(NH3)2] Cl (soluble complex)
155. (c) The oxidation number of Mn changes from 7 to 2
Hence, AgCl is soluble in NH3(aq).
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5C2H2O4 → 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10 CO2
131. (a) 2AgNO3 → 2Ag + 2NO2 + O2
156. (c) Small size of Lu3+ is due to the lanthanide contraction.
132. (a) 2AgNO3  → 2Ag + 2NO 2 + O 2
Therefore, the correct order of ionic radii is
Hence, PH3 is used for making Ag from AgNO3.
Lu3+ < Y3+ < Cu3+ < La3+
133. (a) HgS is insoluble in hot dil. HNO3 but is soluble in aqua-
157. (b) Electronic configuration of Ce is [Xe]4f15d16s2.
158. (b) Lanthanoids show common oxidation state of + 3. Some
134. (c) Ag salts on strong heating from Ag
of which also show + 2 and + 4 stable oxidation state
135. (d) Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2 along with + 3 oxidation state. These are shown by those
136. (d) Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2 elements which by losing 2 or 4 electrons acquire a stable
2Al + 2NaOH → 2NaAlO2 configuration of f0, f7 or f14. e.g.,
Eu2+ is [Xe]4f7, Yb2+ is [Xe]4f14, Ce4+ is [Xe]4f0 and Tb4f
137. (b) Zn + 2NaOH 
→ Na 2 ZnO 2 + H 2 is [Xe]4f7.
Zinc dissolve in conc. NaOH solution.
159. (d) As, Europium follows the general electronic configuration
138. (d) ZnO + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2O of the f-block elements i.e, (4f1–145d0–16s2)
The d and f-Block Elements 131

Eu = [Xe]4f76s2 181. (b) Among the given options, Ce-lanthanide, Cf-actinide,

Hence, Europium is a block element. Ca-alkaline earth metal, Cs-alkali metal.
182. (a) Manufacture of blue black ink.
160. (c)
161. (b) 162. (b) 183. (d) Since, CuSO4 is not required by plants, hence it is not
used as fertilizer.
163. (a) As sixth period in the periodic table can only accommodate
184. (a) Silver halides are used in photography because they are
18 elements, Fourteen members of HF series (Atomic
number 58 to 71) are accommodated separately in a
horizontal row below the periodic table. These are known 185. (a) A very dilute solution is used in causterisation of eyes and
as lanthanides. dental antiseptic
164. (c) Tc & Re are the elements which belong to same group. 186. (d) Among the given options, the substance used in cancer
Due to poor shielding of f-orbitals, the atomic radius therapy is Cobalt.
of elements of IInd transition series is similar to that of
element of IIIrd transition series. Morale Booster Questions
165. (b) The common oxidation state of lanthanoids is + 3
166. (b) The atomic and ionic radii of Zr and Hf are equal in size 1. (c) [MnCl4]2– →
due to lanthanoid contraction.
167. (c) In lathanoids, electrons enter 4f - subshell
Number of unpaired electron = 5
∴ n – 2 = 4 or n = 6
168. (d) + II and + III oxidation states are common for Eu. [CoCl4]2– →
169. (b) 8 unpaired electrons are present in an atom of Gd.
Gd : 4f7 5d1 6s2 Number of unpaired electron = 3
No. of unpaired electrons : 7 in 4f and 1 in 5d.
170. (c) In + 3 oxidation state, electronic configuration of Gd is 4f7
5d0 6s0. This configuration is stable as per the rule of extra
stability. Number of unpaired electron = 0
171. (b) The lanthanide contraction relates to atomic as well as Magnetic moment= n+2
M3+ radii. In lanthanide contraction, the regular decrease Where, n = number of unpaired electron i.e., greater
in the size of lanthanoid ion from La3+ to Lu3+ is observed. the number of unpaired electron greater will be the
paramagnetic character.
172. (a) Lanthanum is a d-block element which resembles
lanthanides. 2. (b) The oxidation number of Cr decreases from + 6 to + 3.
173. (d) 3. (b) Due to participation of ns and (n–1)d electrons, transitional
174. (d) Different amount of shielding is experienced by 4f and elements show variable oxidation states.
5f as they belong to different shell and hence, 4f and 5f 4. (c) It is the nitrate of Silver (Ag);
orbitals are not equally shielded.
AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3
175. (b) The atomic number of 4f-series range in 58 to 71 (White ppt.)

176. (b) The f-block elements are characterized by filling (n-2) 5. (b) Na2CdCl4 - no unpaired electrons.
f-subshell 6. (b) Stainless steel contains iron, chromium, manganese,
silicon, carbon and, in many cases, significant amounts
177. (b) Inner transition elements i.e, f-block elements contain 3
of nickel and molybdenum. Stainless steel does not rust
incomplete outer orbitals.
because chromium forms an oxide layer and protect iron
178. (d) Among the given options, Terbium belongs to 4f- series from rusting.
with electronic configuration [Xe]4s9 6s2, hence Terbium
7. (c) Potassium dichromate, on heating gives oxygen and
is lanthanide. However rest other members belong to chromic oxide (Cr2O3).
5f-series (actinides).
8. (c) ZnSO4, MgSO4 have same structure, hence are isomorphous.
179. (a) General outer electronic configuration of actinides is 5f1–14
6d0–1 7s2. 9. (c) 4Au + 8KCN + 2H 2 O + O 2 → 4K[Au (CN) 2 ]+ 4KOH
(Solube complex)
180. (b) Lanthanides and actinides resemble in their oxidation
states. In both lanthanide and actinide, the oxidation 1
10. (a) K2MnF6 + 2SbF5 → 2KSbF6 + MnF3 + F2
state is +3. The property of actinide are very similar to 2
lanthanide when both are in +3 oxidation state. In this reaction, the stronger Lewis acid SbF5 displaces
132 The d and f-Block Elements

the weaker one, MnF4 from its salt. MnF4 is unstable and KMnO4 solution is added to oxalic acid solution, but it
readily decomposes to give MnF3 and fluorine. becomes instantaneous after some time because Mn2+ acts
as autocatalyst.
11. (c) Monel metal: Ni + Cu + Mn + Fe
Reduction half
12. (d) CuSO4 + 2KCN → Cu(CN)2 + K2SO4 –
MnO4 + 8H+ + 5e– → Mn2+ + 4H2O] × 2
2Cu (CN)2 → Cu2(CN)2 + (CN)2
Oxidation half
Cu2(CN2) + 6KCN → 2K3 [Cu(CN)4]
C2O42 – → 2CO2 + 2e–]× 5
Overall equation
13. (d) Iron (Fe) belongs to group VIII B of the periodic table. –
2MnO4+ 16H+ + 5C2O42– → 2Mn2+ +10CO2 + 8H2O
14. (a) The compound ZnFe2O4 is a normal spinel compound. In this reaction, end point is from colourless to light pink.
1100 C
15. (a) ZnO + BaO  → BaZnO 2 28. (c) Elements with atomic number 58 to 71 and 90 to 103
16. (b) Zinc and mercury do not show variable valency like belong to f-block elements (Lanthanides & actinides).
d-block elements because their d-shells are completely 29. (a) The reaction of potassium permanganate in which KMnO4
filled. acts as an oxidising agent in acidic medium is
17. (a) Oxygen gas can be prepared from solid KMnO4 by 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 → K 2SO 4 + 3H 2 O + 5[O]
strongly heating the solid. H 2S + [O] → H 2 O + S] × 5

2KMnO4  ∆
→ K2MnO4 + O4 + MnO2 + O2 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 + 5H 2S → K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 8H 2 O + 5S

18. (c) As electron enters into d-orbital (3d10 4s1), hence Cu From the reaction,it is clear that 5 moles of S2– ions react
belongs to d-block elements. with 2 moles of KMnO4. Hence, 1 mole of S2– ion will
19. (a) Electronic configuration of X2+ is [Ar]3d5. It represents react with moles of KMnO4.
the total number of e– and oxidation state. 5
Therefore, atomic number of X = 18 + 5 + 2 = 25. Hence, 30. (a) Among the given options, V2O5 and Cr2O3 are amphoteric
option (a) is correct. oxides because they react with both alkalies as well as
20. (a) Both Zn and Hg form oxide readily. acids.

21. (a) Green oily compound Mn2O7 is obtained on addition of 31. (a) Gadolinium belongs to 4f series and has atomic number
KMnO4 to concentrated H2SO4, which is highly explosive 64. The correct electronic configuration of gadolinium is
7 1 2
in nature. 64Gd = 54[Xe]4f 5d 6s
2KMnO4 + 2H2SO4 (conc.) → Mn2O7 + 2KHSO4 +H2O It has extra stability due to half-filled 4f subshell.

22. (b) Because of the presence of unpaired electrons, transition 32. (a) Due to presence of paired electron Sc3+ will be colourless.
elements form coloured salt. Cu(II) in CuF2, contain 2 2 6 2 6 2 1
21Sc → 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d
unpaired electron, therefore, CuF2 is coloured in solid
state. Sc+3 → 1s22s22p63s23p6

23. (d) On moving left to right along period, mass increases while 33. (b) The magnetic moment is associated with its spin angular
metallic radius decreases. Decrease in metallic radius momentum and orbitals angular momentum.
coupled with increase in atomic mass results in increase Spin only magnetic moment value of Cr3+ ion is 3d3
in density of metal.
Hence, among the given options Cu belongs to right side Hence, magnetic moment (=
µ) n ( n + 2 ) BM
of Periodic Table in transition metal, and it has highest
= 3 (3 + 2) = 15 = 3.87 BM
density (89 g/cm3).
24. (d) Transition elements have a tendency to form complexes 34. (c) In alkaline medium, potassium permanganate acts as an
more than s and p block elements. oxidising agent. When alkaline KMnO4 is treated with
The cations of d-block elements have a strong tendency potassium iodide, iodide ion gets oxidised to IO3–
to form complexes. Hence transition element form Reaction :
complexes. 2KMnO 4 + H 2 O + KI → 2MnO 4 + 2KOH + KIO3
25. (b) Many trivalent (+3 Oxidation state) lanthanoid ions are or, I − + 6OH − → IO3− + 3H 2 O + 6e −
coloured both in the solid state and in aqueous solutions.
35. (a) Copper does not liberate H2 from acids as Copper lies
26. (b) The number of unpaired electrons present in ferrous ion below hydrogen in the electrochemical series. Therefore,
( Fe2+) is 4. option (a) is not correct. Other three options (b, c, d) are
Fe2+ = 26 – 2 = 24 = 1s22s22p63s23p63d6 correct.
27. (d) In the beginning, the decolourization is slow when 36. (c) On addition of acidified K2Cr2O7 solution to Sn2+ salts,
The d and f-Block Elements 133

Sn2+ ion gets changed to Sn4+. 45. (c) The tendency of 3d-metal ions to form stable complexes
37. (d) In fluorides (MnF4), the highest oxidation state of Mn is is due to their high charge/size ratio and vacant d-orbitals.
+4 but in oxides (Mn2O7), the highest oxidation state of 46. (b,c) As, Ti3+ = [ Ar ] 3d1
Mn is +7. This is because, fluorine can form single bond
Mn 2+ = [ Ar ] 3d 5 , ( t 32g eg2 )
while oxygen forms double bond in covalent compounds.
38. (d) Ce - 58 is a member of f-block elements. Fe 2+ = [ Ar ] 3d 6 , ( t 2g
4 2
e 2g )
Ce - 58 have electronic configuration Co3+ = [ Ar ] 3d 6 , ( t 2g
4 0
eg )
1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d10, 4s2 4p64d104f2, 5s25p65d0, 6s2 Crystal field splitting energy (CFSE) is high in Co3+ thus
As, its last electron enter in f-sub-shell, hence it is a electrons pair up in t2g. Hence, only Fe2+ and Mn2+ show
member of f-block elements. higher spin magnetic moment value.
39. (b) In oxidation reactions of KMnO4 in acidic medium, HCl 47. (a,b) Transition elements like chromium and cobalt form
is not used to make the medium acidic because if HCl binary compounds with halogens, i.e., CrF3 and CoF3 but
is used, the oxygen produced from KMnO4 + HCl will transition elements like Copper and Nickel do not form
partly be used for oxidising HCl to Cl2, which itself will CuF3 and NiF3.
act as an oxidising agent and partly oxidise the reducing 48. (b,c) A species can act as oxidising agent only when metal is
agent. present in high oxidation state but lower oxidation state
40. (c) Not because of the presence of unpaired electrons KMnO4 show stability. As higher oxidations states of W and Mo
is coloured due to the charge transfer. Similarly, oxidation are more stable, therefore they will not act as oxidising
state of Ce in Ce(SO4)2 is + 4 with 4f 0 electronic agents.
configuration. It is also coloured (yellow) due to charge
49. (b,c) Electronic configuration of Ce = 54 [ Xe ] 4 f 1 5d 1 6 s 2 .
transfer and not due to f – f transition.
41. (a,d) Electronic configuration of Co2+ = [Ar] 3d7; ∴ Electronic configuration of Ce 4+ = 54[ Xe ] 4 f 0 .
Hence, it has a tendency to attain noble gas configuration
No. of unpaired electrons present = 3
and attain f 0 configuration.t
Electronic configuration of Ti2+ = [Ar]3d2;
No. of unpaired electrons present = 2 50. (d) Oxidation state of Fe in Mohr’s salt
Electronic configuration of Mn2+ = [Ar] 3d5; FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O is +2.
No. of unpaired electrons present = 5
Electronic configuration of Cr3+ = [Ar] 3d3; Multi-Concept Questions
No. of unpaired electrons present = 3
1. (a) Due to Lanthanoid contraction, the increasing order of
Therefore, both Co2+ and Cr3+ contain same no. of
their ionic radii will be :
unpaired electrons i.e., 3.
Yb+3 < Pm3+ < Ce+3 < La3+
42. (a) When zinc is added to CuSO4 copper gets ppt. due to
reduction of copper 2. (a) CuSO 4 + 4NH3 → [Cu(NH3 ) 4 ]2 + SO 24 −
Zn + CuSO4 → Cu + ZnSO4 (dark blue)

43. (b,d) The oxidation states of the following actinoids are 3. (c) The conversion of dichromate to chromate.
(a) Americium (Z = 95); Electronic configuration = [Rn] K 2Cr2O7 + 2KOH → 2K 2CrO 4 + H 2O
 
5f7 6d0 7s2 yellow

Oxidation states shown by Am= + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6. 4. (c) H2Cr2O7 + H2O2→ CrO5 + H2O

(b) Plutonium (Z = 94); Electronic configuration = [Rn] –1 0
5f6 6d0 7s2 5. (b) 2K I + 2CuSO 4 → I 2 + Cu 2 I 2 + 2K 2SO 4
Oxidation states shown by Pu = + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6. + 7. 0 +2 +2 −1
I 2 + 2Na 2 S 2 O3 → Na 2 S4 O6 + 2Na I
(c) Uranium (Z = 92); Electronic configuration = [Rn]
5f3 6d1 7s2 6. (a) Among ions Zn2+, Ni2+ and Cr3+;
Oxidation states shown by U = + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6.
Ions Ni2+ and Cr2+ are coloured but because of the absence
Neptunium (Z = 93): Electronic configuration = [Rn] of unpaired electrons, ion Zn2+ is colourless.
5f4 6d1 7s2
7. (d) When ferrous salts react with potassium ferricyanide
Oxidation states shown by Np = + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7.
K3[Fe(CN)6], it produce blue colouration due to the
44. (a,b) (n – 2) f1–14 (n –1)d0–2 ns2 is the general electronic formation of Turnbull’s blue. In this reaction, ferricyanide
configuration of actinoids. U and Np each contain 1 ions first oxidize ferrous salt to ferric salt and ferricyanide
electron in their 6d orbital. itself gets reduced to ferrocyanide.
134 The d and f-Block Elements

Due to d5 configuration, metallic bonds are weak. As d5

Fe +2 + [Fe(CN)6 ]3− → Fe +3 + [Fe(CN)6 ]4−
Ferricyanide Ferrocyanide orbital is half filled, hence 3d electrons are more tightly
held by the nucleus which reduces the de-localization of
Fe +3 + [Fe(CN)6 ]4− → {Fe[Fe(CN)6 ]}− electrons. Hence, it results in the weaker metallic bonding.

Fe +3 + [Fe(CN)6 ]4 − + K + → K{Fe[Fe(CN)6 ]} 18. (a) Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) itself gets changed to
Pot. ferric ferro cyanide MnO2 in neutral or faintly alkaline medium.
(or Turnbull's blue)
19. (c) Transition metal with low oxidation number will act as an
Ferric ions react with KSCN to give blood red colouration reducing agent because of having great tendency to lose
because of the formation of ferric thiocyanate the electron
FeCl3 + 3KCNS → Fe(CNS)3 + 3KCl 20. (c) MnO2 Fuse with potassium hydroxide KOH in presence
Ferric thiocyanate
(Blood red) of air or oxidising agents like KNO3, KClO3 etc.
8. (c) Cu + O2 + CO2 + H2O → Cu(OH)2.CuCO3 2MnO 2 + 4KOH + O 2 →
2K 2 MnO 4 + 2H 2 O

9. (b) CuSO4 + K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] → No reaction

(Potassium ferrocyanide) MnO 24 − 
electrolytic oxidation
→ MnO 4− + e −
4NH 4 OH + CuSO 4 → [Cu(NH3 ) 4 ]SO 4 + 4H 2 O
Deep blue colouration 21. (d) In the following reaction :
CuSO 4 + 5H 2 O → CuSO 4 .5H 2 O MnO −4 + 5Fe 2 + + 8H + → Mn 2 + + 5Fe3+ + 4H 2 O
1 5
Anhydrous Bluecolouration

4FeCl3 + 3Na 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] → Fe 4 [Fe(CN)6 ]+ 12NaCl As it can be ssen that, 5 time quantity of Fe2+ is consumed.
(Prussian blue) Hence, 5 time of FeSO4 would be equivalent to 50 ml
22. (d)
10. (a) 2Cu + CO 2 + H 2O + O 2 → CuCO3 .Cu(OH) 2
Basic copper carbonate 23. (a) Since, KMnO4 gives 3 nascent oxygen in alkaline medium.
11. (a) Among the given statements, “+ 4 oxidation state of Hence, equivalent weight of KMnO4 is one third of its
molecular weight in alkaline medium.
cerium is also known in solution.”

2KMnO 4 + H 2 O  → 2KOH + 2MnO 2 + 3[O]
12. (c) Self reduction
2Cu2S + 3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2SO2 M
∴ Equivalent weight =
Cu2S + 2Cu2O → 6Cu + SO2 3
24. (b) 25. (d)
13. (c) It is given that, n = 4 and x = 5
26. (c) In reaction 3, CrO2Cl2 is formed rather than CrO3. It is
Therefore, (4 − 1)s 2 (4 − 1)p 6 (4 − 1)d 5 4s22 chromyl chloride test.
3s 2 3p6 3d5 4s

Total number of electrons = 2 + 6 + 5 + 2 = 15 27. (c)

28. (a) Cu+:– 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10
Number of electrons in 1 + 2 orbit = 2 + 8 = 10
Cu2+ :– 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d9
Total number of electrons = 10 + 15 = 25
29. (d) When KMnO4 acts as oxidizing agent in acidic medium,
Number of electron = Number of proton the oxidation number of manganese decreases from +7 to +2.
Hence, total number of protons = 25 30. (b)
14. (b) Potassium permanganate is a stronger oxidising substance 31. (b) This metal is Nickel; Ni + 4CO → [Ni(CO)4] (volatile)
than potassium dichromate. KMnO4 in acidic medium, 32. (c) The electronic configuration of atom (atomic no. = 47)
gives 5 oxygen while acidic K2Cr2O7 gives 3 oxygen. is: [Kr]4d105s1

15. (a) Since, Cr2+ itself gets oxidised to Cr3+ giving it t32g 33. (a) Mn2+ - no. of unpair electrons is 5 .so magnetic Moment
configuration, hence acts as reducing agent. On the is 5.25 B.M
other hand, Mn3+ acts as oxidising agent giving it 3d5 Ti4+ - no. of unpair electrons is 1 .so magnetic Moment is
configuration. 1.73 B.M
V4+ - no. of unpair electrons is 2 .so magnetic Moment is
16. (c) In acidic medium CrO42– changes to Cr2O72– 2.83 B.M.
17. (c) In first transition series, the melting point of Mn is low Co3+ - no. of unpair electrons is 3 .so magnetic Moment is
because : 3.87 B.M.
The d and f-Block Elements 135

34. (c) List 1 List 2 3. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 221

(i) Artificial gem Al2O3 Electronic configuration of Cr [Ar]3d5 4s1
(ii) Explosive Pb(N3)2 The electronic configuration of Cr2+ [Ar]3d4
(iii) Self reduction Cu (copper)
So, Number of unpaired electron is 4
(iv) Magnetic material Fe3O4
Spin only magnetic moment =
35. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not a
=µ n(n + 2)
correct explanation of the Assertion.
36. (b) The magnetic moments are lesser than the fact that 5f = 4(4 + 2)
electrons of actinides are less effectively shielded which = 4.9 B.M
results in quenching of orbital less.
4. (c) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 217-220, 223, 225
37. (c) In Ferrocyanide ion, the oxid. State of Fe is +2 however
in ferricyanideion,the oxidation no. of Fe is +3. In the +6 oxidation state, the most important species
Generally the higher the oxidation state of the metal, formed by chromium are the chromate, CrO42−, and
the greater crystal field splitting. It means crystal dichromate, Cr2O72−, ion
field splitting in ferrocyanide is lower than that of Thus correct option is c.
ferricyanide ion.
5. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 210, 216, 219
38. (c) cCuprous ion is colourless because it has no unpaired
(A) In 3d-series, Manganese shows maximum number of
electrons in 3d subshell as it has 3d10configuration. The
oxidation states i.e.,(+2 to +7)
cupric ion has one unpaired electron as it configuration
3d9 .By absorbing the visible light ,the unpaired electron (B) Zinc atom has completely filled d-orbitals in its
can migrate from one set of d-orbitals to another under the ground state as well as in its oxidized state, thus it is
applied field of water molecules. Hence cupric ion in aq. not regarded as a transition element.
Sol shows blue colour. (C) Scandium shows only one oxidation state i.e., +3.
39. (a) ZnO reacts with HCl forming ZnCl2 & water. With
(D) Cu+ undergoes disproportionation reaction in aqueous
NaOH,it forms sodium zincate and water
40. (b) Ti3+ → 3d14s0. The absorption of light of sufficient energy 2Cu+ (aq) → Cu2+(aq) +Cu(s)
excites an e– from t2g level to eg. level.
6. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 228-230
41. (a) Color of a cation depends on no. of unpaired electrons.
Half filled or fully filled lanthanides are colourless. Lanthanoids can also show +2 or +4 oxidation states in
solution or in solid compounds.
(xf) and (14 – x)f will have same no. of unpaired electron
so they will show same colour. Most common oxidation state of Lanthanoids is +3

42. (a) This is because of transfer of charges from ligand O2– to 7. (c) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 210, 228
metal centre which in turn emit color. MnO4– has +7 O.S (A) Copper (ii) Transition metal
so no electron in d orbital.
(B) Fluorine (i) Non-metal
43. (c) K2Cr2O7 is less soluble in water, it also be found in pure (C) Silicon (iv) Metalloid
state and can be accurately weighed, not hygroscopic in
(D) Cerium (iii) Lanthanoid
nature so it is used as primary standard solution.
44. (a) Cu+ is less stable than Cu2+ because Cu2+ has high 8. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8. Pg. 226
hydration energy.
• Manganate (MnO42–):
NEET Past 10 Year Questions
1. (b) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 235
The almost identical radii of Zr (160 pm) and Hf (159 pm)
is a consequence of the lanthanoid contraction, causes the • Permanganate (MnO4–) :
radii of third transition series member to very similar to
corresponding member of second series.
Mn25 – 3d54s2
2. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 236
Many trivalent lanthanoid ions are coloured both in the If bonding take place by overlap of p-orbital of oxygen
solid state and in aqueous solutions. Colour of these ions & d-orbital of Mn, then manganate and permaganate ions
may be attributed to the presence of f electrons. are tetrahedral.
136 The d and f-Block Elements

9. (c) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 226 radius regularly decreases or covalent character increases
CrO42– →Cr6 + = [Ar] because of which basic character decreases.
Unpaired electron (n) = 0; Diamagnetic 16. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8 Pg. 229
Cr2O7 → 2– Cr6+ = [Ar] Electronic configuration of Eu, Gd and Tb:
Unpaired electron (n) = 0; Diamagnetic Eu = [Xe] 4f 7 6s2 Gd = [Xe] 4f 7 5d1 6s2
MnO42– = Mn6+ = [Ar] 3d1 Tb = [Xe] 4f 9 6s2
Unpaired electron (n) = 1; Paramagnetic 17. (b) NCERT (XII) Ch -8
MnO4– = Mn7+ = [Ar] ; Diamagnetic K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + 3SO2 → K2 SO4 + Cr2 (SO4)3+ H2O

10. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 221 18. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8 Pg. 229
Co3+ = [Ar] 3d6, Unpaired electron (n) = 4 Gadolinium belongs to 4f series.
Atomic number = 64
Spin magnetic moment = 4 4(4 + 2) = 24 B.M
Electronic configuration for ‘f ’ series is
Cr3+ = [Ar] 3d3, Unpaired electron (n) = 3
(n-2) f 1-14 (n-1) d 1-10 ns2
Spin magnetic moment = 3(3 + 2) = 15 B.M So, electronic configuration is [Xe] 4f 75d1 6s2
Fe3+ = [Ar] 3d5, Unpaired electron (n) = 5 4f 7 provides extra stability.
Spin magnetic moment = 5(5 + 2) = 35 B.M
19. (b) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 228
Ni2+ = [Ar] 3d8, Unpaired electron (n) = 2 Zr (40) and Hf (72) will have same atomic size because of
Spin magnetic moment = 2(2 + 2) = 8 B.M lanthanoid contraction and poor shielding effect.
Unpaired electron (n) = 0; Diamagnetic 20. (b) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 216
11. (c) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 226 Formation of Fe(CO)5 does not involve oxidation of Fe
because here oxidation state of Fe is 0.
SO2 is a gas that can readily decolourise acidified KMnO4
solution. 21. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 221
12. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 231 =
Magnetic moment(μ) for Ni2+ n ( n + 2)
5f, 6d, 7s level having comparable energies. There is very
less energy gap between them. 3d8

13. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 2, Pg. 49 n=2

In a solution containing HgCl2, I2 and I– , both HgCl2 and =µ 2( 2 + 2)
I2 compete for I–.
=2 2
Since formation constant of [HgI4]2– is 1.9 × 1030 which is
very large as compared with I3– (Kf = 700) ~ 2.84 B.M
⸫ I– will preferentially combine with HgCl2. 22. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8
HgCl2 + 2I– → HgI2 ↓ + 2Cl– Lanthanoid contraction is a significant decrement in
Red ppt atomic size of atoms in ‘f ’ block because of poor shielding
HgI2 + 2I– → [HgI4]2– effect of ‘f ’ orbital electrons as nuclear charge effectively
soluble increases & atom shrinks.

14. (b) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 229 23. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 221

Ce a have +4 oxidation state. =µ n ( n + 2)

15. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8 Pg. 229-230 n = unpaired electron

Lanthanon’s or lanthanoids are much less reactive as Ni2+= 3d8 2 unpaired electron
compared to aluminium because of high ionisation
= 2 2 = 2.83 BM
potential because of lanthanoid contraction extremely over
dominates on inert pair effect. 24. (b) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 223
Ce4+ is a good oxidising agent in +4 state and readily Interstitial compounds are chemically inert. They do not
converts to +3 state. As one moves from Ce to Lu, ionic show reactivity & lie at the end in reactivity series
The d and f-Block Elements 137

25. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 229 < V < Mn is not the correct order, Cr in its period has
Yb (70) = [Xe] 4f 14 5d0 6s2 highest melting point.
Yb2+ = [Xe] 4f 14 5d0 6s0 Order of mp is: Ti < V < Mn < Cr
Yb2+ has no unpaired electron so, it is a diamagnetic
29. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 223
d - orbital atom or transition elements are good catalysts
26. (a) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 221 because they can show various oxidation states.
Magnetic moment(μ)
= n ( n + 2) 30. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 214
n = number of unpaired electron Element Co Ni Cu Fe
Cu2+ has 1 unpaired electron E om2+ / m -0.28 -0.25 +0.34 -0.44

=µ n ( n + 2) 31. (c) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 224

= 3 =1.73BM K2Cr2O7 is usually preferred over Na2Cr2O7 because of
better colour change in the reaction.
27. (b) NCERT (XII) Ch -8
Sodium sulphide is soluble in water. The solubility product 32. (c) NCERT (XII) Ch -8, Pg. 231
(and hence solubility) of ZnS is larger than that of CuS. U exhibits +3, +4, +5, +6

28. (d) NCERT (XII) Ch - 8, Pg. 212-213 Th exhibits +3, +4

While plotting the melting point curve a significant Ac exhibits + 3 only
decrease is observed while moving from Mn to Fe so, Ti Pa exhibits +3, +4, +5

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