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Improving conversation skills

Emotions and feelings


1 Think about things that annoy you. Your teacher will give you an area to think about. Work in a group and
brainstorm as many annoying things as you can related to this area.
2 Look at all the annoying things the class thought of. With your group discuss which things you find most


1 Read the status messages from a social network page. Who are the writers annoyed with? Why?

1 Yes, he’s always leaving his stuff lying

all over the flat. Yes, it annoys me when
he expects me to do all the cleaning
and yes, his awful music really gets
on my nerves. This time he’s gone too
far though! Imagine coming home to
find his smelly friends sleeping in MY
3 I find people who think they can take huge
bags on a plane as hand luggage quite
annoying. It annoys me that the airline staff
room!!! What REALLY annoys me about let them. When someone’s massive bag
it is he never even asked me! Anyone crushes the present I bought for my Mum it
got a spare room? really makes my blood boil!!!

Comments Comments

2 Whoever is always
‘borrowing’ the coffee from
my desk, I’ve had enough
4 Why do they have to drive
right up close behind you?
Why do they have to honk
of you! I don’t mind a little their horns when they can see
bit of coffee disappearing you can’t move anywhere?
now and again, but you’ve Why do they cut in front
got through a whole jar in of you just to get a few
a week! And kindly put my centimetres further? Driving in
cup back!! this city drives me up the wall!

Comments Comments

© British Council ARS_B1_01_I032CEU_HO_v1.0

Improving conversation skills
Emotions and feelings

2 Which of these situations would you find the most annoying? What would you do in these situations?
3 Read the comments and match them to the status messages.

Comments … Comments …

A I’m fed up with her too. She’s

always taking my biscuits. I reckon
we should do something.
E I’d complain to the airline if I
were you.

Comments …

Comments …
How about getting everyone to put

B I can’t stand people like that.

They’re so selfish. I had to sit with
all my things on my lap once.
money in for coffee and biscuits
every week?

Comments …

Comments …
I’d be really fed up with him too.

C Seriously, I really think you ought

to sit down and have a good talk
to him.
Throw him out!

Comments …

Comments … H You could always walk, but then

you might get run down on the

D The best thing you can do is get a

lock and key! (And lock her up LOL).

4 Which comments do you think give the best advice?

© British Council ARS_B1_01_I032CEU_HO_v1.0

Improving conversation skills
Emotions and feelings

Language focus

1 Look at the status messages and comments again. Underline the language the writers use to express
2 Put the phrases you underlined into three groups.

Present continuous with always Phrases with annoy/annoying Other phrases

3 Complete the following sentences with things you find annoying.

1 My is always .
2 People who are really annoying.
3 What really annoys me is .
4 really get(s) on my nerves.
5 It annoys me when .
6 I can’t stand .
7 I’m fed up with .
8 It makes my blood boil when .
9 I’ve had enough of .
4 Tell your partner about what you wrote.


1 Look at the comments in the Input section again. Underline language for giving opinions and advice.
What other ways do you know of giving opinions and advice?

2 What advice would you give the writers in the Input section?
3 Your teacher will give you an annoying situation. Imagine you are in this situation and prepare to talk about it.
Tell your group about what’s annoying you and discuss what you could do about it.
4 Report to the class about your discussions.
1 What do you think were the most difficult situations?
2 What did you decide to do about these situations?
3 Have you ever been in any similar situations?

© British Council ARS_B1_01_I032CEU_HO_v1.0

Improving conversation skills
Emotions and feelings


© British Council ARS_B1_01_I032CEU_HO_v1.0


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