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Chapter 6

Recruiting Or Employee
What is Recruitment?
What is Recruitment?
What is Recruitment?
▪ Recruitment (‫ )ﻧﺌﯽ ﺑﮭﺮﺗﯽ‬is a process of attracting pool of qualified
applicants for a job, in a timely and cost-effective manner.

▪ Companies almost always recruit candidates for new positions via

advertisements, job boards, social media sites, and others.
▪ In small outfits, the hiring manager may be responsible for
recruiting. In addition, many organizations outsource recruiting to
outside firms.
Recruiting Goals
Recruiting Goals
▪ Recruitment is the first step in building an organization's human capital.
Its goal is to locate and hire the best candidates, on time, and on budget.

▪ The goal of recruiting is to communicate position in such a way that

qualified job seeker respond.
▪ Recruiting provides information that will attract significant pool of
candidates and discourage unqualified ones from applying.
▪ Recruiters promote the organization to prospective applicants.
The End

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