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Name: Sidramappa Patil

POT No: 24003866

Course: Principles of Teaching (Vocational Training)

Assignment for Lesson 2.2

Educational Psychology and Teaching

Assignment for Lesson 2.2

1 What is learning?

2 Define the statement “Learning a start with the learner knows, but not what the teacher know or starts”.

3 Sustaining interest for continuous learning, what are the factors to be considered?

4 State the factor that affects the learning?

1. What is learning?

Learning is a psychological process of acquiring new knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or

preferences through study, experience, or teaching. It involves the assimilation and integration of
information, resulting in a relatively permanent change in behavior or understanding. Learning
can occur in various settings, such as formal education, informal experiences, and social
interactions, and it encompasses both cognitive and affective domains.

2. Define the Statement “Learning Starts with What the Learner Knows, Not
What the Teacher Knows or Starts”

This statement emphasizes that effective learning begins with the existing knowledge,
experiences, and understanding of the learner. Rather than focusing solely on the information or
methods that the teacher brings to the educational process, it is crucial to consider and build upon
the learner's prior knowledge and experiences. This approach, often associated with
constructivist theories of education, supports the idea that learning is an active process where
new information is connected to existing cognitive structures.

3. Sustaining Interest for Continuous Learning: Factors to be considered

To sustain interest and encourage continuous learning, several factors should be considered:

1. Relevance: Ensuring that the learning material is relevant to the learner's interests, goals,
and real-life applications.
2. Engagement: Using interactive and engaging teaching methods, such as hands-on
activities, discussions, and multimedia resources.
3. Variety: Providing diverse learning experiences and materials to cater to different
learning styles and prevent monotony.
4. Feedback: Offering regular, constructive feedback to help learners understand their
progress and areas for improvement.
5. Autonomy: Allowing learners some control over their learning process, such as choosing
topics of interest or setting personal learning goals.
6. Challenge: Presenting tasks that are appropriately challenging to stimulate interest and
avoid boredom.
7. Support: Providing a supportive learning environment with access to resources and
assistance when needed.
8. Motivation: Encouraging intrinsic motivation by fostering a love for learning and
curiosity, as well as extrinsic motivation through rewards and recognition.

4. State the Factors That Affect Learning

It has been found out that the learner's difficulty in learning may be due to many factors within the learner
them self. Therefore, it is considered as important to study about the factors affecting learning to solve the
problems related to learning to improve our efforts of teaching and training the learners in developing their

Several factors can influence the learning process, including:

 Readiness / Preparedness
 Interest:
 Intelligence
 Motivation
 Attitude
 Feelings
 Frustration
 Aptitude
 Individual Differences

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