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Chitra Birth Chart

Date of birth : 22 December 2023, Friday Longitude/Latitude : 78E28'00 17N22'00
Time of birth : 13:46:00 hrs Time zone : -05:30:00 hrs
Place of birth : DST
Hyderabad-deccan, Andhra Pradesh, India : 00:00:00 hrs

Planetary Details
Planet R/C Sign Degree Speed Nakshatra Pada RL NL SL SS Status SB
Lagna Ari 04:24:44 Ashwini 2 Ma Ke Mo Me
Sun Sag 06:00:50 01:01:05 Moola 2 Ju Ke Ra Ju Neutr. 1.15
Moon Ari 08:53:53 13:37:17 Ashwini 3 Ma Ke Ju Mo Enemy 0.91
Mars C Sco 25:59:41 00:44:03 Jyeshtha 3 Ma Me Ra Ma Own 1.27
Mercury RC Sag 07:04:32 -01:22:28 Moola 3 Ju Ke Ra Ve Enemy 1.21
Jupiter R Ari 11:31:26 -00:01:49 Ashwini 4 Ma Ke Me Me Neutr. 1.22
Venus Lib 26:43:57 01:12:18 Vishakha 3 Ve Ju Ve Ve Own 1.79
Saturn Aqu 08:15:15 00:04:36 Shatabhishak 1 Sa Ra Ra Ve Moolt. 1.16
Rahu Pis 28:24:56 -00:01:14 Revati 4 Ju Me Sa Me Neutr.
Ketu Vir 28:24:56 -00:01:14 Chitra 2 Me Ma Sa Me Neutr.
Uranus R Ari 25:26:16 -00:01:43 Bharani 4 Ma Ve Me Ju
Neptune Pis 00:46:15 00:00:33 Poorvabhadra 4 Ju Ju Ma Ju
Pluto Cap 04:52:33 00:01:45 Uttarashadha 3 Sa Su Sa Ju
Abbreviations : R/C : Retrograde/Combust RL : Rashi lord SL : Nakshatra Sub lord
SB : Shadbala strength of planets NL : Nakshatra lord SS : Nakshatra Sub Sub lord

Birth Chart

Ra 28:24
2 As 04:24 12
3 Mo 08:53 11 Sa 08:15
JuR 11:31

4 10 Gk 16:36
Man 07:47

5 9 MeR 07:04
Ve 26:43
6 8
Su 06:00

Ke 28:24 Ma 25:59

Parashara's Light 9.0 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to Rajeev Saini. •

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